Data material of a long-term high mountain ecosystem research project was used to interpret thegrazing impact of reindeers. In central Norwayinvestigations were conducted to both, areas wherereindeer grazing is exclud...Data material of a long-term high mountain ecosystem research project was used to interpret thegrazing impact of reindeers. In central Norwayinvestigations were conducted to both, areas wherereindeer grazing is excluded, and areas whereintensive pasturing is present for a long period oftime. The comparative analysis of grazing impact was based on similar environmental conditions. Theresults were transposed to northern Norway wheredramatic overgrazing had been exceeding thecarrying capacity. Using landscape ecologicalmappings, especially of vegetation and soils, theimpact of reindeer grazing in different areas becameobvious. Non-grazed lichen-dominated ecosystems of the snow-free locations functioned sensitively nearthe limit of organism survival. These localities weremost influenced by grazing as they offer the winterforage to the reindeers. So, intensive grazing incentral Norway led to landscape degradation bydestruction of the vegetation and superinduced bysoil erosion. Those features were comparable to thesituation in northern Norway, where a broad-scale destruction of the environment combined with adepression of the altitudinal belts had occurred dueto overgrazing. Functioning principles of intact high mountain systems were explained and used to interpret theenvironmental background for the understanding ofdegradation phenomena. Finally, the use of a newmodel calculating the carrying capacity of high mountain landscape was discussed.展开更多
Over the last few years major changes have happened in the region of South-Eastern Europe. They have been significantly determined by the changes in international political relations, and that mirrors economic and pol...Over the last few years major changes have happened in the region of South-Eastern Europe. They have been significantly determined by the changes in international political relations, and that mirrors economic and political interests of some countries. With its 27 member countries and the population of almost halfa billion people, the EU is a significant factor on the world scene. The aim of this paper is to point out that the future of Southeast European countries is, undoubtedly, within the flame of European integration. Moreover, it shows that the EU accomplishes a dominant role in the global economic area. That is also indicated by economic relations of the EU with the South-East European countries, with special regard to Serbia, as it is elaborated in this paper. This paper also examined and compared relations in terms of GDP in South-East European countries, as well as the highest import and export by sectors in relation Serbia--the EU. For the purpose of this research, the information from the world economic data base was used as the parameter of the research, and the information from the relevant financial institutions in Serbia. The main findings showed which countries in the South-Eastern Europe have the highest economic potential, which countries had positive GDP growth rate, the fact that Serbia had export growth of goods and services towards the EU and all the difficulties which followed that export. Finally, taking into consideration all the parameters, it can be concluded that the goal and future of South-East European countries is within the EU integration.展开更多
The purpose of this paper, in the light of recent developments, is to analyze whether or not there is an axial drift in Turkey, which is a part of Europe. With the decision of the Parliament of the Federal Republic of...The purpose of this paper, in the light of recent developments, is to analyze whether or not there is an axial drift in Turkey, which is a part of Europe. With the decision of the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany, after the collapse of the wall, known as the iron curtain, built on August 13, 1961 in Berlin, the Soviet Union disintegrated on the date of December 25, 1991 and a new unipolar restructure came into view. New hopes, uncertainties, and new threats were brought along by the US-led restructuring. The Cold War period ended, a drastic change process with the Eurasian axis in the international relations started to be lived in, and the world order based on the the nuclear balance between the East and the West also died out. Having been located at the intersection point of Europe and Asia and therefore of strategic importance, Central Asia has been bringing together the two continents for centuries. In this geography, Turkey has been the first country to recognize the Republics that have gained their independence for the last 20 years. Starting in 1991, the relations between Turkey and Central Asia countries progressed swiftly. Turkey, on one hand, has been developing the economical and political relations with the aforesaid countries, but on the other hand, it has also been continuing to progress on the course of being granted a full membership to the EU (European Union). Turkey has been the only Muslim country to head towards the West since Tanzimat (the Reformations in 1839). Besides, Turkey, by having preserved the cultural values, having adopted the democratic principles, having a common border with the Western world, and being her neighbour, is the only and the most developed country to have chosen the West on the economic, cultural, social, and sporting areas among the 57 Islamic countries existing in the world. Turkey, with different political and economic systems, is ready to contribute towards ensuring peace and economic prosperity in Central Asia and Eurasia. The diplomatic activity demonstrated by Turkey in its region was interpreted by some parties as undergoing a shift in the axis of the country and becoming Islamized. The development preparing the ground for the emergence of the axis debates in Turkey is that the relationship between Turkey and EU has come to a dead end. While about 80% of the public supporting for full membership in the years of 1999-2005, this proportion dropped to 40% in recent years. Without the support of the public opinion, no government in the Republic of Turkey will be enthusiastic about the EU membership, as it is, the relations between Turkey and the Western world will decline and the axis shift in Turkey will perhaps become a fact in this case. For this reason, an initiative, called Positive Agenda, was launched for the purpose of not breaking off the relations and preventing Turkey from setting sail for new shores. This new approach is not targeting to replace but to complete the accession process, and the development of the more constructive and positive relationship between EU and Turkey is targeted as well. The world's economic axis will shift from the West to the East in the next 50 years. The harsh criticism of the double standards of the West voiced by Turkey in the non-Western regions, such as the Middle East, the Balkans, and the Caucasus, is causing to be perceived by the Western world as Turkey is not a partner but a competitive power and the close relationship with the groups and the actors against the West in the Middle East is leading to interrogate about what kind of partner it will be in Europe. When NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was formed 63 years ago, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, that the Central Asia countries would gain their independence, that two-block structure of Europe would disappear, and that the Warsaw Pact would disband, could not be predicted by any one. Axis is shifting from the West to the East. By realizing this fact, Turkey has to determine a new strategy. As a result, in this statement, the position of Turkey, which is a part of Asia and Europe, against the latest development in the region, will be analyzed.展开更多
随着中国设计学界“三大体系”建设研究的展开,如何通过学术语言定义、建构并阐释“中国设计”的主体性特征,已逐渐成为中国设计学界的一个基础性问题。关于“中国设计”,虽然已有诸多阐释和讨论,但与其他区域类似概念话语的对比研究和...随着中国设计学界“三大体系”建设研究的展开,如何通过学术语言定义、建构并阐释“中国设计”的主体性特征,已逐渐成为中国设计学界的一个基础性问题。关于“中国设计”,虽然已有诸多阐释和讨论,但与其他区域类似概念话语的对比研究和建构反思还相对缺乏。本文遴选在学界已有较多研究的“日本设计”和“北欧设计”学术话语作为比较对象,利用中国知网数据库、Web of Science英文数据库收录的相关文献文本为材料,基于文献计量学方法,分析关于以上三个地区设计的研究主题、研究语汇和词频分布,挖掘分析三者在学术话语建构和认知体系中存在的差异,从而试图为“中国设计”的主体性学术话语建设提供借鉴。展开更多
(1)欧美国家休闲体育发展现状。休闲体育引领健康世界。面对汹涌而来的世界性的现代健康危机,各国纷纷出台国民健康的政策和办法,通过开展调查研究为民众的体育参与提供数据和支撑,还通过体育设施设备供给为社会大众参与体育运动锻炼创...(1)欧美国家休闲体育发展现状。休闲体育引领健康世界。面对汹涌而来的世界性的现代健康危机,各国纷纷出台国民健康的政策和办法,通过开展调查研究为民众的体育参与提供数据和支撑,还通过体育设施设备供给为社会大众参与体育运动锻炼创造条件。随着经济社会发展、个人拥有物质财富和自由时间的增多,休闲体育作为一种促进人类健康的时代力量和新的生活方式、文化现象被社会大众广泛关注和接受。社会大众逐渐崇尚生命价值的真实和品质;大众积极休闲观念的养成、对体验型运动休闲方式青睐等也助推了休闲体育的发展。休闲健身的理念和实施成了推动休闲体育、进一步发展的关键一环;同时我们还要把加快形成有利于健康的生活方式、生态环境和经济社会发展模式,实现健康与经济社会良性协调发展作为基本准则。大众化、多样化和差异化是法国休闲体育发展主要趋势。运动休闲在法国的普及程度较高,截至2010年,有89%14周岁以上的法国人至少参加一项休闲体育运动。休闲体育运动参与人数的增加,还拓展了休闲体育活动的内容和类型。研究(Lefèvre&Thierry,2010)表明:法国人不但可以同时参与多项体育运动,他们还对一些传统的项目加以创新和发展;所以,法国人经常参与的休闲体育运动项目有300余项。法国大众的休闲体育运动参与还呈现出多样化特点,参与者呈现出巨大的性别、年龄、职业、形式、规模等方面的差别;社会大众参与休闲体育运动的目的也是多种多样,除了竞技和表演外,人们赋予休闲体育运动保持健康、愉悦身心、形体塑造等多重意义和价值。加拿大休闲体育发展主要趋势。根据加拿大统计局(Statistics Canada)的数据,2012年12岁及以上加拿大人口中,有53.9%(1 560万)的人经常运动。2001年-2012年间,加拿大经常参与休闲体育运动活动的人数呈现出上升态势,其中男性经常参与体育锻炼的比例高于女性。他们把体育参与分为3种类型:体育运动(Sport,有规则、有对手、竞争性)、体力活动(Physical Activity,需要一切的能量消耗及休闲体育锻炼(Exercise,有计划、有组织、重复性的旨在改善或维持身体健康)。调查表明:(1)最受加拿大男性欢迎的3项体育运动是冰球、高尔夫球和足球,最受加拿大女性欢迎的项目则是高尔夫、足球和游泳。(2)2010年以前步行或慢跑是加拿大人最常参与的休闲活动项目,是加拿大人最常用的休闲体育锻炼项目。(3)由加拿大健身和生活方式研究所(Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute)完成的研究报告表明:2014年-2015年18岁及以上加拿大人经常参加的体力活动的类型有:步行(84%)、园艺或庭院工作(74%)、在家锻炼(65%)和游泳(58%)等。澳大利亚体育发展概况。澳大利亚一直被公认为是一个热爱体育运动的国家。澳政府出台了各种促进体育发展的政策以期增加参与体育运动人口数量、提升精英运动员成绩、增进社会包容度、改善大众心理健康、帮助老年人保持独立并提升他们的生活质量、推动社会变革。2015年澳大利亚人仅在体育馆、健身房、休闲中心的体育和休闲活动花费就超过107亿美元。澳大利亚90%以上的体育和体育娱乐从业人员都在私营部门就业。但令人担忧的是:近年来久坐的成年人和儿童数量大幅增加,肥胖和其他与不运动相关的健康问题日益增多。澳大利亚统计局的数据(Australian Bureau of Statistics,2014)表明,参加体育运动和休闲体育娱乐活动的澳大利亚人数量有所减少,会员制体育和休闲俱乐部的会员人数有所下降。究其根源:社会变化、政治决定、经济条件和人口变化等相互作用导致体育志愿者工作时间减少。志愿者一直是澳大利亚非营利性社区体育和娱乐团体运营的关键因素,但受人口结构的变化、就业模式和利益相关者的期望等因素影响,体育志愿者工作时间正在减少。随着休闲方式变革、人口结构变化、体育发展商业化和全球化对澳大利亚的休闲娱乐和体育运动发展的影响逐渐深入,体育发展既要积极变革以适应青少年休闲体育运动偏好,又要主动寻求非政府组织的资助,还要努力探索"商业化"背景下体育组织的运营模式。气候变化对休闲体育高尔夫旅游的影响。据估计,全世界有34 011个高尔夫球场;全球高尔夫旅游市场每年的产值超过200亿美元,许多国家已将高尔夫作为重要的旅游产品来开发。加勒比海地区的高尔夫球场数量较少,占全球高尔夫球场总数的不到1%(121个,截至2014年);球场运营的模式有4种:单独运营的球场、与酒店共同运营、与住宅房地产和/或酒店合作运营、只与主要的住宅房地产合作运营。加勒比地区的高尔夫市场曾主要依赖美国和加拿大的游客。然而,比起打高尔夫(14%),北美的游客现在更喜欢钓鱼(30%)、赏鸟(15%)、在沙滩上漫步(77%)或放松休憩(71%)。高尔夫球场经营和高尔夫球旅游发展与气候密切相关。一方面,全球气候变化也延长了全球北部地区的高尔夫球季。另一方面,高尔夫球场项目建设也可能会因砍伐树木、植被和红树林等导致气候变化;投入运营的高尔夫球场会通过增加温室气体排放及其对淡水的大量需求等形式影响气候变化。所以,高尔夫球场建设与运营应更加注重对环境的保护。除了研究草坪管理、培育草种外,我们更应该关注高尔夫球场如何适应气候变化的客观现实。加勒比和其他地区的新高尔夫球场建设除了必须符合国际公认项目标准,还要积极探索冷却大气、防止侵蚀、给地下水补给和应对气候变化的最佳做法。(2)欧美国家休闲体育发展对中国的启示。观念的转变,让理念主导休闲体育发展方式变迁。体育及休闲体育既是提高人民健康水平,又是推动体育消费结构升级和体育产业发展的重要力量。另外,社会大众对体育及休闲的认识是推进休闲体育及体育发展方式大变革关键:休闲体育发展既需要社会大众重视,又需要全社会积极参与。方式的创新,让社会和市场成为推动休闲体育发展的核心力量。一方面发挥协会、高校、俱乐部、企业等在提供和生产多元化休闲体育产品及服务方面的职能和职责,以缓解当前休闲体育产品和服务供给总体不足与需求不断增长之间的矛盾。另一方面,发挥市场机制配置休闲体育资源的决定性作用,让市场逻辑和效率逻辑主导休闲体育的发展。文化培育,让浓厚的文化氛围为休闲体育发展提供滋养。政府部门主导休闲体育设施设备供给和制度供给,为休闲体育发展提供物质和制度文化层面的保障和支持;加强宣传和引导,推动休闲体育产品和服务供给者、各类参与者的休闲体育文化自觉,并落实到休闲体育发展、休闲体育参与和休闲体育消费的实践中。展开更多
文摘Data material of a long-term high mountain ecosystem research project was used to interpret thegrazing impact of reindeers. In central Norwayinvestigations were conducted to both, areas wherereindeer grazing is excluded, and areas whereintensive pasturing is present for a long period oftime. The comparative analysis of grazing impact was based on similar environmental conditions. Theresults were transposed to northern Norway wheredramatic overgrazing had been exceeding thecarrying capacity. Using landscape ecologicalmappings, especially of vegetation and soils, theimpact of reindeer grazing in different areas becameobvious. Non-grazed lichen-dominated ecosystems of the snow-free locations functioned sensitively nearthe limit of organism survival. These localities weremost influenced by grazing as they offer the winterforage to the reindeers. So, intensive grazing incentral Norway led to landscape degradation bydestruction of the vegetation and superinduced bysoil erosion. Those features were comparable to thesituation in northern Norway, where a broad-scale destruction of the environment combined with adepression of the altitudinal belts had occurred dueto overgrazing. Functioning principles of intact high mountain systems were explained and used to interpret theenvironmental background for the understanding ofdegradation phenomena. Finally, the use of a newmodel calculating the carrying capacity of high mountain landscape was discussed.
文摘Over the last few years major changes have happened in the region of South-Eastern Europe. They have been significantly determined by the changes in international political relations, and that mirrors economic and political interests of some countries. With its 27 member countries and the population of almost halfa billion people, the EU is a significant factor on the world scene. The aim of this paper is to point out that the future of Southeast European countries is, undoubtedly, within the flame of European integration. Moreover, it shows that the EU accomplishes a dominant role in the global economic area. That is also indicated by economic relations of the EU with the South-East European countries, with special regard to Serbia, as it is elaborated in this paper. This paper also examined and compared relations in terms of GDP in South-East European countries, as well as the highest import and export by sectors in relation Serbia--the EU. For the purpose of this research, the information from the world economic data base was used as the parameter of the research, and the information from the relevant financial institutions in Serbia. The main findings showed which countries in the South-Eastern Europe have the highest economic potential, which countries had positive GDP growth rate, the fact that Serbia had export growth of goods and services towards the EU and all the difficulties which followed that export. Finally, taking into consideration all the parameters, it can be concluded that the goal and future of South-East European countries is within the EU integration.
文摘The purpose of this paper, in the light of recent developments, is to analyze whether or not there is an axial drift in Turkey, which is a part of Europe. With the decision of the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany, after the collapse of the wall, known as the iron curtain, built on August 13, 1961 in Berlin, the Soviet Union disintegrated on the date of December 25, 1991 and a new unipolar restructure came into view. New hopes, uncertainties, and new threats were brought along by the US-led restructuring. The Cold War period ended, a drastic change process with the Eurasian axis in the international relations started to be lived in, and the world order based on the the nuclear balance between the East and the West also died out. Having been located at the intersection point of Europe and Asia and therefore of strategic importance, Central Asia has been bringing together the two continents for centuries. In this geography, Turkey has been the first country to recognize the Republics that have gained their independence for the last 20 years. Starting in 1991, the relations between Turkey and Central Asia countries progressed swiftly. Turkey, on one hand, has been developing the economical and political relations with the aforesaid countries, but on the other hand, it has also been continuing to progress on the course of being granted a full membership to the EU (European Union). Turkey has been the only Muslim country to head towards the West since Tanzimat (the Reformations in 1839). Besides, Turkey, by having preserved the cultural values, having adopted the democratic principles, having a common border with the Western world, and being her neighbour, is the only and the most developed country to have chosen the West on the economic, cultural, social, and sporting areas among the 57 Islamic countries existing in the world. Turkey, with different political and economic systems, is ready to contribute towards ensuring peace and economic prosperity in Central Asia and Eurasia. The diplomatic activity demonstrated by Turkey in its region was interpreted by some parties as undergoing a shift in the axis of the country and becoming Islamized. The development preparing the ground for the emergence of the axis debates in Turkey is that the relationship between Turkey and EU has come to a dead end. While about 80% of the public supporting for full membership in the years of 1999-2005, this proportion dropped to 40% in recent years. Without the support of the public opinion, no government in the Republic of Turkey will be enthusiastic about the EU membership, as it is, the relations between Turkey and the Western world will decline and the axis shift in Turkey will perhaps become a fact in this case. For this reason, an initiative, called Positive Agenda, was launched for the purpose of not breaking off the relations and preventing Turkey from setting sail for new shores. This new approach is not targeting to replace but to complete the accession process, and the development of the more constructive and positive relationship between EU and Turkey is targeted as well. The world's economic axis will shift from the West to the East in the next 50 years. The harsh criticism of the double standards of the West voiced by Turkey in the non-Western regions, such as the Middle East, the Balkans, and the Caucasus, is causing to be perceived by the Western world as Turkey is not a partner but a competitive power and the close relationship with the groups and the actors against the West in the Middle East is leading to interrogate about what kind of partner it will be in Europe. When NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was formed 63 years ago, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, that the Central Asia countries would gain their independence, that two-block structure of Europe would disappear, and that the Warsaw Pact would disband, could not be predicted by any one. Axis is shifting from the West to the East. By realizing this fact, Turkey has to determine a new strategy. As a result, in this statement, the position of Turkey, which is a part of Asia and Europe, against the latest development in the region, will be analyzed.
文摘随着中国设计学界“三大体系”建设研究的展开,如何通过学术语言定义、建构并阐释“中国设计”的主体性特征,已逐渐成为中国设计学界的一个基础性问题。关于“中国设计”,虽然已有诸多阐释和讨论,但与其他区域类似概念话语的对比研究和建构反思还相对缺乏。本文遴选在学界已有较多研究的“日本设计”和“北欧设计”学术话语作为比较对象,利用中国知网数据库、Web of Science英文数据库收录的相关文献文本为材料,基于文献计量学方法,分析关于以上三个地区设计的研究主题、研究语汇和词频分布,挖掘分析三者在学术话语建构和认知体系中存在的差异,从而试图为“中国设计”的主体性学术话语建设提供借鉴。
文摘(1)欧美国家休闲体育发展现状。休闲体育引领健康世界。面对汹涌而来的世界性的现代健康危机,各国纷纷出台国民健康的政策和办法,通过开展调查研究为民众的体育参与提供数据和支撑,还通过体育设施设备供给为社会大众参与体育运动锻炼创造条件。随着经济社会发展、个人拥有物质财富和自由时间的增多,休闲体育作为一种促进人类健康的时代力量和新的生活方式、文化现象被社会大众广泛关注和接受。社会大众逐渐崇尚生命价值的真实和品质;大众积极休闲观念的养成、对体验型运动休闲方式青睐等也助推了休闲体育的发展。休闲健身的理念和实施成了推动休闲体育、进一步发展的关键一环;同时我们还要把加快形成有利于健康的生活方式、生态环境和经济社会发展模式,实现健康与经济社会良性协调发展作为基本准则。大众化、多样化和差异化是法国休闲体育发展主要趋势。运动休闲在法国的普及程度较高,截至2010年,有89%14周岁以上的法国人至少参加一项休闲体育运动。休闲体育运动参与人数的增加,还拓展了休闲体育活动的内容和类型。研究(Lefèvre&Thierry,2010)表明:法国人不但可以同时参与多项体育运动,他们还对一些传统的项目加以创新和发展;所以,法国人经常参与的休闲体育运动项目有300余项。法国大众的休闲体育运动参与还呈现出多样化特点,参与者呈现出巨大的性别、年龄、职业、形式、规模等方面的差别;社会大众参与休闲体育运动的目的也是多种多样,除了竞技和表演外,人们赋予休闲体育运动保持健康、愉悦身心、形体塑造等多重意义和价值。加拿大休闲体育发展主要趋势。根据加拿大统计局(Statistics Canada)的数据,2012年12岁及以上加拿大人口中,有53.9%(1 560万)的人经常运动。2001年-2012年间,加拿大经常参与休闲体育运动活动的人数呈现出上升态势,其中男性经常参与体育锻炼的比例高于女性。他们把体育参与分为3种类型:体育运动(Sport,有规则、有对手、竞争性)、体力活动(Physical Activity,需要一切的能量消耗及休闲体育锻炼(Exercise,有计划、有组织、重复性的旨在改善或维持身体健康)。调查表明:(1)最受加拿大男性欢迎的3项体育运动是冰球、高尔夫球和足球,最受加拿大女性欢迎的项目则是高尔夫、足球和游泳。(2)2010年以前步行或慢跑是加拿大人最常参与的休闲活动项目,是加拿大人最常用的休闲体育锻炼项目。(3)由加拿大健身和生活方式研究所(Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute)完成的研究报告表明:2014年-2015年18岁及以上加拿大人经常参加的体力活动的类型有:步行(84%)、园艺或庭院工作(74%)、在家锻炼(65%)和游泳(58%)等。澳大利亚体育发展概况。澳大利亚一直被公认为是一个热爱体育运动的国家。澳政府出台了各种促进体育发展的政策以期增加参与体育运动人口数量、提升精英运动员成绩、增进社会包容度、改善大众心理健康、帮助老年人保持独立并提升他们的生活质量、推动社会变革。2015年澳大利亚人仅在体育馆、健身房、休闲中心的体育和休闲活动花费就超过107亿美元。澳大利亚90%以上的体育和体育娱乐从业人员都在私营部门就业。但令人担忧的是:近年来久坐的成年人和儿童数量大幅增加,肥胖和其他与不运动相关的健康问题日益增多。澳大利亚统计局的数据(Australian Bureau of Statistics,2014)表明,参加体育运动和休闲体育娱乐活动的澳大利亚人数量有所减少,会员制体育和休闲俱乐部的会员人数有所下降。究其根源:社会变化、政治决定、经济条件和人口变化等相互作用导致体育志愿者工作时间减少。志愿者一直是澳大利亚非营利性社区体育和娱乐团体运营的关键因素,但受人口结构的变化、就业模式和利益相关者的期望等因素影响,体育志愿者工作时间正在减少。随着休闲方式变革、人口结构变化、体育发展商业化和全球化对澳大利亚的休闲娱乐和体育运动发展的影响逐渐深入,体育发展既要积极变革以适应青少年休闲体育运动偏好,又要主动寻求非政府组织的资助,还要努力探索"商业化"背景下体育组织的运营模式。气候变化对休闲体育高尔夫旅游的影响。据估计,全世界有34 011个高尔夫球场;全球高尔夫旅游市场每年的产值超过200亿美元,许多国家已将高尔夫作为重要的旅游产品来开发。加勒比海地区的高尔夫球场数量较少,占全球高尔夫球场总数的不到1%(121个,截至2014年);球场运营的模式有4种:单独运营的球场、与酒店共同运营、与住宅房地产和/或酒店合作运营、只与主要的住宅房地产合作运营。加勒比地区的高尔夫市场曾主要依赖美国和加拿大的游客。然而,比起打高尔夫(14%),北美的游客现在更喜欢钓鱼(30%)、赏鸟(15%)、在沙滩上漫步(77%)或放松休憩(71%)。高尔夫球场经营和高尔夫球旅游发展与气候密切相关。一方面,全球气候变化也延长了全球北部地区的高尔夫球季。另一方面,高尔夫球场项目建设也可能会因砍伐树木、植被和红树林等导致气候变化;投入运营的高尔夫球场会通过增加温室气体排放及其对淡水的大量需求等形式影响气候变化。所以,高尔夫球场建设与运营应更加注重对环境的保护。除了研究草坪管理、培育草种外,我们更应该关注高尔夫球场如何适应气候变化的客观现实。加勒比和其他地区的新高尔夫球场建设除了必须符合国际公认项目标准,还要积极探索冷却大气、防止侵蚀、给地下水补给和应对气候变化的最佳做法。(2)欧美国家休闲体育发展对中国的启示。观念的转变,让理念主导休闲体育发展方式变迁。体育及休闲体育既是提高人民健康水平,又是推动体育消费结构升级和体育产业发展的重要力量。另外,社会大众对体育及休闲的认识是推进休闲体育及体育发展方式大变革关键:休闲体育发展既需要社会大众重视,又需要全社会积极参与。方式的创新,让社会和市场成为推动休闲体育发展的核心力量。一方面发挥协会、高校、俱乐部、企业等在提供和生产多元化休闲体育产品及服务方面的职能和职责,以缓解当前休闲体育产品和服务供给总体不足与需求不断增长之间的矛盾。另一方面,发挥市场机制配置休闲体育资源的决定性作用,让市场逻辑和效率逻辑主导休闲体育的发展。文化培育,让浓厚的文化氛围为休闲体育发展提供滋养。政府部门主导休闲体育设施设备供给和制度供给,为休闲体育发展提供物质和制度文化层面的保障和支持;加强宣传和引导,推动休闲体育产品和服务供给者、各类参与者的休闲体育文化自觉,并落实到休闲体育发展、休闲体育参与和休闲体育消费的实践中。