BACKGROUND Chronic gastritis(CG)is a common gastrointestinal disorder characterized by inflammation of the stomach lining.Liver-stomach disharmony(LSD)syndrome is believed to contribute to CG symptoms.AIM To evaluate ...BACKGROUND Chronic gastritis(CG)is a common gastrointestinal disorder characterized by inflammation of the stomach lining.Liver-stomach disharmony(LSD)syndrome is believed to contribute to CG symptoms.AIM To evaluate the efficacy and safety of microcosmic syndrome differentiation and Chinese herbal medicine(CHM)treatment in patients with CG and LSD syndrome.METHODS Sixty-four patients with CG and LSD syndrome were randomly divided into two groups:The treatment group received CHM based on microcosmic syndrome differentiation and the control group received conventional Western medicine.The treatment course lasted 12 wk.The primary outcome was improvement in dyspeptic symptoms,measured using the Nepean Dyspepsia Index.The secondary outcomes included the improvement rate of endoscopic findings,histopathological findings,and microcosmic syndrome scores and the incidence of adverse events.RESULTS After 12 wk of treatment,the treatment group showed significantly greater improvement in dyspeptic symptoms than the control group(93.75%vs 65.63%,P<0.01).The treatment group also showed a significantly higher improvement rate in endoscopic findings than the control group(81.25%vs 53.13%,P<0.05).The improvement rates of histopathological findings and microcosmic syndrome scores were not significantly different between the two groups(P>0.05).No serious adverse events were observed in either group.CONCLUSION Microcosmic syndrome differentiation and CHM treatment can effectively improve dyspeptic symptoms and endoscopic findings in patients with CG and LSD syndrome and have a good safety profile.Further studies with larger sample sizes and longer follow-up periods are required to confirm the long-term efficacy and mechanism of action of this treatment.展开更多
BACKGROUND Tong Xie Yao Fang is a representative traditional Chinese prescription for the treatment of liver and spleen deficiency,abdominal pain and diarrhea.It has a unique function in the treatment of gastrointesti...BACKGROUND Tong Xie Yao Fang is a representative traditional Chinese prescription for the treatment of liver and spleen deficiency,abdominal pain and diarrhea.It has a unique function in the treatment of gastrointestinal dysfunction including irritable bowel syndrome(IBS),is a common functional bowel disease.Its main symptoms are recurrent abdominal pain,diarrhea,constipation or alternations between diarrhea and constipation.There are obvious differences in metabolites between TCM syndromes.By comparing the body fluid metabolism maps of model animals,metabolomics can discover disease biomarkers,analyze the differences in metabolic pathways and understand the pathological process and the metabolic pathways of substances in the body.Thus,the evaluation of animal models tends to be comprehensive and objective.This may provide further understanding between the interaction between Tong Xie Yao Fang and the IBS model.AIM To evaluate the effect of Tong Xie Yao Fang on IBS rats by using metabolomics method.METHODS Wistar rats were used to establish IBS models,and then randomly divided into four groups:A model control group and three Tong Xie Yao Fang treatment groups(high,medium and low doses).A normal,non-IBS group was established.The rats were treated for 2 wk.On days 0 and 14 of the experimental model,urine was collected for 12 h and was analyzed by ultra-performance liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry.Nine potential biomarkers were identified,and six major metabolic pathways were found to be related to IBS.RESULTS In the study of metabonomics,nine potential biomarkers including L-serine,4-methylgallic acid,L-threonine,succinylacetone,prolyl-hydroxyproline,valylserine,acetyl citrate,marmesin rutinoside and 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan were identified in urine,which were assigned to amino acids,organic acids,succinyl and glycosides.Furthermore,the metabolic pathway of L-serine,L-threonine and 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan was found in the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes,which mainly involved the metabolism of cysteine and methionine,vitamin B6 metabolism,serotonin synapse,tryptophan metabolism,sphingolipid metabolism,digestion,absorption of protein and amino acid metabolism.These pathways are related to intestinal dysfunction,inflammatory syndrome,nervous system dysfunction and other diseases.CONCLUSION Tong Xie Yao Fang has pharmacological effects on IBS,and its mechanism may be related to the metabolism of the nine potential biomarkers identified above in urine.展开更多
[Objectives] To investigate the clinical efficacy of Chaihu Shugan Powder on chronic superficial gastritis with liver-stomach disharmony syndrome.[Methods] A total of 72 patients diagnosed with chronic superficial gas...[Objectives] To investigate the clinical efficacy of Chaihu Shugan Powder on chronic superficial gastritis with liver-stomach disharmony syndrome.[Methods] A total of 72 patients diagnosed with chronic superficial gastritis characterized by liver-stomach disharmony syndrome between September 2023 and August 2024 were randomly assigned into two groups. The control group received treatment with western medicine, and the treatment group was administered both western medicine and Chaihu Shugan Powder. The therapeutic effects, TCM syndrome scores, adverse reactions, and recurrence rate were compared between the two groups.[Results] The total effective rate was 88.89% in the treatment group and 80.56% in the control group. The differences between the two groups were statistically significant ( P <0.05), indicating that the improvement observed in the treatment group was significantly greater than that in the control group ( P <0.05). In comparison to pre-treatment levels, the TCM syndrome scores for both patient groups exhibited a reduction following treatment. Notably, the extent of this reduction in the treatment group was significantly greater than that observed in the control group ( P <0.05). Neither group of patients experienced serious adverse reactions during treatment. Furthermore, the recurrence rate among patients in the control group was found to be higher than that in the treatment group.[Conclusions] The clinical efficacy of Chaihu Shugan Powder in the treatment of chronic superficial gastritis with liver-stomach disharmony syndrome is significant, demonstrating a notable reduction in the recurrence rate of the condition.展开更多
目的探讨超声影像组学模型鉴别肝郁痰凝型与冲任失调型乳腺癌中医证型的价值,寻求有助于中医辨证分型的客观指标。方法回顾性收集2018年1月—2021年12月于福建中医药大学附属第二人民医院行术前超声检查并经病理确诊且有完整中医辨证资...目的探讨超声影像组学模型鉴别肝郁痰凝型与冲任失调型乳腺癌中医证型的价值,寻求有助于中医辨证分型的客观指标。方法回顾性收集2018年1月—2021年12月于福建中医药大学附属第二人民医院行术前超声检查并经病理确诊且有完整中医辨证资料的231例(247个病灶)乳腺癌患者资料,获取术前超声图像,用ITK-SNAP软件勾画感兴趣区(ROI),利用Pyradiomics 3.0软件提取超声影像组学特征,病灶按7∶3比例分为训练集(175个)和测试集(72个),使用最小绝对收缩与选择算法(LASSO)进行特征降维筛选,采用支持向量机(SVM)构建影像组学模型,通过受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线评估模型的鉴别诊断效能。结果纳入病例中肝郁痰凝型107例115个病灶,冲任失调型124例132个病灶。LASSO算法筛选出17个可鉴别肝郁痰凝型和冲任失调型乳腺癌的超声影像组学特征,其中前7个特征权重系数较大,分别为Dependence Variance,Correlation,Sphericity,Center Of MassIndex2,Bounding Box5,Large Dependence High Gray Level Emphasis和Short Run Emphasis。利用上述17个有效特征构建的影像组学模型在训练集和测试集上的曲线下面积(AUC)分别为0.797(95%CI:0.730~0.864)和0.775(95%CI:0.666~0.883)。该模型训练集的敏感度、特异度、准确率分别为72.3%(60/83)、73.0%(65/89)、72.7%(125/172);该模型测试集的敏感度、特异度、准确率分别为75.5%(37/49)、65.4%(17/26)、72.0%(54/75)。结论超声影像组学模型能够有效鉴别肝郁痰凝型与冲任失调型乳腺癌,筛选出的影像组学特征可作为乳腺癌中医辨证分型的微观指标。展开更多
目的探究功能性消化不良的中医辨证分型及用药规律,为该病的中医治疗提供参考。方法检索中国知网(CNKI)、万方数据库(Wangfang)、维普数据库(VIP)、PubMed、Web of Science数据库中有关中医药治疗功能性消化不良的临床研究文献,收集中...目的探究功能性消化不良的中医辨证分型及用药规律,为该病的中医治疗提供参考。方法检索中国知网(CNKI)、万方数据库(Wangfang)、维普数据库(VIP)、PubMed、Web of Science数据库中有关中医药治疗功能性消化不良的临床研究文献,收集中药复方,建立数据库,使用Excel 2019、Clementine 12.0和SPSS 21.0对功能性消化不良的中医证型、中药使用频次、功效分类、性味归经进行频次统计,并对高频药物进行关联规则分析、因子分析和聚类分析。结果共纳入文献428篇,提取处方442首,涉及中药225味,高频药物24味,其中党参、茯苓、陈皮、柴胡的使用频次最多,功效分类以补虚药、理气药最为常见,药性以温为主,药味以苦、辛、甘为主,多归脾、肺、胃经;关联规则分析得到20种药物组合,因子分析提取了9个公因子,聚类分析可将药物分为4类。功能性消化不良肝胃不和证最多,对其进行关联规则分析得到12种药物组合,因子分析提取了3个公因子,聚类分析可将药物分为2类。结论中医临床治疗功能性消化不良以益气健脾、疏肝行气药为主,甘温补虚、辛开苦降,辨证配伍化湿、解表、清热等药物。展开更多
文章总结了丁丽仙教授从心肾论治绝经生殖泌尿综合征(Genitourinary syndrome of menopause,GSM)的临床经验。丁丽仙教授认为GSM的核心病机是阴阳失和、心肾不交,主要表现为生殖道、泌尿道萎缩以及性功能障碍等症状和体征。丁丽仙教授...文章总结了丁丽仙教授从心肾论治绝经生殖泌尿综合征(Genitourinary syndrome of menopause,GSM)的临床经验。丁丽仙教授认为GSM的核心病机是阴阳失和、心肾不交,主要表现为生殖道、泌尿道萎缩以及性功能障碍等症状和体征。丁丽仙教授遵循中医“辨证论治”“病证结合”的原则,运用丁氏妇科经验方参麦黄连阿胶汤、三甲复脉汤加减、一贯煎等化裁内服,以泻南补北、交通心肾,育阴潜阳、养血柔肝,滋肾养阴、疏肝解郁为治疗大法;同时重视心理疏导、生活调摄,以使“肝肾精气旺,肝肾之气自舒,心之火不旺,肾之水不亏”。展开更多
文摘BACKGROUND Chronic gastritis(CG)is a common gastrointestinal disorder characterized by inflammation of the stomach lining.Liver-stomach disharmony(LSD)syndrome is believed to contribute to CG symptoms.AIM To evaluate the efficacy and safety of microcosmic syndrome differentiation and Chinese herbal medicine(CHM)treatment in patients with CG and LSD syndrome.METHODS Sixty-four patients with CG and LSD syndrome were randomly divided into two groups:The treatment group received CHM based on microcosmic syndrome differentiation and the control group received conventional Western medicine.The treatment course lasted 12 wk.The primary outcome was improvement in dyspeptic symptoms,measured using the Nepean Dyspepsia Index.The secondary outcomes included the improvement rate of endoscopic findings,histopathological findings,and microcosmic syndrome scores and the incidence of adverse events.RESULTS After 12 wk of treatment,the treatment group showed significantly greater improvement in dyspeptic symptoms than the control group(93.75%vs 65.63%,P<0.01).The treatment group also showed a significantly higher improvement rate in endoscopic findings than the control group(81.25%vs 53.13%,P<0.05).The improvement rates of histopathological findings and microcosmic syndrome scores were not significantly different between the two groups(P>0.05).No serious adverse events were observed in either group.CONCLUSION Microcosmic syndrome differentiation and CHM treatment can effectively improve dyspeptic symptoms and endoscopic findings in patients with CG and LSD syndrome and have a good safety profile.Further studies with larger sample sizes and longer follow-up periods are required to confirm the long-term efficacy and mechanism of action of this treatment.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.81573870the Eighth Special Subsidy Project of China Post Doctoral Science Foundation,No.2015T80376+4 种基金Postdoctoral Science Research Developmental Foundation of China,No.2013M531079National Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province,No.H2015020Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Outstanding Innovative Talents Support Project(Outstanding Young Academic Leaders),Postdoctoral Science-Research Developmental Foundation of Heilongjiang Province,No.LBHQ12009Youth Academic Backbone Fund of Heilongjiang Province Education Department,No.1253G053Youth Science and Technology Project of Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Heilongjiang Province,No.ZQG-034
文摘BACKGROUND Tong Xie Yao Fang is a representative traditional Chinese prescription for the treatment of liver and spleen deficiency,abdominal pain and diarrhea.It has a unique function in the treatment of gastrointestinal dysfunction including irritable bowel syndrome(IBS),is a common functional bowel disease.Its main symptoms are recurrent abdominal pain,diarrhea,constipation or alternations between diarrhea and constipation.There are obvious differences in metabolites between TCM syndromes.By comparing the body fluid metabolism maps of model animals,metabolomics can discover disease biomarkers,analyze the differences in metabolic pathways and understand the pathological process and the metabolic pathways of substances in the body.Thus,the evaluation of animal models tends to be comprehensive and objective.This may provide further understanding between the interaction between Tong Xie Yao Fang and the IBS model.AIM To evaluate the effect of Tong Xie Yao Fang on IBS rats by using metabolomics method.METHODS Wistar rats were used to establish IBS models,and then randomly divided into four groups:A model control group and three Tong Xie Yao Fang treatment groups(high,medium and low doses).A normal,non-IBS group was established.The rats were treated for 2 wk.On days 0 and 14 of the experimental model,urine was collected for 12 h and was analyzed by ultra-performance liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry.Nine potential biomarkers were identified,and six major metabolic pathways were found to be related to IBS.RESULTS In the study of metabonomics,nine potential biomarkers including L-serine,4-methylgallic acid,L-threonine,succinylacetone,prolyl-hydroxyproline,valylserine,acetyl citrate,marmesin rutinoside and 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan were identified in urine,which were assigned to amino acids,organic acids,succinyl and glycosides.Furthermore,the metabolic pathway of L-serine,L-threonine and 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan was found in the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes,which mainly involved the metabolism of cysteine and methionine,vitamin B6 metabolism,serotonin synapse,tryptophan metabolism,sphingolipid metabolism,digestion,absorption of protein and amino acid metabolism.These pathways are related to intestinal dysfunction,inflammatory syndrome,nervous system dysfunction and other diseases.CONCLUSION Tong Xie Yao Fang has pharmacological effects on IBS,and its mechanism may be related to the metabolism of the nine potential biomarkers identified above in urine.
文摘[Objectives] To investigate the clinical efficacy of Chaihu Shugan Powder on chronic superficial gastritis with liver-stomach disharmony syndrome.[Methods] A total of 72 patients diagnosed with chronic superficial gastritis characterized by liver-stomach disharmony syndrome between September 2023 and August 2024 were randomly assigned into two groups. The control group received treatment with western medicine, and the treatment group was administered both western medicine and Chaihu Shugan Powder. The therapeutic effects, TCM syndrome scores, adverse reactions, and recurrence rate were compared between the two groups.[Results] The total effective rate was 88.89% in the treatment group and 80.56% in the control group. The differences between the two groups were statistically significant ( P <0.05), indicating that the improvement observed in the treatment group was significantly greater than that in the control group ( P <0.05). In comparison to pre-treatment levels, the TCM syndrome scores for both patient groups exhibited a reduction following treatment. Notably, the extent of this reduction in the treatment group was significantly greater than that observed in the control group ( P <0.05). Neither group of patients experienced serious adverse reactions during treatment. Furthermore, the recurrence rate among patients in the control group was found to be higher than that in the treatment group.[Conclusions] The clinical efficacy of Chaihu Shugan Powder in the treatment of chronic superficial gastritis with liver-stomach disharmony syndrome is significant, demonstrating a notable reduction in the recurrence rate of the condition.
文摘目的探讨超声影像组学模型鉴别肝郁痰凝型与冲任失调型乳腺癌中医证型的价值,寻求有助于中医辨证分型的客观指标。方法回顾性收集2018年1月—2021年12月于福建中医药大学附属第二人民医院行术前超声检查并经病理确诊且有完整中医辨证资料的231例(247个病灶)乳腺癌患者资料,获取术前超声图像,用ITK-SNAP软件勾画感兴趣区(ROI),利用Pyradiomics 3.0软件提取超声影像组学特征,病灶按7∶3比例分为训练集(175个)和测试集(72个),使用最小绝对收缩与选择算法(LASSO)进行特征降维筛选,采用支持向量机(SVM)构建影像组学模型,通过受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线评估模型的鉴别诊断效能。结果纳入病例中肝郁痰凝型107例115个病灶,冲任失调型124例132个病灶。LASSO算法筛选出17个可鉴别肝郁痰凝型和冲任失调型乳腺癌的超声影像组学特征,其中前7个特征权重系数较大,分别为Dependence Variance,Correlation,Sphericity,Center Of MassIndex2,Bounding Box5,Large Dependence High Gray Level Emphasis和Short Run Emphasis。利用上述17个有效特征构建的影像组学模型在训练集和测试集上的曲线下面积(AUC)分别为0.797(95%CI:0.730~0.864)和0.775(95%CI:0.666~0.883)。该模型训练集的敏感度、特异度、准确率分别为72.3%(60/83)、73.0%(65/89)、72.7%(125/172);该模型测试集的敏感度、特异度、准确率分别为75.5%(37/49)、65.4%(17/26)、72.0%(54/75)。结论超声影像组学模型能够有效鉴别肝郁痰凝型与冲任失调型乳腺癌,筛选出的影像组学特征可作为乳腺癌中医辨证分型的微观指标。
文摘文章总结了丁丽仙教授从心肾论治绝经生殖泌尿综合征(Genitourinary syndrome of menopause,GSM)的临床经验。丁丽仙教授认为GSM的核心病机是阴阳失和、心肾不交,主要表现为生殖道、泌尿道萎缩以及性功能障碍等症状和体征。丁丽仙教授遵循中医“辨证论治”“病证结合”的原则,运用丁氏妇科经验方参麦黄连阿胶汤、三甲复脉汤加减、一贯煎等化裁内服,以泻南补北、交通心肾,育阴潜阳、养血柔肝,滋肾养阴、疏肝解郁为治疗大法;同时重视心理疏导、生活调摄,以使“肝肾精气旺,肝肾之气自舒,心之火不旺,肾之水不亏”。