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Technical and Structural Effects of China's TFP Growth
作者 蔡跃洲 付一夫 《China Economist》 2018年第5期47-59,共13页
TFP growth may derive from both technology progress(technical effect) and factor allocation(structural effect). Using China's macroeconomic and industrial data, this paper decomposes China's TFP growth on the ... TFP growth may derive from both technology progress(technical effect) and factor allocation(structural effect). Using China's macroeconomic and industrial data, this paper decomposes China's TFP growth on the basis of growth accounting to cast light on China's growth sources since reform and opening up in 1978. Our study has led to the following findings:(1) From 1978 to 2014, China's economic growth was of generally good quality, and about 1/3 of growth momentum stemmed from a general technology improvement.(2) After 2005, China's late-mover advantage diminished due to narrowed technology gaps with advanced economies. This resulted in a sharp decline in the contribution of technology progress to growth. However, structural effect contributed a steadily increasing share to China's growth.(3) After global financial crisis in 2008, there has been a tendency of reverse technology progress in terms of factor allocation in sectors with excess industrial capacity and other sectors like finance and real estate. Therefore, China should divert its factor resources to more tech-intensive and efficient sectors in the short run, and strive to promote technology progress in all sectors in a longer timeframe. 展开更多
The Influence of Debt Maturity Structure on Accounting Conservatism
作者 Zhao Huiqing Chen Xinguo 《财会通讯(下)》 北大核心 2015年第7期F0003-F0003,共1页
According to the related data of A-share listed companies in 2009-2013,through extension model based on Basu's surplus - the stock return rate model ,this paper studies that the debt maturity structure influences on ... According to the related data of A-share listed companies in 2009-2013,through extension model based on Basu's surplus - the stock return rate model ,this paper studies that the debt maturity structure influences on accounting conservatism. The empirical study finds that the amount of debt affects significantly the prudence,that is,the greater the amount of the debt contract con- cluded, the stronger role of accounting conservatism is ; Debt maturity have significant relationship with accounting conservatism. For the shorter debt maturity, the enterprise is easier to choose more prudent accounting policy, and when the period is longer, accounting conservatism is relatively weaker. 展开更多
Shareholder Structure and Discretionary Regulation of Accounting Results in Enterprises: The Case of Cameroon
作者 Kadouamai Souleymanou Zakarine Talaka 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2019年第1期1-27,共27页
Debates on shareholder structure and discretionary management of accounting results have carried forward controversial results. This study is intended to analyze within the Cameroonian context the impact of shareholde... Debates on shareholder structure and discretionary management of accounting results have carried forward controversial results. This study is intended to analyze within the Cameroonian context the impact of shareholder structure on the management of accounting results in enterprises. More specifically, its objective is to analyze the impact of shareholder structure on the adjustment of regulating discretionary accounting variables. A panel of enterprises is constituted over the periods 2013, 2014, and 2015 in Cameroon. The modeling of regulating discretionary accounting variables has been carried out according to the model of Jones (1991). The different results obtained show that the degree of concentration of the capital seems not to dissuade the management of result per long-term positions. Foreign ownership and state property stimulate management by regulating discretionary accounting variables. 展开更多
关键词 SHAREHOLDER structure management of RESULTS accountING VARIABLES discretional REGULATIONS control systems
Accounting Regulation Research and Structuration Theory
作者 Anthony Moung Yin Chan 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2015年第3期131-137,共7页
关键词 会计制度 结构化 组织文化 标准制定 结构特性 语境分析 监管 研究区
Research on gender structure of accounting profession in China
作者 SONG Sheng-ju LIU Lan 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2007年第11期7-13,共7页
关键词 中国 从业人员性别结构 会计职业 劳动力资源
Structural Changes in the Chinese Stock Market: A Review of Empirical Research 被引量:1
作者 Haitian Lu Jiajia Fu 《中国会计与财务研究》 2014年第2期39-65,共27页
关键词 中国股票市场 结构 综述 中国环境 发达国家 股票发行 民营企业 上市公司
公司治理结构与会计信息质量研究 被引量:1
作者 凌静 《市场周刊》 2024年第1期6-9,共4页
对当前的企业管理系统而言,公司的运营模式和财务数据质量都是关键议题,并且两者间具有明显的联系。确保财务信息的准确性是提升公司收益的关键因素,而健全的管理体制则是保障财务数据质量的基本要求。此外,高标准的财务报告可以为公司... 对当前的企业管理系统而言,公司的运营模式和财务数据质量都是关键议题,并且两者间具有明显的联系。确保财务信息的准确性是提升公司收益的关键因素,而健全的管理体制则是保障财务数据质量的基本要求。此外,高标准的财务报告可以为公司决策提供精确的数据支持,并有助于提高管理的效率,从而推动建立更全面、有效的经营策略框架。 展开更多
关键词 公司治理结构 会计信息质量 影响 完善策略
作者 杨璠 《科教文汇》 2024年第2期131-135,共5页
新形势下,与专业相结合的课程思政是高校落实立德树人根本任务的重要途径,是各方高度关注的理论和实践问题。目前尚缺乏对课程思政科学内涵、结合机理、逻辑结构的深刻揭示,理论基础薄弱,实践成效不佳。该文以会计专业课程思政建设为例... 新形势下,与专业相结合的课程思政是高校落实立德树人根本任务的重要途径,是各方高度关注的理论和实践问题。目前尚缺乏对课程思政科学内涵、结合机理、逻辑结构的深刻揭示,理论基础薄弱,实践成效不佳。该文以会计专业课程思政建设为例,立足“技术性”“社会性”“政策性”等职业特征,结合数智时代对会计转型升级的素养要求,按明其理、知其然、行其道的思路,全面揭示会计专业课程思政建设的必要性、可行性、实践困境与逻辑结构,进一步提出具体方法与举措,为促进理论与实践的互动协同、推动会计专业课程思政全面建设与发展提供借鉴与参考。 展开更多
关键词 会计专业 课程思政 逻辑结构 实践路径
作者 李乔楚 陈军华 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期1614-1622,共9页
能源消费结构变革是中国实现“双碳”目标的必由之路。利用清单算法对四川省7大部门15种能源消费的碳排放特征开展分析以明确关键排放源,基于系统动力学动态仿真优势搭建预测模型,结合自然演变规律和政策规划目标科学研判四川省“十四... 能源消费结构变革是中国实现“双碳”目标的必由之路。利用清单算法对四川省7大部门15种能源消费的碳排放特征开展分析以明确关键排放源,基于系统动力学动态仿真优势搭建预测模型,结合自然演变规律和政策规划目标科学研判四川省“十四五”时期能源消费碳排放轨迹,并兼具省域全局和关键部门双重视角探讨能源消费结构调整的低碳路径。结果表明:(1)工业是能源消费碳排放的核心部门,交通运输业、居民生活的碳贡献也不容忽视。(2)四川省“以煤为主、油气相辅”的消费结构决定了煤品碳排放主导地位,各部门差异化运行机制导致能源消费碳排放结构的异质性特征。(3)从省域全局看,政府低碳管控的“有形之手”能够显著控制碳排放水平,但实施力度不足仍将造成较高水平历史累积,在长时间跨度内影响低碳转型进程。(4)从关键部门看,工业能源消费结构调整侧重点为原煤消费减量和整体节能降碳改造;交通运输业侧重点为运输工具装备低碳转型和清洁能源利用水平提升;居民生活侧重点为绿色出行等低碳生活方式普及。 展开更多
关键词 环境工程学 四川省 能源消费结构 碳排放 系统动力学 清单算法
Trust beyond Technology Algorithms: A Theoretical Exploration of Consumer Trust and Behavior in Technological Consumption and AI Projects
作者 David Oyekunle Ugochukwu Okwudili Matthew +1 位作者 David Preston David Boohene 《Journal of Computer and Communications》 2024年第6期72-102,共31页
In an era dominated by artificial intelligence (AI), establishing customer confidence is crucial for the integration and acceptance of AI technologies. This interdisciplinary study examines factors influencing custome... In an era dominated by artificial intelligence (AI), establishing customer confidence is crucial for the integration and acceptance of AI technologies. This interdisciplinary study examines factors influencing customer trust in AI systems through a mixed-methods approach, blending quantitative analysis with qualitative insights to create a comprehensive conceptual framework. Quantitatively, the study analyzes responses from 1248 participants using structural equation modeling (SEM), exploring interactions between technological factors like perceived usefulness and transparency, psychological factors including perceived risk and domain expertise, and organizational factors such as leadership support and ethical accountability. The results confirm the model, showing significant impacts of these factors on consumer trust and AI adoption attitudes. Qualitatively, the study includes 35 semi-structured interviews and five case studies, providing deeper insight into the dynamics shaping trust. Key themes identified include the necessity of explainability, domain competence, corporate culture, and stakeholder engagement in fostering trust. The qualitative findings complement the quantitative data, highlighting the complex interplay between technology capabilities, human perceptions, and organizational practices in establishing trust in AI. By integrating these findings, the study proposes a novel conceptual model that elucidates how various elements collectively influence consumer trust in AI. This model not only advances theoretical understanding but also offers practical implications for businesses and policymakers. The research contributes to the discourse on trust creation and decision-making in technology, emphasizing the need for interdisciplinary efforts to address societal challenges associated with technological advancements. It lays the groundwork for future research, including longitudinal, cross-cultural, and industry-specific studies, to further explore consumer trust in AI. 展开更多
关键词 Consumer Trust AI-Driven Projects TRANSPARENCY Ethical accountability structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Interdisciplinary Study Organizational Factors Psychological Factors Behavioral Intention
作者 黄振华 张海超 《求实》 北大核心 2024年第2期32-42,M0004,共12页
政策加码现象始终难以根除,回避政策加码现象也普遍存在。基于体制结构、问责制度及行动者差异的整体性分析框架,考察湖北省武汉市C镇回避政策加码行为,发现基层回避政策加码行为源于晋升锦标赛下不确定性竞争事项强激励生产的动力机制... 政策加码现象始终难以根除,回避政策加码现象也普遍存在。基于体制结构、问责制度及行动者差异的整体性分析框架,考察湖北省武汉市C镇回避政策加码行为,发现基层回避政策加码行为源于晋升锦标赛下不确定性竞争事项强激励生产的动力机制、非正式制度弱化正式问责刚性约束的强化机制及积极官员助推“问责接受区”所形成的实现机制的综合作用。上述3项机制催生基层回避政策加码行为的内在逻辑在于,积极应对的基层官员围绕回避政策加码在体制结构、问责制度下创造了预期收益为正的区间,即“问责接受区”。“问责接受区”能为基层官员回避政策加码等冒险性政策执行行为提供普适性解释。 展开更多
关键词 回避政策加码 问责接受区 体制结构 问责制度 行动者 晋升锦标赛 积极官员
作者 张新洁 赵梦月 +1 位作者 尹娟 徐伟 《交通科技与经济》 2024年第4期27-35,共9页
为深入研究设立个人碳账户对城市居民低碳出行行为的影响,设计基于个人碳账户的低碳出行行为实验,获取低碳出行行为数据并进行特征分析,以计划行为理论为基础,增加出行者对个人碳账户的认知、个人碳账户的态度和风险感知这三个潜变量构... 为深入研究设立个人碳账户对城市居民低碳出行行为的影响,设计基于个人碳账户的低碳出行行为实验,获取低碳出行行为数据并进行特征分析,以计划行为理论为基础,增加出行者对个人碳账户的认知、个人碳账户的态度和风险感知这三个潜变量构建结构方程模型。在个体社会心理方面,量化分析影响城市居民低碳出行意向的相关因素,并解释各变量之间的相关关系。研究结果表明:公众对个人碳账户的态度会受到个人碳账户认知、风险感知不同程度的影响,风险感知对个人碳账户态度有显著负向影响;个人碳账户态度既可以对低碳出行意向产生直接的正向显著影响,也可以通过低碳出行态度、主观规范、知觉行为控制对低碳出行意向产生间接的正向显著影响。该结果将为个人碳账户的建立提供理论支撑,促进城市交通低碳转型发展。 展开更多
关键词 交通工程 低碳出行 结构方程模型 计划行为理论 个人碳账户
作者 袁丹丹 曾良 +2 位作者 曾丽雯 段璐瑶 刁思杰 《建筑节能(中英文)》 CAS 2024年第5期11-18,30,共9页
以2024年世园会成都设计咨询集团企业展馆为例,探讨了基于零碳目标下小型临时木结构建筑如何采取源头减碳、过程降碳、末端消碳等三方面的低碳优化策略,并基于LCA全生命周期评估方法对其进行碳排放核算研究,得出针对小型临时建筑,建材... 以2024年世园会成都设计咨询集团企业展馆为例,探讨了基于零碳目标下小型临时木结构建筑如何采取源头减碳、过程降碳、末端消碳等三方面的低碳优化策略,并基于LCA全生命周期评估方法对其进行碳排放核算研究,得出针对小型临时建筑,建材生产与加工环节对建筑全生命周期碳排放影响最大,占比约为50.30%~69.49%,其次是运行阶段,占比约为19.33%~30.91%。通过对比分析目标建筑与同体量的轻钢结构建筑,目标建筑在采取不同的措施下可实现减碳率约36.00%~68.41%,建筑全生命周期(5年)单位面积的碳排放量可降低至382 kgCO_(2)eq/m^(2)。研究得出临时建筑各阶段融入降碳策略的重要性和运用LCA方法评估建筑碳排放的必要性,除运行阶段外,临时建筑需更加关注低碳材料的替代与拆除阶段材料的回收利用,为未来实现零碳建筑目标提供了新的思路和实践参考。 展开更多
关键词 全生命周期评估(LCA) 碳排放核算 木结构建筑 临时建筑 零碳建筑
An Investigation into the Reorganization of the Big Four and the Consolidation of the Accounting Industry
作者 靳珊 《海外英语》 2017年第20期244-247,共4页
The Big Four is the name given to the top four professional consultancy firms of the world namely Pw C(Price Waterhouse Coopers), KPMG, Ernst and Young and Deloitte. These firms provide audit, accounting, taxation, fi... The Big Four is the name given to the top four professional consultancy firms of the world namely Pw C(Price Waterhouse Coopers), KPMG, Ernst and Young and Deloitte. These firms provide audit, accounting, taxation, financial and other professional consultancy to the clients(being businesses and companies). The paper discusses the reasons for the formation of the Big Four and the future aspects of the big four. It was found that the current market structure and the existing status of the Big Four will not change in the near future and there is near to impossible chances of new entrants in the auditing and accounting markets because of barriers to entry established by the Big Four in the existing market. 展开更多
关键词 REORGANIZATION the Big Four accounting Industry structure Mergers History Audit Firms
Impact of an official accountability audit on industrial structure adjustment:a case study of environmental regulation in China
作者 Yu Xia 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2024年第2期167-175,共9页
As a unique environmental regulation in China,the official accountability audit was piloted in 2014.With a focus on prioritizing the ecological environment,officials in pilot districts have implemented economic constr... As a unique environmental regulation in China,the official accountability audit was piloted in 2014.With a focus on prioritizing the ecological environment,officials in pilot districts have implemented economic construction,adjusted industrial structures,and promoted coordinated development between the economy and environment.The effects of implementation have garnered widespread attention from society.However,there is limited research on the impact of an accountability audit on industrial structure adjustments.Using the“Accountability Audit of Officials for Natural Resource Assets(Trial)”released in 2015 as a quasi-natural experiment,this study collected panel data from 279 cities between 2013 and 2017.It then empirically analyzed the impact mechanism and effects of the accountability audit on industrial structure adjustment using the Propensity Score Matching and Difference-in-Differences model.The research findings indicate that the accountability audit directly impacted industrial structure adjustment,promoting the upgrading of the primary industry to the secondary industry and restricting the development of the tertiary industry.In addition,the audit is beneficial for enterprise entry,but not conducive to technological innovation,and has no significant impact on foreign direct investment.This conclusion fills a gap in the existing research and provides valuable insights for policymakers. 展开更多
关键词 accountability audit Difference-in-differences model Environmental regulation Industrial structure adjustment Quasi-natural experiment
How Demographic Structure Determines International Capital Flows
作者 朱超 林博 +1 位作者 张林杰 朱莹 《China Economist》 2013年第5期48-64,共17页
关键词 资本流动 人口结构 国际 东南亚 投影数据 澳大利亚 负相关 CAB
The impact of European firms' economic conditions and financial performance on accounting quality
作者 Claudia P. Lopes Antonio M. Cerqueira Elisio Brandao 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2010年第5期22-36,45,共16页
关键词 财务状况 经济状况 欧洲企业 质量 会计 可能影响 作者分析 仡佬族
基于技能偏向性技术进步的经济增长动能分解 被引量:4
作者 郑江淮 荆晶 《南方经济》 北大核心 2023年第1期28-48,共21页
在传统Solow增长核算框架基础上引入异质性劳动投入以及技能偏向性技术进步,从而将经济增长分解为固定资本投入增长、劳动投入增长、技能结构深化、技能偏向性技术进步、中性技术进步及效率改进等五种动能。研究发现:第一,中国经济增长... 在传统Solow增长核算框架基础上引入异质性劳动投入以及技能偏向性技术进步,从而将经济增长分解为固定资本投入增长、劳动投入增长、技能结构深化、技能偏向性技术进步、中性技术进步及效率改进等五种动能。研究发现:第一,中国经济增长主要由固定资本投入以及全要素生产率增长共同驱动,其中资本投入对经济增长年均贡献率为61.64%,全要素生产率增长的年均贡献率则为35.66%,中国区别于其他中低收入国家的发展奇迹背后正是较快的全要素生产率增长;第二,即使对于高收入国家而言,资本投入仍然是主要的经济增长动能;第三,技能结构深化以及技能偏向性技术进步是全要素生产率的主要来源,二者对中国经济增长的年均贡献率分别为32.04%和21.27%;第四,资源配置效率变化是引起全要素生产率波动的主要因素,资源配置效率下降是导致2008年后中国以及大部分高收入国家全要素生产率增速放缓的主要原因。 展开更多
关键词 经济增长动能 增长核算 技能结构 偏向性技术进步
作者 周光权 付志玉 《南昌航空大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2023年第1期77-85,共9页
碳排放核算是各层面和各领域把握排放现状、制定碳达峰路线的基础,装配式建筑产业基地作为碳减排的重要靶点,其碳排放核算还未见统一标准。借鉴国家、企业、项目层面的碳排放核算标准和园区层面的相关研究,从装配式建筑项目建设全过程出... 碳排放核算是各层面和各领域把握排放现状、制定碳达峰路线的基础,装配式建筑产业基地作为碳减排的重要靶点,其碳排放核算还未见统一标准。借鉴国家、企业、项目层面的碳排放核算标准和园区层面的相关研究,从装配式建筑项目建设全过程出发,总结了适用于装配式建筑产业基地的碳排放核算方法;进一步结合建筑项目和企业视角,构建了以“项目布局—企业边界—业务模块—排放活动”为框架的碳排放清单结构。基于该核算方法和清单结构开展工作,能够高效利用数据,解决项目和企业2个层面的碳排放核算,克服单一视角核算中的数据获取不完整和结果重复计算等问题。构建起的排放清单可为装配式建筑低碳发展提供研究基础,也可应用于区域温室气体核算。 展开更多
关键词 装配式建筑产业基地 碳排放核算 清单结构
考虑项目间依赖关系的项目风险应对策略选择模型 被引量:2
作者 张旭 白思俊 +1 位作者 郭云涛 白礼彪 《管理工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期167-175,共9页
文章针对项目组合多项目间风险的相互依赖关系开展风险应对策略选择问题的研究。首先,文章在考虑项目组合结构动态性和复杂性的基础上,分析了项目间依赖关系对项目风险的影响,并利用设计结构矩阵方法进行度量。然后,文章采用心理账户理... 文章针对项目组合多项目间风险的相互依赖关系开展风险应对策略选择问题的研究。首先,文章在考虑项目组合结构动态性和复杂性的基础上,分析了项目间依赖关系对项目风险的影响,并利用设计结构矩阵方法进行度量。然后,文章采用心理账户理论和球形模糊集构建了以决策者效用最大化为目标的项目风险应对策略选择优化模型。最后,文章通过算例分析证明了所提方法的可行性和有效性,并分析了不同程度的项目间依赖作用以及心理账户对项目风险应对策略选择的影响。结果表明:1)项目间依赖关系对项目风险应对策略选择有重要影响;2)在达到最优应对预算之前应选择能应对更多风险的应对策略集;3)在达到最优应对预算之后项目间依赖作用不影响策略选择,但影响决策者的效用值;4)考虑心理账户能够提高应对预算的利用效果。 展开更多
关键词 项目间依赖关系 心理账户理论 球形模糊集 设计结构矩阵
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