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Rabbi Shalem Shabazi-Greatest Poet of Yemen
作者 Max Stern 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2024年第11期955-960,共6页
Shalem Shabazi,acknowledged and revered as the greatest Yemenite poet is an unknown figure to the English-speaking world.His name appears in no general encyclopedia.His works are not to be found in any general literar... Shalem Shabazi,acknowledged and revered as the greatest Yemenite poet is an unknown figure to the English-speaking world.His name appears in no general encyclopedia.His works are not to be found in any general literary anthology or collection of poetry.Yet in his lifetime it is said he wrote 15,000 poems,many of which have been lost.He enriched Hebrew literature,creating in the shadow of the Psalms,in a mood of longing for the Temple.He gave form to the wedding ceremony,conceived in the image of the Song of Songs(Canticles)as a sacred consecration,a bond between God and his people.He wrote many books,but only one,“Hemdat Hayamim”survives.His songs are sung at every table and occasion where Yemenite Jews gather to celebrate their heritage,since the day they were written to the present. 展开更多
关键词 Diwan KABBALAH R.Isaac Luria Jewish mysticism Yemen Yemenite Jewish poet Taiz Tikun Hazot Sefer Yetzirah Yemenite Jews
作者 刘强 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期74-85,181,182,共14页
《世说新语·文学篇》所记谢安“雅人深致”一说,因为蕴藏着经学与文学、“言志”与“缘情”的双重张力,引发了广泛而持久的诗学争议。历来学者如宋祁、刘辰翁、王士禛等多激赏谢玄而质疑谢安。事实上,“雅人”并非泛指“高人雅士”... 《世说新语·文学篇》所记谢安“雅人深致”一说,因为蕴藏着经学与文学、“言志”与“缘情”的双重张力,引发了广泛而持久的诗学争议。历来学者如宋祁、刘辰翁、王士禛等多激赏谢玄而质疑谢安。事实上,“雅人”并非泛指“高人雅士”,而是特指“诗人”,具体说就是与“风人”相对的“雅诗的作者”。正确理解“雅人深致”,既要注意《诗》有《风》《雅》二体、《雅》有小大正变的大背景,又要在“赋诗言志”的意义上体察谢安与谢玄人格气象和生命境界的内在差异。王夫之认为二谢所引《毛诗》“同一达情之妙”,无形中掩盖了“风人之致”与“雅人深致”这两种不同审美趣味的差别,故仍有一间之未达。晚清大儒沈曾植则立足儒家诗学的风雅传统,以人学论诗学,既还原了“雅体尊,风体卑”的礼乐诗教的真实生态,又以“雅人”为“敦善行而不怠之君子”,深刻揭示了谢安风流名士背后的儒者情怀和大臣心曲,堪称谢安的隔代知音。要之,对“雅人深致”的正确解读,既是诗学问题,也是人学问题,既关乎诗教和诗品,更关乎人教与人品。谢安是《世说新语》中记载最多的魏晋名士,他对于中国“雅文化”的形成厥功至伟,其“雅人深致”的诗学观念具有非常丰富的阐释空间,这也从一个侧面证明了《世说新语》的诗学价值。 展开更多
关键词 《世说新语》 诗学价值 谢安 雅人深致 沈曾植
the U.S. Poet Laureate与the Poet Laureate有何不同
作者 王勇 《英语知识》 2004年第2期46-46,共1页
[问][419]请问the U.S.Poet Laureate与thePoet Laureate有何不同?[答]《牛津现代高级英汉双解词典》(商务印书馆&牛津大学出版社2001年版)对the PoetLaureate的解释为“桂冠诗人”(英国国王所任命者,视为王室之一员,获此荣誉者于... [问][419]请问the U.S.Poet Laureate与thePoet Laureate有何不同?[答]《牛津现代高级英汉双解词典》(商务印书馆&牛津大学出版社2001年版)对the PoetLaureate的解释为“桂冠诗人”(英国国王所任命者,视为王室之一员,获此荣誉者于国家大典时可能写诗庆祝)。因此我们可以称之为“ 展开更多
关键词 “the U.S. poet Laureate” “the poet Laureate” 区别 英语 翻译
The Pictorial Power of Language in e.e.Cummings'Poetry
作者 宋晓思 《海外英语》 2013年第2X期189-189,199,共2页
e.e. Cummings'Poetry's theme is the cycle of life, and"black against white"could be indicating life death versus life. It shows that even though a leaf falling may be an indication of death, falling ... e.e. Cummings'Poetry's theme is the cycle of life, and"black against white"could be indicating life death versus life. It shows that even though a leaf falling may be an indication of death, falling of leaves is an integral part of the whole life cycle of the tree. !blac may seem like a simple mess of words, but in reality is much more complex than that. 展开更多
关键词 the PICTORIAL POWER of LANGUAGE e.e. Cummings’poet
Comparison and Contrast of Major English Romantic Poets——On Wordsworth,Byron,Shelley and Keats
作者 郭勇丽 张书慧 《阴山学刊》 2009年第6期75-80,共6页
华兹华斯、拜伦、雪莱和济慈是杰出的英国浪漫主义诗人。作为同一个文学流派的诗人,他们都崇尚自然,强调个性解放,并且具有丰富的想象力与非凡的创造力。然而,除了这些公认的共同点之外,更重要的是,他们的诗作在主题、题材、艺术手法等... 华兹华斯、拜伦、雪莱和济慈是杰出的英国浪漫主义诗人。作为同一个文学流派的诗人,他们都崇尚自然,强调个性解放,并且具有丰富的想象力与非凡的创造力。然而,除了这些公认的共同点之外,更重要的是,他们的诗作在主题、题材、艺术手法等方面体现出诸多不同之处。正是这些反映他们个性特点的不同之处使得他们在英国及世界文学史上更加卓而不群。 展开更多
关键词 英国浪漫主义诗人 自然 个人主义 想象力 象征
作者 张曦儿 《五邑大学学报(社会科学版)》 2025年第1期28-31,36,92,共6页
南宋魏庆之所辑诗话《诗人玉屑》中编选了众多苏轼诗论和论苏诗论,这些诗论可以分为三种阐述类别:一是作为两宋诗学指导的涉苏诗论,二是可以传达苏轼诗学思想的苏轼诗论,三是体现魏庆之对苏轼的诗歌创作之接受的论苏诗论。由此进一步抉... 南宋魏庆之所辑诗话《诗人玉屑》中编选了众多苏轼诗论和论苏诗论,这些诗论可以分为三种阐述类别:一是作为两宋诗学指导的涉苏诗论,二是可以传达苏轼诗学思想的苏轼诗论,三是体现魏庆之对苏轼的诗歌创作之接受的论苏诗论。由此进一步抉发《诗人玉屑》对宋诗发展的反思及总结,可以看出魏庆之推重的乃是兼有唐宋之长的诗歌范式。 展开更多
关键词 《诗人玉屑》 苏轼 诗法 接受与批评
Poet's Escapism and Speaker outside the Poem——William and Dorothy in Composed Upon Westminster Bridge,Sept.3,1802
作者 王炜琳 《科技信息》 2012年第21期198-198,共1页
This paper analyses the author's escapism In this Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, Sept. 3, 1802 ,and conclusion is reached that the poet wrote this particular poem for his beloved sister. And the sister 's c... This paper analyses the author's escapism In this Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, Sept. 3, 1802 ,and conclusion is reached that the poet wrote this particular poem for his beloved sister. And the sister 's calmness and complacency came to be the best pill to heal the wounds of the poet. 展开更多
关键词 文学作品 英文 文学评论 文学欣赏
作者 孔军 张文俊 杨之廉 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第10期900-905,共6页
关键词 半导体激光器 量子阱 poet 模拟器
A Rhetorical Analysis of the Film Dead Poets Society
作者 罗春燕 《海外英语》 2014年第4X期174-175,共2页
The movie Dead Poets Society is a blockbuster and attracts different researches from different perspective, such as the image and personality of characters, or the linguistic features. However, few of the researchers ... The movie Dead Poets Society is a blockbuster and attracts different researches from different perspective, such as the image and personality of characters, or the linguistic features. However, few of the researchers conduct this study by using rhetorics. Thus, this study analyze the movie based on the theories of rhetorics, hoping to give some implications to those who are interested in rhetorical analysis. 展开更多
“The Poetics”as Apology for Poetry and Poets
作者 程相利 《海外英语》 2013年第1X期222-223,共2页
Plato and Aristotle are both great philosophers in Greek,and Plato is the teacher of Aristotle.But their attitudes to the philosophy and art are quite different from each other.In Plato's point of view,all poets s... Plato and Aristotle are both great philosophers in Greek,and Plato is the teacher of Aristotle.But their attitudes to the philosophy and art are quite different from each other.In Plato's point of view,all poets should be rebelled out of his republic as they will lead the ordinary people to a wrong way;but to Aristotle,poets and the poetry they write should be admired because they will make good effects on the people and the society.This paper is going to discuss about their different attitudes to the so cial function of the poetry in three aspects:the content and the effect of the poetry;the nature of poetry. 展开更多
A Brief Survey of the Metaphysical Poets
作者 陈春红 《海外英语》 2010年第1X期99-99,共1页
The article focuses on the brief study of the metaphysical poets,who were men of learning,and to show learning was their whole endeavor. The chief metaphysical poets include John Donne,Richard Crashaw,Andrew Marvell,G... The article focuses on the brief study of the metaphysical poets,who were men of learning,and to show learning was their whole endeavor. The chief metaphysical poets include John Donne,Richard Crashaw,Andrew Marvell,George Herbert,and Henry Vaughan. They preferred wildly original images,puns,similes,and metaphors,which collectively are called metaphysical conceits. The term metaphysical implies the poetry is abstract and highly complicated. The group shares certain traits,but their themes,structures,and assorted tones in their poetry vary widely. 展开更多
作者 李洁 钟丹 《广东蚕业》 2016年第1期41-42,共2页
关键词 民勤县 复合体理论 poet 沙化地区 甘肃省 生态 民生 西北
处理塑料垃圾的裂解(POET)技术 被引量:1
作者 姜天夫 《中国环保产业》 2004年第2期32-33,37,共3页
关键词 裂解技术 poet 塑料垃圾 垃圾处理 垃圾能源化
作者 钱伯章 《化学反应工程与工艺》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期83-83,共1页
美国POET公司位于南达科塔州的研究中心建设中型规模纤维素乙醇装置于2008年第4季度成功投产,该装置采用包谷棒子碎料生产2万加仑/a纤维素乙醇。这项投资800万美元的项目是投资为2亿美元、将于2011年投产的商业规模纤维素乙醇装置的... 美国POET公司位于南达科塔州的研究中心建设中型规模纤维素乙醇装置于2008年第4季度成功投产,该装置采用包谷棒子碎料生产2万加仑/a纤维素乙醇。这项投资800万美元的项目是投资为2亿美元、将于2011年投产的商业规模纤维素乙醇装置的前奏。POET公司是世界最大的乙醇生产商。 展开更多
关键词 乙醇装置 poet 纤维素 投产 中型 美国 生产商 美元
Blockchain Based Enhanced ERP Transaction Integrity Architecture and PoET Consensus
作者 Tehreem Aslam Ayesha Maqbool +4 位作者 Maham Akhtar Alina Mirza Muhammad Anees Khan Wazir Zada Khan Shadab Alam 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2022年第1期1089-1109,共21页
Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)software is extensively used for the management of business processes.ERP offers a system of integrated applications with a shared central database.Storing all business-critical inform... Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)software is extensively used for the management of business processes.ERP offers a system of integrated applications with a shared central database.Storing all business-critical information in a central place raises various issues such as data integrity assurance and a single point of failure,which makes the database vulnerable.This paper investigates database and Blockchain integration,where the Blockchain network works in synchronization with the database system,and offers a mechanism to validate the transactions and ensure data integrity.Limited research exists on Blockchain-based solutions for the single point of failure in ERP.We established in our study that for concurrent access control andmonitoring of ERP,private permissioned Blockchain using Proof of Elapsed Time consensus is more suitable.The study also investigated the bottleneck issue of transaction processing rates(TPR)of Blockchain consensus,specifically ERP’s TPR.The paper presents systemarchitecture that integrates Blockchain with an ERP system using an application interface. 展开更多
关键词 Transaction security enterprise systems blockchain transaction integrity hyperledger sawtooth poet consensus
Poets and Rhymesters as Cultural Heroes in the Jewish Society of the Mediterranean Basin During the Middle Ages
作者 Elinoar Bareket 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2018年第9期416-421,共6页
This research aims to check the assumption that the cultural icons of Jewish communities in Islamic countries,in the Mediterranean Basin during the early Middle-Ages,were Jewish poets,or at least rhyming experts and p... This research aims to check the assumption that the cultural icons of Jewish communities in Islamic countries,in the Mediterranean Basin during the early Middle-Ages,were Jewish poets,or at least rhyming experts and poetry“technicians”.Through vast study of Genizah documents,in the purpose of outlining the shape of the leadership of Jewish communities in these Islamic countries,I realized that all leaders whose portraits I have studied,out of hundreds of letters and documents—were poem writers.Some of them were real poets,who created poems and liturgics of rare poetic qualities,and some were mere“technicians”who joined rhymes according to accepted rules of their time.By looking at those“technicians”poems,it seems that the writing has cost them a considerable mental effort,and yet they continued with the poem writing.The assumption is that in order to become a role model or a cultural hero,as we call it today,the leaders had to write poems and use them as a means for political and social advancement. 展开更多
关键词 CULTURAL icons Jewish poets Genizah
作者 钱伯章 《炼油技术与工程》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第10期50-,共1页
关键词 纤维素乙醇 poet 美国 美利坚合众国 北美洲
18th-century British Women Poets’ Patriotic Voices
作者 CHEN Jin-jin 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第12期1619-1634,共16页
Right from the beginning to the end of the 18th-century,a large number of British women poets stepped out as outright and eloquent patriots.Through celebration,persuasion,and protest with their poems,18th-century Brit... Right from the beginning to the end of the 18th-century,a large number of British women poets stepped out as outright and eloquent patriots.Through celebration,persuasion,and protest with their poems,18th-century British women poets voiced out their patriotism,especially in their promotion of the British national identity by building up national confidence,constructing national ideals,and bringing the national ideals closer together with the actual practices during national crises in the War of American Independence,anti-slavery activism,and the French Revolution.The majority of their patriotic poems got published in the 18th-century.Their patriotic voices,especially those of their vigorous construction of the British national identity,have been largely neglected and therefore should be fully acknowledged since that identity they helped to promote remains a key issue for the British even today. 展开更多
Different Attitudes towards Unrecognized Talents of Ancient British and Chinese Poets
作者 林春香 《海外英语》 2019年第4期198-199,共2页
Although living in different times and places, some ancient British and Chinese poets both found it hard to achieve theirpolitical ambitions. This thesis aims to summarize these poets' different attitudes towards ... Although living in different times and places, some ancient British and Chinese poets both found it hard to achieve theirpolitical ambitions. This thesis aims to summarize these poets' different attitudes towards unrecognized talents; and in the mean-while, tries to find out the reasons from the point of culture and religious belief. 展开更多
关键词 Frustrated ASPIRATION Unrecognized talents BRITISH poets CHINESE poets
Exploring Lives of China Ming-Qing Female Poets: Collaboration of the “Ming-Qing Women’s Writings Digital Archive and Database” and the “China Biographical Database”
作者 HUJia-jia 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第9期557-568,共12页
Based on the “Ming-Qing Women’s Writings (MQWW), a digital archive and database” project and the “China Biographical Database (CBDB)” project, which have been collaborating since 2008, this paper uses dif... Based on the “Ming-Qing Women’s Writings (MQWW), a digital archive and database” project and the “China Biographical Database (CBDB)” project, which have been collaborating since 2008, this paper uses different digital methods to analyse the Ming-Qing women poets’ lives, such as the themes of their poems, their geographical distribution, and their social networks. The aim of this paper is to show researchers various prospects for the integration of digital humanities projects. 展开更多
关键词 China Ming-Qing Female poets DATABASE MQWW CBDB GIS social network
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