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骨科机器人联合Starr骨盆复位架治疗Tile C型骨盆环骨折 被引量:2
作者 姜刚强 焦福德 +3 位作者 应霁翀 虞天明 刘建磊 庄云强 《中国骨伤》 CAS CSCD 2024年第5期445-450,共6页
目的:探讨骨科机器人联合Starr骨盆复位架治疗Tile C型骨盆环骨折的临床疗效。方法:2019年10月至2021年5月采用机器人联合Starr骨盆复位架治疗14例Tile C型骨盆环骨折患者,男9例,女5例;年龄33~69岁。14例患者均为新鲜闭合骨折且不合并... 目的:探讨骨科机器人联合Starr骨盆复位架治疗Tile C型骨盆环骨折的临床疗效。方法:2019年10月至2021年5月采用机器人联合Starr骨盆复位架治疗14例Tile C型骨盆环骨折患者,男9例,女5例;年龄33~69岁。14例患者均为新鲜闭合骨折且不合并股骨、胫腓骨骨折等损伤。入院后4~7 d完成手术,术中在可透视碳素床,通过Starr骨盆复位架牵引复位骨盆环,联合骨科机器人治疗C型骨盆环骨折。观察手术时间、出血量、单枚螺钉置入透视次数、骨折复位质量、患肢功能及并发症等。采用Matta评分标准进行放射学复位评价,末次随访采用Majeed骨盆功能评分系统进行临床疗效评价。结果:14例患者均顺利完成手术,手术时间84~141 min,手术出血量20~50 ml,单枚螺钉置入透视次数4~9次。14例患者均获得随访,随访时间12~24个月。术后所有骨折获得骨性愈合,愈合时间3~7个月,未发现内固定断裂、螺钉松动、感染、神经损伤等并发症。依据Matta影像学复位评估标准:优9例,良4例,可1例。末次随访采用Majeed骨盆功能评分系统:优10例,良4例。结论:机器人联合Starr骨盆复位架治疗C型骨盆环新鲜骨折操作简单、缩短了手术和麻醉时间、并发症少,降低了手术风险,实现了骨盆骨折的微创治疗。但对于陈旧性骨折,因骨折复位困难,该技术并不适用。对于螺钉进钉点区域粉碎的骨折,通道螺钉置入困难,建议采用其他方式固定。对于伴有骨盆外伤史或骨盆发育异常者,术前需仔细评估有无经皮螺钉通道,避免损伤神经、血管。 展开更多
关键词 骨科机器人 starr骨盆复位架 骨盆骨折 螺钉 内固定
基于Deep Forest算法的对虾急性肝胰腺坏死病(AHPND)预警数学模型构建
作者 王印庚 于永翔 +5 位作者 蔡欣欣 张正 王春元 廖梅杰 朱洪洋 李昊 《渔业科学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期171-181,共11页
为预报池塘养殖凡纳对虾(Penaeus vannamei)急性肝胰腺坏死病(AHPND)的发生,自2020年开始,笔者对凡纳对虾养殖区开展了连续监测工作,包括与疾病发生相关的环境理化因子、微生物因子、虾体自身健康状况等18个候选预警因子指标,通过数据... 为预报池塘养殖凡纳对虾(Penaeus vannamei)急性肝胰腺坏死病(AHPND)的发生,自2020年开始,笔者对凡纳对虾养殖区开展了连续监测工作,包括与疾病发生相关的环境理化因子、微生物因子、虾体自身健康状况等18个候选预警因子指标,通过数据标准化处理后分析病原、宿主与环境之间的相关性,对候选预警因子进行筛选,基于Python语言编程结合Deep Forest、Light GBM、XGBoost算法进行数据建模和预测性能评判,仿真环境为Python2.7,以预警因子指标作为输入样本(即警兆),以对虾是否发病指标作为输出结果(即警情),根据输入样本和输出结果各自建立输入数据矩阵和目标数据矩阵,利用原始数据矩阵对输入样本进行初始化,结合函数方程进行拟合,拟合的源代码能利用已知环境、病原及对虾免疫指标数据对目标警情进行预测。最终建立了基于Deep Forest算法的虾体(肝胰腺内)细菌总数、虾体弧菌(Vibrio)占比、水体细菌总数和盐度的4维向量预警预报模型,准确率达89.00%。本研究将人工智能算法应用到对虾AHPND发生的预测预报,相关研究结果为对虾AHPND疾病预警预报建立了预警数学模型,并为对虾健康养殖和疾病防控提供了技术支撑和有力保障。 展开更多
关键词 对虾 急性肝胰腺坏死病 预警数学模型 Deep forest算法 PYTHON语言
作者 刘刚 李铭泰 +2 位作者 潘澄 郭漪 付少忠 《电信科学》 北大核心 2024年第11期16-26,共11页
同时透射与反射可重构智能表面(simultaneously transmitting and reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surface,STAR-RIS)具有同时透射与反射的特性,能够将传统RIS(conventional RIS,CRIS)的通信能力从半空间扩展至全空间。针对STAR... 同时透射与反射可重构智能表面(simultaneously transmitting and reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surface,STAR-RIS)具有同时透射与反射的特性,能够将传统RIS(conventional RIS,CRIS)的通信能力从半空间扩展至全空间。针对STAR-RIS辅助下的多用户多输入单输出(multiple-input single-output,MISO)通信系统,提出了一种基于时间切换(time switch,TS)模式的波束成形算法,以实现发射功率最小化。该算法首先通过最大比传输(maximum ratio transmission,MRT)得到基站初始发射波束,然后利用TS时隙正交性和信道增益最大化(channel gain maximum,CGM)将非凸优化问题解耦为恒模非凸问题和半正定规划(semi-definite programming,SDP)问题,最后利用流形优化与内点法联合求解。仿真结果表明,STAR-RIS相比CRIS可以有效降低发射功率;所提算法在相同信干噪比下,比主流算法具有更低的发射功率;TS模式在低信干噪比下相较于能量分裂(energy split,ES)模式具有更低的发射功率。 展开更多
关键词 同时透射与反射可重构智能表面 多用户 波束成形 最小化发射功率
作者 李国权 熊豪 +1 位作者 谢宗霖 林金朝 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期131-140,共10页
针对频谱资源紧缺和通信质量受限等问题,建立了一种相移耦合的同时透射与反射可重构智能表面(STAR-RIS)辅助的多输入单输出(MISO)认知无线电系统并提出了一种认知基站发射功率最小化的资源分配算法。首先在满足次用户服务质量(QoS)以及... 针对频谱资源紧缺和通信质量受限等问题,建立了一种相移耦合的同时透射与反射可重构智能表面(STAR-RIS)辅助的多输入单输出(MISO)认知无线电系统并提出了一种认知基站发射功率最小化的资源分配算法。首先在满足次用户服务质量(QoS)以及主用户干扰约束的情况下,构建了认知基站波束成形向量和STAR-RIS系数联合优化问题来实现认知基站发射功率的最小化;然后通过块坐标下降(BCD)法将其转化为主动波束成形向量和STAR-RIS系数2个子问题进行变量解耦,并基于惩罚对偶分解(PDD)框架分别利用半正定松弛(SDR)和连续凸近似(SCA)算法交替优化求解。仿真结果表明,所提算法收敛性好,建立的系统方案可使认知基站具有更低的功率消耗。 展开更多
关键词 认知无线电 同时透射与反射可重构智能表面 资源分配 波束成形 功率最小化
日本沼虾StAR基因克隆及其低氧胁迫下表达分析 被引量:1
作者 郑诚 薛程 +1 位作者 赵倩倩 孙盛明 《水产学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期64-75,共12页
为了研究类固醇激素合成急性调节蛋白(steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, StAR)在日本沼虾应答低氧胁迫过程中所发挥的作用,实验应用c DNA末端快速扩增(RACE)PCR技术克隆了日本沼虾StAR全长cDNA序列,并利用在线软件对其序列特征... 为了研究类固醇激素合成急性调节蛋白(steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, StAR)在日本沼虾应答低氧胁迫过程中所发挥的作用,实验应用c DNA末端快速扩增(RACE)PCR技术克隆了日本沼虾StAR全长cDNA序列,并利用在线软件对其序列特征进行生物信息学分析,采用半定量RT-PCR方法分析StAR在日本沼虾不同组织的分布情况,采用实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)与免疫印迹(Western blot)技术对其在不同低氧胁迫阶段中的表达规律进行检测,观察低氧胁迫下精巢组织中StAR蛋白免疫组化定位。结果显示,日本沼虾StAR其cDNA全长3 361 bp (NCBI登录号:MW263908),包括5′-UTR 323 bp,3′-UTR 2 129 bp,开放阅读框909 bp,编码302个氨基酸。氨基酸序列比对及系统进化分析结果显示,日本沼虾StAR基因与三疣梭子蟹等甲壳动物StAR聚类一支,具有最近的亲缘关系。半定量RT-PCR检测结果显示,StAR在日本沼虾不同组织中均有表达,其表达量在肝胰腺和心脏组织中最低,在精巢组织中表达处于较高水平。使用qRT-PCR技术检测日本沼虾精巢中StAR在低氧胁迫下时空表达情况,结果表明,与对照组相比,低氧处理组精巢中StAR基因表达量在1~48 h均显著上调,而在低氧处理组96 h显著降低。此外,本实验对StAR进行了原核表达及抗血清制备,采用Western blot检测StAR蛋白表达丰度基本与基因表达模式相似,免疫组化结果显示,StAR蛋白在精细胞与间质细胞中均有表达。综上所述,长期低氧胁迫显著降低了StAR基因的转录表达水平,并且该基因可能在类固醇合成路径及精子发生过程中均发挥重要作用。本研究结果为进一步解析日本沼虾类固醇激素合成分子机制奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 日本沼虾 star 克隆 低氧 表达分析
STAR基因与东湖杂交奶绵羊繁殖性状的关联分析 被引量:1
作者 李桂丽 李丹妮 +6 位作者 王丽 吴卓芯 王钰晨 郭磊 张希云 张磊 宋宇轩 《中国畜牧杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期137-142,共6页
本实验旨在探究类固醇激素合成急性调节蛋白(Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Protein,STAR)基因多态性与东湖杂一代奶绵羊发情鉴定评分、产羔数的相关性,鉴定出影响绵羊繁殖性能的关键性位点。本研究以339只东湖杂一代奶绵羊为研究对象... 本实验旨在探究类固醇激素合成急性调节蛋白(Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Protein,STAR)基因多态性与东湖杂一代奶绵羊发情鉴定评分、产羔数的相关性,鉴定出影响绵羊繁殖性能的关键性位点。本研究以339只东湖杂一代奶绵羊为研究对象,采用竞争性等位基因特异性PCR(KASP)技术对STAR基因的g.31959747T>C、g.31959875A>C2个位点进行基因分型,并利用GLM模型对SNP位点与发情鉴定评分和产羔数进行关联分析。结果表明,g.31959747T>C与奶绵羊发情鉴定评分呈极显著相关,TT型的发情表现更优,但与产羔数差异不显著;g.31959875A>C与发情评分和产羔数均无显著关系;聚合基因型与繁殖性状的关联分析结果表明,TCAC型个体在发情评分、平均产羔数方面均较低。综上,STAR基因g.31959747T>C位点是影响奶绵羊发情评分的关键性位点,可根据育种目标将g.31959747T>C位点作为提高奶绵羊同期发情效果的分子标记,同时将TCAC聚合基因型及时淘汰。本研究结果可为奶绵羊繁殖性状的选育提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 star 东湖杂交奶绵羊 关联分析 发情鉴定评分 产羔数
Application of Random Forest Regressions on Stellar Parameters of A-type Stars and Feature Extraction 被引量:1
作者 Shu-Xin Chen Wei-Min Sun Ying He 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第2期189-194,共6页
Measuring the stellar parameters of A-type stars is more difficult than FGK stars because of the sparse features in their spectra and the degeneracy between effective temperature(T_(eff))and gravity(log g).Modeling th... Measuring the stellar parameters of A-type stars is more difficult than FGK stars because of the sparse features in their spectra and the degeneracy between effective temperature(T_(eff))and gravity(log g).Modeling the relationship between fundamental stellar parameters and features through machine learning is possible because we can employ the advantage of big data rather than sparse known features.As soon as the model is successfully trained,it can be an efficient approach for predicting Teffand log g for A-type stars especially when there is large uncertainty in the continuum caused by flux calibration or extinction.In this paper,A-type stars are selected from LAMOST DR7 with a signal-to-noise ratio greater than 50 and the Teffranging within 7000 to 10,000 K.We perform the Random Forest(RF)algorithm,one of the most widely used machine learning algorithms to establish the regression relationship between the flux of all wavelengths and their corresponding stellar parameters(T_(eff))and(log g)respectively.The trained RF model not only can regress the stellar parameters but also can obtain the rank of the wavelength based on their sensibility to parameters.According to the rankings,we define line indices by merging adjacent wavelengths.The objectively defined line indices in this work are amendments to Lick indices including some weak lines.We use the Support Vector Regression algorithm based on our new defined line indices to measure the temperature and gravity and use some common stars from Simbad to evaluate our result.In addition,the Gaia Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is used for checking the accuracy of Teffand log g. 展开更多
关键词 methods:data analysis surveys stars:early-type stars:abundances
Robust design of self-starting drains using Random Forest 被引量:1
作者 GE Qi LIU Zhong-qiang +4 位作者 SUN Hong-yue LANG Dominik SHUAI Fei-xiang SHANG Yue-quan ZHANG Ying-qiu 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第4期973-989,共17页
Groundwater lowering is one of the most important countermeasures to avoid the risk of rainfall-triggered landslides.However,the long-term reliability of many drainage methods is often a matter of concern since the dr... Groundwater lowering is one of the most important countermeasures to avoid the risk of rainfall-triggered landslides.However,the long-term reliability of many drainage methods is often a matter of concern since the drains may easily get clogged.A new hydraulic-driven self-starting drainage method is presented in this paper.In the proposed Random Forest(RF)based robust design approach for the selfstarting drains,the datasets are generated using an automatically controlled numerical modeling technology.The deterministic analysis is carried out based on uncertain soil parameters and the specific designs selected using Uniform Design(UD).The ensemble of RF models is applied in the design process to improve computing efficiency.Safety requirements,design robustness,and cost efficiency are simultaneously considered utilizing multiobjective optimization.A straightforward and efficient framework that focuses on difficulties caused by an enormous design space is established for the robust design of the self-starting drains,and improved computation efficiency is achieved.The effectiveness of the proposed approach is illustrated with a case study,the Qili landslide in Zhejiang Province,China. 展开更多
关键词 LANDSLIDES Self-starting drains Random forest Robust geotechnical design
作者 蒋雨婷 王霞 +5 位作者 宋娟娟 李晨硕 王彩丽 陈浩林 李讨讨 马友记 《中国畜禽种业》 2024年第4期77-84,1,共9页
为探讨STAR基因在发育的绵羊睾丸和附睾中的表达模式及潜在功能,该研究采集3月龄、 1周岁和3周岁藏绵羊睾丸和附睾(头、体和尾)组织样本,利用实时荧光定量PCR、蛋白免疫印迹和免疫组织荧光染色法检测STAR基因的表达及其编码蛋白的细胞... 为探讨STAR基因在发育的绵羊睾丸和附睾中的表达模式及潜在功能,该研究采集3月龄、 1周岁和3周岁藏绵羊睾丸和附睾(头、体和尾)组织样本,利用实时荧光定量PCR、蛋白免疫印迹和免疫组织荧光染色法检测STAR基因的表达及其编码蛋白的细胞定位。结果发现,随着年龄的增加,在藏绵羊睾丸和附睾(附睾头除外)中STAR基因在转录水平的表达总体呈下降趋势,而在蛋白质水平的表达呈上调趋势。STAR蛋白主要存在于藏绵羊睾丸间质细胞和附睾假复层纤毛上皮主细胞。鉴于间质细胞和主细胞的主要生物学功能是分泌睾酮和分泌促进精子成熟所需的蛋白质,由此推测,STAR基因可能主要在睾丸间质细胞和附睾主细胞的发育和功能维持中发挥作用,进而促进雄激素的合成和精子的成熟。 展开更多
关键词 绵羊 star基因 睾丸 附睾
Free Energy of Anisotropic Strangeon Stars 被引量:1
作者 Shichuan Chen Yong Gao +1 位作者 Enping Zhou Renxin Xu 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期50-57,共8页
Can pulsar-like compact objects release further huge free energy besides the kinematic energy of rotation?This is actually relevant to the equation of state of cold supra-nuclear matter,which is still under hot debate... Can pulsar-like compact objects release further huge free energy besides the kinematic energy of rotation?This is actually relevant to the equation of state of cold supra-nuclear matter,which is still under hot debate.Enormous energy is surely needed to understand various observations,such asγ-ray bursts,fast radio bursts and softγ-ray repeaters.In this paper,the elastic/gravitational free energy of solid strangeon stars is revisited for strangeon stars,with two anisotropic models to calculate in general relativity.It is found that huge free energy(>10^(46)erg)could be released via starquakes,given an extremely small anisotropy((p_(t)-p_(r))/p_(r)~10^(-4),with pt/pr the tangential/radial pressure),implying that pulsar-like stars could have great potential of free energy release without extremely strong magnetic fields in the solid strangeon star model. 展开更多
关键词 (stars:)pulsars general-methods numerical-(stars:)gamma-ray bursts general
Implication of community-level ecophysiological parameterization to modelling ecosystem productivity:a case study across nine contrasting forest sites in eastern China 被引量:1
作者 Minzhe Fang Changjin Cheng +2 位作者 Nianpeng He Guoxin Si Osbert Jianxin Sun 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期1-11,共11页
Parameterization is a critical step in modelling ecosystem dynamics.However,assigning parameter values can be a technical challenge for structurally complex natural plant communities;uncertainties in model simulations... Parameterization is a critical step in modelling ecosystem dynamics.However,assigning parameter values can be a technical challenge for structurally complex natural plant communities;uncertainties in model simulations often arise from inappropriate model parameterization.Here we compared five methods for defining community-level specific leaf area(SLA)and leaf C:N across nine contrasting forest sites along the North-South Transect of Eastern China,including biomass-weighted average for the entire plant community(AP_BW)and four simplified selective sampling(biomass-weighted average over five dominant tree species[5DT_BW],basal area weighted average over five dominant tree species[5DT_AW],biomass-weighted average over all tree species[AT_BW]and basal area weighted average over all tree species[AT_AW]).We found that the default values for SLA and leaf C:N embedded in the Biome-BGC v4.2 were higher than the five computational methods produced across the nine sites,with deviations ranging from 28.0 to 73.3%.In addition,there were only slight deviations(<10%)between the whole plant community sampling(AP_BW)predicted NPP and the four simplified selective sampling methods,and no significant difference between the predictions of AT_BW and AP_BW except the Shennongjia site.The findings in this study highlights the critical importance of computational strategies for community-level parameterization in ecosystem process modelling,and will support the choice of parameterization methods. 展开更多
关键词 BIOME-BGC Community traits forest Ecosystems Model parameterization
Dendroclimatological study of Sabina saltuaria and Abies faxoniana in the mixed forests of the Qionglai Mountains,eastern Tibetan Plateau 被引量:1
作者 Teng Li Jianfeng Peng +3 位作者 Tsun Fung Au Jingru Li Jinbao Li Yue Zhang 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期72-82,共11页
Tree-ring chronologies were developed for Sabina saltuaria and Abies faxoniana in mixed forests in the Qionglai Mountains of the eastern Tibetan Plateau.Climate-growth relationship analysis indicated that the two co-e... Tree-ring chronologies were developed for Sabina saltuaria and Abies faxoniana in mixed forests in the Qionglai Mountains of the eastern Tibetan Plateau.Climate-growth relationship analysis indicated that the two co-exist-ing species reponded similarly to climate factors,although S.saltuaria was more sensitive than A.faxoniana.The strong-est correlation was between S.saltuaria chronology and regional mean temperatures from June to November.Based on this relationship,a regional mean temperature from June to November for the period 1605-2016 was constructed.Reconstruction explained 37.3%of the temperature variance during th period 1961-2016.Six major warm periods and five major cold periods were identified.Spectral analysis detected significant interannual and multi-decadal cycles.Reconstruction also revealed the influence of the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation,confirming its importance on climate change on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 Tree-ring analysis Mixed forests DENDROCLIMATOLOGY Qionglai Mountains
Life forms affect beta-diversity patterns of larch forests in China 被引量:1
作者 Wenjing Fang Qiong Cai +3 位作者 Chengjun Ji Jiangling Zhu Zhiyao Tang Jingyun Fang 《Plant Diversity》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第1期49-58,共10页
Beta-diversity reflects the spatial changes in community species composition which helps to understand how communities are assembled and biodiversity is formed and maintained. Larch(Larix) forests, which are coniferou... Beta-diversity reflects the spatial changes in community species composition which helps to understand how communities are assembled and biodiversity is formed and maintained. Larch(Larix) forests, which are coniferous forests widely distributed in the mountainous and plateau areas in North and Southwest China, are critical for maintaining the environmental conditions and species diversity. Few studies of larch forests have examined the beta-diversity and its constituent components(species turnover and nestedness-resultant components). Here, we used 483 larch forest plots to determine the total betadiversity and its components in different life forms(i.e., tree, shrub, and herb) of larch forests in China and to evaluate the main drivers that underlie this beta-diversity. We found that total betadiversity of larch forests was mainly dependent on the species turnover component. In all life forms,total beta-diversity and the species turnover component increased with increasing geographic, elevational, current climatic, and paleoclimatic distances. In contrast, the nestedness-resultant component decreased across these same distances. Geographic and environmental factors explained 20%-25% of total beta-diversity, 18%-27% of species turnover component, and 4%-16% of nestedness-resultant component. Larch forest types significantly affected total beta-diversity and species turnover component. Taken together, our results indicate that life forms affect beta-diversity patterns of larch forests in China, and that beta-diversity is driven by both niche differentiation and dispersal limitation. Our findings help to greatly understand the mechanisms of community assemblies of larch forests in China. 展开更多
关键词 BETA-DIVERSITY Species turnover Nestedness-resultant Geographic distance Climatic distance Larch forest
A real-time intelligent lithology identification method based on a dynamic felling strategy weighted random forest algorithm 被引量:1
作者 Tie Yan Rui Xu +2 位作者 Shi-Hui Sun Zhao-Kai Hou Jin-Yu Feng 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期1135-1148,共14页
Real-time intelligent lithology identification while drilling is vital to realizing downhole closed-loop drilling. The complex and changeable geological environment in the drilling makes lithology identification face ... Real-time intelligent lithology identification while drilling is vital to realizing downhole closed-loop drilling. The complex and changeable geological environment in the drilling makes lithology identification face many challenges. This paper studies the problems of difficult feature information extraction,low precision of thin-layer identification and limited applicability of the model in intelligent lithologic identification. The author tries to improve the comprehensive performance of the lithology identification model from three aspects: data feature extraction, class balance, and model design. A new real-time intelligent lithology identification model of dynamic felling strategy weighted random forest algorithm(DFW-RF) is proposed. According to the feature selection results, gamma ray and 2 MHz phase resistivity are the logging while drilling(LWD) parameters that significantly influence lithology identification. The comprehensive performance of the DFW-RF lithology identification model has been verified in the application of 3 wells in different areas. By comparing the prediction results of five typical lithology identification algorithms, the DFW-RF model has a higher lithology identification accuracy rate and F1 score. This model improves the identification accuracy of thin-layer lithology and is effective and feasible in different geological environments. The DFW-RF model plays a truly efficient role in the realtime intelligent identification of lithologic information in closed-loop drilling and has greater applicability, which is worthy of being widely used in logging interpretation. 展开更多
关键词 Intelligent drilling Closed-loop drilling Lithology identification Random forest algorithm Feature extraction
Aboveground carbon sequestration of Cunninghamia lanceolata forests:Magnitude and drivers 被引量:1
作者 Chen Wang Shuguang Liu +3 位作者 Yu Zhu Andrew R.Smith Ying Ning Deming Deng 《Forest Ecosystems》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期32-41,共10页
Understanding the spatial variation,temporal changes,and their underlying driving forces of carbon sequestration in various forests is of great importance for understanding the carbon cycle and carbon management optio... Understanding the spatial variation,temporal changes,and their underlying driving forces of carbon sequestration in various forests is of great importance for understanding the carbon cycle and carbon management options.How carbon density and sequestration in various Cunninghamia lanceolata forests,extensively cultivated for timber production in subtropical China,vary with biodiversity,forest structure,environment,and cultural factors remain poorly explored,presenting a critical knowledge gap for realizing carbon sequestration supply potential through management.Based on a large-scale database of 449 permanent forest inventory plots,we quantified the spatial-temporal heterogeneity of aboveground carbon densities and carbon accumulation rates in Cunninghamia lanceolate forests in Hunan Province,China,and attributed the contributions of stand structure,environmental,and management factors to the heterogeneity using quantile age-sequence analysis,partial least squares path modeling(PLS-PM),and hot-spot analysis.The results showed lower values of carbon density and sequestration on average,in comparison with other forests in the same climate zone(i.e.,subtropics),with pronounced spatial and temporal variability.Specifically,quantile regression analysis using carbon accumulation rates along an age sequence showed large differences in carbon sequestration rates among underperformed and outperformed forests(0.50 and 1.80 Mg·ha^(-1)·yr^(-1)).PLS-PM demonstrated that maximum DBH and stand density were the main crucial drivers of aboveground carbon density from young to mature forests.Furthermore,species diversity and geotopographic factors were the significant factors causing the large discrepancy in aboveground carbon density change between low-and high-carbon-bearing forests.Hotspot analysis revealed the importance of culture attributes in shaping the geospatial patterns of carbon sequestration.Our work highlighted that retaining largesized DBH trees and increasing shade-tolerant tree species were important to enhance carbon sequestration in C.lanceolate forests. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon density Carbon accumulation rate forest age Spatial variation Cultural influence
Community structure and species diversity dynamics of a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in China:2005 to 2020 被引量:1
作者 Shi-Guang Wei Lin Li +3 位作者 Kun-Dong Bai Zhi-Feng Wen Jing-Gang Zhou Qin Lin 《Plant Diversity》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第1期70-77,共8页
Here,we characterize the temporal and spatial dynamics of forest community structure and species diversity in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in China.We found that community structure in this forest chang... Here,we characterize the temporal and spatial dynamics of forest community structure and species diversity in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in China.We found that community structure in this forest changed over a 15-year period.Specifically,renewal and death of common species was large,with the renewal of individuals mainly concentrated within a few populations,especially those of Aidia canthioides and Cryptocarya concinna.The numbers of individual deaths for common species were concentrated in the small and mid-diameter level.The spatial distribution of community species diversity fluctuated in each monitoring period,showing a more dispersed diversity after the 15-year study period,and the coefficient of variation on quadrats increased.In 2010,the death and renewal of the community and the spatial variation of species diversity were different compared to other survey years.Extreme weather may have affected species regeneration and community stability in our subtropical monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forests.Our findings suggest that strengthening the monitoring and management of the forest community will help better understand the long-and short-term causes of dynamic fluctuations of community structure and species diversity,and reveal the factors that drive changes in community structure. 展开更多
关键词 Community structure Death and renewal dynamics Species diversity dynamics South subtropical forest
An Optimized System of Random Forest Model by Global Harmony Search with Generalized Opposition-Based Learning for Forecasting TBM Advance Rate 被引量:1
作者 Yingui Qiu Shuai Huang +3 位作者 Danial Jahed Armaghani Biswajeet Pradhan Annan Zhou Jian Zhou 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第3期2873-2897,共25页
As massive underground projects have become popular in dense urban cities,a problem has arisen:which model predicts the best for Tunnel Boring Machine(TBM)performance in these tunneling projects?However,performance le... As massive underground projects have become popular in dense urban cities,a problem has arisen:which model predicts the best for Tunnel Boring Machine(TBM)performance in these tunneling projects?However,performance level of TBMs in complex geological conditions is still a great challenge for practitioners and researchers.On the other hand,a reliable and accurate prediction of TBM performance is essential to planning an applicable tunnel construction schedule.The performance of TBM is very difficult to estimate due to various geotechnical and geological factors and machine specifications.The previously-proposed intelligent techniques in this field are mostly based on a single or base model with a low level of accuracy.Hence,this study aims to introduce a hybrid randomforest(RF)technique optimized by global harmony search with generalized oppositionbased learning(GOGHS)for forecasting TBM advance rate(AR).Optimizing the RF hyper-parameters in terms of,e.g.,tree number and maximum tree depth is the main objective of using the GOGHS-RF model.In the modelling of this study,a comprehensive databasewith themost influential parameters onTBMtogetherwithTBM AR were used as input and output variables,respectively.To examine the capability and power of the GOGHSRF model,three more hybrid models of particle swarm optimization-RF,genetic algorithm-RF and artificial bee colony-RF were also constructed to forecast TBM AR.Evaluation of the developed models was performed by calculating several performance indices,including determination coefficient(R2),root-mean-square-error(RMSE),and mean-absolute-percentage-error(MAPE).The results showed that theGOGHS-RF is a more accurate technique for estimatingTBMAR compared to the other applied models.The newly-developedGOGHS-RFmodel enjoyed R2=0.9937 and 0.9844,respectively,for train and test stages,which are higher than a pre-developed RF.Also,the importance of the input parameters was interpreted through the SHapley Additive exPlanations(SHAP)method,and it was found that thrust force per cutter is the most important variable on TBMAR.The GOGHS-RF model can be used in mechanized tunnel projects for predicting and checking performance. 展开更多
关键词 Tunnel boring machine random forest GOGHS optimization PSO optimization GA optimization ABC optimization SHAP
作者 韦妙灵 韦柳青 +3 位作者 杨惠元 牧苏婉 李夏 李勇 《华夏医学》 CAS 2024年第5期29-35,共7页
目的利用CRISPR/Cas9系统对小鼠Star基因进行精确编辑,构建模拟人类STAR基因突变的细胞模型。方法选择中国先天性类脂质性肾上腺皮质增生症(CLAH)患者的热点突变区域,并设计相应的单导向RNA(sgRNA)。构建表达sgRNA的重组质粒,将其与慢... 目的利用CRISPR/Cas9系统对小鼠Star基因进行精确编辑,构建模拟人类STAR基因突变的细胞模型。方法选择中国先天性类脂质性肾上腺皮质增生症(CLAH)患者的热点突变区域,并设计相应的单导向RNA(sgRNA)。构建表达sgRNA的重组质粒,将其与慢病毒包装质粒共同转染至HEK-293T细胞并制备慢病毒颗粒以感染小鼠TCMK细胞。采用嘌呤霉素进行病毒感染后阳性细胞的筛选,提取阳性细胞的基因组DNA,通过聚合酶链式反应(PCR)扩增目标位点的基因组DNA片段,并利用TA克隆和Sanger测序技术,对编辑位点与效率进行统计分析。结果成功设计了有效的sgRNA序列,并利用CRISPR/Cas9系统成功构建了编辑小鼠Star基因的细胞模型。结论本研究通过精确编辑小鼠Star基因,成功构建了模拟人类STAR基因突变的CRISPR/Cas9系统,为深入研究CLAH的致病机制及探索潜在治疗方法提供有力工具,具有重要的科学意义和应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 基因编辑 CRISPR/Cas9 单导向RNA 小鼠star基因 先天性类脂质性肾上腺皮质增生症
一种基于KMeans与Random Forest的异常温升捕捉方法
作者 汪海良 《现代建筑电气》 2024年第6期21-26,49,共7页
针对线路老化、线路过载的火灾频发问题,分析了线路老化、线路过载与异常温升之间的关联性,以电流值、线缆温度作为输入,利用KMeans聚类算法划分可能存在异常温升的区间,通过Random Forest算法识别线路过载问题,可以提前通知用户整改线... 针对线路老化、线路过载的火灾频发问题,分析了线路老化、线路过载与异常温升之间的关联性,以电流值、线缆温度作为输入,利用KMeans聚类算法划分可能存在异常温升的区间,通过Random Forest算法识别线路过载问题,可以提前通知用户整改线路,预防火灾的发生。 展开更多
关键词 线路过载 异常温升 Random forest KMeans
Twenty years of population dynamics in European beech-oak forest at their rear range margin anticipate changes in its structure and composition
作者 álvaro Rubio-Cuadrado Iciar Alberdi +8 位作者 Isabel Canellas Fernando Montes Jesús Rodríguez-Calcerrada Rosana López Guillermo G.Gordaliza María Valbuena-Carabana Nikos Nanos Ramón Perea Luis Gil 《Forest Ecosystems》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期358-370,共13页
There is an increasing interest in restoring degraded forests,which occupy half of the forest areas.Among the forms of restoration,passive restoration,which involves the elimination of degrading factors and the free e... There is an increasing interest in restoring degraded forests,which occupy half of the forest areas.Among the forms of restoration,passive restoration,which involves the elimination of degrading factors and the free evolution of natural dynamics by applying minimal or no management,is gaining attention.Natural dynamics is difficult to predict due to the influence of multiple interacting factors such as climatic and edaphic conditions,composition and abundance of species,and the successional character of these species.Here,we study the natural dynamics of a mixed forest located in central Spain,which maintained an open forest structure,due to intensive use,until grazing and cutting were banned in the 1960s.The most frequent woody species in this forest are Fagus sylvatica,Quercus petraea,Quercus pyrenaica,Ilex aquifolium,Sorbus aucuparia,Sorbus aria and Prunus avium,with contrasting shade and drought tolerance.These species are common in temperate European deciduous forest and are found here near their southern distribution limit,except for Q.pyrenaica.In order to analyze forest dynamics and composition,three inventories were carried out in 1994,2005 and 2015.Our results show that,despite the Mediterranean influence,the natural dynamics of this forest has been mainly determined by different levels of shade tolerance.After the abandonment of grazing and cutting,Q.pyrenaica expanded rapidly due to its lower shade tolerance,whereas after canopy closure and forest densification,shade-tolerant species gained ground,particularly F.sylvatica,despite its lower drought and late-frost tolerance.If the current dynamics continue,F.sylvatica will overtake the rest of the species,which will be relegated to sites with shallow soils and steep slopes.Simultaneously,all the multi-centennial beech trees,which are undergoing a rapid mortality and decline process,will disappear. 展开更多
关键词 forest succession Secondary forest WOODLAND Mixed forest COMPETITION RECRUITMENT
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