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作者 王柯平 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期49-59,共11页
佩特倡导“为艺术而艺术”,主要着眼于艺术鉴赏而非艺术创作,故此一再强调艺术对人生质量的催化与优化作用,力求实现艺术化人生的终极目的。为此,他贬斥抽象笼统的艺术评论公式,推举具体化的审美批评原理。持守这一原理,他以文艺复兴与... 佩特倡导“为艺术而艺术”,主要着眼于艺术鉴赏而非艺术创作,故此一再强调艺术对人生质量的催化与优化作用,力求实现艺术化人生的终极目的。为此,他贬斥抽象笼统的艺术评论公式,推举具体化的审美批评原理。持守这一原理,他以文艺复兴与古希腊艺术为例,颇有成效地呈现出艺术解析和审美鉴赏的独特路径。另外,基于多年古典研究的个人体悟,佩特试图从柏拉图美学思想中汲取“为艺术而艺术”的理论根源。这其中的合理性到底有多少,需要认真比照和反思。 展开更多
关键词 佩特 文艺复兴艺术 古希腊雕塑 柏拉图 为艺术而艺术
作者 朱亚成 《四川体育科学》 2024年第1期79-84,共6页
目的:描述和探究希腊北部不确定族群的赛马、摔跤、竞走等民间体育比赛项目的起源与发展,同时力求客观反映和呈现色雷斯民间体育比赛情况,为后续研究色雷斯体育赛事提供参考依据。方法:运用文献资料和历史研究等方法,对已发表的有关该... 目的:描述和探究希腊北部不确定族群的赛马、摔跤、竞走等民间体育比赛项目的起源与发展,同时力求客观反映和呈现色雷斯民间体育比赛情况,为后续研究色雷斯体育赛事提供参考依据。方法:运用文献资料和历史研究等方法,对已发表的有关该主题的文献进行深入研究,同时查阅了同时期色雷斯的历史文化和宗教等有关文献资料,全面分析色雷斯民间体育比赛情况。结果:色雷斯人主要通过摔跤比赛或赛马活动来庆祝节日和庆祝活动,这些体育比赛往往是在宗教节日上进行的,得胜者奖品多为羊羔和山羊。结论:色雷斯人以自然为灵感,以民族文化为指导,组织和参与了民间体育比赛,没有遵循当今体育赛事的比赛规则和形式。这些自发的体育运动和体育比赛与宗教有关,因为它们经常在宗教节日举行。由于这些民间游戏,希腊的体育赛事一直延续到今天,作为青年人日常活动的一种表现,作为他们身体和心理正直的一种表现。 展开更多
关键词 摔跤比赛 赛马比赛 竞走比赛 民间体育 希腊体育 色雷斯文化
对《现代英汉综合大辞典》中习语“Greek to sb.”误译的多维探究
作者 林有苗 《湖州师范学院学报》 2015年第3期84-86,110,共4页
《现代英汉综合大辞典》将"Greek to sb."译成"对某人一窍不通"并不通顺,亦令人费解。其缘由可能有二:其一,译者对相关形容词主动与被动意义之区分不甚明确;其二,对介词to的有关用法与意义之区别注意不够。文章就... 《现代英汉综合大辞典》将"Greek to sb."译成"对某人一窍不通"并不通顺,亦令人费解。其缘由可能有二:其一,译者对相关形容词主动与被动意义之区分不甚明确;其二,对介词to的有关用法与意义之区别注意不够。文章就此进行了多维探究,还对相关问题一并作了翻译原则上的思考。 展开更多
关键词 greek to sb. 误译 认知分析
作者 胡吉振 胡典顺 林子植 《高等数学研究》 2024年第4期78-82,125,共6页
古希腊人没有真正的掌握无理数是历史的必然.从认识论研究对象的角度来讲,无理数不符合古希腊数学“数”的标准,或者说古希腊人畏惧无限的观念阻碍了希腊人认识无理数.第一次数学危机之后,古希腊数学研究重心的转移,对“数”的研究遭到... 古希腊人没有真正的掌握无理数是历史的必然.从认识论研究对象的角度来讲,无理数不符合古希腊数学“数”的标准,或者说古希腊人畏惧无限的观念阻碍了希腊人认识无理数.第一次数学危机之后,古希腊数学研究重心的转移,对“数”的研究遭到冷落和把“无理数”拉到了几何学的队伍这些都阻碍了古希腊人对无理数的认识;古希腊数学在第一次数学危机之后拒绝了数学是经验的科学,极端的强调了数学的演绎性的同时,强调数学是发现的科学,而客观上也没有形成数学是发明的科学的观点.从后来无理数被人类认识的整个历程来讲,无理数不仅是人类演绎的之物,也是经验之物,不仅是人类的发现之物,而且还是人类的发明之物,人类认识无理数是一个复杂的、艰辛的、漫长的、曲折的历程. 展开更多
关键词 古希腊数学 无理数 演绎与经验 发现与发明 认识论
作者 周昆杰 《西部学刊》 2024年第8期144-147,共4页
在欧洲虚无主义的生成与克服上,马堡弟子同海德格尔处于一种若即若离的状态。一方面,他们都倾向于使用海德格尔对思想史的现象学还原的方法来回溯虚无主义的生成史,并以海德格尔的“存在”为基本动因,回到古希腊自然主义寻找克服虚无主... 在欧洲虚无主义的生成与克服上,马堡弟子同海德格尔处于一种若即若离的状态。一方面,他们都倾向于使用海德格尔对思想史的现象学还原的方法来回溯虚无主义的生成史,并以海德格尔的“存在”为基本动因,回到古希腊自然主义寻找克服虚无主义的方案。另一方面,他们都想通过对海德格尔“返乡之路”进行祛魅,并与之保持一定的距离,然而他们却都终身未能走出海德格尔的思想运轨。 展开更多
关键词 古希腊自然主义 欧洲虚无主义 海德格尔
“古为今用”的奥林匹克教育遗产 ——奥运邮票中的古希腊瓶画
作者 唐晓义 《浙江体育科学》 2024年第3期23-27,共5页
古希腊瓶画为世人留下了古代奥林匹克文化的图像资料。奥运邮票不仅是传播奥林匹克文化的重要媒介,也是有形的奥林匹克教育遗产。古希腊瓶画主要通过三种设计呈现于奥运邮票票面。其一,通过与博物馆网站发布的瓶画照片进行比较后发现,... 古希腊瓶画为世人留下了古代奥林匹克文化的图像资料。奥运邮票不仅是传播奥林匹克文化的重要媒介,也是有形的奥林匹克教育遗产。古希腊瓶画主要通过三种设计呈现于奥运邮票票面。其一,通过与博物馆网站发布的瓶画照片进行比较后发现,部分奥运邮票票面对古希腊瓶画进行了复现。其二,部分奥运邮票刷色明显与古希腊瓶画不同,多为单色。其三,古希腊瓶画中的运动员与现代奥运会运动员、标志、建筑等古今图案共现于部分奥运邮票票面。 展开更多
关键词 奥林匹克 教育遗产 邮票 古希腊 瓶画
作者 何素平 《甘肃高师学报》 2024年第3期12-17,共6页
赫拉克勒斯是宙斯之子,希腊神话中半人半神的英雄。哈姆莱特是莎士比亚悲剧中最难解读的人物,其面对复仇使命时一再“延宕”的心路历程,其实是一个重新界定自我身份的过程。赫拉克勒斯是哈姆莱特崇尚的英雄,是哈姆莱特镜像中的反向自我... 赫拉克勒斯是宙斯之子,希腊神话中半人半神的英雄。哈姆莱特是莎士比亚悲剧中最难解读的人物,其面对复仇使命时一再“延宕”的心路历程,其实是一个重新界定自我身份的过程。赫拉克勒斯是哈姆莱特崇尚的英雄,是哈姆莱特镜像中的反向自我。可以从大力士与“懦夫”、智者与蠢才、英雄与“罪人”、乐天派与厌世者等四个方面揭示这种实体和镜像的对照。 展开更多
关键词 哈姆莱特 赫拉克勒斯 镜像 自我 希腊神话 猜想
Review of Women’s Employment in Greece in the 20th and Early 21st Centuries
作者 Fotini Mastroianni 《Economics World》 2024年第3期109-116,共8页
In the early 20th century,the role of Greek women in the working environment was considered complementary,and the type of work they would do should fit their Review of Women’s Employment in Greece in the 20th and Ear... In the early 20th century,the role of Greek women in the working environment was considered complementary,and the type of work they would do should fit their Review of Women’s Employment in Greece in the 20th and Early 21st Centuries gender stereotypes.Therefore,they were low-paid workers and employees,and they were the first to be laid off.Despite the fact that the number of Greek women participating in the labor market has increased,many of them were obliged to work due to the high rate of men’s unemployment since there was no other way to sustain the living level of the household(Alpha Bank,2018).Greek women’s participation in the labor market was accompanied by an increase in flexible types of employment along with the pay gap between men and women,which remained persistent due to the existence of discrimination. 展开更多
关键词 UNEMPLOYMENT pay gap flexible employment DISCRIMINATION LABOR EMPLOYMENT greek women
作者 李秋红 《敦煌研究》 北大核心 2024年第2期73-84,共12页
渊源于古希腊罗马的蛇身平结图像,在印度和中亚融入佛教物质文化,进而传入龟兹地区。罗马帝国两端有头蛇、中印度和东南印度一体多头蛇,与波斯双头鹰、印度人面鸟喙形金翅鸟像组合造型,形成龟兹特有的金翅鸟擒蛇平结表现。龟兹石窟金翅... 渊源于古希腊罗马的蛇身平结图像,在印度和中亚融入佛教物质文化,进而传入龟兹地区。罗马帝国两端有头蛇、中印度和东南印度一体多头蛇,与波斯双头鹰、印度人面鸟喙形金翅鸟像组合造型,形成龟兹特有的金翅鸟擒蛇平结表现。龟兹石窟金翅鸟擒蛇平结图像,绘制在中心柱窟主室券顶中脊天相图中间,表述佛教徒战胜自我烦恼的根本意涵。 展开更多
关键词 龟兹石窟 蛇身平结图像 金翅鸟擒蛇平结图像 古希腊罗马文化 印度和中亚文化
作者 杨庆麟 《文化创新比较研究》 2024年第1期1-6,共6页
苹果不仅是一种深受民众喜爱的水果,同时也是欧洲文化中一个重要的文化符号,具有深远的影响力。作为一种文化象征,苹果意象在欧洲文化中存在了数千年。从最早的古希腊神话、北欧神话到后来的基督教文化,及至当代的流行文化,都普遍存在... 苹果不仅是一种深受民众喜爱的水果,同时也是欧洲文化中一个重要的文化符号,具有深远的影响力。作为一种文化象征,苹果意象在欧洲文化中存在了数千年。从最早的古希腊神话、北欧神话到后来的基督教文化,及至当代的流行文化,都普遍存在苹果意象。文章旨在通过对欧洲古代神话中苹果意象的梳理,分析苹果作为文化意象所具有的5种象征意义,即超自然力量的宝物、爱情与婚姻、长生不老与青春、纷争与不和,以及抵御饥饿的食物。通过对古代欧洲社会的考察,该文探析欧洲苹果意象产生及广泛存在的主要原因,分别是苹果的传播历程、印欧语族的迁徙历史及欧洲自然与环境的影响。 展开更多
关键词 希腊神话 北欧神话 凯尔特神话 苹果意象 古代欧洲 印欧语族
Incidental finding of Zinner syndrome in a Greek military recruit: a case report of a rare clinical entity 被引量:5
作者 Evangelos NSymeonidis Chrysovalantis Gkekas +5 位作者 Ioannis Tsifountoudis Asterios Symeonidis ChristosGeorgiadis Vasileios Kalyvas Apostolos Malioris Michail Papathanasiou 《Military Medical Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第3期263-268,共6页
Background: Zinner syndrome represents a rare congenital malformation of the urinary tract. It comprises a constellation of Wolffian duct anomalies and is almost exclusively encountered as a classic triad of seminal v... Background: Zinner syndrome represents a rare congenital malformation of the urinary tract. It comprises a constellation of Wolffian duct anomalies and is almost exclusively encountered as a classic triad of seminal vesicle cysts, ejaculatory duct obstruction and renal agenesis. Patients can be either asymptomatic or symptomatic. Recently, minimally invasive surgical techniques have emerged, superseding traditional surgery for select symptomatic cases. Our case highlights the finding of a rare clinical syndrome that was incidentally detected during a routine mass screening of military recruits in the Greek Armed Forces.Case presentation: Herein, we present a case of a 19-year-old male who reported having a solitary right kidney when examined in a military training center of Northern Greece. No additional clinical information was available;thus, referral to a tertiary urology department for further investigation ensued. Imaging studies, namely, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, revealed left renal aplasia, multiple left seminal vesicle cysts, and ejaculatory duct obstruction. Laboratory values and urinalysis were within normal range. Semen analysis was significant for cryptozoospermia. Our patient remained asymptomatic during the entire hospitalization. Long-term follow-up was recommended. Nevertheless, he declined further investigation and sought treatment in a private practice setting.Conclusions: This article aims to present the incidental diagnosis of a rare syndrome in a military setting. Population screening conducted in the armed forces permits the identification of undiagnosed diseases that warrant further investigation. To the best of our knowledge, this was the first report of Zinner syndrome in a military recruit and the second case cited of a Greek patient in the published literature. Regular follow-up is the key to timely intervention in conservatively managed cases. 展开更多
关键词 Zinner SYNDROME Seminal VESICLE cyst Renal AGENESIS greek MILITARY RECRUIT Youth
An Overview of the Greek Islands’ Autonomous Electrical Systems: Proposals for a Sustainable Energy Future 被引量:1
作者 Nikolas M. Katsoulakos 《Smart Grid and Renewable Energy》 2019年第4期55-82,共28页
Among the Greek islands, 61 are based—currently—on autonomous electrical systems for covering the electrical energy demand and are characterized as Non-Interconnected Islands (NII). The average electricity productio... Among the Greek islands, 61 are based—currently—on autonomous electrical systems for covering the electrical energy demand and are characterized as Non-Interconnected Islands (NII). The average electricity production cost in the NII is 2.5 times higher than in areas with access to the main, interconnected electricity grid (IEG) of Greece. In this paper, an analytic overview of the autonomous electricity systems of Greek islands is provided, focusing on electricity consumption and production, as well as on the relative costs. For investigating possibilities for improving the situation, especially in small, remote islands, simulations for the energy system of Astypalea are conducted. It is proved that further use of renewables in combination with energy storage can lower the current, high energy costs. Expansion of the IEG is not economically viable for islands which are far away from the mainland and their peak loads are less than 10 ΜW. 展开更多
关键词 greek ISLANDS AUTONOMOUS ENERGY Systems High ENERGY COSTS ENERGY Optimization Astypalea
The Life Values of Greek Mythology
作者 秦娅 《神州》 2014年第12期2-3,共2页
The difference between human and animals is that human not only obey the rules of nature and history but also possess subjective attitude and spirit of life, which are presented as life values by reflecting directly o... The difference between human and animals is that human not only obey the rules of nature and history but also possess subjective attitude and spirit of life, which are presented as life values by reflecting directly on ideology. According to it,Greek mythology pours out its life values based on its subjective attitude and spirit of life. 展开更多
关键词 attitude SPIRIT greek SUBJECTIVE reflecting IDEOLOGY historical WISDOM circumstance COMES
The Spiritual Prototype of Santiago in Greek Mythology
作者 吕婕 《海外英语》 2013年第15期196-197,共2页
As the hero in Ernest Hemingway's greatest masterpiece,The Old Man and the Sea,Santiago has always been considered as a perfect example of Hemingway's stoical protagonists.Being one of the classic characters i... As the hero in Ernest Hemingway's greatest masterpiece,The Old Man and the Sea,Santiago has always been considered as a perfect example of Hemingway's stoical protagonists.Being one of the classic characters in the American literature,Santiago is noticed for his strength,wisdom,bravery,and above all,his unsurpassed endurance.Even though the prototype of Santia go in reality,as Hemingway once revealed in an interview,is an old Cuban fisherman who told him about his experience of catching a large marlin and losing it to the sharks in 1935[海],the spiritual prototype of the old man has been best interpreted in the Greek Mythology.To be more precise,Santiago's spiritual prototype is the combination of Atlas,Prometheus and Sisyphus. 展开更多
关键词 Santiago greek MYTHOLOGY
Greek Mythology
作者 陈雷 《海外英语》 2011年第2X期193-193,共1页
Most Greek myths or legends from ancient Greek literature, including such as "Iliad" and "Odyssey" of the "Homer", Hesiod's "Work Time" and "Divinity," Ovid's ... Most Greek myths or legends from ancient Greek literature, including such as "Iliad" and "Odyssey" of the "Homer", Hesiod's "Work Time" and "Divinity," Ovid's "Metamorphoses" and other classics, as well as Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides in the European theater. 展开更多
关键词 greek MYTHOLOGY
Attitudes and diagnostic practice in low back pain:A qualitative study amongst Greek and British physiotherapists
作者 Evdokia Billis Christopher J McCarthy +2 位作者 John Gliatis Charalampos Matzaroglou Jacqueline A Oldham 《World Journal of Orthopedics》 2016年第9期561-569,共9页
AIM To explore current diagnostic practice and attitudes of Greek and United Kingdom physiotherapists(PTs)on assessing low back pain(LBP)patients.METHODS Three focus groups were undertaken,followed by a structured que... AIM To explore current diagnostic practice and attitudes of Greek and United Kingdom physiotherapists(PTs)on assessing low back pain(LBP)patients.METHODS Three focus groups were undertaken,followed by a structured questionnaire-type survey comprising 23 health professionals and a random stratified sample of 150 PTs,respectively.Twenty-nine themes relating to LBP diagnostic practice emerged.These were then given to 30 British PTs assessing their level of agreement with their Greek counterparts.Analysis was performed by percentage agreements andχ2 tests.RESULTS The survey was divided into three subsections;PTs’attitudes on LBP assessment,patients’attitudes and diagnostic/healthcare issues,each constituting 14,7 and 8 statements,respectively.Over half of the statements fell within the 30%-80%agreement between Greece and United Kingdom whereas,5 statements reported low(<10%)and 8 statements demonstrated high(>90%)PT percentage agreement.Similarities across British and Greek PTs were detected in history taking methods and in the way PTs feel patients perceive physiotherapy practice whereas,re-assessment was undertaken less frequently in Greece.Diagnosis according to 91%of the Greek PTs is considered a“privilege”which is exclusive for doctors in Greece(only 17%British PTs agreed)and is accompanied with a great overuse of medical investigations.Forty percent of Greek PTs(compared to 0%of British)consider themselves as“executers”,being unable to interfere with treatment plan,possibly implying lack of autonomy.CONCLUSION Although similarities on history taking methods and on patients’attitudes were detected across both groups,gross differences were found in re-assessment procedures and diagnostic issues between Greek and British physiotherapists,highlighting differences in service delivery and professional autonomy. 展开更多
Hepatic regeneration in Greek mythology
作者 Niki Papavramidou 《World Journal of Meta-Analysis》 2019年第3期77-79,共3页
The accurate knowledge of surgical anatomy,the amelioration of post-operative processes and the continuously increasing experience of surgeons nowadays allow the performance of severe hepatic operations(e.g.,wide live... The accurate knowledge of surgical anatomy,the amelioration of post-operative processes and the continuously increasing experience of surgeons nowadays allow the performance of severe hepatic operations(e.g.,wide liver resections,liver transplantations,etc.).The success of these operations is even more assisted by the great regenerative ability of the liver.Greek mythology,being an important source of information on the beliefs,habits,and phenomena observed during antiquity,reveals that hepatic regeneration was well known to ancient Greeks and this natural ability was established in two tales:the tale of Prometheus and the tale of the Giant Tityus.The main concept of both tales,being the destruction and reconstitution of the liver,is almost the same.Both of the condemned were immortal and their liver regenerated in a night,providing thus,food for the eagles and eternal pain for the sufferers.In conclusion,the tales show that the regenerative ability of the liver was well known from early years and that the trust shown by the Gods in this ability,to cause eternal suffering is on a par with the trust shown by the modern surgeons in it,to assure a successful hepatic operation. 展开更多
关键词 LIVER regeneration Prometheus TITYUS greek MYTHOLOGY
Analyzing the Relation between Greek Paper and Paperboard Imports and Exports with Macroeconomic Variables
作者 Panagiotis Koulelis 《Open Journal of Forestry》 2014年第5期431-438,共8页
This paper describes the relation between Greek imports and exports of paper and paperboard and a number of major macroeconomic variables, such as population, gross domestic product, the industrial production index an... This paper describes the relation between Greek imports and exports of paper and paperboard and a number of major macroeconomic variables, such as population, gross domestic product, the industrial production index and domestic round wood production. The Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis were employed in the analysis of the data. The study shows that there is no significant relation between paper and paperboard imports as a dependent variable and population, gross domestic product and domestic round wood production as independent variables. Despite this, an acceptable model is constructed using only gross domestic product as an independent variable. The study also shows that there is a significant relation between the export of paper and paperboard and gross domestic product, the industrial production index and round wood production. The results indicate that gross domestic product as an independent variable has the greatest effect on wood imports and exports in Greece during the period studied. Using these models is confirmed that the use of socioeconomic variables and the construction of future scenarios for the Greek forest sector is very efficient considering the special characteristics of the Greek economy. These models could help the establishment of economic growth, the reduction of the financial and ecological deficit, the implementation of economic reforms and to increase new investments. 展开更多
关键词 greek Forest Sector PAPER IMPORTS Exports Forecasts MACROECONOMIC Variables
作者 Edward M. Harris 《Journal of Ancient Civilizations》 2018年第2期187-266,284,共81页
The laws of the Greek city-states and the Hellenistic Kingdoms dealt with all aspects of life in the community.1 The laws regulated the main political institutions of the community and gave rules to its officials abou... The laws of the Greek city-states and the Hellenistic Kingdoms dealt with all aspects of life in the community.1 The laws regulated the main political institutions of the community and gave rules to its officials about how to conduct public business. Meetings of the Council and Assembly were run according to public statutes, and decrees submitted for approval had to conform to legal norms. All public officials were subject to a legal review of their conduct and could be prosecuted in court or punished by special magistrates. 展开更多
关键词 ANCIENT greek LAW greek city-states Hellenistic Kingdoms
Greek Political Language during the Economic Crisis—A Network Analytic Approach
作者 Dimitrios Kydros Anastasios Anastasiadis 《Social Networking》 2017年第2期164-180,共17页
In this paper, we seek to analyze pre-electoral political language in Greece with the use of Social Network Analysis. For this analysis, we collected data from the pre-elections speeches of five political leaders from... In this paper, we seek to analyze pre-electoral political language in Greece with the use of Social Network Analysis. For this analysis, we collected data from the pre-elections speeches of five political leaders from the 20th of September 2015 Greek general elections. We proceed to form, analyze and compare networks of words with an emphasis on financial vocabulary. Findings can provide interesting insights into how political leaders structure their speeches, evaluate important issues and use economic terms and political rhetoric, while different structural patterns can reveal the differences between political parties. Finally, we check whether the overall networks follow the general rules of real-life networks by belonging to the small-world or scale-free categories. 展开更多
关键词 Social NETWORK Analysis POLITICAL Language greek Elections ECONOMIC CRISIS
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