INTRODUCTIONSwitching frequency is a very important parameter in switchingpower converters. As the switching frequency increases, the physicalsize of magnetic elements and other components in the circuit reducesignifi...INTRODUCTIONSwitching frequency is a very important parameter in switchingpower converters. As the switching frequency increases, the physicalsize of magnetic elements and other components in the circuit reducesignificantly. Switching frequency also plays a great role incontrol loop gain and compensation design. Switching frequency determinesthe maximum allowable bandwidth of the control loop.Switching frequency is also important parameter for EMI and noiseissues. The EMI spectrum is a direct function of the switching fre-展开更多
文摘INTRODUCTIONSwitching frequency is a very important parameter in switchingpower converters. As the switching frequency increases, the physicalsize of magnetic elements and other components in the circuit reducesignificantly. Switching frequency also plays a great role incontrol loop gain and compensation design. Switching frequency determinesthe maximum allowable bandwidth of the control loop.Switching frequency is also important parameter for EMI and noiseissues. The EMI spectrum is a direct function of the switching fre-