Research performed during the past decade revealed an important role of symmetry energy in the equation of state(EOS)of strange quark matter(SQM).By introducing an isospin-dependent term into the quark mass scaling,th...Research performed during the past decade revealed an important role of symmetry energy in the equation of state(EOS)of strange quark matter(SQM).By introducing an isospin-dependent term into the quark mass scaling,the SQM stability window in the equivparticle model was studied.The results show that a sufficiently strong isospin dependence C_(I)can significantly widen the SQM region of absolute stability,yielding results that simultaneously satisfy the constraints of the astrophysical observations of PSR J1614-2230 with 1.928±0.017 Mand tidal deformability 70≤Λ_(1:4)≤580 measured in the event GW170817.With increasing C_(I),the difference between the u,d,and s quark fractions for the SQM inβ-equilibrium becomes inconspicuous for C>0,leading to small isospin asymmetryδ,and further resulting in similar EOS and structures of strange quark stars(SQSs).Moreover,unlike the behavior of the maximum mass of ud QSs,which varies with C_(I)depending on the sign of the parameter C,the maximum mass of the SQSs decreases monotonously with increasing CI.展开更多
Anharmonic oscillations of rotating stars have been studied by various authors in literature to explain the observed features of certain variable stars. However, there is no study available in literature that has disc...Anharmonic oscillations of rotating stars have been studied by various authors in literature to explain the observed features of certain variable stars. However, there is no study available in literature that has discussed the combined effect of rotation and tidal distortions on the anharmonic oscillations of stars. In this paper, we have created a model to determine the effect of rotation and tidal distortions on the anharmonic radial oscillations associated with various polytropic models of pulsating variable stars. For this study we have used the theory of Rosseland to obtain the anharmonic pulsation equation for rotationally and tidally distorted polytropic models of pulsating variable stars. The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of rotation and tidal distortions on the shapes of the radial velocity curves for rotationally and tidally distorted polytropic models of pulsating variable stars. The results of the present study show that the rotational effects cause more deviations in the shapes of radial velocity curves of pulsating variable stars as compared to tidal effects.展开更多
Can pulsar-like compact objects release further huge free energy besides the kinematic energy of rotation?This is actually relevant to the equation of state of cold supra-nuclear matter,which is still under hot debate...Can pulsar-like compact objects release further huge free energy besides the kinematic energy of rotation?This is actually relevant to the equation of state of cold supra-nuclear matter,which is still under hot debate.Enormous energy is surely needed to understand various observations,such asγ-ray bursts,fast radio bursts and softγ-ray repeaters.In this paper,the elastic/gravitational free energy of solid strangeon stars is revisited for strangeon stars,with two anisotropic models to calculate in general relativity.It is found that huge free energy(>10^(46)erg)could be released via starquakes,given an extremely small anisotropy((p_(t)-p_(r))/p_(r)~10^(-4),with pt/pr the tangential/radial pressure),implying that pulsar-like stars could have great potential of free energy release without extremely strong magnetic fields in the solid strangeon star model.展开更多
Strangeon stars,which are proposed to describe the nature of pulsar-like compact stars,have passed various observational tests.The maximum mass of a non-rotating strangeon star could be high,which implies that the rem...Strangeon stars,which are proposed to describe the nature of pulsar-like compact stars,have passed various observational tests.The maximum mass of a non-rotating strangeon star could be high,which implies that the remnants of binary strangeon star mergers could even be long-lived massive strangeon stars.We study rigidly rotating strangeon stars in the slowly rotating approximation,using the Lennard-Jones model for the equation of state.Rotation can significantly increase the maximum mass of strangeon stars with unchanged baryon numbers,enlarging the mass-range of long-lived strangeon stars.During spin-down after merger,the decrease of radius of the remnant will lead to the release of gravitational energy.Taking into account the efficiency of converting the gravitational energy luminosity to the observed X-ray luminosity,we find that the gravitational energy could provide an alternative energy source for the plateau emission of X-ray afterglow.The fitting results of X-ray plateau emission of some short gamma-ray bursts suggest that the magnetic dipole field strength of the remnants can be much smaller than that of expected when the plateau emission is powered only by spin-down luminosity of magnetars.展开更多
In our previous work, we developed a model to study the effects of rotation and/or tidal distortions on anharmonic radial oscillations and hence on the radial velocity curves of the polytropic models of pulsating vari...In our previous work, we developed a model to study the effects of rotation and/or tidal distortions on anharmonic radial oscillations and hence on the radial velocity curves of the polytropic models of pulsating variable stars.We considered the first three modes(fundamental and the next two higher modes) for the polytropic models of index 1.5 and 3.0 in that work.In the present paper, we are further extending our previous work to study the effect of the interaction of various modes on anharmonic radial oscillations and hence on radial velocity curves of the rotationally and/or tidally distorted polytropic models of pulsating variable stars.For this purpose, we have considered the following cases:(i) fundamental mode(ii) fundamental and the first mode,(iii) fundamental and the next two modes and finally(iv) fundamental and the next three higher modes of pulsation in our study.The objective of this paper is also to investigate whether the interaction of various modes affects the results of our previous study or not.The results of this study show that the interaction of the fundamental mode with higher modes appreciably changes the shape of the radial velocity curve of rotationally distorted and rotationally and tidally distorted polytropic models of pulsating variable stars.展开更多
The tidal interactions of planets affect the stellar evolutionary status and the constraint of their physical parameters by gyrochronology.In this work,we incorporate the tidal interaction and magnetic braking of the ...The tidal interactions of planets affect the stellar evolutionary status and the constraint of their physical parameters by gyrochronology.In this work,we incorporate the tidal interaction and magnetic braking of the stellar wind into MESA and calculate a large grid of 25,000 models,covering planets with masses of 0.1–13.0MJ with different orbital distances that orbit late-type stars of different metallicities.We also explore the effect of different stellar initial rotations on the tidal interactions.Our results show that in the case of tidal inward migration,the stellar rotation periods are always lower than that of the star without planet before the planet is engulfed and the difference in the rotation period of its host star always increases with time.After the planet is engulfed,the stellar rotation periods are still lower than that of star without planet,but the difference of periods can be quickly eliminated if the star has a thick convective envelope(smaller mass and larger metallicity),regardless of the mass of the planet and the initial rotation period of the star.In the case of stars with thinner convective envelopes(larger mass and smaller metallicity),the stars will be spun up and remain the faster rotation in a long time.Meanwhile,the planet is easily swallowed and the period differences are large if the initial rotation period of its host star is higher.Finally,we also study the evolution of WASP-19 and estimate the range of tidal quality parameter Q_(*)^(')=(4.6±0.9)×10^(6)and the initial semimajor axis as(0.035±0.004)au.展开更多
Understanding the undular tidal bores in the Qiantang River is essential for effective river management and maintenance.While breaking tidal bores have been studied extensively, reports on undular tidal bores in the Q...Understanding the undular tidal bores in the Qiantang River is essential for effective river management and maintenance.While breaking tidal bores have been studied extensively, reports on undular tidal bores in the Qiantang Riverremain limited. Furthermore, observed data on undular tidal bores fulfilling the requirements of short measurementtime intervals, and spring, medium, and neap tide coverage, and providing detailed data for the global vertical stratificationof flow velocity are quite limited. Based on field observations at Qige in the Qiantang estuary, we analyzedthe characteristics of undular tidal bores. The results showed that the flooding amplitude (a) of the first wave isalways larger than its ebbing amplitude (b). Moreover, the vertical distribution of the maximum flood velocity exhibitesthree shapes, influenced by the tidal range, while that of the maximum ebb velocity exhibites a single shape. Duringthe initial phase of the flood tide in the spring and medium tides, the upper water body experiences multiple oscillatingchanges along the flow direction, corresponding to the alternating process of the crest and trough of the tide levelupon the arrival of the tidal bore. The tidal range is a crucial parameter in tidal bore hydrodynamics. By establishingthe relationship between hydrodynamic parameters and tidal range, other hydrodynamic parameters, such as the tidalbore height, maximum flood depth–averaged velocity, maximum flood stratified velocity at the measurement points,and duration of the flood tide current, can be effectively predicted, thereby providing an important reference for rivermanagement and maintenance.展开更多
We present optical spectra of 10 Galactic Wolf-Rayet(WR)stars that consist of five WN and five WC stars.The optical observation was conducted using a low-resolution spectrograph NEO-R1000(λ/Δλ~1000)at GAO-ITB RTS(2...We present optical spectra of 10 Galactic Wolf-Rayet(WR)stars that consist of five WN and five WC stars.The optical observation was conducted using a low-resolution spectrograph NEO-R1000(λ/Δλ~1000)at GAO-ITB RTS(27.94 cm,F/10.0),Bosscha Observatory,Lembang.We implemented stellar atmosphere Postdam Wolf-Rayet(PoWR)grid modeling to derive stellar parameters.The normalized optical spectrum can be used to find the best model from the available PoWR grid,then we could derive stellar temperature and transformation radius.To derive luminosity,stellar radius and color excess,we conducted a Spectral Energy Distribution(SED)analysis with additional data on the near-ultraviolet spectrum from the International Ultraviolet Explorer(IUE)database,and UBV and 2MASS JHK broadband filter data.Additional analysis to derive asymptotic terminal wind velocity was conducted from the P-Cygni profile analysis of the high-resolution IUE ultraviolet spectrum.With previously derived parameters,we could determine the mass loss rate of the WR stars.Furthermore,we compared our results with previous work that used PoWR code and the differences are not more than 20%.We conclude that the PoWR spectral grid is sufficient to derive WR stellar parameters quickly and could provide more accurate initial parameter input to the PoWR program code.展开更多
Coastal management in China is confronted with an urgent choice between natural restoration and maintenance of existing seawalls and reclaimed land for economic development.A key criterion for making this decision is ...Coastal management in China is confronted with an urgent choice between natural restoration and maintenance of existing seawalls and reclaimed land for economic development.A key criterion for making this decision is the resilience to coastal flooding,which depends on the ability to predict tidal level.Tidal duration asymmetry(TDA)is a key parameter in determination of the arrival and duration of flood tides.This study selected the western inner shelf of the Yellow Sea(WYS)as the study area and investigated the responses of TDA to different shoreline configurations and relative sea level rise.The responses of TDA to shoreline reconstruction yielded spatial variability locally and remotely.In the nearshore area,the responses of TDA to the complex ocean environment mainly originated from the combined functions of reflection,bottom friction,and advection,which controlled the energy transfer from M2 or S2 constituents to their overtides or compound tides.The sensitivity of TDA to coastline typologies was not limited to coastal waters but could stretch over the entire inner shelf.The vulnerability of tidal responses was due to the displacement of the M2 amphidrome of the Kelvin wave on the WYS,which in turn changed tidal energy fluxes over the regime.The relative sea level rise could intensify the feedback of TDA to seawalls and land reclamation.展开更多
Using 9943 OB-type stars from LAMOST DR7 in the solar neighborhood,we fit the vertical stellar density profile with the model including a single exponential distribution at different positions(R,Φ).The distributions ...Using 9943 OB-type stars from LAMOST DR7 in the solar neighborhood,we fit the vertical stellar density profile with the model including a single exponential distribution at different positions(R,Φ).The distributions of the scale heights and scale length show that the young disk traced by the OB-type stars is not axisymmetric.The scale length decreases versus the azimuthal angleΦ,i.e.,from.■kpc withΦ=-3°to■kpc withΦ=9°.Meanwhile we find signal of non-symmetry in the distribution of the scale height of the north and south of the disk plane.The scale height in the north side shows signal of flaring of the disk,while that of the south disk stays almost constant around h_(s)=130 pc.The distribution of the displaceeent of the disk plane Z_(0)also shows variance versus the azimuthal angleΦ,which displays significant differences with the warp model constrained by the Cepheid stars.We also test different values for the position of the Sun,and the distance between the Sun and the Galactic center affects the scale heights and the displacement of the disk significantly,but that does not change our conclusion that the disk is not axisymmetric.展开更多
During the long term evolution of globular clusters(GCs), some member stars are lost to the field. The recently found nitrogen-rich(N-rich) metal-poor field stars are promising candidates of these GC escapees, since N...During the long term evolution of globular clusters(GCs), some member stars are lost to the field. The recently found nitrogen-rich(N-rich) metal-poor field stars are promising candidates of these GC escapees, since N enhancement is the fingerprint of chemically enhanced populations in GCs. In this work, we discuss the possibility of identifying N-rich metal-poor field stars with the upcoming Chinese Space Station Telescope(CSST). We focus on the main survey camera with NUV, u, g, r, i, z, y filters and slitless spectrograph with a resolution about 200.The combination of UV sensitive equipment and prominent N-related molecular lines in the UV band bodes well for the identification: the color–color diagram of(u-g) versus(g-r) is capable of separating N-rich field stars from normal halo stars, if metallicity can be estimated without using the information on u-band photometry.Besides, the synthetic spectra show that a signal-to-noise ratio of 10 is sufficient to identify N-rich field stars. In the near future, a large sample of N-rich field stars found by CSST, combined with state-of-the-art N-body simulations will be crucial to deciphering GC-Galaxy co-evolution.展开更多
The spinning-up of the accreting component in the process of conservative mass exchange is considered in binary systems—progenitors of systems consisting of a main sequence Be-star and an O-subdwarf.During the mass e...The spinning-up of the accreting component in the process of conservative mass exchange is considered in binary systems—progenitors of systems consisting of a main sequence Be-star and an O-subdwarf.During the mass exchange,the meridional circulation transfers 80%-85%of the angular momentum that entered the accretor together with the accreted matter to the accretor surface.This angular momentum is removed from the accretor by the disk.When the mass exchange finishes,the accretor has a rotation typical of classical Be-type stars.展开更多
The utilization and development of tidal current energy can help alleviate the current energy shortage,improve the global ecological environment,and maintain sustainable development.In this study,numerical simulation ...The utilization and development of tidal current energy can help alleviate the current energy shortage,improve the global ecological environment,and maintain sustainable development.In this study,numerical simulation is carried out on a rectangular grid using Delft3D.The tidal current energy potential of the major channels in the Bohai Strait is further simulated and estimated by comparing the simulated and measured data.Results show that the flow module in Delft3D has good modeling ability for the assessment of tidal current energy potential.The average flow velocity,maximum flow velocity,and energy flow density are consistent.The Laotieshan Channel,located in the northern part of the Bohai Strait,shows a large tidal current energy potential.The maximum flow velocity of this channel can reach 2 m s-1,and the maximum energy flow density can exceed 500 W m-2.The tidal current energy in the Laotieshan Channel is more than 10 times that in other channels.Therefore,this study advocates for the continued exploration and exploitation of the tidal current energy resources in the Laotieshan Channel.展开更多
Coastal wetlands are hotspots for nitrogen(N)cycling,and crab burrowing is known to transform N in intertidal marsh soils.However,the underlying mechanisms remain unclear.This study conducted field experiments and use...Coastal wetlands are hotspots for nitrogen(N)cycling,and crab burrowing is known to transform N in intertidal marsh soils.However,the underlying mechanisms remain unclear.This study conducted field experiments and used indoor control test devices to investigate the seasonal response of nitrogen to crab disturbance at the sediment-water interface in coastal tidal flat wetlands.The results showed that crab disturbance exhibited significant seasonality with large seasonal differences in cave density and depth.Due to crab disturbance,nitrogen fuxes at the sediment-water interface were much greater in the box with crabs than in the box without crabs.In summer,NH-N showed a positive flux from the sediment to the overlying water,but NO2-N and NOg-N showed positive fluxes from the sediment to the overlying water only in early stages.In winter,NH-N showed a positive flux from the sediment to the overlying water,but NO-N and NO,-N both exhibited positive and negative fluxes.These results indicated that the presence of crab burrows can cause the aerobic layer to move downward by approximately 8-15 cm in summer and directly promote nitrification at the sediment surface.展开更多
We present radial velocity(RV)curve templates of RR Lyrae first-overtone(RRc)stars constructed with the Mg I b triplet and Hαlines using time-domain Medium-Resolution Survey spectra of seven RRc stars from Large Sky ...We present radial velocity(RV)curve templates of RR Lyrae first-overtone(RRc)stars constructed with the Mg I b triplet and Hαlines using time-domain Medium-Resolution Survey spectra of seven RRc stars from Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope(LAMOST)Data Release 9.Additionally,we derive the relation between the stellar RV curve amplitudes and g-band light curve amplitudes from Zwicky Transient Facility(ZTF)public survey.For those RRc stars without ZTF g-band light curves,we provide the conversions from the light curve amplitudes in ZTF r-and i-bands,Gaia G-band,and V-band from the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae to those in ZTF g-band.We validate our RV curve templates using the RRc star SV Scl and find the uncertainties of systemic RV are less than 2.11 km s~(-1)and 6.08 km s~(-1)based on the Mg I b triplet and Hαlines,respectively.We calculate the systemic RVs of 30 RRc stars using the RV curve templates constructed with the Mg I b triplet and Hαlines and find the systemic RVs are comparable with each other.This RV curve template will be particularly useful for obtaining the systemic RV of RRc using the LAMOST spectroscopy.展开更多
Coastal tidal creeks are important channels for exchanges of material and energy between sea and land,and play an important role in the ecological protection of tidal flats.Although tidal creeks have evolved different...Coastal tidal creeks are important channels for exchanges of material and energy between sea and land,and play an important role in the ecological protection of tidal flats.Although tidal creeks have evolved differently in various regions,the evolutionary process of tidal creeks in the Huanghe(Yellow)River delta of China,one of the most active deltas worldwide,is not entirely clear.Therefore,the evolution of tidal creeks in the delta from 1981 to 2021 was investigated by quantitatively analysing the tidal creeks and developing a standard for dividing their evolution periods.Visual interpretation and supervised classification methods were applied to the Landsat images to extract the tidal creek network,and 17 groups of tidal creek systems were selected.Results indicate that Creek S 1 was the most developed creek for having 113 tidal creeks totaling 65.8 km in length,while Creek E 3 had the fastest growth rate for having average annual increase of 1.9 km.Meanwhile,the level of tidal creeks increased,the average and median lengths of tidal creeks increased,and the number of tidal creeks decreased since 1981.The evolution of the tidal creek system could be divided into four stages,namely,rising,developing,stabilizing,and degrading.Analyses of a representative tidal creek show that there was no degenerated tidal creek during the rising period,with an increase in the number of 50 and a length increase of 57.9 km between 1981 and 1989.The proportion of new tidal creeks in the developing period was more than 50%and the new tidal creeks in the stabilizing period were equal to the degraded tidal creeks.Extinct tidal creeks were greater than 50%during the degrading period.There was no fixed order of tidal creek evolution in each period,and there may be a skip in evolution.Our findings provided a reference for studying the evolution of tidal creeks.展开更多
The Gaia DR3 parallax approach was used to estimate the absolute parameters of 2375δScuti stars from the ASAS catalog.The selected stars have a variety of observational characteristics,with a higher than 80%probabili...The Gaia DR3 parallax approach was used to estimate the absolute parameters of 2375δScuti stars from the ASAS catalog.The selected stars have a variety of observational characteristics,with a higher than 80%probability of beingδScuti stars.We have displayed all the stars in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram along with theδScuti instability strip,the Zero Age Main Sequence and the Terminal Age Main Sequence.Then,we determined which fundamental and overtone modes each star belongs to using pulsation constant(Q)calculations.In addition,we evaluated the parameters in the Q calculation equation using three machine learning methods,which showed that surface gravity and temperature have the greatest effect on its calculation.The Period-Luminosity(P-L)relationship of theδScuti stars was also revisited.Eventually,using least squares linear regression,we made four linear fits for fundamental and overtone modes and updated their relationships.展开更多
Binary neutron star mergers are unique sources of gravitational waves in multi-messenger astronomy.The inspira phase of binary neutron stars can emit gravitational waves as chirp signals.The present waveform models o ...Binary neutron star mergers are unique sources of gravitational waves in multi-messenger astronomy.The inspira phase of binary neutron stars can emit gravitational waves as chirp signals.The present waveform models o gravitational waves only considered the gravitational interaction.In this paper,we derive the waveform of th gravitational wave signal taking into account the presence of magnetic fields.We found that the electromagneti interaction and radiation can introduce different frequency-dependent power laws for both the amplitude and frequency of the gravitational wave.We show from the results of the Fisher information matrix that the third generation observation may detect magnetic dipole moments if the magnetic field is~10^(17)G.展开更多
The rotation of the Earth and the related length of the day (LOD) are predominantly affected by tidal dissipation through the Moon and the growth of the Earth’s core. Due to the increased concentration of mass around...The rotation of the Earth and the related length of the day (LOD) are predominantly affected by tidal dissipation through the Moon and the growth of the Earth’s core. Due to the increased concentration of mass around the rotation axis of the spinning Earth during the growth of the core the rotation should have been accelerated. Controversially the tidal dissipation by the Moon, which is mainly dependent on the availability of open shallow seas and the kind of Moon escape from a nearby position, acts towards a deceleration of the rotating Earth. Measurements of LOD for Phanerozoic and Precambrian times open ways to solve questions concerning the geodynamical history of the Earth. These measurements encompass investigations of growth patterns in fossils and depositional patterns in sediments (Cyclostratigraphy, Tidalites, Stromatolites, Rhythmites). These patterns contain information on the LOD and on the changing distance between Earth and Moon and can be used as well for a discussion about the growth of the Earth’s core. By updating an older paper with its simple approach as well as incorporating newly published results provided by the geoscientific community, a moderate to fast growth of the core in a hot early Earth will be favored controversially to the assumption of a delayed development of the core in an originally cold Earth. Core development with acceleration of Earth’s rotation and the contemporaneous slowing down due to tidal dissipation during the filling of the ocean may significantly interrelate.展开更多
Gravitational waves emanating from binary neutron star inspirals,alongside electromagnetic transients resulting from the aftermath of the GW170817 merger,have been successfully detected.However,the intricate post-merg...Gravitational waves emanating from binary neutron star inspirals,alongside electromagnetic transients resulting from the aftermath of the GW170817 merger,have been successfully detected.However,the intricate post-merger dynamics that bridge these two sets of observables remain enigmatic.This includes if,and when,the post-merger remnant star collapses to a black hole,and what are the necessary conditions to power a short gamma-ray burst,and other observed electromagnetic counterparts.Our focus is on the detection of gravitational wave(GW)emissions from hyper-massive neutron stars(NSs)formed through binary neutron star(BNS)mergers.Utilizing several kilohertz GW detectors,we simulate BNS mergers within the detection limits of LIGO-Virgo-KARGA O4.Our objective is to ascertain the fraction of simulated sources that may emit detectable post-merger GW signals.For kilohertz detectors equipped with a new cavity design,we estimate that approximately 1.1%-32%of sources would emit a detectable post-merger GW signal.This fraction is contingent on the mass converted into gravitational wave energy,ranging from 0.01M_(sun)to 0.1M_(sun).Furthermore,by evaluating other well-regarded proposed kilohertz GW detectors,we anticipate that the fraction can increase to as much as 2.1%-61%under optimal performance conditions.展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.12005005 and 11875052)the National SKA Program of China(No.2020SKA0120300)+1 种基金the Hunan Provincial Nature Science Foundation of China(No.2021JJ40188)the Scientific Research Start-up Fund of Talent Introduction of Suqian University(No.Xiao2022XRC061).
文摘Research performed during the past decade revealed an important role of symmetry energy in the equation of state(EOS)of strange quark matter(SQM).By introducing an isospin-dependent term into the quark mass scaling,the SQM stability window in the equivparticle model was studied.The results show that a sufficiently strong isospin dependence C_(I)can significantly widen the SQM region of absolute stability,yielding results that simultaneously satisfy the constraints of the astrophysical observations of PSR J1614-2230 with 1.928±0.017 Mand tidal deformability 70≤Λ_(1:4)≤580 measured in the event GW170817.With increasing C_(I),the difference between the u,d,and s quark fractions for the SQM inβ-equilibrium becomes inconspicuous for C>0,leading to small isospin asymmetryδ,and further resulting in similar EOS and structures of strange quark stars(SQSs).Moreover,unlike the behavior of the maximum mass of ud QSs,which varies with C_(I)depending on the sign of the parameter C,the maximum mass of the SQSs decreases monotonously with increasing CI.
文摘Anharmonic oscillations of rotating stars have been studied by various authors in literature to explain the observed features of certain variable stars. However, there is no study available in literature that has discussed the combined effect of rotation and tidal distortions on the anharmonic oscillations of stars. In this paper, we have created a model to determine the effect of rotation and tidal distortions on the anharmonic radial oscillations associated with various polytropic models of pulsating variable stars. For this study we have used the theory of Rosseland to obtain the anharmonic pulsation equation for rotationally and tidally distorted polytropic models of pulsating variable stars. The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of rotation and tidal distortions on the shapes of the radial velocity curves for rotationally and tidally distorted polytropic models of pulsating variable stars. The results of the present study show that the rotational effects cause more deviations in the shapes of radial velocity curves of pulsating variable stars as compared to tidal effects.
基金supported by the National SKA Program of China(2020SKA0120100)supported by NSFC grant No.12203017。
文摘Can pulsar-like compact objects release further huge free energy besides the kinematic energy of rotation?This is actually relevant to the equation of state of cold supra-nuclear matter,which is still under hot debate.Enormous energy is surely needed to understand various observations,such asγ-ray bursts,fast radio bursts and softγ-ray repeaters.In this paper,the elastic/gravitational free energy of solid strangeon stars is revisited for strangeon stars,with two anisotropic models to calculate in general relativity.It is found that huge free energy(>10^(46)erg)could be released via starquakes,given an extremely small anisotropy((p_(t)-p_(r))/p_(r)~10^(-4),with pt/pr the tangential/radial pressure),implying that pulsar-like stars could have great potential of free energy release without extremely strong magnetic fields in the solid strangeon star model.
基金supported by the National SKA Program of China(Nos.2020SKA0120300,2020SKA0120100)the Outstanding Young and Middle-aged Science and Technology Innovation Teams from Hubei colleges and universities(No.T2021026)the Young Top-notch Talent Cultivation Program of Hubei Province,and the Key Laboratory Opening Fund(MOE)of China(grant No.QLPL2021P01)。
文摘Strangeon stars,which are proposed to describe the nature of pulsar-like compact stars,have passed various observational tests.The maximum mass of a non-rotating strangeon star could be high,which implies that the remnants of binary strangeon star mergers could even be long-lived massive strangeon stars.We study rigidly rotating strangeon stars in the slowly rotating approximation,using the Lennard-Jones model for the equation of state.Rotation can significantly increase the maximum mass of strangeon stars with unchanged baryon numbers,enlarging the mass-range of long-lived strangeon stars.During spin-down after merger,the decrease of radius of the remnant will lead to the release of gravitational energy.Taking into account the efficiency of converting the gravitational energy luminosity to the observed X-ray luminosity,we find that the gravitational energy could provide an alternative energy source for the plateau emission of X-ray afterglow.The fitting results of X-ray plateau emission of some short gamma-ray bursts suggest that the magnetic dipole field strength of the remnants can be much smaller than that of expected when the plateau emission is powered only by spin-down luminosity of magnetars.
基金the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) for the financial support
文摘In our previous work, we developed a model to study the effects of rotation and/or tidal distortions on anharmonic radial oscillations and hence on the radial velocity curves of the polytropic models of pulsating variable stars.We considered the first three modes(fundamental and the next two higher modes) for the polytropic models of index 1.5 and 3.0 in that work.In the present paper, we are further extending our previous work to study the effect of the interaction of various modes on anharmonic radial oscillations and hence on radial velocity curves of the rotationally and/or tidally distorted polytropic models of pulsating variable stars.For this purpose, we have considered the following cases:(i) fundamental mode(ii) fundamental and the first mode,(iii) fundamental and the next two modes and finally(iv) fundamental and the next three higher modes of pulsation in our study.The objective of this paper is also to investigate whether the interaction of various modes affects the results of our previous study or not.The results of this study show that the interaction of the fundamental mode with higher modes appreciably changes the shape of the radial velocity curve of rotationally distorted and rotationally and tidally distorted polytropic models of pulsating variable stars.
基金supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences, grant No. XDB41000000the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11973082)the National Key R&D Program of China, grant Nos. 2021YFA1600400/2021YFA1600402.
文摘The tidal interactions of planets affect the stellar evolutionary status and the constraint of their physical parameters by gyrochronology.In this work,we incorporate the tidal interaction and magnetic braking of the stellar wind into MESA and calculate a large grid of 25,000 models,covering planets with masses of 0.1–13.0MJ with different orbital distances that orbit late-type stars of different metallicities.We also explore the effect of different stellar initial rotations on the tidal interactions.Our results show that in the case of tidal inward migration,the stellar rotation periods are always lower than that of the star without planet before the planet is engulfed and the difference in the rotation period of its host star always increases with time.After the planet is engulfed,the stellar rotation periods are still lower than that of star without planet,but the difference of periods can be quickly eliminated if the star has a thick convective envelope(smaller mass and larger metallicity),regardless of the mass of the planet and the initial rotation period of the star.In the case of stars with thinner convective envelopes(larger mass and smaller metallicity),the stars will be spun up and remain the faster rotation in a long time.Meanwhile,the planet is easily swallowed and the period differences are large if the initial rotation period of its host star is higher.Finally,we also study the evolution of WASP-19 and estimate the range of tidal quality parameter Q_(*)^(')=(4.6±0.9)×10^(6)and the initial semimajor axis as(0.035±0.004)au.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.42276176)the Joint Funds of the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.LZJWZ23E090006)+2 种基金the Science and Technology Project of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Water Resources(Grant No.RC2233)the Key Project of Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation(Grant No.LZJWZ23E090003)the Joint Funds of the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.LZJWY24E090002).
文摘Understanding the undular tidal bores in the Qiantang River is essential for effective river management and maintenance.While breaking tidal bores have been studied extensively, reports on undular tidal bores in the Qiantang Riverremain limited. Furthermore, observed data on undular tidal bores fulfilling the requirements of short measurementtime intervals, and spring, medium, and neap tide coverage, and providing detailed data for the global vertical stratificationof flow velocity are quite limited. Based on field observations at Qige in the Qiantang estuary, we analyzedthe characteristics of undular tidal bores. The results showed that the flooding amplitude (a) of the first wave isalways larger than its ebbing amplitude (b). Moreover, the vertical distribution of the maximum flood velocity exhibitesthree shapes, influenced by the tidal range, while that of the maximum ebb velocity exhibites a single shape. Duringthe initial phase of the flood tide in the spring and medium tides, the upper water body experiences multiple oscillatingchanges along the flow direction, corresponding to the alternating process of the crest and trough of the tide levelupon the arrival of the tidal bore. The tidal range is a crucial parameter in tidal bore hydrodynamics. By establishingthe relationship between hydrodynamic parameters and tidal range, other hydrodynamic parameters, such as the tidalbore height, maximum flood depth–averaged velocity, maximum flood stratified velocity at the measurement points,and duration of the flood tide current, can be effectively predicted, thereby providing an important reference for rivermanagement and maintenance.
基金supported through HLM’s Program Penelitian Pengabdian Masyarakat ITB(P2MI)Astronomy Division,FMIPA ITB grant 2022-2023Support for MAST for non-HST data is provided by the NASA Office of Space Science via grant NNX13AC07G and by other grants and contracts。
文摘We present optical spectra of 10 Galactic Wolf-Rayet(WR)stars that consist of five WN and five WC stars.The optical observation was conducted using a low-resolution spectrograph NEO-R1000(λ/Δλ~1000)at GAO-ITB RTS(27.94 cm,F/10.0),Bosscha Observatory,Lembang.We implemented stellar atmosphere Postdam Wolf-Rayet(PoWR)grid modeling to derive stellar parameters.The normalized optical spectrum can be used to find the best model from the available PoWR grid,then we could derive stellar temperature and transformation radius.To derive luminosity,stellar radius and color excess,we conducted a Spectral Energy Distribution(SED)analysis with additional data on the near-ultraviolet spectrum from the International Ultraviolet Explorer(IUE)database,and UBV and 2MASS JHK broadband filter data.Additional analysis to derive asymptotic terminal wind velocity was conducted from the P-Cygni profile analysis of the high-resolution IUE ultraviolet spectrum.With previously derived parameters,we could determine the mass loss rate of the WR stars.Furthermore,we compared our results with previous work that used PoWR code and the differences are not more than 20%.We conclude that the PoWR spectral grid is sufficient to derive WR stellar parameters quickly and could provide more accurate initial parameter input to the PoWR program code.
基金supported by the Joint Foundation of the Ministry of Education(Grant No.8091B022123)the Water Science and Technology Project of Jiangsu Province(Grant No.2022023)+1 种基金the Project of the Key Technologies of Port Engineering Construction under Medium and Long Period Wave Conditions(Grant No.ZJ2015-1)the Open Funding from the Key Laboratory of Port,Waterway and Sedimentation Engineering of the Ministry of Communications in 2023(Grant No.Yk223001-3).
文摘Coastal management in China is confronted with an urgent choice between natural restoration and maintenance of existing seawalls and reclaimed land for economic development.A key criterion for making this decision is the resilience to coastal flooding,which depends on the ability to predict tidal level.Tidal duration asymmetry(TDA)is a key parameter in determination of the arrival and duration of flood tides.This study selected the western inner shelf of the Yellow Sea(WYS)as the study area and investigated the responses of TDA to different shoreline configurations and relative sea level rise.The responses of TDA to shoreline reconstruction yielded spatial variability locally and remotely.In the nearshore area,the responses of TDA to the complex ocean environment mainly originated from the combined functions of reflection,bottom friction,and advection,which controlled the energy transfer from M2 or S2 constituents to their overtides or compound tides.The sensitivity of TDA to coastline typologies was not limited to coastal waters but could stretch over the entire inner shelf.The vulnerability of tidal responses was due to the displacement of the M2 amphidrome of the Kelvin wave on the WYS,which in turn changed tidal energy fluxes over the regime.The relative sea level rise could intensify the feedback of TDA to seawalls and land reclamation.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC,grant Nos.12173013,12103062,12003045,and 11903012)the National Key Basic R&D Program of China via 2019YFA0405500+2 种基金supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province under grant A2021205006 and A2019205166by the project of the Hebei provincial department of science and technology under grant number 226Z7604Gthe science research grants from the China Manned Space Project。
文摘Using 9943 OB-type stars from LAMOST DR7 in the solar neighborhood,we fit the vertical stellar density profile with the model including a single exponential distribution at different positions(R,Φ).The distributions of the scale heights and scale length show that the young disk traced by the OB-type stars is not axisymmetric.The scale length decreases versus the azimuthal angleΦ,i.e.,from.■kpc withΦ=-3°to■kpc withΦ=9°.Meanwhile we find signal of non-symmetry in the distribution of the scale height of the north and south of the disk plane.The scale height in the north side shows signal of flaring of the disk,while that of the south disk stays almost constant around h_(s)=130 pc.The distribution of the displaceeent of the disk plane Z_(0)also shows variance versus the azimuthal angleΦ,which displays significant differences with the warp model constrained by the Cepheid stars.We also test different values for the position of the Sun,and the distance between the Sun and the Galactic center affects the scale heights and the displacement of the disk significantly,but that does not change our conclusion that the disk is not axisymmetric.
基金support from the China Manned Space Project Nos. CMS-CSST-2021-B03,CMS-CSST-2021-A08, and________the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant No. 12233013,12073090+8 种基金the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province under grant No. 2022A1515010732grant support provided by Proyecto Fondecyt Iniciación No. 11220340ANID Concurso de Fomento a la Vinculación Internacional para Instituciones de Investigación Regionales (Modalidad corta duración) Proyecto No. FOVI210020Joint Committee ESO-Government of Chile 2021 (ORP 023/2021)Becas Santander Movilidad Internacional Profesores 2022, Banco Santander Chilesupport from the National Natural Science Foundation of China through grant 21BAA00619the one-hundred-talent project of Sun Yat-sen Universitythe Fundamental Research Funds for the Central UniversitiesSun Yat-sen University (22hytd09)。
文摘During the long term evolution of globular clusters(GCs), some member stars are lost to the field. The recently found nitrogen-rich(N-rich) metal-poor field stars are promising candidates of these GC escapees, since N enhancement is the fingerprint of chemically enhanced populations in GCs. In this work, we discuss the possibility of identifying N-rich metal-poor field stars with the upcoming Chinese Space Station Telescope(CSST). We focus on the main survey camera with NUV, u, g, r, i, z, y filters and slitless spectrograph with a resolution about 200.The combination of UV sensitive equipment and prominent N-related molecular lines in the UV band bodes well for the identification: the color–color diagram of(u-g) versus(g-r) is capable of separating N-rich field stars from normal halo stars, if metallicity can be estimated without using the information on u-band photometry.Besides, the synthetic spectra show that a signal-to-noise ratio of 10 is sufficient to identify N-rich field stars. In the near future, a large sample of N-rich field stars found by CSST, combined with state-of-the-art N-body simulations will be crucial to deciphering GC-Galaxy co-evolution.
基金supported by the Ministry of Science and Education,FEUZ-2020-0038。
文摘The spinning-up of the accreting component in the process of conservative mass exchange is considered in binary systems—progenitors of systems consisting of a main sequence Be-star and an O-subdwarf.During the mass exchange,the meridional circulation transfers 80%-85%of the angular momentum that entered the accretor together with the accreted matter to the accretor surface.This angular momentum is removed from the accretor by the disk.When the mass exchange finishes,the accretor has a rotation typical of classical Be-type stars.
基金supported by the Yantai Science and Technology Innovation Project (No.2023JCYJ097)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.51909114)。
文摘The utilization and development of tidal current energy can help alleviate the current energy shortage,improve the global ecological environment,and maintain sustainable development.In this study,numerical simulation is carried out on a rectangular grid using Delft3D.The tidal current energy potential of the major channels in the Bohai Strait is further simulated and estimated by comparing the simulated and measured data.Results show that the flow module in Delft3D has good modeling ability for the assessment of tidal current energy potential.The average flow velocity,maximum flow velocity,and energy flow density are consistent.The Laotieshan Channel,located in the northern part of the Bohai Strait,shows a large tidal current energy potential.The maximum flow velocity of this channel can reach 2 m s-1,and the maximum energy flow density can exceed 500 W m-2.The tidal current energy in the Laotieshan Channel is more than 10 times that in other channels.Therefore,this study advocates for the continued exploration and exploitation of the tidal current energy resources in the Laotieshan Channel.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.52271273)the Open Foundation of the Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Coastal Disaster and Protection(Grant No.Z202201)。
文摘Coastal wetlands are hotspots for nitrogen(N)cycling,and crab burrowing is known to transform N in intertidal marsh soils.However,the underlying mechanisms remain unclear.This study conducted field experiments and used indoor control test devices to investigate the seasonal response of nitrogen to crab disturbance at the sediment-water interface in coastal tidal flat wetlands.The results showed that crab disturbance exhibited significant seasonality with large seasonal differences in cave density and depth.Due to crab disturbance,nitrogen fuxes at the sediment-water interface were much greater in the box with crabs than in the box without crabs.In summer,NH-N showed a positive flux from the sediment to the overlying water,but NO2-N and NOg-N showed positive fluxes from the sediment to the overlying water only in early stages.In winter,NH-N showed a positive flux from the sediment to the overlying water,but NO-N and NO,-N both exhibited positive and negative fluxes.These results indicated that the presence of crab burrows can cause the aerobic layer to move downward by approximately 8-15 cm in summer and directly promote nitrification at the sediment surface.
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2023YFA1608100)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC,grant Nos.12090044,11833006 and 12303023)+3 种基金the science research grants from the China Manned Space Project including the CSST Milky Way and Nearby Galaxies Survey on Dust and Extinction Project CMS-CSST-2021-A09 and No.CMS-CSST-2021-A08.G.C.LHubei Provincial Natural Science Foundation with grant No.2023AFB577the Key Laboratory Fund of Ministry of Education under grant No.QLPL2022P01National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC,Grant No.U1731108)。
文摘We present radial velocity(RV)curve templates of RR Lyrae first-overtone(RRc)stars constructed with the Mg I b triplet and Hαlines using time-domain Medium-Resolution Survey spectra of seven RRc stars from Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope(LAMOST)Data Release 9.Additionally,we derive the relation between the stellar RV curve amplitudes and g-band light curve amplitudes from Zwicky Transient Facility(ZTF)public survey.For those RRc stars without ZTF g-band light curves,we provide the conversions from the light curve amplitudes in ZTF r-and i-bands,Gaia G-band,and V-band from the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae to those in ZTF g-band.We validate our RV curve templates using the RRc star SV Scl and find the uncertainties of systemic RV are less than 2.11 km s~(-1)and 6.08 km s~(-1)based on the Mg I b triplet and Hαlines,respectively.We calculate the systemic RVs of 30 RRc stars using the RV curve templates constructed with the Mg I b triplet and Hαlines and find the systemic RVs are comparable with each other.This RV curve template will be particularly useful for obtaining the systemic RV of RRc using the LAMOST spectroscopy.
基金Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province(No.ZR2021ME167)the Key Research and Development Program of Shandong Province(No.2022CXGC010401)。
文摘Coastal tidal creeks are important channels for exchanges of material and energy between sea and land,and play an important role in the ecological protection of tidal flats.Although tidal creeks have evolved differently in various regions,the evolutionary process of tidal creeks in the Huanghe(Yellow)River delta of China,one of the most active deltas worldwide,is not entirely clear.Therefore,the evolution of tidal creeks in the delta from 1981 to 2021 was investigated by quantitatively analysing the tidal creeks and developing a standard for dividing their evolution periods.Visual interpretation and supervised classification methods were applied to the Landsat images to extract the tidal creek network,and 17 groups of tidal creek systems were selected.Results indicate that Creek S 1 was the most developed creek for having 113 tidal creeks totaling 65.8 km in length,while Creek E 3 had the fastest growth rate for having average annual increase of 1.9 km.Meanwhile,the level of tidal creeks increased,the average and median lengths of tidal creeks increased,and the number of tidal creeks decreased since 1981.The evolution of the tidal creek system could be divided into four stages,namely,rising,developing,stabilizing,and degrading.Analyses of a representative tidal creek show that there was no degenerated tidal creek during the rising period,with an increase in the number of 50 and a length increase of 57.9 km between 1981 and 1989.The proportion of new tidal creeks in the developing period was more than 50%and the new tidal creeks in the stabilizing period were equal to the degraded tidal creeks.Extinct tidal creeks were greater than 50%during the degrading period.There was no fixed order of tidal creek evolution in each period,and there may be a skip in evolution.Our findings provided a reference for studying the evolution of tidal creeks.
文摘The Gaia DR3 parallax approach was used to estimate the absolute parameters of 2375δScuti stars from the ASAS catalog.The selected stars have a variety of observational characteristics,with a higher than 80%probability of beingδScuti stars.We have displayed all the stars in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram along with theδScuti instability strip,the Zero Age Main Sequence and the Terminal Age Main Sequence.Then,we determined which fundamental and overtone modes each star belongs to using pulsation constant(Q)calculations.In addition,we evaluated the parameters in the Q calculation equation using three machine learning methods,which showed that surface gravity and temperature have the greatest effect on its calculation.The Period-Luminosity(P-L)relationship of theδScuti stars was also revisited.Eventually,using least squares linear regression,we made four linear fits for fundamental and overtone modes and updated their relationships.
基金supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(grant No.2021YFC2203002)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant Nos.12173071 and 12473075)。
文摘Binary neutron star mergers are unique sources of gravitational waves in multi-messenger astronomy.The inspira phase of binary neutron stars can emit gravitational waves as chirp signals.The present waveform models o gravitational waves only considered the gravitational interaction.In this paper,we derive the waveform of th gravitational wave signal taking into account the presence of magnetic fields.We found that the electromagneti interaction and radiation can introduce different frequency-dependent power laws for both the amplitude and frequency of the gravitational wave.We show from the results of the Fisher information matrix that the third generation observation may detect magnetic dipole moments if the magnetic field is~10^(17)G.
文摘The rotation of the Earth and the related length of the day (LOD) are predominantly affected by tidal dissipation through the Moon and the growth of the Earth’s core. Due to the increased concentration of mass around the rotation axis of the spinning Earth during the growth of the core the rotation should have been accelerated. Controversially the tidal dissipation by the Moon, which is mainly dependent on the availability of open shallow seas and the kind of Moon escape from a nearby position, acts towards a deceleration of the rotating Earth. Measurements of LOD for Phanerozoic and Precambrian times open ways to solve questions concerning the geodynamical history of the Earth. These measurements encompass investigations of growth patterns in fossils and depositional patterns in sediments (Cyclostratigraphy, Tidalites, Stromatolites, Rhythmites). These patterns contain information on the LOD and on the changing distance between Earth and Moon and can be used as well for a discussion about the growth of the Earth’s core. By updating an older paper with its simple approach as well as incorporating newly published results provided by the geoscientific community, a moderate to fast growth of the core in a hot early Earth will be favored controversially to the assumption of a delayed development of the core in an originally cold Earth. Core development with acceleration of Earth’s rotation and the contemporaneous slowing down due to tidal dissipation during the filling of the ocean may significantly interrelate.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.12021003,11920101003,and 11633001)the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No.XDB23000000)。
文摘Gravitational waves emanating from binary neutron star inspirals,alongside electromagnetic transients resulting from the aftermath of the GW170817 merger,have been successfully detected.However,the intricate post-merger dynamics that bridge these two sets of observables remain enigmatic.This includes if,and when,the post-merger remnant star collapses to a black hole,and what are the necessary conditions to power a short gamma-ray burst,and other observed electromagnetic counterparts.Our focus is on the detection of gravitational wave(GW)emissions from hyper-massive neutron stars(NSs)formed through binary neutron star(BNS)mergers.Utilizing several kilohertz GW detectors,we simulate BNS mergers within the detection limits of LIGO-Virgo-KARGA O4.Our objective is to ascertain the fraction of simulated sources that may emit detectable post-merger GW signals.For kilohertz detectors equipped with a new cavity design,we estimate that approximately 1.1%-32%of sources would emit a detectable post-merger GW signal.This fraction is contingent on the mass converted into gravitational wave energy,ranging from 0.01M_(sun)to 0.1M_(sun).Furthermore,by evaluating other well-regarded proposed kilohertz GW detectors,we anticipate that the fraction can increase to as much as 2.1%-61%under optimal performance conditions.