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Judicial Facility Upgrade China-assisted state-of-the-art judicial complex construction in Malawi to speed up court processes
作者 EDWIN NYIRONGO 《ChinAfrica》 2025年第1期40-41,共2页
A shortage of courtrooms has long been a challenge in Malawi,especially since more judges were hired to help to streamline the country’s judicial process.Yet,while the current judiciary is headquartered in the countr... A shortage of courtrooms has long been a challenge in Malawi,especially since more judges were hired to help to streamline the country’s judicial process.Yet,while the current judiciary is headquartered in the country’s second-largest city of Blantyre,due to a lack of work space;some sections of the judiciary are located elsewhere,such as the juvenile,commercial and industrial courts. 展开更多
关键词 law JUDICIAL court
作者 张怀通 侯传峰 《古代文明(中英文)》 2025年第1期59-67,M0005,共10页
《洛诰》是成王于洛邑建成后向天下宣布周公留守洛邑决定的诰命。文本前面大部分篇幅记载了周公与成王为此决定往复协商并在法权上予以认可的对话与讲话,其中协商后周公的讲话,类似西周册命礼中受命者的答拜祈愿之辞。文本后面少部分篇... 《洛诰》是成王于洛邑建成后向天下宣布周公留守洛邑决定的诰命。文本前面大部分篇幅记载了周公与成王为此决定往复协商并在法权上予以认可的对话与讲话,其中协商后周公的讲话,类似西周册命礼中受命者的答拜祈愿之辞。文本后面少部分篇幅记载了戊辰日成王在洛邑举行祭祀文武、诸侯助祭的典礼。在周公的讲话与成王举行的祭祖礼之间,还应有诸侯方国的朝聘礼。册命礼、朝聘礼、祭祖礼都从属于成王的亲政典礼,是成王亲政典礼的组成部分。典礼次日是成王亲政元年元月元日,西周王朝的成王时代正式开始。 展开更多
关键词 《洛诰》 亲政礼 册命礼 朝聘礼 祭祖礼
作者 张吉喜 《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期68-78,共11页
我国目前的被告人法庭调查程序存在违背控辩平等原则、影响庭审效率和趋向口供中心主义等方面的问题。在《刑事诉讼法》修改时,应当从被告人法庭调查的时间、方式以及被告人法庭调查与庭前讯问笔录调查之间的关系三方面完善被告人法庭... 我国目前的被告人法庭调查程序存在违背控辩平等原则、影响庭审效率和趋向口供中心主义等方面的问题。在《刑事诉讼法》修改时,应当从被告人法庭调查的时间、方式以及被告人法庭调查与庭前讯问笔录调查之间的关系三方面完善被告人法庭调查程序。在被告人法庭调查的时间方面,应当为被告人认罪案件和被告人不认罪案件规定差异化的被告人法庭调查时间。在被告人法庭调查的方式方面,应当沿用当前的被告人先行陈述模式,并根据被告人的认罪情况适用不同的讯问、发问程序。在被告人法庭调查与庭前讯问笔录调查之间的关系方面,应当采用被告人法庭调查与庭前讯问笔录调查合并进行模式。对被告人法庭调查程序的上述修改契合了认罪认罚从宽制度对我国刑事诉讼制度和实践带来的改变。 展开更多
关键词 被告人法庭调查程序 认罪案件 不认罪案件
On the Linguistic Features of Comments in Micro-blogs from Different Social Status
作者 许之所 刘云龙 《英语广场(学术研究)》 2012年第9期51-53,共3页
The study makes a contrastive analysis of the differences in the comments of people from different social status in their Mini-blogs.It aims to find the manifestations of those differences by analyzing the underlying ... The study makes a contrastive analysis of the differences in the comments of people from different social status in their Mini-blogs.It aims to find the manifestations of those differences by analyzing the underlying causes and provide constructive suggestions on how to build a more harmonious public platform,which is of its great significance. 展开更多
关键词 micro-blog linguistic feature language variety
作者 张杰 《交大法学》 北大核心 2025年第1期68-85,共18页
司法公共表达是司法公开内容质效的提升,也与法律沟通存在区别。案例是司法公共表达的重要载体。一国案例发布模式应当根据法域特征、法治传统以及民众心理等综合选择,并契合司法公共表达效果予以优化。我国应当采取上级司法机关审核后... 司法公共表达是司法公开内容质效的提升,也与法律沟通存在区别。案例是司法公共表达的重要载体。一国案例发布模式应当根据法域特征、法治传统以及民众心理等综合选择,并契合司法公共表达效果予以优化。我国应当采取上级司法机关审核后选择性公开的方式发布案例。当前我国形成了“中国裁判文书网”发布文书案例和“人民法院案例库”收录典型案例的“网库并行”案例发布模式。以司法公共表达为视域,应当建构案例审核筛选、信息过滤、炒作规避、数据安全等机制,未来还应加强案例发布的立法保障和技术安全,强化案例发布形式内容的优化,在更高层面统筹建设“司法案例库”,实现更大范围公开案例,推进案例发布在司法公共表达中发挥更大作用。 展开更多
关键词 司法公共表达 司法案例 “网库并行” 人民法院案例库 中国裁判文书网
作者 邵奇聪 《交大法学》 北大核心 2025年第1期162-176,共15页
为保障刑事合并审判的公正性与事实认定的准确性,各国针对共同被告陈述的法庭调查发展出被告作证、共同受审与双轨调查三种模式。三种模式受法律传统、诉讼构造与国家正义性格的影响而差异较大,但均认为本案被告应有机会当面挑战、充分... 为保障刑事合并审判的公正性与事实认定的准确性,各国针对共同被告陈述的法庭调查发展出被告作证、共同受审与双轨调查三种模式。三种模式受法律传统、诉讼构造与国家正义性格的影响而差异较大,但均认为本案被告应有机会当面挑战、充分质疑指控他的共同被告,否则一般禁止使用共同被告陈述给其定罪。我国虽承认被告有质证权,却以分别讯问阻碍其获悉共同被告的陈述内容,并由法官垄断对质程序的启动权与主导权,甚至允许直接以共同被告庭外陈述作为定罪证据,这不利于查明事实和维护司法公正。我国宜承认共同被告具有被告与证人的双重诉讼角色,调整庭审的功能定位,探索新的制度模式。 展开更多
关键词 共同被告 法庭调查 合并审判 分离审判 对质诘问
作者 曹天江 《古代文明(中英文)》 2025年第1期94-105,M0006,共13页
东汉时期流行起来的“举计吏”一语,将上计与察举相联系,为观察东汉上计事务与贡献秩序的关系及其意义提供了视点。细考史料所见郡国上计案例,可知上计与察举的前途相似,但当时并未将计吏设为正式的察举科目。与西汉相比,东汉上计对计... 东汉时期流行起来的“举计吏”一语,将上计与察举相联系,为观察东汉上计事务与贡献秩序的关系及其意义提供了视点。细考史料所见郡国上计案例,可知上计与察举的前途相似,但当时并未将计吏设为正式的察举科目。与西汉相比,东汉上计对计吏的能力要求不再突出,计吏与长官的亲厚程度及其才学声望等成为更重要的因素,其人选也转向高级郡吏与布衣名士,并被赋予了地方“人才”的色彩。进而,郡国不再将上计之事推托给小吏,而是主动推荐计吏。加上察举诸生“与计偕”规定的长期执行及东汉贡献礼仪的日益完备,上计与察举在事务与观念上逐渐合流,最终,计吏被纳为“贡士”之选,统合贡献秩序中,彰显郡国对朝廷的属从关系,象征王朝国家对全国上下人、事、物全面的掌控。 展开更多
关键词 上计 贡士 贡献秩序 举计吏 察举
作者 郭巧华 《史学集刊》 北大核心 2025年第1期121-132,共12页
约翰·马歇尔是美国第四任首席大法官。在早期美国州权主义强势、政党纷争不已的背景下,他带领最高法院的同仁,通过对宪法文本的阐释,极大地加强了联邦权,削弱了州权,引发了州权主义者的猛烈批评。不过,马歇尔并非积极的国家主义者... 约翰·马歇尔是美国第四任首席大法官。在早期美国州权主义强势、政党纷争不已的背景下,他带领最高法院的同仁,通过对宪法文本的阐释,极大地加强了联邦权,削弱了州权,引发了州权主义者的猛烈批评。不过,马歇尔并非积极的国家主义者,他在相关案件中对州治安权的阐释及其案例判决表明,马歇尔及这一时期最高法院的大法官们都清楚地意识到,各州在其治安权的管辖范围内,依然行使着州内治理等大量政府功能,应该予以肯定和支持。实际上,联邦保有宪法列举的必要且至上的权力,而各州保留剩余的权力,联邦权与州权平衡互动,这不仅是制宪精英们的意图,也是现实的需求。 展开更多
关键词 美国最高法院 约翰·马歇尔 州治安权 联邦权
作者 胡谦 《石家庄学院学报》 2025年第1期72-79,共8页
《民事调解法》构建的法院调解制度是南京国民政府时期民事纠纷解决制度的重要组成部分。通过运用1931—1935年长安地方法院民事调解档案对法院调解实践进行实证性研究,可以展现该制度的实际运行状况及其效果:《民事调解法》对法院调解... 《民事调解法》构建的法院调解制度是南京国民政府时期民事纠纷解决制度的重要组成部分。通过运用1931—1935年长安地方法院民事调解档案对法院调解实践进行实证性研究,可以展现该制度的实际运行状况及其效果:《民事调解法》对法院调解机制的制度设计存在明显不足,法院调解实践中调解人制度作用不彰,而调解不收费规定削弱了法院调解的积极性,制约了法院调解功能发挥;法院调解中调解主任对民事习惯的尊重及运用则反映了重视从化解纠纷的实效出发选择调解依据。 展开更多
关键词 《民事调解法》 长安地方法院 调解实践
Mining Topical Influencers Based on the Multi-Relational Network in Micro-Blogging Sites 被引量:4
作者 丁兆云 贾焰 +1 位作者 周斌 韩毅 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第1期93-104,共12页
In micro-blogging contexts such as Twitter,the number of content producers can easily reach tens of thousands,and many users can participate in discussion of any given topic.While many users can introduce diversity,as... In micro-blogging contexts such as Twitter,the number of content producers can easily reach tens of thousands,and many users can participate in discussion of any given topic.While many users can introduce diversity,as not all users are equally influential,it makes it challenging to identify the true influencers,who are generally rated as being interesting and authoritative on a given topic.In this study,the influence of users is measured by performing random walks of the multi-relational data in micro-blogging:retweet,reply,reintroduce,and read.Due to the uncertainty of the reintroduce and read operations,a new method is proposed to determine the transition probabilities of uncertain relational networks.Moreover,we propose a method for performing the combined random walks for the multi-relational influence network,considering both the transition probabilities for intra-and inter-networking.Experiments were conducted on a real Twitter dataset containing about 260 000 users and 2.7million tweets,and the results show that our method is more effective than TwitterRank and other methods used to discover influencers. 展开更多
关键词 social network topical influence PAGERANK multi-relational network influencers micro-blogging
Chinese micro-blog sentiment classification through a novel hybrid learning model 被引量:2
作者 LI Fang-fang WANG Huan-ting +3 位作者 ZHAO Rong-chang LIU Xi-yao WANG Yan-zhen ZOU Bei-ji 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第10期2322-2330,共9页
With the rising and spreading of micro-blog, the sentiment classification of short texts has become a research hotspot. Some methods have been developed in the past decade. However, since the Chinese and English are d... With the rising and spreading of micro-blog, the sentiment classification of short texts has become a research hotspot. Some methods have been developed in the past decade. However, since the Chinese and English are different in language syntax, semantics and pragmatics, sentiment classification methods that are effective for English twitter may fail on Chinese micro-blog. In addition, the colloquialism and conciseness of short Chinese texts introduces additional challenges to sentiment classification. In this work, a novel hybrid learning model was proposed for sentiment classification of Chinese micro-blogs, which included two stages. In the first stage, emotional scores were calculated over the whole dataset by utilizing an improved Chinese-oriented sentiment dictionary classification method. Data with extremely high or low scores were directly labeled. In the second stage, the remaining data were labeled by using an integrated classification method based on sentiment dictionary, support vector machine(SVM) and k-nearest neighbor(KNN). An improved feature selection method was adopted to enhance the discriminative power of the selected features. The two-stage hybrid framework made the proposed method effective for sentiment classification of Chinese micro-blogs. Experiments on the COAE2014(Chinese Opinion Analysis Evaluation 2014) dataset show that the proposed method outperforms other schemes. 展开更多
The Simulation of Rumor’S Spreading and Controlling in Micro-Blog Users’ Network 被引量:3
作者 Peng Chen Nan Gao 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2013年第3期102-105,共4页
In this work, a rumor’s spreading and controlling in a directed Micro-blog user network being consisted with 580 000 nodes are simulated. By defining some authority nodes that release anti-rumor information as the pr... In this work, a rumor’s spreading and controlling in a directed Micro-blog user network being consisted with 580 000 nodes are simulated. By defining some authority nodes that release anti-rumor information as the prevention strategy, the effect of the nodes’ role in network on rumor’s suppression is studied. The findings show that rumor will be spread out fast and reach a stable level within limited steps. The suppression of rumor is more predominated by the intervening opportunity, the earlier the intervention strategy was implemented, the better the rumor’s controlling could be achieved. The controlling effect is less relevant with the role of the authority nodes in network. 展开更多
A Study on the Evolution of Mechanism of Infectious Disease Analysis Model of Event Using Micro-Blog Platform 被引量:1
作者 Haiying Ma 《Social Networking》 2015年第3期96-102,共7页
After the occurrence of unexpected group events of network, the relevant opinion information will spread rapidly through micro-blog, and the negative public opinion information will aggravate the unexpected the group ... After the occurrence of unexpected group events of network, the relevant opinion information will spread rapidly through micro-blog, and the negative public opinion information will aggravate the unexpected the group events to upgrade and expand the scope of harm. It is difficult to deal. So public opinion control is very important. In this paper, we establish an influence model for spreading of public opinion based on SIR model. Through the political analysis, this paper finds that the network group events will subside, but the influence scope, time and ability of event cannot be ignored. As a result of this study, the corresponding strategies are put forward in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 micro-blog Group Events of Network PUBLIC OPINION Control SIR Model
A Study on the Standardization of Court Interpretation and Suggestions in China
作者 张慧 《海外英语》 2016年第20期137-138,共2页
In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all parties, ensure the justice of legal proceedings and maintain the Chinese judicial system's positive international image, high quality interpretatio... In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all parties, ensure the justice of legal proceedings and maintain the Chinese judicial system's positive international image, high quality interpretation of legal proceedings is extremely important. This paper will analyze the nature of court interpreting and draw lessons from successful foreign practices. Moreover,some thoughts and suggestions will be presented for the establishment of national court interpreting standards in China. 展开更多
关键词 court Interpreting STANDARDIZATION suggestions
The Courtly Love in Chivalry
作者 罗俊 《海外英语》 2010年第10X期184-186,共3页
In 1066,the Duke of Normandy William in France held the Norman army to invade England.As a result of the Conquest,French culture was introduced into England,romance as a part of French culture soon became the prevaili... In 1066,the Duke of Normandy William in France held the Norman army to invade England.As a result of the Conquest,French culture was introduced into England,romance as a part of French culture soon became the prevailing literary form at that time.Romance chiefly deals with two subjects,naming,adventures and the courtly love,and adventures are often discussed by a number of writers,however,the courtly love has often been ignored by them.This paper tries to analysis the courtly love,focusing on revealing the value of love in the courtly love. 展开更多
Plurk Politics Micro-Blogging Is Changing Political Communication in Taiwan 被引量:1
作者 Luc Chia-Shin Lin Naren Chitty 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第4期565-579,共15页
The use of social media in political communication has demonstrated its significance by the example of Arab Spring and the 2008 US presidential election, but its role in non-western democratic countries like Taiwan ha... The use of social media in political communication has demonstrated its significance by the example of Arab Spring and the 2008 US presidential election, but its role in non-western democratic countries like Taiwan has rarely been examined. Micro-blogs share some characteristics with other types of social media but operate in a lighter way that has made it more and more popular among Internet users. Most researchers focus on the better-known Twitter, however, Plurk has found a niche and becomes the leading type of micro-blog in Taiwan and many politicians enjoy using it for political communication. This study seeks to answer the question "What patterns do Taiwan Residents politicians exhibit when utilizing Plurk?". By combining Habermasian communicative action theory and Foot and Schneider's Web Sphere, this research attempts to form a theoretical framework for micro-blogs. In-depth interviews were conducted with Taiwan Residents politicians at various levels and it was discovered that the broad pattern of political communication via Plurk may be characterised in Habermasian terms as strategic, through information broadcasting, public opinion formation, and political mobilization. In addition, this research shows that Taiwan Residents politicians use Plurk to gather information and ideas in exchanges which have dialogic elements. 展开更多
关键词 WEB2.0 political communication dialogic communication strategic communication Plurk micro-blogging
Courting Nanjing
作者 Lily Wang 《China's Foreign Trade》 2018年第3期60-63,共4页
Nanjing (historically known as Nanking), which was the imperial capital of several Chinese dynasties, is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China.
关键词 courting Nanjing historically known as Nanking
A Study of Historical References of Korean Royal Court Tea Culture through the Periods of Three Kingdoms,Goryeo Kingdom and Joseon Dynasty 被引量:1
作者 Yang-Seok Yoo 《茶叶》 2013年第4期495-499,共5页
The tea culture of royal court has a special significance as it represents the culture of the nation.The tea culture of Korean royal court has been described in various historical documents including the Memorabilia o... The tea culture of royal court has a special significance as it represents the culture of the nation.The tea culture of Korean royal court has been described in various historical documents including the Memorabilia of Three Kingdoms,the History of Goryeo,and the Chronology of Joseon Dynasty.These historical documents indicate an increasing sophistication of royal court tea culture as the use of tea became expanded through the periods of Three Kingdoms,Goryeo Kingdom and Joseon Dynasty.The tea was offered during ancestral and religious rituals;served as ceremonial drinks;and offered to guests in ceremonial manners.The procedures of these tea ceremonies were ritualized and codified to properly reflect decorum and propriety of the royal court.This paper examines historical references of royal court tea culture of Korea over the periods of Three Kingdoms,Goryeo Kingdom and Joseon Dynasty.Findings from this paper can promote further research on the development of royal court tea culture in Asian countries. 展开更多
关键词 历史文献 茶文化 宫廷 朝鲜 高丽 韩国 文件显示 亚洲国家
Impact of user influence on information multi-step communication in a micro-blog
作者 吴越 胡勇 +1 位作者 何小海 邓垦 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第6期5-12,共8页
User influence is generally considered as one of the most critical factors that affect information cascading spreading. Based on this common assumption, this paper proposes a theoretical model to examine user influenc... User influence is generally considered as one of the most critical factors that affect information cascading spreading. Based on this common assumption, this paper proposes a theoretical model to examine user influence on the information multi-step communication in a micro-biog. The multi-steps of information communication are divided into first-step and non-first-step, and user influence is classified into five dimensions. Actual data from the Sina micro-blog is collected to construct the model by means of an approach based on structural equations that uses the Partial Least Squares (PLS) technique. Our experimental results indicate that the dimensions of the number of fans and their authority significantly impact the information of first-step conxrnunication. Leader rank has a positive impact on both first-step and non-first-step communication. Moreover, global centrality and weight of friends are positively related to the information non-first-step communication, but authority is found to have much less relation to it. 展开更多
关键词 user influence information multi-step communication micro-blog structural equations
Evaluation on the Influence of Different Meteorological Government Micro-blog
作者 Liu Xi Yin Zhaoyin +1 位作者 Liu Yingjie Liu Yan 《Meteorological and Environmental Research》 CAS 2014年第10期33-37,共5页
Taking Meteorological Knowledge official micro-blog " Meteorological Knowledge" and Beijing Meteorological Bureau official micro-blog " Meteorology Beijing" as the research objects,the differences of different typ... Taking Meteorological Knowledge official micro-blog " Meteorological Knowledge" and Beijing Meteorological Bureau official micro-blog " Meteorology Beijing" as the research objects,the differences of different types of meteorological government micro-blog and the contribution of each factor were analyzed by comparing changes of the number of fans,micro-blog comments and forwarding and other key elements during March1 to May 31 in 2012. The results showed that the number of fans was one of important indexes to determine the influence of meteorological government micro-blog,and the high active fans played a more prominent role. During the period of study,the fans number of " Meteorology Beijing" was far more than " Meteorological Knowledge",the daily micro-blog released number and comment forwarding number were both more than " Meteorological knowledge",but the proportion of active fans of " Meteorological knowledge" was larger than " Meteorology Beijing". Timeliness was of greater contribution to advancing the meteorological government micro-blog influence. During the period of study,the proportions of comments and forwarding number of morning weather forecast were the largest,the evening weather forecast took the second place,and the noon was the smallest.But the influence of noon weather forecast micro-blog increased most highly approximately by 15% because of the higher timeliness. The content and form also made great contribution to the influence of meteorological government micro-blog. Comparison of different types of meteorological micro-blog showed that,the number of fans and the influence of meteorological government micro-blog which mainly published real-time meteorological information were larger than which mainly published meteorological popular science knowledge. 展开更多
关键词 Meteorological government micro-blog Fans number INFLUENCE China
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