This paper compares stream stream runoff in China in terms of drainage basin, water balance, and regional distribution and regime of stream runoff with that in Europe. European stream runoff resources are more abun...This paper compares stream stream runoff in China in terms of drainage basin, water balance, and regional distribution and regime of stream runoff with that in Europe. European stream runoff resources are more abundant than that of China. Europe has 28 rivers with runoff volume exceeding 10 km3, and China only has 19.But Europe has no rivers like those in China which are long andhave abundant waer volume such as Changiiang (Yangtze River) and Zhujiang. Heat conditions of the European water-abundant and water-sufficient zones are poor and their agiculture are not flourishing.In China these zones have very good heat conditions and are main farm production regions. The interannual and annual variation of stream runoff are the sane to the irrespective feedings in Europe and China.展开更多
Soil erosion is one of the most important problems in the Loess Plateau of China affectingsustainable agriculture. Near Luoyang (Henan Province, China), field plots were constructed tomeasure soil erosion rates under ...Soil erosion is one of the most important problems in the Loess Plateau of China affectingsustainable agriculture. Near Luoyang (Henan Province, China), field plots were constructed tomeasure soil erosion rates under conventional tillage practices using field-simulated rainfall.Field rainfall experiments were carried out to compare previous results from laboratoryrainfall simulations on the same soil for interrill conditions. Although in the laboratoryexperiments, a strong correlation was found between the stream power of the runoff water andthe unit sediment load, this sediment transport equation overestimated the field rainfallsimulation results. Another sediment transport equation derived by Nearing et al. for rillerosion was in better agreement with the results of the field experiments, although it alsooverestimated these values. The measured sediment load values during the field rainfallsimulations were also lower than those found during field experiments on the same soil but witha loosened surface layer. This difference indicates the importance of soil physical conditionof surfce like soil structure and aggregate size, which may contribute to the discrepancybetween the field and laboratory experiment results.展开更多
Watershed modelling tools like ArcSWAT, an ArcGIS extension of Soil and Water Assessment tool (SWAT), are useful to watershed managers in many ways. One particular use is analyzing model outputs for decision making re...Watershed modelling tools like ArcSWAT, an ArcGIS extension of Soil and Water Assessment tool (SWAT), are useful to watershed managers in many ways. One particular use is analyzing model outputs for decision making related to waterway restoration and mitigation, which is often undertaken to improve water quality in streams. The present study evaluates the use of digital elevation model (DEM) at 10 meter, 30 meter, and 100 meter pixel size on non-point runoff predictions for three sub-watersheds in Raritan River Basin in New Jersey. These three watersheds include: Bound Brook, Lamington River, and Lawrence Brook watersheds. ArcSWAT is utilized to investigate the difference due to DEM variation in predicting monthly estimates of pollutant loads including ammonium (NH4), nitrite (NO2) and sediment transported with water out of a watershed. Using land use/cover, slope and soil data for 2012, monthly pollutant loads are calculated for each sub-basin in the watershed over a 10-year simulation period (2012-2022) in ArcSWAT. Overall statistical and spatial results show that ArcSWAT results are sensitive to changes in DEM pixel size for watershed modeling. The results show that total sum of monthly runoffs including NH4, NO2 and sediment differ among the three different DEMs. Moreover, the spatial pattern of input (in sub-catchments) also changes among the three DEMs for most watersheds. This indicates that watershed managers need to supplement model predictions with field measurements before making substantial investments in stream restoration programs.展开更多
The SWAT model was used to predict total phosphorus (TP) loadings for a 1555-ha karst watershed—Chapel Branch Creek (CBC)—which drains to a lake via a reservoir-like embayment (R-E). The model was first tested for m...The SWAT model was used to predict total phosphorus (TP) loadings for a 1555-ha karst watershed—Chapel Branch Creek (CBC)—which drains to a lake via a reservoir-like embayment (R-E). The model was first tested for monthly streamflow predictions from tributaries draining three potential source areas as well as the downstream R-E, followed by TP loadings using data collected March 2007-October 2009. Source areas included 1) a golf course that received applied wastewater, 2) urban areas, highway, and some agricultural lands, and 3) a cave spring draining a second golf course along with agricultural and forested areas, including a substantial contribution of subsurface water via karst connectivity. SWAT predictions of mean monthly TP loadings at the first two source outlets were deemed reasonable. However, the predictions at the cave spring outlet were somewhat poorer, likely due to diffuse variable groundwater flow from an unknown drainage area larger than the actual surface watershed, for which monthly subsurface flow was represented as a point source during simulations. Further testing of the SWAT model to predict monthly TP loadings at the R-E, modeled as a completely mixed system, resulted in their over-predictions most of the months, except when high lake water levels occurred. The mean monthly and annual flows were calibrated to acceptable limits with the exception of flow over-prediction when lake levels were low and surface water from tributaries disappeared into karst connections. The discrepancy in TP load predictions was attributed primarily to the use of limited monthly TP data collected during baseflow in the embayment. However, for the 22-month period, over-prediction of mean monthly TP load (34.6 kg/mo) by 13% compared to measured load (30.6 kg/mo) in the embayment was deemed acceptable. Simulated results showed a 42% reduction in TP load due to settling in the embayment.展开更多
由于受人类活动及气候变化影响,黄河上游干流水沙特征发生显著变化。为探究黄河上游水沙变化情况,基于黄河上游5个水文站19642019年水沙、遥感影像等数据,利用Mann-Kendall检验法、滑动t检验法、累积距平曲线和双累积曲线等突变检验方...由于受人类活动及气候变化影响,黄河上游干流水沙特征发生显著变化。为探究黄河上游水沙变化情况,基于黄河上游5个水文站19642019年水沙、遥感影像等数据,利用Mann-Kendall检验法、滑动t检验法、累积距平曲线和双累积曲线等突变检验方法和小波分析法,对黄河上游水沙变化特征进行研究。利用水沙关系曲线及线性回归法等方法估算人类活动和气候对水沙变化的贡献率,并着重讨论梯级水库建设及土地利用变化对水沙的影响。结果表明:1)黄河上游玛曲-小川段流域内降雨量和径流量变化幅度不明显,贵德站、循化站、小川站19862019年年均输沙量分别减至19641985年的9.8%、24.6%、38.8%,输沙量大大减少。黄河上游玛曲-小川段径流量突变多在1986年,输沙量突变多在1969、1986、2004年,径流量存在8、16、22 a周期,输沙量存在4~8、18~21、27 a周期。2)1969年后,河流输沙能力增强,水沙关系显著改变。在不同时段内,人类活动对径流量变化在19872019年贡献率为66.3%,对输沙量变化在19701986、19872004、20052019年的贡献率为72.96%、70.73%、69.7%。人类活动对黄河上游干流水沙影响占据主导因素。3)刘家峡水库淤积最为严重,单库运行期水库淤积量为2.39亿t,排沙比变化范围为1.39%~10.7%。梯级水库联调使得径流量在19642004年间减少47.8%,19642019年间梯级水库减沙94.8%,梯级水库对输沙量影响远大于对径流量的影响。4)19802020年间,草地面积增加了1880.03 km 2,增幅3.1%,有利于减少输沙量,草地拦沙效益大于截流效益。展开更多
文摘This paper compares stream stream runoff in China in terms of drainage basin, water balance, and regional distribution and regime of stream runoff with that in Europe. European stream runoff resources are more abundant than that of China. Europe has 28 rivers with runoff volume exceeding 10 km3, and China only has 19.But Europe has no rivers like those in China which are long andhave abundant waer volume such as Changiiang (Yangtze River) and Zhujiang. Heat conditions of the European water-abundant and water-sufficient zones are poor and their agiculture are not flourishing.In China these zones have very good heat conditions and are main farm production regions. The interannual and annual variation of stream runoff are the sane to the irrespective feedings in Europe and China.
文摘Soil erosion is one of the most important problems in the Loess Plateau of China affectingsustainable agriculture. Near Luoyang (Henan Province, China), field plots were constructed tomeasure soil erosion rates under conventional tillage practices using field-simulated rainfall.Field rainfall experiments were carried out to compare previous results from laboratoryrainfall simulations on the same soil for interrill conditions. Although in the laboratoryexperiments, a strong correlation was found between the stream power of the runoff water andthe unit sediment load, this sediment transport equation overestimated the field rainfallsimulation results. Another sediment transport equation derived by Nearing et al. for rillerosion was in better agreement with the results of the field experiments, although it alsooverestimated these values. The measured sediment load values during the field rainfallsimulations were also lower than those found during field experiments on the same soil but witha loosened surface layer. This difference indicates the importance of soil physical conditionof surfce like soil structure and aggregate size, which may contribute to the discrepancybetween the field and laboratory experiment results.
文摘Watershed modelling tools like ArcSWAT, an ArcGIS extension of Soil and Water Assessment tool (SWAT), are useful to watershed managers in many ways. One particular use is analyzing model outputs for decision making related to waterway restoration and mitigation, which is often undertaken to improve water quality in streams. The present study evaluates the use of digital elevation model (DEM) at 10 meter, 30 meter, and 100 meter pixel size on non-point runoff predictions for three sub-watersheds in Raritan River Basin in New Jersey. These three watersheds include: Bound Brook, Lamington River, and Lawrence Brook watersheds. ArcSWAT is utilized to investigate the difference due to DEM variation in predicting monthly estimates of pollutant loads including ammonium (NH4), nitrite (NO2) and sediment transported with water out of a watershed. Using land use/cover, slope and soil data for 2012, monthly pollutant loads are calculated for each sub-basin in the watershed over a 10-year simulation period (2012-2022) in ArcSWAT. Overall statistical and spatial results show that ArcSWAT results are sensitive to changes in DEM pixel size for watershed modeling. The results show that total sum of monthly runoffs including NH4, NO2 and sediment differ among the three different DEMs. Moreover, the spatial pattern of input (in sub-catchments) also changes among the three DEMs for most watersheds. This indicates that watershed managers need to supplement model predictions with field measurements before making substantial investments in stream restoration programs.
文摘The SWAT model was used to predict total phosphorus (TP) loadings for a 1555-ha karst watershed—Chapel Branch Creek (CBC)—which drains to a lake via a reservoir-like embayment (R-E). The model was first tested for monthly streamflow predictions from tributaries draining three potential source areas as well as the downstream R-E, followed by TP loadings using data collected March 2007-October 2009. Source areas included 1) a golf course that received applied wastewater, 2) urban areas, highway, and some agricultural lands, and 3) a cave spring draining a second golf course along with agricultural and forested areas, including a substantial contribution of subsurface water via karst connectivity. SWAT predictions of mean monthly TP loadings at the first two source outlets were deemed reasonable. However, the predictions at the cave spring outlet were somewhat poorer, likely due to diffuse variable groundwater flow from an unknown drainage area larger than the actual surface watershed, for which monthly subsurface flow was represented as a point source during simulations. Further testing of the SWAT model to predict monthly TP loadings at the R-E, modeled as a completely mixed system, resulted in their over-predictions most of the months, except when high lake water levels occurred. The mean monthly and annual flows were calibrated to acceptable limits with the exception of flow over-prediction when lake levels were low and surface water from tributaries disappeared into karst connections. The discrepancy in TP load predictions was attributed primarily to the use of limited monthly TP data collected during baseflow in the embayment. However, for the 22-month period, over-prediction of mean monthly TP load (34.6 kg/mo) by 13% compared to measured load (30.6 kg/mo) in the embayment was deemed acceptable. Simulated results showed a 42% reduction in TP load due to settling in the embayment.
文摘由于受人类活动及气候变化影响,黄河上游干流水沙特征发生显著变化。为探究黄河上游水沙变化情况,基于黄河上游5个水文站19642019年水沙、遥感影像等数据,利用Mann-Kendall检验法、滑动t检验法、累积距平曲线和双累积曲线等突变检验方法和小波分析法,对黄河上游水沙变化特征进行研究。利用水沙关系曲线及线性回归法等方法估算人类活动和气候对水沙变化的贡献率,并着重讨论梯级水库建设及土地利用变化对水沙的影响。结果表明:1)黄河上游玛曲-小川段流域内降雨量和径流量变化幅度不明显,贵德站、循化站、小川站19862019年年均输沙量分别减至19641985年的9.8%、24.6%、38.8%,输沙量大大减少。黄河上游玛曲-小川段径流量突变多在1986年,输沙量突变多在1969、1986、2004年,径流量存在8、16、22 a周期,输沙量存在4~8、18~21、27 a周期。2)1969年后,河流输沙能力增强,水沙关系显著改变。在不同时段内,人类活动对径流量变化在19872019年贡献率为66.3%,对输沙量变化在19701986、19872004、20052019年的贡献率为72.96%、70.73%、69.7%。人类活动对黄河上游干流水沙影响占据主导因素。3)刘家峡水库淤积最为严重,单库运行期水库淤积量为2.39亿t,排沙比变化范围为1.39%~10.7%。梯级水库联调使得径流量在19642004年间减少47.8%,19642019年间梯级水库减沙94.8%,梯级水库对输沙量影响远大于对径流量的影响。4)19802020年间,草地面积增加了1880.03 km 2,增幅3.1%,有利于减少输沙量,草地拦沙效益大于截流效益。