This paper talks about the different teacher's role between traditional language teaching and task-based language teaching. Atthe beginning we will compare the teacher's role in terms of language theory and la...This paper talks about the different teacher's role between traditional language teaching and task-based language teaching. Atthe beginning we will compare the teacher's role in terms of language theory and language teaching theory. The traditional teaching ob-jective is teaching the grammar. The teacher is the guider of the grammar. In the new English curriculum syllabus, the teaching objectiveis to train students' communicative competence. The teacher is the organizer of the teaching. In the traditional language teaching proce-dure, the teacher is authority and dictator. In the task-based approach, the teacher is equal to the students. In the traditional languageteaching activities, the teaching activities are boring; the teacher is the leader of the class. In the task-based approach, the teacher is thearranger of the task also they are the helpers and cooperators of completing the task.展开更多
文摘This paper talks about the different teacher's role between traditional language teaching and task-based language teaching. Atthe beginning we will compare the teacher's role in terms of language theory and language teaching theory. The traditional teaching ob-jective is teaching the grammar. The teacher is the guider of the grammar. In the new English curriculum syllabus, the teaching objectiveis to train students' communicative competence. The teacher is the organizer of the teaching. In the traditional language teaching proce-dure, the teacher is authority and dictator. In the task-based approach, the teacher is equal to the students. In the traditional languageteaching activities, the teaching activities are boring; the teacher is the leader of the class. In the task-based approach, the teacher is thearranger of the task also they are the helpers and cooperators of completing the task.
基金全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部重点课题“和谐学校文化建设和课程教学的关系研究”(DHA090189)澳大利亚墨尔本大学与维多利亚州儿童发展与教育部联合项目Teacher capacity as a key element of national curriculum reform inmathematics:A comparative study between Australia and China(2011_000988)西南大学2009年度中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目——基于数学教师PCK的中澳基础教育数学课程改革比较研究(SWU0909686)