This research paper analyzes the urgent topic of quantum cybersecurity and the current federal quantum-cyber landscape. Quantum-safe implementations within existing and future Internet of Things infrastructure are dis...This research paper analyzes the urgent topic of quantum cybersecurity and the current federal quantum-cyber landscape. Quantum-safe implementations within existing and future Internet of Things infrastructure are discussed, along with quantum vulnerabilities in public key infrastructure and symmetric cryptographic algorithms. Other relevant non-encryption-specific areas within cybersecurity are similarly raised. The evolution and expansion of cyberwarfare as well as new developments in cyber defense beyond post-quantum cryptography and quantum key distribution are subsequently explored, with an emphasis on public and private sector awareness and vigilance in maintaining strong security posture.展开更多
设{Xn,n≥1}是同分布的ρ*混合序列,其分布属于特征指数为α(0<α<2)的非退化稳定分布正则吸引场.利用ρ*混合序列的矩不等式证明了依概率1有lim sup〔〔sum from i=1 to n Xi〕/n1/α〕1/(log logn)=e1/α n→∞,并获得了一系列...设{Xn,n≥1}是同分布的ρ*混合序列,其分布属于特征指数为α(0<α<2)的非退化稳定分布正则吸引场.利用ρ*混合序列的矩不等式证明了依概率1有lim sup〔〔sum from i=1 to n Xi〕/n1/α〕1/(log logn)=e1/α n→∞,并获得了一系列等价条件.展开更多
文摘This research paper analyzes the urgent topic of quantum cybersecurity and the current federal quantum-cyber landscape. Quantum-safe implementations within existing and future Internet of Things infrastructure are discussed, along with quantum vulnerabilities in public key infrastructure and symmetric cryptographic algorithms. Other relevant non-encryption-specific areas within cybersecurity are similarly raised. The evolution and expansion of cyberwarfare as well as new developments in cyber defense beyond post-quantum cryptography and quantum key distribution are subsequently explored, with an emphasis on public and private sector awareness and vigilance in maintaining strong security posture.