Rock mass quality serves as a vital index for predicting the stability and safety status of rock tunnel faces.In tunneling practice,the rock mass quality is often assessed via a combination of qualitative and quantita...Rock mass quality serves as a vital index for predicting the stability and safety status of rock tunnel faces.In tunneling practice,the rock mass quality is often assessed via a combination of qualitative and quantitative parameters.However,due to the harsh on-site construction conditions,it is rather difficult to obtain some of the evaluation parameters which are essential for the rock mass quality prediction.In this study,a novel improved Swin Transformer is proposed to detect,segment,and quantify rock mass characteristic parameters such as water leakage,fractures,weak interlayers.The site experiment results demonstrate that the improved Swin Transformer achieves optimal segmentation results and achieving accuracies of 92%,81%,and 86%for water leakage,fractures,and weak interlayers,respectively.A multisource rock tunnel face characteristic(RTFC)dataset includes 11 parameters for predicting rock mass quality is established.Considering the limitations in predictive performance of incomplete evaluation parameters exist in this dataset,a novel tree-augmented naive Bayesian network(BN)is proposed to address the challenge of the incomplete dataset and achieved a prediction accuracy of 88%.In comparison with other commonly used Machine Learning models the proposed BN-based approach proved an improved performance on predicting the rock mass quality with the incomplete dataset.By utilizing the established BN,a further sensitivity analysis is conducted to quantitatively evaluate the importance of the various parameters,results indicate that the rock strength and fractures parameter exert the most significant influence on rock mass quality.展开更多
Engineering geological and hydro-geological characteristics of foundation rock and surrounding rock mass are the main factors that affect the stability of underground engineering. This paper presents the concept of mu...Engineering geological and hydro-geological characteristics of foundation rock and surrounding rock mass are the main factors that affect the stability of underground engineering. This paper presents the concept of multiscale hierarchical digital rock mass models to describe the rock mass, including its structures in different scales and corresponding scale dependence. Four scales including regional scale,engineering scale, laboratory scale and microscale are determined, and the corresponding scaledependent geological structures and their characterization methods are provided. Image analysis and processing method, geostatistics and Monte Carlo simulation technique are used to establish the multiscale hierarchical digital rock mass models, in which the main micro-and macro-structures of rock mass in different geological units and scales are reflected and connected. A computer code is developed for numerically analyzing the strength, fracture behavior and hydraulic conductivity of rock mass using the multiscale hierarchical digital models. Using the models and methods provided in this paper, the geological information of rock mass in different geological units and scales can be considered sufficiently,and the influence of downscale characteristics(such as meso-scale) on the upscale characteristics(such as engineering scale) can be calculated by considering the discrete geological structures in the downscale model as equivalent continuous media in the upscale model. Thus the mechanical and hydraulic properties of rock mass may be evaluated rationally and precisely. The multiscale hierarchical digital rock mass models and the corresponding methods proposed in this paper provide a unified and simple solution for determining the mechanical and hydraulic properties of rock mass in different scales.展开更多
The rock mass in nature is in most cases anisotropic,while the existing classifications are mostly developed with the assumption of isotropic conditions that not always meet the engineering requirements.In this study,...The rock mass in nature is in most cases anisotropic,while the existing classifications are mostly developed with the assumption of isotropic conditions that not always meet the engineering requirements.In this study,an anisotropic system based on China National Standard of BQ,named as A-BQ,is developed to address the classification of anisotropic rock mass incorporating the anisotropy degree as well as the quality of rock mass.Two series of basic rating factors are incorporated including inherent anisotropy and structure anisotropy.The anisotropy degree of rock mass is characterized by the ratio of maximum to minimum quality score and adjusted by the confining stress.The quality score of rock mass is determined by the key factors of anisotropic structure occurrence and the correction factors of stress state and groundwater condition.The quality of rock mass is characterized by a quality score and classified in five grades.The assessment of stability status and probable failure modes are also suggested for tunnel and slope engineering for different quality grades.Finally,two cases of tunnel and slope are presented to illustrate the application of the developed classification system into the rock masses under varied stress state.展开更多
Geological and hydrological characteristics, joint geometric features, rock physical and mechanical properties and rock mass quality are studied in the Beishan area, preselected for China5 s high-level radioactive was...Geological and hydrological characteristics, joint geometric features, rock physical and mechanical properties and rock mass quality are studied in the Beishan area, preselected for China5 s high-level radioactive waste(HLW) disposal engineering. A comprehensive survey method is developed to study joint geometric features in the outcrop and samples from borehole BS06 into the Xinchang rock mass were tested. The optimal joint sets are determined by rose diagrams and equal-area lower hemisphere plots of joint poles. Results show that: 1) the distribution of joint occurrence obeys a normal distribution, while the distribution of joint spacing obeys a negative exponential distribution; 2) concentric circular and tangent circular sampling windows are applied to study the trace length and the trace midpoint density. Results indicate that tangent circular sampling window is more stable and reasonable; 3) Beishan granite shows high density, low porosity and high strength based on many laboratory tests and the physical properties and mechanical properties are closely related; and4) a synthesis index, Joint Structure Rating(JSR), is applied to evaluate the quality of rock mass. Through the research results of rock mass characteristics, the Xinchang rock mass in the Beishan preselected area has the favorable conditions for China's HLW disposal repository site.展开更多
In th is study, a n e w m odel w as p re se n te d for com p u tin g stre n g th o f rock m asses based u p o n in -situo bservations o f RQD p o pularly kno w n as rock quality d esignation. This m odel links u p th ...In th is study, a n e w m odel w as p re se n te d for com p u tin g stre n g th o f rock m asses based u p o n in -situo bservations o f RQD p o pularly kno w n as rock quality d esignation. This m odel links u p th e rock m assp aram eters from in -situ investigations w ith th e stre n g th p a ram eters o f jo in ted rocks obtain ed fromlaboratory scale ex p erim en tal observations. Using th e co n stitu tiv e relation, th e a u th o r derived a p ressu reand d am age sensitive plastic p a ra m e te r to d ete rm in e stre n g th o f rock m asses for varied ex te n ts ofd isco n tin u ity an d p ressu re induced dam age. The te s t results show th a t plasticity characterized byhard en in g an d softening inclusive o f dam ag e invariably d e p en d s u p o n m ean p ressu re an d e x te n t ofdefo rm atio n s alread y experien ced by rock m asses. The p re se n t w ork explores th e te s t d a ta th a t revealth e d ep en d en c e o f in -situ stren g th on increm ental jo in t p ara m e te rs o b tain ed from th e jo in t num ber,jo in t orien tatio n , jo in t roughness, gouge p a ram eters an d w a te r pressure. S ubstituting th e relationshipb e tw e e n th e RQD and m odified jo in t factor w ith th a t b e tw e e n m odulus ratio an d stren g th ratio, th em odel show s successfully th a t using d am age inclusive plastic p a ra m e te r an d RQD provides a relationshipfor estim atin g th e stre n g th o f rock m asses. One o f th e m ain objectives o f this w ork is to illustrate th a t th ep re se n t m odel is sensitive to p la s tic ity a n d dam ag e to g e th e r in estim atin g in -situ stre n g th o f rock m assesin foundations, u n d e rg ro u n d excavation an d tunnels.展开更多
Underground space utilization and exploration is an irreversible trend for promoting sustainable development especially in megacities.Geotechnical engineering safety is always one of the most important issues in all p...Underground space utilization and exploration is an irreversible trend for promoting sustainable development especially in megacities.Geotechnical engineering safety is always one of the most important issues in all phases,including planning,design, construction and operation,of the underground project.Engineering geological and hydro-geological characteristics of the foundation rock mass展开更多
Rock quality designation(RQD)has been considered as a one-dimensional jointing degree property since it should be determined by measuring the core lengths obtained from drilling.Anisotropy index of jointing degree(AI_...Rock quality designation(RQD)has been considered as a one-dimensional jointing degree property since it should be determined by measuring the core lengths obtained from drilling.Anisotropy index of jointing degree(AI_(jd))was formulated by Zheng et al.(2018)by considering maximum and minimum values of RQD for a jointed rock medium in three-dimensional space.In accordance with spacing terminology by ISRM(1981),defining the jointing degree for the rock masses composed of extremely closely spaced joints as well as for the rock masses including widely to extremely widely spaced joints is practically impossible because of the use of 10 cm as a threshold value in the conventional form of RQD.To overcome this limitation,theoretical RQD(TRQD_(t))introduced by Priest and Hudson(1976)can be taken into consideration only when the statistical distribution of discontinuity spacing has a negative exponential distribution.Anisotropy index of the jointing degree was improved using TRQD_(t) which was adjusted to wider joint spacing by considering Priest(1993)’s recommendation on the use of variable threshold value(t)in TRQD_(t) formulation.After applications of the improved anisotropy index of a jointing degree(AI'_(jd))to hypothetical jointed rock mass cases,the effect of persistency of joints on structural anisotropy of rock mass was introduced to the improved AI'_(jd) formulation by considering the ratings of persistency of joints as proposed by Bieniawski(1989)’s rock mass rating(RMR)classification.Two real cases were assessed in the stratified marl and the columnar basalt using the weighted anisotropy index of jointing degree(W_AI'_(jd)).A structural anisotropy classification was developed using the RQD classification proposed by Deere(1963).The proposed methodology is capable of defining the structural anisotropy of a rock mass including joint pattern from extremely closely to extremely widely spaced joints.展开更多
Objective and accurate evaluation of rock mass quality classification is the prerequisite for reliable sta-bility assessment.To develop a tool that can deliver quick and accurate evaluation of rock mass quality,a deep...Objective and accurate evaluation of rock mass quality classification is the prerequisite for reliable sta-bility assessment.To develop a tool that can deliver quick and accurate evaluation of rock mass quality,a deep learning approach is developed,which uses stacked autoencoders(SAEs)with several autoencoders and a softmax net layer.Ten rock parameters of rock mass rating(RMR)system are calibrated in this model.The model is trained using 75%of the total database for training sample data.The SAEs trained model achieves a nearly 100%prediction accuracy.For comparison,other different models are also trained with the same dataset,using artificial neural network(ANN)and radial basis function(RBF).The results show that the SAEs classify all test samples correctly while the rating accuracies of ANN and RBF are 97.5%and 98.7%,repectively,which are calculated from the confusion matrix.Moreover,this model is further employed to predict the slope risk level of an abandoned quarry.The proposed approach using SAEs,or deep learning in general,is more objective and more accurate and requires less human inter-vention.The findings presented here shall shed light for engineers/researchers interested in analyzing rock mass classification criteria or performing field investigation.展开更多
The main purpose of this study is to classify the rock mass quality by using rock mass quality (Q) and Rock Mass Rating (RMR) systems along headrace tunnel of small hydropower in Mansehra District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa....The main purpose of this study is to classify the rock mass quality by using rock mass quality (Q) and Rock Mass Rating (RMR) systems along headrace tunnel of small hydropower in Mansehra District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Geological field work was carried out to determine the orientation, spacing, aperture, roughness and alteration of discontinuities of rock mass. The quality of rock mass along the tunnel route is classified as good to very poor quality by Q system, while very good to very poor by RMR classification system. The relatively good rock conditions are acquired via RMR values that are attributed to ground water conditions, joint spacing, RQD and favorable orientation of discontinuities with respect to the tunnel drive. The petrographic studies revealed that study area is mainly comprised of five major geological rock units namely quartz mica schist (QMS), garnet mica schist (GMS), garnet bearing quartz mica schist (G-QMS), calcareous schist (CS), marble (M). The collected samples of quartz mica schist, marble and garnet bearing quartz mica schist are fine to medium grained, compact and are cross cut by few discontinuities having greater spacing. Therefore, these rocks have greater average RQD, Q values, RMR ratings as compared to garnet mica schist and calcareous schist.展开更多
Based on the theory of Fuzzy Mathematics and Expert System, this paper presents the quantitative expression method of bedded and joint bearing rock mass quality "Stratum Quality Index"(SQI for short), and al...Based on the theory of Fuzzy Mathematics and Expert System, this paper presents the quantitative expression method of bedded and joint bearing rock mass quality "Stratum Quality Index"(SQI for short), and also introduces the successful application of the method in estimating stratum movement parameters.展开更多
Success in the excavation of geological formations is commonly known as being very important in asserting stability. Furthermore, when the subjected geological formation is rocky and the use of explosives is required,...Success in the excavation of geological formations is commonly known as being very important in asserting stability. Furthermore, when the subjected geological formation is rocky and the use of explosives is required, the demands of successful blasting are multiplied. The present paper proposes a classification system, named: BQS (blast ability quality system), for rock masses with widely spaced discontinuities (spacing longer than l m). It is obvious that rock quality is one of the main characteristics which define the blast ability of a rock. The BQS can be an easy and widely-used tool as it is a quick evaluator for blast ability and rock mass quality at one time. Taking into consideration the research calculations and the parameters of BQS, what has been at question in this paper is the effect of blast ability in a geological formation with widely spaced discontinuities.展开更多
Characterization of rock masses and evaluation of their mechanical properties are important and challenging tasks in rock mechanics and rock engineering. Since in many cases rock quality designation (RQD) is the onl...Characterization of rock masses and evaluation of their mechanical properties are important and challenging tasks in rock mechanics and rock engineering. Since in many cases rock quality designation (RQD) is the only rock mass classification index available, this paper outlines the key aspects on determination of RQD and evaluates the empirical methods based on RQD for determining the deformation modulus and unconfined compressive strength of rock masses. First, various methods for determining RQD are presented and the effects of different factors on determination of RQD are highlighted. Then, the empirical methods based on RQD for determining the deformation modulus and unconfined compressive strength of rock masses are briefly reviewed. Finally, the empirical methods based on RQD are used to determine the deformation modulus and unconfined compressive strength of rock masses at five different sites including 13 cases, and the results are compared with those obtained by other empirical methods based on rock mass classification indices such as rock mass rating (RMR), Q-system (Q) and geological strength index (GSI). It is shown that the empirical methods based on RQD tend to give deformation modulus values close to the lower bound (conservative) and unconfined compressive strength values in the middle of the corresponding values from different empirical methods based on RMR, Q and GSI. The empirical methods based on RQD provide a convenient way for estimating the mechanical properties of rock masses but, whenever possible, they should be used together with other empirical methods based on RMR, Qand GSI.展开更多
Accurately predicting the powder factor during blasting is essential for sustainable production planning in low-grade mines.This research presents a method for predicting powder factor based on the heterogeneity of ro...Accurately predicting the powder factor during blasting is essential for sustainable production planning in low-grade mines.This research presents a method for predicting powder factor based on the heterogeneity of rock mass rating(RMR).Considering a low-grade metal mine as an example,this study exploited geostatistical methods to obtain independent RMR for each block unit.A three-dimensional spatial distribution model for the powder factor was developed on the basis of the relationships between the RMR and the powder factor.Subsequently,models for blasting cost and mining value were built and employed to optimize the open-pit limit.The multi-variable model based on the RMR performed well in predicting the powder factor,achieving a correlation coefficient of 0.88(root mean square error of 4.3)and considerably outperforming the uniaxial compressive strength model.After model optimization,the mean size and standard deviation of the fragments in the blast pile decreased by 8.5%and 35.1%,respectively,whereas the boulder yield and its standard deviation decreased by 33.3%and 58.8%,respectively.Additionally,optimizing the open-pit limit using this method reduced the amount of rock,increased the amount of ore,and lowered blasting costs,thereby enhancing the economic efficiency of the mine.This study provides valuable insights for blasting design and mining decisions,demonstrating the advantages and potential applications of powder factor prediction based on the heterogeneity of rock mass quality.展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.52279107 and 52379106)the Qingdao Guoxin Jiaozhou Bay Second Submarine Tunnel Co.,Ltd.,the Academician and Expert Workstation of Yunnan Province(No.202205AF150015)the Science and Technology Innovation Project of YCIC Group Co.,Ltd.(No.YCIC-YF-2022-15)。
文摘Rock mass quality serves as a vital index for predicting the stability and safety status of rock tunnel faces.In tunneling practice,the rock mass quality is often assessed via a combination of qualitative and quantitative parameters.However,due to the harsh on-site construction conditions,it is rather difficult to obtain some of the evaluation parameters which are essential for the rock mass quality prediction.In this study,a novel improved Swin Transformer is proposed to detect,segment,and quantify rock mass characteristic parameters such as water leakage,fractures,weak interlayers.The site experiment results demonstrate that the improved Swin Transformer achieves optimal segmentation results and achieving accuracies of 92%,81%,and 86%for water leakage,fractures,and weak interlayers,respectively.A multisource rock tunnel face characteristic(RTFC)dataset includes 11 parameters for predicting rock mass quality is established.Considering the limitations in predictive performance of incomplete evaluation parameters exist in this dataset,a novel tree-augmented naive Bayesian network(BN)is proposed to address the challenge of the incomplete dataset and achieved a prediction accuracy of 88%.In comparison with other commonly used Machine Learning models the proposed BN-based approach proved an improved performance on predicting the rock mass quality with the incomplete dataset.By utilizing the established BN,a further sensitivity analysis is conducted to quantitatively evaluate the importance of the various parameters,results indicate that the rock strength and fractures parameter exert the most significant influence on rock mass quality.
基金the Outstanding Youth Science Foundation of National Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 51522903)the National Key Research and Development Plan (Grant No. 2016YFC0501104)+1 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. U1361103, 51479094 and 51379104)the Open Research Fund Program of the State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering,Tsinghua University (Grant Nos. 2015-KY-04, 2016-KY-02 and 2016KY-05)
文摘Engineering geological and hydro-geological characteristics of foundation rock and surrounding rock mass are the main factors that affect the stability of underground engineering. This paper presents the concept of multiscale hierarchical digital rock mass models to describe the rock mass, including its structures in different scales and corresponding scale dependence. Four scales including regional scale,engineering scale, laboratory scale and microscale are determined, and the corresponding scaledependent geological structures and their characterization methods are provided. Image analysis and processing method, geostatistics and Monte Carlo simulation technique are used to establish the multiscale hierarchical digital rock mass models, in which the main micro-and macro-structures of rock mass in different geological units and scales are reflected and connected. A computer code is developed for numerically analyzing the strength, fracture behavior and hydraulic conductivity of rock mass using the multiscale hierarchical digital models. Using the models and methods provided in this paper, the geological information of rock mass in different geological units and scales can be considered sufficiently,and the influence of downscale characteristics(such as meso-scale) on the upscale characteristics(such as engineering scale) can be calculated by considering the discrete geological structures in the downscale model as equivalent continuous media in the upscale model. Thus the mechanical and hydraulic properties of rock mass may be evaluated rationally and precisely. The multiscale hierarchical digital rock mass models and the corresponding methods proposed in this paper provide a unified and simple solution for determining the mechanical and hydraulic properties of rock mass in different scales.
基金Projects(41702345,41825018)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(2019QZKK0904)supported by the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research Program(STEP),ChinaProject(KFZD-SW-422)supported by the Key Deployment Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences。
文摘The rock mass in nature is in most cases anisotropic,while the existing classifications are mostly developed with the assumption of isotropic conditions that not always meet the engineering requirements.In this study,an anisotropic system based on China National Standard of BQ,named as A-BQ,is developed to address the classification of anisotropic rock mass incorporating the anisotropy degree as well as the quality of rock mass.Two series of basic rating factors are incorporated including inherent anisotropy and structure anisotropy.The anisotropy degree of rock mass is characterized by the ratio of maximum to minimum quality score and adjusted by the confining stress.The quality score of rock mass is determined by the key factors of anisotropic structure occurrence and the correction factors of stress state and groundwater condition.The quality of rock mass is characterized by a quality score and classified in five grades.The assessment of stability status and probable failure modes are also suggested for tunnel and slope engineering for different quality grades.Finally,two cases of tunnel and slope are presented to illustrate the application of the developed classification system into the rock masses under varied stress state.
基金supported by the High-level Talent Research Launch Project, Chongqing Technology and Business University, under grant No. 950318066the Open Research Fund of the State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, under grant No. Z017010the National Natural Science Foundation of China, under grant No. 41688103
文摘Geological and hydrological characteristics, joint geometric features, rock physical and mechanical properties and rock mass quality are studied in the Beishan area, preselected for China5 s high-level radioactive waste(HLW) disposal engineering. A comprehensive survey method is developed to study joint geometric features in the outcrop and samples from borehole BS06 into the Xinchang rock mass were tested. The optimal joint sets are determined by rose diagrams and equal-area lower hemisphere plots of joint poles. Results show that: 1) the distribution of joint occurrence obeys a normal distribution, while the distribution of joint spacing obeys a negative exponential distribution; 2) concentric circular and tangent circular sampling windows are applied to study the trace length and the trace midpoint density. Results indicate that tangent circular sampling window is more stable and reasonable; 3) Beishan granite shows high density, low porosity and high strength based on many laboratory tests and the physical properties and mechanical properties are closely related; and4) a synthesis index, Joint Structure Rating(JSR), is applied to evaluate the quality of rock mass. Through the research results of rock mass characteristics, the Xinchang rock mass in the Beishan preselected area has the favorable conditions for China's HLW disposal repository site.
文摘In th is study, a n e w m odel w as p re se n te d for com p u tin g stre n g th o f rock m asses based u p o n in -situo bservations o f RQD p o pularly kno w n as rock quality d esignation. This m odel links u p th e rock m assp aram eters from in -situ investigations w ith th e stre n g th p a ram eters o f jo in ted rocks obtain ed fromlaboratory scale ex p erim en tal observations. Using th e co n stitu tiv e relation, th e a u th o r derived a p ressu reand d am age sensitive plastic p a ra m e te r to d ete rm in e stre n g th o f rock m asses for varied ex te n ts ofd isco n tin u ity an d p ressu re induced dam age. The te s t results show th a t plasticity characterized byhard en in g an d softening inclusive o f dam ag e invariably d e p en d s u p o n m ean p ressu re an d e x te n t ofdefo rm atio n s alread y experien ced by rock m asses. The p re se n t w ork explores th e te s t d a ta th a t revealth e d ep en d en c e o f in -situ stren g th on increm ental jo in t p ara m e te rs o b tain ed from th e jo in t num ber,jo in t orien tatio n , jo in t roughness, gouge p a ram eters an d w a te r pressure. S ubstituting th e relationshipb e tw e e n th e RQD and m odified jo in t factor w ith th a t b e tw e e n m odulus ratio an d stren g th ratio, th em odel show s successfully th a t using d am age inclusive plastic p a ra m e te r an d RQD provides a relationshipfor estim atin g th e stre n g th o f rock m asses. One o f th e m ain objectives o f this w ork is to illustrate th a t th ep re se n t m odel is sensitive to p la s tic ity a n d dam ag e to g e th e r in estim atin g in -situ stre n g th o f rock m assesin foundations, u n d e rg ro u n d excavation an d tunnels.
文摘Underground space utilization and exploration is an irreversible trend for promoting sustainable development especially in megacities.Geotechnical engineering safety is always one of the most important issues in all phases,including planning,design, construction and operation,of the underground project.Engineering geological and hydro-geological characteristics of the foundation rock mass
基金supports from the General Directorate of ETIMADEN enterprises during the field studies at Simav open pit mine。
文摘Rock quality designation(RQD)has been considered as a one-dimensional jointing degree property since it should be determined by measuring the core lengths obtained from drilling.Anisotropy index of jointing degree(AI_(jd))was formulated by Zheng et al.(2018)by considering maximum and minimum values of RQD for a jointed rock medium in three-dimensional space.In accordance with spacing terminology by ISRM(1981),defining the jointing degree for the rock masses composed of extremely closely spaced joints as well as for the rock masses including widely to extremely widely spaced joints is practically impossible because of the use of 10 cm as a threshold value in the conventional form of RQD.To overcome this limitation,theoretical RQD(TRQD_(t))introduced by Priest and Hudson(1976)can be taken into consideration only when the statistical distribution of discontinuity spacing has a negative exponential distribution.Anisotropy index of the jointing degree was improved using TRQD_(t) which was adjusted to wider joint spacing by considering Priest(1993)’s recommendation on the use of variable threshold value(t)in TRQD_(t) formulation.After applications of the improved anisotropy index of a jointing degree(AI'_(jd))to hypothetical jointed rock mass cases,the effect of persistency of joints on structural anisotropy of rock mass was introduced to the improved AI'_(jd) formulation by considering the ratings of persistency of joints as proposed by Bieniawski(1989)’s rock mass rating(RMR)classification.Two real cases were assessed in the stratified marl and the columnar basalt using the weighted anisotropy index of jointing degree(W_AI'_(jd)).A structural anisotropy classification was developed using the RQD classification proposed by Deere(1963).The proposed methodology is capable of defining the structural anisotropy of a rock mass including joint pattern from extremely closely to extremely widely spaced joints.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.51979253,51879245)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,China University of Geosciences(Wuhan)(Grant No.CUGCJ1821).
文摘Objective and accurate evaluation of rock mass quality classification is the prerequisite for reliable sta-bility assessment.To develop a tool that can deliver quick and accurate evaluation of rock mass quality,a deep learning approach is developed,which uses stacked autoencoders(SAEs)with several autoencoders and a softmax net layer.Ten rock parameters of rock mass rating(RMR)system are calibrated in this model.The model is trained using 75%of the total database for training sample data.The SAEs trained model achieves a nearly 100%prediction accuracy.For comparison,other different models are also trained with the same dataset,using artificial neural network(ANN)and radial basis function(RBF).The results show that the SAEs classify all test samples correctly while the rating accuracies of ANN and RBF are 97.5%and 98.7%,repectively,which are calculated from the confusion matrix.Moreover,this model is further employed to predict the slope risk level of an abandoned quarry.The proposed approach using SAEs,or deep learning in general,is more objective and more accurate and requires less human inter-vention.The findings presented here shall shed light for engineers/researchers interested in analyzing rock mass classification criteria or performing field investigation.
文摘The main purpose of this study is to classify the rock mass quality by using rock mass quality (Q) and Rock Mass Rating (RMR) systems along headrace tunnel of small hydropower in Mansehra District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Geological field work was carried out to determine the orientation, spacing, aperture, roughness and alteration of discontinuities of rock mass. The quality of rock mass along the tunnel route is classified as good to very poor quality by Q system, while very good to very poor by RMR classification system. The relatively good rock conditions are acquired via RMR values that are attributed to ground water conditions, joint spacing, RQD and favorable orientation of discontinuities with respect to the tunnel drive. The petrographic studies revealed that study area is mainly comprised of five major geological rock units namely quartz mica schist (QMS), garnet mica schist (GMS), garnet bearing quartz mica schist (G-QMS), calcareous schist (CS), marble (M). The collected samples of quartz mica schist, marble and garnet bearing quartz mica schist are fine to medium grained, compact and are cross cut by few discontinuities having greater spacing. Therefore, these rocks have greater average RQD, Q values, RMR ratings as compared to garnet mica schist and calcareous schist.
文摘Based on the theory of Fuzzy Mathematics and Expert System, this paper presents the quantitative expression method of bedded and joint bearing rock mass quality "Stratum Quality Index"(SQI for short), and also introduces the successful application of the method in estimating stratum movement parameters.
文摘Success in the excavation of geological formations is commonly known as being very important in asserting stability. Furthermore, when the subjected geological formation is rocky and the use of explosives is required, the demands of successful blasting are multiplied. The present paper proposes a classification system, named: BQS (blast ability quality system), for rock masses with widely spaced discontinuities (spacing longer than l m). It is obvious that rock quality is one of the main characteristics which define the blast ability of a rock. The BQS can be an easy and widely-used tool as it is a quick evaluator for blast ability and rock mass quality at one time. Taking into consideration the research calculations and the parameters of BQS, what has been at question in this paper is the effect of blast ability in a geological formation with widely spaced discontinuities.
文摘Characterization of rock masses and evaluation of their mechanical properties are important and challenging tasks in rock mechanics and rock engineering. Since in many cases rock quality designation (RQD) is the only rock mass classification index available, this paper outlines the key aspects on determination of RQD and evaluates the empirical methods based on RQD for determining the deformation modulus and unconfined compressive strength of rock masses. First, various methods for determining RQD are presented and the effects of different factors on determination of RQD are highlighted. Then, the empirical methods based on RQD for determining the deformation modulus and unconfined compressive strength of rock masses are briefly reviewed. Finally, the empirical methods based on RQD are used to determine the deformation modulus and unconfined compressive strength of rock masses at five different sites including 13 cases, and the results are compared with those obtained by other empirical methods based on rock mass classification indices such as rock mass rating (RMR), Q-system (Q) and geological strength index (GSI). It is shown that the empirical methods based on RQD tend to give deformation modulus values close to the lower bound (conservative) and unconfined compressive strength values in the middle of the corresponding values from different empirical methods based on RMR, Q and GSI. The empirical methods based on RQD provide a convenient way for estimating the mechanical properties of rock masses but, whenever possible, they should be used together with other empirical methods based on RMR, Qand GSI.
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2022YFC2903902)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.52204080and 52174070)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China(No.2023GFYD17)。
文摘Accurately predicting the powder factor during blasting is essential for sustainable production planning in low-grade mines.This research presents a method for predicting powder factor based on the heterogeneity of rock mass rating(RMR).Considering a low-grade metal mine as an example,this study exploited geostatistical methods to obtain independent RMR for each block unit.A three-dimensional spatial distribution model for the powder factor was developed on the basis of the relationships between the RMR and the powder factor.Subsequently,models for blasting cost and mining value were built and employed to optimize the open-pit limit.The multi-variable model based on the RMR performed well in predicting the powder factor,achieving a correlation coefficient of 0.88(root mean square error of 4.3)and considerably outperforming the uniaxial compressive strength model.After model optimization,the mean size and standard deviation of the fragments in the blast pile decreased by 8.5%and 35.1%,respectively,whereas the boulder yield and its standard deviation decreased by 33.3%and 58.8%,respectively.Additionally,optimizing the open-pit limit using this method reduced the amount of rock,increased the amount of ore,and lowered blasting costs,thereby enhancing the economic efficiency of the mine.This study provides valuable insights for blasting design and mining decisions,demonstrating the advantages and potential applications of powder factor prediction based on the heterogeneity of rock mass quality.