Ordinary energy and dark energy density are determined using a Cosserat-Cartan and killing-Yano reinterpretation of Einstein’s special and general relativity. Thus starting from a maximally symmetric space with 528 k...Ordinary energy and dark energy density are determined using a Cosserat-Cartan and killing-Yano reinterpretation of Einstein’s special and general relativity. Thus starting from a maximally symmetric space with 528 killing vector fields corresponding to Witten’s five Branes model in eleven dimensional M-theory we reason that 504 of the 528 are essentially the components of the relevant killing-Yano tensor. In turn this tensor is related to hidden symmetries and torsional coupled stresses of the Cosserat micro-polar space as well as the Einstein-Cartan connection. Proceeding in this way the dark energy density is found to be that of Einstein’s maximal energy mc2 where m is the mass and c is the speed of light multiplied with a Lorentz factor equal to the ratio of the 504 killing-Yano tensor and the 528 states maximally symmetric space. Thus we have E (dark) = mc2 (504/528) = mc2 (21/22) which is about 95.5% of the total maximal energy density in astounding agreement with COBE, WMAP and Planck cosmological measurements as well as the type 1a supernova analysis. Finally theory and results are validated via a related theory based on the degrees of freedom of pure gravity, the theory of nonlocal elasticity as well as ‘t Hooft-Veltman renormalization method.展开更多
The present note is concerned with two connected and highly important fundamental questions of physics and cosmology, namely if E8E8 Lie symmetry group describes the universe and where cosmic dark energy comes from. F...The present note is concerned with two connected and highly important fundamental questions of physics and cosmology, namely if E8E8 Lie symmetry group describes the universe and where cosmic dark energy comes from. Furthermore, we reason following Wheeler, Hartle and Hawking that since the boundary of a boundary is an empty set which models the quantum wave of the cosmos, then it follows that dark energy is a fundamental physical phenomenon associated with the boundary of the holographic boundary. This leads directly to a clopen universe which is its own Penrose tiling-like multiverse with energy density in full agreement with COBE, WMAP and Type 1a supernova cosmic measurements.展开更多
The present short paper is concerned with accurate explanation as well as quantification of the so called missing dark energy of the cosmos. It was always one of the main objectives of any successful general theory of...The present short paper is concerned with accurate explanation as well as quantification of the so called missing dark energy of the cosmos. It was always one of the main objectives of any successful general theory of high energy particle physics and quantum cosmology to keep non-physical negative norms, the so called ghosts completely out of that theory. The present work takes the completely contrary view by admitting these supposedly spurious states as part of the physical Hilbert space. It is further shown that rethinking the ghost free condition with the two critical spacetime dimensions D<sub>1</sub> = 26 and D<sub>2</sub> = 25 together with the corresponding intercept a<sub>1</sub> = 1 and a<sub>2</sub> ≤ 1 respectively and in addition imposing, as in Gross et al. heterotic superstrings, an overall 496 dimensional exceptional Lie symmetry group, then one will discover that there are two distinct types of energy. The first is positive norm ordinary energy connected to the zero set quantum particles which is very close to the measured ordinary energy density of the cosmos, namely E(O) = mc<sup>2</sup>/22. The second is negative norm (i.e. ghost) energy connected to the empty set quantum wave and is equal to the conjectured dark energy density of the cosmos E(D) = mc<sup>2</sup> (21/22) presumed to be behind the observed accelerated cosmic expansion. That way we were able to not only explain the physics of dark energy without adding any new concepts or novel additional ingredients but also we were able to compute the dark energy density accurately and in full agreement with measurements and observations.展开更多
The topological speed of light which may be used to compute the density of ordinary energy and dark energy of the cosmos is replaced by dimensionless quantity taken from Special Relativity. The said quantity may be in...The topological speed of light which may be used to compute the density of ordinary energy and dark energy of the cosmos is replaced by dimensionless quantity taken from Special Relativity. The said quantity may be interpreted as akin to time dilation ergo a notion topologically equivalent to the speed of the passing of time or the difference of elapsed time between two events in Einstein’s Relativity Theory. This results via Newton’s kinetic energy into the well-known observationally confirmed and accurately measured 4.5 and 95.5 percent of ordinary and dark Cosmic Energy density respectively.展开更多
The aim of the present paper is to explain and accurately calculate the missing dark energy density of the cosmos by scaling the Planck scale and using the methodology of the relatively novel discipline of cosmic crys...The aim of the present paper is to explain and accurately calculate the missing dark energy density of the cosmos by scaling the Planck scale and using the methodology of the relatively novel discipline of cosmic crystallography and Hawking-Hartle quantum wave solution of Wheeler-DeWitt equation. Following this road we arrive at a modified version of Einstein’s energy mass relation E = mc2 which predicts a cosmological energy density in astonishing accord with the WMAP and supernova measurements and analysis. We develop non-constructively what may be termed super symmetric Penrose fractal tiling and find that the isomorphic length of this tiling is equal to the self affinity radius of a universe which resembles an 11 dimensional Hilbert cube or a fractal M-theory with a Hausdorff dimension where. It then turns out that the correct maximal quantum relativity energy-mass equation for intergalactic scales is a simple relativistic scaling, in the sense of Weyl-Nottale, of Einstein’s classical equation, namely EQR = (1/2)(1/) moc2 = 0.0450849 mc2 and that this energy is the ordinary measurable energy density of the quantum particle. This means that almost 95.5% of the energy of the cosmos is dark energy which by quantum particle-wave duality is the absolute value of the energy of the quantum wave and is proportional to the square of the curvature of the curled dimension of spacetime namely where and is Hardy’s probability of quantum entanglement. Because of the quantum wave collapse on measurement this energy cannot be measured using our current technologies. The same result is obtained by involving all the 17 Stein spaces corresponding to 17 types of the wallpaper groups as well as the 230-11=219 three dimensional crystallographic group which gives the number of the first level of massless particle-like states in Heterotic string theory. All these diverse subjects find here a unified view point leading to the same result regarding the missing dark energy of the universe, which turned out to by synonymous with the absolute value of the energy of the Hawking-Hartle quantum wave solution of Wheeler-DeWitt equation while ordinary energy is the energy of the quantum particle into which the Hawking-Hartle wave collapse at cosmic energy measurement. In other words it is in the very act of measurement which causes our inability to measure the “Dark energy of the quantum wave” in any direct way. The only hope if any to detect dark energy and utilize it in nuclear reactors is future development of sophisticated quantum wave non-demolition measurement instruments.展开更多
We compute the dark energy and ordinary energy density of the cosmos as a double Eigenvalue problem. In addition, we validate the result using two different theories. The first theory is based on Witten’s 11 dimensio...We compute the dark energy and ordinary energy density of the cosmos as a double Eigenvalue problem. In addition, we validate the result using two different theories. The first theory is based on Witten’s 11 dimensional spacetime and the second is based on ‘tHooft’s fractal renormalization spacetime. In all cases, the robust result is E(O) = mc2/22 for ordinary energy and E(D) = mc2(21/22) for dark energy. Adding E(O) to E(D) we obtain Einstein’s famous equation which confirms special relativity, although it adds a quantum twist to its interpretation. This new interpretation is vital because it brings relativity theory in line with modern cosmological measurements and observations. In particular, we replace calculus by Weyl scaling in all computation which is essentially transfinite discrete.展开更多
Special Relativity sets tight constraints on the form of the possible relations between the four-momentum of a particle and the wave four-vector. In fact, we demonstrate that there is just one way, according to Specia...Special Relativity sets tight constraints on the form of the possible relations between the four-momentum of a particle and the wave four-vector. In fact, we demonstrate that there is just one way, according to Special Relativity, to relate the energy and the momentum of a corpuscle with the characteristics of a plane wave, frequency and wave vector, if the momentum has to flow in the same direction of the wave propagation: the laws must be of direct proportionality like de Broglie and Planck-Einstein equations.展开更多
We utilize the topological-geometrical structure imposed by the Heterotic superstring theory on spacetime in conjunction with the K3 Kähler manifold to explain the mysterious nature of dark matter and its cou...We utilize the topological-geometrical structure imposed by the Heterotic superstring theory on spacetime in conjunction with the K3 Kähler manifold to explain the mysterious nature of dark matter and its coupling to the pure dark energy density of the cosmos. The analogous situations in the case of a Kerr black hole as well as the redundant components of the Riemannian tensor are pointed out and the final result was found to be in complete agreement with all previous theoretical ones as well as all recent accurate measurements and cosmic observations. We conclude by commenting briefly on the Cantorian model of Zitterbewegung and the connection between Olbers’s paradox and dark energy.展开更多
The discovery of "twin quasi-stellar objects" arose interests among astronomers and astrophysicists to study gravitational leasing problem. Deviation of light from straight path is caused by the presence of massive ...The discovery of "twin quasi-stellar objects" arose interests among astronomers and astrophysicists to study gravitational leasing problem. Deviation of light from straight path is caused by the presence of massive objects, i.e., the presence of gravitational field according to the general theory of relativity. It is shown that the low energy effective field theory on D-branes is of the Born-Infeld type. In this work a Born-Infeld type gravitational field is pasttflated. An explicit representation of the angular deviation of light path is derived based on the space time metric in the Born-Infeld theory.展开更多
This brief note describes a method by which numerous empirically-determined quantum constants of nature can be substituted into Einstein’s field equation (EFE) for general relativity. This method involves treating th...This brief note describes a method by which numerous empirically-determined quantum constants of nature can be substituted into Einstein’s field equation (EFE) for general relativity. This method involves treating the ratio <em>G/<span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;">ћ</span></span></span></span></em> as an empirical constant of nature in its own right. This ratio is repre- sented by a new symbol, <em>N</em><sub><em>T</em></sub>. It turns out that the value of <em>N</em><sub><em>T</em></sub> (which is 6.32891937 × 10<sup>23</sup> m<span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;">⋅</span></span></span></span></span></span>kg<sup>-2</sup><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;">⋅</span></span></span></span></span></span>s<sup>-1</sup>) is within 5% of Avogadro’s number<em> N</em><sub><em>A</em></sub>, although the units are clearly different. Nevertheless, substitutions of <em>N</em><sub><em>T</em></sub> or <em>N</em><sub><em>A</em></sub> into the EFE, as shown, should yield an absolute value similar in magnitude to that calculated by the conventional EFE. The method described allows for quantum term EFE substitutions into Einstein’s gravitational constant <em>κ</em>. These terms include <em><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;">ћ</span></span></span></span></em>, <em>α</em>, <em>m</em><sub><em>e</em></sub>, <em>m</em><sub><em>p</em></sub>, <em>R</em>, <em>k</em><sub><em>B</em></sub>, <em>F, e, M<sub>U</sub></em>, and <em>m</em><sub><em>U</em></sub>. More importantly, perhaps, one or more of the many new expressions given for <em>κ</em> may provide a more accurate result than <em>κ</em> incorporating <em>G</em>. If so, this may have important implications for additional forward progress towards unification. Whether any of these new expressions for Einstein’s field equation can move us closer to quantizing gravity remains to be determined.展开更多
The purpose of this paper is to revisit the well known potentials, also called stress functions, needed in order to study the parametrizations of the stress equations, respectively provided by G.B. Airy (1863) for 2-d...The purpose of this paper is to revisit the well known potentials, also called stress functions, needed in order to study the parametrizations of the stress equations, respectively provided by G.B. Airy (1863) for 2-dimensional elasticity, then by E. Beltrami (1892), J.C. Maxwell (1870) for 3-dimensional elasticity, finally by A. Einstein (1915) for 4-dimensional elasticity, both with a variational procedure introduced by C. Lanczos (1949, 1962) in order to relate potentials to Lagrange multipliers. Using the methods of Algebraic Analysis, namely mixing differential geometry with homological algebra and combining the double duality test involved with the Spencer cohomology, we shall be able to extend these results to an arbitrary situation with an arbitrary dimension n. We shall also explain why double duality is perfectly adapted to variational calculus with differential constraints as a way to eliminate the corresponding Lagrange multipliers. For example, the canonical parametrization of the stress equations is just described by the formal adjoint of the components of the linearized Riemann tensor considered as a linear second order differential operator but the minimum number of potentials needed is equal to for any minimal parametrization, the Einstein parametrization being “in between” with potentials. We provide all the above results without even using indices for writing down explicit formulas in the way it is done in any textbook today, but it could be strictly impossible to obtain them without using the above methods. We also revisit the possibility (Maxwell equations of electromagnetism) or the impossibility (Einstein equations of gravitation) to obtain canonical or minimal parametrizations for various equations of physics. It is nevertheless important to notice that, when n and the algorithms presented are known, most of the calculations can be achieved by using computers for the corresponding symbolic computations. Finally, though the paper is mathematically oriented as it aims providing new insights towards the mathematical foundations of general relativity, it is written in a rather self-contained way.展开更多
The standard model of particle physics forms a consistent system for universe description. After following quantum mechanics, it derives particles from relativistic quantum fields. Since it does not include gravitatio...The standard model of particle physics forms a consistent system for universe description. After following quantum mechanics, it derives particles from relativistic quantum fields. Since it does not include gravitation, it describes only one aspect of the universe. In extension of general relativity, Einstein had proposed a symmetrical and complementary approach of physics. In his program, he privileged a relativist field based on representations for physical phenomena, before a precise mathematical description. It allows completing and unifying the universe description, like both eyes for relief vision, and both ears for stereophonic audition. We propose to show it with many simple examples.展开更多
文摘Ordinary energy and dark energy density are determined using a Cosserat-Cartan and killing-Yano reinterpretation of Einstein’s special and general relativity. Thus starting from a maximally symmetric space with 528 killing vector fields corresponding to Witten’s five Branes model in eleven dimensional M-theory we reason that 504 of the 528 are essentially the components of the relevant killing-Yano tensor. In turn this tensor is related to hidden symmetries and torsional coupled stresses of the Cosserat micro-polar space as well as the Einstein-Cartan connection. Proceeding in this way the dark energy density is found to be that of Einstein’s maximal energy mc2 where m is the mass and c is the speed of light multiplied with a Lorentz factor equal to the ratio of the 504 killing-Yano tensor and the 528 states maximally symmetric space. Thus we have E (dark) = mc2 (504/528) = mc2 (21/22) which is about 95.5% of the total maximal energy density in astounding agreement with COBE, WMAP and Planck cosmological measurements as well as the type 1a supernova analysis. Finally theory and results are validated via a related theory based on the degrees of freedom of pure gravity, the theory of nonlocal elasticity as well as ‘t Hooft-Veltman renormalization method.
文摘The present note is concerned with two connected and highly important fundamental questions of physics and cosmology, namely if E8E8 Lie symmetry group describes the universe and where cosmic dark energy comes from. Furthermore, we reason following Wheeler, Hartle and Hawking that since the boundary of a boundary is an empty set which models the quantum wave of the cosmos, then it follows that dark energy is a fundamental physical phenomenon associated with the boundary of the holographic boundary. This leads directly to a clopen universe which is its own Penrose tiling-like multiverse with energy density in full agreement with COBE, WMAP and Type 1a supernova cosmic measurements.
文摘The present short paper is concerned with accurate explanation as well as quantification of the so called missing dark energy of the cosmos. It was always one of the main objectives of any successful general theory of high energy particle physics and quantum cosmology to keep non-physical negative norms, the so called ghosts completely out of that theory. The present work takes the completely contrary view by admitting these supposedly spurious states as part of the physical Hilbert space. It is further shown that rethinking the ghost free condition with the two critical spacetime dimensions D<sub>1</sub> = 26 and D<sub>2</sub> = 25 together with the corresponding intercept a<sub>1</sub> = 1 and a<sub>2</sub> ≤ 1 respectively and in addition imposing, as in Gross et al. heterotic superstrings, an overall 496 dimensional exceptional Lie symmetry group, then one will discover that there are two distinct types of energy. The first is positive norm ordinary energy connected to the zero set quantum particles which is very close to the measured ordinary energy density of the cosmos, namely E(O) = mc<sup>2</sup>/22. The second is negative norm (i.e. ghost) energy connected to the empty set quantum wave and is equal to the conjectured dark energy density of the cosmos E(D) = mc<sup>2</sup> (21/22) presumed to be behind the observed accelerated cosmic expansion. That way we were able to not only explain the physics of dark energy without adding any new concepts or novel additional ingredients but also we were able to compute the dark energy density accurately and in full agreement with measurements and observations.
文摘The topological speed of light which may be used to compute the density of ordinary energy and dark energy of the cosmos is replaced by dimensionless quantity taken from Special Relativity. The said quantity may be interpreted as akin to time dilation ergo a notion topologically equivalent to the speed of the passing of time or the difference of elapsed time between two events in Einstein’s Relativity Theory. This results via Newton’s kinetic energy into the well-known observationally confirmed and accurately measured 4.5 and 95.5 percent of ordinary and dark Cosmic Energy density respectively.
文摘The aim of the present paper is to explain and accurately calculate the missing dark energy density of the cosmos by scaling the Planck scale and using the methodology of the relatively novel discipline of cosmic crystallography and Hawking-Hartle quantum wave solution of Wheeler-DeWitt equation. Following this road we arrive at a modified version of Einstein’s energy mass relation E = mc2 which predicts a cosmological energy density in astonishing accord with the WMAP and supernova measurements and analysis. We develop non-constructively what may be termed super symmetric Penrose fractal tiling and find that the isomorphic length of this tiling is equal to the self affinity radius of a universe which resembles an 11 dimensional Hilbert cube or a fractal M-theory with a Hausdorff dimension where. It then turns out that the correct maximal quantum relativity energy-mass equation for intergalactic scales is a simple relativistic scaling, in the sense of Weyl-Nottale, of Einstein’s classical equation, namely EQR = (1/2)(1/) moc2 = 0.0450849 mc2 and that this energy is the ordinary measurable energy density of the quantum particle. This means that almost 95.5% of the energy of the cosmos is dark energy which by quantum particle-wave duality is the absolute value of the energy of the quantum wave and is proportional to the square of the curvature of the curled dimension of spacetime namely where and is Hardy’s probability of quantum entanglement. Because of the quantum wave collapse on measurement this energy cannot be measured using our current technologies. The same result is obtained by involving all the 17 Stein spaces corresponding to 17 types of the wallpaper groups as well as the 230-11=219 three dimensional crystallographic group which gives the number of the first level of massless particle-like states in Heterotic string theory. All these diverse subjects find here a unified view point leading to the same result regarding the missing dark energy of the universe, which turned out to by synonymous with the absolute value of the energy of the Hawking-Hartle quantum wave solution of Wheeler-DeWitt equation while ordinary energy is the energy of the quantum particle into which the Hawking-Hartle wave collapse at cosmic energy measurement. In other words it is in the very act of measurement which causes our inability to measure the “Dark energy of the quantum wave” in any direct way. The only hope if any to detect dark energy and utilize it in nuclear reactors is future development of sophisticated quantum wave non-demolition measurement instruments.
文摘We compute the dark energy and ordinary energy density of the cosmos as a double Eigenvalue problem. In addition, we validate the result using two different theories. The first theory is based on Witten’s 11 dimensional spacetime and the second is based on ‘tHooft’s fractal renormalization spacetime. In all cases, the robust result is E(O) = mc2/22 for ordinary energy and E(D) = mc2(21/22) for dark energy. Adding E(O) to E(D) we obtain Einstein’s famous equation which confirms special relativity, although it adds a quantum twist to its interpretation. This new interpretation is vital because it brings relativity theory in line with modern cosmological measurements and observations. In particular, we replace calculus by Weyl scaling in all computation which is essentially transfinite discrete.
文摘Special Relativity sets tight constraints on the form of the possible relations between the four-momentum of a particle and the wave four-vector. In fact, we demonstrate that there is just one way, according to Special Relativity, to relate the energy and the momentum of a corpuscle with the characteristics of a plane wave, frequency and wave vector, if the momentum has to flow in the same direction of the wave propagation: the laws must be of direct proportionality like de Broglie and Planck-Einstein equations.
文摘We utilize the topological-geometrical structure imposed by the Heterotic superstring theory on spacetime in conjunction with the K3 Kähler manifold to explain the mysterious nature of dark matter and its coupling to the pure dark energy density of the cosmos. The analogous situations in the case of a Kerr black hole as well as the redundant components of the Riemannian tensor are pointed out and the final result was found to be in complete agreement with all previous theoretical ones as well as all recent accurate measurements and cosmic observations. We conclude by commenting briefly on the Cantorian model of Zitterbewegung and the connection between Olbers’s paradox and dark energy.
文摘The discovery of "twin quasi-stellar objects" arose interests among astronomers and astrophysicists to study gravitational leasing problem. Deviation of light from straight path is caused by the presence of massive objects, i.e., the presence of gravitational field according to the general theory of relativity. It is shown that the low energy effective field theory on D-branes is of the Born-Infeld type. In this work a Born-Infeld type gravitational field is pasttflated. An explicit representation of the angular deviation of light path is derived based on the space time metric in the Born-Infeld theory.
文摘This brief note describes a method by which numerous empirically-determined quantum constants of nature can be substituted into Einstein’s field equation (EFE) for general relativity. This method involves treating the ratio <em>G/<span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;">ћ</span></span></span></span></em> as an empirical constant of nature in its own right. This ratio is repre- sented by a new symbol, <em>N</em><sub><em>T</em></sub>. It turns out that the value of <em>N</em><sub><em>T</em></sub> (which is 6.32891937 × 10<sup>23</sup> m<span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;">⋅</span></span></span></span></span></span>kg<sup>-2</sup><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;">⋅</span></span></span></span></span></span>s<sup>-1</sup>) is within 5% of Avogadro’s number<em> N</em><sub><em>A</em></sub>, although the units are clearly different. Nevertheless, substitutions of <em>N</em><sub><em>T</em></sub> or <em>N</em><sub><em>A</em></sub> into the EFE, as shown, should yield an absolute value similar in magnitude to that calculated by the conventional EFE. The method described allows for quantum term EFE substitutions into Einstein’s gravitational constant <em>κ</em>. These terms include <em><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;">ћ</span></span></span></span></em>, <em>α</em>, <em>m</em><sub><em>e</em></sub>, <em>m</em><sub><em>p</em></sub>, <em>R</em>, <em>k</em><sub><em>B</em></sub>, <em>F, e, M<sub>U</sub></em>, and <em>m</em><sub><em>U</em></sub>. More importantly, perhaps, one or more of the many new expressions given for <em>κ</em> may provide a more accurate result than <em>κ</em> incorporating <em>G</em>. If so, this may have important implications for additional forward progress towards unification. Whether any of these new expressions for Einstein’s field equation can move us closer to quantizing gravity remains to be determined.
文摘The purpose of this paper is to revisit the well known potentials, also called stress functions, needed in order to study the parametrizations of the stress equations, respectively provided by G.B. Airy (1863) for 2-dimensional elasticity, then by E. Beltrami (1892), J.C. Maxwell (1870) for 3-dimensional elasticity, finally by A. Einstein (1915) for 4-dimensional elasticity, both with a variational procedure introduced by C. Lanczos (1949, 1962) in order to relate potentials to Lagrange multipliers. Using the methods of Algebraic Analysis, namely mixing differential geometry with homological algebra and combining the double duality test involved with the Spencer cohomology, we shall be able to extend these results to an arbitrary situation with an arbitrary dimension n. We shall also explain why double duality is perfectly adapted to variational calculus with differential constraints as a way to eliminate the corresponding Lagrange multipliers. For example, the canonical parametrization of the stress equations is just described by the formal adjoint of the components of the linearized Riemann tensor considered as a linear second order differential operator but the minimum number of potentials needed is equal to for any minimal parametrization, the Einstein parametrization being “in between” with potentials. We provide all the above results without even using indices for writing down explicit formulas in the way it is done in any textbook today, but it could be strictly impossible to obtain them without using the above methods. We also revisit the possibility (Maxwell equations of electromagnetism) or the impossibility (Einstein equations of gravitation) to obtain canonical or minimal parametrizations for various equations of physics. It is nevertheless important to notice that, when n and the algorithms presented are known, most of the calculations can be achieved by using computers for the corresponding symbolic computations. Finally, though the paper is mathematically oriented as it aims providing new insights towards the mathematical foundations of general relativity, it is written in a rather self-contained way.
文摘The standard model of particle physics forms a consistent system for universe description. After following quantum mechanics, it derives particles from relativistic quantum fields. Since it does not include gravitation, it describes only one aspect of the universe. In extension of general relativity, Einstein had proposed a symmetrical and complementary approach of physics. In his program, he privileged a relativist field based on representations for physical phenomena, before a precise mathematical description. It allows completing and unifying the universe description, like both eyes for relief vision, and both ears for stereophonic audition. We propose to show it with many simple examples.