WALK around any Chinese city and one of the most common sights you will see are people chatting into cellphones or busy focusing on their handsets, often to the exclusion of all else.
TEN-year-old Panashe Jere, a sixth grader in Malawi s capital city Lilongwe, seems no different from other boys of his age. Slight and quiet, he borders on being shy. But set him among his toolscomputers.
Compared with the hotly contested nuclear issue in Iran, the North Korean nuclear saga has been rather muted recently. However, it is far from silenced. The Korean Peninsula is still in turmoil in the wake of Pyongyan...Compared with the hotly contested nuclear issue in Iran, the North Korean nuclear saga has been rather muted recently. However, it is far from silenced. The Korean Peninsula is still in turmoil in the wake of Pyongyang's recent test firing of展开更多
文摘WALK around any Chinese city and one of the most common sights you will see are people chatting into cellphones or busy focusing on their handsets, often to the exclusion of all else.
文摘TEN-year-old Panashe Jere, a sixth grader in Malawi s capital city Lilongwe, seems no different from other boys of his age. Slight and quiet, he borders on being shy. But set him among his toolscomputers.
文摘Compared with the hotly contested nuclear issue in Iran, the North Korean nuclear saga has been rather muted recently. However, it is far from silenced. The Korean Peninsula is still in turmoil in the wake of Pyongyang's recent test firing of