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基于Bradley-Terry模型与层次分析法的一种综合评价方法 被引量:3
作者 陈冬进 刘建平 《统计与决策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期81-83,共3页
现今社会经济问题中广泛运用于决策的层次分析法存在各类问题,如一致性要求难以符合,偏好强度的合理性难以保证,调查问卷繁琐以致于评价者难以回答。文章提出一种新的综合评价方法,通过获取评价者对评价指标的偏好序而非偏好强度,建立... 现今社会经济问题中广泛运用于决策的层次分析法存在各类问题,如一致性要求难以符合,偏好强度的合理性难以保证,调查问卷繁琐以致于评价者难以回答。文章提出一种新的综合评价方法,通过获取评价者对评价指标的偏好序而非偏好强度,建立配对数据的Bradley-Terry模型,求出评价指标的选择概率矩阵,该矩阵充分包含了评价者的偏好信息,由此从偏好序过渡为偏好强度;再利用层次分析法的分析思路求得各指标的排序权重(重要性),得到最终的评价结果。 展开更多
关键词 Bradley—terry模型 层次分析法 综合评价
Terry's nail: an overlooked physical finding incirrhosis 被引量:2
作者 Bulent Baran Ozlem Mutluay Soyer Cetin Karaca 《Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International》 SCIE CAS 2013年第1期109-109,共1页
The Editor welcomes submissions for possible publication in the Letters to the Editor section.Letters commenting on an article published in the Journal or other interesting pieces will be considered if they are receiv... The Editor welcomes submissions for possible publication in the Letters to the Editor section.Letters commenting on an article published in the Journal or other interesting pieces will be considered if they are received within 6 weeks of the time the article was published. 展开更多
关键词 an overlooked physical finding incirrhosis terry’s nail
TERRY OLIVER:创建品牌的艺术 被引量:2
作者 Terry Oliver 杨青 《21世纪商业评论》 2005年第10期30-32,共3页
59岁的Terry Oliver来自伦敦,20年前创办Interbrand日本公司时,开始长驻日本。一口标准的BBC口音和流利的日语,但是不知是否因为受两个国度某种通性的影响,严肃、严谨而彬彬有礼的Terry话语并不多,也决不要指望他会暂时撇开业务范... 59岁的Terry Oliver来自伦敦,20年前创办Interbrand日本公司时,开始长驻日本。一口标准的BBC口音和流利的日语,但是不知是否因为受两个国度某种通性的影响,严肃、严谨而彬彬有礼的Terry话语并不多,也决不要指望他会暂时撇开业务范围畅谈一下自身,但其实年轻时的他却是伦敦大报DAILY MAIL的一位优秀资深记者,辗转报道于南非等地。于是暗自猜测,Terry肯定还有他张扬的一面,更何况他现在所从事的就是一个张扬的事业——品牌管理。 在Interbrand与美国商业周刊连续8年推出的年度全球100个最有价值品牌中,今年依然没见到中国企业的影子。Terry说:“我对中国印象最深的就是经济的高速发展,中国有高质量的产品和一群有远大抱负的企业家。但是很遗憾,中国真的没有什么知名品牌。”“如果你问一些普通的西方人,恐怕他们叫不出一个中国品牌。但是,“如果给我一家中国公司,只要它质地还行,产品高质量,我完全可以向你保证——把它做成全球真正的知名品牌!” 展开更多
关键词 terry OLIVER 品牌形象 Interbrand公司 管理体制 经营机制
Clifford Terry滑结联合可调节缝合在斜视手术中的应用
作者 张建军 王霁雪 岳以英 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 2017年第3期526-528,共3页
目的:探讨Clifford Terry滑结联合可调节缝合在斜视手术中的临床应用。方法:采取回顾性研究方法,选取我院2012-05/2015-05收治的行常规斜视矫正术的45例71眼患者(对照组)与应用Clifford Terry滑结斜视矫正术45例70眼患者(研究组)为研究... 目的:探讨Clifford Terry滑结联合可调节缝合在斜视手术中的临床应用。方法:采取回顾性研究方法,选取我院2012-05/2015-05收治的行常规斜视矫正术的45例71眼患者(对照组)与应用Clifford Terry滑结斜视矫正术45例70眼患者(研究组)为研究对象,对其术后随访1d^12mo。观察术后眼位、有无调整眼位及是否有二次手术,对术后眼位与术前眼位矫正变化情况比较分析。结果:术后第1d Clifford Terry滑结联合可调节缝合达正位42例67眼,1例1眼过矫,2例2眼欠矫,正位率为96%。经过Clifford Terry滑结调整松紧,正位率达到100%,研究组1、3、6、12mo术后眼位情况与对照组矫正正位效果比较未见明显差异。两组均未出现结膜裂开、肌肉滑脱、感染等术后并发症。采用Clifford Terry滑结联合可调节缝合在术中及术后早期对眼位进行微调,可即刻达到目标眼位。结论:Clifford Terry滑结术中操作简单、术后调整缝线松紧容易操作,联合可调节缝合在斜视手术的术中及术后早期表面麻醉下即可达到目标眼位,减低术后早期二次手术的风险,优于单纯可调节缝合法。 展开更多
关键词 CLIFFORD terry滑结 可调节缝合 斜视手术
Comment on "Terry's nail: an overlooked physical finding in cirrhosis"
作者 Zheng-Xiao Li Sheng-Xiang Xiao Fan-Pu Ji 《Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International》 SCIE CAS 2014年第3期332-332,共1页
To the Editor:We read with great interest the recent paper by Baran and colleagues,[1]published in the journal of Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Diseases International.The authors presented nails abnormalities in a 65-year-... To the Editor:We read with great interest the recent paper by Baran and colleagues,[1]published in the journal of Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Diseases International.The authors presented nails abnormalities in a 65-year-old woman with cryptogenic cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma and described them as Terry’s nails.Whether they were Terry’s nails remains controversial,at least far away from 展开更多
关键词 terry’s nail an overlooked physical finding in cirrhosis Comment on
空间与视角的迷宫 Terry o'neill摄影展
作者 Teresa Otto 许科 《室内设计与装修》 2017年第5期12-13,共2页
里斯本colombo购物中心中心广场中央竖立起了一间网状的黄色棱柱形亭子,钢丝网在半空中交织。这间亭子是由来自于葡萄牙的工作室OTTOTTO打造的,里面展示的是英国摄影师拍摄Terry o’neill的作品。这间亭子的设计采用了明亮的黄色,在大... 里斯本colombo购物中心中心广场中央竖立起了一间网状的黄色棱柱形亭子,钢丝网在半空中交织。这间亭子是由来自于葡萄牙的工作室OTTOTTO打造的,里面展示的是英国摄影师拍摄Terry o’neill的作品。这间亭子的设计采用了明亮的黄色,在大厅中央与周围繁华的购物商城形成了鲜明的对比。 展开更多
关键词 中心广场 terry o'neill 黑白照片 钢丝网 展出时间 视觉冲击 钢筋材料 工程名称
作者 CoskunB.K. Saral Y. +2 位作者 OzturkP. CoskunN. 牛新武 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册)》 2005年第7期22-23,共2页
We present a case of Reiter syndrome (RS) associated with Terry nail in a 32-year-old male patient who also had subungual keratosis and onycholysis. The case had all the characteristic findings of complete RS includin... We present a case of Reiter syndrome (RS) associated with Terry nail in a 32-year-old male patient who also had subungual keratosis and onycholysis. The case had all the characteristic findings of complete RS including urethritis, conjunctivitis, arthritis and skin lesions, and based on these findings a clinical diagnosis was established. The patient complained of milky-white coloured leakage that was more frequent in the mornings, and dysuria. Urinary analysis revealed leucocytes and erythrocytes. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) values were high. The case was considered as RS due to gonococcic urethritis. However, there was no growth in the culture. Self-report of the patient revealed that he had had continued symptoms and 9 months after the development of RS he developed Terry nail. To the best of our knowledge this is the first case of RS associated with Terry nail. 展开更多
关键词 Reiter terry 甲松离 淋球菌培养 排尿困难 红细胞沉降 滑膜炎 尿道分泌物 患者自述 角化
作者 Garrett Hart 《空中英语教室(初级版.大家说英语)》 2024年第10期26-27,53,共3页
找找看Terry在哪里吃午餐?Terry在上班时间面无表情地走进休息室。他的父亲两个星期前去世了,他还沉浸在悲伤的情绪中。“嗨,Terry,很高兴见到你,”Patty说,“你到休息室来做什么?”“午餐时间到了,我来拿我的午餐。”Terry说着,从冰箱... 找找看Terry在哪里吃午餐?Terry在上班时间面无表情地走进休息室。他的父亲两个星期前去世了,他还沉浸在悲伤的情绪中。“嗨,Terry,很高兴见到你,”Patty说,“你到休息室来做什么?”“午餐时间到了,我来拿我的午餐。”Terry说着,从冰箱里拿出一个袋子,然后打开看了一眼。“糟糕。”他说。 展开更多
关键词 午餐 无表情 terry
吃的小事 Terry Border的食物角色扮演
作者 Terry Border Montage Leong 《天下美食》 2011年第4期52-63,共12页
Terry Border是美国的艺术家,他总能在平凡无奇的生活中发现快乐元素,而快乐就是创作的第一步。"对我来说最重要的是自得其乐。如果我自己觉得某个创意有趣,那么别人也会感同身受。这是我学到的最重要的东西。"——Terry Bor... Terry Border是美国的艺术家,他总能在平凡无奇的生活中发现快乐元素,而快乐就是创作的第一步。"对我来说最重要的是自得其乐。如果我自己觉得某个创意有趣,那么别人也会感同身受。这是我学到的最重要的东西。"——Terry Border如是说。 展开更多
泰瑞·奎恩(Terry Quinn,英国) 中国政府“友谊奖”专家 国际计量局名誉局长
《中国计量》 2015年第3期59-59,共1页
1978年,他第一次来到中国,之后的30多年里他十几次来到中国,始终积极协助和指导中国计量科学研究院开展与国际计量界的交流合作,帮助中国开展高水平的科学研究,促进中国学者与外国专家学者进行学术交流,亲身见证了中国计量事业的不断发... 1978年,他第一次来到中国,之后的30多年里他十几次来到中国,始终积极协助和指导中国计量科学研究院开展与国际计量界的交流合作,帮助中国开展高水平的科学研究,促进中国学者与外国专家学者进行学术交流,亲身见证了中国计量事业的不断发展。"没有计量,就没有质量。 展开更多
关键词 友谊奖 terry Quinn 外国专家 国际计量局 中国计量 学术交流
作者 陈思 《篮球俱乐部》 2006年第7期44-47,共4页
关键词 贾森特里 热火队 达拉斯小牛 太阳队 控球后卫 JASON terry 急停跳投 三分线 三分球
The Sounds of Manhattan By Terry Bragg
作者 Terry Bragg 吴丹 钱妮娜 《当代外语研究》 2004年第6期31-35,共5页
[原译]纽约是座声音之城。这里有悄声细语,也有声嘶力竭;有振聋发 聩,也有温柔抚慰;有急切之声,也有随意之吟。曼哈顿公寓楼里的居民--往 往为偏远树林里的静寂所困--听不到这些声音,因为这些声音永远属于城市。
关键词 The Sounds of Manhattan By terry Bragg
作者 张君周 《北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第5期33-37,共5页
美国联邦宪法第四修正案规定:个人的人身、住宅、文件和财产不受不合理搜查和扣押。机场安检涉及扫描、拍身及对人身自由的限制,在没有获得令状的情况下,是否违反了第四修正案的要求。美国法院在一些重要的判例中,采用了Terry原则、同... 美国联邦宪法第四修正案规定:个人的人身、住宅、文件和财产不受不合理搜查和扣押。机场安检涉及扫描、拍身及对人身自由的限制,在没有获得令状的情况下,是否违反了第四修正案的要求。美国法院在一些重要的判例中,采用了Terry原则、同意例外、边境检查及行政检查等令状主义的例外理论,对机场安检行为合宪性进行不同角度的分析。这些研究及判例可用于分析中国机场安检的正当性与安检新措施的选择。 展开更多
关键词 机场安检 宪法第四修正案 terry规则 同意例外 边界检查例外 行政检查例外
作者 胡建刚 《河北公安警察职业学院学报》 2013年第1期58-61,共4页
盘查规则的设计目的是为了减少警察权的滥用和对人权的保护。本文通过对Carroll、Terry、Williams和Cortez等案件的判例,详细分析了美国警察盘查规则演变的内容和历程,有助于理解现代美国警察盘查权的内涵,对我国在警察盘查规则的立法... 盘查规则的设计目的是为了减少警察权的滥用和对人权的保护。本文通过对Carroll、Terry、Williams和Cortez等案件的判例,详细分析了美国警察盘查规则演变的内容和历程,有助于理解现代美国警察盘查权的内涵,对我国在警察盘查规则的立法有一定的借鉴作用。 展开更多
关键词 盘查 terry原则 合理怀疑
比赛评价模型在新闻信息排序中的应用 被引量:1
作者 胡超欧 刘知青 《软件》 2011年第10期24-25,28,共3页
Bradley-Terry模型是一种简单有效的基于过去比赛信息来预测将来比赛结果的模型。ELO算法某种程度上是Bradley-Terry模型的一种简化,它们已经被应用于很多方向。本文简要介绍这两种算法,并将它们改进应用于新闻标题排序。通过对一组新... Bradley-Terry模型是一种简单有效的基于过去比赛信息来预测将来比赛结果的模型。ELO算法某种程度上是Bradley-Terry模型的一种简化,它们已经被应用于很多方向。本文简要介绍这两种算法,并将它们改进应用于新闻标题排序。通过对一组新闻标题数据的测试,发现Bradley-Terry模型虽然拥有较高的准确度,但是在算法执行效率上比ELO算法差了很多。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能 Bradley—terry模型 Elo算法 信息排序
从“Playboy”公司诉“Terri Welles”案看商标的合理使用 被引量:4
作者 李娟 《知识产权》 CSSCI 2002年第4期27-30,共4页
1999年12月1日,美国加利福尼亚地区法院对"Playbob"公司诉"Terri Welles"女士商标侵权一案做出了有利于被告的简易裁决,双方对此未提出上诉.由于我国的知识产权法未对商标的合理使用问题做出规定,因此,本文拟在对... 1999年12月1日,美国加利福尼亚地区法院对"Playbob"公司诉"Terri Welles"女士商标侵权一案做出了有利于被告的简易裁决,双方对此未提出上诉.由于我国的知识产权法未对商标的合理使用问题做出规定,因此,本文拟在对该案进行介绍的基础上,分析商标的合理使用问题,以期对我国知识产权法的理论与实践有所借鉴. 展开更多
关键词 商标 合理使用 “Playboy”公司 “Terri Welles”
Accounting for anisotropic effects in the prediction of the hydro-mechanical response of a ventilated tunnel in an argillaceous rock 被引量:2
作者 Alain Millard Alex Bond +3 位作者 Shigeo Nakama Chengyuan Zhang Jean-Dominique Barnichon Benoit Garitte 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期97-109,共13页
In order to investigate the hydro-mechanical (HM) and chemical perturbations induced in an argillaceous formation by forced ventilation during the operational period of a nuclear waste repository, a specific experim... In order to investigate the hydro-mechanical (HM) and chemical perturbations induced in an argillaceous formation by forced ventilation during the operational period of a nuclear waste repository, a specific experiment has been performed in a tunnel, at Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory (URL) in Switzerland. This experiment has been selected in the international project DECOVALEX for model vali- dation and the numerical simulation of this ventilation experiment (VE) is the object of the present paper. Since the argillaceous rock exhibits anisotropic properties, particular attention is given to the evaluation of the effects of various anisotropic features on the predicted results. In situ measurements such as relative humidity (RH), global water mass extracted, pore water pressure, water content, and relative displace- ments are compared to predictions using both isotropic and anisotropic parameters. Water permeability anisotropy is shown to be the most influencing parameter by far, whereas in situ stress anisotropy has an effect only during the excavation phase. The anisotropy for mechanical parameterization has also some influence, in particular through HM couplings. These HM couplings have the potential to be very significant in terms of providing confidence in describing the experimental observation, and should be considered for further investigation. 展开更多
关键词 Hydro-mechanical (HM) coupling Numerical modelling ANISOTROPY Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory (URL) Ventilation experiment (VE) ARGILLITE
Analysis of hydro-mechanical processes in a ventilated tunnel in an argillaceous rock on the basis of different modelling approaches 被引量:3
作者 B.Garitte A.Bond +4 位作者 A.Millard C.Zhang C.Mcdermott S.Nakama A.Gens 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第1期1-17,共17页
In this paper, a modelling benchmark exercise from the DECOVALEX-2011 project is presented. The bench- mark is based on the performance and results of a laboratory drying test and of the ventilation experiment (VE) ... In this paper, a modelling benchmark exercise from the DECOVALEX-2011 project is presented. The bench- mark is based on the performance and results of a laboratory drying test and of the ventilation experiment (VE) carried out in the Mont Terri Underground Rock Laboratory (URL). Both tests involve Opalinus clay. The work aims at the identification, understanding and quantification of mechanisms taking place during the ventilation of a gallery in argillaceous host rocks on one hand and at investigating the capacity of different codes and individuals to reproduce these processes on the other hand. The 4-year in situ VE took place in a 1.3 m diameter unlined tunnel and included two resaturation-desaturation cycles. The test area was equipped with over one hundred sensors (including the global water mass balance of the system, relative humidity (RH), water content, liquid pressure, relative displacement and concentration of some chemical species) to monitor the rock behaviour during ventilation. The laboratory drying experiment, carried out before the VE, was designed to mimic the in situ conditions. The work was organized in a progressive manner in terms of complexity of the computations to be performed, geared towards the full hydro-mechano-chemical (HMC) understanding of the VE, the final objective. The main results from the modelling work reported herein are that the response of the host rock to ventilation in argillaceous rocks is mainly governed by hydraulic processes (advective Darcy flow and non-advective vapour diffu- sion) and that the hydro-mechanical (TM) back coupling is weak. A ventilation experiment may thus be regarded as a large scale-long time pump test and it is used to determine the hydraulic conductivity of the rock mass. 展开更多
关键词 Hydro-mechanical (HM) couplingNumerical modellingMont Terri Underground Rock Laboratory(URL)Ventilation experiment (VE)ArgilliteWater permeability
Reactive and non-reactive transport modelling in partially water saturated argillaceous porous media around the ventilation experiment,Mont Terri 被引量:2
作者 Alexander Bond Steven Benbow +5 位作者 James Wilson Alain Millard Shigeo Nakama Myles English Christopher McDermott Benoit Garitte 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第1期44-57,共14页
At Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory (URL) Switzerland, a specific experiment has been per- formed in a tunnel, in order to investigate the hydro-mechano-chemical (HMC) perturbations induced in the argill... At Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory (URL) Switzerland, a specific experiment has been per- formed in a tunnel, in order to investigate the hydro-mechano-chemical (HMC) perturbations induced in the argillaceous formation by forced ventilation. This experiment has been selected in the international project DECOVALEX to be used for process model development and validation. The numerical simula- tion of the geochemical response to the ventilation experiment (VE) is the object of the present paper, focusing on the transport of chloride as a conservative species and sulphate as a reactive species. Uti- lising the validated hydro-mechanical (HM) results from earlier steps of the DECOVALEX task, reactive and non-reactive transport models, incorporating the current understanding of the geochemistry at the site, were successfully constructed for the whole experimental period. The associated parametric and process uncertainty analyses clearly demonstrate that the basic HM understanding must be sound. How- ever, to demonstrate this degree of robustness, the explicit inclusion of process representations of water desaturation, liquid vaporisation, species exclusion porosity, and redox processes, is required. 展开更多
关键词 Reactive transportHydro-mechanical (HM) couplingNumerical modellingMont Terri Underground ResearchLaboratory (URL)Ventilation experiment (VE)ArgilliteChlorideSulphate
Approaches for representing hydro-mechanical coupling between sub-surface excavations and argillaceous porous media at the ventilation experiment, Mont Terri
作者 Alexander Bond Alain Millard +2 位作者 Shigeo Nakama Chengyuan Zhang Benoit Garritte 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期85-96,共12页
At the Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory (Switzerland), a field-scale investigation has been conducted in order to investigate the hydro-mechanical and chemical perturbations induced in the argilla- ceous f... At the Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory (Switzerland), a field-scale investigation has been conducted in order to investigate the hydro-mechanical and chemical perturbations induced in the argilla- ceous formation by forced ventilation through a tunnel. This experiment has been selected to be used for processing model development and validation in the international project DECOVALEX-2011. The con- ceptual and mathematical representation of the engineered void, which itself forms a major part of the experiment and is not simply a boundary condition, is the subject of this paper. A variety of approaches have been examined by the contributors to DECOVALEX and a summary of their findings is presented here. Two major aspects are discussed. Firstly, the approaches for the treatment of the surface condition at the porous media/tunnel interface are examined, with two equivalent but differing formulations successfully demonstrated. Secondly, approaches for representing the tunnel with associated air and water vapour movement, when coupled with the hydro-mechanical (HM) representation of the porous medium, are also examined. It is clearly demonstrated that, for the experimental conditions of the ventilation experiment (VE) that abstracted physical and empirical models of the tunnel, can be used successfully to represent the hydraulic behaviour of the tunnel and the hydraulic interaction between the tunnel and the surrounding rock mass. 展开更多
关键词 Tunnel Water vapour Hydro-mechanical (HM) coupling Numerical modelling Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory (URL) Ventilation experiment (VE) ARGILLITE
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