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不同生育时期淹水对水稻Sub1A耐淹基因导入系产量的影响 被引量:2
作者 杜彦修 孙红正 +3 位作者 张静 李俊周 彭廷 赵全志 《中国稻米》 北大核心 2016年第4期28-30,34,共4页
在苗期、分蘖期和抽穗期等3个生育时期对常规籼型水稻IR64和IR64 Sub1A耐淹基因导入系(IRRI149)进行淹水处理,测定各个生育时期淹水后的有效分蘖数、每穗粒数、结实率、千粒重和单株产量,以确定不同生育时期淹水对Sub1A耐淹基因导入系... 在苗期、分蘖期和抽穗期等3个生育时期对常规籼型水稻IR64和IR64 Sub1A耐淹基因导入系(IRRI149)进行淹水处理,测定各个生育时期淹水后的有效分蘖数、每穗粒数、结实率、千粒重和单株产量,以确定不同生育时期淹水对Sub1A耐淹基因导入系产量的影响。结果表明,在苗期淹水,IRRI149和IR64的单株产量分别为39.11 g、24.92 g;分蘖期淹水,分别为10.31 g、0.48 g;抽穗期淹水,分别为24.35 g、23.36 g。IRRI149在苗期和分蘖期淹水条件下,有效分蘖数、每穗粒数、结实率、千粒重、单株产量均显著高于IR64;3个处理时期中以分蘖期淹水对产量的影响最为明显。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 sub1a基因导入系 淹水 产量
水浸胁迫对超表达Sub1A油菜(Brassica napus)抗氧化能力的影响
作者 苏良辰 周鹤峰 +1 位作者 牛宪立 姬可平 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期3361-3367,共7页
环境中水分含量变化对于生长期油菜的产量和品质影响极大。国内外研究表明,异源表达Sub1A基因具有提高水涝条件下植物的抗逆性和恢复生长的潜能。本研究以组成型表达Sub1A基因的甘蓝型油菜作为实验材料,测试了其在水浸胁迫30 d内的生长... 环境中水分含量变化对于生长期油菜的产量和品质影响极大。国内外研究表明,异源表达Sub1A基因具有提高水涝条件下植物的抗逆性和恢复生长的潜能。本研究以组成型表达Sub1A基因的甘蓝型油菜作为实验材料,测试了其在水浸胁迫30 d内的生长速度和抗氧化水平。结果表明,超表达株系在地上部分和地下部分的生物量积累速率均显著高于野生型油菜,在胁迫早期尤为明显,表现出响应水浸胁迫的优良表型。同时,抗氧化酶(SOD,POD,CAT和GPX)活性和胁迫响应基因的表达变化也基本一致,呈现出胁迫早期强,随着处理时间增加呈逐渐降低的趋势。以上结果说明超表达Sub1A基因可能通过提高细胞的抗氧化酶活性、提高胁迫响应基因的表达水平提升抗水浸胁迫能力。本研究将为深入研究外源表达Sub1A基因提高油菜抗水浸胁迫提供依据,并为抗涝油菜新品种的开发提供前期基础。 展开更多
关键词 sub1a 油菜(Brassica NAPUS L.) 水浸胁迫 抗氧化 育种
水稻的耐淹性状及其Sub1基因 被引量:10
作者 熊怀阳 李阳生 《遗传》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期886-892,共7页
近4年来,水稻(Oryza sativa L.)耐淹性状及其分子机理的研究取得了长足的进展。水稻植株的耐淹性状主要由Submergence-1(Sub1)基因控制。Sub1通过调节乙烯和赤霉素介导的反应,抑制淹水期间的伸长生长和减缓碳水化合物消耗来控制耐淹性... 近4年来,水稻(Oryza sativa L.)耐淹性状及其分子机理的研究取得了长足的进展。水稻植株的耐淹性状主要由Submergence-1(Sub1)基因控制。Sub1通过调节乙烯和赤霉素介导的反应,抑制淹水期间的伸长生长和减缓碳水化合物消耗来控制耐淹性状。文章介绍了水稻应对淹涝胁迫的两种策略,影响耐淹性状的主要生理因素,Sub1基因定位以及它控制耐淹性状的机理;阐述了Sub1基因在我国杂交水稻生产方面的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 耐淹性状 Sub1位点 乙烯介导的反应 赤霉素介导的反应
基于物联网技术的奶牛瘤胃pH值和温度监测系统研究 被引量:9
作者 赵继政 庄蒲宁 +2 位作者 石富磊 陆成 董正奇 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期291-298,308,共9页
针对目前传统检测方法实施难度大、易交叉感染的问题,设计了奶牛瘤胃pH值和温度无线检测单元、Sub1G无线传输网络和阿里云实时显示界面,实现了奶牛瘤胃pH值和温度的连续监测。瘤胃检测单元采用LabSen331 pH值复合电极进行pH值检测,采用P... 针对目前传统检测方法实施难度大、易交叉感染的问题,设计了奶牛瘤胃pH值和温度无线检测单元、Sub1G无线传输网络和阿里云实时显示界面,实现了奶牛瘤胃pH值和温度的连续监测。瘤胃检测单元采用LabSen331 pH值复合电极进行pH值检测,采用Pt1000铂电阻进行测温。信号调理电路使用AD8603运算放大器,模数转换电路使用AD7792。核心控制电路使用STM8L151微控制器,通过315 MHz无线信号传输数据到项圈中继节点。无线传输网络基于TI15.4协议实现。数据经项圈节点中继后,由数据集中器通过串口通信发送给物联网网关。通过4G网络,网关按照MQTT协议将数据传输至阿里云。本文进行了pH值和温度测量准确性、检测单元功耗、无线传输网络可靠性等验证试验和现场监测试验。验证试验结果表明,pH值测量误差小于±0.02,温度测量误差小于±0.3℃,检测单元使用2200 mA·h/3.6 V锂电池供电,检测间隔设为10 min时,电池寿命可达1800 d,无线传输网络可在180 m内可靠传输。现场试验结果表明监测系统记录值和人工测定瘤胃液pH值之间具有良好的相关性(r=0.961,P<0.05),本文设计的监测系统可以连续监测奶牛瘤胃pH值和温度的变化,为奶牛健康监测和精准饲喂提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 奶牛瘤胃 温度监测 PH值监测 Sub1G组网 低功耗微控制器
Morpho-Physiological Changes in Roots of Rice Seedling upon Submergence 被引量:3
作者 Liem T.BUI Evangelina S.ELLA +1 位作者 Maribel L.DIONISIO-SESE Abdelbagi M.ISMAIL 《Rice science》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第3期167-177,共11页
Submergence is a serious environmental condition that causes large loss in rice production in rain fed lowland and flood affected area. This study evaluated morphological and physiological responses of rice roots to s... Submergence is a serious environmental condition that causes large loss in rice production in rain fed lowland and flood affected area. This study evaluated morphological and physiological responses of rice roots to submergence using two tolerant rice genotypes FR13A and Swarna-Sub 1 and two sensitive ones Swarna and IR42. The tolerant genotypes had higher survival rate and less shoot elongation but greater root elongation during submergence than the sensitive ones. After submergence,the tolerant genotypes also had higher root dry weight and more active roots than the sensitive ones.Tolerant genotypes exhibited less root injury, with less malondialdehyde production and slower electrolyte leakage after submergence. Tolerant genotypes also maintained higher concentrations of soluble sugar and starch in roots and shoots and higher chlorophyll retention after submergence than the sensitive ones.Our data showed that root traits such as root activity and root growth are associated with survival rate after submergence. This is probably accomplished through higher energy supply, and membrane integrity is necessary to preserve root function and reduce injury during submergence. These root traits are important for submergence tolerance in rice. 展开更多
作者 黄勇平 唐德钧 +4 位作者 刘冬 张环 唐光华 都敏 杨小兰 《岭南现代临床外科》 2020年第4期425-430,共6页
目的利用TCGA及Oncomine数据库,分析SUB1在肝癌组织中的表达水平;评价SUB1在肝癌患者中的预后价值;利用基因集富集分析(GSEA)及及基因集变异分析(GSVA)分析受SUB1影响的细胞通路。方法下载TCGA的肝癌队列RNA⁃seq数据,通过质量控制及标... 目的利用TCGA及Oncomine数据库,分析SUB1在肝癌组织中的表达水平;评价SUB1在肝癌患者中的预后价值;利用基因集富集分析(GSEA)及及基因集变异分析(GSVA)分析受SUB1影响的细胞通路。方法下载TCGA的肝癌队列RNA⁃seq数据,通过质量控制及标准化后分析其在肝癌组织及癌旁的表达变化,进一步在Oncomine数据库中进行分析验证;根据SUB1中位数表达量将TCGA数据库肝癌队列患者分为高表达及低表达两组,进行总生存(OS)分析及无复发生存(RFS)分析;GSEA及GSVA方法用于分析受SUB1调控的细胞通路。结果SUB1在肝癌组织中的表达高于癌旁组织,P<0.0001;高表达SUB1的肝癌患者OS及RFS均低于低表达SUB1的肝癌患者;高表达SUB1可激活细胞周期、DNA复制等细胞通路。结论SUB1在肝癌组织中高表达,SUB1可以作为肝癌患者总体生存和无病生存的预后因素。SUB1高表达激活了DNA复制及细胞周期等细胞通路。 展开更多
关键词 SUB1 肝癌 预后 TCGA Oncomine
Preliminary Variations in Physiological Modules When <i>sub</i>1<i>A</i>QTL Is under Soil-Moisture Deficit Stress
作者 Indraneel Saha Arnab Kumar De +3 位作者 Arijit Ghosh Bipul Sarkar Narottam Dey Malay Kumar Adak 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2018年第4期732-744,共13页
The present investigation embodies with some distinct physiological responses of rice seedlings bearing sub1A allele when cultured under soil moisture deficit condition. In order to estimate the extent of variation of... The present investigation embodies with some distinct physiological responses of rice seedlings bearing sub1A allele when cultured under soil moisture deficit condition. In order to estimate the extent of variation of sub1A allele in cv. Swarna Sub1, few specific responses were recorded. Ongoing days (2, 4 and 8) of water stress, rice seedlings were mostly concerned with regulation of root growth through 1.24%, 4.10% and 8.96% as compared to control. When relative growth rate (RGR) of the biomass was considered, it recorded a significant down regulation maximum by 27.27% over non-stressed plants. The light absorbing capacity of foliages in terms of leaf mass ratio (15.62%) and specific leaf weight (8.45%) was also curtailed under stress contiguously with total dry matter accumulation. For light harnessing mechanism, the contributing pigments were most significantly (p ≤ 0.05) affected with maximum variation for chlorophyll (31.29%), lycopene (79.31%) and carotenoids (55.31%) over control. NAR was strikingly differed by 32.72% under water stress in average. To support the water stress related depletion of moisture tension, plants recorded RWC with a ranges of 6.62% to 21.57% under stress than control. In balance of cellular dehydration rice seedlings were recorded 6.72% loss of proline, but up-regulated the release of free amino acids by 1.35 fold. In expression of generic potential for sub1A allele, the growth inhibition even under water deficit was evident from carbohydrate depletion by 10.93%, 11.42% and 24.35% through days of treatments. This was supported by depletion of apoplastic and cellular invertase activities by 90.90% and 72.91%. The possibility for sub1A in tolerance of deficit water status in rice culture has been discussed in more details. 展开更多
关键词 sub1a Rice Water DEFICIT Growth METABOLISM
Flooding Tolerance in Rice:Focus on Mechanisms and Approaches 被引量:5
作者 Debabrata Panda Jijnasa Barik 《Rice science》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第1期43-57,共15页
Flooding is one of the most hazardous natural disasters and a major stress constraint to rice production throughout the world,which results in huge economic loss.Approximately one-fourth of the global rice crops(appro... Flooding is one of the most hazardous natural disasters and a major stress constraint to rice production throughout the world,which results in huge economic loss.Approximately one-fourth of the global rice crops(approximately 40 million hectares)are grown in rainfed lowland plots that are prone to seasonal flooding.A great progress has been made during last two decades in our understanding of the mechanisms involved in adaptation and tolerance to flooding/submergence in rice.In this review,we summarized the physiological and molecular mechanisms that contribute to tolerance of flooding/submergence in rice.We also covered various features of flooding stress with special reference to rice plants,viz.different types of flooding stress,environmental characterisation of flood water,impact of flooding stress on rice plant and their morphological,physiological and metabolic responses under flooding.A brief discussion on the tolerance mechanism in rice exhibited to different types of flooding will be focused for the future crop improvement programme for development of flooding tolerant rice variety. 展开更多
关键词 flooding stress submergence tolerance Sub1 RICE
Seed Priming Improves Agronomic Trait Performance under Flooding and Non-flooding Conditions in Rice with QTL SUB1 被引量:2
作者 Ramni Kumar SARKAR 《Rice science》 SCIE 2012年第4期286-294,共9页
Farmers in South East Asia are adopting rice crop establishment methods from transplanting to direct wet or dry seeding as it requires less labour and time and comparatively less energy than transplanting. In contrast... Farmers in South East Asia are adopting rice crop establishment methods from transplanting to direct wet or dry seeding as it requires less labour and time and comparatively less energy than transplanting. In contrast to irrigated condition, in rainfed lowland, direct seeding is a common practice. Early flooding controls weeds but decreases seedling establishment in direct seeded rice. Anaerobic germination is an important trait to counteract damages caused by early flooding. Management options which can help in crop establishment and improve crop growth under flooding might remove the constraints related to direct seeding. The investigation was carried out with two near isogenic lines Swarna and Swarna- Sub1. Swarna-Subl is tolerant to submergence whereas Swarna is susceptible. Seed priming was done with water and 2% Jamun (Syzygium cumini) leaf extract, and it improved seedling establishment under flooding. Acceleration of growth occurred due to seed pretreatment, which resulted longer seedling and greater accumulation of biomass. Seed priming greatly hastened the activities of total amylase and alcohol dehydrogenase in Swarna-Subl than in Swarna. Swarna-Subl outperformed Swarna when the plants were cultivated under flooding. Weed biomass decreased significantly under flooding compared to non-flooding conditions. Seed priming had positive effects on yield and yield attributing parameters both under non-flooding and early flooding conditions. 展开更多
关键词 submergence tolerance FLOODING RICE seed priming SUB1 YIELD
Assessment of Variation in Morpho-Physiological Traits and Genetic Diversity in Relation to Submergence Tolerance of Five Indigenous Lowland Rice Landraces 被引量:2
作者 Jijnasa BARIK Vajinder KUMAR +1 位作者 Sangram KLENKA Debabrata PANDA 《Rice science》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第1期32-43,共12页
The present study evaluated submergence responses in 88 lowland indigenous rice(Oryza sativa L.) landraces from Koraput, India, to identify submergence-tolerant rice genotypes. In pot experiments, variations in surviv... The present study evaluated submergence responses in 88 lowland indigenous rice(Oryza sativa L.) landraces from Koraput, India, to identify submergence-tolerant rice genotypes. In pot experiments, variations in survival rate, shoot elongation, relative growth index, dry matter, chlorophyll, soluble sugar and starch contents were evaluated in two consecutive years under well-drained and completely submerged conditions. Principal component analysis showed that the first three axes contributed 96.820% of the total variation among the landraces, indicating wide variation between genotypes. Major traits such as survival rate, relative growth index, soluble sugar and starch contents appeared to be important determinants of phenotypic diversity among the landraces. Phenotypic coefficient of variance was higher than genotypic coefficient of variance for all the traits and all showed high heritability(90.38%–99.54%). Five rice landraces(Samudrabali, Basnamundi, Gadaba, Surudaka and Dokarakuji) were the most tolerant to submergence. When submerged for up to 14d, Samudrabali, Basnamundi and Godoba were notable for having greater survival rates than a standard submergence tolerant variety FR13 A, and also notable for elongating more vigorously and accumulating more biomass. These three landraces may therefore be especially useful in lowland rice growing areas that are affected by both moderate stagnant water and flash flooding. Molecular genotyping revealed that the submergence tolerance of Samudrabali, Basnamundi and Godoba is linked to the presence of one or more different Sub1 loci and it may well prove useful for breeding improved submergence tolerant rice varieties, thereby assising to improve yield stability in the rainfed lowland agro-ecosystem. 展开更多
关键词 genetic variability GENOTYPING indigenous rice submergence tolerance Sub1 gene
Physio-Biochemical and Genetic Exploration for Submergence Tolerance in Rice (<i>Oryza sativa</i>L.) Landraces with Special References to <i>Sub</i>1 Loci 被引量:1
作者 Sayani Goswami Reha Labar +2 位作者 Anupam Paul Malay Kumar Adak Narottam Dey 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2015年第12期1893-1904,共12页
In the present study a group of four indigenous and less popular rice genotypes (Meghi, Panibhasha, Jabra and Sholey) reported by growers as submergence tolerant lines from flood prone areas of south Bengal were explo... In the present study a group of four indigenous and less popular rice genotypes (Meghi, Panibhasha, Jabra and Sholey) reported by growers as submergence tolerant lines from flood prone areas of south Bengal were explored through study of nodal anatomy, physio-biochemical screening under submergence and genotyping with submergence tolerance linked rice microsatellite loci (RM loci). To identify the different allelic forms of different Sub1 compnents (Sub1A, Sub1B and Sub1C) among the studied lines, the genomic DNA of individual genotypes was amplified with three ethylene response factor like genes from Sub1 loci, located on rice chromosome 9. From the different physio-biochemical experiments performed in this investigation, it has been shown that Meghi and Jabra are the two probable potent genotypes which share common properties of both submergence tolerant and deep water nature whereas rest two genotypes (Sholey and Panibhasha) behave like typical deep water rice. The submergence tolerance property of Meghi was also confirmed from submergence tolerance linked SSR based genotyping by sharing with FR13A for some common alleles as reflected in fingerprint derived dendrogram. The rest of the genotypes shared a number of alleles and were included in a separate cluster. The common behaviour of Meghi and FR13A under submergence was also confirmed from genetic study of Sub1 loci through sharing of some common alleles for three Sub1 components (Sub1A, Sub1B and Sub1C loci). One SSR loci (RM 285) was identified as a potent molecular marker for submergence tolerance breeding programme involving these two selected rice lines (Meghi and Jabra) as donor plant through marker assisted selection. 展开更多
关键词 RICE SUBMERGENCE Tolerance RICE Microsatellite Sub1 LOCI Marker Assisted Breeding
MTT法和SUB-G1法检测金克对胃癌细胞的抑制作用 被引量:2
作者 黄辛武 《内蒙古中医药》 2006年第3期54-56,共3页
目的:拟探讨金克是否能诱导胃癌细胞凋亡,金克能否有效用于胃癌患者的治疗。方法:利用MTT法和SUB-G1法分析金克诱导抑制细胞的能力。将不同浓度的金克与胃癌细胞孵育,在不同的时间点收获,探求金克诱导胃癌细胞抑制的最佳作用时间及作用... 目的:拟探讨金克是否能诱导胃癌细胞凋亡,金克能否有效用于胃癌患者的治疗。方法:利用MTT法和SUB-G1法分析金克诱导抑制细胞的能力。将不同浓度的金克与胃癌细胞孵育,在不同的时间点收获,探求金克诱导胃癌细胞抑制的最佳作用时间及作用浓度。结果:通过MTT法和SUB-G1法分析结果显示金克对胃癌细胞的抑制作用,浓度为1.5g/L的金克诱导胃癌细胞36小时后抑制率达到高峰。结论:MTT法和SUB-G1法是两种快捷、有效检测药物作用的方法,金克对于胃癌细胞的抑制作用介于低度敏感和不敏感之间,但是其能增强免疫,无明显毒副作用,具有广泛的临床应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 金克 胃癌细胞 抑制作用 SUB、G1法 MTT法
Haplotype Diversity at Sub1 Locus and Allelic Distribution Among Rice Varieties of Tide and Flood Prone Areas of South-East Asia
作者 A.S.M.MASUDUZZAMAN Md.Maksudul HAQUE +2 位作者 A.K.M.SHAMSUDDIN M.A.SALAM Md.Ansar ALI 《Rice science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第4期198-206,共9页
Single nucleotide polymorphisms and restriction digestion-based haplotype variations among 160 flood prone rice varieties were analyzed with enzymes Alu I and Cac8 I to generate polymorphisms at Sub1A and Sub1C loci ... Single nucleotide polymorphisms and restriction digestion-based haplotype variations among 160 flood prone rice varieties were analyzed with enzymes Alu I and Cac8 I to generate polymorphisms at Sub1A and Sub1C loci (conferring submergence tolerance), respectively. Haplotype associated with phenotype was used to study the haplotype variations at Sub1A and Sub1C loci and to determine their functional influence on submergence tolerance and stem elongation. Three patterns at Sub1A locus, Sub1A0 (null allele), Sub1A1 (does not cut) and Sub1A2 (one SNP), and four patterns at Sub1C locus, Sub1C1, Sub1C2, Sub1C3 and Sub1C4, were generated. Both tolerant Sub1A1 and intolerant Sub1A2 had the same length, but the difference was presence of a restriction site in the Sub1A2, but absent at the Sub1A1. Further, two types of polymorphism were detected at the Sub1C, one included major length polymorphisms (165, 170 and 175 bp) and the other was a single restriction site at different position. Eight haplotypes (different combinations of the two loci), A1C1, A1C2, A1C4, A2C2, A2C4, A0C2, A0C3 and A0C4, were detected among 160 varieties. Haplotype A1C1 was comparatively more related to haplotypes A1C2 and A1C4, having the same Sub1A allele, and these haplotypes were found only in Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan and Indian varieties. Most tolerant varieties in A1C1 haplotype showed slow elongation, having tolerant specific Sub1A1 and Sub1C1 alleles. Further, the varieties Madabaru and Kottamali (A2C2) also showed moderate level of tolerance without Sub1A1 allele. These varieties were different with FR13A and also suspected to carry different novel tolerant genes at other loci. These materials could be used for hybridization with Sub1 varieties for pyramiding additional tolerant specific alleles into a single genotype for improving submergence tolerance in rice. 展开更多
关键词 HAPLOTYPE Sub1 ALLELE single nucleotide polymorphism SUBMERGENCE
作者 胡波 《单片机与嵌入式系统应用》 2018年第10期43-46,49,共5页
介绍了一种基于CC1350的超低功耗双频段无线系统设计。该系统除了具有灵活的供电模式外,还具有很低的有源RF电流消耗和系统电流消耗,既支持了使用小型纽扣电池供电的远距离应用和各种信号采集应用,还保证了卓越的电池使用寿命。本文所... 介绍了一种基于CC1350的超低功耗双频段无线系统设计。该系统除了具有灵活的供电模式外,还具有很低的有源RF电流消耗和系统电流消耗,既支持了使用小型纽扣电池供电的远距离应用和各种信号采集应用,还保证了卓越的电池使用寿命。本文所述系统可以被集成到另一个系统中,并展示了如何将设备通过无线网络连接到互联网云的过程。 展开更多
关键词 超低功耗 CC1350 双频段 Sub1G
On The Rational Dimension of Eco-city Construction
作者 LIU Zhiheng SUN Daojin. 《International English Education Research》 2014年第2期60-63,共4页
Reasonable "eco-city"in the external between urban and rural areas should make a complete ecological cycle of the system, so that the internal energy efficiency and low pollution, resource use environmentally clean,... Reasonable "eco-city"in the external between urban and rural areas should make a complete ecological cycle of the system, so that the internal energy efficiency and low pollution, resource use environmentally clean, quiet comfortable life of the people, as well as other elements of the organic: unity of urban greening. So, "Eco-City", "urban ecology" are two heterogeneous areas should be treated differently. However, in rural and urban dualistic situation, China advocated "ecological city" ignored the rural ecological balance, resulting in "eco-city"development directly into" urban ecology" construction within the city along with the waste of resources, water pollution, serious problems of air pollution, noise pollution, the deep "eco-city" into representation" urban ecology", in the standard does not cover up the sound, making the generation between rural and urban" material Rift ,"after all ,can not be filled. 展开更多
关键词 ECO-CITY urban ecology sub sta_nce Rift...1
Variation in Expression of <i>Sub</i>1 Gene and Association with Submergence Stress Related Traits in Advance Rice (<i>Oryza sativa</i>L.) Genotypes as a Tool of Climate Change Adaptation
作者 Zulqarnain Haider Muhammad Akhter +1 位作者 Abid Mahmood Usman Saleem 《American Journal of Climate Change》 2018年第2期171-186,共16页
Floods have now become most detrimental natural catastrophe worldwide due to radical climatic fluxes. Therefore, there is a dire necessity to develop a high yielding rice lines to deal with this scenario. For this pur... Floods have now become most detrimental natural catastrophe worldwide due to radical climatic fluxes. Therefore, there is a dire necessity to develop a high yielding rice lines to deal with this scenario. For this purpose, a large scale experiment was conducted including one hundred and fifteen (115) rice genotypes having SUB1 gene imported from International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) Philippines, six local cultivars/approved varieties and three high yielding rice varieties i.e. Sabitri, IR6 and NSICRC222 being used as potential varieties in different countries of Asia as susceptible check and IR64-SUB1 as tolerant check. The genotypic screening was performed using two PCR-based DNA markers i.e. ART5 and SC3. Phenotypic screening was conducted in a natural pond to assess the interaction of SUB1 gene in natural stagnant flood water as well as the suitability of introgression of SUB1 gene into approved varieties and elite rice lines. The genotypes were assessed in terms of plant survival percentage, submergence tolerance index, physical condition, stem elongation, number of grains per panicle, thousand grain weight, grain yields and deviations in these traits after submergence stress. The PCR results suggested that both the primers ART5 and SC3 may be used as potential PCR-based markers for molecular screening of rice genotypes for SUB1 QTL. Furthermore, it confirmed the presence of SUB1 gene in all the lines imported from IRRI, while it was absent in all the local cultivars studied. All the genotypes with submergence tolerant gene (SUB1) showed significantly greater tolerance level in submergence stress of 14 days, as compared to other local cultivars/varieties, authenticating the effectiveness of SUB1QTL in conferring submergence tolerance. Significantly different performances of all the SUB1 genotypes in terms of all the studied traits indicate high Genotypic and Genotypic Environment Interaction (GEI) of SUB1QTL. Employment of SUB1 lines such as R105479:149-18, IR64-SUB1 and Rl05469:81-22-3 in breeding programs for developing flood tolerant rice varieties might further upsurge rice yields in flash flood areas. Correlation analysis revealed that plant survival percentage after submergence, reduced stem elongation during submergence and submergence tolerance index are very important traits for developing submergence tolerant lines. 展开更多
关键词 Oryza SATIVA L. Sub1 QTL Floods Climate Change PHENOTYPIC EXPRESSION ASSOCIATION Analysis Stress Related Traits
作者 Xu,K XuX 《国外作物育种》 2001年第3期17-17,共1页
关键词 水稻 耐淹位点Sub1邻近区 高分辨连锁图
作者 孙涛 《食品安全导刊》 2021年第30期60-61,共2页
食品安全处理过程中,黄曲霉毒素的污染和安全风险问题已经引起了社会上的广泛关注和重视,因此,相关部门需要加强对食物中黄曲霉毒素Bsub1/sub检测。ELISA检测方法是目前食品检验中较常见的方法,其对于黄曲霉毒素Bsub1/sub检测具有积极... 食品安全处理过程中,黄曲霉毒素的污染和安全风险问题已经引起了社会上的广泛关注和重视,因此,相关部门需要加强对食物中黄曲霉毒素Bsub1/sub检测。ELISA检测方法是目前食品检验中较常见的方法,其对于黄曲霉毒素Bsub1/sub检测具有积极意义。 展开更多
关键词 食品 黄曲霉毒素 Bsub1/sub检测方法
SUB1 promotes colorectal cancer metastasis by activating NF-κB signaling via UBR5-mediated ubiquitination of UBXN1
作者 Hao Wang Wenwen Chen +5 位作者 Yanting Wang Yuzhen Gao Zizhen Zhang Shuyi Mi Liangjing Wang Meng Xue 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第6期1199-1211,共13页
Metastasis accounts for the major cause of colorectal cancer(CRC)related mortality due to the lack of effective treatments.In this study,we integrated the single-cell RNA-seq(sc RNA-seq)and bulk RNA-seq data and ident... Metastasis accounts for the major cause of colorectal cancer(CRC)related mortality due to the lack of effective treatments.In this study,we integrated the single-cell RNA-seq(sc RNA-seq)and bulk RNA-seq data and identified the transcriptional coactivator SUB1 homolog(SacSaccharomyces cerevisiae)/PC4(positive cofactor 4)associated with CRC metastasis.Elevated SUB1 expression was correlated with advanced tumor stage and poor survival in CRC.In vivo and vitro assays showed that SUB1 depletion could inhibit the invasive and metastatic abilities of CRC cells.SUB1 activated NF-κB signaling and its transcriptional target genes CXCL1 and CXCL3 to drive CRC metastasis.Mechanistically,SUB1 integrated with the E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase UBR5 and increased its protein level in CRC cells.Subsequently,the increased UBR5mainly mediated Lys11-linked polyubiquitination and degradation of NF-κB negative regulator UBXN1,thus to activate the NF-κB signaling.Overall,our study demonstrated that SUB1 promoted CRC progression by modulating UBR5/UBXN1 and activating NF-κB signaling,providing a new therapeutic strategy for treating metastatic CRC through targeting SUB1. 展开更多
关键词 colorectal cancer Metastasis SUB1 UBR5 NF-κB signaling
外源调节剂对淹涝水稻幼苗株高及碳水化合物消耗的影响 被引量:8
作者 武辉 向镜 +3 位作者 陈惠哲 张玉屏 张义凯 朱德峰 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期149-157,共9页
为研究淹涝条件下水稻幼苗株高及碳水化合物消耗对不同外源生长调节剂的响应,本试验选用籼型常规稻IR64和导入耐淹涝基因Sub1的IR64-Sub1为试验材料,秧龄20 d时喷施1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸(ACC)、多效唑(PB)、赤霉素(GA)3种外源生长调节剂... 为研究淹涝条件下水稻幼苗株高及碳水化合物消耗对不同外源生长调节剂的响应,本试验选用籼型常规稻IR64和导入耐淹涝基因Sub1的IR64-Sub1为试验材料,秧龄20 d时喷施1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸(ACC)、多效唑(PB)、赤霉素(GA)3种外源生长调节剂,以喷施清水为对照(CK).喷施处理2 d后进行0、4、8、12、16 d没顶淹涝胁迫,淹涝胁迫结束后常温恢复7 d,取样分析不同外源生长调节剂对水稻成活率、株高、叶绿素降解及恢复、地上部非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)消耗的影响.结果表明:淹涝导致水稻幼苗株高显著增长,叶片SPAD值快速下降,叶片可溶性糖迅速消耗,但耐淹涝品种IR64-Sub1淹水前茎鞘NSC含量明显高于IR64,淹涝中NSC消耗速率低于IR64,淹水结束后地上部淀粉含量高于IR64.外源PB处理显著抑制水稻幼苗株高增长、叶绿素降解及NSC消耗,提高存活率,且对IR64-Sub1效果更为显著.外源GA处理水稻幼苗叶绿素降解、株高增长和NSC消耗最快,植株恢复能力最低,耐淹涝能力最差,但与IR64相比,GA对IR64-Sub1淹涝耐性的抑制明显减弱.外源ACC促进伸长效果明显低于外源GA处理.淹水前喷施PB可有效抑制植株水下伸长,延缓叶绿素降解,减缓NSC消耗,保留更多NSC,为淹水胁迫解除后水稻快速恢复提供有利条件,这对于易涝地区减轻涝渍危害具有重要意义. 展开更多
关键词 水稻 淹涝 Sub1 外源生长调节剂 地上部 成活率
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