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A Democracy That Works Western democracies have failed to address people’s livelihood concerns while the Chinese practice has made notable achievements
作者 CHARLES ONUNAIJU 《ChinAfrica》 2024年第5期16-17,共2页
More than 200 scholars,researchers,former government o!cials and party leaders from over 50 countries gathered in the sprawling building of the Chinese Academy of History in Beijing on 20 March for the third Internati... More than 200 scholars,researchers,former government o!cials and party leaders from over 50 countries gathered in the sprawling building of the Chinese Academy of History in Beijing on 20 March for the third International Forum on Democracy:The Shared Human Values.The forum debated the concept of democracy,its trajectories and prospects,and,more importantly,how it can be made to work and deliver tangible results for di"erent countries. 展开更多
关键词 democracy gathered DEBATE
Health Democracy and Storytelling:A Synthesis of Knowledge
作者 Rossi Silvia Sandrine de Montgolfier Joëlle Kivits 《Psycho-Oncologie》 SCIE 2024年第1期33-41,共9页
Aims:Health democracy requires tools and methodologies to involve non-scientific actors in the development and implementation of health policies.Storytelling could be one of the tools to make health democracy effectiv... Aims:Health democracy requires tools and methodologies to involve non-scientific actors in the development and implementation of health policies.Storytelling could be one of the tools to make health democracy effective.Our aim is to describe how storytelling is used in relation to health democracy,the aims of its use,the methodology adopted and the results obtained.Procedure:We conducted a narrative review of the literature.Our search equation was composed by the keyword“narration”and its variations“récit de vie”,“histoire de vie”and“medécine narrative”and by the keyword“démocratie en santé”/“démocratie sanitaire”.Results:We obtained 135 results and included six articles,published between 2015 and 2022.The interest of storytelling in a health democracy approach concerns six main themes:a)the plurality of experiences;b)empowerment;c)the recognition of different types of knowledge;d)the involvement of all care actors in care;storytelling as a lever for change;e)in the care pathway;f)in health policies.Conclusion:The limited number of articles included in this literature review raises questions about the diffusion of the concept of health democracy associated with that of storytelling.Storytelling can contribute to the dissemination and effectiveness of health democracy:it is a complementary tool to quantitative tools for understanding the experiences of users of the health care system,and its use is particularly relevant to chronic diseases such as cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Health democracy STORYTELLING narratives narrative medicine
作者 吴兴智 《治理现代化研究》 2025年第1期49-56,共8页
协商民主已成为现代社会化解各类矛盾冲突的最重要方式之一,“协商民主在何种程度上是有效的”也已成为当前需要迫切研究和解决的重要问题。协商并不会自动达成共识,不恰当的协商甚至可能成为激发矛盾冲突的重要诱因,从而导致“协商失... 协商民主已成为现代社会化解各类矛盾冲突的最重要方式之一,“协商民主在何种程度上是有效的”也已成为当前需要迫切研究和解决的重要问题。协商并不会自动达成共识,不恰当的协商甚至可能成为激发矛盾冲突的重要诱因,从而导致“协商失灵”。从群众参与的视角来看,协商民主的有效性,需要解决信息、程序和利益三者间的有机联系问题。面对新形势下各种人民内部矛盾,有效的协商民主实践,不能囿于程序性设计,而必须回应如何推进开放式决策的问题,并不断完善协商成果采纳、落实、反馈机制。 展开更多
关键词 协商民主 有效性 群众参与 开放式决策
民主的多重面向:杜威Democracy and Education中文译名的世纪流变 被引量:5
作者 冯加渔 《华东师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期29-36,共8页
百年来,中国学者在译介杜威名著Democracy and Education时,对其书名翻译多有不同,前后有近十种译名之别,致使杜威民主教育思想在中国传播过程中呈现出多重面向。从20世纪10-20年代流行的"平民主义与教育"译介到30年代流行的&... 百年来,中国学者在译介杜威名著Democracy and Education时,对其书名翻译多有不同,前后有近十种译名之别,致使杜威民主教育思想在中国传播过程中呈现出多重面向。从20世纪10-20年代流行的"平民主义与教育"译介到30年代流行的"民本主义与教育"译介再到40年代起流行的"民主主义与教育"译介,杜威Democracy and Education在不同的时代背景下总是受社会思潮的影响发生着某种转译嬗变,以契合时代发展需要。总的来说,该书在中国长达百年的译介传播并非只是一次比一次更逼真复现杜威文本思想的过程,而是在时空交错的历史长河中伴随转变着的社会情境一次又一次不断被重新阐释的过程。在新时期,还需注重结合当前社会情境对Democracy and Education进行转化性阐释,以适应时代变革图新需要进而揭示其当代意涵。 展开更多
关键词 杜威 民主 民主主义 民主主义与教育
作者 田秀华 杜志章 《决策与信息》 2025年第1期18-28,共11页
以公民为主体的监督是国家和社会现代转型发展的重要标识。人民监督集中反映了社会主义监督理念,并随着中国共产党和中国特色社会主义发展而获得理论延展和制度实践。近年来,制度化的监督在党和政府管理领域不断获得细化和发展,规范了... 以公民为主体的监督是国家和社会现代转型发展的重要标识。人民监督集中反映了社会主义监督理念,并随着中国共产党和中国特色社会主义发展而获得理论延展和制度实践。近年来,制度化的监督在党和政府管理领域不断获得细化和发展,规范了党的组织、完善了政府管理、净化了公职人员队伍,确保了党和国家方针、政策的基本遵循。然而不能忽视的是,社会主义监督体系的整体发展还有失平衡,党内监督和体制内职能监督发展较快,而党外和体制外人民监督制度建设仍然发展不足。这种不均衡的发展制约了社会主义监督体系整体效能的发挥,影响了治理现代化愿景的实现。为了适应治理现代化的要求,要进一步释放人民监督所蕴含的力量,发挥其在巩固社会基础、扩大监督面向、激活社会监督资源中独特的功能优势。 展开更多
关键词 人民 社会主义民主 全过程人民民主 社会主义监督体系
Democracy in America 被引量:1
作者 芦毅 《科技信息》 2010年第23期I0257-I0257,I0249,共2页
Democracy is what people in every corner of the world pursue. Americans are of no exception. The United States of American has long enjoyed a reputation of high democracy. Thus, this paper will dig deep to see the dev... Democracy is what people in every corner of the world pursue. Americans are of no exception. The United States of American has long enjoyed a reputation of high democracy. Thus, this paper will dig deep to see the development and nature of American Democracy based on the discussion of three significant documents: the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and the Gettysburg Address. 展开更多
关键词 美国 英语 宪法 课外阅读
作者 王宝贵 范鹏 施韶亭 《海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2025年第1期76-85,共10页
ChatGPT的持续爆火再次引起人们对人工智能影响问题的普遍关注。系统研究和评估ChatGPT对民主的影响具有理论和现实的双重意义。ChatGPT是人工智能技术发展新的里程碑,同样是一把双刃剑,其技术扩散嵌入政治领域是影响民主的逻辑起点。Ch... ChatGPT的持续爆火再次引起人们对人工智能影响问题的普遍关注。系统研究和评估ChatGPT对民主的影响具有理论和现实的双重意义。ChatGPT是人工智能技术发展新的里程碑,同样是一把双刃剑,其技术扩散嵌入政治领域是影响民主的逻辑起点。ChatGPT既有民主共治、共享、共商、共建的机遇和潜能,也有民主困境、失效、危机、异化、治理和话语权的挑战与风险。ChatGPT通过技术操控侵蚀民主、影响西方民主实施过程,通过话术游说影响民主决策及立法公正性,通过加深数字鸿沟削弱民主治理能力,通过话语权垄断维护西式民主话语霸权。我国要抓住机遇、迎接挑战,在价值设计、政党治理、社会治理、技术治理、素养提升等多个层面,建立和完善针对性的新型多元民主治理体系,用最新科技武装全过程人民民主的实践。 展开更多
关键词 ChatGPT 民主 人工智能技术 逻辑
作者 马成昌 杨德志 《常熟理工学院学报》 2025年第1期1-6,78,共7页
全过程人民民主是中国共产党在总结社会主义民主政治建设发展规律的基础上提出的全新政治理念,是新时代中国特色社会主义政治建设的核心范畴。全过程人民民主强调民主本身的内在价值,秉承民主的理想主义信念,是程序民主与实质民主的统一... 全过程人民民主是中国共产党在总结社会主义民主政治建设发展规律的基础上提出的全新政治理念,是新时代中国特色社会主义政治建设的核心范畴。全过程人民民主强调民主本身的内在价值,秉承民主的理想主义信念,是程序民主与实质民主的统一;全过程人民民主强调民主本身的成果共享特征,充分关注民生的多元化需要,是过程民主与成果民主的统一;全过程人民民主强调民主的本土化特征,关注民主理念与具体国情的结合,是民主共性与民主个性的统一。这一全新的民主政治形态是对人类民主政治遗产的继承与超越,是一种兼容价值与事实、程序与实质、实然与应然的过程有机体。 展开更多
关键词 全过程人民民主 新型民主政治 实质民主 成果民主 民主个性
作者 魏望东 刘雪芹 《商丘职业技术学院学报》 2022年第2期26-30,共5页
20世纪以来,不断有人提议修正西方政治意识形态术语“democracy”在汉语文化语境下的相应表述,试图寻找出一个具有类似翻译充分性的准确译名。“民主”更为符合命(译)名流行“三原则”——经济原则、形象化原则和迎合大众心理原则,因而... 20世纪以来,不断有人提议修正西方政治意识形态术语“democracy”在汉语文化语境下的相应表述,试图寻找出一个具有类似翻译充分性的准确译名。“民主”更为符合命(译)名流行“三原则”——经济原则、形象化原则和迎合大众心理原则,因而接受程度高,受众面广,在现代中国流行了一个多世纪。然而,流行译名不见得就不能改变,译名再约定也是可能的。 展开更多
关键词 民主 译名 充分性 可接受性 译名再约定
作者 张艳丽 《保山学院学报》 2025年第1期54-61,共8页
党的二十大报告指出,发展全过程人民民主是中国式现代化的本质要求之一。全过程人民民主是治理型民主,如何转化全过程人民民主的制度优势为治理效能从而助推中国式现代化进程至关重要。乡村是全过程人民民主的重要实践场域,全过程人民... 党的二十大报告指出,发展全过程人民民主是中国式现代化的本质要求之一。全过程人民民主是治理型民主,如何转化全过程人民民主的制度优势为治理效能从而助推中国式现代化进程至关重要。乡村是全过程人民民主的重要实践场域,全过程人民民主能够以独特的主体优势、结构优势和治理优势助力乡村治理实现现代化转型。但是从现实来看,全过程人民民主赋能乡村治理现代化面临治理主体弱化虚化、治理体制机制不健全、现代化治理能力不足等困境,严重阻碍民主治理效能的发挥。为此,要从提升多元治理主体能力、完善治理制度体系、加强智慧治理能力等方面扎实推进民主治理,促进乡村治理现代化纵深发展。 展开更多
关键词 全过程人民民主 乡村治理现代化 民主治理
作者 任弢 宋王杰 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期117-129,共13页
“一张蓝图绘到底,一任接着一任干”是浙江八八战略和千万工程的成功经验之一。为了揭示长周期内政策何以独立于人事变动而保持持续稳定,以浙江A村为案例,基于多轮深度访谈和档案资料,运用单案例研究设计,试图归纳政策持续稳定的可能条... “一张蓝图绘到底,一任接着一任干”是浙江八八战略和千万工程的成功经验之一。为了揭示长周期内政策何以独立于人事变动而保持持续稳定,以浙江A村为案例,基于多轮深度访谈和档案资料,运用单案例研究设计,试图归纳政策持续稳定的可能条件。研究发现:①政策持续性取决于政策质量以及继任干部变更政策的意愿和能力。②全过程人民民主中民主协商和民主决策环节有助于形成“好”政策,“好”政策通过政策反馈机制得以持续。③全过程人民民主的民主管理环节有效限制了继任干部自由裁量权和自主行动空间,降低了官员变更政策的能力,从而有助于政策持续。④全过程人民民主的民主选举和民主监督环节有效降低了继任官员随意变更政策的意愿,从而进一步有助于政策持续。 展开更多
关键词 全过程人民民主 政策连续性 政策反馈 千万工程
Solving the Century Problem“Modern Transformation of China’s Traditional Confucianism”—A Mistake-Tolerant Democracy Perspective 被引量:5
作者 ZHOU Zhifa 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2019年第5期271-286,共16页
The reason why Chinese scholars cannot bridge between Confucianism and democracy as a century problem since 1920s is that liberal democracy has two fundamental defects:Human beings born with wisdom have known rights b... The reason why Chinese scholars cannot bridge between Confucianism and democracy as a century problem since 1920s is that liberal democracy has two fundamental defects:Human beings born with wisdom have known rights before entering societies,which is contrary to Confucianism;separation between politics and religions has led to religious ceremony of confession far away from politics.Mistake-tolerant democracy whose right theory is the right to trial and error as an original right and mutual empowerment theory can overcome above defects.Liberty is divided into the right to trial and error as an original right in innovative fields which can be transferred by contract and unalienable liberties in non-innovative ones.The spirit and behavior of self-criticism to people like confession is a virtue which meets Confucian moral requirements of becoming a Saint and politician’s obligation required in mistake-tolerant democracy,which can solve the century problem at utmost. 展开更多
关键词 CONFUCIANISM Neo-Confucians right to trial and error mutual EMPOWERMENT theory mistake-tolerant democracy LIBERAL democracy
The Construction of Mistake-tolerant Democracy Based on the Practical Right "Right to Trial and Error" 被引量:8
作者 Zhifa ZHOU 《International Relations and Diplomacy》 2018年第1期40-53,共14页
The law "Trial and Error Ordinance" enacted in 2006 and spreading throughout China especially since 2016 is the best starting point for China's democratization, because Chinese government officials cannot be confro... The law "Trial and Error Ordinance" enacted in 2006 and spreading throughout China especially since 2016 is the best starting point for China's democratization, because Chinese government officials cannot be confronted with their new challenges directly without the right to trial and error. This study has tried to build a new democratic theory, mistake-tolerant democracy based on the right to trial and error with Chinese characteristics and Western value to guide Chinese democratized way. The right theory of mistake-tolerant democracy is the new right paradigm, "the right to trial and error as an original right and mutual empowerment theory" proposed by the combination of the state of nature and the scientific method of trial and error rather than natural right theory and social contract theory. Mistake-tolerant democracy emphasizes that the people have the equal right to trial and error as an original right, and the officials' right to trial and error are granted "from the people and should empower the corresponding rights to them, which is the meaning of mutual empowerment theory. 展开更多
关键词 liberal democracy right to trial and error right to be wrong right to be in error Trial and Error Ordinance state of nature mistake-tolerant democracy
The Root Cause of the Failure of American COVID-19 Governance Based on the Criticism of Liberal Democracy From Error-Tolerant Democracy 被引量:2
作者 ZHOU Zhifa QU Pan 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2021年第7期533-547,共15页
Liberal democracy cannot help America govern COVID-19 effectively for liberalism’s misunderstanding of the concept of liberty.Error-tolerantism divides liberty into the right to liberty in innovative fields,the right... Liberal democracy cannot help America govern COVID-19 effectively for liberalism’s misunderstanding of the concept of liberty.Error-tolerantism divides liberty into the right to liberty in innovative fields,the right to be wrong as an original right,and the right to be right in non-innovative ones as sub-rights;rights come from mutual empowerment among people.The major defects of liberal democracy from the perspective of error-tolerant democracy constructed on error-tolerantism are as follows:The essence of election is to transfer people’s right to be wrong and corresponding right to be right to politicians,but the separation and balance of powers does not evaluate whether presidents,states,mayors,et al.,have exercised the power to be wrong reasonably,so that they could even abuse it in the COVID-19 governance,and did great harm to people’s human rights without any accountability or impeachment.Democratic governor’power to be wrong authorized by election was deprived by President Trump through issuing false information in the COVID-19 governance and encouraging people to protest against the anti-pandemic laws,which made liberal democracy in the United States threatened and COVID-19 out of control. 展开更多
关键词 COVID-19 LIBERALISM liberal democracy error-tolerantism error-tolerant democracy
“Deliberative Democracy”的创新解析
作者 阳煜琳 丁漩 《科技创新导报》 2009年第31期161-161,共1页
"deliberative democracy"作为当代中西方共同关注的重要政治理论,恰当的中文译法对于该理论在中国的传播及发挥的启发作用影响极大。本文通过对目前汉语界对"deliberative democracy"的几种译法的分析,结合该理论... "deliberative democracy"作为当代中西方共同关注的重要政治理论,恰当的中文译法对于该理论在中国的传播及发挥的启发作用影响极大。本文通过对目前汉语界对"deliberative democracy"的几种译法的分析,结合该理论的内涵意义,提出在中国政治语境下的恰当中文译法。 展开更多
关键词 deliberative democracy 中文译法 中国政治语境
A Prerequisite for the Successful Governance of COVID-19 in the United States:Expansion of Liberal Democracy From Politics to Economy 被引量:1
作者 ZHOU Zhifa QU Pan SHEN Yizhu 《International Relations and Diplomacy》 2021年第6期244-258,共15页
The failure of COVID-19 governance in the United States of America is closely related to its economic inequality.According to the theory of error-tolerant democracy,after reflecting on the American financial crisis of... The failure of COVID-19 governance in the United States of America is closely related to its economic inequality.According to the theory of error-tolerant democracy,after reflecting on the American financial crisis of 2008,liberty should be redefined from mutual empowerment under the background of regulation,which means that rights to liberty of entrepreneurs and financial capitalists in the public economy are empowered by the people,so they should empower and benefit the people,corresponding to regulation and redistribution respectively.During the COVID-19 pandemic,empowering and benefiting the people regarded as economic democracy has not been realized for neoliberal policies,leading to insufficient public funds to help citizens badly hurt by the disease.To restore the U.S.as the beacon of democracy,it should undertake the historical mission:expansion of liberal democracy from politics to economy so as to reduce unreasonable economic inequality and protect rights to life of more infected Americans. 展开更多
关键词 COVID-19 LIBERALISM liberal democracy error-tolerantism error-tolerant democracy error-tolerant market economy
作者 张红 《海外英语》 2011年第3X期167-167,169,共2页
Democracy, a popular word with a variety of definitions, appears to be one of the core ideas in nowadays discussion of politics. Evolved from ancient Athens, it literally means 'rule by people'.
关键词 democracy instance
Chinese Enrichment and Development of Marxist Concept of Democracy in the New Era
作者 Zhang Zongqing Tao Lin 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第9期198-207,共10页
Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Chinese communists,re-presented by President Xi Jinping,have innovated Marxist Concept of Democracy base on Chinese history,culture and conditions... Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Chinese communists,re-presented by President Xi Jinping,have innovated Marxist Concept of Democracy base on Chinese history,culture and conditions. On the basis of inheriting Marxist thought of the inner prescriptions of "people's democracy",they fur-ther expanded the connotation and extension of "rule by the people",developed the contents of the electoral democ-racy and consultative democracy in China.,enriched the concrete requirements of the democratic realization condi-tions from the aspects of economic foundation,intellectual support and the guarantee of the rule of law,and a new ex-ploration is made on the development of China's democratic political system from the aspects of Party's leadership and operation supervision. 展开更多
关键词 the concept of democracy the COMMUNIST Party of China Marx SOCIALISM with CHINESE character-istics
Reflections on the Peasants' Subjectivity in the Development of Rural Deliberative Democracy 被引量:1
作者 Pan Kun Huang Jie 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期294-305,共12页
The subjectivity of China's people deliberative democracy is essentially different from Western capital deliberative democracy. And the people's subjectivity naturally manifests as peasant's subjectivity i... The subjectivity of China's people deliberative democracy is essentially different from Western capital deliberative democracy. And the people's subjectivity naturally manifests as peasant's subjectivity in the deliberative democracy in rural areas. Combined with normative analysis of the whole process of rural deliberation practice,peasants' subjectivity can be summarized as broad equality of participation,completeness of the program,as well as final benefit of the result. However,there are some hidden dangers which may give rise to alienation development of deliberative politics in the current dilemma of rural deliberation practice.The fundamental way to solve the problem lies in combining subjectivity and institutionalization together to develop the rural deliberative democracy. 展开更多
关键词 中国 民营企业 资本企业 经济学
Democracy Development in Mongolia:Challenges and Opportunities
作者 Khatanbold Oidov 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2018年第7期329-342,共14页
The modern democracy in Mongolia has changed from ideology and desires into the daily actions and real-life needs of achievement of the people.The content of this article aimed to categorizing the democracy developmen... The modern democracy in Mongolia has changed from ideology and desires into the daily actions and real-life needs of achievement of the people.The content of this article aimed to categorizing the democracy development process and its challenges and opportunities in promoting democratic governance in Mongolia such brought specific approaches of the changes and difficulties.The contented of research article contextual approaches are characterized by own individual research data on democracy as basis on the use of the work and the independent research findings of the researcher.On the overview of process of uncut democracy consolidation and the democracy development in Mongolia managed to the most consistent principles and fundamental values of democracy up to second half of the 1990s.From the second half of the 1990s till the election in 2004,within this term,the following challenges and difficulties risen to action of slowing down that forming of political parties,grouped into fractional,blockage of post-trafficking,conspiracy,and to be corrupted and bribery as mentioned as newly adverse phenomena have begun to the democracy development. 展开更多
关键词 democracy DEVELOPMENT democracy in Mongolia rule of law democratic GOVERNANCE human RIGHTS national specifics assessment VALUES of democracy CONSTITUTION of Mongolia relationship to the democracy DEVELOPMENT
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