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早期心理干预对乳腺癌患者术后SAS、SDS及SIS评分的影响 被引量:1
作者 王芳 《北华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第2期235-238,共4页
目的探讨早期心理干预对乳腺癌患者术后SAS(焦虑自量量表)、SDS(抑郁自量量表)及SIS评分(社会影响量表)的影响。方法应用奇偶法随机将150例乳腺癌患者分为对照组和研究组,对照组行常规护理,研究组在其基础上实施早期心理干预,评估两组... 目的探讨早期心理干预对乳腺癌患者术后SAS(焦虑自量量表)、SDS(抑郁自量量表)及SIS评分(社会影响量表)的影响。方法应用奇偶法随机将150例乳腺癌患者分为对照组和研究组,对照组行常规护理,研究组在其基础上实施早期心理干预,评估两组患者术后心理情况、病耻感、生活质量及护理满意度。结果研究组患者SAS评分、SDS评分及SIS评分均低于对照组(P<0.05);研究组患者社会功能、生理功能、躯体能力及活力均高于对照组(P<0.05);研究组患者护理满意度(96.00%)高于对照组(84.00%)(P<0.05)。结论在乳腺癌患者治疗中实施早期心理护理干预有助于稳定患者情绪、减少病耻感,生活质量与满意度更高,值得临床推广。 展开更多
关键词 乳腺癌 早期心理护理 SAS评分 SDS评分 sis评分
作者 魏苇 武向农 张毅闻 《上海师范大学学报(自然科学版中英文)》 2024年第2期254-259,共6页
基于C++SuperMix软件库对680 GHz接收机中的双槽双超导隧道结(SIS)混频器进行深入模拟研究.在环境温度为4.2 K、本地振荡器(LO)频率为680 GHz、本振功率为100 nW、中频频率中心为10 GHz和中频匹配阻抗为50Ω的条件下,采用二次谐波的谐... 基于C++SuperMix软件库对680 GHz接收机中的双槽双超导隧道结(SIS)混频器进行深入模拟研究.在环境温度为4.2 K、本地振荡器(LO)频率为680 GHz、本振功率为100 nW、中频频率中心为10 GHz和中频匹配阻抗为50Ω的条件下,采用二次谐波的谐波平衡法,在0~500 K热噪声源温度下对SIS混频器的输出噪声温度进行建模仿真研究.计算得出:当偏置电压在2~3 mV变化时,SIS混频器的输出噪声温度均小于50 K,表明所研究的SIS混频器具有较好的噪声性能. 展开更多
关键词 高频混频器 C++编程语言 SuperMix软件库 双槽双超导隧道结(sis)混频器
作者 穆宇光 《北华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第4期425-432,共8页
关键词 随机sis传染病模型 垂直传染 饱和发生率 灭绝性 持久性
作者 胡萌 张雅荣 《数学杂志》 2024年第4期331-342,共12页
本文研究了空间异质性下水平传播和垂直传播的SIS传染病模型的问题.利用半群理论、下一代再生算子谱半径的定义、Lyapunov函数、渐近自治半流理论以及数值模拟的方法,获得了空间异质性下水平传播和垂直传播的SIS传染病模型的动力学行为... 本文研究了空间异质性下水平传播和垂直传播的SIS传染病模型的问题.利用半群理论、下一代再生算子谱半径的定义、Lyapunov函数、渐近自治半流理论以及数值模拟的方法,获得了空间异质性下水平传播和垂直传播的SIS传染病模型的动力学行为和传播规律的结果.这些结果推广了之前的相关研究结果,为理解此类传染病模型提供了更深入的理论依据. 展开更多
关键词 空间异质性 sis传染病模型 LYAPUNOV函数 全局稳定性
作者 唐靖伟 施金波 王志鑫 《自动化与仪表》 2024年第4期22-25,共4页
SIS安全仪表系统作为一种先进的安全控制系统,已经广泛应用于石化行业中。该文旨在通过对SIS安全仪表系统的设计原则分析,探讨其在石化行业中的重要性。SIS系统能够监测和控制关键过程参数,提供紧急停机功能,并进行故障诊断和维护管理... SIS安全仪表系统作为一种先进的安全控制系统,已经广泛应用于石化行业中。该文旨在通过对SIS安全仪表系统的设计原则分析,探讨其在石化行业中的重要性。SIS系统能够监测和控制关键过程参数,提供紧急停机功能,并进行故障诊断和维护管理。通过使用SIS系统,石化企业能够提高生产设备的安全性能,减少事故发生的风险,保护员工的生命安全和环境的健康。 展开更多
关键词 sis安全仪表系统 石化 重要性 安全
作者 朱金柱 曹秀生 +1 位作者 冒弘 周建东 《中国胶粘剂》 CAS 2024年第1期44-49,共6页
以台橡SIS 4113作为SIS基热熔压敏胶热嵌段共聚物主体,掺配两种高苯乙烯含量SIS 4211和4411,通过熔融混合法制备SIS型热熔压敏胶。考察了不同高苯乙烯SIS掺配量变化对热熔压敏胶基础性能、黏着特性及流变性能的影响。研究结果表明:(1)... 以台橡SIS 4113作为SIS基热熔压敏胶热嵌段共聚物主体,掺配两种高苯乙烯含量SIS 4211和4411,通过熔融混合法制备SIS型热熔压敏胶。考察了不同高苯乙烯SIS掺配量变化对热熔压敏胶基础性能、黏着特性及流变性能的影响。研究结果表明:(1)随着掺混4211及4411比例的提高,热熔压敏胶的黏度降低、软化点升高,且掺混4411效果变化尤其明显,对于黏着性能、高温持粘性、剪切破坏温度均明显提升。(2)掺混4211的环形初粘力、180°剥离力稍有波动;而掺混4411对润湿性能影响较大,环形初粘力及180°剥离力均有明显降低。(3)流变曲线显示,掺混比例升高后,玻璃化转变温度(T_(g))点及流动点逐渐升高,储能模量明显升高,与高温持粘测试结果对应。 展开更多
关键词 高苯乙烯含量sis 热熔压敏胶 黏着性能 流变性能
Spectroscopy and molecule opacity investigation on excited states of SiS
作者 李瑞 吕浩男 +3 位作者 桑纪群 刘晓华 梁桂颖 吴勇 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期381-387,共7页
The SiS molecule,which plays a significant role in space,has attracted a great deal of attention for many years.Due to complex interactions among its low-lying electronic states,precise information regarding the molec... The SiS molecule,which plays a significant role in space,has attracted a great deal of attention for many years.Due to complex interactions among its low-lying electronic states,precise information regarding the molecular structure of SiS is limited.To obtain accurate information about the structure of its excited states,the high-precision multireference configuration interaction(MRCI)method has been utilized.This method is used to calculate the potential energy curves(PECs)of the 18Λ–S states corresponding to the lowest dissociation limit of SiS.The core–valence correlation effect,Davidson’s correction and the scalar relativistic effect are also included to guarantee the precision of the MRCI calculation.Based on the calculated PECs,the spectroscopic constants of quasi-bound and bound electronic states are calculated and they are in accordance with previous experimental results.The transition dipole moments(TDMs)and dipole moments(DMs)are determined by the MRCI method.In addition,the abrupt variations of the DMs for the 1^(5)Σ^(+)and 2^(5)Σ^(+)states at the avoided crossing point are attributed to the variation of the electronic configuration.The opacity of SiS at a pressure of 100 atms is presented across a series of temperatures.With increasing temperature,the expanding population of excited states blurs the band boundaries. 展开更多
关键词 sis OPACITY excited state spectroscopic constant configuration interaction
作者 崔强 《石油库与加油站》 2024年第3期11-16,M0003,共7页
某LNG接收站DCS/SIS系统投用两年以来多次发生系统故障引发现场联锁,造成装置停车、生产波动。由于该接收站DCS/SIS系统通讯共用一个环网,整个网络架构采用单环网冗余结构,SIS系统安全通讯未完全独立。当网络架构中一个环节出现问题时,... 某LNG接收站DCS/SIS系统投用两年以来多次发生系统故障引发现场联锁,造成装置停车、生产波动。由于该接收站DCS/SIS系统通讯共用一个环网,整个网络架构采用单环网冗余结构,SIS系统安全通讯未完全独立。当网络架构中一个环节出现问题时,两个系统同时失效,SIS系统安全功能得不到有效发挥。本研究对系统进行重构后,将SIS系统安全通讯部分单独剥离,环网内部具有后备冗余自动切换的能力,同时外部形成内外双环网冗余。该系统的优化弥补了DCS/SIS系统共用环网在使用中遇到的各种缺陷,解决了该LNG接收站联锁保护系统不稳定的重大难题。 展开更多
关键词 安全仪表系统(sis) 后备冗余 叠加 双环 冗余 技术 研究 应用
作者 张玉涛 张哲 +1 位作者 武洋 韩世杰 《化工管理》 2024年第1期52-55,共4页
海上油气生产平台是海洋石油开采生产的重要设施,具有工艺系统复杂、设备布置紧凑、应急救援困难等风险特征,通常配置有安全仪表系统(SIS)作为一种重要的安全保障措施。根据IEC61511等标准要求,为了保持安全仪表系统的功能正常实现,需... 海上油气生产平台是海洋石油开采生产的重要设施,具有工艺系统复杂、设备布置紧凑、应急救援困难等风险特征,通常配置有安全仪表系统(SIS)作为一种重要的安全保障措施。根据IEC61511等标准要求,为了保持安全仪表系统的功能正常实现,需要对安全仪表系统开展功能安全评估。文章分别介绍了保护层分析法(LOPA)和马尔科夫模型(Markovmodel)评估方法,其中LOPA用于SIL定级评估,Markov用于SIL验证评估。对海上平台典型事故场景登平台海管压力高高联锁回路展开分析,评估结果显示该回路的配置情况可以满足预定的功能安全需求。 展开更多
关键词 海上平台 安全仪表系统sis 功能安全评估 LOPA 马尔科夫模型
Terahertz high-sensitivity SIS mixer based on Nb–AlN–NbN hybrid superconducting tunnel junctions
作者 刘博梁 刘冬 +8 位作者 姚明 金骏达 王争 李婧 史生才 Artem Chekushkin Michael Fominsky Lyudmila Filippenko Valery Koshelets 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期681-686,共6页
The terahertz band,a unique segment of the electromagnetic spectrum,is crucial for observing the cold,dark universe and plays a pivotal role in cutting-edge scientific research,including the study of cosmic environmen... The terahertz band,a unique segment of the electromagnetic spectrum,is crucial for observing the cold,dark universe and plays a pivotal role in cutting-edge scientific research,including the study of cosmic environments that support life and imaging black holes.High-sensitivity superconductor–insulator–superconductor(SIS)mixers are essential detectors for terahertz astronomical telescopes and interferometric arrays.Compared to the commonly used classical Nb/AlO_(x)/Nb superconducting tunnel junction,the Nb/AlN/NbN hybrid superconducting tunnel junction has a higher energy gap voltage and can achieve a higher critical current density.This makes it particularly promising for the development of ultra-wideband,high-sensitivity coherent detectors or mixers in various scientific research fields.In this paper,we present a superconducting SIS mixer based on Nb/AlN/NbN parallel-connected twin junctions(PCTJ),which has a bandwidth extending up to490 GHz–720 GHz.The best achieved double-sideband(DSB)noise temperature(sensitivity)is below three times the quantum noise level. 展开更多
关键词 sis mixer TERAHERTZ gap voltage critical current density hybrid superconducting tunnel junction
作者 薄文静 《中国设备工程》 2024年第2期88-90,共3页
电厂SIS系统是维系电厂安全有序运行的关键手段,技术人员应该注重密切结合电厂管理需求,合理配置SIS系统,以便更好地确保电厂得到及时准确的调控。本文重点围绕着电厂SIS系统的应用,首先简要概述了SIS系统,然后明确了SIS系统的应用原则... 电厂SIS系统是维系电厂安全有序运行的关键手段,技术人员应该注重密切结合电厂管理需求,合理配置SIS系统,以便更好地确保电厂得到及时准确的调控。本文重点围绕着电厂SIS系统的应用,首先简要概述了SIS系统,然后明确了SIS系统的应用原则,最后探讨了电厂SIS系统的应用价值,希望具备参考借鉴作用。 展开更多
关键词 电厂 sis系统 应用价值
作者 陈志权 《石油石化物资采购》 2024年第5期67-69,248,共4页
安全仪表系统(SIS)是石油化工企业和危险化学品生产企业在进行危险作业时的重要保障。随着我国成品油储运企业的不断发展,人们对安全仪表系统的要求也越来越高。SIS系统是在过程控制领域中广泛应用的一种先进安全仪表系统,具有较强的安... 安全仪表系统(SIS)是石油化工企业和危险化学品生产企业在进行危险作业时的重要保障。随着我国成品油储运企业的不断发展,人们对安全仪表系统的要求也越来越高。SIS系统是在过程控制领域中广泛应用的一种先进安全仪表系统,具有较强的安全性和可靠性,为保证成品油储运企业生产安全和设备安全起到了至关重要的作用。当前SIS系统在成品油储运企业中应用广泛,在保障生产安全、设备安全和环境安全方面发挥了积极作用。基于此,将从以下几个方面出发,详细阐述成品油储运企业SIS安全仪表系统的改造策略,以期能够为相关研究人员提供一些参考。 展开更多
关键词 成品油 储运企业 sis安全仪表 系统改造 策略研究
作者 吕铖灿 戴玲玲 +3 位作者 裘坤 徐荣刚 陆佳杰 姜楠 《自动化仪表》 CAS 2024年第3期118-122,共5页
为了对化工应用中较危险的工艺——制丙烯酸反应器爆炸曲线进行控制、避免其生产过程中操作点触碰到爆炸曲线而产生的爆炸事故带来的风险和危害,研究了一种于高可靠性、快响应时间、高可用性的控制策略。通过动态调整环境条件和参数,对... 为了对化工应用中较危险的工艺——制丙烯酸反应器爆炸曲线进行控制、避免其生产过程中操作点触碰到爆炸曲线而产生的爆炸事故带来的风险和危害,研究了一种于高可靠性、快响应时间、高可用性的控制策略。通过动态调整环境条件和参数,对爆炸曲线这种复杂工艺进行有效的管理。根据爆炸曲线的范围和操作点的计算,通过建立数学模型,引入控制变量和限制条件,使得系统实时监控爆炸曲线的数据和预设的安全限值。制定相应的反应控制策略,实现对爆炸过程的及时干预和调节。仿真试验结果证明了该控制策略的有效性和安全性。采用安全仪表系统(SIS)可以更好地对丙烯酸生产过程中的爆炸曲线进行控制。 展开更多
关键词 丙烯酸 安全仪表系统 爆炸曲线 分布式控制系统 爆炸区 反应器 混合器
Low side lobe pattern synthesis using projection method with genetic algorithm for truncated cone conformal phased arrays 被引量:7
作者 Guoqi Zeng Siyin Li +1 位作者 Yan Zhang Shanwei L 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2014年第4期554-559,共6页
A hybrid method for synthesizing antenna's three dimensional (3D) pattern is proposed to obtain the low sidelobe feature of truncated cone conformal phased arrays. In this method, the elements of truncated cone con... A hybrid method for synthesizing antenna's three dimensional (3D) pattern is proposed to obtain the low sidelobe feature of truncated cone conformal phased arrays. In this method, the elements of truncated cone conformal phased arrays are projected to the tangent plane in one generatrix of the truncated cone. Then two dimensional (2D) Chebyshev amplitude distribution optimization is respectively used in two mutual vertical directions of the tangent plane. According to the location of the elements, the excitation current amplitude distribution of each element on the conformal structure is derived reversely, then the excitation current amplitude is further optimized by using the genetic algorithm (GA). A truncated cone problem with 8x8 elements on it, and a 3D pattern desired side lobe level (SLL) up to 35 dB, is studied. By using the hybrid method, the optimal goal is accomplished with acceptable CPU time, which indicates that this hybrid method for the low sidelobe synthesis is feasible. 展开更多
关键词 conformal phased array low side lobe pattern synthe-sis projection method genetic algorithm optimization.
Synthesis of High Pure Ti_3AlC_2 and Ti_2AlC Powders from TiH_2 Powders as Ti Source by Tube Furnace 被引量:3
作者 李良 周爱国 +2 位作者 XU Lin LI Zhengyang WANG Libo 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第5期882-887,共6页
Titanium aluminum carbide (Ti3AlC2 and Ti2AlC) powders were synthesized from TiH2 powders instead of Ti powders as Ti source by a tube furnace under argon atmosphere without preliminary dehydrogenation. 95 wt% pure ... Titanium aluminum carbide (Ti3AlC2 and Ti2AlC) powders were synthesized from TiH2 powders instead of Ti powders as Ti source by a tube furnace under argon atmosphere without preliminary dehydrogenation. 95 wt% pure Ti3AlC2 powders were synthesized from TiH2/1.IAl/2TiC at 1 450 ℃ for 120 min. High-purity Ti2AlC powders were also prepared from 3TiH2/1.5Al/C and 2TiH2/1.5Al/TiC powders at 1 400 ℃ for 120 min. The as-synthesized samples were porous and easy to be ground into powders. Sn or Si additives in starting materials increased the purity of synthesized Ti3AlC2 obviously and expanded the temperature range for the synthesis of Ti3AlC2. With Si or Sn as additives, high pure Ti3AlC2 was synthesized at 1 200℃ for 60 min from TiH2/x Si/Al/2TiC and TiH2/x Sn/Al/2TiC (x = 0.1, 0.2), respectively. 展开更多
关键词 TI3ALC2 Fi2A1C Till2 SN si
Reductive Cleavage of S-S Bond by Samarium Diiodide: Synthesis of β-Thioesters and β-Thionitriles 被引量:1
作者 Hua Jiang JIANG Yong Min ZHANG(Department of Chemistry, Hangzhou University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310028) 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第1期7-8,共2页
The reduction of disulfides by samarium diiodide led to sa arium thiolates (ArSSml2).This new thiolate anion species reacted smoothly with α, β -unsaturated esters (nitriles) to give 1,4-addition products β -thioes... The reduction of disulfides by samarium diiodide led to sa arium thiolates (ArSSml2).This new thiolate anion species reacted smoothly with α, β -unsaturated esters (nitriles) to give 1,4-addition products β -thioesters and β -thionitriles in good yields under mild and neutralcondition. 展开更多
关键词 β-thioesters β-thionitriles samarium diiodide synth esis
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of (E)-ethyl 6-benzyl-2-[(cyclopropylmethylamino)(4-fluorophenylamino)-methyleneamino]-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrothieno[2,3-c]pyridine-3-carboxylate ethanol monosolvate 被引量:2
作者 陈鸿 刘明国 《Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第7期959-964,共6页
The crystal structure of the new title compound (E)-ethyl 6-benzyl-2-[(cyclopropylmethylamino)(4-fluorophenylamino)methyleneamino]-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrothieno[2,3-c]pyridine-3-carboxylate ethanol monosolvate (C28H... The crystal structure of the new title compound (E)-ethyl 6-benzyl-2-[(cyclopropylmethylamino)(4-fluorophenylamino)methyleneamino]-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrothieno[2,3-c]pyridine-3-carboxylate ethanol monosolvate (C28H31FN 4O2S·C2H6O, Mr=552.70) has been prepared and determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The crystal is of monoclinic system, space group P21/c with a=13.806(10), b=10.850(7), c=19.938(14), β=98.842(9)° , V=2951(4)3 , Z=4, Dc=1.244g/cm 3 , F(000)=1176, μ=0.153 mm-1 , MoKα radiation (λ=0.71073), R=0.0758 and wR=0.2234 for 4262 observed reflections with I 〉 2σ(I). Intramolecular N-H…S and C-H…N interactions as well as intermolecular N-H…O and O-H…N hydrogen bonds help to stabilize the crystal structure. X-ray diffraction analysis reveals that the asymmetric unit contains one title molecule and one ethanol molecule. 展开更多
关键词 crystal structure thieno[2 3-c]pyridine aza-Wittig reaction synthe is
Numerical Analysis on the Effect of n-Si on Cu(In, Ga)Se2 Based Thin-Films for High-Performance Solar Cells by 1D-SCAPS
作者 Rasika N. Mohottige Micheal Farndale +1 位作者 Gary S. Coombs Shahnoza Saburhhojayeva 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2024年第5期1315-1329,共15页
We report the performances of a chalcopyrite Cu(In, Ga)Se<sub>2 </sub>CIGS-based thin-film solar cell with a newly employed high conductive n-Si layer. The data analysis was performed with the help of the ... We report the performances of a chalcopyrite Cu(In, Ga)Se<sub>2 </sub>CIGS-based thin-film solar cell with a newly employed high conductive n-Si layer. The data analysis was performed with the help of the 1D-Solar Cell Capacitance Simulator (1D-SCAPS) software program. The new device structure is based on the CIGS layer as the absorber layer, n-Si as the high conductive layer, i-In<sub>2</sub>S<sub>3</sub>, and i-ZnO as the buffer and window layers, respectively. The optimum CIGS bandgap was determined first and used to simulate and analyze the cell performance throughout the experiment. This analysis revealed that the absorber layer’s optimum bandgap value has to be 1.4 eV to achieve maximum efficiency of 22.57%. Subsequently, output solar cell parameters were analyzed as a function of CIGS layer thickness, defect density, and the operating temperature with an optimized n-Si layer. The newly modeled device has a p-CIGS/n-Si/In<sub>2</sub>S<sub>3</sub>/Al-ZnO structure. The main objective was to improve the overall cell performance while optimizing the thickness of absorber layers, defect density, bandgap, and operating temperature with the newly employed optimized n-Si layer. The increase of absorber layer thickness from 0.2 - 2 µm showed an upward trend in the cell’s performance, while the increase of defect density and operating temperature showed a downward trend in solar cell performance. This study illustrates that the proposed cell structure shows higher cell performances and can be fabricated on the lab-scale and industrial levels. 展开更多
关键词 n-si p-CIGS 1D-SCAPS Thin-Films In2S3
Recent progress and perspectives on silicon anode:Synthesis and prelithiation for LIBs energy storage 被引量:12
作者 Yuanxing Zhang Borong Wu +3 位作者 Ge Mu Chengwei Ma Daobin Mu Feng Wu 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第1期615-650,I0016,共37页
The ever-increasing environmental/energy crisis as well as the rapid upgrading of mobile devices had stimulated intensive research attention on promising alternative energy storage and conversion devices.Among these d... The ever-increasing environmental/energy crisis as well as the rapid upgrading of mobile devices had stimulated intensive research attention on promising alternative energy storage and conversion devices.Among these devices,alkali metal ion batteries,such as lithium-ion batteries(LIBs) had attracted increasing research attention due to its several advantages including,environmental friendliness,high power density,long cycle life and excellent reversibility.It had been widely used in consumer electronics,electric vehicles,and large power grids et ac.Silicon-based(silicon and their oxides,carbides) anodes had been widely studied.Its several advantages including low cost,high theoretical capacity,natural abundance,and environmental friendliness,which shows great potential as anodes of LIBs.In this review,we summarized the recently progress in the synthetic method of silicon matrix composites.The empirical method for prelithiation of silicon-based materials were also provided.Further,we also reviewed some novel characterization methods.Finally,the new design,preparation methods and properties of these nano materials were reviewed and compared.We hoped that this review can provide a general overview of recent progress and we briefly highlighted the current challenges and prospects,and will clarify the future trend of silicon anode LIBs research. 展开更多
关键词 si anodes Lithium-ion batteries Prelithiation CHARACTERIZATION Energy storage and conversion
Synthesis of ultralong Si_3N_4 nanowires by a simple thermal evaporation method 被引量:2
作者 Wen-Qi Wang Xiao-Ping Zou +3 位作者 Nan-Jia Zhou Guang Zhu Gui-Ying Wang Zhen-Sheng Peng 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第2期186-190,共5页
Largescale vaporsolid synthesis of ultralong silicon nitride (Si3N4) nanowires was achieved by using simple thermal evaporation of mixture powders of active carbon and monoxide silicon. The products were charac teri... Largescale vaporsolid synthesis of ultralong silicon nitride (Si3N4) nanowires was achieved by using simple thermal evaporation of mixture powders of active carbon and monoxide silicon. The products were charac terized by Xray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energydispersive Xray spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. The results suggest that the silicon nitride nanowires have a smooth surface, with lengths of up to several hundreds of microns and diameters of 100300 nm. A detailed study of both the chemical and structural composition was performed. Such ultralong sil icon nitride nanowires demonstrate potential applications as materials for constructing nanoscale devices and as reinforcement in advanced composites. 展开更多
关键词 si3N4 nanowires Ultralong Thermal evaporation
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