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Investigation between Different Amount of Crude Fiber and Fermentation in the Rumen by Beef Suckler Cows
作者 Heiko Scholz Petra Kuhne +2 位作者 Rudolf Staufenbiel Anja West Gerd Heckenberger 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2020年第3期159-164,共6页
Body condition of suckler cows at the time of calving has an important effect on calving ease and mortality of calves.In the last eight weeks before calving the body condition should be reduced or at least not increas... Body condition of suckler cows at the time of calving has an important effect on calving ease and mortality of calves.In the last eight weeks before calving the body condition should be reduced or at least not increased.Rations with a higher amount of crude fibre can be used(rations with straw or late mowed grass silage(GS))to control the body condition score.Eight suckler cows(Charolais)were feeding a total mixed ration(TMR)in the last eight weeks before calving and GS after calving.By the addition of straw(30%in TMR1 vs 60%in TMR2 of dry matter)was varied the amount of crude fibre in the TMR(GS,straw,mineral)before calving.In the period after calving were GS feeding.Last measurement took place on the pasture(PS).Rumen fluid,plasma,body weight and back fat thickness were collected.Rumen fluid pH was assessed immediately after collection using an electronic pH meter.Volatile fatty acids(VFA),sedimentation,methylene-blue and amount of infusorians were measured.From four key figures an“index of rumen fermentation”(IRF)in the rumen was formed.Statistical analysis took place with analysis of variance(ANOVA)with fixed effects of treatment(TMR1,TMR2,GS and PS)and number of lactations(3-7 lactations)using SPSS Version 25.0 for Windows.Rumen fluid pH had significant differences between variants(TMR1 by 6.6,TMR2 by 6.9,GS by 6.6 and PS by 6.9),but was not affected by other effects.The IRF showed a disturbed fermentation in the rumen by feeding the TMR 1+2 with high amount of crude fibre(score:>10.0 points)and a very good situation for fermentation during grazing the PS(score:6.9 points).The long-term use of crude fibre-rich rations in the period before calving may cause deviations from undisturbed fermentation in the rumen and adversely affect the utilization of the feed in the rumen. 展开更多
关键词 suckler COW CRUDE fibre RUMEN FERMENTATION body condition score CALVING period
The Modeling of Production and Economic Indicators in Suckler Cows Herds
作者 Andrej Koleno Jan fluba +2 位作者 Zuzana Krupova Monika Michalickova Ondrej Debreceni 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第1期93-101,共9页
The aim of this study was to analyse the most important factors affecting the profitability of suckler cows herds in Slovakia in 2010. The economic models were used to verify whether the suckler cows farming is profit... The aim of this study was to analyse the most important factors affecting the profitability of suckler cows herds in Slovakia in 2010. The economic models were used to verify whether the suckler cows farming is profitable without subsidies in the current production conditions in Slovakia as well as their optimal location in the agricultural natural conditions of Slovakia from the perspective of economic efficiency. The breeding of cattle, mainly for the beef meat production, has long been unprofitable as it is apparent also from the analysis of several studies. In the model without inclusion of subsidies, it was calculated that the suckler cows farming is unprofitable at the current production parameters and realization prices of calves. The losses per cow and year were ranged from -240ε in the model by using a combination of the maximum threshold values of input parameters to -818ε by using a combination of the minimum threshold values of the input parameters. In the models including of subsidies amount of loss and/or profit per cow and year varied depending on the input parameters mainly on natality, average daily gain, the realization price of calves and the level of subsidies provided to breeder as well. The economic results are ranged from -277ε to 724ε per cow and year. From economical as well as production point of view, the most appropriate agricultural natural regions for suckler cows farming in Slovakia are upland and highland regions. 展开更多
关键词 ECONOMICS beef production suckler cows SUBSIDIES profit.
作者 黄应祥 冀一伦 +4 位作者 杜增昱 张思温 刘明祥 孙旭光 董二面 《中国动物营养学报》 CAS CSCD 1992年第2期63-63,共1页
从曾进行妊娠期肉牛营养需要的试验母牛内选择产下健壮西杂或西夏杂犊牛的母牛作为本试验的试验牛。1987~1988年按妊娠期营养水平分组,即从妊娠到哺乳的营养水平为高一高和低一低两组。1998~1989年则按妊娠期不同营养水平的两组各半... 从曾进行妊娠期肉牛营养需要的试验母牛内选择产下健壮西杂或西夏杂犊牛的母牛作为本试验的试验牛。1987~1988年按妊娠期营养水平分组,即从妊娠到哺乳的营养水平为高一高和低一低两组。1998~1989年则按妊娠期不同营养水平的两组各半重新组成哺乳期的高、低两个营养水平组,这样,从妊娠到哺续的营养(主要是能量水平)组成了高—高、高—低、 展开更多
关键词 哺犊母牛 能量水平 泌乳量 干物质采食量
The Influence of Feeding Regimen on the Composition of the Fat Pads in the Bovine Digital Cushion
作者 Martha Raber Vera Letter +2 位作者 Andre Chassot Hans Geyer Martin R.L.Scheeder 《Agricultural Sciences》 2015年第9期889-899,共11页
The effect of an intensive/extensive feeding regimen on lipid content and fatty acid composition of the bovine digital cushion was investigated in 32 beef cattle of both genders, divided in 2 groups (16 per intensive/... The effect of an intensive/extensive feeding regimen on lipid content and fatty acid composition of the bovine digital cushion was investigated in 32 beef cattle of both genders, divided in 2 groups (16 per intensive/extensive feeding). The beef cattle were calves of different suckler cow husbandries. After the separation from their mothers at the age of 10 months, they were differently fed for 5 months. The animals were slaughtered at the age of 15 months with a mean body weight of 450 kg. The macroscopic claw examination of all beef cattle was made at two defined claws at the beginning of the trial and after slaughter. For applicatory reasons, the fat pads of the claws could only be prepared after slaughter. Samples from fat pads at defined locations of the digital cushion were analysed for lipid content and fatty acid composition determination. Additionally, samples from the digital cushions and few samples of subcutaneous tissue of 9 dairy cows served as comparison. These slaughterhouse cows were mainly fed with hay and grass;further data however were not available. The digital fat pads and the subcutaneous fat of both groups showed obvious differences in the fat content and the fatty acid composition. The fat pads of the intensive fed animals contained fewer lipids and more omega-6-fatty acids. The extensive fed animals had distinctly more omega-3-fatty acids. In the subcutaneous fat of the intensive fed animals, more omega-6-fatty could be found and more omega-3-fatty acids in the extensive fed animals. These results indicate that the feeding can influence the lipid content and the fatty acid composition. The macroscopic hoof horn quality grade of the intensive fed group was better than the extensive fed group. The digital pads of the dairy cows contained more lipids, more monounsaturated fatty acids and less omega-6-fatty acids. 展开更多
关键词 suckler Cow Husbandry CLAWS NUTRITION Fatty Acids
作者 马一畅 陈昭辉 +3 位作者 刘继军 靳薇 耿庆牛 郭霏 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第1期58-61,65,共5页
为了提高母带犊饲养工艺的饲养水平,解决好生产工艺如何与牛舍建筑配套的问题,改善母牛与犊牛的福利水平,研究设计了小群饲养带犊母牛舍。该牛舍设计为双坡牛舍、东西朝向,长度为144 m、跨度为30 m、檐高4.5 m,共可饲养192组母带犊牛。... 为了提高母带犊饲养工艺的饲养水平,解决好生产工艺如何与牛舍建筑配套的问题,改善母牛与犊牛的福利水平,研究设计了小群饲养带犊母牛舍。该牛舍设计为双坡牛舍、东西朝向,长度为144 m、跨度为30 m、檐高4.5 m,共可饲养192组母带犊牛。每侧屋面通长设置1条6.0 m宽采光带,冬至10:00—14:00光线可直接照射牛体,减缓冬季牛只冷应激;夏季采用遮阳网覆盖避免阳光直射;同时,在屋脊处通长设置1.2 m高的钟楼,以满足牛只饲养的通风量标准。舍内分别为母牛与犊牛提供活动区域,母牛卧床采用沙土地面,犊牛栏内铺设垫料,以提高母仔的福利水平,且母仔定时分离,既利于母牛为犊牛提供奶源,又可避免犊牛对母牛过多的损耗。 展开更多
关键词 小群饲养 母带犊饲养工艺 牛舍设计 定时哺乳 福利水平
作者 刘高坤 姚琨 +5 位作者 王思伟 张新 郭伟婷 李胜利 王昆 王雅晶 《中国奶牛》 2021年第3期1-5,共5页
本试验旨在探究高精料肥育模式下奶公犊的生长规律及该模式下的生产效益。试验选用300头日龄为210±2.07d、体重为243±17.01kg的荷斯坦牛公犊进行试验,综合月龄和体重指标进行肥育阶段划分,分为肥育前期(7~9月龄)、饲料过渡期(... 本试验旨在探究高精料肥育模式下奶公犊的生长规律及该模式下的生产效益。试验选用300头日龄为210±2.07d、体重为243±17.01kg的荷斯坦牛公犊进行试验,综合月龄和体重指标进行肥育阶段划分,分为肥育前期(7~9月龄)、饲料过渡期(10~11月龄)、肥育后期(12~18月龄),通过提高日粮精料比例,逐阶段提高日粮能量浓度,试验期共360d。结果表明:肥育前期,牛群个体平均增重为70kg,其中7~8月龄平均日增重在1.4kg以上;饲料过渡期日增重为1.43kg,较9月龄日增重(1.00kg)有明显提升;肥育后期12月龄与13月龄日增重分别为1.46kg和1.6kg,在该饲养阶段内群体达到最高增重水平,随后日增重呈波动式下降趋势;17月龄以后平均日增重降到1kg以下,且随着肥育月龄增大,肥育期间耗料增重比呈上升趋势。经济效益方面,高精料肥育奶公犊模式全期毛利润与年均利润率比传统外购架子牛肥育模式分别高1311元/头和23个百分点。由此可见,奶公犊高精料肥育模式可以在我国大、中型奶公犊肥育场推广使用。 展开更多
关键词 奶公犊肥育 三阶段肥育模式 肥育饲养管理
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