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“I Dread the Heart Surgery but it Keeps My Child Alive”—Experiences of Parents of Children with Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Anomalies during the Assessment for Cardiac Reoperation
作者 Birgitta Svensson Petru Liuba +1 位作者 Anne Wennick Malin Berghammer 《Congenital Heart Disease》 SCIE 2023年第3期349-359,共11页
Background:Parents of children with complex right ventricular outflow tract(RVOT)anomalies are confronted with their child’s need for heart surgery early in life and repeated reoperations later on.Preoperative assess... Background:Parents of children with complex right ventricular outflow tract(RVOT)anomalies are confronted with their child’s need for heart surgery early in life and repeated reoperations later on.Preoperative assessment needs to be performed whenever an indication for reoperation is suspected.The aim was to illuminate the experiences of parents of children diagnosed with RVOT anomalies,in particular,how they experience their child’s heart disease and everyday life during the assessment and after the decision on whether to perform a reoperation.Method:Individual interviews(n=27)were conducted with nine parents on three occasions between 2014 and 2016 and analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis.Results:The analysis resulted in the following five main coexisting themes:The heart surgery keeps my child alive illuminates parents’experiences during and after the assessment and emphasizes that heart surgery,although dreaded,is central for their child’s survival;Everyday struggles illuminates the different struggles parents had to face to ensure that their child would be in the best possible condition;the remaining three themes,Unconditional love,Trust in life,and Togetherness,illuminate the ways in which the parents gained inner strength and confidence in their everyday lives.Conclusion:Although the parents were grateful for the assessment and had learned to navigate among the fears it aroused,they experienced several distressing situations during the assessment process that should be addressed.By inviting both the parents and their child to participate in the child’s care,individualized support can take into account the needs of both parents and child. 展开更多
关键词 parents CHILDREN right ventricular outflow tract anomalies everyday life heart surgery reflexive thematic analysis
Role of the Americans with Disabilities Act in Parental Rights Court Cases
作者 Miranda Sue terry 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2014年第1期1-10,共10页
关键词 文化 理论 哲学 宗教
作者 焦建军 柴丛娜 +2 位作者 靳书滨 石光 马超 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2024年第3期957-962,共6页
为分析出唇(腭)裂疾病的发生概率和其父母年龄的关系,通过采用Logistic回归分析675例非综合征性唇(腭)裂患者,包括404例唇(腭)裂(cleft lip with/without cleft palate,CL±P),271例腭裂(isolated cleft palate,CP),并记录父母生育... 为分析出唇(腭)裂疾病的发生概率和其父母年龄的关系,通过采用Logistic回归分析675例非综合征性唇(腭)裂患者,包括404例唇(腭)裂(cleft lip with/without cleft palate,CL±P),271例腭裂(isolated cleft palate,CP),并记录父母生育年龄。根据裂隙的严重程度分为两组:唇(腭)裂(CL±P)及腭裂(CP)。单侧裂分为左侧裂及右侧裂。研究发现在唇(腭)裂(CL±P)中,父母双方年龄都大时,后代患唇(腭)裂(CL±P)的风险要比父母双方都年轻的高很多。在腭裂(CP)中,父母年龄大比父母年轻的后代更易患腭裂,但是无统计学意义。同时分析父母年龄和左右侧裂之间的关系,发现父母年龄和左右侧裂统计学无意义。随着父母年龄的增长,后代患唇(腭)裂的风险越大,进一步的分析表明,只有当父母双方的年龄都很高时,这种风险才会增加。 展开更多
关键词 腭裂 唇(腭)裂 左右侧裂 父母年龄 回顾性研究
作者 刘征峰 《政治与法律》 北大核心 2024年第6期49-63,共15页
探望被妨碍的救济问题应纳入债之关系进行处理。增加直接抚养方父母压力不能成为排斥适用债法规范的当然理由。根据双方是否存在探望权行使约定,可相应形成违约损害赔偿责任、法定义务不履行责任与侵权损害赔偿责任等形态。探望权约定... 探望被妨碍的救济问题应纳入债之关系进行处理。增加直接抚养方父母压力不能成为排斥适用债法规范的当然理由。根据双方是否存在探望权行使约定,可相应形成违约损害赔偿责任、法定义务不履行责任与侵权损害赔偿责任等形态。探望权约定作为纯粹身份关系协议具有一定的法律约束力,在不直接损害未成年子女利益的前提下,可根据《中华人民共和国民法典》第464条第2款,参照适用违约责任规范。即使欠缺双方具体约定,双方之间亦存在法定义务,直接抚养方父母不仅有协助间接抚养方父母行使探望权的义务,而且有保护间接抚养方父母相关财产利益的义务。在直接抚养方父母不履行义务时,可经由《中华人民共和国民法典》第468条链接债务不履行责任规范。探望权在对外层面具有绝对权性质,受侵权法保护。无论基于何种责任基础,均应采一般过错归责,无益费用均可纳入损害赔偿范围。 展开更多
关键词 父母子女关系 探望权 未成年子女利益 协助义务
作者 王锴 王彦博 《人权法学》 2024年第3期21-37,154,155,共19页
2021年,全国人民代表大会常务委员会法制工作委员会在备案审查工作报告中披露的“强制亲子鉴定”案的审查结论中认为,亲子关系涉及公民人格尊严、身份、隐私和家庭关系和谐稳定,属于公民基本权益,受宪法法律保护。该审查结论首次提出“... 2021年,全国人民代表大会常务委员会法制工作委员会在备案审查工作报告中披露的“强制亲子鉴定”案的审查结论中认为,亲子关系涉及公民人格尊严、身份、隐私和家庭关系和谐稳定,属于公民基本权益,受宪法法律保护。该审查结论首次提出“公民基本权益”的概念,这既是对宪法上所规定的权利和利益的重大发展,也提出了如何认识基本权益的问题。通过分析发现,人格尊严、家庭关系和谐稳定属于我国宪法明确列举的基本权利,身份、隐私、亲子关系虽然未被我国宪法所列举,但仍然受宪法上人格尊严、家庭关系的保护。因此,公民基本权益是公民基本权利和基本利益的总称,宪法上明确列举的权利属于基本权利,而宪法上虽未列举但受宪法基本权利保护的属于基本利益。 展开更多
关键词 基本权利 基本权益 人格权 身份权 亲子关系
作者 徐国栋 《汕头大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2024年第1期5-19,94,共16页
美国和法国等国家已确立扶养费代收机构解决扶养权利人自行追讨或通过法院追讨扶养费难达目的的问题,此等代收机构能调动各个方面的国家力量,包括失信惩戒机制迫使扶养义务人履行义务,并对拒养者课加刑事责任,形成了综合治理拖欠抚养费... 美国和法国等国家已确立扶养费代收机构解决扶养权利人自行追讨或通过法院追讨扶养费难达目的的问题,此等代收机构能调动各个方面的国家力量,包括失信惩戒机制迫使扶养义务人履行义务,并对拒养者课加刑事责任,形成了综合治理拖欠抚养费行为的模式,但对由于服刑等原因实在履行不了抚养义务者,也实行减少或豁免政策,并以扶养费代收机构为后备履行人,消除扶养权利人得不到履行的风险。尽管如此,对于怠于行使扶养请求权者,大多数立法机关都以诉讼时效和执行时效消灭此等权利。我国还停留在单纯依靠法院解决拖欠的抚养费阶段,无抚养费代收机构,由于法院判决执行率只有57%,导致扶养权利人即使胜诉也可能得不到抚养费的给付,所以,补设抚养费代收机构、把抚养费确定和执行制度扩用于留守儿童与其父母的关系,为建立我国未来的综合治理型的扶养费征收制度的主要工作方向。 展开更多
关键词 拖欠的抚养费 抚养费代收机构 国家亲权 留守儿童 失信惩戒机制
作者 刘斌 梁樱子 《西南政法大学学报》 2024年第3期80-97,共18页
面对公司立体式发展而产生的权利扩张现象,2023年修订的《公司法》引入了股东双重代表诉讼规则,旨在解决子公司诉讼能力丧失问题并提供有效救济。当子公司遭受内部或外部侵害,子公司与母公司均不能或怠于起诉时,母公司股东可以提起双重... 面对公司立体式发展而产生的权利扩张现象,2023年修订的《公司法》引入了股东双重代表诉讼规则,旨在解决子公司诉讼能力丧失问题并提供有效救济。当子公司遭受内部或外部侵害,子公司与母公司均不能或怠于起诉时,母公司股东可以提起双重代表诉讼。在双层制下需要向子公司的董事会或监事会履行前置程序,单层制下则由审计委员会替代监事会履行前置程序。当前的股东双重代表诉讼规则将母子公司的控制关系限定于直接或间接的全资母子公司,应当将其适度扩张至绝对控股母子公司及部分相对控股母子公司,并在前置程序中增加股东请求回复规则。同时,对于母子公司控制关系中隐藏的权利滥用问题,股东双重代表诉讼与其他公司法律规范存在衔接适用的空间,应当注重制度联动效应,以防止母公司及其控股股东滥用控制权或者母公司中小股东滥用诉权。 展开更多
关键词 股东双重代表诉讼 母子公司 前置程序 禁止权利滥用
作者 刘晟晗 《特区经济》 2024年第4期106-110,共5页
我国在《中华人民共和国公司法(修订草案二次审议稿)》中通过扩大董事会、监事会、高级管理人员等范围的方式对双重股东代表诉讼进行了规定。侧面反映出我国对该制度引入的趋向性。但在母子公司运营模式已经常态化的今天,在法律层面上... 我国在《中华人民共和国公司法(修订草案二次审议稿)》中通过扩大董事会、监事会、高级管理人员等范围的方式对双重股东代表诉讼进行了规定。侧面反映出我国对该制度引入的趋向性。但在母子公司运营模式已经常态化的今天,在法律层面上仍然缺乏与其匹配的制度,同样,在实务中也仍存在诸多法律适用的困境。因此,研究双重股东代表诉讼制度具有理论和实务上的意义。本文主要从引入双重股东代表诉讼制度已成为目前争议焦点为背景,进一步探讨如何构建本土化的双重股东代表诉讼制度,以期待从制度层面上完善股东代表诉讼制度。 展开更多
关键词 母公司 子公司 股东 双重股东代表诉讼 少数股东权
作者 叶强 《中华家教》 2024年第3期5-16,共12页
由于学前教育法与家庭教育法之间的紧密关系,加强二者的立法衔接甚为重要。虽然《学前教育法(草案)》第十条、第三十一条和《家庭教育促进法》第十九条、第四十六条有衔接规定,但是这种抽象的对应关系难以满足家园社协同育人的发展趋势... 由于学前教育法与家庭教育法之间的紧密关系,加强二者的立法衔接甚为重要。虽然《学前教育法(草案)》第十条、第三十一条和《家庭教育促进法》第十九条、第四十六条有衔接规定,但是这种抽象的对应关系难以满足家园社协同育人的发展趋势要求。美国自从民权运动以来,在学前教育立法中对此有着较为丰富的经验,值得借鉴。为此,本研究在合理借鉴的基础上,结合我国的学前教育实践,建议《学前教育法(草案)》规定父母参与权的具体权能,规定学前教育机构开展家庭教育指导的具体程序,明确家园社协同育人的具体机制,从而保障学前教育阶段家庭教育事业的健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 两法衔接 父母参与权 家庭教育指导 家园社协同育人
A Research Report on the Prescription Rights of Chinese Nurses 被引量:10
作者 Shi-Fan Han Rui-Fang Zhu Hui-Hui Han 《Chinese Nursing Research》 CAS 2015年第1期1-18,共18页
Objective: To explore the feasibility of the nurse’ s prescription right in China, to develop the requirements for the qualification of the ap-plicant for the prescription right of nurse, and to determine the content... Objective: To explore the feasibility of the nurse’ s prescription right in China, to develop the requirements for the qualification of the ap-plicant for the prescription right of nurse, and to determine the content of certain prescriptions in the specific circumstances. Methods: Literature review on the relevant articles/material with the contents of the nurse’ s right of prescription home and a-broad. Semi-structured depth interview method was used to interview 18 experts on whether the nurses can participate in the graded nursing decision and whether nurses with certain ability can make the decision. Using the self-made questionnaire“Nur-ses involved in graded nursing decision-recognition questionnaire”, 553 nurses completed questionnaires on willingness to nurse decision-making grading. Using the analytic hierarchy process, the 23 experts’ judgment on the main body of the graded nurs-ing was rated. Using semi-structured depth interview method, 17 experts were interviewed on the graded nursing quality assess-ment and training outline. The form of expert personal judgment and the“grading nursing qualification experts predict question-naire”were used as a preliminary designing tool, 32 experts were asked to predict the graded nursing quality. The relatively im-portant factors that might promote implementation of right of Chinese nurse prescribing weights setting were obtained by analytic hierarchy process. Using Delphi method, 2 rounds of consultation to 291 experts/times were performed, and determined its con-tent on the fields of graded nursing decision, nurses’ job description, decision making nurse in graded nursing work process and related management system, decision-making main body of clinical nursing, nurse authority of prescription application qualifi-cation, clinical nurses, diabetes specialist nurses, tumor specialist nurses, nurses in emergency department, community nurses in certain circumstances writing prescription, and nursing undergraduate added with nurse authority of prescription related courses. Results: The physician is not considered to be the best decision-making main body of clinical nursing work and graded nurs-ing, nurses can participate in the work of decision-making. The qualification of hierarchical decision-making nurse and nurse prescribing applicants have been determined. The hierarchical nursing decision-making nurses’ position description and training outline have been compiled. Experts suggest that clinical nurses with certain qualifications should be given the rights of some prescription form ( independent prescription, prescription, prescription protocol extension) to prescribe specific drugs in high fe-ver, hypoglycemia, hypertension, anaphylactic shock and other 11 specific circumstances. The nurses of the diabetes should be given the right of prescribing sulfonylureas, biguanides, glucosidase inhibitor, and protamine zinc insulin, and the right to write the prescription and consultation for part of medical equipment, health education, and four routine tests, which contains blood sugar monitoring, urine glucose monitoring, glycosylated hemoglobin assay, and oral glucose tolerance test. Tumor specialist nurses should be given the right to write the prescription of 7 specific circumstances including blood routine tests, electrocardio-gram, blood biochemistry and other 9 laboratory tests, constipation, phlebitis, and cancer pain, and the right of 5 tumor emer-gency prescription including chemotherapy drug allergy, hemorrhagic shock, acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Nurses in e-mergency department with certain qualification should be given the right to prescribe specific drugs in 15 circumstances which include cardiac arrest, ventricular fibrillation, and acute cardiogenic chest pain. Community nurses with certain qualification should be given the right to write the prescriptions on 14 contents including disinfection and cleaning, sterile infusion type, and wound care products. Experts suggest that nursing undergraduate education in China should be added with 2 courses which are prescription rights related laws and regulations and nursing intervention, and that pharmacology course should be supplemented with related course in order to adapt to the implementation of nurse prescribing rights. Conclusions: China’ s nurses with certain qualification or after special training have the ability to accept and should be given the right of prescriptions in certain circumstance within the scope of their work. 展开更多
关键词 The prescription rights of nurses Grading nursing Promoting factors The subject of decision-making Prescription contents Prescription forms Curriculum setting
How Load Aggregators Avoid Risks in Spot Electricity Market:In the Framework of Power Consumption Right Option Contracts
作者 Jiacheng Yang Xiaohe Zhai +1 位作者 Zhongfu Tan Zhenghao He 《Energy Engineering》 EI 2022年第3期883-906,共24页
There is uncertainty in the electricity price of spot electricity market,which makes load aggregators undertake price risks for their agent users.In order to allow load aggregators to reduce the spot market price risk... There is uncertainty in the electricity price of spot electricity market,which makes load aggregators undertake price risks for their agent users.In order to allow load aggregators to reduce the spot market price risk,scholars have proposed many solutions,such as improving the declaration decision-making model,signing power mutual insurance contracts,and adding energy storage and mobilizing demand-side resources to respond.In terms of demand side,calling flexible demand-side resources can be considered as a key solution.The user’s power consumption rights(PCRs)are core contents of the demand-side resources.However,there have been few studies on the pricing of PCR contracts and transaction decisions to solve the problem of price forecast deviation and to manage the uncertainty of spot market prices.In addition,in traditional PCR contracts,PCRs are mostly priced using a single price mechanism,that is,the power user is compensated for part of the electricity that was interrupted or reduced in power supply.However,some power users might engage in speculative behaviours under this mechanism.Further,for load aggregators,their price risk avoidance ability has not substantially improved.As a financial derivative,options can solve the above problems.In this article,firstly,the option method is used to build an option pricing optimization model for power consumption right contracts that can calculate the optimal option premium and strike price of option contracts of power consumption rights.Secondly,from the perspective of power users and load aggregators,a simulation model of power consumption right transaction decision-making is constructed.The results of calculation examples show that(1)Under the model in this article,the pricing of option contracts for power consumption rights with better risk aversion capabilities than traditional compensation contracts can be obtained.(2)The decision to sell or purchase the power consumption rights will converge at respective highvalue periods,and option contracts will expedite the process.(3)Option contracts can significantly reduce the loss caused by the uncertainty of spot electricity prices for load aggregators without reducing users’willingness to sell power consumption rights. 展开更多
关键词 Load aggregator demand response power consumption right option pricing decision-making
作者 万志前 胡皖婷 《种子》 北大核心 2023年第7期151-156,共6页
以搏盛种业公司与华穗种业公司侵害技术秘密纠纷案为例,围绕双方争议的焦点,重点剖析了在杂交种获得品种权保护的情况下,作为育种材料的亲本是否属于技术信息以及是否满足秘密性、价值性和采取保密措施的条件而获得商业秘密保护,侵害商... 以搏盛种业公司与华穗种业公司侵害技术秘密纠纷案为例,围绕双方争议的焦点,重点剖析了在杂交种获得品种权保护的情况下,作为育种材料的亲本是否属于技术信息以及是否满足秘密性、价值性和采取保密措施的条件而获得商业秘密保护,侵害商业秘密的行为认定以及应承担何种法律责任等问题。本案所引起的杂交种或亲本的品种权保护与商业秘密保护的关系值得进一步思考,在杂交种获得品种权保护的情况下,杂交种的亲本不宜获得商业秘密保护,防止变相延长杂交种品种权的保护期限。 展开更多
关键词 育种材料 亲本 商业秘密 品种权
作者 刘清生 李怀瑾 《河南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第2期61-65,共5页
子女护理假涉及多方主体,而各主体之间的权利义务关系尚未厘清,劳动者的依法休假权无法得到保障,企业的合法用工权遭受损害,最终导致子女护理假在推行过程中频频受阻。建构合理的权利义务关系是破解这一实施困境的关键。据此,需要调整... 子女护理假涉及多方主体,而各主体之间的权利义务关系尚未厘清,劳动者的依法休假权无法得到保障,企业的合法用工权遭受损害,最终导致子女护理假在推行过程中频频受阻。建构合理的权利义务关系是破解这一实施困境的关键。据此,需要调整子女护理假的主体、时间及模式,建立合理的制度成本分担机制,完善监督管理机制并以劳动纠纷解决机制保障子女护理假制度的落实。子女护理假应纳入《劳动法》规定的法定假期,子女护理假制度应明确于《劳动合同法》,其成本分担机制应与社会保障法相衔接。 展开更多
关键词 子女护理假 家庭养老 老年人权益保障
企业人权审慎义务的民事责任维度 被引量:3
作者 于亮 《人权研究》 2023年第2期89-103,共15页
工商业与人权话语体系要求企业承担人权义务,但这一观念往往需要通过民事责任的方式予以落实。企业人权义务的核心概念是人权审慎义务。英国和荷兰的司法实践表明,在无需“揭开公司面纱”的情况下,母公司也可对子公司的债务承担有限责... 工商业与人权话语体系要求企业承担人权义务,但这一观念往往需要通过民事责任的方式予以落实。企业人权义务的核心概念是人权审慎义务。英国和荷兰的司法实践表明,在无需“揭开公司面纱”的情况下,母公司也可对子公司的债务承担有限责任之外的责任,原因在于母公司对子公司的侵权行为有适当注意义务。从工商业与人权的视角来看,企业注意义务已从母子公司场景拓展到企业和供应链间的场景。通过对《中华人民共和国民法典》进行体系解释,可以推导出企业的注意义务。 展开更多
关键词 工商业与人权 母公司 供应链 注意义务
论亲子关系否认之诉中诉权主体的扩张——基于子女本位的展开 被引量:1
作者 夏先华 曹颖 《湖湘法学评论》 2023年第3期91-101,共11页
我国现行立法将亲子关系否认之诉的诉权主体明确限定为父和母,存在对子女利益保护不足的问题。为契合现代亲子法立法理念的转型趋势,尊重子女主体地位,并妥善应对亲子关系否认之诉中的利益冲突,有必要将其诉权主体范围有限扩张至可能的... 我国现行立法将亲子关系否认之诉的诉权主体明确限定为父和母,存在对子女利益保护不足的问题。为契合现代亲子法立法理念的转型趋势,尊重子女主体地位,并妥善应对亲子关系否认之诉中的利益冲突,有必要将其诉权主体范围有限扩张至可能的生父以及子女。当子女与法律推定之父不存在实质家庭生活关系,或出现子女权益受到侵害等特定情形,可通过扩张解释肯定可能的生父享有诉权主体资格,并以子女利益保护为中心限制其诉权行使。未成年子女与否认之诉存在直接的利害关系,为贯彻子女最佳利益原则,应当赋予其相应的诉权,并由法定代理人代为行使。同时,也可适度扩张未成年子女在身份关系案件中的诉讼行为能力,并引入程序辅助人制度以提供更全面的保护。成年子女的诉权行使应在与法律推定之父的利益之间寻求平衡。已履行抚养义务的法律推定之父可行使损害赔偿请求权,从生父母处获得赔偿,或者要求成年子女继续给付生活费。 展开更多
关键词 亲子关系否认之诉 子女本位 诉权主体
作者 曹思婕 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第9期42-53,共12页
探望权制度是我国民法典婚姻家庭编中的法律制度之一,它对于切实地保护生活在非常态婚姻家庭尤其是离婚家庭中未成年子女的合法权益起着不可替代的作用。在我国民法典实施之初,我们应当立足我国的现实国情以查找出探望权司法疑难,转变... 探望权制度是我国民法典婚姻家庭编中的法律制度之一,它对于切实地保护生活在非常态婚姻家庭尤其是离婚家庭中未成年子女的合法权益起着不可替代的作用。在我国民法典实施之初,我们应当立足我国的现实国情以查找出探望权司法疑难,转变“父母本位”的立法宗旨,树立“子女利益最大化”的立法宗旨以破解探望权制度的瓶颈,通过增加探望权的适用前提、拓宽探望权的主体范围、规范探望权的行使方式、明确探望权的中止和恢复以及发展探望权的救济体系对探望权予以司法解释,力求在我国民法典婚姻家庭编体系下实现探望权制度的全面完善。 展开更多
关键词 未成年子女利益 立法宗旨 身份权 父母权利与义务
Do Parents Have This Right?
作者 SHU XI and DENG RUI LIRED LIU 《Women of China》 1998年第12期8-9,共2页
IN April of 1998, Li Cheng was taken to court. The month before, Li had tried to end the life of his own child, who was only three days old. The doctor’s attempts to stop him managed to prolong the child’s life for ... IN April of 1998, Li Cheng was taken to court. The month before, Li had tried to end the life of his own child, who was only three days old. The doctor’s attempts to stop him managed to prolong the child’s life for only two days. Consequently, Li must be punished by law for killing his own child. However, response to this case has varied. Li Cheng’s work unit posted bail for him. "We will respect the opinion of the court, no matter what the verdict," said the representative from his work unit. "However, if our application is refused, we do not intend to cease paying his salary." In the petition for bail, they maintained that Li Cheng was a talented, hard-working staff member. His act must have been commit- 展开更多
关键词 Do parents Have This right
尊重家长权利,促进家长参与——来自美国学前教育法的启示 被引量:49
作者 刘小蕊 庞丽娟 沙莉 《学前教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期3-8,共6页
家长是幼儿第一任而且最持久、最有影响力的教师,是儿童发展的重要他人。家长引导和帮助幼儿学习与成长,会对幼儿产生深刻而长远的影响。美国学前教育立法中尊重家长权利,促进家长参与的规定主要有以下特征:尊重家长对学前教育的知情权... 家长是幼儿第一任而且最持久、最有影响力的教师,是儿童发展的重要他人。家长引导和帮助幼儿学习与成长,会对幼儿产生深刻而长远的影响。美国学前教育立法中尊重家长权利,促进家长参与的规定主要有以下特征:尊重家长对学前教育的知情权;保护家长对学前教育的选择权;重视家长参与学前教育的决策权;明确规定开展各类学前教育家庭服务与培训,并提供投入和相关条件的保障。这对促进我国学前教育事业发展和立法保障家长权利、增进家长参与有积极的借鉴价值。 展开更多
关键词 美国学前教育法 家长权利 家长参与
民法典视域下亲属身份权之重塑 被引量:7
作者 叶英萍 李永 《西南政法大学学报》 2016年第1期129-135,共7页
婚姻家庭法是调整婚姻家庭关系的基本准则,亲属身份性是婚姻家庭法调整的亲属关系的共同特征,身份性是婚姻家庭法的灵魂。我国现行亲属身份权民事立法的伦理性有待强化,设计体系有待完善,立法内容有待健全,因此,在民法典视域下,需要在... 婚姻家庭法是调整婚姻家庭关系的基本准则,亲属身份性是婚姻家庭法调整的亲属关系的共同特征,身份性是婚姻家庭法的灵魂。我国现行亲属身份权民事立法的伦理性有待强化,设计体系有待完善,立法内容有待健全,因此,在民法典视域下,需要在统一法律体系的前提下,重新厘定亲属身份权,以配偶权、亲权、亲属权三类亲属身份权为主线,重塑亲属身份权制度。 展开更多
关键词 民法典 亲属身份权 亲权 配偶权 亲属权
对探望权立法的法理分析及其完善 被引量:12
作者 蔡永民 张智渊 《甘肃政法学院学报》 CSSCI 2006年第5期68-72,共5页
关键词 探望权 亲权 家长权利本位 家长义务本位 孩子权利本位
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