This paper presents a new elasticity and finite element formulation for different Young's modulus when tension and compression loadings in anisotropy media. The case studies, such as anisotropy and isotropy, were ...This paper presents a new elasticity and finite element formulation for different Young's modulus when tension and compression loadings in anisotropy media. The case studies, such as anisotropy and isotropy, were investigated. A numerical example was shown to find out the changes of neutral axis at the pure bending beams.展开更多
This study was conducted to analyze the effect of joint type, and numbers and types of dovetail keys on diagonal tension and compression performance of corner joints in a furniture frame. Joint members were cut from w...This study was conducted to analyze the effect of joint type, and numbers and types of dovetail keys on diagonal tension and compression performance of corner joints in a furniture frame. Joint members were cut from white fir lumber. Butted and mitered joints were constructed with one and two dovetail key(s) with butterfly and H shapes. Joints were glued by polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) and cynoacrylate (CA). Compression capacity of joints was higher than diagonal tension. Mitered joints were stronger than butted ones. Butterfly dovetail keys were superior to H shape keys. Double keys performed better than single key. Experimental joints glued with PVAc were stronger than those glued with CA glue and control specimens. In terms of strength, butterfly dovetailed joints were comparable with doweled joints.展开更多
Considering strain localization in the form of a narrow band initiated just at peak stress, three analytical expressions for stressstrain curves of quasibrittle geomaterial (such as rock and concrete) in uniaxial tens...Considering strain localization in the form of a narrow band initiated just at peak stress, three analytical expressions for stressstrain curves of quasibrittle geomaterial (such as rock and concrete) in uniaxial tension, direct shear and uniaxial compression were presented, respectively. The three derived stressstrain curves were generalized as a unified formula. Beyond the onset of strain localization, a linear strain-softening constitutive relation for localized band was assigned. The size of the band was controlled by internal or characteristic length according to gradient-dependent plasticity. Elastic strain within the entire specimen was assumed to be uniform and decreased with the increase of plastic strain in localized band. Total strain of the specimen was decomposed into elastic and plastic parts. Plastic strain of the specimen was the average value of plastic strains in localized band over the entire specimen. For different heights, the predicted softening branches of the relative stressstrain curves in uniaxial compression are consistent with the previously experimental results for normal concrete specimens. The present expressions for the post-peak stressdeformation curves in uniaxial tension and direct shear agree with the previously numerical results based on gradient-dependent plasticity.展开更多
The tension and compression of face-centered-cubic high-entropy alloy(HEA) nanowires are significantly asymmetric, but the tension–compression asymmetry in nanoscale body-centered-cubic(BCC) HEAs is still unclear. In...The tension and compression of face-centered-cubic high-entropy alloy(HEA) nanowires are significantly asymmetric, but the tension–compression asymmetry in nanoscale body-centered-cubic(BCC) HEAs is still unclear. In this study,the tension–compression asymmetry of the BCC Al Cr Fe Co Ni HEA nanowire is investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. The results show a significant asymmetry in both the yield and flow stresses, with BCC HEA nanowire stronger under compression than under tension. The strength asymmetry originates from the completely different deformation mechanisms in tension and compression. In compression, atomic amorphization dominates plastic deformation and contributes to the strengthening, while in tension, deformation twinning prevails and weakens the HEA nanowire.The tension–compression asymmetry exhibits a clear trend of increasing with the increasing nanowire cross-sectional edge length and decreasing temperature. In particular, the compressive strengths along the [001] and [111] crystallographic orientations are stronger than the tensile counterparts, while the [110] crystallographic orientation shows the exactly opposite trend. The dependences of tension–compression asymmetry on the cross-sectional edge length, crystallographic orientation,and temperature are explained in terms of the deformation behavior of HEA nanowire as well as its variations caused by the change in these influential factors. These findings may deepen our understanding of the tension–compression asymmetry of the BCC HEA nanowires.展开更多
Existence of tension–compression yield asymmetry is a serious limitation to the load bearing capablities of Magnesium alloys in a number of light weight structural applications.The present work is aimed at nullifying...Existence of tension–compression yield asymmetry is a serious limitation to the load bearing capablities of Magnesium alloys in a number of light weight structural applications.The present work is aimed at nullifying the tension to compression asymmetry problem and strain hardening anomalies in a Magnesium–Silver–Rare Earth alloy by engineering different levels of microstructural conditions via friction stir processing and post process annealing.The existence and extent of yield asymmetry ratio in the range of microstructural conditions was experimentally obtained through quasistatic tensile and compression tests.The yield asymmetry problem was profoundly present in specimens of coarse grained microstructures when compared to their fine grained and ultra fine grained counterparts.The impact of the microstructure and associated mechanisms of plasticity on the macroscopic strain hardening behavior was established by Kock–Mecking’s analysis.Crystal plasticity simulations using Viscoplastic Self Consistency approach revealed the consequential role of extension twinning mechanism for the existence of yield asymmetry and anomalies in strain hardening behavior.This was especially dominant with coarsening of grain size.Electron Microscopy and characterization were conducted thoroughly in partially deformed specimens to confirm the predictions of the above simulations.The role of crystallographic texture for inducing the polarity to Tension–Compression yield asymmetry was corroborated.A critical grain size in Magnesium–Silver–Rare earth alloy was hereby established which could nullify influences of extension twinning in yield asymmetry ratio.展开更多
An expansion theory of spherical cavities in strain-softening materials with different moduli of tension and com-pression was presented. For geomaterials,two controlling parameters were introduced to take into account...An expansion theory of spherical cavities in strain-softening materials with different moduli of tension and com-pression was presented. For geomaterials,two controlling parameters were introduced to take into account the different moduli and strain-softening properties. By means of elastic theory with different moduli and stress-softening models,general solutions cal-culating Tresca and Mohr-Coulomb materials' stress and displacement fields of expansion of spherical cavity were derived. The effects caused by different elastic moduli in tensile and compression and strain-softening rates on stress and displacement fields and development of plastic zone of expansion of cavity were analyzed. The results show that the ultimate expansion pressure,stress and displacement fields and development of plastic zone vary with the different elastic moduli and strain-softening prop-erties. If classical elastic theory is adopted and strain-softening properties are neglected,rather large errors may be the result.展开更多
Starting from the ideas of Conventional Post Tensioning we present a heuristic argument of advantages of combined actions of post compression along with post tensioned technique for a PSC member through a Design Examp...Starting from the ideas of Conventional Post Tensioning we present a heuristic argument of advantages of combined actions of post compression along with post tensioned technique for a PSC member through a Design Example. Our aim was to assess the characterization of a pre stressed member if it was?to be under the Load effects of post compressing a bar with post tensioned method through hydraulic jacks as the reinforcements in the tensioned zone of conventional PSC bridge were to be compressed in order to induce internal tensile stress similar to internal compressive stresses developed due to conventional post tensioned design. The results ultimately concluded that post compressing a Slender bar by a pre stressing force in the compression zone by a value equal to 0.1?-?0.7 times the pre stressing force in the tension zone would eventually lead to cancelling out of tensile and compressive stresses, thereby forming the desired section which is comparatively smaller in size but can account for sustainability. The anchorage at the top end was?provided by special slender steel rods to eliminate the compressive stresses. All the dead loads?were?counteracted by the action of prestress and the bridge section was able to carry only live load which is deduced through examples in the article.展开更多
Stability analyses of perfect and imperfect cylindrical shells under axial compression and torsion were presented. Finite element method for the stability analysis of perfect cylindrical shells was put forward through...Stability analyses of perfect and imperfect cylindrical shells under axial compression and torsion were presented. Finite element method for the stability analysis of perfect cylindrical shells was put forward through comparing critical loads and the first buckling modes with those obtained through theoretical analysis. Two typical initial defects, non-circularity and uneven thickness distribution, were studied. Critical loads decline with the increase of non-circularity, which exist in imperfect cylindrical shells under both axial compression and torsion. Non-circularity defect has no effect on the first buckling mode when cylindrical shell is under torsion. Unfortunately, it has a completely different buckling mode when cylindrical shell is under axial compression. Critical loads decline with the increase of thickness defect amplitude, which exist in imperfect cylindrical shells under both axial compression and torsion, too. A greater wave number is conducive to the stability of cylindrical shells. The first buckling mode of imperfect cylindrical shells under torsion maintains its original shape, but it changes with wave number when the cylindrical shell is under axial compression.展开更多
“Push-and-pull”efficient structures have been inconceivable between XVIII centuries.It is because of the incapacity of obtain an efficient behaviour of tensioned material.Since XVIII centuries,architecture developed...“Push-and-pull”efficient structures have been inconceivable between XVIII centuries.It is because of the incapacity of obtain an efficient behaviour of tensioned material.Since XVIII centuries,architecture developed some structural knowledge generating novel structural forms in the architecture and engineering that were not known before.Tensegrities and tensioned structures were studied due to the knowledge of geometry and tension.Some investigations about tensegrities and tensioned structures have been developed since that moment.Tensegrities are bar and cable structures that work only in compression or tension efforts.Bars and cables are balanced,but in appearance the growth is disorderly.Most of deployable structures are based on tensegrity systems.The research is focused in presenting a summary of tensegrities and tensioned architectures that have been used in the structural design of novel patterns.The research of adequate materials to tension efforts will be crucial in this study.The investigation presents an important state of the art that provides technical solutions to apply on novel architectures based on tensegrities and tensioned structures.The research is useful to produce the current constructive solutions based on these constructive systems.展开更多
The major objective of this research was to discuss the effects of loading rate on the flexural-tension properties and uniaxial compressive strength of micro-surfacing mixture using three-point bending test and uniaxi...The major objective of this research was to discuss the effects of loading rate on the flexural-tension properties and uniaxial compressive strength of micro-surfacing mixture using three-point bending test and uniaxial compressive test respectively. As a preventive maintenance surface treatment on asphalt pavement, micro-surfacing was formed on the basis of the ISSA recommendation of an optimum micro-surfacing design. Tests were conducted over a wide range of temperature to investigate the difference of properties from low loading rate to a relatively high loading rate. Three-point bending test was used to study the flexural strength, strain and modulus of micro-surfacing mixture, and uniaxial compressive test was carried out to obtain the relationship between strength and the loading rate as well as temperature. The experimental results showed that flexural strength at high loading rate was larger than that at low loading rate. The flexural strength difference between low and high loading rate enlarged when the temperature rose. The flexural strain at high loading rate increased compared with results of the low loading rate. Results of the flexural modulus revealed that micro-surfacing mixture exhibited better anti-cracking characteristic at low temperature when given a relatively low loading rate. Results of uniaxial compressive test revealed that the strength difference of micro-surfacing among different loading rates increased with the increase of temperature. The logarithm relationship between the strength and loading rate over a wide range of temperature was obtained to compare the experimental and predicted values, which resulting in a reasonable consistency.展开更多
A new bionic approach is presented to find the optimal topologies of a structure with tension-only or compression-onlymaterial based on bone remodelling theory.By traditional methods,the computational cost of topology...A new bionic approach is presented to find the optimal topologies of a structure with tension-only or compression-onlymaterial based on bone remodelling theory.By traditional methods,the computational cost of topology optimization of thestructure is high due to material nonlinearity.To improve the efficiency of optimization,the reference-interval with material-replacement method is presented.In the method,firstly,the optimization process of a structure is considered as bone remodellingprocess under the same loading conditions.A reference interval of Strain Energy Density (SED),corresponding to thedead zone or lazy zone in bone mechanics,is adopted to control the update of the design variables.Secondly,a material-replacement scheme is used to simplify the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of structure in optimization.In the operation ofmaterial-replacement,the original tension-only or compression-only material in design domain is replaced with a new isotropicmaterial and the Effective Strain Energy Density (ESED) of each element can be obtained.Finally,the update of design variablesis determined by comparing the local ESED and the current reference interval of SED,e.g.,the increment of a relativedensity is nonzero if the local ESED is out of the current reference interval.Numerical results validate the method.展开更多
Fatigue tests were conducted on tapered plain concrete prism specimens under tri axial constant-amplitude tension-compression cyclic loading. The low stress of the cyclic loading was taken as 0.2f c and the upper st...Fatigue tests were conducted on tapered plain concrete prism specimens under tri axial constant-amplitude tension-compression cyclic loading. The low stress of the cyclic loading was taken as 0.2f c and the upper stress ranged from 0. 20f t to 0.65f t. Three constant lateral pressures were 0.1f c, 0.2f c and 0.3f c respec tively. Based on the results, the th ree-stage evolution rule of the fatigue stiffness, maximum(minimum) longitudina l strain and damage were analyzed, and a unified S-N curve to calculate fati gue strength factors was worked out. The results show that the fatigue strength and fa tigue life under triaxial constant-amplitude tension-compression cyclic loadin g are smaller than those under uniaxial fatigue condition. Moreover, the secondary strain creep rate is related to the fatigue life, a formula for describing thei r relation was derived. The investigation of this paper can provide information for the fatigue design of concrete structures.展开更多
An experimental study on performance of plain concrete under triaxial constant-amplitude and variable amplitude tension- compression cyclic loadings was carded out. The low level of the cyclic stress is 0. 2f and the ...An experimental study on performance of plain concrete under triaxial constant-amplitude and variable amplitude tension- compression cyclic loadings was carded out. The low level of the cyclic stress is 0. 2f and the upper level ranges between 0. 20f and 0. 55f., while the constant lateral pressure is 0. 3 f . The specimen failure mode, the three-stage evolution rule of the longitudinal strains and the damage evolution law under cyclic loading were analyzed. Furthermore, Miner's rule is proved not to be applicable to the cyclic loading conditions, hereby, a nonlinear cumulative damage model was established. Based on the model the remaining fatigue life was evaluated. The comparison whh the experiment resuhs shaws that the model is of better precision and applicability.展开更多
A series of experimental studies was carried out to investigate the influences of pretorsion on microstructure evolution, mechanical properties, and fracture appearance of pure titanium subjected to subsequent tension...A series of experimental studies was carried out to investigate the influences of pretorsion on microstructure evolution, mechanical properties, and fracture appearance of pure titanium subjected to subsequent tension deformation. An introduction of pre-torsion strain can improve the materials' mechanical properties through micro hardness evaluation. That is, the micro hardness of tensile samples with pre-torsion deformation is much higher than that of samples processed by single torsion or tension. It can be seen from the microstructure that pre-torsion deformation can be used to refine grains better and control grains' morphology by combining subsequent tension. The results indicate that the grains are refined most evidently for tensile samples with 2 turn pre-torsion deformation. Moreover, fracture analysis indicates that tensile samples with pre-torsion strain can present good comprehensive performance. In conclusion, pre-torsion deformation plays an important role in improving comprehensive performance and controlling microstructure evolution on pure titanium subjected to later tension deformation.展开更多
The fracture characteristics of fully pearlitic steel wires with fine and randomly oriented lamellae have been investigated after tension and torsion, respectively. It is found that the predominant fracture mode under...The fracture characteristics of fully pearlitic steel wires with fine and randomly oriented lamellae have been investigated after tension and torsion, respectively. It is found that the predominant fracture mode under small pre- deformation is dimple. The analysis of the colony size and the lamellar structure near the fracture surface indicates that each dimple roots from one colony. A simulation of tensile deformation with several pearlitic colonies based on the real scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation shows that the plastic deformation concentrates and the stress t^hxialit~" is larger ~it the boundaries bf colonies. It demonstrates the microe/'a^ks initialize at colony boundaries. Thus, the colony size is a significant factor for fracture behaviors under small pre-deformation. On the other hand, the fracture surface is investigated after large pre-deformation via torsion. The results show that fracture characteristics vary with radius from dimples, elongated dimples to the fibrous structure. It indicates that the fracture charac-teristics are dependent on the pre-deformation. The fracture mode under large pre-deformation becomes an anisotropic fibrous structure instead of dimples.展开更多
To consider the anisotropic damage in fatigue, an improved boom-panel model is presented to simulate a representative volume element (RVE) in the framework of continuum damage mechanics. The anisotropic damage state o...To consider the anisotropic damage in fatigue, an improved boom-panel model is presented to simulate a representative volume element (RVE) in the framework of continuum damage mechanics. The anisotropic damage state of the RVE is described by the continuity extents of booms and panels, whose damage evolutions are assumed to be isotropic. The numerical implementation is proposed on the basis of damage mechanics and the finite element method. Finally, the approach is applied to the fatigue life prediction of 2A12-T4 aluminium alloy specimen under cyclic loading of tension-torsion. The results indicate a good agreement with the experimental data.展开更多
Elevators used in ultra-high buildings are prone to vibrating due to their ultra-long traction ropes,which significantly affects the comfort and safety of high-speed elevators.Therefore,vibration of the elevator has a...Elevators used in ultra-high buildings are prone to vibrating due to their ultra-long traction ropes,which significantly affects the comfort and safety of high-speed elevators.Therefore,vibration of the elevator has always been a topic of research interest.This paper presents a theoretical model for analyzing the tension–torsion coupling vibration of the time-varying elevator traction system.The constitutive relations with the tension–torsion coupling effect of the wire rope are reduced by analyzing the deformation mechanism of the spiral winding wire rope.Based on Hamilton’s principle,the equations of motion and corresponding boundary conditions for the tension–torsion coupling vibration of the elevator traction system are derived.The Galerkin method is employed to account for the influence of nonlinear boundary conditions and to transform the equations of motion into discrete ones with variable coefficients of time,which are solved using the Newmark-βmethod.The accuracy of the proposed model is justified by the good agreement between theoretical predictions and experimental results,following which,the influence of the operation status and structural parameters of the elevator traction system on its vibration performance is discussed in detail.展开更多
The strength asymmetry between tension and compression is a typical case of mechanical response of materials.Here we achieve the intrinsic strength asymmetry of six face-centered-cubic perfect crystals(Cu,Au,Ni,Pt,Al...The strength asymmetry between tension and compression is a typical case of mechanical response of materials.Here we achieve the intrinsic strength asymmetry of six face-centered-cubic perfect crystals(Cu,Au,Ni,Pt,Al and Ir)through calculating the ideal tensile and compressive strength with considering the normal stress effect and the competition between different crystallographic planes.The results show that both the intrinsic factors(the ideal shear strength and cleavage strength of low-index planes)and the orientation could affect the strength asymmetry,which may provide insights into understanding the strength of ultra-strong materials.展开更多
In recent years, the micro-deformation mechanisms of the tension/compression behavior for nickel-base single-crystal superalloys have been studied extensively and general agreements have been derived. Based on these r...In recent years, the micro-deformation mechanisms of the tension/compression behavior for nickel-base single-crystal superalloys have been studied extensively and general agreements have been derived. Based on these researches, a new model called united tension/compression asymmetry micro-mechanical model (UTCAM) has been proposed, which can effectively estimate the initial yield strength of nickel-base single-crystal (SC) superalloys under different loading directions. Considering the combined effects of octahedral slip system and cubic slip system, slip control factor is introduced in the UTCAM to determine the type of the open slip system of nickel-base single-crystal superalloys during deformation, thus making this model cover a rather wide range of application. Furthermore, the UTCAM is applied to hot tension and compression tests of three typical nickel-base SC superalloys (PWA1480-593 ℃, RENE N4-760 ℃ and DD407-760 ℃). The predicted initial yield strengths of the nickel-base SC superalloys are in good agreement with the experimental results, and the UTCAM proves to be effective.展开更多
To apply the compression-type anchor to deep roadways, this paper analyzes and summaries the bearing mechanism, shear stress distribution of the grout body and engineering application of the compression-type anchor. T...To apply the compression-type anchor to deep roadways, this paper analyzes and summaries the bearing mechanism, shear stress distribution of the grout body and engineering application of the compression-type anchor. The analysis shows that the compression-type anchor has the advantages of reasonable grout body stress form, high loading capacity, good corrosion resistance and durability. The analysis also indicates that further study on the stress distribution of the compression-type anchor’s grout body and the design of a new compression-type anchor with high strength initial support, simple structure, and small diameter that is suitable for the surrounding rock in deep roadway engineering is necessary to apply compression-type anchor supporting technology to the deep roadway.展开更多
文摘This paper presents a new elasticity and finite element formulation for different Young's modulus when tension and compression loadings in anisotropy media. The case studies, such as anisotropy and isotropy, were investigated. A numerical example was shown to find out the changes of neutral axis at the pure bending beams.
文摘This study was conducted to analyze the effect of joint type, and numbers and types of dovetail keys on diagonal tension and compression performance of corner joints in a furniture frame. Joint members were cut from white fir lumber. Butted and mitered joints were constructed with one and two dovetail key(s) with butterfly and H shapes. Joints were glued by polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) and cynoacrylate (CA). Compression capacity of joints was higher than diagonal tension. Mitered joints were stronger than butted ones. Butterfly dovetail keys were superior to H shape keys. Double keys performed better than single key. Experimental joints glued with PVAc were stronger than those glued with CA glue and control specimens. In terms of strength, butterfly dovetailed joints were comparable with doweled joints.
文摘Considering strain localization in the form of a narrow band initiated just at peak stress, three analytical expressions for stressstrain curves of quasibrittle geomaterial (such as rock and concrete) in uniaxial tension, direct shear and uniaxial compression were presented, respectively. The three derived stressstrain curves were generalized as a unified formula. Beyond the onset of strain localization, a linear strain-softening constitutive relation for localized band was assigned. The size of the band was controlled by internal or characteristic length according to gradient-dependent plasticity. Elastic strain within the entire specimen was assumed to be uniform and decreased with the increase of plastic strain in localized band. Total strain of the specimen was decomposed into elastic and plastic parts. Plastic strain of the specimen was the average value of plastic strains in localized band over the entire specimen. For different heights, the predicted softening branches of the relative stressstrain curves in uniaxial compression are consistent with the previously experimental results for normal concrete specimens. The present expressions for the post-peak stressdeformation curves in uniaxial tension and direct shear agree with the previously numerical results based on gradient-dependent plasticity.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.12272118)the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No.2022YFE03030003)。
文摘The tension and compression of face-centered-cubic high-entropy alloy(HEA) nanowires are significantly asymmetric, but the tension–compression asymmetry in nanoscale body-centered-cubic(BCC) HEAs is still unclear. In this study,the tension–compression asymmetry of the BCC Al Cr Fe Co Ni HEA nanowire is investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. The results show a significant asymmetry in both the yield and flow stresses, with BCC HEA nanowire stronger under compression than under tension. The strength asymmetry originates from the completely different deformation mechanisms in tension and compression. In compression, atomic amorphization dominates plastic deformation and contributes to the strengthening, while in tension, deformation twinning prevails and weakens the HEA nanowire.The tension–compression asymmetry exhibits a clear trend of increasing with the increasing nanowire cross-sectional edge length and decreasing temperature. In particular, the compressive strengths along the [001] and [111] crystallographic orientations are stronger than the tensile counterparts, while the [110] crystallographic orientation shows the exactly opposite trend. The dependences of tension–compression asymmetry on the cross-sectional edge length, crystallographic orientation,and temperature are explained in terms of the deformation behavior of HEA nanowire as well as its variations caused by the change in these influential factors. These findings may deepen our understanding of the tension–compression asymmetry of the BCC HEA nanowires.
基金Department of Science and Technology,India[grant number of DST/TDT/AMT/2017/211(G)(MEE/18-19/412/DSTX/SUSH)for the financial supportFIST grant,Department of Science and Technology,India[grant number SR/FST/ET11-059/2012(G)]for funding electron microscope facility。
文摘Existence of tension–compression yield asymmetry is a serious limitation to the load bearing capablities of Magnesium alloys in a number of light weight structural applications.The present work is aimed at nullifying the tension to compression asymmetry problem and strain hardening anomalies in a Magnesium–Silver–Rare Earth alloy by engineering different levels of microstructural conditions via friction stir processing and post process annealing.The existence and extent of yield asymmetry ratio in the range of microstructural conditions was experimentally obtained through quasistatic tensile and compression tests.The yield asymmetry problem was profoundly present in specimens of coarse grained microstructures when compared to their fine grained and ultra fine grained counterparts.The impact of the microstructure and associated mechanisms of plasticity on the macroscopic strain hardening behavior was established by Kock–Mecking’s analysis.Crystal plasticity simulations using Viscoplastic Self Consistency approach revealed the consequential role of extension twinning mechanism for the existence of yield asymmetry and anomalies in strain hardening behavior.This was especially dominant with coarsening of grain size.Electron Microscopy and characterization were conducted thoroughly in partially deformed specimens to confirm the predictions of the above simulations.The role of crystallographic texture for inducing the polarity to Tension–Compression yield asymmetry was corroborated.A critical grain size in Magnesium–Silver–Rare earth alloy was hereby established which could nullify influences of extension twinning in yield asymmetry ratio.
基金Project supported by the National Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China (No.20060400317)the Education Foundation of Zhejiang Province (No.20061459)the Young Foundation of Zhejiang Province (No.0202303005),China
文摘An expansion theory of spherical cavities in strain-softening materials with different moduli of tension and com-pression was presented. For geomaterials,two controlling parameters were introduced to take into account the different moduli and strain-softening properties. By means of elastic theory with different moduli and stress-softening models,general solutions cal-culating Tresca and Mohr-Coulomb materials' stress and displacement fields of expansion of spherical cavity were derived. The effects caused by different elastic moduli in tensile and compression and strain-softening rates on stress and displacement fields and development of plastic zone of expansion of cavity were analyzed. The results show that the ultimate expansion pressure,stress and displacement fields and development of plastic zone vary with the different elastic moduli and strain-softening prop-erties. If classical elastic theory is adopted and strain-softening properties are neglected,rather large errors may be the result.
文摘Starting from the ideas of Conventional Post Tensioning we present a heuristic argument of advantages of combined actions of post compression along with post tensioned technique for a PSC member through a Design Example. Our aim was to assess the characterization of a pre stressed member if it was?to be under the Load effects of post compressing a bar with post tensioned method through hydraulic jacks as the reinforcements in the tensioned zone of conventional PSC bridge were to be compressed in order to induce internal tensile stress similar to internal compressive stresses developed due to conventional post tensioned design. The results ultimately concluded that post compressing a Slender bar by a pre stressing force in the compression zone by a value equal to 0.1?-?0.7 times the pre stressing force in the tension zone would eventually lead to cancelling out of tensile and compressive stresses, thereby forming the desired section which is comparatively smaller in size but can account for sustainability. The anchorage at the top end was?provided by special slender steel rods to eliminate the compressive stresses. All the dead loads?were?counteracted by the action of prestress and the bridge section was able to carry only live load which is deduced through examples in the article.
基金Project(11102163)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProjects(JC20110218,JC20110260)supported by Foundation for Fundamental Research of Northwestern Polytechnical University,China
文摘Stability analyses of perfect and imperfect cylindrical shells under axial compression and torsion were presented. Finite element method for the stability analysis of perfect cylindrical shells was put forward through comparing critical loads and the first buckling modes with those obtained through theoretical analysis. Two typical initial defects, non-circularity and uneven thickness distribution, were studied. Critical loads decline with the increase of non-circularity, which exist in imperfect cylindrical shells under both axial compression and torsion. Non-circularity defect has no effect on the first buckling mode when cylindrical shell is under torsion. Unfortunately, it has a completely different buckling mode when cylindrical shell is under axial compression. Critical loads decline with the increase of thickness defect amplitude, which exist in imperfect cylindrical shells under both axial compression and torsion, too. A greater wave number is conducive to the stability of cylindrical shells. The first buckling mode of imperfect cylindrical shells under torsion maintains its original shape, but it changes with wave number when the cylindrical shell is under axial compression.
文摘“Push-and-pull”efficient structures have been inconceivable between XVIII centuries.It is because of the incapacity of obtain an efficient behaviour of tensioned material.Since XVIII centuries,architecture developed some structural knowledge generating novel structural forms in the architecture and engineering that were not known before.Tensegrities and tensioned structures were studied due to the knowledge of geometry and tension.Some investigations about tensegrities and tensioned structures have been developed since that moment.Tensegrities are bar and cable structures that work only in compression or tension efforts.Bars and cables are balanced,but in appearance the growth is disorderly.Most of deployable structures are based on tensegrity systems.The research is focused in presenting a summary of tensegrities and tensioned architectures that have been used in the structural design of novel patterns.The research of adequate materials to tension efforts will be crucial in this study.The investigation presents an important state of the art that provides technical solutions to apply on novel architectures based on tensegrities and tensioned structures.The research is useful to produce the current constructive solutions based on these constructive systems.
文摘The major objective of this research was to discuss the effects of loading rate on the flexural-tension properties and uniaxial compressive strength of micro-surfacing mixture using three-point bending test and uniaxial compressive test respectively. As a preventive maintenance surface treatment on asphalt pavement, micro-surfacing was formed on the basis of the ISSA recommendation of an optimum micro-surfacing design. Tests were conducted over a wide range of temperature to investigate the difference of properties from low loading rate to a relatively high loading rate. Three-point bending test was used to study the flexural strength, strain and modulus of micro-surfacing mixture, and uniaxial compressive test was carried out to obtain the relationship between strength and the loading rate as well as temperature. The experimental results showed that flexural strength at high loading rate was larger than that at low loading rate. The flexural strength difference between low and high loading rate enlarged when the temperature rose. The flexural strain at high loading rate increased compared with results of the low loading rate. Results of the flexural modulus revealed that micro-surfacing mixture exhibited better anti-cracking characteristic at low temperature when given a relatively low loading rate. Results of uniaxial compressive test revealed that the strength difference of micro-surfacing among different loading rates increased with the increase of temperature. The logarithm relationship between the strength and loading rate over a wide range of temperature was obtained to compare the experimental and predicted values, which resulting in a reasonable consistency.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.50908190)the Human Resources Foundation of Northwest A&F University(Grant No.Z111020903)
文摘A new bionic approach is presented to find the optimal topologies of a structure with tension-only or compression-onlymaterial based on bone remodelling theory.By traditional methods,the computational cost of topology optimization of thestructure is high due to material nonlinearity.To improve the efficiency of optimization,the reference-interval with material-replacement method is presented.In the method,firstly,the optimization process of a structure is considered as bone remodellingprocess under the same loading conditions.A reference interval of Strain Energy Density (SED),corresponding to thedead zone or lazy zone in bone mechanics,is adopted to control the update of the design variables.Secondly,a material-replacement scheme is used to simplify the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of structure in optimization.In the operation ofmaterial-replacement,the original tension-only or compression-only material in design domain is replaced with a new isotropicmaterial and the Effective Strain Energy Density (ESED) of each element can be obtained.Finally,the update of design variablesis determined by comparing the local ESED and the current reference interval of SED,e.g.,the increment of a relativedensity is nonzero if the local ESED is out of the current reference interval.Numerical results validate the method.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.50078010)
文摘Fatigue tests were conducted on tapered plain concrete prism specimens under tri axial constant-amplitude tension-compression cyclic loading. The low stress of the cyclic loading was taken as 0.2f c and the upper stress ranged from 0. 20f t to 0.65f t. Three constant lateral pressures were 0.1f c, 0.2f c and 0.3f c respec tively. Based on the results, the th ree-stage evolution rule of the fatigue stiffness, maximum(minimum) longitudina l strain and damage were analyzed, and a unified S-N curve to calculate fati gue strength factors was worked out. The results show that the fatigue strength and fa tigue life under triaxial constant-amplitude tension-compression cyclic loadin g are smaller than those under uniaxial fatigue condition. Moreover, the secondary strain creep rate is related to the fatigue life, a formula for describing thei r relation was derived. The investigation of this paper can provide information for the fatigue design of concrete structures.
文摘An experimental study on performance of plain concrete under triaxial constant-amplitude and variable amplitude tension- compression cyclic loadings was carded out. The low level of the cyclic stress is 0. 2f and the upper level ranges between 0. 20f and 0. 55f., while the constant lateral pressure is 0. 3 f . The specimen failure mode, the three-stage evolution rule of the longitudinal strains and the damage evolution law under cyclic loading were analyzed. Furthermore, Miner's rule is proved not to be applicable to the cyclic loading conditions, hereby, a nonlinear cumulative damage model was established. Based on the model the remaining fatigue life was evaluated. The comparison whh the experiment resuhs shaws that the model is of better precision and applicability.
基金supports received from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51275414)the Aeronautical Science Foundation of China (No. 2011ZE53059)+1 种基金the Research Fund of the State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing (NWPU) of China (No. 130-QP-2015)the National College Students Innovation Experiment Program (No. 201610699287)
文摘A series of experimental studies was carried out to investigate the influences of pretorsion on microstructure evolution, mechanical properties, and fracture appearance of pure titanium subjected to subsequent tension deformation. An introduction of pre-torsion strain can improve the materials' mechanical properties through micro hardness evaluation. That is, the micro hardness of tensile samples with pre-torsion deformation is much higher than that of samples processed by single torsion or tension. It can be seen from the microstructure that pre-torsion deformation can be used to refine grains better and control grains' morphology by combining subsequent tension. The results indicate that the grains are refined most evidently for tensile samples with 2 turn pre-torsion deformation. Moreover, fracture analysis indicates that tensile samples with pre-torsion strain can present good comprehensive performance. In conclusion, pre-torsion deformation plays an important role in improving comprehensive performance and controlling microstructure evolution on pure titanium subjected to later tension deformation.
基金Item Sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China(51034009,51404158)Doctoral Initiation Foundation of Liaoning Province of China(201601176)
文摘The fracture characteristics of fully pearlitic steel wires with fine and randomly oriented lamellae have been investigated after tension and torsion, respectively. It is found that the predominant fracture mode under small pre- deformation is dimple. The analysis of the colony size and the lamellar structure near the fracture surface indicates that each dimple roots from one colony. A simulation of tensile deformation with several pearlitic colonies based on the real scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation shows that the plastic deformation concentrates and the stress t^hxialit~" is larger ~it the boundaries bf colonies. It demonstrates the microe/'a^ks initialize at colony boundaries. Thus, the colony size is a significant factor for fracture behaviors under small pre-deformation. On the other hand, the fracture surface is investigated after large pre-deformation via torsion. The results show that fracture characteristics vary with radius from dimples, elongated dimples to the fibrous structure. It indicates that the fracture charac-teristics are dependent on the pre-deformation. The fracture mode under large pre-deformation becomes an anisotropic fibrous structure instead of dimples.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.11102008)
文摘To consider the anisotropic damage in fatigue, an improved boom-panel model is presented to simulate a representative volume element (RVE) in the framework of continuum damage mechanics. The anisotropic damage state of the RVE is described by the continuity extents of booms and panels, whose damage evolutions are assumed to be isotropic. The numerical implementation is proposed on the basis of damage mechanics and the finite element method. Finally, the approach is applied to the fatigue life prediction of 2A12-T4 aluminium alloy specimen under cyclic loading of tension-torsion. The results indicate a good agreement with the experimental data.
基金supported by the Guangdong Natural Science Foundation(No.2021A1515012037).
文摘Elevators used in ultra-high buildings are prone to vibrating due to their ultra-long traction ropes,which significantly affects the comfort and safety of high-speed elevators.Therefore,vibration of the elevator has always been a topic of research interest.This paper presents a theoretical model for analyzing the tension–torsion coupling vibration of the time-varying elevator traction system.The constitutive relations with the tension–torsion coupling effect of the wire rope are reduced by analyzing the deformation mechanism of the spiral winding wire rope.Based on Hamilton’s principle,the equations of motion and corresponding boundary conditions for the tension–torsion coupling vibration of the elevator traction system are derived.The Galerkin method is employed to account for the influence of nonlinear boundary conditions and to transform the equations of motion into discrete ones with variable coefficients of time,which are solved using the Newmark-βmethod.The accuracy of the proposed model is justified by the good agreement between theoretical predictions and experimental results,following which,the influence of the operation status and structural parameters of the elevator traction system on its vibration performance is discussed in detail.
基金financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.51331007,51301174 and 51501190
文摘The strength asymmetry between tension and compression is a typical case of mechanical response of materials.Here we achieve the intrinsic strength asymmetry of six face-centered-cubic perfect crystals(Cu,Au,Ni,Pt,Al and Ir)through calculating the ideal tensile and compressive strength with considering the normal stress effect and the competition between different crystallographic planes.The results show that both the intrinsic factors(the ideal shear strength and cleavage strength of low-index planes)and the orientation could affect the strength asymmetry,which may provide insights into understanding the strength of ultra-strong materials.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(51205190)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.NS2016026)+1 种基金the Aeronautical Power Science Fund Project(6141B090317)the Innovation Fund of Jiangsu Province,China(KYLX-0304).
文摘In recent years, the micro-deformation mechanisms of the tension/compression behavior for nickel-base single-crystal superalloys have been studied extensively and general agreements have been derived. Based on these researches, a new model called united tension/compression asymmetry micro-mechanical model (UTCAM) has been proposed, which can effectively estimate the initial yield strength of nickel-base single-crystal (SC) superalloys under different loading directions. Considering the combined effects of octahedral slip system and cubic slip system, slip control factor is introduced in the UTCAM to determine the type of the open slip system of nickel-base single-crystal superalloys during deformation, thus making this model cover a rather wide range of application. Furthermore, the UTCAM is applied to hot tension and compression tests of three typical nickel-base SC superalloys (PWA1480-593 ℃, RENE N4-760 ℃ and DD407-760 ℃). The predicted initial yield strengths of the nickel-base SC superalloys are in good agreement with the experimental results, and the UTCAM proves to be effective.
文摘To apply the compression-type anchor to deep roadways, this paper analyzes and summaries the bearing mechanism, shear stress distribution of the grout body and engineering application of the compression-type anchor. The analysis shows that the compression-type anchor has the advantages of reasonable grout body stress form, high loading capacity, good corrosion resistance and durability. The analysis also indicates that further study on the stress distribution of the compression-type anchor’s grout body and the design of a new compression-type anchor with high strength initial support, simple structure, and small diameter that is suitable for the surrounding rock in deep roadway engineering is necessary to apply compression-type anchor supporting technology to the deep roadway.