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作者 梁国 赵振凯 +4 位作者 曾曌月 张庆梅 农蔚霞 谢小薰 李希圣 《局解手术学杂志》 2025年第2期98-103,共6页
目的 探究胶质母细胞瘤中miR-330-5p对OY-TES-1的靶向调控关系以及miR-330-5p/OY-TES-1轴对胶质母细胞瘤的迁移能力的影响。方法 生物信息学分析胶质母细胞瘤患者中miR-330-5p的表达水平及其对患者预后生存的影响。将胶质母细胞瘤细胞U... 目的 探究胶质母细胞瘤中miR-330-5p对OY-TES-1的靶向调控关系以及miR-330-5p/OY-TES-1轴对胶质母细胞瘤的迁移能力的影响。方法 生物信息学分析胶质母细胞瘤患者中miR-330-5p的表达水平及其对患者预后生存的影响。将胶质母细胞瘤细胞U251分为miR-330-5p minics组、minics-NC组和miR-330-5p+OY-TES-1过表达组(miR-330-5p minics+pcDNA3.1-OY-TES-1)。使用双荧光素酶报告基因实验检测miR-330-5p对OY-TES-1 3'UTR区域活性的影响;使用qRT-PCR检测OY-TES-1mRNA表达;采用Transwell迁移实验检测miR-330-5p/OY-TES-1轴对胶质母细胞瘤细胞迁移能力的影响。结果 胶质母细胞瘤组织中miR-330-5p的表达明显低于非瘤脑组织和低级别胶质瘤组织(P<0.05)。高表达miR-330-5p的胶质母细胞瘤患者生存期显著长于低表达miR-330-5p患者(P<0.05)。过表达miR-330-5p后OY-TES-1 3'UTR区域活性下降(P<0.05)。与minics-NC组相比,miR-330-5p minics组U251和U87MG细胞中OY-TES-1 mRNA表达水平显著降低(P<0.01)。与minics-NC组相比,miR-330-5p minics组及miR-330-5p+OY-TES-1过表达组迁移细胞数显著减少(P<0.05);与miR-330-5p minics组相比,miR-330-5p+OY-TES-1过表达组迁移细胞数显著增加(P<0.01)。结论 miR-330-5p靶向调控OY-TES-1抑制胶质母细胞瘤的迁移。 展开更多
关键词 miR-330-5p OY-teS-1 胶质母细胞瘤 细胞迁移
作者 李睿英 罗婷婷 +6 位作者 李貌 陈硕 鄢永高 吴劲松 苏贤礼 张清杰 唐新峰 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期244-253,共10页
Bi_(2)Te_(3)基化合物是目前室温附近性能最好的热电材料,但其存在着大量复杂的缺陷结构,缺陷工程是调控材料热电性能的核心手段,因此理解和有效地调控缺陷形态和浓度是获得高性能Bi_(2)Te_(3)基热电材料的关键.本文系统地研究了四元n型... Bi_(2)Te_(3)基化合物是目前室温附近性能最好的热电材料,但其存在着大量复杂的缺陷结构,缺陷工程是调控材料热电性能的核心手段,因此理解和有效地调控缺陷形态和浓度是获得高性能Bi_(2)Te_(3)基热电材料的关键.本文系统地研究了四元n型Bi_(2-x)Sb_(x)Te_(3-y)Se_(y)基化合物的缺陷演化过程及其对热电输运性能的影响规律.Sb和Se的固溶引入的带电伴生结构缺陷使得材料的载流子浓度发生了巨大变化,在Bi_(2-x)Sb_(x)Te_(2.994)Cl_(0.006)样品中,Sb的固溶降低了反位缺陷Sb_(Te)_(2)形成能,诱导产生了反位缺陷Sb_(Te)_(2),使得少数载流子空穴浓度从2.09×10^(16)cm^(-3)增加至3.99×10^(17)cm^(-3),严重劣化了电性能.在Bi_(1.8)Sb_(0.2)Te_(2.994-y)Se_(y)Cl_(0.006)样品中,Se的固溶使得Se(Te)_(2)+SbBi的缺陷形成能更低,抑制了反位缺陷Sb_(Te)_(2)的产生,Bi_(1.8)Sb_(0.2)Te_(2.694)Se_(0.30)Cl_(0.006)样品的少数载流子空穴浓度降至1.49×10^(16)cm^(-3),消除了其对材料热电性能的劣化效果,显著地提升了材料的功率因子,室温下达到4.49 mW/(m·K^(2)).结合Sb和Se固溶增强合金化散射降低材料的热导率,Bi_(1.8)Sb_(0.2)Te_(2.844)Se_(0.15)Cl_(0.006)样品在室温下获得最大ZT值为0.98.该研究为调控具有复杂成分的Bi_(2)Te_(3)基材料的点缺陷、载流子浓度和热电性能提供了重要的指导. 展开更多
关键词 Bi2te3基化合物 缺陷工程 热电性能
作者 苗鑫 闫世强 +3 位作者 韦金豆 吴超 樊文浩 陈少平 《无机材料学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期903-910,I0004-I0007,共12页
单质Te具有优异的热电优值(ZT),但其与金属电极连接界面处的剧烈元素交互扩散及反应会引入较大的接触电阻率(ρc),导致器件的转换效率(η)较低。因此,寻找合适的阻挡层来优化Te与金属电极间的连接至关重要。本研究基于梯度结构报道了一... 单质Te具有优异的热电优值(ZT),但其与金属电极连接界面处的剧烈元素交互扩散及反应会引入较大的接触电阻率(ρc),导致器件的转换效率(η)较低。因此,寻找合适的阻挡层来优化Te与金属电极间的连接至关重要。本研究基于梯度结构报道了一种宽相场Ni-Te合金阻挡层NiTe_(2-m)(NixTe(x=0.500~0.908))。结果表明,当x=0.500时,Ni_(0.5)Te/Te_(0.985)Sb_(0.015)/Ni_(0.5)Te器件的界面处无任何反应层及微观缺陷,ρ_(c)小于10μΩ·cm^(2),η在180K温差(热端温度473K)时达到了理论值的75%。同时,界面具有良好的热稳定性,在473K老化期间,界面微观组织、ρ_(c)以及η无明显变化。当x>0.500时,界面反应层厚度随x增大而逐渐减小,即主导界面反应层生长行为的因素并非常规的界面反应能及浓度梯度等热力学因素。进一步分析表明,反常生长源于动力学因素中的“原子空位”对反应层生成的迟滞作用。 展开更多
关键词 te 热电器件 扩散动力学 阻挡层 热稳定性
作者 王宇 李勇 +3 位作者 吴久伟 葛丁 赵鹏飞 官国英 《核化学与放射化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期574-580,I0003,共8页
采用高温蒸馏捕集技术能有效提取铅铋冷却剂中大量的^(210)Po,用Te替代^(210)Po能高效研究^(210)Po提取工艺,测量蒸馏捕集物中痕量Te能为^(210)Po提取工艺提供有力支持。硝酸浸取蒸馏捕集片上的Te,717强碱性阴离子树脂对浸取液中的Te进... 采用高温蒸馏捕集技术能有效提取铅铋冷却剂中大量的^(210)Po,用Te替代^(210)Po能高效研究^(210)Po提取工艺,测量蒸馏捕集物中痕量Te能为^(210)Po提取工艺提供有力支持。硝酸浸取蒸馏捕集片上的Te,717强碱性阴离子树脂对浸取液中的Te进行分离,以排除杂质离子的干扰;SnCl_(2)在HCl介质中将Te^(4+)还原为Te单质,于分光光度计上测量吸光度,得到样品中痕量Te的含量。探究了浸取液中干扰离子对Te测量值的影响;研究了上柱液酸度、洗脱剂浓度及用量、淋洗速率对Te分离效果的影响;建立了铅铋冷却剂蒸馏捕集物中痕量Te的分光光度测定方法。结果表明:室温下,淋洗液HCl浓度为4mol/L,超纯水为洗脱剂,淋洗速率2mL/min,717强碱性阴离子树脂对Te的分离效果理想;在Te质量浓度0~10mg/L范围内,吸光度与Te的浓度呈良好的线性关系,相关系数r^(2)=0.9999,测量相对标准偏差为0.3%~2.7%(测量次数n=6),重加回收率为96.0%~101.9%,测定方法满足^(210)Po提取工艺研究要求。 展开更多
关键词 铅铋合金 ^(210)Po te 蒸馏捕集物 阴离子树脂 分光光度法
作者 赵振凯 梁国 +4 位作者 李枫 农蔚霞 张庆梅 罗彬 谢小薰 《中国临床新医学》 2024年第8期875-880,共6页
目的探讨胶质母细胞瘤(GBM)中癌-睾丸抗原OY-TES-1的表达对M2型巨噬细胞极化的影响。方法体外培养人GBM细胞U251与人外周血单核细胞THP-1,构建稳定下调OY-TES-1的U251稳转株(U251-SH-OY-TES-1组),将转染无关序列的U251作为对照(U251-SH... 目的探讨胶质母细胞瘤(GBM)中癌-睾丸抗原OY-TES-1的表达对M2型巨噬细胞极化的影响。方法体外培养人GBM细胞U251与人外周血单核细胞THP-1,构建稳定下调OY-TES-1的U251稳转株(U251-SH-OY-TES-1组),将转染无关序列的U251作为对照(U251-SH-NC组)。48h后取两组上清液与THP-1细胞共培养,加入U251-SH-NC组上清液的THP-1细胞为SH-NC组,加入U251-SH-OY-TES-1组上清液的THP-1细胞为SH-OY-TES-1组。通过实时荧光定量聚合酶链反应(RT-qPCR)和蛋白免疫印迹法分别检测两组OY-TES-1mRNA和蛋白相对表达量,确定转染效率。通过酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测培养液中人白细胞介素-10(IL-10)、人转化生长因子-β(TGF-β)表达水平。通过流式细胞术检测CD206表达水平。结果RT-qPCR与蛋白免疫印迹法检测结果显示,U251-SH-OY-TES-1组OY-TES-1mRNA和蛋白的相对表达量低于U251-SH-NC组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。ELISA结果显示,两组培养液中TGF-β、IL-10水平随培养时间的增加呈上升趋势。第0天、第2天SH-OY-TES-1组培养液中TGF-β水平显著低于SH-NC组(P<0.05),IL-10水平比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。第4天SH-OY-TES-1组培养液中TGF-β、IL-10水平显著低于SH-NC组(P<0.05)。流式细胞术结果显示,与SH-NC组比较,SH-OY-TES-1组CD206水平下降,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论GBM中OY-TES-1高表达能够促进M2型巨噬细胞的极化。 展开更多
关键词 胶质母细胞瘤 OY-teS-1 M2型巨噬细胞 极化
作者 王嘉龙 刘艳珍 +3 位作者 杨晓坤 黄福云 杨超伟 李雄军 《红外技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期646-653,共8页
本文采用X射线光电子能谱检测技术分别对溴-甲醇(Br_(2):Me)、溴-氢溴酸(Br_(2):HBr)和溴-氢溴酸-乙二醇(Br_(2):HBr:Eg)3种体系的腐蚀液处理后的HgCdTe表面状态进行了研究,结果表明这3种溴基腐蚀液均会造成HgCdTe表面富碲(Te^(0)),且... 本文采用X射线光电子能谱检测技术分别对溴-甲醇(Br_(2):Me)、溴-氢溴酸(Br_(2):HBr)和溴-氢溴酸-乙二醇(Br_(2):HBr:Eg)3种体系的腐蚀液处理后的HgCdTe表面状态进行了研究,结果表明这3种溴基腐蚀液均会造成HgCdTe表面富碲(Te^(0)),且富碲程度为(Br_(2):HBr:Eg)<(Br_(2):HBr)<(Br_(2):Me)。为了获得接近化学计量比的表面,一般采取先氧化富碲为TeO_(2)后腐蚀的方式去除表面富碲,然而,湿法腐蚀去除表面富碲的方法存在各种缺点。等离子体氧化具有氧化性强,工艺稳定,安全环保等优点,因此本文通过氧等离子体氧化Br_(2):HBr:Eg处理后的HgCdTe表面,进一步研究了盐酸、乳酸和氢氧化铵溶液腐蚀去除HgCdTe表面氧化物的情况,结果表明低浓度的盐酸能够较彻底地去除HgCdTe表面氧化物且不引入碳等其他污染物。在此接近化学计量比的表面制备的CdTe钝化膜与HgCdTe界面孔洞大小及数量显著减小,说明CdTe/HgCdTe界面的缺陷密度更低。 展开更多
关键词 碲镉汞 表面处理 富碲 等离子体氧化 近化学计量比
作者 邓立勋 龚留奎 +5 位作者 尹飞 黄滢秋 张延松 陈子明 黄伟 张保元 《热加工工艺》 北大核心 2024年第8期128-134,共7页
采用SEM、EDS等微观表征以及显微硬度和导电性能检测手段,研究了Te含量对Cu-Cr-Zr-Te合金铸态组织及性能的影响。结果表明:随着Te含量的增加,铸态Cu-Cr-Zr-Te合金的硬度呈逐渐升高的的趋势,但导电性能基本趋于稳定状态,热锻处理后合金... 采用SEM、EDS等微观表征以及显微硬度和导电性能检测手段,研究了Te含量对Cu-Cr-Zr-Te合金铸态组织及性能的影响。结果表明:随着Te含量的增加,铸态Cu-Cr-Zr-Te合金的硬度呈逐渐升高的的趋势,但导电性能基本趋于稳定状态,热锻处理后合金的硬度和导电率都有所上升。铸态Cu-Cr-Zr-Te合金中低含量Te与Zr结合力较强易形成CuZrTe化合物,提升Te含量倾向于形成CuCrTe化合物;合金经900℃/4h的保温、热锻处理后,CuCrTe化合物分解为富Te相和富Cr相造成基体中Te元素的贫化,导致元素Te与元素Cr的相对比例减小而形成CuZrTe化合物。 展开更多
关键词 Cu-Cr-Zr-te 硬度 CuZrte化合物 CuCrte化合物 富Cr相
作者 白翠玲 雷欣 +1 位作者 杨丽花 董志良 《生态经济》 北大核心 2024年第5期146-153,共8页
基于2015—2019年河北省长城沿线59个县域的面板数据,采用综合评价指标、耦合协调度模型和空间面板模型等方法,探索河北省长城沿线县域旅游产业、生态环境与社会效益三大子系统(TES)耦合协调性时空发展格局与空间效应。研究发现:(1)河... 基于2015—2019年河北省长城沿线59个县域的面板数据,采用综合评价指标、耦合协调度模型和空间面板模型等方法,探索河北省长城沿线县域旅游产业、生态环境与社会效益三大子系统(TES)耦合协调性时空发展格局与空间效应。研究发现:(1)河北省长城沿线县域TES系统综合发展水平呈现波动上升态势,其中社会效益子系统和旅游产业子系统发展水平总体上呈现缓慢上升趋势,生态环境子系统的增长趋势不显著,且社会效益子系统>旅游产业子系统>生态环境子系统。(2)TES系统呈现高耦合低协调的特征,耦合协调水平整体上呈现良好的增长趋势,且地域分布格局呈现东北部>南部>中部>西北部的态势。(3)人口密度、经济发展水平、对外开放程度、技术创新和产业结构是影响TES系统耦合协调水平的重要因素,人口密度和产业结构会对邻近县域的TES系统耦合协调水平产生影响。基于以上结果提出相应的建议,为促进长城沿线县域TES系统协调发展提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 teS系统 耦合协调模型 空间效应 长城沿线县域
作者 路羽茜 张鑫 李世娜 《功能材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期5134-5140,共7页
依据密度泛函理论(DFT)对层状六角P63/mmc结构的GaM(M=S/Se/Te)进行电子结构与弹性力学特性的模拟研究。优化后的P63/mmc-GaM(M=S/Se/Te)的晶格,与实验结果相吻合。采用HSE06泛函得到的带隙值比PBE得到的与实验值更接近。应变能-应变(E... 依据密度泛函理论(DFT)对层状六角P63/mmc结构的GaM(M=S/Se/Te)进行电子结构与弹性力学特性的模拟研究。优化后的P63/mmc-GaM(M=S/Se/Te)的晶格,与实验结果相吻合。采用HSE06泛函得到的带隙值比PBE得到的与实验值更接近。应变能-应变(E-S)和应力-应变(S-S)两种方法得到的P63/mmc-GaM(M=S/Se/Te)的单晶弹性常数都符合弹性力学稳定性准则。在更接近文献值的应力-应变(S-S)法基础上,对3种材料的多晶弹性模量等力学特性进行了后续分析。泊松比和B/G值表明,P63/mmc-GaM(M=S/Se/Te)显现出脆性。各向异性因子、杨氏模量E、剪切模量G及线性压缩系数β的三维立体图分别展示了材料的弹性各向异性程度。在零温零压下,P63/mmc-GaM(M=S/Se/Te)在[100]方向上的第一横向声速最大,在[001]方向上两个横波TA1和TA2的速度最慢。 展开更多
关键词 密度泛函理论 六角P63/mmc-GaM(M=S/Se/te) 电子结构 力学性质 各向异性
作者 杨青 华春丽 +2 位作者 朱美臣 吴东升 王笑臣 《沈阳理工大学学报》 CAS 2024年第2期52-57,共6页
为解决多模态TE过程在小样本条件下故障诊断精度低的问题,提出了一种基于深度最近邻神经网络(DN4)与压缩和激励(SE)模块结合的集合型故障诊断方法(SEDN4)。首先,使用小波包变换将多模态过程数据转换成二维图像,划分元学习任务;然后,由... 为解决多模态TE过程在小样本条件下故障诊断精度低的问题,提出了一种基于深度最近邻神经网络(DN4)与压缩和激励(SE)模块结合的集合型故障诊断方法(SEDN4)。首先,使用小波包变换将多模态过程数据转换成二维图像,划分元学习任务;然后,由嵌入网络进行局部特征提取,获得局部特征描述符;最后,使用k近邻搜索得到预测值。当新模态产生时,基于已有模型设计经验,在小样本条件下可快速得到新模态故障诊断模型。实验结果表明,本文方法在小样本条件下能够较好地实现多模态故障诊断,提高了故障诊断准确率,诊断效果较好。 展开更多
关键词 多模态te过程 故障诊断 小样本学习 元学习
Frictional contact analysis of a rigid solid with periodic surface sliding on the thermoelectric material
作者 Yali ZHANG Yueting ZHOU Shenghu DING 《Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition)》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第1期179-196,共18页
Understanding and characterizing rough contact and wavy surfaces are essential for developing effective strategies to mitigate wear,optimize lubrication,and enhance the overall performance and durability of mechanical... Understanding and characterizing rough contact and wavy surfaces are essential for developing effective strategies to mitigate wear,optimize lubrication,and enhance the overall performance and durability of mechanical systems.The sliding friction contact problem between a thermoelectric(TE)half-plane and a rigid solid with a periodic wavy surface is the focus of this investigation.To simplify the problem,we utilize mixed boundary conditions,leading to a set of singular integral equations(SIEs)with the Hilbert kernels.The analytical solutions for the energy flux and electric current density are obtained by the variable transform method in the context of the electric and temperature field.The contact problem for the elastic field is transformed into the second-kind SIE and solved by the Jacobi polynomials.Notably,the smoothness of the wavy contact surface ensures that there are no singularities in the surface contact stress,and ensures that it remains free at the contact edge.Based on the plane strain theory of elasticity,the analysis primarily examines the correlation between the applied load and the effective contact area.The distribution of the normal stress on the surface with or without TE loads is discussed in detail for various friction coefficients.Furthermore,the obtained results indicate that the in-plane stress decreases behind the trailing edge,while it increases ahead of the trailing edge when subjected to TE loads. 展开更多
关键词 wavy surface periodic contact thermoelectric(te)material Hilbert integral kernel
温度对丙烷选择氧化催化剂Mo-V-Te-Ox催化性能的影响分析 被引量:1
作者 张超超 郑秀慧 《山西化工》 CAS 2024年第2期107-109,共3页
本文采用三氧化钼、水合硫酸氧钒和二氧化锑为主要原料,并添加氧化铈助剂,在不同温度下进行水热合成,并结合微波干燥和常规加热干燥,通过程序升温焙烧活化制备了复合氧化物Mo-V-Te-Ox催化剂。通过自建的气固相微型反应装置和气相色谱的... 本文采用三氧化钼、水合硫酸氧钒和二氧化锑为主要原料,并添加氧化铈助剂,在不同温度下进行水热合成,并结合微波干燥和常规加热干燥,通过程序升温焙烧活化制备了复合氧化物Mo-V-Te-Ox催化剂。通过自建的气固相微型反应装置和气相色谱的联用对催化剂样品进行了活性评价。 展开更多
关键词 Mo-V-te-Ox催化剂 水热合成 微波加热法 焙烧活化
Mercury Levels Assessment in the Population of Aby and Frambo Villages in the Vinicity of Aby Lagoon in Côte d’Ivoire (West Africa)
作者 Stéphane Jean Claon Serge Kouakou Kouassi +4 位作者 Nina Laurette Ahouéfa Laurent Kipré Seri Arsène M’bassidjé Seka Joseph Allico Djaman Luc Kouakou Kouadio 《Journal of Water Resource and Protection》 CAS 2024年第3期219-232,共14页
The Minamata Convention in the aim to protect human life and the environment, seeks to reduce mercury (Hg) by monitoring it concentrations in the environment. Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) has been iden... The Minamata Convention in the aim to protect human life and the environment, seeks to reduce mercury (Hg) by monitoring it concentrations in the environment. Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) has been identified as the most important anthropogenic source of human exposure to Hg. In this context, the main goal of this study was to assess the level of mercury in hair of two (2) populations living along two lagoons respectively Aby and Tendo, in Ivory Coast. To reach this goal, hair samples of 138 residents were collected and analyzed by using Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectrophotometry (CV-AFS) technique for mercury concentration. Results showed that for the entire population the Hg mean was 2.34 μg/g. Also, they were ranged between 0.15 to 8.53 μg/g and presented substantial differences amongst the villages. In Aby village, we observed the highest Hg concentrations (Mean = 2.62 μg/g). Our findings showed that almost the entire sample group (82%) exceed the USEPA recommended limit, furthermore 56% of them exceed the normal level of WHO and 2% of the respondent has the unhealthy levels of mercury (≥6 μg Hg/g) of hair by WHO standards. Gender differences in hair mercury varies greatly among reports. Lower levels in women’s hair compared to men were reported in the both village. Considering age, the lowest concentrations were observed with children. However, when we take in account the age groups, data suggested that the most exposed sub-population of [18-29] years old is from Aby village in opposite at Frambo village, the same case those who were ≥ 40 years old. It’s convenient to note that, the proportion of Mercury levels would not to be neglected among studied population especially with the resident from Aby village. So, some measures need to be taken at the political level to control mercury contamination. 展开更多
关键词 MERCURY HAIR ASGM Population Exposure te d’Ivoire
Termite Attack and Damage in Cocoa Plantations in Daloa Department, Central-Western Côte d’Ivoire
作者 Yao Martin Siapo Ehui Joachim Ano +1 位作者 Yao Kan Séraphin Diby Annick Yamousso Tahiri 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 CAS 2024年第10期996-1009,共14页
Cocoa farming faces numerous constraints that affect production levels. Among these constraints are termites, one of the biggest scourges in tropical agriculture and agroforestry. The aim of this study is to assess th... Cocoa farming faces numerous constraints that affect production levels. Among these constraints are termites, one of the biggest scourges in tropical agriculture and agroforestry. The aim of this study is to assess the level of damage caused by termites in cocoa plantations. To this end, 3 plantations were selected. In each of the 3 plantations, 18 plots containing an average of 47 ± 6 cocoa plants were delimited. Sampling was based on 25 cocoa plants per plot. The study consisted in sampling the termites observed on the plants and noting the type of damage caused by them, taking into account the density of the harvest veneers and, above all, the termites’ progress through the anatomical structures of the plant, i.e. the bark, sapwood and heartwood. A total of 8 termite species were collected from cocoa plants. These species are responsible for four types of damage (D1, D2, D3 and D4), grouped into minor damage (D1 and D2) and major damage (D3 and D4). D1 damage ranged from 24.67% ± 5.64% to 39.55% ± 7.43%. D2 damage ranged from 6.88% ± 1.31% to 9.33% ± 2.79%. D3 damage ranged from 2.88% ± 1.55% to 6.44% ± 1.55%. D4 damage ranged from 1.11% ± 1% to 3.11% ± 1.37%. Among the termite species collected, Microcerotermes sp, C. sjostedti, A. crucifer and P. militaris were the most formidable on cocoa trees in our study locality. In view of the extensive damage caused by termites, biological control measures should be considered, using insecticidal plants. 展开更多
关键词 teRMIteS ATTACKS DAMAGE Cocoa Trees te d’Ivoire
A novel approach for observing band gap crossings using the SIMS technique in Pb_(1-x)Sn_(x)Te
作者 Zeinab Khosravizadeh Piotr Dziawa +2 位作者 Sania Dad Andrzej Dabrowski Rafał Jakiela 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 2024年第11期51-57,共7页
This paper introduces a pioneering application of secondary ion mass spectrometry(SIMS)for estimating the electronic properties of Pb_(1-x)Sn_(x)Te,a compound categorized as a topological crystalline insulator.The pro... This paper introduces a pioneering application of secondary ion mass spectrometry(SIMS)for estimating the electronic properties of Pb_(1-x)Sn_(x)Te,a compound categorized as a topological crystalline insulator.The proposed approach marks the first application of SIMS for such estimations and focuses on investigating variations in ionization probabilities and shifts in the energy distribution of secondary ions.The ionization probabilities are influenced by pivotal parameters such as the material's work function and electron affinity.The derivation of these parameters hinges upon the energy gap's positioning relative to the vacuum level for varying values of within the Pb_(1-x)Sn_(x)Te compound.The findings elucidate noteworthy alterations in SIMS signals,particularly near the critical point of band-gap closing. 展开更多
关键词 SIMS TCI ionization probability work function Pb_(1-x)Sn_(x)te band-gap closing
Influence of Hemoglobin S Haplotypes on the Responses to Hydroxyurea Treatment in Children with Sickle Cell Disease in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
作者 Mireille Aye-Yayo Vincent Yapo +5 位作者 Boidy Kouakou Missa Louis Adjé Adia Eusèbe Adjambri Ebah Hermance Kassi Taïratou Kamagate Duni Sawadogo 《Open Journal of Genetics》 CAS 2024年第1期1-12,共12页
Background: In Côte d’Ivoire so far, the circulating haplotypes have been inferred on the phenotypic profiling of SCD patients. The impact of the circulating haplotypes on the use of Hydroxyurea has not been ass... Background: In Côte d’Ivoire so far, the circulating haplotypes have been inferred on the phenotypic profiling of SCD patients. The impact of the circulating haplotypes on the use of Hydroxyurea has not been assessed yet. Therefore the objective of this study is to identify in Abidjan the HbS haplotypes that modulate HU treatment responses. Methods: In a cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study, children aged 5 to 15 years with SCD, and carrying the hemoglobin phenotypes SSFA2 and SFA2, were recruited into a HU treatment cohort. Various parameters on the haplotypes and the outcomes of the treatment were analyzed. Results: Thirty nine children with SCD were included. The phenotypic profile of the cohort was 86.6% of SSFA2 and 15.4% of SFA2. Three haplotypes were found, the Benin haplotype, the Senegal haplotype, and an atypical one. The participants belonged to three genotypes, Benin/atypical (64.1%), Benin/Senegal (33.3%) and Senegal/Senegal (2.6%). Overall, HU treatment was successful in all haplotypes with 12 out of 39 patients failing treatment after 12 months in the Benin haplotype group. The association between HU treatment success and the Benin haplotype was found in terms of the decrease in the number of white blood cells and the students missing class. Conclusion: The study revealed that inferring haplotype based on the phenotypic profile could be inaccurate. The proportion of atypical haplotype that were not previously described in Côte d’Ivoire was high. All the haplotypes seemed to be associated with HU treatment success but some patients with Benin haplotype did not respond well. 展开更多
关键词 Sickle Cell Disease CHILDREN HAPLOTYPE HYDROXYUREA te d’Ivoire
Detection of ARV-Resistant Mutants in HIV-1-Infected Individuals in a Context of Systematic Switching to an Association Based on Dolutegravir in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
作者 Odegue Kpadraux Danielle Kakou-Ngazoa Solange +9 位作者 Dechi Jean-Jacques Renaud Diallo Zelica Sina Kouamé Mireille Sylla Aboubacar Tossea Koui Stéphane Kouakou Venance Adagba Marius Apia N’Chouo Kouamé Basile Touré Offianan André Dosso Mireille 《American Journal of Molecular Biology》 CAS 2024年第3期138-151,共14页
The emergence of antiretroviral resistance mutations represents a major threat to the achievement of national and global goals for the elimination of HIV-1 infection. The global strategy in 2019 in Cte d'Ivoire is... The emergence of antiretroviral resistance mutations represents a major threat to the achievement of national and global goals for the elimination of HIV-1 infection. The global strategy in 2019 in Cte d'Ivoire is a new national policy for the management of people living with HIV with the administration of dolutegravir (DTG)-based fixed-dose combination. The aim of our study was to evaluate HIV-1 resistance to antiretrovirals (ARVs) in infected adult subjects in Cte d’Ivoire in the context of a systematic switch to a DTG-based combination. Between February 2022 and October 2023, a cross-sectional survey with random sampling was conducted in 06 services caring for people living with HIV. A total of 139 participants were included in the study. Adults with a viral load ≥ 1000 copies/mL were tested for HIV-1 ARV resistance mutations. Molecular analyses were performed using protocol of ANRS-MIE (National Agency for Research on AIDS and emerging infectious diseases). The interpretation is performed by HIVGRAD (https://www.hiv-grade.de/cms/grade/). The frequencies of HIV-1 resistance to non-nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs), nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), integrase inhibitors (IINTs) and protease inhibitors (PIs) were 82%, 73%, 19% and 11% respectively. The main mutations observed in the different classes were K103N (45%), M184V (64%), E157Q (19%) and L10V/M46I/A71V/I54V (6%) respectively. This study reveals the emergence of resistance to DTG-based fixed-dose combinations, favored by high rates of resistance to NRTIs and NNRTIs. This finding underlines the need for enhanced viral load monitoring and HIV-1 genotyping tests to guide the choice of NRTIs for combination therapy. In addition, monitoring for mutations to second-generation NRTIs is essential, given the scale-up of DTG-based regimens currently underway in Cte d’Ivoire. 展开更多
关键词 Resistant Mutants Dolutegravir HIV-1 ANTIRETROVIRALS te d’Ivoire
Multi-Scale Approach for Gold Targeting in Côte d’Ivoire Paleoproterozoic Rocks
作者 Martial Pohn Koffi Adingra Yao Augustin Koffi +3 位作者 N’guessan Nestor Houssou Zié Ouattara Tokpa Kakeu Lionel-Dimitri Boya Marc Ephrem Allialy 《Open Journal of Geology》 CAS 2024年第2期155-176,共22页
The aim of this study is to contribute to better targeting of gold prospecting areas using geospatial information. To this end, 3 mining sites were selected for the study. They are: the Sénoufo belt (Barrick Gold... The aim of this study is to contribute to better targeting of gold prospecting areas using geospatial information. To this end, 3 mining sites were selected for the study. They are: the Sénoufo belt (Barrick Gold mine), the Yaouré complex (Perseus Mining mine) and the South Fetêkro belt (Bonikro, Hiré and Agbaou mines). For this study, a multi-scale approach was carried out at regional, mine and microscopic levels. At the regional scale, a comparative analysis of 1:200,000 scale geological maps revealed that 3 main lithologies are regularly repeated on and around the various mining sites. These are: undifferentiated volcanics, metagranodiorites and metasiltites dominated by meta-arenites. Most of these lithologies are affected by undifferentiated faults generally oriented NE-SW, N-S, ENE-WSW and WNW-ESE. In addition, gold and manganese occurrences are present on all the sites studied. At the mine scale, radarsat-1 images processing indicate that the main mining sites are generally located near or at the intersection of lineaments-oriented NE-SW or N-S on the one hand and E-W or ENE-WSW or WNW-ESE or again NW-SE on the other. These mines are also located at the interface between zones of high and low lineament density. At the microscopic scale, petrographic studies of undifferentiated volcanic samples from the various sites indicate that they consist of andesites, meta-andesites and tuffs. 展开更多
关键词 Gold Targeting Undifferentiated Volcanics Mineral Occurrences LINEAMENTS te d’Ivoire
PCR-HRM for Genomic Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2: A Variant Detection Tool in Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa
作者 Aboubacar Sylla Solange Kakou-Ngazoa +6 位作者 Tata Gniré Safiatou Coulibaly Yakoura Karidja Ouattara Mireille Sylvie Kouamé-Sina Zeinab Ouattara David Ngolo Coulibaly Brice Kouakou Bla Mireille Dosso 《American Journal of Molecular Biology》 CAS 2024年第3期166-185,共20页
The rise of new viruses, like SARS-CoV-2 causing the COVID-19 outbreak, along with the return of antibiotic resistance in harmful bacteria, demands a swift and efficient reaction to safeguard the health and welfare of... The rise of new viruses, like SARS-CoV-2 causing the COVID-19 outbreak, along with the return of antibiotic resistance in harmful bacteria, demands a swift and efficient reaction to safeguard the health and welfare of the global population. It is crucial to have effective measures for prevention, intervention, and monitoring in place to address these evolving and recurring risks, ensuring public health and international security. In countries with limited resources, utilizing recombinant mutation plasmid technology in conjunction with PCR-HRM could help differentiate the existence of novel variants. cDNA synthesis was carried out on 8 nasopharyngeal samples following viral RNA extraction. The P1 segment of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike S protein was amplified via conventional PCR. Subsequently, PCR products were ligated with the pGEM-T Easy vector to generate eight recombinant SARS-CoV-2 plasmids. Clones containing mutations were sequenced using Sanger sequencing and analyzed through PCR-HRM. The P1 segment of the S gene from SARS-CoV-2 was successfully amplified, resulting in 8 recombinant plasmids generated from the 231 bp fragment. PCR-HRM analysis of these recombinant plasmids differentiated three variations within the SARS-CoV-2 plasmid population, each displaying distinct melting temperatures. Sanger sequencing identified mutations A112C, G113T, A114G, G214T, and G216C on the P1 segment, validating the PCR-HRM findings of the variations. These mutations led to the detection of L452R or L452M and F486V protein mutations within the protein sequence of the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2. In summary, PCR-HRM is a vital and affordable tool for distinguishing SARS-CoV-2 variants utilizing recombinant plasmids as controls. 展开更多
关键词 Genomic Surveillance SARS-CoV-2 PCR-HRM Variants te d’Ivoire
作者 阿依那扎尔 《西部广播电视》 2024年第15期13-16,共4页
本文从互联网平台的TES框架出发,把短视频平台作为信息时代的基础设施进行研究,探讨短视频平台的“公共-管理-科技”三维度社会责任,并以此为基础结合实际案例,具体分析短视频平台呈现的社会责任缺乏问题,提出相应的对策,即在公共层面... 本文从互联网平台的TES框架出发,把短视频平台作为信息时代的基础设施进行研究,探讨短视频平台的“公共-管理-科技”三维度社会责任,并以此为基础结合实际案例,具体分析短视频平台呈现的社会责任缺乏问题,提出相应的对策,即在公共层面有关部门要完善法律法规、社会全员要加强监督,在管理层面平台要加强审核、用户要加强自我审查,在科技安全层面有关部门及平台要进行事前预防及正向引导。 展开更多
关键词 teS框架 短视频平台 社会责任
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