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CO_2浓度倍增与干旱胁迫对油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)相对分枝级水力结构的影响 被引量:8
作者 刘娟娟 李吉跃 庞静 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期4136-4143,共8页
在密闭式生长箱内经过13个月高CO2浓度培养的5年生油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)为实验对象,采用改良冲洗法研究了CO2浓度倍增(720μmolmol-1)与干旱胁迫交互作用对油松相对分枝级水力结构参数的影响。通过测定油松不同分枝级的水力结构参... 在密闭式生长箱内经过13个月高CO2浓度培养的5年生油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)为实验对象,采用改良冲洗法研究了CO2浓度倍增(720μmolmol-1)与干旱胁迫交互作用对油松相对分枝级水力结构参数的影响。通过测定油松不同分枝级的水力结构参数分别在720μmolmol-1CO2和380μmolmol-1CO2(大气现有CO2浓度)浓度下随着干旱胁迫的变化,得出不同分枝级的导水率(Kh)、比导率(Ks)和胡伯尔值(Hv)在2个CO2浓度下均随着干旱胁迫的增加而逐渐下降,叶比导率(Lsc)在720μmolmol-1CO2浓度下随着干旱胁迫的增加非线性变化(0级>2级>1级)不同于380μmolmol-1CO2(0级>1级>2级)。同期干旱胁迫条件下,720μmolmol-1CO2浓度下的Kh、Ks、Lsc和Hv均大于380μmolmol-1CO2且差异显著。根据整株苗木的水势将苗木的水分状况分为4个梯度,在正常水分(-0.45^-0.65MPa)、轻度干旱(-1.15^-0.75MPa)和中度干旱(-1.95^-1.35MPa)胁迫时,3个分枝级均在720μmolmol-1CO2条件下的Kh和Ks较380μmolmol-1CO2增加,说明交互作用能提高导水能力,同时加快水分运输效率。在重度干旱(<-2.80MPa)胁迫时Kh比380μmolmol-1CO2增加,而Ks比380μmolmol-1CO2减小,即交互作用提高了水分运输的安全性,却减少了有效性。 展开更多
关键词 CO2浓度倍增 干旱胁迫 水势 油松(Pinus tabulaeformis) 相对分枝级 水力结构
Effect of trace elements on growth of Pinus tabulaeformis seedling 被引量:7
作者 刘晓东 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第4期285-288,337,共4页
The stimulative effect of trace elements on seed germination and seedling growth of Pinus tabulaeformis was tested. The experiments were carried out on seed soak and topdressing with different trace elements and varie... The stimulative effect of trace elements on seed germination and seedling growth of Pinus tabulaeformis was tested. The experiments were carried out on seed soak and topdressing with different trace elements and varied concentrations at the nursery of Gardens Research Institute, Harbin, in 2000-2001. The experimental results showed that soaking seed with 1% and 0.2% concentrations of Mn element produced best result for seed germination, and the germination rate was increased by 9%~19% for the seeds treated with 1% concentration and 12%~14% for the seeds treated with 0.2% concentration compared with the control group. The seeds treated with boron element had lowest germination rate. For trace element topdressing, Mn and Mo elements presented good result for seedling growth and the treatment with low concentration was even better. The height or chlorophyll content of the seedlings with spray of low-concentration Mn and Mo element was much higher than that of untreated ones. In the contrast to the treating method of seed soak, topdressing (application of spraying on foliage) had evident effect on seedling growth. 展开更多
关键词 Pinus tabulaeformis Trace element Seed soaking TOPDRESSING Seed germination Seedling growth
油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)人工林林下植被发育对油松生长节律的响应 被引量:37
作者 李国雷 刘勇 +2 位作者 于海群 吕瑞恒 李瑞生 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期1264-1275,共12页
林下植被作为森林生态系统的一个重要组成部分,对维持林分结构和土壤质量起着重要作用。不同年龄树种对林下植被发育的影响已有所涉及,但这些为数不多的研究往往割裂了林木种群的生长规律与其林下植被间的相互作用,以林龄为尺度探讨林... 林下植被作为森林生态系统的一个重要组成部分,对维持林分结构和土壤质量起着重要作用。不同年龄树种对林下植被发育的影响已有所涉及,但这些为数不多的研究往往割裂了林木种群的生长规律与其林下植被间的相互作用,以林龄为尺度探讨林下植被发育的差异必然掩盖了林分种群对林下植被作用的异质性。采用时序研究法,按照油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)高速生期、径速生期、材积慢生期和材积速生期等不同发育时期,探讨林下植被组成、多样性、生物量和元素积累量的差异性。结果表明,高速生期阶段油松与林下植被竞争最为激烈,林下植被物种丰富度、多样性、生物量、元素积累量均最低。因此,高速生期阶段应及时对油松采取较大强度的抚育间伐以缓和油松种群与林下植被剧烈竞争的关系。径速生阶段林下植被与油松竞争最为缓和,草本层Gleason、Shannon-Wiener、Pielow指数由高生长阶段的7.817、2.222和0.769剧增到19.978、3.470和0.907,灌木层、草本层地上部分生物量、元素积累量也均达到最大。径速生阶段对油松林分的管理可相对粗放一些。进入材积阶段,油松与林下植被的关系日趋紧张。材积慢生阶段灌木层、草本层生物量由径速生期的2262.61、461.92kg/hm2分别下降至1549.85、220.84kg/hm2,而灌木层Gleason、Shannon-Wiener指数均达到峰值。相对于材积慢生期,材积速生期灌木层、草本层物种多样性指数、元素积累量进一步下降,而生物量略有上升,材积速生期阶段应对油松林分适度间伐或主伐。可见,林下植被可作为人工纯林乔木生长规律的指示剂,根据林下植被发育状况选择林分经营方式具有一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 油松人工林 生长规律 林下植被 物种多样性 生物量
不同生态条件下油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)菌根根际土壤微生物群落 被引量:38
作者 张海涵 唐明 +2 位作者 陈辉 杜小刚 郑华 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期5463-5470,共8页
利用BIOLOG代谢指纹方法分析了陕南商南和陕北安塞不同生态条件下油松菌根根际土壤微生物群落。结果表明,安塞油松和商南油松菌根根际微生物对糖类和氨基酸类碳源较易利用,商南油松菌根根际微生物总体上代谢碳源的种类和活性远大于安塞... 利用BIOLOG代谢指纹方法分析了陕南商南和陕北安塞不同生态条件下油松菌根根际土壤微生物群落。结果表明,安塞油松和商南油松菌根根际微生物对糖类和氨基酸类碳源较易利用,商南油松菌根根际微生物总体上代谢碳源的种类和活性远大于安塞油松,而且对同类碳源的代谢商南油松的AWCD比安塞油松均高出2倍多。安塞油松菌根根际微生物以氨基酸类代谢群为优势类群,商南油松以糖类代谢群为优势类群。微生物群落多样性指数和微生物群落主成分分析(PCA)指标均表明商南油松和安塞油松菌根根际土壤微生物群落有明显不同,起分异作用的碳源主要为糖类,其次是羧酸类和氨基酸类。商南油松菌根根际土壤微生物群落AWCD极显著高于安塞油松(P<0.01),细菌数量显著高于安塞油松(P<0.05),Shannon指数和丰富度指数达极显著性差异(P<0.01),商南油松和安塞油松菌根侵染率差异不显著,但菌根生物量差异达极显著水平(P<0.01)。相关性分析表明,菌根生物量与丰富度指数、AWCD呈极显著正相关,与Shannon指数呈显著正相关,但是与菌根侵染率相关性不显著。在商南温暖潮湿丘陵区油松菌根根际微生物活性、群落大小和多样性高于安塞油松,在安塞黄土高原干旱区微生物群落稳定性强于商南油松。 展开更多
关键词 油松 菌根根际 外生菌根生物量 土壤微生物群落
公路绿化植物油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)和小叶杨(Populus simonii)对重金属元素的吸收与积累 被引量:16
作者 智颖飙 王再岚 +5 位作者 王中生 马中 姚一萍 李红丽 崔艳 刘建平 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期1863-1872,共10页
对内蒙古西部公路绿化植物油松(Pinustabulaeformis)、小叶杨(Populussimonii)及其根际土壤中重金属元素(Cd、Hg、Pb、Cu、Zn、Ni、Cr)和类金属元素(As和Se)含量以及根际土壤重金属(Cu、Zn、Pb、Ni和Cr)形态、土壤pH值进行了测定。对比... 对内蒙古西部公路绿化植物油松(Pinustabulaeformis)、小叶杨(Populussimonii)及其根际土壤中重金属元素(Cd、Hg、Pb、Cu、Zn、Ni、Cr)和类金属元素(As和Se)含量以及根际土壤重金属(Cu、Zn、Pb、Ni和Cr)形态、土壤pH值进行了测定。对比分析了公路沿线不同绿化植物及其不同器官对重金属元素的吸收与积累特征。结果表明:绿化植物根际土壤对重金属元素的吸附及污染程度以Cd为最高。随原子序数的递增,小叶杨和油松两种植物的根部和茎叶两种营养器官中重金属的含量均表现出“N”字形变动趋势。而且重金属元素在不同植物不同器官中的含量具有Zn>Cu>Ni,Cr,As,Pb>Cd>Hg的基本规律。小叶杨茎叶对重金属元素Cr、Ni和Pb的富集能力较根部为强,油松茎叶对重金属元素Cr、Ni、Cu和Pb的富集能力较根部为强。绿化植物根际土壤重金属元素有效态占总量百分比的大小序列为Zn>Pb>Ni、Cr>Cu,与重金属元素在不同植物不同器官中的含量大小序列Zn>Cu>Ni、Cr、As、Pb>Cd>Hg并非趋于一致。公路绿化植物对根际土壤中重金属元素的吸收和积累与重金属元素有效态所占的比例有关。 展开更多
关键词 油松 小叶杨 公路 重金属 形态 吸附
油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)树轮宽度与气候因子统计相关的生理机制——以贺兰山地区为例 被引量:27
作者 史江峰 刘禹 +1 位作者 蔡秋芳 易亮 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期697-705,共9页
通过分析贺兰山地区气候因子的变化特征,并且参考北美、俄罗斯的研究结果,确定了Vaganov-Shashkin生理响应模型的参数,并根据研究区的实际情况对参数作了相应修正,得出两组不同的参数,两组参数拟合出相同的结果,说明模型内在的机理是稳... 通过分析贺兰山地区气候因子的变化特征,并且参考北美、俄罗斯的研究结果,确定了Vaganov-Shashkin生理响应模型的参数,并根据研究区的实际情况对参数作了相应修正,得出两组不同的参数,两组参数拟合出相同的结果,说明模型内在的机理是稳定的,更能反映出它的生理学特性.对树轮宽度序列和气候因子进行相关分析,发现比较明显的相关有与5~8月份降水的正相关,与5~8月份温度的负相关,与9、10月份温度的正相关.模型分析结果认为,从5月中旬到8月底,降水不能满足树木生长的需要,故形成树轮宽度与该时段降水的正相关,而在这个时段,由于温度和降水呈负相关,表现为树轮宽度与温度的负相关,其实这在很大程度上是一种间接的相关.到9月份,由于温度下降比较明显,这时树木生长的主要控制因素已转化为温度,所以形成了与9、10月份温度的正相关.模型分析还发现,树轮宽度的形成与生长结束时间相关性强,而与生长开始时间的关系不明显. 展开更多
关键词 贺兰山 油松 生理 统计相关
土壤温度对油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)树干液流活动的影响 被引量:31
作者 徐军亮 马履一 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期6107-6112,共6页
为了弄清土壤温度对油松树干边材液流活动的影响作用,利用热扩散式边材液流测定系统(TDP-30)和自动气象站对油松边材液流速率和土壤温度等环境因子进行了为期一年的同步测定。结果表明,土壤温度对树干液流活动的影响,一方面与靠近植物... 为了弄清土壤温度对油松树干边材液流活动的影响作用,利用热扩散式边材液流测定系统(TDP-30)和自动气象站对油松边材液流速率和土壤温度等环境因子进行了为期一年的同步测定。结果表明,土壤温度对树干液流活动的影响,一方面与靠近植物最适吸水温度的土层有关,另一方面,与树种的根系分布特征有关。春季表层土壤温度对液流速率的影响最为显著,夏季深层土壤最大,秋季的最大影响土层间于春夏之间。10.0~14.9℃的土壤温度对油松树干边材液流活动的作用最为明显。土壤温度开始对油松液流活动起显著作用的温度阈值约为10℃左右。 展开更多
关键词 油松 土壤温度 边材液流速率 温度阈值
不同林分类型下油松毛虫(Dendrolimus tabulaeformis Tsai et Liu)种群遗传多样性 被引量:16
作者 袁一杨 高宝嘉 +2 位作者 李明 袁胜亮 周国娜 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期2099-2106,共8页
采用AFLP技术对平泉县的1个油松-落叶松混交林和2个油松纯林中油松毛虫(Dendrolimus tabulaeformis Tsai et Liu)的135个个体进行了遗传多样性和遗传结构的研究,并调查了3个油松林群落的各种环境条件。结果表明,纯林中油松毛虫种群的遗... 采用AFLP技术对平泉县的1个油松-落叶松混交林和2个油松纯林中油松毛虫(Dendrolimus tabulaeformis Tsai et Liu)的135个个体进行了遗传多样性和遗传结构的研究,并调查了3个油松林群落的各种环境条件。结果表明,纯林中油松毛虫种群的遗传多样性高于混交林中的油松毛虫种群;林木生长状况为影响不同油松纯林群落中油松毛虫种群遗传多样性的重要因素;混交林对油松毛虫种群之间的基因流有阻断作用,油松毛虫种群的基因流大小与油松林之间的物种多度呈反相关。 展开更多
关键词 油松毛虫 AFLP 遗传多样性 环境因子 林分类型
秦岭火地塘林区油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)林休眠期的土壤呼吸 被引量:11
作者 侯琳 雷瑞德 +1 位作者 刘建军 尚廉斌 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期4070-4077,共8页
林木休眠期林地土壤CO2释放是森林生态系统碳平衡关键组成部分之一。由于绝大多数森林生态系统林木休眠期土壤CO2释放过程测定困难,国内有关林木休眠期CO2释放,量化方面的研究开展较少。采用动态开路气室法对秦岭火地塘林区天然次生油松... 林木休眠期林地土壤CO2释放是森林生态系统碳平衡关键组成部分之一。由于绝大多数森林生态系统林木休眠期土壤CO2释放过程测定困难,国内有关林木休眠期CO2释放,量化方面的研究开展较少。采用动态开路气室法对秦岭火地塘林区天然次生油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)林土壤呼吸的日变化进行了测定,分析了土壤呼吸速率(mgCO2m-2h-1)与土壤温度和体积含水率的关系,基于土壤日均呼吸速率和土壤日均温度指数方程与观测季的总天数,估算了林木休眠期林地土壤CO2释放量。结果表明:(1)研究区林地土壤呼吸速率存在较大的时、空变异。不同观测部位土壤呼吸速率的峰值出现时间各异,呼吸作用较弱的时段也不一致。同一观测部位不同观测月中,土壤日均呼吸速率变异系数分别为48.38%,82.51%和81.88%;(2)当土温>8.5℃时,0~5 cm和5~10 cm土层,土壤日均温与土壤日均呼吸速率间存在极显著(p<0.001)的指数关系,Q10分别为1.297和1.323;(3)0~5 cm和5~10 cm土层,土壤体积含水率与土壤呼吸速率间关系复杂;(4)林木休眠期研究区林地土壤CO2释放量变化于(977.37±88.43)^(997.19±80.73)gCm-2(p=0.005)间。 展开更多
关键词 休眠期 土壤呼吸 Q10值 四通道采样器 油松林
Cytological Mechanism of Cytoplasmic Inheritance in Pinus tabulaeformis: Ⅱ. Transmission of Male and Female Organelles During Fertilization and Proembryo Development
作者 国凤利 胡适宜 +1 位作者 徐是雄 袁宗飞 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第4期341-352,共12页
In an earlier report the ultrastructure and nucleoid organelles of male gamete in Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. have been described. Presently, the ultrastructure of the cytoplasm of the egg cell and pollen tube—imm... In an earlier report the ultrastructure and nucleoid organelles of male gamete in Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. have been described. Presently, the ultrastructure of the cytoplasm of the egg cell and pollen tube—immediately before fertilization and during cytoplasmic transmission of male gametophyte—has been described for the same species. The fate of parental plastids and mitochondria in the proembryo has also been followed. The mature egg cell contains a large amount of mitochondria, but seems to lack normal plastids. Most plastids have transformed into large inclusions. Apart from the large inclusions, there are abundant small inclusions and other organelles in the egg cell. During fertilization, pollen tube penetrates into the egg cell at the micropylar end and thereafter the contents are released. Plastid and mitochondrion of male origin are lacking near the fusing sperm_egg nuclei. The second sperm nucleus—not involved in karyogamy—remains at a site near the receptive vacuole. This nucleus is surrounded by large amount of male cytoplasm containing mixed organelles from the sperm cell, tube cell, and egg cell. At the free nuclear proembryo stage, organelles of male and female origin are visible in the perinucleus_cytoplasmic zone. Most of the mitochondria have the same morphological features as those in the egg cell. Some of the mitochondria appear to have originated from the sperm and tube cells. Plastids are most likely of male gametophyte origin because they have similar appearance as those of the sperm and tube cell. Large inclusions in the egg cell become vacuole_like. Paternal plastids have been incorporated into the neocytoplasm of the proembryo. In the cellular proembryo, maternal mitochondria are more abundant. Plastids resembling those of the sperm and tube cell are still present. These cytological results clearly show that in P. tabulaeformis, plastids are inherited paternally and mitochondria bipaternally. The cytological mechanism of plastid and mitochondrion inheritance in gymnosperm is discussed. 展开更多
关键词 GYMNOSPERMS cytoplasmic inheritance paternal plastid inheritance maternal mitochondrion inheritance ULTRASTRUCTURE Pinus tabulaeformis
Cytological Mechanism of Cytoplasmic Inheritance in Pinus tabulaeformis: Ⅰ. Ultrastructural Aspects and Nucleoids of the Male Gametes
作者 胡适宜 国凤利 +1 位作者 袁宗飞 徐是雄 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第1期23-31,共9页
The cytological mechanism of plastid and mitochondrion inheritance in Pinus is an interesting research topic with only a limited number of published articles. The results indicate that the sperms of Pinus tabu... The cytological mechanism of plastid and mitochondrion inheritance in Pinus is an interesting research topic with only a limited number of published articles. The results indicate that the sperms of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. contain abundant plastids, mitochondria and organelle DNA. These data provide reliable cytological evidence of paternal plastid and mitochondrion inheritance in Pinus . The results are in line with the confirmed general rule of paternal plastid inheritance in Pinaceae. But whether mitochondria in sperm cells can be transmitted into the embryos is an issue needs further developmental studies. Another important finding is that contrary to earlier classification of the male gamete of Pinaceae into the male nuclei type, the results reveal that male gametes in Pinus tabulaeformis are actually cells. However, the sperm cells are only surrounded by plasma membranes without cell walls. The larger leading sperm cell in a pollen tube section is long in shape, with a large amount of cytoplasm; while the second sperm cell is smaller, round in shape and contains less cytoplasm. Whether this feature of the male gamete type could be considered as a representative characteristic of the family is discussed and further conclusions await more experimental evidences from studies on plants from different species. 展开更多
关键词 GYMNOSPERM cytoplasmic inheritance paternal plastid inheritance maternal mitochondrion inheritance gymnosperm sperm cell Pinus tabulaeformis
子午岭林区人工与天然油松林(Pinus tabulaeformis)养分库和碳库特征 被引量:10
作者 邓娟 上官周平 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期3231-3240,共10页
为了揭示黄土高原地区人工油松林自然化发育过程中的植物叶片与土壤养分库和碳库的变化规律,采用典型样地法,以子午岭林区天然油松群落为参照,选择了不同立地条件的人工油松林,分别对其土壤的氮库、碳库及植物叶片养分库和碳库进行了分... 为了揭示黄土高原地区人工油松林自然化发育过程中的植物叶片与土壤养分库和碳库的变化规律,采用典型样地法,以子午岭林区天然油松群落为参照,选择了不同立地条件的人工油松林,分别对其土壤的氮库、碳库及植物叶片养分库和碳库进行了分析。结果表明,该区油松针叶C、N、P的含量平均值分别为(499.5±63.75)mg/g、(8.53±0.50)mg/g和(0.94±0.64)mg/g,叶片C含量大小依次为阳坡天然林>阴坡天然林>阴坡人工林>阳坡人工林,阳坡人工林叶片N、P含量显著高于阳坡天然林。不同立地条件下油松林叶片C/N、C/P差异显著,叶片N、P和N/P均达到极显著水平,但是叶片C含量差异不显著。油松叶片C含量与N、P含量均呈极显著负相关,N和P之间的呈显著正相关。不同立地的油松林除40~60cm土层土壤C、N含量无显著差异外,0~20cm和20~40cm两个土层的人工林土壤C、N含量显著高于天然林,同时阳坡人工林土壤C、N含量显著高于阴坡人工林。0~20cm、20~40cm两个土层土壤C含量与N含量均呈极显著正相关,与植物N、P均呈显著正相关。子午岭林区阳坡的人工油松林不仅叶片养分含量较高,而且林地土壤是该区土壤的最大养分库和碳库。 展开更多
关键词 油松林 养分库 碳库 土壤 子午岭 黄土高原
Carbon,nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry in Pinus tabulaeformis forest ecosystems in warm temperate Shanxi Province,north China 被引量:8
作者 Ning Wang Fengzhen Fu +1 位作者 Baitian Wang Ruijun Wang 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第6期1665-1673,共9页
Although carbon(C), nitrogen(N), and phosphorous(P) stoichiometric ratios are considered good indicators of nutrient excess/limitation and thus of ecosystem health, few reports have discussed the trends and the recipr... Although carbon(C), nitrogen(N), and phosphorous(P) stoichiometric ratios are considered good indicators of nutrient excess/limitation and thus of ecosystem health, few reports have discussed the trends and the reciprocal effects of C:N:P stoichiometry in plant–litter–soil systems. The present study analyzed C:N:P ratios in four age groups of Chinese pine, Pinus tabulaeformis Carr., forests in Shanxi Province, China: plantation young forests(AY,<20 year-old); plantation middle-aged forests(AM, 21–30 year-old); natural young forests(NY,<30 year-old); and natural middle-aged forests(NM,31–50 year-old). The average C:N:P ratios calculated for tree, shrub, and herbaceous leaves, litter, and soil(0–100 cm) were generally higher in NY followed by NM,AM, and AY. C:N and C:P ratios were higher in litter than in leaves and soils, and reached higher values in the litter and leaves of young forests than in middle-aged forests;however, C:N and C:P ratios were higher in soils of middle-aged forests than in young forests. N:P ratios were higher in leaves than in litter and soils regardless of stand age; the consistent N:P<14 values found in all forests indicated N limitations. With plant leaves, C:P ratios were highest in trees, followed by herbs and shrubs, indicating a higher efficiency in tree leaf formation. C:N ratios decreased with increasing soil depth, whereas there was no trend for C:P and N:P ratios. C:N:P stoichiometry of forest foliage did not exhibit a consistent variation according to stand age. Research on the relationships between N:P, and P, N nutrient limits and the characteristics of vegetation nutrient adaptation need to be continued. 展开更多
关键词 Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. Forest ecosystem Content of carbon Nitrogen and phosphorus Ecological stoichiometry Warm temperate zone China
Optimization of Ultrasound-assisted Extraction Conditions for Polysaccharides from Pinus tabulaeformis Seed Shells
作者 蒋龙 杨国庆 +2 位作者 杨鹏 刘伟 张大伟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第12期1826-1829,共4页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the optimal technological condi- tions for ultrasouqd-assisted extraction of polysaccharides from Pinus tabulaeformis seed shells. [Melhod] Polysaccharides were extracted fr... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the optimal technological condi- tions for ultrasouqd-assisted extraction of polysaccharides from Pinus tabulaeformis seed shells. [Melhod] Polysaccharides were extracted from P. tabulaeformis seed shells by ultrasound-assisted hot water extraction method and detected by phenol- concentrated sulfuric acid method. The effect of extraction temperature, extraction duration, solid-liquid ratio and extraction frequency on the extraction of polysaccha- rides was investigated using single-factor gradient experiment and the extraction conditions for polysaccharides from P. tabulaeformis seed shells were optimized us- ing L9(34) orthogonal design. [Result] The content of polysaccharides extracted twice at 60 ℃ for 25 min with solid-liquid ratio of 1:3.5 reached the maximum. The re- covery rate (n=-5) ranged from 97.71% to 100.67% and RSD was 1.56%, suggesting high stability. [Conclusion] A simple and efficient method for ultrasound-assisted ex- traction of polysaccharides from P. tabulaeformis seed shells was established in this study, which laid solid foundation for the development and utilization of abandoned pine nut shell resources. 展开更多
关键词 Ultrasound-assisted extraction Spectrophotography Pinus tabulaeformis seed shells Polvsaccharides
Anatomic Study of Female Sterility of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. 被引量:5
作者 Cheng Pengjun Li Fenglan Zheng CaixiaCollege of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, P. R. China 《Forestry Studies in China》 CAS 2003年第1期13-19,共7页
The anatomic research on the mutant clone of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. in the seed orchard in Xingcheng, Liaoning Province was carried out. The female cone of the mutant clone looked like normal, but its ovules degene... The anatomic research on the mutant clone of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. in the seed orchard in Xingcheng, Liaoning Province was carried out. The female cone of the mutant clone looked like normal, but its ovules degenerated in the early stage. This paper tries to find out the reason and time of ovule abortion. It seems that the ovule abortion is probably caused by female sterility because the microspores of this mutant clone were normal. Through the serial observations on the one-year-old macrosporangiates and the ovules of two-year-old female cones of mutant and normal clone, it is found that the reason of ovule abortion in mutant clone is the failure of the mitosis of free nuclei in the female gametophyte, and the time is about in the early April. 展开更多
关键词 Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. female sterility macrosporangiate free nuclei
Content Changes of Several Endogenous Plant Hormones in Female-Sterile Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. 被引量:3
作者 Bao Ren-yan Zheng Cai-xia 《Forestry Studies in China》 CAS 2005年第4期16-19,共4页
To determine the relationship between female sterility of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. and plant hormones, content changes of several endogenous plant hormones in a female-sterile clone and a normal clone were analyzed d... To determine the relationship between female sterility of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. and plant hormones, content changes of several endogenous plant hormones in a female-sterile clone and a normal clone were analyzed during the key period of female gametophyte abortion in mutant clones. The change of ABA content showed a similar pattern between normal and mutant clones, but the ABA content of the mutant clone was always much higher than that of the normal clone. In the normal clone, the IAA content decreased significantly at the early stage of the period and reached its minimum during the first ten days of April and stabilized thereafter. The endogenous ZR levels increased sharply at the early stages and reached a maximum in the middle of April, then decreased dramatically. The IAA and ZR contents of the mutant clone did not change perceptively through the entire period. We conclude that the high levels of ABA and the deficit of IAA and ZR may be the reasons of female gametophyte abortion in the female-sterile clones of P. tabulaeformis. 展开更多
关键词 endogenous hormones female sterility Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.
Responses of Pinus tabulaeformis tree rings to climatic metrics in Hasi Mountain 被引量:3
作者 LU Rui-jie JIA Fei-fei SHANG Yuan GAO Shang-yu 《地球环境学报》 2012年第6期1149-1155,共7页
A tree-ring width chronology developed from Pinus tabulaeformis tree-rings of Hasi Mountain was employed to analyze responses of tree-ring to different climatic metrics.Correlation analyses between tree-ring chronolog... A tree-ring width chronology developed from Pinus tabulaeformis tree-rings of Hasi Mountain was employed to analyze responses of tree-ring to different climatic metrics.Correlation analyses between tree-ring chronology and precipitation and temperature suggest that tree growth is both limited by precipitation and temperature,and moisture is the principal limiting factor of tree-ring width.To find a suitable moisture index to be reconstructed,three moisture indices considering precipitation and evaporation even water balance are chosen to be analyzed.The results suggest that the PDSI is an appropriate index as predictor of tree-ring width and can be used to reconstruct in this area. 展开更多
关键词 Pinus tabulaeformis TREE-RING RESPONSES moisture indices
Characteristics of flow production and sediment production of <i>Pinus tabulaeformis</i>through artificial rainfall simulation 被引量:1
作者 Yuli Zhao Jianzhi Niu +3 位作者 Jiao Li Jingping Tan Yini Han Yinghu Zhang 《Open Journal of Ecology》 2012年第2期74-78,共5页
In order to know well the relationship between vegetation and water in North China, especially Beijing, with exceptional water resources, we studied the characteristics of flow production and sediment production under... In order to know well the relationship between vegetation and water in North China, especially Beijing, with exceptional water resources, we studied the characteristics of flow production and sediment production under different rainfall intensities by artificial rainfall simulation device. Results showed that increase of rainfall intensity would prolong the whole process of flow production, and vegetation on the slope would delay that process. Within the same duration, total runoff volume of each runoff plot and rainfall intensity had significant linear relationship. When vegetation kept unchanged, runoff velocity increased significantly with the increase of rainfall intensity, and owing to the formation of low permeable layer, the velocity increased fiercely during the early 3 minutes, reached stable at 10 - 15 minute. With the same rain intensity, total sediment yield decreased with rise of vegetation coverage, but increased obviously with rise of rain intensity and effectiveness of controlling sediment about 1 m x 1 m Pinus tabulaeformis stand decreased firstly and then increased, while that about 1.5 m x 1.5 m Pinus tabulaeformis stand kept decreasing. Since the tags with A, B and C for 0.42 mm/min, 0.83 mm/min, 1.29 mm/min, order of sediment concentration of wasteland plot was B > C > A, and 1 m x 1 m Pinus tabulaeformis plot B > A > C. Through this study, some suggestions were expected to be provided for water balance of Beijing area and certain basis for construction of shelter forest. 展开更多
关键词 PINUS tabulaeformis Artificial RAINFALL Simulation RAINFALL Intensity RUNOFF Volume
Climate response and radial growth of Pinus tabulaeformis at different altitudes in Qilian Mountains
作者 Liang Jiao ChangLiang Qi +2 位作者 RuHong Xue Ke Chen XiaoPing Liu 《Research in Cold and Arid Regions》 CSCD 2021年第6期496-509,共14页
In order to test whether the relationship between climate and the radial growth of trees is affected by altitude,altitude variability and time stability of climate-influenced radial growth of a dominant conifer,Chines... In order to test whether the relationship between climate and the radial growth of trees is affected by altitude,altitude variability and time stability of climate-influenced radial growth of a dominant conifer,Chinese pine(Pinus tabulaeformis),in the eastern Qilian Mountains were studied against the background of climate change using dendrochronology.Results show that 1)droughts at the end of the growing season of last year and during the early and middle growing season of the current year were the main limiting factors for the radial growth of Chinese pine at two altitude gradients;this was determined by analyzing the relationship between tree-ring width chronologies and climate factors.2)The sensitivity of the radial growth of trees to climate change gradually decreased and was affected more by drought stress at a lower altitude.3)An unstable divergence response was observed in the radial growth at the two altitudes,in response to controlling climatic factors;this observation was based on the moving correlation analysis of growth/climate relationships,and the aggravation of drought stress caused by increasing temperature was the main reason.4)The growth rate of Chinese pine at the two altitudes increased at first and then decreased,as measured by basal area increment(BAI)modeling.Future temperature rises may have significant effects on mountain forest ecosystems in arid and semi-arid regions.Effective management and protection measures should be taken,according to the response patterns of trees to climate change at different altitude gradients. 展开更多
关键词 eastern Qilian Mountains altitude effect drought stress divergence response Pinus tabulaeformis
Analysis of the Volatile Constituents of PinusTabulaeformis Carr. Pine Cones
作者 ZHANG Wei-hua and HOU Dong-yan(Department of Chemislry, Anshan Normal College,Anshan, 114005)HUI Rui-hua and JING Run(Experiment centre, Liaoning University, Shengyang 110036 ) 《Chemical Research in Chinese Universities》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第4期360-363,共4页
AnalysisoftheVolatileConstituentsofPinusTabulaeformisCarr.PineConesZHANGWei-huaandHOUDong-yan(DepartmentofCh... AnalysisoftheVolatileConstituentsofPinusTabulaeformisCarr.PineConesZHANGWei-huaandHOUDong-yan(DepartmentofChemislry,AnshanNor... 展开更多
关键词 Capillary GC/MS method identification Pinus tabulaeformis carr. pinecones Volatile oils
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