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Diverse solid and supersolid phases of bosons in a triangular lattice
作者 陈起辉 李鹏 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第5期439-446,共8页
We investigate the ground state of bosons with long-range interactions in the large U limit on a triangular lattice. By mapping this system to the spin-1/2 XXZ model in a magnetic field, we can apply the spin wave the... We investigate the ground state of bosons with long-range interactions in the large U limit on a triangular lattice. By mapping this system to the spin-1/2 XXZ model in a magnetic field, we can apply the spin wave theory to this study. We demonstrate how to construct the phase diagrams within the spin wave theory. The phase diagrams are given in an extensive parameter region, where, besides the superfluid phase, diverse solid and supersolid phases are shown to exist in this model. Especially, we find that the phase diagram obtained in this method is consistent with the one obtained previously using numerical techniques in the Ising limit. This confirms the effectiveness of our method. We analyze the stability of all the obtained supersolids and show that they will not be ruined by the quantum fluctuations. We observe that the quantum fluctuations in the stripe supersolid phase could be enhanced by the external field. We also discuss the relevance of our result with the experiment that may be realized with ultracold bosonic polar molecules in a triangular optical lattice. 展开更多
关键词 supersolid dipolar molecules optical lattice
Supersolid Phase in One-Dimensional Hard-Core Boson Hubbard Model with a Superlattice Potential
作者 GUO Huai-Ming LIANG Ying 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第11期1142-1144,共3页
The ground state of the one-dimensional hard-core boson Hubbard model with a superlattice potential is studied by quantum Monte Carlo methods. We demonstrate that besides the CDW phase and the Mott insulator phase, th... The ground state of the one-dimensional hard-core boson Hubbard model with a superlattice potential is studied by quantum Monte Carlo methods. We demonstrate that besides the CDW phase and the Mott insulator phase, the supersolid phase emerges due to the presence of the superlattice potential, which reflects the competition with the hopping term. We also study the densities of sublattices and have a clear idea about the distribution of the bosons on the lattice. 展开更多
关键词 boson Hubbard model quantum Monte Carlo supersolid phase
作者 高吉明 狄国文 +3 位作者 鱼自发 唐荣安 徐红萍 薛具奎 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第13期73-84,共12页
光晶格中的冷原子系统是实现量子模拟和量子计算的有效平台之一,其相变特性的研究有助于系统中新奇量子态物理机制的探索和实验观测.本文利用朗道相变理论和非均匀平均场方法,研究了人工磁场下光晶格中各向异性偶极玻色气体的相变,得到... 光晶格中的冷原子系统是实现量子模拟和量子计算的有效平台之一,其相变特性的研究有助于系统中新奇量子态物理机制的探索和实验观测.本文利用朗道相变理论和非均匀平均场方法,研究了人工磁场下光晶格中各向异性偶极玻色气体的相变,得到了系统不可压缩相(Mott绝缘相、棋盘或条纹密度波相)-可压缩相(超流、棋盘或条纹超固相)的解析相变条件,给出了系统的完整相图.有趣的是,各向异性偶极相互作用会使得系统中的棋盘密度波相和棋盘超固相变为条纹密度波相和条纹超固相,人工磁场会稳定绝缘相和超固相,使得绝缘相和超固相在相图中的存在区域变大.此外,引入外加谐振势后发现系统中的不同量子相可以共存. 展开更多
关键词 光晶格 各向异性偶极相互作用 人工磁场 超固相
粉末高速钢SLPS的研究进展 被引量:4
作者 章林 刘芳 +1 位作者 李志友 周科朝 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期52-55,共4页
粉末高速钢的制备关键是提高烧结性和控制显微组织,分析了影响粉末高速钢超固相线液相烧结的几个关键参数,包括合金元素、烧结窗、C 含量和 C(T_E)点,阐明了化学成分、烧结温度和烧结气氛对显微组织的影响,最后指出了粉末高速钢研究的... 粉末高速钢的制备关键是提高烧结性和控制显微组织,分析了影响粉末高速钢超固相线液相烧结的几个关键参数,包括合金元素、烧结窗、C 含量和 C(T_E)点,阐明了化学成分、烧结温度和烧结气氛对显微组织的影响,最后指出了粉末高速钢研究的发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 高速钢 显微组织 固相线 合金元素 粉末 关键参数 液相烧结 高烧 研究进展 影响
固体酸催化剂在酯化反应中的应用研究进展 被引量:17
作者 徐静莉 孙国富 《吉林化工学院学报》 CAS 2001年第4期87-90,共4页
关键词 固体超强酸 催化剂 酯化反应 应用 分子筛 杂多酸 催化活性
非线性相互作用的自旋-轨道耦合玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体的淬火动力学 被引量:2
作者 王欢 贺夏瑶 +1 位作者 李帅 刘博 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第10期124-131,共8页
研究了在二维自旋-轨道耦合的相互作用超冷玻色气体中存在一维光晶格时,超流条纹相到超固相的非平衡动力学.通过研究这一动力学过程中的缺陷(位相空间中的涡旋)及波函数的变化行为,利用涡旋数及波函数的交叠等描述方法,确定了考虑光晶... 研究了在二维自旋-轨道耦合的相互作用超冷玻色气体中存在一维光晶格时,超流条纹相到超固相的非平衡动力学.通过研究这一动力学过程中的缺陷(位相空间中的涡旋)及波函数的变化行为,利用涡旋数及波函数的交叠等描述方法,确定了考虑光晶格深度随时间线性变化的量子淬火动力学过程的转变时间.发现在转变时间之前,体系对于淬火过程没有响应.当演化时间超过转变时间后,系统开始迅速响应,涡旋数及体系的波函数开始迅速变化.当演化时间足够长时,系统将达到稳态.另外还发现,在上述动力学过程中,由于体系中自旋-轨道耦合的存在,系统在空间中的密度分布与自旋在空间中的结构始终相伴生,即具有拓扑结构的磁斯格明子(反斯格明子)的中心位置始终与体系密度分布的极小值位置相对应. 展开更多
关键词 自旋-轨道耦合 量子淬火 超固体 斯格明子与反斯格明子
固体超强酸催化合成马来酸二丁酯的研究 被引量:1
作者 刘静 陈均志 《宝鸡文理学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2005年第3期188-190,204,共4页
研究了以SO2-4/TiO2固体酸为催化剂,马来酸酐和正丁醇为原料合成马来酸二丁酯,讨论了其影响因素。结果表明,SO2-4/TiO2固体酸催化剂用量为反应物总量2.4%,醇酸摩尔比4、回流状态下反应1.5h,此条件下酯化率达98.96%,且催化剂性能稳定可... 研究了以SO2-4/TiO2固体酸为催化剂,马来酸酐和正丁醇为原料合成马来酸二丁酯,讨论了其影响因素。结果表明,SO2-4/TiO2固体酸催化剂用量为反应物总量2.4%,醇酸摩尔比4、回流状态下反应1.5h,此条件下酯化率达98.96%,且催化剂性能稳定可重复使用。 展开更多
关键词 马来酸二丁酯 催化酯化 固体超强酸 合成
Extended Bose-Hubbard model with pair hopping on triangular lattice
作者 王艳成 张万舟 +1 位作者 邵慧 郭文安 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第9期539-546,共8页
We study systematically an extended Bose-Hubbard model on the triangular lattice by means of a meanfield method based on the Gutzwiller ansatz. Pair hopping terms are explicitly included and a three-body constraint is... We study systematically an extended Bose-Hubbard model on the triangular lattice by means of a meanfield method based on the Gutzwiller ansatz. Pair hopping terms are explicitly included and a three-body constraint is applied. The zero-temperature phase diagram and a variety of quantum phase transitions are investigated in great detail. In particular, we show the existence and the stability of the pair supersolid phase. 展开更多
关键词 extended Bose-Hubbard model pair hopping zero-temperature phase diagram pair supersolid
自旋轨道耦合量子气体中的一些新进展 被引量:5
作者 施婷婷 汪六九 +1 位作者 王璟琨 张威 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期149-174,共26页
随着人造规范势和自旋轨道耦合在冷原子体系中的实现,对这类效应的研究成为了冷原子物理研究的热门方向之一.冷原子系统具有丰富的可操控性,因此不仅可以作为优秀的量子模拟平台来研究其他领域中有意义的模型和问题,还基于体系自身的特... 随着人造规范势和自旋轨道耦合在冷原子体系中的实现,对这类效应的研究成为了冷原子物理研究的热门方向之一.冷原子系统具有丰富的可操控性,因此不仅可以作为优秀的量子模拟平台来研究其他领域中有意义的模型和问题,还基于体系自身的特点衍生出了一系列新颖的问题和方向.本文将以综述的形式介绍具有自旋轨道耦合的超冷原子系统中的一些新研究进展,重点关注该体系中特有的物理要素,如耗散、新颖的相互作用形式、大自旋和长程相互作用对系统性质的影响.这些研究进展可以为理解自旋轨道耦合效应提供新的启示和思路. 展开更多
关键词 自旋轨道耦合 超辐射 拓扑态 超固体 大自旋体系
Is the Higgs Field a Positive and Negative Mass Planckion Condensate, and Does the LHC Produce Extreme Dark Energy?
作者 Christopher Pilot 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 2022年第2期432-456,共25页
Assuming a two-component, positive and negative mass, superfluid/supersolid for space (the Winterberg model), we model the Higgs field as a condensate made up of a positive and a negative mass, planckion pair. The con... Assuming a two-component, positive and negative mass, superfluid/supersolid for space (the Winterberg model), we model the Higgs field as a condensate made up of a positive and a negative mass, planckion pair. The connection is shown to be consistent (compatible) with the underlying field equations for each field, and the continuity equation is satisfied for both species of planckions, as well as for the Higgs field. An inherent length scale for space (the vacuum) emerges, which we estimate from previous work to be of the order of, l<sub>+</sub> (0) = l<sub>-</sub> (0) = 5.032E-19 meters, for an undisturbed (unperturbed) vacuum. Thus we assume a lattice structure for space, made up of overlapping positive and negative mass wave functions, ψ<sub>+</sub>, and, ψ<sub>-</sub>, which together bind to form the Higgs field, giving it its rest mass of 125.35 Gev/c<sup>2</sup> with a coherence length equal to its Compton wavelength. If the vacuum experiences an extreme disturbance, such as in a LHC pp collision, it is conjectured that severe dark energy results, on a localized level, with a partial disintegration of the Higgs force field in the surrounding space. The Higgs boson as a quantum excitation in this field results when the vacuum reestablishes itself, within 10<sup>-22</sup> seconds, with positive and negative planckion mass number densities equalizing in the disturbed region. Using our fundamental equation relating the Higgs field, φ, to the planckion ψ<sub>+</sub> and ψ<sub>-</sub> wave functions, we calculate the overall vacuum pressure (equal to vacuum energy density), as well as typical ψ<sub>+</sub> and ψ<sub>-</sub> displacements from equilibrium within the vacuum. 展开更多
关键词 Winterberg Model Quantum Vacuum Higgs Condensate/Composite Model Two-Component Superfluid/supersolid Model for the Vacuum Positive/Negative Planckion Mass Q-Theory Non-Linear Heisenberg Spinor Theory LHC Energies Dark Energy Lattice Substructure for Space
A New Interpretation of the Higgs Vacuum Potential Energy Based on a Planckion Composite Model for the Higgs
作者 Christopher Pilot 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 2023年第3期666-683,共18页
We present a new interpretation of the Higgs field as a composite particle made up of a positive, with, a negative mass Planck particle. According to the Winterberg hypothesis, space, i.e., the vacuum, consists of bot... We present a new interpretation of the Higgs field as a composite particle made up of a positive, with, a negative mass Planck particle. According to the Winterberg hypothesis, space, i.e., the vacuum, consists of both positive and negative physical massive particles, which he called planckions, interacting through strong superfluid forces. In our composite model for the Higgs boson, there is an intrinsic length scale associated with the vacuum, different from the one introduced by Winterberg, where, when the vacuum is in a perfectly balanced state, the number density of positive Planck particles equals the number density of negative Planck particles. Due to the mass compensating effect, the vacuum thus appears massless, chargeless, without pressure, energy density, or entropy. However, a situation can arise where there is an effective mass density imbalance due to the two species of Planck particle not matching in terms of populations, within their respective excited energy states. This does not require the physical addition or removal of either positive or negative Planck particles, within a given region of space, as originally thought. Ordinary matter, dark matter, and dark energy can thus be given a new interpretation as residual vacuum energies within the context of a greater vacuum, where the populations of the positive and negative energy states exactly balance. In the present epoch, it is estimated that the dark energy number density imbalance amounts to, , per cubic meter, when cosmic distance scales in excess of, 100 Mpc, are considered. Compared to a strictly balanced vacuum, where we estimate that the positive, and the negative Planck number density, is of the order, 7.85E54 particles per cubic meter, the above is a very small perturbation. This slight imbalance, we argue, would dramatically alleviate, if not altogether eliminate, the long standing cosmological constant problem. 展开更多
关键词 Winterberg Model Planck Particles Positive and Negative Mass Planck Particles Planckions Quantum Vacuum Space as a Superfluid/supersolid Extended Models for Space Cosmological Constant Higgs Field as a Composite Particle Higgs Boson Inherent Length Scale for the Vacuum Dark Energy
On the Cosmic Evolution of the Quantum Vacuum Using Two Variable G Models and Winterberg’s Thesis
作者 Christopher Pilot 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 2023年第4期1134-1160,共27页
We work within a Winterberg framework where space, i.e., the vacuum, consists of a two component superfluid/super-solid made up of a vast assembly (sea) of positive and negative mass Planck particles, called planckion... We work within a Winterberg framework where space, i.e., the vacuum, consists of a two component superfluid/super-solid made up of a vast assembly (sea) of positive and negative mass Planck particles, called planckions. These material particles interact indirectly, and have very strong restoring forces keeping them a finite distance apart from each other within their respective species. Because of their mass compensating effect, the vacuum appears massless, charge-less, without pressure, net energy density or entropy. In addition, we consider two varying G models, where G, is Newton’s constant, and G<sup>-1</sup>, increases with an increase in cosmological time. We argue that there are at least two competing models for the quantum vacuum within such a framework. The first follows a strict extension of Winterberg’s model. This leads to nonsensible results, if G increases, going back in cosmological time, as the length scale inherent in such a model will not scale properly. The second model introduces a different length scale, which does scale properly, but keeps the mass of the Planck particle as, ± the Planck mass. Moreover we establish a connection between ordinary matter, dark matter, and dark energy, where all three mass densities within the Friedman equation must be interpreted as residual vacuum energies, which only surface, once aggregate matter has formed, at relatively low CMB temperatures. The symmetry of the vacuum will be shown to be broken, because of the different scaling laws, beginning with the formation of elementary particles. Much like waves on an ocean where positive and negative planckion mass densities effectively cancel each other out and form a zero vacuum energy density/zero vacuum pressure surface, these positive mass densities are very small perturbations (anomalies) about the mean. This greatly alleviates, i.e., minimizes the cosmological constant problem, a long standing problem associated with the vacuum. 展开更多
关键词 Winterberg Model Planck Particles Positive and Negative Mass Planck Particles Planckions Quantum Vacuum Space as a Superfluid/supersolid Extended Models for Space Cosmological Constant Higgs Field as a Composite Particle Higgs Boson Inherent Length Scale for the Vacuum Dark Energy Cosmological Scaling Behavior for the Quantum Vacuum Variable G Models Extended Gravity Newton’s Constant as an Order Parameter High Energy Behavior for the Vacuum
三腿梯子上硬核玻色-哈伯德模型的量子蒙特卡罗研究 被引量:1
作者 冯乐 张万舟 《河南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第2期23-28,共6页
运用集团平均场和密度矩阵重整化群方法得到三腿梯子中玻色-哈伯德模型基于z方向密度交错排布的超固体相,比单层三角晶格多一种超固体.然而平均场超流序参量没有考虑超流的方向,这种超固体的本质有待于进一步探索.本文运用可靠的有向圈... 运用集团平均场和密度矩阵重整化群方法得到三腿梯子中玻色-哈伯德模型基于z方向密度交错排布的超固体相,比单层三角晶格多一种超固体.然而平均场超流序参量没有考虑超流的方向,这种超固体的本质有待于进一步探索.本文运用可靠的有向圈随机序列展开量子蒙特卡罗方法模拟了三腿梯子上硬核玻色-哈伯德模型,通过测量层内和层间的结构因子和超流刚硬度,发现系统具有密度ρ=1/2的固体,增加量子隧穿后,z方向不存在超固体.计算结果有助于冷原子实验寻找新的量子相. 展开更多
关键词 量子蒙特卡罗方法 超固体 三腿梯子 玻色-哈伯德模型
烧结法制备粉末冶金高碳铬钒工具钢的研究 被引量:3
作者 傅肃嘉 应金根 +1 位作者 龙郑易 潘君益 《粉末冶金技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期259-263,共5页
用水雾化+真空烧结法制备了名义成分为C2.5Cr17Co2Mn2V3Fe的粉末冶金高碳铬钒工具钢,研究了配碳量和烧结温度对烧结行为的影响。结果表明,根据配碳量和烧结温度不同,存在固相烧结、超固相线液相烧结、液相烧结三种烧结方式,其碳化物尺... 用水雾化+真空烧结法制备了名义成分为C2.5Cr17Co2Mn2V3Fe的粉末冶金高碳铬钒工具钢,研究了配碳量和烧结温度对烧结行为的影响。结果表明,根据配碳量和烧结温度不同,存在固相烧结、超固相线液相烧结、液相烧结三种烧结方式,其碳化物尺寸分别为5μm、10μm、15μm左右;固相烧结试样相对密度和硬度只有90%和50HRC左右,而两种液相烧结试样的相对密度和硬度均可达99%和60HRC以上。XRD结果表明:烧结和淬火样品均由γ-Fe、α-Fe和Cr7C3组成;回火样品主要由α-Fe、Cr7C3组成,回火共析反应可能为γ-(Fe,Cr,Co,Mn,C)→α-(Fe,Cr,Co,Mn,C)+Cr7C3。 展开更多
关键词 水雾化粉末 固相烧结 超固相线液相烧结 液相烧结 粉末冶金工具钢
作者 李佶彪 黄勇力 +3 位作者 张希 姚闯 张蕾 孙长庆 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第6期858-873,共16页
与传统定义的氢键(X…H)相比,耦合氢键(X:H-Y)集成分子间的X:H非键和分子内的H-Y成键作用(X=N,O;Y=X,C;而且H也可以被电负性较低的金属如Cu取代).耦合氢键具有两个显著的特征:一是它的分段长度、能量、和振动频率的协同性,二是其分段德... 与传统定义的氢键(X…H)相比,耦合氢键(X:H-Y)集成分子间的X:H非键和分子内的H-Y成键作用(X=N,O;Y=X,C;而且H也可以被电负性较低的金属如Cu取代).耦合氢键具有两个显著的特征:一是它的分段长度、能量、和振动频率的协同性,二是其分段德拜比热的差异,其关键在于它的两端负电载体间的排斥耦合和极化作用.耦合氢键分段的德拜比热对温度的积分对应它们各自的结合能而德拜温度对应于振动频率.因此,我们可以通过施加外场(温度,压强,配位,电场,等)调制耦合氢键的极化和协同弛豫以改变氢键网络结构和氢键体系的物理性能.但是,耦合氢键的协同弛豫只有在Y-X排斥足够强和H-Y电负性差足够大的条件下发生.耦合氢键的建立使我们不仅能够定量破解关于水的结构和冰水的诸多反常物性,而且加深了对酸碱盐和有机溶液的氢键网络和属性以及氮基炸药的结构稳定性和储能机理等的系统认知.氢键耦合振子对的极化和协同弛豫为分子电子学提供了一个新的自由度以完整表述分子、电子、键合在时、空、能量域的受激行为.所以,由单分子基元动力学向耦合氢键和电子弛豫动力学的思维拓展,无论是对原子分子电子学的基础研究还是对实际工程应用都具有深远的意义. 展开更多
关键词 极化 耦合 反氢键 超氢键 准固态 超固态 储能
^(4)He monolayer on graphene:a quantum Monte Carlo study
作者 S Yu M Boninsegni 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第9期149-157,共9页
We revisit the problem of adsorption of a single^(4)He layer on graphene,focusing on the commensurate(C_(1/3))crystalline phase,specifically on whether it may possess a nonzero superfluid response,and on the existence... We revisit the problem of adsorption of a single^(4)He layer on graphene,focusing on the commensurate(C_(1/3))crystalline phase,specifically on whether it may possess a nonzero superfluid response,and on the existence of superfluid phases,either(metastable)liquid or vacancy-doped crystalline.We make use of canonical quantum Monte Carlo simulations at zero and finite temperature,based on a realistic microscopic model of the system.Our results confirm the absence of any superfluid response in the commensurate crystal,and that no thermodynamically stable uniform phase exists at lower coverage.No evidence of a possibly long-lived,metastable superfluid phase at C_(1/3)coverage is found.Altogether,the results of ground-state projection methods and finite-temperature simulations are entirely consistent. 展开更多
关键词 SUPERFLUIDITY low-dimensional systems quantum Monte Carlo HELIUM supersolidS
受限水的超流特性 被引量:4
作者 王奉超 孙长庆 吴恒安 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期1111-1114,共4页
超流是一种物质与其他物质界面不黏连、无阻力下的相对快速运动状态.譬如纳米通道中水的流速要比经典流体力学理论预测值高几个数量级.基于近期的实验和理论模拟结果,我们讨论了液态水在微纳通道内表现出超流的特性,并指出水在常温条件... 超流是一种物质与其他物质界面不黏连、无阻力下的相对快速运动状态.譬如纳米通道中水的流速要比经典流体力学理论预测值高几个数量级.基于近期的实验和理论模拟结果,我们讨论了液态水在微纳通道内表现出超流的特性,并指出水在常温条件下的受限超流起源于水的低配位水分子间的氢键弛豫和因弛豫而引起的表皮超固态的高弹性和极化. 展开更多
关键词 超流体 氢键 受限 超固态
固体超强酸催化对不饱和聚酯绿色生产的影响 被引量:2
作者 许大蔚 蒋永发 +2 位作者 黎杰鹏 吴丁财 符若文 《热固性树脂》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期45-49,共5页
采用液相沉积法在MCM-41介孔分子筛上负载Ti O_2,再用(NH_4)_2S_2O_8浸渍制备了新型固体超强酸催化剂TMS。通过红外光谱,扫描电镜,孔径分析,酸值和废水量、COD浓度及累积COD总量测定表征了TMS催化剂的结构,研究了Ti O_2负载量对催化... 采用液相沉积法在MCM-41介孔分子筛上负载Ti O_2,再用(NH_4)_2S_2O_8浸渍制备了新型固体超强酸催化剂TMS。通过红外光谱,扫描电镜,孔径分析,酸值和废水量、COD浓度及累积COD总量测定表征了TMS催化剂的结构,研究了Ti O_2负载量对催化效果以及TMS催化剂对缩聚反应速率的影响。结果表明,当Ti/Si原子比为0.5时,TMS可达到最佳的催化效果。采用TMS催化不饱和聚酯树脂的缩聚反应能明显加快反应速度,缩短反应时间,节能降耗。同时,聚合过程总出水量略有减少,累积COD总量显著下降,比未使用催化剂的反应体系降低19%~41%。采用TMS催化剂是实现不饱和聚酯树脂绿色生产的有效途径之一。 展开更多
关键词 不饱和聚酯 固体超强酸 催化缩聚 绿色工艺
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