A Hamiltonian system is derived for the plane elasticity problem of two-dimensional dodecagonal quasicrystals by introducing the simple state function. By using symplectic elasticity approach, the analytic solutions o...A Hamiltonian system is derived for the plane elasticity problem of two-dimensional dodecagonal quasicrystals by introducing the simple state function. By using symplectic elasticity approach, the analytic solutions of the phonon and phason displacements are obtained further for the quasicrystal plates. In addition, the effectiveness of the approach is verified by comparison with the data of the finite integral transformation method.展开更多
Incomplete fault signal characteristics and ease of noise contamination are issues with the current rolling bearing early fault diagnostic methods,making it challenging to ensure the fault diagnosis accuracy and relia...Incomplete fault signal characteristics and ease of noise contamination are issues with the current rolling bearing early fault diagnostic methods,making it challenging to ensure the fault diagnosis accuracy and reliability.A novel approach integrating enhanced Symplectic geometry mode decomposition with cosine difference limitation and calculus operator(ESGMD-CC)and artificial fish swarm algorithm(AFSA)optimized extreme learning machine(ELM)is proposed in this paper to enhance the extraction capability of fault features and thus improve the accuracy of fault diagnosis.Firstly,SGMD decomposes the raw vibration signal into multiple Symplectic geometry components(SGCs).Secondly,the iterations are reset by the cosine difference limitation to effectively separate the redundant components from the representative components.Additionally,the calculus operator is performed to strengthen weak fault features and make them easier to extract,and the singular value decomposition(SVD)weighted by power spectrum entropy(PSE)can be utilized as the sample feature representation.Finally,AFSA iteratively optimized ELM is adopted as the optimized classifier for fault identification.The superior performance of the proposed method has been validated by various experiments.展开更多
We propose a symplectic partitioned Runge-Kutta (SPRK) method with eighth-order spatial accuracy based on the extended Hamiltonian system of the acoustic waveequation. Known as the eighth-order NSPRK method, this te...We propose a symplectic partitioned Runge-Kutta (SPRK) method with eighth-order spatial accuracy based on the extended Hamiltonian system of the acoustic waveequation. Known as the eighth-order NSPRK method, this technique uses an eighth-orderaccurate nearly analytic discrete (NAD) operator to discretize high-order spatial differentialoperators and employs a second-order SPRK method to discretize temporal derivatives.The stability criteria and numerical dispersion relations of the eighth-order NSPRK methodare given by a semi-analytical method and are tested by numerical experiments. We alsoshow the differences of the numerical dispersions between the eighth-order NSPRK methodand conventional numerical methods such as the fourth-order NSPRK method, the eighth-order Lax-Wendroff correction (LWC) method and the eighth-order staggered-grid (SG)method. The result shows that the ability of the eighth-order NSPRK method to suppress thenumerical dispersion is obviously superior to that of the conventional numerical methods. Inthe same computational environment, to eliminate visible numerical dispersions, the eighth-order NSPRK is approximately 2.5 times faster than the fourth-order NSPRK and 3.4 timesfaster than the fourth-order SPRK, and the memory requirement is only approximately47.17% of the fourth-order NSPRK method and 49.41% of the fourth-order SPRK method,which indicates the highest computational efficiency. Modeling examples for the two-layermodels such as the heterogeneous and Marmousi models show that the wavefields generatedby the eighth-order NSPRK method are very clear with no visible numerical dispersion.These numerical experiments illustrate that the eighth-order NSPRK method can effectivelysuppress numerical dispersion when coarse grids are adopted. Therefore, this methodcan greatly decrease computer memory requirement and accelerate the forward modelingproductivity. In general, the eighth-order NSPRK method has tremendous potential value forseismic exploration and seismology research.展开更多
The 3-dimensional couple equations of magneto-electro-elastic structures are derived under Hamiltonian system based on the Hamilton principle. The problem of single sort of variables is converted into the problem of d...The 3-dimensional couple equations of magneto-electro-elastic structures are derived under Hamiltonian system based on the Hamilton principle. The problem of single sort of variables is converted into the problem of double sorts of variables, and the Hamilton canonical equations are established. The 3-dimensional problem of magneto-electro-elastic structure which is investigated in Euclidean space commonly is converted into symplectic system. At the same time the Lagrange system is converted into Hamiltonian system. As an example, the dynamic characteristics of the simply supported functionally graded magneto-electro-elastic material (FGMM) plate and pipe are investigated. Finally, the problem is solved by symplectic algorithm. The results show that the physical quantities of displacement, electric potential and magnetic potential etc. change continuously at the interfaces between layers under the transverse pressure while some other physical quantities such as the stress, electric and magnetic displacement are not continuous. The dynamic stiffness is increased by the piezoelectric effect while decreased by the piezomagnetic effect.展开更多
In this paper the geometric meaning of robot systems is expounded based on the theory of multibody system. The error accumulation for the known algorithm is analyzed and the cause of ‘Energy consumption’ is revealed...In this paper the geometric meaning of robot systems is expounded based on the theory of multibody system. The error accumulation for the known algorithm is analyzed and the cause of ‘Energy consumption’ is revealed, the relationship between the coefficients of dynamic equation is derived so as to establish the canonical equations. The error accumulation of dynamics can be eliminated by using canonical equations and the symplectic integral method so that the computational accuracy can be ensured effectively. As an example, a planar robotics system is considered.展开更多
A universal symplectic structure for a Newtonian system including nonconservative cases can be constructed in the framework of Birkhoffian generalization of Hamiltonian mechanics. In this paper the symplectic geometry...A universal symplectic structure for a Newtonian system including nonconservative cases can be constructed in the framework of Birkhoffian generalization of Hamiltonian mechanics. In this paper the symplectic geometry structure of Birkhoffian system is discussed, then the symplecticity of Birkhoffian phase flow is presented. Based on these properties we give a way to construct symplectic schemes for Birkhoffian systems by using the generating function method.展开更多
For the stability requirement of numerical resultants, the mathematical theory of classical mixed methods are relatively complex. However, generalized mixed methods are automatically stable, and their building process...For the stability requirement of numerical resultants, the mathematical theory of classical mixed methods are relatively complex. However, generalized mixed methods are automatically stable, and their building process is simple and straightforward. In this paper, based on the seminal idea of the generalized mixed methods, a simple, stable, and highly accurate 8-node noncompatible symplectic element(NCSE8) was developed by the combination of the modified Hellinger-Reissner mixed variational principle and the minimum energy principle. To ensure the accuracy of in-plane stress results, a simultaneous equation approach was also suggested. Numerical experimentation shows that the accuracy of stress results of NCSE8 are nearly the same as that of displacement methods, and they are in good agreement with the exact solutions when the mesh is relatively fine. NCSE8 has advantages of the clearing concept, easy calculation by a finite element computer program, higher accuracy and wide applicability for various linear elasticity compressible and nearly incompressible material problems. It is possible that NCSE8 becomes even more advantageous for the fracture problems due to its better accuracy of stresses.展开更多
The separation of variables is employed to solve Hamiltonian dual form of eigenvalue problem for transverse free vibrations of thin plates, and formulation of the natural mode in closed form is performed. The closed-f...The separation of variables is employed to solve Hamiltonian dual form of eigenvalue problem for transverse free vibrations of thin plates, and formulation of the natural mode in closed form is performed. The closed-form natural mode satisfies the governing equation of the eigenvalue problem of thin plate exactly and is applicable for any types of boundary conditions. With all combinations of simplysupported (S) and clamped (C) boundary conditions applied to the natural mode, the mode shapes are obtained uniquely and two eigenvalue equations are derived with respect to two spatial coordinates, with the aid of which the normal modes and frequencies are solved exactly. It was believed that the exact eigensolutions for cases SSCC, SCCC and CCCC were unable to be obtained, however, they are successfully found in this paper. Comparisons between the present results and the FEM results validate the present exact solutions, which can thus be taken as the benchmark for verifying different approximate approaches.展开更多
In the previous papers I and II, we have studied the difference discrete variational principle and the Euler?Lagrange cohomology in the framework of multi-parameter differential approach. We have gotten the difference...In the previous papers I and II, we have studied the difference discrete variational principle and the Euler?Lagrange cohomology in the framework of multi-parameter differential approach. We have gotten the difference discrete Euler?Lagrange equations and canonical ones for the difference discrete versions of classical mechanics and field theory as well as the difference discrete versions for the Euler?Lagrange cohomology and applied them to get the necessary and sufficient condition for the symplectic or multisymplectic geometry preserving properties in both the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms. In this paper, we apply the difference discrete variational principle and Euler?Lagrange cohomological approach directly to the symplectic and multisymplectic algorithms. We will show that either Hamiltonian schemes or Lagrangian ones in both the symplectic and multisymplectic algorithms are variational integrators and their difference discrete symplectic structure-preserving properties can always be established not only in the solution space but also in the function space if and only if the related closed Euler?Lagrange cohomological conditions are satisfied.展开更多
In this second paper of a series of papers, we explore the difference discrete versions for the Euler?Lagrange cohomology and apply them to the symplectic or multisymplectic geometry and their preserving properties in...In this second paper of a series of papers, we explore the difference discrete versions for the Euler?Lagrange cohomology and apply them to the symplectic or multisymplectic geometry and their preserving properties in both the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms for discrete mechanics and field theory in the framework of multi-parameter differential approach. In terms of the difference discrete Euler?Lagrange cohomological concepts, we show that the symplectic or multisymplectic geometry and their difference discrete structure-preserving properties can always be established not only in the solution spaces of the discrete Euler?Lagrange or canonical equations derived by the difference discrete variational principle but also in the function space in each case if and only if the relevant closed Euler?Lagrange cohomological conditions are satisfied.展开更多
This paper analyses the bending of rectangular orthotropic plates on a Winkler elastic foundation.Appropriate definition of symplectic inner product and symplectic space formed by generalized displacements establish d...This paper analyses the bending of rectangular orthotropic plates on a Winkler elastic foundation.Appropriate definition of symplectic inner product and symplectic space formed by generalized displacements establish dual variables and dual equations in the symplectic space.The operator matrix of the equation set is proven to be a Hamilton operator matrix.Separation of variables and eigenfunction expansion creates a basis for analyzing the bending of rectangular orthotropic plates on Winkler elastic foundation and obtaining solutions for plates having any boundary condition.There is discussion of symplectic eigenvalue problems of orthotropic plates under two typical boundary conditions,with opposite sides simply supported and opposite sides clamped.Transcendental equations of eigenvalues and symplectic eigenvectors in analytical form given.Analytical solutions using two examples are presented to show the use of the new methods described in this paper.To verify the accuracy and convergence,a fully simply supported plate that is fully and simply supported under uniformly distributed load is used to compare the classical Navier method,the Levy method and the new method.Results show that the new technique has good accuracy and better convergence speed than other methods,especially in relation to internal forces.A fully clamped rectangular plate on Winkler foundation is solved to validate application of the new methods,with solutions compared to those produced by the Galerkin method.展开更多
Multibody system dynamics provides a strong tool for the estimation of dynamic performances and the optimization of multisystem robot design. It can be described with differential algebraic equations(DAEs). In this pa...Multibody system dynamics provides a strong tool for the estimation of dynamic performances and the optimization of multisystem robot design. It can be described with differential algebraic equations(DAEs). In this paper, a particle swarm optimization(PSO) method is introduced to solve and control a symplectic multibody system for the first time. It is first combined with the symplectic method to solve problems in uncontrolled and controlled robotic arm systems. It is shown that the results conserve the energy and keep the constraints of the chaotic motion, which demonstrates the efficiency, accuracy, and time-saving ability of the method. To make the system move along the pre-planned path, which is a functional extremum problem, a double-PSO-based instantaneous optimal control is introduced. Examples are performed to test the effectiveness of the double-PSO-based instantaneous optimal control. The results show that the method has high accuracy, a fast convergence speed, and a wide range of applications.All the above verify the immense potential applications of the PSO method in multibody system dynamics.展开更多
The free vibration problem of rectangular thin plates is rewritten as a new upper triangular matrix differential system. For the associated operator matrix, we find that the two diagonal block operators are Hamiltonia...The free vibration problem of rectangular thin plates is rewritten as a new upper triangular matrix differential system. For the associated operator matrix, we find that the two diagonal block operators are Hamiltonian. Moreover, the existence and completeness of normed symplectic orthogonal eigenfunction systems of these two block operators are demonstrated. Based on the completeness, the general solution of the free vibration of rectangular thin plates is given by double symplectie eigenfunction expansion method.展开更多
The eigenvalue problem of the Hamiltonian operator associated with plane elasticity problems is investigated.The eigenfunctions of the operator are directly solved with mixed boundary conditions for the displacement a...The eigenvalue problem of the Hamiltonian operator associated with plane elasticity problems is investigated.The eigenfunctions of the operator are directly solved with mixed boundary conditions for the displacement and stress in a rectangular region.The completeness of the eigenfunctions is then proved,providing the feasibility of using separation of variables to solve the problems.A general solution is obtained with the symplectic eigenfunction expansion theorem.展开更多
This paper deals with the bending problem of rectangular plates with two opposite edges simply supported. It is proved that there exists no normed symplectic orthogonal eigenfunction system for the associated infinite...This paper deals with the bending problem of rectangular plates with two opposite edges simply supported. It is proved that there exists no normed symplectic orthogonal eigenfunction system for the associated infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian operator H and that the two block operators belonging to Hamiltonian operator H possess two normed symplectic orthogonal eigenfunction systems in some space. It is demonstrated by using the properties of the block operators that the above bending problem can be solved by the symplectic eigenfunction expansion theorem, thereby obtaining analytical solutions of rectangular plates with two opposite edges simply supported and the other two edges supported in any manner.展开更多
On the basis of the finite element analysis, the elastic wave propagation in cellular structures is investigated using the symplectic algorithm. The variation principle is first applied to obtain the dual variables an...On the basis of the finite element analysis, the elastic wave propagation in cellular structures is investigated using the symplectic algorithm. The variation principle is first applied to obtain the dual variables and the wave propagation problem is then transformed into two-dimensional (2D) symplectic eigenvalue problems, where the extended Wittrick-Williams algorithm is used to ensure that no phase propagation eigenvalues are missed during computation. Three typical cellular structures, square, triangle and hexagon, are introduced to illustrate the unique feature of the symplectic algorithm in higher-frequency calculation, which is due to the conserved properties of the structure-preserving symplectic algorithm. On the basis of the dispersion relations and phase constant surface analysis, the band structure is shown to be insensitive to the material type at lower frequencies, however, much more related at higher frequencies. This paper also demonstrates how the boundary conditions adopted in the finite element modeling process and the structures' configurations affect the band structures. The hexagonal cells are demonstrated to be more efficient for sound insulation at higher frequencies, while the triangular cells are preferred at lower frequencies. No complete band gaps are observed for the square cells with fixed-end boundary conditions. The analysis of phase constant surfaces guides the design of 2D cellular structures where waves at certain frequencies do not propagate in specified directions. The findings from the present study will provide invaluable guidelines for the future application of cellular structures in sound insulation.展开更多
We introduce the Euler-Lagrange cohomology to study the symplectic and multisymplectic structures and their preserving properties in finite and infinite dimensional Lagrangian systems respectively. We also explore the...We introduce the Euler-Lagrange cohomology to study the symplectic and multisymplectic structures and their preserving properties in finite and infinite dimensional Lagrangian systems respectively. We also explore their certain difference discrete counterparts in the relevant regularly discretized finite and infinite dimensional Lagrangian systems by means of the difference discrete variational principle with the difference being regarded as an entire geometric object and the noncommutative differential calculus on regular lattice. In order to show that in all these cases the symplectic and multisymplectic preserving properties do not necessarily depend on the relevant Euler-Lagrange equations, the Euler-Lagrange cohomological concepts and content in the configuration space are employed.展开更多
Based on the Hellinger_Reissner variatonal principle for Reissner plate bending and introducing dual variables,Hamiltonian dual equations for Reissner plate bending were presented.Therefore Hamiltonian solution system...Based on the Hellinger_Reissner variatonal principle for Reissner plate bending and introducing dual variables,Hamiltonian dual equations for Reissner plate bending were presented.Therefore Hamiltonian solution system can also be applied to Reissner plate bending problem,and the transformation from Euclidian space to symplectic space and from Lagrangian system to Hamiltonian system was realized.So in the symplectic space which consists of the original variables and their dual variables,the problem can be solved via effective mathematical physics methods such as the method of separation of variables and eigenfunction_vector expansion.All the eigensolutions and Jordan canonical form eigensolutions for zero eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian operator matrix are solved in detail,and their physical meanings are showed clearly.The adjoint symplectic orthonormal relation of the eigenfunction vectors for zero eigenvalue are formed.It is showed that the all eigensolutions for zero eigenvalue are basic solutions of the Saint_Venant problem and they form a perfect symplectic subspace for zero eigenvalue.And the eigensolutions for nonzero eigenvalue are covered by the Saint_Venant theorem.The symplectic solution method is not the same as the classical semi_inverse method and breaks through the limit of the traditional semi_inverse solution.The symplectic solution method will have vast application.展开更多
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.12261064 and 11861048)the Natural Science Foundation of Inner Mongolia,China (Grant Nos.2021MS01004 and 2022QN01008)the High-level Talents Scientific Research Start-up Foundation of Inner Mongolia University (Grant No.10000-21311201/165)。
文摘A Hamiltonian system is derived for the plane elasticity problem of two-dimensional dodecagonal quasicrystals by introducing the simple state function. By using symplectic elasticity approach, the analytic solutions of the phonon and phason displacements are obtained further for the quasicrystal plates. In addition, the effectiveness of the approach is verified by comparison with the data of the finite integral transformation method.
基金supported by National Key Research and Development Project (2020YFE0204900)National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Numbers 62073193,61873333)Key Research and Development Plan of Shandong Province (Grant Numbers 2019TSLH0301,2021CXGC010204).
文摘Incomplete fault signal characteristics and ease of noise contamination are issues with the current rolling bearing early fault diagnostic methods,making it challenging to ensure the fault diagnosis accuracy and reliability.A novel approach integrating enhanced Symplectic geometry mode decomposition with cosine difference limitation and calculus operator(ESGMD-CC)and artificial fish swarm algorithm(AFSA)optimized extreme learning machine(ELM)is proposed in this paper to enhance the extraction capability of fault features and thus improve the accuracy of fault diagnosis.Firstly,SGMD decomposes the raw vibration signal into multiple Symplectic geometry components(SGCs).Secondly,the iterations are reset by the cosine difference limitation to effectively separate the redundant components from the representative components.Additionally,the calculus operator is performed to strengthen weak fault features and make them easier to extract,and the singular value decomposition(SVD)weighted by power spectrum entropy(PSE)can be utilized as the sample feature representation.Finally,AFSA iteratively optimized ELM is adopted as the optimized classifier for fault identification.The superior performance of the proposed method has been validated by various experiments.
基金This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 41230210 and 41204074), the Science Foundation of the Education Department of Yunnan Province (No. 2013Z152), and Statoil Company (Contract No. 4502502663).
文摘We propose a symplectic partitioned Runge-Kutta (SPRK) method with eighth-order spatial accuracy based on the extended Hamiltonian system of the acoustic waveequation. Known as the eighth-order NSPRK method, this technique uses an eighth-orderaccurate nearly analytic discrete (NAD) operator to discretize high-order spatial differentialoperators and employs a second-order SPRK method to discretize temporal derivatives.The stability criteria and numerical dispersion relations of the eighth-order NSPRK methodare given by a semi-analytical method and are tested by numerical experiments. We alsoshow the differences of the numerical dispersions between the eighth-order NSPRK methodand conventional numerical methods such as the fourth-order NSPRK method, the eighth-order Lax-Wendroff correction (LWC) method and the eighth-order staggered-grid (SG)method. The result shows that the ability of the eighth-order NSPRK method to suppress thenumerical dispersion is obviously superior to that of the conventional numerical methods. Inthe same computational environment, to eliminate visible numerical dispersions, the eighth-order NSPRK is approximately 2.5 times faster than the fourth-order NSPRK and 3.4 timesfaster than the fourth-order SPRK, and the memory requirement is only approximately47.17% of the fourth-order NSPRK method and 49.41% of the fourth-order SPRK method,which indicates the highest computational efficiency. Modeling examples for the two-layermodels such as the heterogeneous and Marmousi models show that the wavefields generatedby the eighth-order NSPRK method are very clear with no visible numerical dispersion.These numerical experiments illustrate that the eighth-order NSPRK method can effectivelysuppress numerical dispersion when coarse grids are adopted. Therefore, this methodcan greatly decrease computer memory requirement and accelerate the forward modelingproductivity. In general, the eighth-order NSPRK method has tremendous potential value forseismic exploration and seismology research.
文摘The 3-dimensional couple equations of magneto-electro-elastic structures are derived under Hamiltonian system based on the Hamilton principle. The problem of single sort of variables is converted into the problem of double sorts of variables, and the Hamilton canonical equations are established. The 3-dimensional problem of magneto-electro-elastic structure which is investigated in Euclidean space commonly is converted into symplectic system. At the same time the Lagrange system is converted into Hamiltonian system. As an example, the dynamic characteristics of the simply supported functionally graded magneto-electro-elastic material (FGMM) plate and pipe are investigated. Finally, the problem is solved by symplectic algorithm. The results show that the physical quantities of displacement, electric potential and magnetic potential etc. change continuously at the interfaces between layers under the transverse pressure while some other physical quantities such as the stress, electric and magnetic displacement are not continuous. The dynamic stiffness is increased by the piezoelectric effect while decreased by the piezomagnetic effect.
文摘In this paper the geometric meaning of robot systems is expounded based on the theory of multibody system. The error accumulation for the known algorithm is analyzed and the cause of ‘Energy consumption’ is revealed, the relationship between the coefficients of dynamic equation is derived so as to establish the canonical equations. The error accumulation of dynamics can be eliminated by using canonical equations and the symplectic integral method so that the computational accuracy can be ensured effectively. As an example, a planar robotics system is considered.
基金The project supported by the Special Funds for State Key Basic Research Projects under Grant No.G1999,032800
文摘A universal symplectic structure for a Newtonian system including nonconservative cases can be constructed in the framework of Birkhoffian generalization of Hamiltonian mechanics. In this paper the symplectic geometry structure of Birkhoffian system is discussed, then the symplecticity of Birkhoffian phase flow is presented. Based on these properties we give a way to construct symplectic schemes for Birkhoffian systems by using the generating function method.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundations of China (Grant 11502286)
文摘For the stability requirement of numerical resultants, the mathematical theory of classical mixed methods are relatively complex. However, generalized mixed methods are automatically stable, and their building process is simple and straightforward. In this paper, based on the seminal idea of the generalized mixed methods, a simple, stable, and highly accurate 8-node noncompatible symplectic element(NCSE8) was developed by the combination of the modified Hellinger-Reissner mixed variational principle and the minimum energy principle. To ensure the accuracy of in-plane stress results, a simultaneous equation approach was also suggested. Numerical experimentation shows that the accuracy of stress results of NCSE8 are nearly the same as that of displacement methods, and they are in good agreement with the exact solutions when the mesh is relatively fine. NCSE8 has advantages of the clearing concept, easy calculation by a finite element computer program, higher accuracy and wide applicability for various linear elasticity compressible and nearly incompressible material problems. It is possible that NCSE8 becomes even more advantageous for the fracture problems due to its better accuracy of stresses.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10772014)
文摘The separation of variables is employed to solve Hamiltonian dual form of eigenvalue problem for transverse free vibrations of thin plates, and formulation of the natural mode in closed form is performed. The closed-form natural mode satisfies the governing equation of the eigenvalue problem of thin plate exactly and is applicable for any types of boundary conditions. With all combinations of simplysupported (S) and clamped (C) boundary conditions applied to the natural mode, the mode shapes are obtained uniquely and two eigenvalue equations are derived with respect to two spatial coordinates, with the aid of which the normal modes and frequencies are solved exactly. It was believed that the exact eigensolutions for cases SSCC, SCCC and CCCC were unable to be obtained, however, they are successfully found in this paper. Comparisons between the present results and the FEM results validate the present exact solutions, which can thus be taken as the benchmark for verifying different approximate approaches.
文摘In the previous papers I and II, we have studied the difference discrete variational principle and the Euler?Lagrange cohomology in the framework of multi-parameter differential approach. We have gotten the difference discrete Euler?Lagrange equations and canonical ones for the difference discrete versions of classical mechanics and field theory as well as the difference discrete versions for the Euler?Lagrange cohomology and applied them to get the necessary and sufficient condition for the symplectic or multisymplectic geometry preserving properties in both the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms. In this paper, we apply the difference discrete variational principle and Euler?Lagrange cohomological approach directly to the symplectic and multisymplectic algorithms. We will show that either Hamiltonian schemes or Lagrangian ones in both the symplectic and multisymplectic algorithms are variational integrators and their difference discrete symplectic structure-preserving properties can always be established not only in the solution space but also in the function space if and only if the related closed Euler?Lagrange cohomological conditions are satisfied.
文摘In this second paper of a series of papers, we explore the difference discrete versions for the Euler?Lagrange cohomology and apply them to the symplectic or multisymplectic geometry and their preserving properties in both the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms for discrete mechanics and field theory in the framework of multi-parameter differential approach. In terms of the difference discrete Euler?Lagrange cohomological concepts, we show that the symplectic or multisymplectic geometry and their difference discrete structure-preserving properties can always be established not only in the solution spaces of the discrete Euler?Lagrange or canonical equations derived by the difference discrete variational principle but also in the function space in each case if and only if the relevant closed Euler?Lagrange cohomological conditions are satisfied.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10772039 and 10632030)the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) (2010CB832704)
文摘This paper analyses the bending of rectangular orthotropic plates on a Winkler elastic foundation.Appropriate definition of symplectic inner product and symplectic space formed by generalized displacements establish dual variables and dual equations in the symplectic space.The operator matrix of the equation set is proven to be a Hamilton operator matrix.Separation of variables and eigenfunction expansion creates a basis for analyzing the bending of rectangular orthotropic plates on Winkler elastic foundation and obtaining solutions for plates having any boundary condition.There is discussion of symplectic eigenvalue problems of orthotropic plates under two typical boundary conditions,with opposite sides simply supported and opposite sides clamped.Transcendental equations of eigenvalues and symplectic eigenvectors in analytical form given.Analytical solutions using two examples are presented to show the use of the new methods described in this paper.To verify the accuracy and convergence,a fully simply supported plate that is fully and simply supported under uniformly distributed load is used to compare the classical Navier method,the Levy method and the new method.Results show that the new technique has good accuracy and better convergence speed than other methods,especially in relation to internal forces.A fully clamped rectangular plate on Winkler foundation is solved to validate application of the new methods,with solutions compared to those produced by the Galerkin method.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.91648101 and11672233)the Northwestern Polytechnical University(NPU)Foundation for Fundamental Research(No.3102017AX008)the National Training Program of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduates(No.S201710699033)
文摘Multibody system dynamics provides a strong tool for the estimation of dynamic performances and the optimization of multisystem robot design. It can be described with differential algebraic equations(DAEs). In this paper, a particle swarm optimization(PSO) method is introduced to solve and control a symplectic multibody system for the first time. It is first combined with the symplectic method to solve problems in uncontrolled and controlled robotic arm systems. It is shown that the results conserve the energy and keep the constraints of the chaotic motion, which demonstrates the efficiency, accuracy, and time-saving ability of the method. To make the system move along the pre-planned path, which is a functional extremum problem, a double-PSO-based instantaneous optimal control is introduced. Examples are performed to test the effectiveness of the double-PSO-based instantaneous optimal control. The results show that the method has high accuracy, a fast convergence speed, and a wide range of applications.All the above verify the immense potential applications of the PSO method in multibody system dynamics.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.10962004the Natural Science Foundation of Inner Mongolia under Grant No.2009BS0101+1 种基金the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China under Grant No.20070126002the Cultivation of Innovative Talent of "211 Project"of Inner Mongolia University
文摘The free vibration problem of rectangular thin plates is rewritten as a new upper triangular matrix differential system. For the associated operator matrix, we find that the two diagonal block operators are Hamiltonian. Moreover, the existence and completeness of normed symplectic orthogonal eigenfunction systems of these two block operators are demonstrated. Based on the completeness, the general solution of the free vibration of rectangular thin plates is given by double symplectie eigenfunction expansion method.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.10962004)the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China(No.20070126002)the Natural Science Foundation of Inner Mongolia of China(No.20080404MS0104)
文摘The eigenvalue problem of the Hamiltonian operator associated with plane elasticity problems is investigated.The eigenfunctions of the operator are directly solved with mixed boundary conditions for the displacement and stress in a rectangular region.The completeness of the eigenfunctions is then proved,providing the feasibility of using separation of variables to solve the problems.A general solution is obtained with the symplectic eigenfunction expansion theorem.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No 10562002)the Natural Science Foundation of Inner Mongolia,China(Grants No 200508010103 and 200711020106)the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China(Grant No 20070126002)
文摘This paper deals with the bending problem of rectangular plates with two opposite edges simply supported. It is proved that there exists no normed symplectic orthogonal eigenfunction system for the associated infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian operator H and that the two block operators belonging to Hamiltonian operator H possess two normed symplectic orthogonal eigenfunction systems in some space. It is demonstrated by using the properties of the block operators that the above bending problem can be solved by the symplectic eigenfunction expansion theorem, thereby obtaining analytical solutions of rectangular plates with two opposite edges simply supported and the other two edges supported in any manner.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10972182, 10772147, 10632030)the National Basic Research Program of China (2006CB 601202)+3 种基金the Doctorate Foundation of Northwestern Polytechnical University (CX200908)the Graduate Starting Seed Fund of Northwestern Polytechnical University (Z200930)the NPU Foundation for Fundamental Researchthe Open Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis of Industrial Equipment (GZ0802)
文摘On the basis of the finite element analysis, the elastic wave propagation in cellular structures is investigated using the symplectic algorithm. The variation principle is first applied to obtain the dual variables and the wave propagation problem is then transformed into two-dimensional (2D) symplectic eigenvalue problems, where the extended Wittrick-Williams algorithm is used to ensure that no phase propagation eigenvalues are missed during computation. Three typical cellular structures, square, triangle and hexagon, are introduced to illustrate the unique feature of the symplectic algorithm in higher-frequency calculation, which is due to the conserved properties of the structure-preserving symplectic algorithm. On the basis of the dispersion relations and phase constant surface analysis, the band structure is shown to be insensitive to the material type at lower frequencies, however, much more related at higher frequencies. This paper also demonstrates how the boundary conditions adopted in the finite element modeling process and the structures' configurations affect the band structures. The hexagonal cells are demonstrated to be more efficient for sound insulation at higher frequencies, while the triangular cells are preferred at lower frequencies. No complete band gaps are observed for the square cells with fixed-end boundary conditions. The analysis of phase constant surfaces guides the design of 2D cellular structures where waves at certain frequencies do not propagate in specified directions. The findings from the present study will provide invaluable guidelines for the future application of cellular structures in sound insulation.
文摘We introduce the Euler-Lagrange cohomology to study the symplectic and multisymplectic structures and their preserving properties in finite and infinite dimensional Lagrangian systems respectively. We also explore their certain difference discrete counterparts in the relevant regularly discretized finite and infinite dimensional Lagrangian systems by means of the difference discrete variational principle with the difference being regarded as an entire geometric object and the noncommutative differential calculus on regular lattice. In order to show that in all these cases the symplectic and multisymplectic preserving properties do not necessarily depend on the relevant Euler-Lagrange equations, the Euler-Lagrange cohomological concepts and content in the configuration space are employed.
文摘Based on the Hellinger_Reissner variatonal principle for Reissner plate bending and introducing dual variables,Hamiltonian dual equations for Reissner plate bending were presented.Therefore Hamiltonian solution system can also be applied to Reissner plate bending problem,and the transformation from Euclidian space to symplectic space and from Lagrangian system to Hamiltonian system was realized.So in the symplectic space which consists of the original variables and their dual variables,the problem can be solved via effective mathematical physics methods such as the method of separation of variables and eigenfunction_vector expansion.All the eigensolutions and Jordan canonical form eigensolutions for zero eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian operator matrix are solved in detail,and their physical meanings are showed clearly.The adjoint symplectic orthonormal relation of the eigenfunction vectors for zero eigenvalue are formed.It is showed that the all eigensolutions for zero eigenvalue are basic solutions of the Saint_Venant problem and they form a perfect symplectic subspace for zero eigenvalue.And the eigensolutions for nonzero eigenvalue are covered by the Saint_Venant theorem.The symplectic solution method is not the same as the classical semi_inverse method and breaks through the limit of the traditional semi_inverse solution.The symplectic solution method will have vast application.