The garnet amphibolites from the newly identified Wanhe ophiolitic mélange in the Changning-Menglian suture zone(CMSZ)provide a probe to elucidate the evolution of the Triassic Palaeo-Tethys.An integrated petrolo...The garnet amphibolites from the newly identified Wanhe ophiolitic mélange in the Changning-Menglian suture zone(CMSZ)provide a probe to elucidate the evolution of the Triassic Palaeo-Tethys.An integrated petrologic,phase equilibria modeling and geochronological study of the garnet amphibolites,southeast Tibetan Plateau,shows that the garnet amphibolites have a peak mineral assemblage of garnet,glaucophane,lawsonite,chlorite,rutile,phengite and quartz,and a clockwise P-T path with a prograde segment from blueschist-facies to eclogite-facies with a peak-metamorphic P-T conditions of 2000–2100 MPa and 495–515℃,indicating a cold geothermal gradient of about 240–260℃/GPa.Theretrograde metamorphic P-T path is characterized by nearly isothermal decompression to lower amphibolite-facies and subsequent cooling to greenschist-facies.The metamorphic zircons have fractionated HREE patterns and significant negative Eu anomalies,and therefore the obtained zircon U-Pb age of 231±1.5 Ma is interpreted to be the timing of the amphibolite facies metamorphism occurrence.The present study probably indicates that the garnet amphibolites in the Wanhe ophiolitic mélange was the retrograded highpressure eclogite-facies blueschist,instead of the previously proposed eclogites,and the garnet amphibolites recorded the subduction and exhumation process of the Palaeo-Tethys Oceanic crust in the Triassic.展开更多
Various combinations of diamond, moissanite, zircon, quartz, corundum, rutile, titanite, almandine garnet, kyanite, and andalusite have been recovered from the Dangqiong peridotites. More than 80 grains of diamond hav...Various combinations of diamond, moissanite, zircon, quartz, corundum, rutile, titanite, almandine garnet, kyanite, and andalusite have been recovered from the Dangqiong peridotites. More than 80 grains of diamond have been recovered, most of which are pale yellow to reddish-orange to colorless. The grains are all 100-200 μm in size and mostly anhedral, but with a range of morphologies including elongated, octahedral and subhedral varieties. Their identification was confirmed by a characteristic shift in the Raman spectra between 1325 cm^-1 and 1333 cm^-1, mostly at 1331.51 cm^-1 or 1326.96 cm^-1. Integration of the mineralogical, petrological and geochemical data for the Dongqiong peridotites suggests a multi-stage formation for this body and similar ophiolites in the Yarlung-Zangbo suture zone. Chromian spinel grains and perhaps small bodies of chromitite crystallized at various depths in the upper mantle, and encapsulated the UHP, highly reduced and crustal minerals. Some oceanic crustal slabs containing the chromian spinel and their inclusion were later trapped in suprasubduction zones(SSZ), where they were modified by island arc tholeiitic and boninitic magmas, thus changing the chromian spinel compositions and depositing chromitite ores in melt channels.展开更多
The>2000 km Indus-Yarlung Tsangpo suture zone(IYSZ)is composed of the Neo-tethys oceanic remnants,flysch units and related continental rocks,which has been regarded as the boundary between the Eurasian and Indian t...The>2000 km Indus-Yarlung Tsangpo suture zone(IYSZ)is composed of the Neo-tethys oceanic remnants,flysch units and related continental rocks,which has been regarded as the boundary between the Eurasian and Indian terranes.Among the ophiolitic complexes,the Purang ophiolite is the biggest massif in the IYSZ,and many studies have been conducted on this ophiolite.However,previous studies have mainly focused on harzburgite,clinopyroxenite and dunite.Field observations show that mafic dykes were emplaced within the Purang ophiolite.However,petrogenetic evolutions of those mafic dykes are poorly understood.In this study,we present new LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating results,whole-rock geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Hf isotope analyses for microgabbro,gabbro and dolerite dykes from the Purang ophiolite of the southwestern IYSZ,respectively.Three samples yielded zircon U-Pb ages of144.2±2.1 Ma.127.9±2.3 Ma and 126.5±0.42 Ma,suggesting two different phases of magmatic activities distinctly.Whole-rock geochemical results suggest that the gabbro samples show alkaline features marked by enrichments of light rare earth elements(LREE)and large-ion lithophile elements(LILE),as well as Nb-Ta elements,suggesting an oceanic island basalt-like(OIB-like)geochemical affinity.However,the dolerite and microgabbro samples demonstrate sub-alkaline characteristics with normal mid-oceanic ridge basalt-like(N-MORB-like)geochemical features.Three distinct mafic dykes show significant Rb element depletion.The geochemical data and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic features suggest that the microgabbro and gabbro rocks were derived from a depleted mantle that had been metasomatized by partial melts of sediments and enriched slab-derived fluids.The dolerite was also originated from a depleted mantle marked by significantly depleted Sr-Nd-Hf compositions,which was not influenced by enriched slab-derived fluids and sediments contamination during subsequent evolution.The isotope and geochemical data and tectonic diagrams suggest a tectonic transition from a within-plate to a midoceanic ridge basalt-like(MORB-like)setting during the period from ca.144 Ma to 127 Ma.Combined with regional background and this study,we propose that these mafic dykes were formed in an oceanic back-arc basin setting.Additionally,integrated with previous studies,we suggest that the geodynamic evolution of the southwestern and central parts of the Neo-Tethys oceanic basin is comparable in Early Cretaceous.展开更多
Discontinuous ophiolite suites along the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone(YZSZ)in southern Tibet representing remnants of the Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere are considered to be formed between Late Jurassic and Early Creta...Discontinuous ophiolite suites along the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone(YZSZ)in southern Tibet representing remnants of the Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere are considered to be formed between Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous.Older ophiolite or ophiolitic mélange(e.g.Triassic)to reveal the initial evolution the Neo-Tethyan ocean within the YZSZ have rarely been documented so far.The western YZSZ extending from the Saga to Ladakh area are composed of the northern ophiolitic subbelt,the Zhongba terrane and the southern ophiolitic sub-belt.In this study,we document structural,petrological and geochronological data of mafic intrusions from the Mayoumu massif in the southern ophiolitic sub-belt of the western YZSZ.Two lithos-tectonic sub-units,the southern ophiolitic complex and the northern ophiolitic mélange,are recognized in the Mayoumu massif in terms of structural pattern and petrology.LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of gabbro from the ophiolitic mélange yields an age of 243±1 Ma with zirconεHf(t)values of+7.9 to+13.2.Two samples of diabase samples from the ophiolite yield ages of 131±1 Ma and 124±1 Ma with zirconεHf(t)values ranging from+10.8 to+15.0 and+12.3 to+15.4,respectively.Geochemically,rare earth elements(REEs)patterns show that these mafic intrusions are similar to those of the normal mid-ocean-ridge basalt(N-MORB).Enrichment of fluidmobile elements(e.g.Rb and Ba)and depletion of Nb,and Ta suggest that these intrusions were possibly originated from melting of a depleted mantle source influenced by subducted slab.Our data strongly confirms that the Neo-Tethyan ocean between the Lhasa terrane and Gondwana had been existed since the Middle Triassic at least.The ages of the two diabases from the ophiolitic complex reveal that mafic magma activities within the Neo-Tethyan ocean could be as a continuing process during 120–130 Ma.Emplacement and preservation of older ophiolitic recorder during evolution of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean may be closely related to the occurrence of the Zhongba micro-terrane within the western YZSZ.展开更多
The Beila ophiolite is located in the middle part of the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone,northern Tibetan plateau.It is a complete ophiolite suite,and plays a key role in understanding the evolution of the Bangong-Nujiang...The Beila ophiolite is located in the middle part of the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone,northern Tibetan plateau.It is a complete ophiolite suite,and plays a key role in understanding the evolution of the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone,as well as the Meso-Tethys Ocean.The Beila ophiolite was composed of peridotite,serpentinite,gabbro,pillow basalt,and minor rodingite.Peridotites comprisemainlymedium–tocoarse–grained serpentinized harzburgites and minor plagioclase-bearing lherzolites and dunites.There are some felsic-ultramafic dykes within the peridotite and they are mainlypegmatoidal pyroxenites,coarse to fine-grained gabbros,and diabases.Gabbros included isotropic and cumulate gabbros,and they commonly contain minor pegmatoidal gabbros veins.Pillow basalts and basaltic andesites overlaid on the margin of the serpentinized peridotites.Rodingite occurs as lenses and/or dykes within the host serpentinized peridotites.Zircon SHRIMP U–Pb dating for two rodingite samples yielded the ages ranging from172 to 164 Ma.Whole-rock geochemical and zircon Hf isotopic data show that the Beila ophiolite shows SSZ-type ophiolite affinity.Finally,we suggest that the Beila ophiolite was generated in an initial subduction process at the middle Jurassic(164–172 Ma).展开更多
The Yarlung Zangbo suture zone(YZSZ)separates Indian plate and its northern passive margin units to the south from Eurasian plate and its active continental margin units of Xigaze forearc basin and Gangdese batholith ...The Yarlung Zangbo suture zone(YZSZ)separates Indian plate and its northern passive margin units to the south from Eurasian plate and its active continental margin units of Xigaze forearc basin and Gangdese batholith to the north(Xu et al.,2015;Yang et al.,2015).The western YZSZ in southern Tibet is divided by the Zhongba terrane into the northern belt(NB)and southern belt(SB).Ophiolites in the NB are dismembered as ophiolitic mélanges.Peridotite,cumulated gabbro,ocean plate stratigraphy(OPS)of seamount remnants and pelagichemipelagic sequence as blocks in serpentinite matrix are mainly observed,from west to east,in Dajiweng,Baer,Kazhan,Cuobuzha,Zhalai,Gongzhu.Ophiolites in the SB are absent ophiolitic units of sheeted dikes and MORB-like pillow lavas,occur as much larger peridotite massifs(i.e.,Dongbo,400 km^2;Purang,650 km^2;Xiugugabu,700 km^2;Dangqiong,300 km^2)which are intruded by mafic dike swarms and overlain by volcanic sedimentary OPS(Liu et al.,2018).We propose that the SB mafic–ultramafic rocks and volcanic sedimentary OPS represent fragments of an early Cretaceous continental margin ophiolite whose magmatic evolution was influenced by 140–137 Ma plume magmatism(Liu et al.,2015;Zheng et al.,2019).Relics of Late Paleocene to very Early Eocene deep-marine basin were developed in Saga and Gyirong(Ding,2003;Li et al.,2018).In contract,the NB ophiolitic mélanges report a travel log of an oceanic plate ranging from Middle Triassic to Early Cretaceous.展开更多
The Dongbo ophiolite in the western part of the Yarlung-Zangbo suture zone in southern Tibet rests tectonically on the middle-late Triassic and Cretaceous flysch units,and consist mainly of peridotites,mafic dikes,
The Yarlung Zangbo suture zone extends more than2000 km along southern Tibet and marks the boundary between the Indian subcontinent and Eurasia.The Zedong terrane has been not suggested to represent the vestige of suc...The Yarlung Zangbo suture zone extends more than2000 km along southern Tibet and marks the boundary between the Indian subcontinent and Eurasia.The Zedong terrane has been not suggested to represent the vestige of such an intra-oceanic arc developed within the Neo-Tethys Ocean,as a result of the northward subduction of the Neo-Tethys Ocean during the Late Jurassic.In this study,we present detailed geochemical and geochronological data of various types of magmatic rocks widely exposed in the Zedong terrane to constrain the formation age and tectonic setting of the Zedong terrane.We found that the Zedong volcanic rocks belong to high K2O calc-alkaline series,whereas the diabase and gabbro plotted in the low-K calcalkline.The basalt rocks are highly enriched in LREE and LILE,but strongly depleted in HFSE,indicating they were derived from a metasomatized mantle.Both gabbros and diabase have similar N-MORB geochemistry indicates that the cumulates were produced from MOR setting.Zircons from four samples,including the basalt rocks(158-161Ma)are older than the gabbro(131 Ma),certificate the gabbro are as the vein intrude into the basalt rocks.This suggests that the volcanic eruption and plutonic emplacement were coevally developed in the Zedonghave similar positiveεHf(t)values(+2.0 to+15.6)and(+8.6 to+18.4),indicating they were stemmed from similarly depleted mantle sources,same with the gabbro and granitic rocks from the Gangdese arc.Therefore,we proposed that the basalt rocks in the Zedong terrane were formed through partial melting of the mantle wedge metasomatized by slab-released fluids/melts.A part of hydrous basalts were underplated in the thickened lower crust beneath the Zedong terrane,which gave rise to the cumulate and granitic rocks.This suggests that the Zedong terrane represents a slice of the active continental margin developed on the southern margin of the Lhasa terrane as a result of the northward subduction of the Neo-Tethys Ocean during the Late Jurassic,although a possible intra-oceanic arc setting cannot be excluded.展开更多
A discontinuous line of ophiolitic bodies occurs along the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone (YTSZ), which stretches across southern Tibet and beyond. This zone marks the locus of collision between Eurasia and India in the E...A discontinuous line of ophiolitic bodies occurs along the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone (YTSZ), which stretches across southern Tibet and beyond. This zone marks the locus of collision between Eurasia and India in the Early Cenozoic. Should we assume that the entire Tethyan Ocean basin that lay between these two continental blocks was oceanic or might it have been more complex? Fragments of any terranes that developed within this once extensive ocean potentially lie within the YTSZ. Detailed investigations over the past three field seasons reveal the presence of several terranes distributed along this zone. Work is currently underway to analyze the nature of individual terranes and the timing of any inter\|relationships.展开更多
The Dangqiong ophiolite, the largest in the western segment of the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone(YZSZ)ophiolite belt in southern Tibet, consists of discontinuous mantle peridotite and intrusive mafic rocks. The former is...The Dangqiong ophiolite, the largest in the western segment of the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone(YZSZ)ophiolite belt in southern Tibet, consists of discontinuous mantle peridotite and intrusive mafic rocks. The former is composed dominantly of harzburgite, with minor dunite, locally lherzolite and some dunite containing lenses and veins of chromitite. The latter, mafic dykes(gabbro and diabase dykes), occur mainly in the southern part. This study carried out geochemical analysis on both rocks. The results show that the mantle peridotite has Fo values in olivine from 89.92 to 91.63 and is characterized by low aluminum contents(1.5–4.66 wt%) and high Mg# values(91.06–94.53) of clinopyroxene. Most spinels in the Dangqiong peridotites have typical Mg# values ranging from 61.07 to 72.52, with corresponding Cr# values ranging from 17.67 to 31.66, and have TiO2 contents from 0 to 0.09%, indicating only a low degree of partial melting(10–15%). The olivine-spinel equilibrium and spinel chemistry of the Dangqiong peridotites suggest that they originated deeper mantle(>20 kbar). The gabbro dykes show N-MORB-type patterns of REE and trace elements. The presence of amphibole in the Dangqiong gabbro suggests the late-stage alteration of subduction-derived fluids. All the lherzolites and harzburgites in Dangqiong have similar distribution patterns of REE and trace elements, the mineral chemistry in the harzburgites and lherzolites indicates compositions similar to those of abyssal and forearc peridotites, suggesting that the ophiolite in Dangqiong formed in a MOR environment and then was modified by late-stage melts and fluids in a suprasubduction zone(SSZ) setting. This formation process is consistent with that of the Luobusa ophiolite in the eastern Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone and Purang ophiolite in the western Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone.展开更多
Platinum\|Group Elements (PGE) along with other highly siderophile elements (HSE) are quantitatively fractionated into the core and mantle,leaving the crust strongly depleted during the formation of the earth.However,...Platinum\|Group Elements (PGE) along with other highly siderophile elements (HSE) are quantitatively fractionated into the core and mantle,leaving the crust strongly depleted during the formation of the earth.However,the transfer of PGE and other HSE from the mantle may occur by tectonic emplacement of mantle material into the crust or by crystallization of the mantle derived magma in the crust.The formation and emplacement of ophiolites,is therefore,a suitable transfer mechanism in the enrichment of PGE and other metallic mineral deposits.Because of this,in recent years,a great deal of attention is being paid in studying the ophiolites in order to better understand the core\|mantle interaction,chemical evolution of the upper mantle and to explore their noble metal potential.The ophiolites along the Indus Suture Zone (ISZ) in the Himalayas are tectonically related to India\|Eurasia collision.But their detailed geochemical evolution history and economic potentiality (chromite,PGE,gold and Ni\|sulfides) is not evaluated so far.Nidar ophiolite of the eastern Ladakh is one of the ophiolitic suites along the ISZ.The general geology of the area was presented in several research papers.This paper presents the geology,mineralogy and geochemistry of the chromitites and reports on the first platinum\|group elements mineralization to have been discovered.展开更多
The detailed geochemical research indicates that the tholeiitic basalts from Ganlongtang-Longba ophiolitic m(?)lange exhibit distinctive geochemical characteristics of high TiO<sub>2</sub> and low K<s...The detailed geochemical research indicates that the tholeiitic basalts from Ganlongtang-Longba ophiolitic m(?)lange exhibit distinctive geochemical characteristics of high TiO<sub>2</sub> and low K<sub>2</sub>O,and depletion of light rare earth elements.They should be originated from a depleted asthenosphere mantle, belonging to ancient oceanic crust ophiolitic volcanic rock association.Compared with the Longba tholeiitic basalt,the Ganlongtang tholeiitic basalt shows展开更多
Introduction\;A suture zone in an orogenic belt marks the paleo\|plate boundaries with its characteristic ocean floor assemblages. In Himalayas, the best and most spectacular example of the continent\|continent collis...Introduction\;A suture zone in an orogenic belt marks the paleo\|plate boundaries with its characteristic ocean floor assemblages. In Himalayas, the best and most spectacular example of the continent\|continent collision orogeny, the suture zone can be traced all along the 2500km long mountain chain and marks the boundary between the Indian and Asian plates. Ladakh region of North\|West Himalaya probably presents the best preserved history of pre\|, syn\|, and post\|collision signatures. It has rocks ranging from Precambrian passive margin sediments to the post collision molasses. The suture zone in Ladakh, referred to as the Indus Suture Zone (ISZ), is characterized by the several occurrences of ophiolitic melange. (M.P. Searle et al, 1987) .Apart from these, various linear belts of the volcanic rocks have been found in the Indus Suture Zone, though their inter relationship is not very clear (K.K.Sharma 1990).展开更多
The collision between and Indian and Asian plate has not only give rise to some of the highest mountains of the world but also is responsible for the various global phenomena associated with paleoclimate and paleo\|oc...The collision between and Indian and Asian plate has not only give rise to some of the highest mountains of the world but also is responsible for the various global phenomena associated with paleoclimate and paleo\|oceanography.Various indirect approaches have been employed in order to constrain the age of initiation of this collision (Beck et al 1995,D.B.Rowley 1996,Dewey 1989).Still it is being quoted anywhere between ca.60 to 40Ma in the literature.The main reason for the poor constraints on the age of the initiation of the collision is unavailability of a direct method to date this.In this paper we present the Ar\|Ar ages of the ophiolites from the Indus Suture,Ladakh and discuss the scope of this approach in constraining the age of the collision more narrowly.1\ Samples and methodology\;Several ophiolitic melange occurrences have been reported belonging to the Indus Suture in the Ladakh sector.These are characterized by the typical oceanic floor assemblages like chert,limestone etc mixed with the peridotites,serpentinites,dolerites,basalts,and pillow lavas (K.K.Sharma 1990).We present here the 40 Ar\| 39 Ar age spectra of two volcanics from the Sumdo Nala section of central Ladakh and one pillow lava from Chiktan,which is about 100km west of the Sumdo Nala.These samples were analysed using Ar\|Ar step heating method following the procedures described by Venketesan et al.1993.展开更多
Integrated study of rock assemblage, tectonic setting, geochemical feature, fossil contained and isotopic geochronology on the metamorphic mixed bodies, exposed in the Jinshajiang suture zone, suggests that one inform...Integrated study of rock assemblage, tectonic setting, geochemical feature, fossil contained and isotopic geochronology on the metamorphic mixed bodies, exposed in the Jinshajiang suture zone, suggests that one informal lithostratigraphic unit, the Eaqing Complex, and three tectono-stratigraphic units, the Jinshajiang ophiolitic melange, the Gajinxueshan Group and the Zhongxinrong Group, can be recognized there. It is first pointed out that the redefined Eaqing Complex might represent the Meso- to Neo-Proterozoic remnant metamorphic basement or mi-crocontinental fragment in the Jinshajiang area. The original rocks of it should be older than (1627 ±192) Ma based on the geochronological study. The zircon U-Pb age of plagiogranites within the Jinshajiang ophiolitic assemblage is dated for the first time at (294 ± 3) Ma and (340 ± 3) Ma respectively. The Jinshajiang ophiolite is approximately equivalent to the Ailaoshan ophiolite in the formation age, covering the interval from the Late Devonian to the Carboniferous. Dating of U-Pb age from basalt interbeds indicates that the redefined Gajinxueshan Group and Zhongxinrong Group may be considered Carboniferous to Permian and latest Permian to Middle Triassic in age. In geotectonic terms the Jinshajiang suture zone is thought to be a back-arc basin in the eastern margin of the Paleo-Tethys. This back-arc basin started in the Late Devonian, and formed in the Devonian-Carboniferous. The collision event around the Permian/Triassic boundary to the Middle Triassic led to the closure of the back-arc basin and formation of suture.展开更多
Ophiolites, which have been tectonically emplaced along continental margins and island arcs, are significant to the understanding of mountain belt evolution. In the Himalayas, the ophiolitic suite of rocks occur along...Ophiolites, which have been tectonically emplaced along continental margins and island arcs, are significant to the understanding of mountain belt evolution. In the Himalayas, the ophiolitic suite of rocks occur along the Indussuture zone from Hanle in the southeast to Dras\|Kargil sector in the northwest and it represents the remnant of the compressed uplifted wedge of the oceanic crust between the two colliding continental masses, the Indian and the Asian plates.. These ophiolites are temporally and spatially correlated with the culminating phase of the Himalayan orogeny. The Indus River flows to its north separating the ophiolite from the Trans Himalayan litho\|units. Geological mapping in the hostile and inaccessible mountainous terrains of the Himalaya has always posed a great challenge to geologists. Nevertheless, a number of geologists have undertaken such arduous mapping expeditions in the past and prepared fairly good geological maps of these terrains .However there always existed disputes on the accuracy of lithological boundaries and structural details in these maps because many of these boundaries and structural features were completed through extrapolations and/or interpolations as the ruggedness and inaccessibility of a large part of the terrain forbid physical examination of every outcrop. It is in this context the potential of remote sensing, especially of satellite images, is to be appreciated.展开更多
The Peng Co ophiolite is located to the west of Peng lake in the area of lakes in north Tibet, which belongs to the Baila-Yilashan sub-belt of the the middle Bangong Co-Nujiang ophiolitic belt. The Peng Co ophiolite i...The Peng Co ophiolite is located to the west of Peng lake in the area of lakes in north Tibet, which belongs to the Baila-Yilashan sub-belt of the the middle Bangong Co-Nujiang ophiolitic belt. The Peng Co ophiolite is mainly composed of mantle peridotites, cumulates, diabase dikes. About 70 percent peridotites are harzburgites and 30 percent are lherzolites. Mineral chemistry of the Peng Co lherzolitesare characterized by low Fo contents(88.85–90.33) of olivine and high Al2O3 content(4.26%–7.25%) in pyroxenes. Compared to the primitive mantle, the Peng Co peridotites have relatively higher MgO contents, lower CaO, Al2O3 and TiO2 contents. The total rare-earth element(REE) contents of the lherzolites are 1.11–1.53 ppm, which are lower than those of the primitive mantle. The chondritenormalized REE patterns of the Peng Co peridotites display slight loss in LREE. In the primitive mantle-normalized spider diagram, the Peng Co peridotites exhibit negative Rb and Zr anomalies and intensively positive U, Ta, Sr anomalies. The PGE contents of Peng Co lherzolites are between 22.9–27 ppb. The chondrite-normalized PGE patterns of the Peng Co lherzolites are consistent with that of the primitive mantle. Mineral and whole-rock geochemistry characteristics of the Peng Co lherzolites show an affinity to abyssal peridotites, indicating that it may have formed in the mid-ocean ridge setting. Through quantitative modeling, we conclude that the Peng Co lherzolites formed after 5%–10% degree of partial melting of the spinelphase lherzolite mantle source. The sharp increase of Cr#(56.74–60.84)in Spinel of harzburgites and relatively high Pd/Ir and Rh/Ir ratios suggest that they have experienced melt-rock reaction. The crystallization sequence of Peng Co cumulate is olivine-clinopyroxene-plagioclase. The Mg# value of clinopyroxene in cumulate peridotite ranges from 86.92 to 89.93, and the mean value of Fo is 84.45, which is obviously higher than that of MOR-type ophiolite cumulates. The mineral composition, sequence of magmatic crystallization and mineral components of Peng Co cumulate are similar to those of the cumulate formed by the SSZ-type ophiolite in the subduction zone. Therefore, we can draw a preliminary conclusion that Peng Co lherzolites were formed in an environment of mid oceanic ridge and were remnants of the spinel lherzolite zone which experienced a partial melting of no more than 10%. In the later period, due to the intra-oceanic subduction, it experienced the rock-meltinteraction, and thus formed the SSZ-type cumulate and harzburgite of high Cr value.展开更多
The nature(i.e., sub-oceanic, sub-arc or subcontinental) of ophiolitic mantle peridotites from the eastern Neo-Tethyan domain in southern Tibet has been hotly debated. This uncertainty limits our understanding of the ...The nature(i.e., sub-oceanic, sub-arc or subcontinental) of ophiolitic mantle peridotites from the eastern Neo-Tethyan domain in southern Tibet has been hotly debated. This uncertainty limits our understanding of the history and evolution of the eastern Neo-Tethys Ocean. Here we present petrological, geochemical and Re-Os isotopic data for the mantle peridotites from the Dazhuqu ophiolite in the central segment of the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone, southern Tibet. Samples collected include both spinel lherzolites and spinel harzburgites. The lherzolites have spinel Cr~# [Cr/(Cr + Al), ~ 0.3–0.4] comparable to those of typical abyssal peridotites. In contrast, the harzburgites have spinel Cr~#(~0.3–0.7) overlapping with the ranges of both abyssal and fore-arc peridotites(Day et al., 2017;Parkinson and Pearce, 1998);two samples have spinel Cr~# higher than 0.6, which is probably ascribed to intense melt-rock interactions. Clinopyroxene trace element modeling indicates that the Dazhuqu mantle peridotites have experienced 0–6% garnetfacies melting followed by 10% –18% melting in the spinel stability field. This is similar to the degree of garnet-facies melting inferred for many abyssal peridotites(Hellebrand et al., 2002) and implies deep initial melting(> 85 km), which distinguishes the Dazhuqu mantle peridotites from fore-arc peridotites(commonly <80 km in origin). The Dazhuqu peridotites have unradiogenic 187 Os/188 Os of 0.11836–0.12922, which are commonly lower than the recommended value of primitive upper mantle(PUM)(Meisel et al., 2001). All but one samples yield relatively younger Re depletion ages(TRD = 0.06–0.81 Ga) with respect to the only one sample having an older TRD age of 1.66 Ga. Re-Os isotopes and highly siderophile element(HSE) compositions of the Dazhuqu peridotites are similar to those of abyssal peridotites(Day et al., 2017) and the Oman southern massifs(Hangh?j et al., 2010) but are distinct from noncratonic sub-continental lithospheric mantle(SCLM) xenoliths and sub-arc mantle. We emphasize the similarity between the Dazhuqu and Oman ophiolites, both representing Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere and implying ridge–trench collision.展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41802071,41773026 and 41303028)the Geological Survey of China-Nepal railway(202008000000180117).
文摘The garnet amphibolites from the newly identified Wanhe ophiolitic mélange in the Changning-Menglian suture zone(CMSZ)provide a probe to elucidate the evolution of the Triassic Palaeo-Tethys.An integrated petrologic,phase equilibria modeling and geochronological study of the garnet amphibolites,southeast Tibetan Plateau,shows that the garnet amphibolites have a peak mineral assemblage of garnet,glaucophane,lawsonite,chlorite,rutile,phengite and quartz,and a clockwise P-T path with a prograde segment from blueschist-facies to eclogite-facies with a peak-metamorphic P-T conditions of 2000–2100 MPa and 495–515℃,indicating a cold geothermal gradient of about 240–260℃/GPa.Theretrograde metamorphic P-T path is characterized by nearly isothermal decompression to lower amphibolite-facies and subsequent cooling to greenschist-facies.The metamorphic zircons have fractionated HREE patterns and significant negative Eu anomalies,and therefore the obtained zircon U-Pb age of 231±1.5 Ma is interpreted to be the timing of the amphibolite facies metamorphism occurrence.The present study probably indicates that the garnet amphibolites in the Wanhe ophiolitic mélange was the retrograded highpressure eclogite-facies blueschist,instead of the previously proposed eclogites,and the garnet amphibolites recorded the subduction and exhumation process of the Palaeo-Tethys Oceanic crust in the Triassic.
基金funded by grants from Sinoprobe-05-02 from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China,the NSF China(Nos.41502062,40930313,40921001,41202036)the China Geological Survey(Nos.12120115027201,12120114061801,2014DFR2127C)from the Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences(J1526)
文摘Various combinations of diamond, moissanite, zircon, quartz, corundum, rutile, titanite, almandine garnet, kyanite, and andalusite have been recovered from the Dangqiong peridotites. More than 80 grains of diamond have been recovered, most of which are pale yellow to reddish-orange to colorless. The grains are all 100-200 μm in size and mostly anhedral, but with a range of morphologies including elongated, octahedral and subhedral varieties. Their identification was confirmed by a characteristic shift in the Raman spectra between 1325 cm^-1 and 1333 cm^-1, mostly at 1331.51 cm^-1 or 1326.96 cm^-1. Integration of the mineralogical, petrological and geochemical data for the Dongqiong peridotites suggests a multi-stage formation for this body and similar ophiolites in the Yarlung-Zangbo suture zone. Chromian spinel grains and perhaps small bodies of chromitite crystallized at various depths in the upper mantle, and encapsulated the UHP, highly reduced and crustal minerals. Some oceanic crustal slabs containing the chromian spinel and their inclusion were later trapped in suprasubduction zones(SSZ), where they were modified by island arc tholeiitic and boninitic magmas, thus changing the chromian spinel compositions and depositing chromitite ores in melt channels.
基金supported by the Key Laboratory of Deep-Earth Dynamics of Ministry of Natural Resources (J1901-7,J1901-16)the Natural Foundation of Shandong Province (ZR2019QD002,ZR2017BD033)+6 种基金the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences Fund (K1710)the National Key Research and Development Project of China (No.2016YFC0600310)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFCProject Nos.41672046,41641015,41703036,41720104009)the China Geological Survey (CGSProject No.DD20160023)the International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP-649)
文摘The>2000 km Indus-Yarlung Tsangpo suture zone(IYSZ)is composed of the Neo-tethys oceanic remnants,flysch units and related continental rocks,which has been regarded as the boundary between the Eurasian and Indian terranes.Among the ophiolitic complexes,the Purang ophiolite is the biggest massif in the IYSZ,and many studies have been conducted on this ophiolite.However,previous studies have mainly focused on harzburgite,clinopyroxenite and dunite.Field observations show that mafic dykes were emplaced within the Purang ophiolite.However,petrogenetic evolutions of those mafic dykes are poorly understood.In this study,we present new LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating results,whole-rock geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Hf isotope analyses for microgabbro,gabbro and dolerite dykes from the Purang ophiolite of the southwestern IYSZ,respectively.Three samples yielded zircon U-Pb ages of144.2±2.1 Ma.127.9±2.3 Ma and 126.5±0.42 Ma,suggesting two different phases of magmatic activities distinctly.Whole-rock geochemical results suggest that the gabbro samples show alkaline features marked by enrichments of light rare earth elements(LREE)and large-ion lithophile elements(LILE),as well as Nb-Ta elements,suggesting an oceanic island basalt-like(OIB-like)geochemical affinity.However,the dolerite and microgabbro samples demonstrate sub-alkaline characteristics with normal mid-oceanic ridge basalt-like(N-MORB-like)geochemical features.Three distinct mafic dykes show significant Rb element depletion.The geochemical data and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic features suggest that the microgabbro and gabbro rocks were derived from a depleted mantle that had been metasomatized by partial melts of sediments and enriched slab-derived fluids.The dolerite was also originated from a depleted mantle marked by significantly depleted Sr-Nd-Hf compositions,which was not influenced by enriched slab-derived fluids and sediments contamination during subsequent evolution.The isotope and geochemical data and tectonic diagrams suggest a tectonic transition from a within-plate to a midoceanic ridge basalt-like(MORB-like)setting during the period from ca.144 Ma to 127 Ma.Combined with regional background and this study,we propose that these mafic dykes were formed in an oceanic back-arc basin setting.Additionally,integrated with previous studies,we suggest that the geodynamic evolution of the southwestern and central parts of the Neo-Tethys oceanic basin is comparable in Early Cretaceous.
基金granted by the National Key Basic Research Program from the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology(Grant No.2015CB856101)Foundation of Research Center for Tibetan Plateau Geology(21201010000150014-29)the China Geological Survey(No.1212011221066)
文摘Discontinuous ophiolite suites along the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone(YZSZ)in southern Tibet representing remnants of the Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere are considered to be formed between Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous.Older ophiolite or ophiolitic mélange(e.g.Triassic)to reveal the initial evolution the Neo-Tethyan ocean within the YZSZ have rarely been documented so far.The western YZSZ extending from the Saga to Ladakh area are composed of the northern ophiolitic subbelt,the Zhongba terrane and the southern ophiolitic sub-belt.In this study,we document structural,petrological and geochronological data of mafic intrusions from the Mayoumu massif in the southern ophiolitic sub-belt of the western YZSZ.Two lithos-tectonic sub-units,the southern ophiolitic complex and the northern ophiolitic mélange,are recognized in the Mayoumu massif in terms of structural pattern and petrology.LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of gabbro from the ophiolitic mélange yields an age of 243±1 Ma with zirconεHf(t)values of+7.9 to+13.2.Two samples of diabase samples from the ophiolite yield ages of 131±1 Ma and 124±1 Ma with zirconεHf(t)values ranging from+10.8 to+15.0 and+12.3 to+15.4,respectively.Geochemically,rare earth elements(REEs)patterns show that these mafic intrusions are similar to those of the normal mid-ocean-ridge basalt(N-MORB).Enrichment of fluidmobile elements(e.g.Rb and Ba)and depletion of Nb,and Ta suggest that these intrusions were possibly originated from melting of a depleted mantle source influenced by subducted slab.Our data strongly confirms that the Neo-Tethyan ocean between the Lhasa terrane and Gondwana had been existed since the Middle Triassic at least.The ages of the two diabases from the ophiolitic complex reveal that mafic magma activities within the Neo-Tethyan ocean could be as a continuing process during 120–130 Ma.Emplacement and preservation of older ophiolitic recorder during evolution of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean may be closely related to the occurrence of the Zhongba micro-terrane within the western YZSZ.
文摘The Beila ophiolite is located in the middle part of the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone,northern Tibetan plateau.It is a complete ophiolite suite,and plays a key role in understanding the evolution of the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone,as well as the Meso-Tethys Ocean.The Beila ophiolite was composed of peridotite,serpentinite,gabbro,pillow basalt,and minor rodingite.Peridotites comprisemainlymedium–tocoarse–grained serpentinized harzburgites and minor plagioclase-bearing lherzolites and dunites.There are some felsic-ultramafic dykes within the peridotite and they are mainlypegmatoidal pyroxenites,coarse to fine-grained gabbros,and diabases.Gabbros included isotropic and cumulate gabbros,and they commonly contain minor pegmatoidal gabbros veins.Pillow basalts and basaltic andesites overlaid on the margin of the serpentinized peridotites.Rodingite occurs as lenses and/or dykes within the host serpentinized peridotites.Zircon SHRIMP U–Pb dating for two rodingite samples yielded the ages ranging from172 to 164 Ma.Whole-rock geochemical and zircon Hf isotopic data show that the Beila ophiolite shows SSZ-type ophiolite affinity.Finally,we suggest that the Beila ophiolite was generated in an initial subduction process at the middle Jurassic(164–172 Ma).
基金funded by grants from the China Geological Survey(DD201190060)the National Science Foundation of China(41672063,41773029,41720104009)supported by the Fund from the Key Laboratory of Deep-Earth Dynamics of Ministry of Natural Resources
文摘The Yarlung Zangbo suture zone(YZSZ)separates Indian plate and its northern passive margin units to the south from Eurasian plate and its active continental margin units of Xigaze forearc basin and Gangdese batholith to the north(Xu et al.,2015;Yang et al.,2015).The western YZSZ in southern Tibet is divided by the Zhongba terrane into the northern belt(NB)and southern belt(SB).Ophiolites in the NB are dismembered as ophiolitic mélanges.Peridotite,cumulated gabbro,ocean plate stratigraphy(OPS)of seamount remnants and pelagichemipelagic sequence as blocks in serpentinite matrix are mainly observed,from west to east,in Dajiweng,Baer,Kazhan,Cuobuzha,Zhalai,Gongzhu.Ophiolites in the SB are absent ophiolitic units of sheeted dikes and MORB-like pillow lavas,occur as much larger peridotite massifs(i.e.,Dongbo,400 km^2;Purang,650 km^2;Xiugugabu,700 km^2;Dangqiong,300 km^2)which are intruded by mafic dike swarms and overlain by volcanic sedimentary OPS(Liu et al.,2018).We propose that the SB mafic–ultramafic rocks and volcanic sedimentary OPS represent fragments of an early Cretaceous continental margin ophiolite whose magmatic evolution was influenced by 140–137 Ma plume magmatism(Liu et al.,2015;Zheng et al.,2019).Relics of Late Paleocene to very Early Eocene deep-marine basin were developed in Saga and Gyirong(Ding,2003;Li et al.,2018).In contract,the NB ophiolitic mélanges report a travel log of an oceanic plate ranging from Middle Triassic to Early Cretaceous.
文摘The Dongbo ophiolite in the western part of the Yarlung-Zangbo suture zone in southern Tibet rests tectonically on the middle-late Triassic and Cretaceous flysch units,and consist mainly of peridotites,mafic dikes,
基金funded by grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Sinoprobe-05-02)the NSF China (Nos. 41502062, 41672046, 41202036)+2 种基金the China Geological Survey (Nos. DD20160023)grants from the Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (J1526)IGCP-649
文摘The Yarlung Zangbo suture zone extends more than2000 km along southern Tibet and marks the boundary between the Indian subcontinent and Eurasia.The Zedong terrane has been not suggested to represent the vestige of such an intra-oceanic arc developed within the Neo-Tethys Ocean,as a result of the northward subduction of the Neo-Tethys Ocean during the Late Jurassic.In this study,we present detailed geochemical and geochronological data of various types of magmatic rocks widely exposed in the Zedong terrane to constrain the formation age and tectonic setting of the Zedong terrane.We found that the Zedong volcanic rocks belong to high K2O calc-alkaline series,whereas the diabase and gabbro plotted in the low-K calcalkline.The basalt rocks are highly enriched in LREE and LILE,but strongly depleted in HFSE,indicating they were derived from a metasomatized mantle.Both gabbros and diabase have similar N-MORB geochemistry indicates that the cumulates were produced from MOR setting.Zircons from four samples,including the basalt rocks(158-161Ma)are older than the gabbro(131 Ma),certificate the gabbro are as the vein intrude into the basalt rocks.This suggests that the volcanic eruption and plutonic emplacement were coevally developed in the Zedonghave similar positiveεHf(t)values(+2.0 to+15.6)and(+8.6 to+18.4),indicating they were stemmed from similarly depleted mantle sources,same with the gabbro and granitic rocks from the Gangdese arc.Therefore,we proposed that the basalt rocks in the Zedong terrane were formed through partial melting of the mantle wedge metasomatized by slab-released fluids/melts.A part of hydrous basalts were underplated in the thickened lower crust beneath the Zedong terrane,which gave rise to the cumulate and granitic rocks.This suggests that the Zedong terrane represents a slice of the active continental margin developed on the southern margin of the Lhasa terrane as a result of the northward subduction of the Neo-Tethys Ocean during the Late Jurassic,although a possible intra-oceanic arc setting cannot be excluded.
文摘A discontinuous line of ophiolitic bodies occurs along the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone (YTSZ), which stretches across southern Tibet and beyond. This zone marks the locus of collision between Eurasia and India in the Early Cenozoic. Should we assume that the entire Tethyan Ocean basin that lay between these two continental blocks was oceanic or might it have been more complex? Fragments of any terranes that developed within this once extensive ocean potentially lie within the YTSZ. Detailed investigations over the past three field seasons reveal the presence of several terranes distributed along this zone. Work is currently underway to analyze the nature of individual terranes and the timing of any inter\|relationships.
基金funded by grants from the NSF China (No. 41672046, 41720104009)the China Geological Survey (DD20160023-01)+1 种基金the Ministry of Science and Technology (201511022)IGCP (International Geoscience Programme) Project 649
文摘The Dangqiong ophiolite, the largest in the western segment of the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone(YZSZ)ophiolite belt in southern Tibet, consists of discontinuous mantle peridotite and intrusive mafic rocks. The former is composed dominantly of harzburgite, with minor dunite, locally lherzolite and some dunite containing lenses and veins of chromitite. The latter, mafic dykes(gabbro and diabase dykes), occur mainly in the southern part. This study carried out geochemical analysis on both rocks. The results show that the mantle peridotite has Fo values in olivine from 89.92 to 91.63 and is characterized by low aluminum contents(1.5–4.66 wt%) and high Mg# values(91.06–94.53) of clinopyroxene. Most spinels in the Dangqiong peridotites have typical Mg# values ranging from 61.07 to 72.52, with corresponding Cr# values ranging from 17.67 to 31.66, and have TiO2 contents from 0 to 0.09%, indicating only a low degree of partial melting(10–15%). The olivine-spinel equilibrium and spinel chemistry of the Dangqiong peridotites suggest that they originated deeper mantle(>20 kbar). The gabbro dykes show N-MORB-type patterns of REE and trace elements. The presence of amphibole in the Dangqiong gabbro suggests the late-stage alteration of subduction-derived fluids. All the lherzolites and harzburgites in Dangqiong have similar distribution patterns of REE and trace elements, the mineral chemistry in the harzburgites and lherzolites indicates compositions similar to those of abyssal and forearc peridotites, suggesting that the ophiolite in Dangqiong formed in a MOR environment and then was modified by late-stage melts and fluids in a suprasubduction zone(SSZ) setting. This formation process is consistent with that of the Luobusa ophiolite in the eastern Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone and Purang ophiolite in the western Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone.
文摘Platinum\|Group Elements (PGE) along with other highly siderophile elements (HSE) are quantitatively fractionated into the core and mantle,leaving the crust strongly depleted during the formation of the earth.However,the transfer of PGE and other HSE from the mantle may occur by tectonic emplacement of mantle material into the crust or by crystallization of the mantle derived magma in the crust.The formation and emplacement of ophiolites,is therefore,a suitable transfer mechanism in the enrichment of PGE and other metallic mineral deposits.Because of this,in recent years,a great deal of attention is being paid in studying the ophiolites in order to better understand the core\|mantle interaction,chemical evolution of the upper mantle and to explore their noble metal potential.The ophiolites along the Indus Suture Zone (ISZ) in the Himalayas are tectonically related to India\|Eurasia collision.But their detailed geochemical evolution history and economic potentiality (chromite,PGE,gold and Ni\|sulfides) is not evaluated so far.Nidar ophiolite of the eastern Ladakh is one of the ophiolitic suites along the ISZ.The general geology of the area was presented in several research papers.This paper presents the geology,mineralogy and geochemistry of the chromitites and reports on the first platinum\|group elements mineralization to have been discovered.
文摘The detailed geochemical research indicates that the tholeiitic basalts from Ganlongtang-Longba ophiolitic m(?)lange exhibit distinctive geochemical characteristics of high TiO<sub>2</sub> and low K<sub>2</sub>O,and depletion of light rare earth elements.They should be originated from a depleted asthenosphere mantle, belonging to ancient oceanic crust ophiolitic volcanic rock association.Compared with the Longba tholeiitic basalt,the Ganlongtang tholeiitic basalt shows
文摘Introduction\;A suture zone in an orogenic belt marks the paleo\|plate boundaries with its characteristic ocean floor assemblages. In Himalayas, the best and most spectacular example of the continent\|continent collision orogeny, the suture zone can be traced all along the 2500km long mountain chain and marks the boundary between the Indian and Asian plates. Ladakh region of North\|West Himalaya probably presents the best preserved history of pre\|, syn\|, and post\|collision signatures. It has rocks ranging from Precambrian passive margin sediments to the post collision molasses. The suture zone in Ladakh, referred to as the Indus Suture Zone (ISZ), is characterized by the several occurrences of ophiolitic melange. (M.P. Searle et al, 1987) .Apart from these, various linear belts of the volcanic rocks have been found in the Indus Suture Zone, though their inter relationship is not very clear (K.K.Sharma 1990).
文摘The collision between and Indian and Asian plate has not only give rise to some of the highest mountains of the world but also is responsible for the various global phenomena associated with paleoclimate and paleo\|oceanography.Various indirect approaches have been employed in order to constrain the age of initiation of this collision (Beck et al 1995,D.B.Rowley 1996,Dewey 1989).Still it is being quoted anywhere between ca.60 to 40Ma in the literature.The main reason for the poor constraints on the age of the initiation of the collision is unavailability of a direct method to date this.In this paper we present the Ar\|Ar ages of the ophiolites from the Indus Suture,Ladakh and discuss the scope of this approach in constraining the age of the collision more narrowly.1\ Samples and methodology\;Several ophiolitic melange occurrences have been reported belonging to the Indus Suture in the Ladakh sector.These are characterized by the typical oceanic floor assemblages like chert,limestone etc mixed with the peridotites,serpentinites,dolerites,basalts,and pillow lavas (K.K.Sharma 1990).We present here the 40 Ar\| 39 Ar age spectra of two volcanics from the Sumdo Nala section of central Ladakh and one pillow lava from Chiktan,which is about 100km west of the Sumdo Nala.These samples were analysed using Ar\|Ar step heating method following the procedures described by Venketesan et al.1993.
文摘Integrated study of rock assemblage, tectonic setting, geochemical feature, fossil contained and isotopic geochronology on the metamorphic mixed bodies, exposed in the Jinshajiang suture zone, suggests that one informal lithostratigraphic unit, the Eaqing Complex, and three tectono-stratigraphic units, the Jinshajiang ophiolitic melange, the Gajinxueshan Group and the Zhongxinrong Group, can be recognized there. It is first pointed out that the redefined Eaqing Complex might represent the Meso- to Neo-Proterozoic remnant metamorphic basement or mi-crocontinental fragment in the Jinshajiang area. The original rocks of it should be older than (1627 ±192) Ma based on the geochronological study. The zircon U-Pb age of plagiogranites within the Jinshajiang ophiolitic assemblage is dated for the first time at (294 ± 3) Ma and (340 ± 3) Ma respectively. The Jinshajiang ophiolite is approximately equivalent to the Ailaoshan ophiolite in the formation age, covering the interval from the Late Devonian to the Carboniferous. Dating of U-Pb age from basalt interbeds indicates that the redefined Gajinxueshan Group and Zhongxinrong Group may be considered Carboniferous to Permian and latest Permian to Middle Triassic in age. In geotectonic terms the Jinshajiang suture zone is thought to be a back-arc basin in the eastern margin of the Paleo-Tethys. This back-arc basin started in the Late Devonian, and formed in the Devonian-Carboniferous. The collision event around the Permian/Triassic boundary to the Middle Triassic led to the closure of the back-arc basin and formation of suture.
文摘Ophiolites, which have been tectonically emplaced along continental margins and island arcs, are significant to the understanding of mountain belt evolution. In the Himalayas, the ophiolitic suite of rocks occur along the Indussuture zone from Hanle in the southeast to Dras\|Kargil sector in the northwest and it represents the remnant of the compressed uplifted wedge of the oceanic crust between the two colliding continental masses, the Indian and the Asian plates.. These ophiolites are temporally and spatially correlated with the culminating phase of the Himalayan orogeny. The Indus River flows to its north separating the ophiolite from the Trans Himalayan litho\|units. Geological mapping in the hostile and inaccessible mountainous terrains of the Himalaya has always posed a great challenge to geologists. Nevertheless, a number of geologists have undertaken such arduous mapping expeditions in the past and prepared fairly good geological maps of these terrains .However there always existed disputes on the accuracy of lithological boundaries and structural details in these maps because many of these boundaries and structural features were completed through extrapolations and/or interpolations as the ruggedness and inaccessibility of a large part of the terrain forbid physical examination of every outcrop. It is in this context the potential of remote sensing, especially of satellite images, is to be appreciated.
基金granted by National Natural Science Foundation of China(41720104009)China Geology Survey Project(DD20160023-01)Foundation of MLR(201511022)
文摘The Peng Co ophiolite is located to the west of Peng lake in the area of lakes in north Tibet, which belongs to the Baila-Yilashan sub-belt of the the middle Bangong Co-Nujiang ophiolitic belt. The Peng Co ophiolite is mainly composed of mantle peridotites, cumulates, diabase dikes. About 70 percent peridotites are harzburgites and 30 percent are lherzolites. Mineral chemistry of the Peng Co lherzolitesare characterized by low Fo contents(88.85–90.33) of olivine and high Al2O3 content(4.26%–7.25%) in pyroxenes. Compared to the primitive mantle, the Peng Co peridotites have relatively higher MgO contents, lower CaO, Al2O3 and TiO2 contents. The total rare-earth element(REE) contents of the lherzolites are 1.11–1.53 ppm, which are lower than those of the primitive mantle. The chondritenormalized REE patterns of the Peng Co peridotites display slight loss in LREE. In the primitive mantle-normalized spider diagram, the Peng Co peridotites exhibit negative Rb and Zr anomalies and intensively positive U, Ta, Sr anomalies. The PGE contents of Peng Co lherzolites are between 22.9–27 ppb. The chondrite-normalized PGE patterns of the Peng Co lherzolites are consistent with that of the primitive mantle. Mineral and whole-rock geochemistry characteristics of the Peng Co lherzolites show an affinity to abyssal peridotites, indicating that it may have formed in the mid-ocean ridge setting. Through quantitative modeling, we conclude that the Peng Co lherzolites formed after 5%–10% degree of partial melting of the spinelphase lherzolite mantle source. The sharp increase of Cr#(56.74–60.84)in Spinel of harzburgites and relatively high Pd/Ir and Rh/Ir ratios suggest that they have experienced melt-rock reaction. The crystallization sequence of Peng Co cumulate is olivine-clinopyroxene-plagioclase. The Mg# value of clinopyroxene in cumulate peridotite ranges from 86.92 to 89.93, and the mean value of Fo is 84.45, which is obviously higher than that of MOR-type ophiolite cumulates. The mineral composition, sequence of magmatic crystallization and mineral components of Peng Co cumulate are similar to those of the cumulate formed by the SSZ-type ophiolite in the subduction zone. Therefore, we can draw a preliminary conclusion that Peng Co lherzolites were formed in an environment of mid oceanic ridge and were remnants of the spinel lherzolite zone which experienced a partial melting of no more than 10%. In the later period, due to the intra-oceanic subduction, it experienced the rock-meltinteraction, and thus formed the SSZ-type cumulate and harzburgite of high Cr value.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grants 41673038,41521062)the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences from CAS(QYZDB-SSW-DQC032)the Open Fund Project of State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution(201707)
文摘The nature(i.e., sub-oceanic, sub-arc or subcontinental) of ophiolitic mantle peridotites from the eastern Neo-Tethyan domain in southern Tibet has been hotly debated. This uncertainty limits our understanding of the history and evolution of the eastern Neo-Tethys Ocean. Here we present petrological, geochemical and Re-Os isotopic data for the mantle peridotites from the Dazhuqu ophiolite in the central segment of the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone, southern Tibet. Samples collected include both spinel lherzolites and spinel harzburgites. The lherzolites have spinel Cr~# [Cr/(Cr + Al), ~ 0.3–0.4] comparable to those of typical abyssal peridotites. In contrast, the harzburgites have spinel Cr~#(~0.3–0.7) overlapping with the ranges of both abyssal and fore-arc peridotites(Day et al., 2017;Parkinson and Pearce, 1998);two samples have spinel Cr~# higher than 0.6, which is probably ascribed to intense melt-rock interactions. Clinopyroxene trace element modeling indicates that the Dazhuqu mantle peridotites have experienced 0–6% garnetfacies melting followed by 10% –18% melting in the spinel stability field. This is similar to the degree of garnet-facies melting inferred for many abyssal peridotites(Hellebrand et al., 2002) and implies deep initial melting(> 85 km), which distinguishes the Dazhuqu mantle peridotites from fore-arc peridotites(commonly <80 km in origin). The Dazhuqu peridotites have unradiogenic 187 Os/188 Os of 0.11836–0.12922, which are commonly lower than the recommended value of primitive upper mantle(PUM)(Meisel et al., 2001). All but one samples yield relatively younger Re depletion ages(TRD = 0.06–0.81 Ga) with respect to the only one sample having an older TRD age of 1.66 Ga. Re-Os isotopes and highly siderophile element(HSE) compositions of the Dazhuqu peridotites are similar to those of abyssal peridotites(Day et al., 2017) and the Oman southern massifs(Hangh?j et al., 2010) but are distinct from noncratonic sub-continental lithospheric mantle(SCLM) xenoliths and sub-arc mantle. We emphasize the similarity between the Dazhuqu and Oman ophiolites, both representing Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere and implying ridge–trench collision.