From the view of language itself rather than the factors that affect language,the author illuminates how linguistic context plays its role in translation.In the process of translation,words and phrases may have more t...From the view of language itself rather than the factors that affect language,the author illuminates how linguistic context plays its role in translation.In the process of translation,words and phrases may have more than one meaning,which need translators to fix the appropriate one the discourse demands.Without sentence group,sentences can be ambiguous too.Paragraphs and texts have structures which words and sentences do not.Translators need to choose proper words to express the meaning properly.展开更多
In this paper,we'll explore the role of context in the interpretation of a piece of discourse. We'll present three context models put forward respectively by Firth,Hymes and Lewis. We'll also take into con...In this paper,we'll explore the role of context in the interpretation of a piece of discourse. We'll present three context models put forward respectively by Firth,Hymes and Lewis. We'll also take into consideration the features of cotext and expanding context. At last,we'll throw some light on the problem of what aspects of the apparently illimitable features of context are relevant to a particular communicative act.展开更多
文摘From the view of language itself rather than the factors that affect language,the author illuminates how linguistic context plays its role in translation.In the process of translation,words and phrases may have more than one meaning,which need translators to fix the appropriate one the discourse demands.Without sentence group,sentences can be ambiguous too.Paragraphs and texts have structures which words and sentences do not.Translators need to choose proper words to express the meaning properly.
文摘In this paper,we'll explore the role of context in the interpretation of a piece of discourse. We'll present three context models put forward respectively by Firth,Hymes and Lewis. We'll also take into consideration the features of cotext and expanding context. At last,we'll throw some light on the problem of what aspects of the apparently illimitable features of context are relevant to a particular communicative act.
文摘依存句法分析旨在从语言学的角度分析句子的句法结构。现有的研究表明,将这种类似于图结构的数据与图卷积神经网络(Graph Convolutional Network,GCN)进行结合,有助于模型更好地理解文本语义。然而,这些工作在将依存句法信息处理为邻接矩阵时,均忽略了句法依赖标签类型,同时也未考虑与依赖标签相关的单词语义,导致模型无法捕捉到文本中的深层情感特征。针对以上问题,提出了一种结合上下文和依存句法信息的中文短文本情感分析模型(Context and Dependency Syntactic Information,CDSI)。该模型不仅利用双向长短期记忆网络(Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory,BiLSTM)提取文本的上下文语义,而且引入了一种基于依存关系感知的嵌入表示方法,以针对句法结构挖掘不同依赖路径对情感分类任务的贡献权重,然后利用GCN针对上下文和依存句法信息同时建模,以加强文本表示中的情感特征。基于SWB,NLPCC2014和SMP2020-EWEC数据集进行验证,实验表明CDSI模型能够有效融合语句中的语义以及句法结构信息,在中文短文本情感二分类以及多分类中均取得了较好的效果。