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From Innocence to Suffering to Awareness:Nada Confrontation in Francis Macomber
作者 史晶 《海外英语》 2013年第8X期198-199,205,共3页
The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber is a quintessential Hemingway tale of one man's attempt to overcome an in ternal struggle by mastering the external world. Francis Macomber discovers his own bravery and st... The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber is a quintessential Hemingway tale of one man's attempt to overcome an in ternal struggle by mastering the external world. Francis Macomber discovers his own bravery and strength when he ignores his self-consciousness and relies on instinct. This essay will examine Hemingway's code and how it confronts nada thus analyze Macomber's change from innocent to suffering to aware. 展开更多
关键词 Hemingway’s code Nada CONFRONTATION INNOCENT suffe
土壤含水量对驯化的野生牡丹Pro、MDA及根系活力的影响 被引量:1
作者 张佑麟 黄玲 +1 位作者 刘志雄 费永俊 《长江大学学报(自科版)(中旬)》 CAS 2012年第2期6-8,5,共3页
以驯化的野生牡丹(Paeonia suffruticosa Andr)为材料,对3个不同土壤相对含水量(40%、60%、100%)梯度下根系中游离脯氨酸(Pro)含量、根系中丙二醛(MDA)含量和根系活力进行了测定,探讨牡丹根系的耐湿性。结果表明:随着土壤相对含水量的增... 以驯化的野生牡丹(Paeonia suffruticosa Andr)为材料,对3个不同土壤相对含水量(40%、60%、100%)梯度下根系中游离脯氨酸(Pro)含量、根系中丙二醛(MDA)含量和根系活力进行了测定,探讨牡丹根系的耐湿性。结果表明:随着土壤相对含水量的增加,牡丹根系活力逐渐减弱,根中的游离Pro含量不断增加,而MDA呈先上升后下降的趋势。说明驯化的野生牡丹根系有一定的耐湿能力,能根据土壤湿度的变化做出积极的生理响应。 展开更多
关键词 牡丹(Paeonia suff ruticosa Andr) 耐湿性 生理特性 根系
Short-term normalization of ventricular repolarization by transcatheter ablation in a patient with suspected brugada syndrome
作者 SHAN Qijun, YANG Bing, CHEN Minglong, ZOU Jiangang, CHEN Chun, XU Dongjie, CAO Kejiang, Department of Cardiology, First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029, China 《上海医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第S1期226-226,共1页
We report observations in a 30 year old male without structural heart disease who presented with recurrent nocturnal syncope and aborted sudden cardiac death. 12-lead ECG showed elevated ST in inferior leads and short... We report observations in a 30 year old male without structural heart disease who presented with recurrent nocturnal syncope and aborted sudden cardiac death. 12-lead ECG showed elevated ST in inferior leads and short coupled premature ventricular complexes (PVCs). Propafenone challenge suggested a diagnosis of an atypical Brugada syndrome. Two morphological types of PVGs and ventricular fibrillation (VF) were induced during propafenone challenge test. He underwent two ablation procedures in right ventricular inflow tract and left ventricular post-inferior septum region by pace-mapping, respectively. After ablation, VF could not be induced and the elevated ST segments normalized. Two subsequent propafenone challenge tests were also negative. Nonetheless, elevated ST segments and PVCs reappeared by one month follow-up. An implantable defibrillator was recommended, but the patient declined for financial reasons. Unfortunately, he suffered a sudden cardiac death at home 10 weeks post-ablation. These findings suggest that short-term normalization of ventricular repolarizatiion after ablation is possible in Brugada syndrome. However, the transient nature of this finding suggests that it is not a reliable indicator of protection against sudden cardiac death. 展开更多
开展铁路保价运输的实践与思考 被引量:2
作者 陈冰 《铁道货运》 2010年第9期1-4,共4页
介绍昆明铁路局以足额投保为切入点,开展保价增收;加强沟通联系,做好客户服务工作;强化安全控制和基础管理,加强货运事故处理分析等开展保价运输的实践。提出通过创新营销宣传方式、构建铁路保价客户服务体系、完善保价理赔服务机制不... 介绍昆明铁路局以足额投保为切入点,开展保价增收;加强沟通联系,做好客户服务工作;强化安全控制和基础管理,加强货运事故处理分析等开展保价运输的实践。提出通过创新营销宣传方式、构建铁路保价客户服务体系、完善保价理赔服务机制不断拓展铁路保价运输业务的思路。 展开更多
关键词 足额保价 市场分析 理赔质量
牡丹再生体系建立的研究进展 被引量:3
作者 牟亚萍 《温带林业研究》 2022年第3期7-11,20,共6页
牡丹是我国极其重要的园艺植物之一,具有文化、观赏和药用等价值。利用植物的组织培养技术建立其再生体系可以突破传统育种方式所存在的时间久、扩繁慢、条件要求高和过程管理繁琐等局限,帮助更加快速且批量化培育出市场所需要的大量幼... 牡丹是我国极其重要的园艺植物之一,具有文化、观赏和药用等价值。利用植物的组织培养技术建立其再生体系可以突破传统育种方式所存在的时间久、扩繁慢、条件要求高和过程管理繁琐等局限,帮助更加快速且批量化培育出市场所需要的大量幼苗,缓解苗木产量短缺这一棘手的问题;同时也可以通过组织培养的技术手段为新品种培育和引种驯化等工作提供帮助。本文聚焦牡丹再生体系的建立,围绕影响再生体系建立的几个因素和过程中经常出现的几大问题,综述了近年来在牡丹组织培养和再生体系建立领域的相关研究进展。首先牡丹的再生体系建立经历了从材料的选择、消毒、愈伤组织诱导、不定芽诱导到不定根诱导的几个大步骤,每个步骤中所要聚焦的重点均不相同,再生体系的成功建立离不开每一步的扎实推进。其次针对不同的目标需要制定专属的方案,并且根据实际情况及时动态调整各影响因素也是帮助建立起牡丹再生体系的关键之一。第三就是关于在建立再生体系的过程中出现的污染、褐化、玻璃化和诱导率不高等现象的原因做出了简单分析,并给出了些许建议。综上所述,牡丹的再生体系建立并不完备和稳定,在后期的研究中除了要克服体系建立时遇到的各种问题外,还应花费一定的精力探究问题产生的原因和多种解决措施,以期为今后开展牡丹再生体系建立的研究提供参考和相关条件优化提供基础支撑。 展开更多
关键词 牡丹 再生体系 组织培养 研究综述
Zijin Mining Group Aims at New Energy Mining Business Amid Falling Profit in the Domestic Nonferrous Industry
《China Nonferrous Metals Monthly》 2014年第4期9-9,共1页
Under the impact of sluggish global mining market,domestic nonferrous mining companies universally suffered decline in profit.Zijin Mining Group recently released annual report for 2013,the Company last year fulfilled... Under the impact of sluggish global mining market,domestic nonferrous mining companies universally suffered decline in profit.Zijin Mining Group recently released annual report for 2013,the Company last year fulfilled sales income of 49.772 billion yuan,up by 2.8%on Y-o-Y basis;net profit 2.125 billion yuan,down by 59.22%on Y-o-Y basis.As the global mining industry entered comprehensive adjustment,and prices of 展开更多
关键词 nonferrous PROFIT PRICES COMPANIES adjustment suff
Lianyi Chem Completes Caustic Soda Expansion
《China Chemical Reporter》 2010年第22期17-17,共11页
Wuzhou Lianyi Chemical Company Limited (Lianyi Chem)reported on November 5th that it has completed renovationand expansion on its 75 000 t/a caustic soda unit and put it onstream. Its total capacity of caustic soda no... Wuzhou Lianyi Chemical Company Limited (Lianyi Chem)reported on November 5th that it has completed renovationand expansion on its 75 000 t/a caustic soda unit and put it onstream. Its total capacity of caustic soda now was doubled to150 000 t/a. Through this expansion,the company also increasedits capacity to produce chlorine.Lianyi Chem,located in Wuzhou,Guangxi region。 展开更多
关键词 completed CHLORINE doubled Nanning SUBSIDIARY suff
Blind Expansion in the Chromate Sector Caused Fierce Competition
作者 Ji Zhu 《China Chemical Reporter》 2008年第12期15-16,共4页
The chromate industry in China has de-veloped rapidly since 2000.China pro-duced 150 000 tons of chromates (based on sodium bichromate) in 2000 and be-came the biggest chromate producing country worldwide.The output i... The chromate industry in China has de-veloped rapidly since 2000.China pro-duced 150 000 tons of chromates (based on sodium bichromate) in 2000 and be-came the biggest chromate producing country worldwide.The output increased to 270 000 tons in 2005 and went further up to approximately 300 000 tons in 2006 and 2007,accounting for around one third of the world total. 展开更多
关键词 ACCOUNTING producing morethan CHROME thousand suff
Review of New Economic and Financial Figures
作者 Zhong Weike 《China Chemical Reporter》 2008年第14期3-3,共4页
China’s GDP grew at an annualized rate of 10.6% during the first quarter,compared with 11.7% in the same period of 2007 and 11.9% for the whole year of 2007,according to the State Information Center(SIC).This slow-do... China’s GDP grew at an annualized rate of 10.6% during the first quarter,compared with 11.7% in the same period of 2007 and 11.9% for the whole year of 2007,according to the State Information Center(SIC).This slow-down was attributed by SIC to factors such as the govern-ment adjusting and monitoring the economic,the impacts of 展开更多
关键词 QUARTER attributed govern ADJUSTING PETROLEUM suff
China's Polyester Fiber Industry in 2007--High Price,Reduced Demand and Improved Margin
作者 Gao Yanlin,China Chemical Fiber Information Net 《China Chemical Reporter》 2008年第1期21-22,共4页
1.Rapid growth of capacity and outputThe polyester fiber industry in China has maintained a rapid growth in recent years.The capacity of polyester fiber reached 18.335
关键词 POLYESTER maintained QUARTER hasbeen FILAMENT suff
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