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Prospect Analysis of the Application of the Jury System in Our Country
作者 Wang Wei 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期262-270,共9页
Can the jury system replace the system of people's assessors and find a way out of the jury system dilemma in our country? The author gives an affirmative answer that the jury system should be established as soon ... Can the jury system replace the system of people's assessors and find a way out of the jury system dilemma in our country? The author gives an affirmative answer that the jury system should be established as soon as possible in our country in order to give full play to the efficacy and value of judicial democracy and supervision. This paper tries to analyze from the following three aspects. Firstly, it analyzes the differences and advantages and disadvantages of two jury patterns including the jury system and the mixed court system; then,based on the statement of development and existing problems of the mixed court system in our country,it analyzes the feasibility of application of the jury system in our country combining with national conditions; finally, social effect of the introduction of the jury system is evaluated,which affects the situation as a whole domino. 展开更多
关键词 分析应用 社会效果 多米诺 法院 混合
Investigation and critical analysis of the Chinese translations of “jury” and “juror” since the late Qing Dynasty: Justification of the Chinese translations “决认员”, “决认员” and “决认”
作者 HU Zhao-yun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第12期26-37,共12页
关键词 决认团 决认员 决认制度 决认
A Study on"Fengqiao Experience"from the Perspective of People's Livelihood
作者 Yuting ZHOU Peng YANG 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2022年第6期55-59,67,共6页
The"Fengqiao Experience"has risen from the"local experience"in the early days to the"national experience"now.Although it has gone through twists and turns,it is full of exuberant and stro... The"Fengqiao Experience"has risen from the"local experience"in the early days to the"national experience"now.Although it has gone through twists and turns,it is full of exuberant and strong vitality.Fengqiao Experience is the experience of grass-roots mass governance based on people's livelihood and other factors,so this paper studies the challenges faced by the application of"Fengqiao Experience"and the internal relationship between the experience and people's livelihood from the perspective of people's livelihood and summarizes the realization path of carrying forward the"Fengqiao Experience"from the perspective of people's livelihood.Strengthening the construction of grass-roots Party organizations,taking the mass line and implementing autonomy,rule by virtue and rule by law are the ways to carry forward the"Fengqiao Experience"in the new era,which has certain guiding significance for reality. 展开更多
关键词 Fengqiao Experience people's livelihood Grass-roots social governance
Human Rights Connotations and Its Legal Protection in the Harmonious Coexistence between Humans and Nature
作者 张璐 CHEN Feng(译) 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2023年第5期947-972,共26页
Promoting the unity of human nature and sociality in practice is a fundamental path dependence for achieving people's well-rounded development.Within the context of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature... Promoting the unity of human nature and sociality in practice is a fundamental path dependence for achieving people's well-rounded development.Within the context of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature,the practice of the unity of human nature and sociality is allowed to be truly implemented,and people's well-rounded development moves from possibility to reality.Strengthening the protection of human rights for people's well-rounded development in the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature not only requires the expansion of the connotations of environmental rights from“the right to a healthy environment”to“the right to a beautiful environment”,but also necessitates the formation of a collaborative framework between environmental rights and development rights.For legal responses to the expansion of the connotations of environmental rights,it is necessary to implement such expansions in environmental legislation,enhance the underlying principles,and make progress in the development of systematic environmental legislation simultaneously.Regarding the legal promotion of the synergy between environmental rights and development rights,it is essential to follow the guidance of the“Two Mountains Theory,”take the coordinated functions of environmental and traditional legal departments as the basis,and build a legal mechanism for the realization of the value of ecological products and services. 展开更多
关键词 human nature people's well-rounded development environmental rights development rights environmental law
作者 袁明旭 袁爱华 《学术探索》 2024年第3期116-125,共10页
对民粹主义和美国陪审制的研究连篇累牍,却鲜有关注二者的逻辑联系——美国精英政治中的民粹主义血统赋予陪审制民粹主义性质。遵循民粹主义发挥影响力的逻辑,可勾勒出陪审制政治和司法价值由盛而衰的逻辑:在美国政治民主化进程中,陪审... 对民粹主义和美国陪审制的研究连篇累牍,却鲜有关注二者的逻辑联系——美国精英政治中的民粹主义血统赋予陪审制民粹主义性质。遵循民粹主义发挥影响力的逻辑,可勾勒出陪审制政治和司法价值由盛而衰的逻辑:在美国政治民主化进程中,陪审制被精英利用,发挥了破旧立新以保障自由、包容性促、进民主等价值,实现了政治价值;随着美国精英政治日渐边缘化民主,陪审制因民主性和反精英性受到精英压制,其民主制衡能力被认为和法治相悖而受到侵蚀,政治价值减弱。同时,陪审制的道德同质性、推崇陪审团集体的常识和判断能为旧式审判提供合法性支持,实现了其司法价值;但民粹主义的陪审裁决具有不稳定、反智倾向、种族歧视性及低效性等,和现代司法追求的理性、公正和效率价值相悖,司法价值减弱。民粹主义的视角可以统合美国陪审制兴衰的政治原因和法律原因,也可为其他国家陪审制的移植和改革提供解释思路。 展开更多
关键词 美国陪审制 民粹主义 民主政治 司法价值
作者 袁钢 秦珍珍 《法学教育研究》 2024年第1期63-76,共14页
加快涉外法治工作战略布局,创新涉外法治人才培养模式,是贯彻落实习近平法治思想的重要举措,也是推动法治国家建设的重大课题。为满足推进中国式法治现代化、构筑国际合作竞争优势、服务国家涉外法治建设、培养高质量法律研究生的需要,... 加快涉外法治工作战略布局,创新涉外法治人才培养模式,是贯彻落实习近平法治思想的重要举措,也是推动法治国家建设的重大课题。为满足推进中国式法治现代化、构筑国际合作竞争优势、服务国家涉外法治建设、培养高质量法律研究生的需要,设置法律博士专业学位涉外法治专业领域势在必行。该举措符合设置法律专业领域的基本要求,法律专业硕博学位体系的初步建成、涉外法治人才培养模式的先期探索也可为设置涉外法治专业领域奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 法学教育 法律博士 专业领域 涉外法治
二阶离散系统稳定性的广义Jury判据 被引量:5
作者 张振国 刘玉军 《河北师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1996年第2期1-3,14,共4页
关键词 离散系统 类比法 jury判据
使用Jury准则对时域有限差分算法进行稳定性分析 被引量:2
作者 肖飞 唐小宏 +1 位作者 王玲 吴涛 《中国科技论文》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第1期49-51,63,共4页
在分析过程中要找出对应特征多项式的所有的根是相当困难的,尤其是对于高阶算法而言。为了解决这个问题,控制领域中的Jury准则将被引入,它仅需要使用特征多项式的系数而不需要直接求解整个方程获得所有的根。因此,使用它可以简化算法的... 在分析过程中要找出对应特征多项式的所有的根是相当困难的,尤其是对于高阶算法而言。为了解决这个问题,控制领域中的Jury准则将被引入,它仅需要使用特征多项式的系数而不需要直接求解整个方程获得所有的根。因此,使用它可以简化算法的稳定性分析,2个实例验证了它的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 时域有限差分算法 稳定性分析 jury准则
试论英国Jury制度的翻译问题 被引量:2
作者 云凤飞 《山西农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第5期502-505,514,共5页
翻译最基本的要求是尊重他国的历史、文化传统、政治制度等。根据英国Jury制度的历史、具体的运作程序,可以总结出Jury制度的基本内容是由法官随机抽选出12名公民在对案件事实认定基础上作出被告是否构成犯罪或民事侵权的判决,然后法官... 翻译最基本的要求是尊重他国的历史、文化传统、政治制度等。根据英国Jury制度的历史、具体的运作程序,可以总结出Jury制度的基本内容是由法官随机抽选出12名公民在对案件事实认定基础上作出被告是否构成犯罪或民事侵权的判决,然后法官就具体的法律适用问题作出判决;而根据我国陪审员的相关法律规定,陪审员是全程参与案件的审判,在评议案件时对案件事实的认定、法律适用充分发表意见并独立地行使表决权。因此,我国大部分学者将英国的Jury制度翻译为陪审团制度是不恰当的。根据Jury的基本内容直接翻译过来,实在找不到比较简短、概括恰当的词语;不过可以采用音译的形式,将Jury翻译为纠理团。 展开更多
关键词 翻译 jury 陪审员
作者 姚雅洁 郭宇燕 《山西大同大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期11-15,共5页
司法责任制是本次司法改革的重点,法官司法责任制又是司法改革的重中这重,正当程序是使法官司法责任制改革真正落到实处的关键,因为只有用正当程序才能规制住审判权的恣意,才能够让人民群众在每一个司法案件中感受到公平正义。文章以正... 司法责任制是本次司法改革的重点,法官司法责任制又是司法改革的重中这重,正当程序是使法官司法责任制改革真正落到实处的关键,因为只有用正当程序才能规制住审判权的恣意,才能够让人民群众在每一个司法案件中感受到公平正义。文章以正当程序理论为主线,结合我国现有的程序立法和审判实践,提出增设快速封闭连续审判程序,创立有限多元人民陪审团制度,同时注重完善法官职业保障,力图构建具有中国特色的社会主义正当审判程序,在最大限度上遏制司法腐败,实现司法的公平与正义。 展开更多
关键词 正当程序 法官司法责任制 人民陪审团
作者 徐彰 卢春雪 《山西开放大学学报》 2024年第2期86-90,共5页
我国的法律硕士教育自设立至今取得了丰硕的成果,同时在实践中也存在诸多问题,主要包括思想政治教育与法学专业教育融合不够、忽视实践能力培养、缺乏国际化视野等,制约了法律硕士人才培养目标的实现。在新时代背景下,法律硕士教育应当... 我国的法律硕士教育自设立至今取得了丰硕的成果,同时在实践中也存在诸多问题,主要包括思想政治教育与法学专业教育融合不够、忽视实践能力培养、缺乏国际化视野等,制约了法律硕士人才培养目标的实现。在新时代背景下,法律硕士教育应当坚持以习近平法治思想为指引,通过建立法律硕士教育创新平台,加强法律硕士教育师资队伍建设,完善法律硕士教育质量评价体系及推进法律硕士教育国际化等途径,构建以培养应用型、复合型、国际化法律人才为目标的法律硕士教育创新机制,为我国法治建设提供高层次的人才保障。 展开更多
关键词 习近平法治思想 法律硕士教育 创新机制
作者 焦宝乾 李诗瑶 《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第4期170-179,共10页
“法理”和“学说”两个概念在当前学界存在明显的混用乱象:或将二者等同看待,或认为法理包含学说等。其实,“法理”与“学说”在基本内涵、表现形式或载体、主客观属性及法源地位等方面都存在根本不同。同时,这两个概念也存在一些联系... “法理”和“学说”两个概念在当前学界存在明显的混用乱象:或将二者等同看待,或认为法理包含学说等。其实,“法理”与“学说”在基本内涵、表现形式或载体、主客观属性及法源地位等方面都存在根本不同。同时,这两个概念也存在一些联系:从法学史角度看,法理与学说“同根同源”;学说是法理的载体之一,法理往往通过学说来体现;法理较为抽象,往往需要通过学说进行具体化;学说具有确证性,在研究中需要经受法理的鉴别与检验;此外,学说在不断自我超越,无限接近法理。在法学研究及法律实践中,我们应全面认识这两个概念之间的区别与联系,在使用时要严谨,不应似是而非、想当然地笼统对待。 展开更多
关键词 法理 法律学说 法律渊源 法学家
作者 林铮汉 《西安石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第4期108-115,共8页
长期以来,在寻求审判中心改革落脚点的过程中,人民陪审员制度的功能一直未能得到凸显。而陪审员相较于职业法官的非专业性与兼职性特征,恰能成为催生直接言词原则、集中审理原则、阻断审前信息干扰这三大庭审实质化制度支撑的天然优势,... 长期以来,在寻求审判中心改革落脚点的过程中,人民陪审员制度的功能一直未能得到凸显。而陪审员相较于职业法官的非专业性与兼职性特征,恰能成为催生直接言词原则、集中审理原则、阻断审前信息干扰这三大庭审实质化制度支撑的天然优势,使人民陪审员制度得以成为“撬动”审判中心的“支点”。虽然如此,也应当理性看待支点的定位,因其具有间接性与偶然性,只有以“二阶行进”的务实路径才能实现改革目标:第一阶改革需解决陪审员实质参审问题,以提升陪审员参审意愿为重点,对陪审员的选任、合议庭组成环节进行优化,重塑其参审案件的范围;第二阶改革需以实质庭审的塑造为导向,着力提升陪审员的独立行权地位,重点在于调整法官司法责任的归责原理。 展开更多
关键词 人民陪审员制度 庭审实质化 陪而不审 陪审意愿
Neuroprotection of Erythropoietin and Methylprednisolone against Spinal Cord Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury 被引量:12
作者 熊敏 陈森 +3 位作者 余化龙 刘志刚 曾云 李锋 《Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Medical Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2011年第5期652-656,共5页
Recent research based on various animal models has shown the neuroprotective effects of erythropoietin (EPO). However, few studies have examined such effects of EPO in the clinic. In this study we enrolled patients ... Recent research based on various animal models has shown the neuroprotective effects of erythropoietin (EPO). However, few studies have examined such effects of EPO in the clinic. In this study we enrolled patients with spinal cord ischemia-reperfusion (I-R) injury to investigate the clinical application of EPO and methylprednisolone (MP) for the neuroprotection against spinal cord I-R injury. Retrospective analysis of 63 cases of spinal cord I-R injury was performed. The Frankel neurological performance scale was used to evaluate the neurological function after spinal cord injury (SCI), including 12 cases of scale B, 30 cases of scale C, and 21 cases of scale D. These cases were divided into 2 groups: group A (27 cases) got treatment with both EPO and MP; group B (36 cases) got treatment with MP only. The neurological function of patients after treatment was evaluated by American Spinal Cord Injury Association (ASIA) index score, and activity of daily living (ADL) of the patients was also recorded. All patients got follow-up and the follow-up period ranged from 24 to 39 months (mean 26 months). There was no significance difference in neurological function between groups A and B before the treatment (P〉0.05). However, the neurological function and ADL scores were significantly improved 1 week, 1 year or 2 years after the treatment compared to those before the treatment (P〈0.05), and the improvement was more significant in group A than in group B (P〈0.05). It is suggested that the clinical application of EPO and MP provides the neuroprotection against spinal cord I-R injury. 展开更多
关键词 ERYTHROPOIETIN METHYLPREDNISOLONE NEUROPROTECTION spinal cord ischemia-reperfusion in-jury
作者 李权东 《文山学院学报》 2012年第2期87-89,共3页
关键词 jury 陪审团 翻译错误 参审团
A Jury-Based Trust Management Mechanism in Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks 被引量:2
作者 SU Wengui LIAO Yang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第7期119-126,共8页
In the trust management scheme of the distributed cognitive radio networks, the absence of the central control devices cause many problems such as a lack of standardized control for trust computation, and the absence ... In the trust management scheme of the distributed cognitive radio networks, the absence of the central control devices cause many problems such as a lack of standardized control for trust computation, and the absence of the decision makers in trust evaluation and collaborative decision making. A trust management mechanism based on the jury system for distributed cognitive radio networks is proposed in this paper. The "jury user" is designed to collaboratively examine the reputation of the cognitive user in the networks and to perform data fusion and spectrum allocation for distributed cognitive radio networks. Simulation analysis results show that the proposed scheme can ensure accuracy and fairness in trust evaluation and improve effectiveness and flexibility of spectrum allocation. 展开更多
关键词 无线电网络 信任评估 管理机制 分布式 控制设备 频谱分配 用户设计 协同决策
Institutional Correction of Mediation under the View of Transformation:Taking the People’s Mediation as an Example
作者 Li Ao Jin Shen 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第12期185-193,共9页
Under the dual driven forces of soaring disputes and national policy,the dispute resolution ecosystem of China showed the mediation centralism,and the revival of mediation presented the characteristics of adversary sy... Under the dual driven forces of soaring disputes and national policy,the dispute resolution ecosystem of China showed the mediation centralism,and the revival of mediation presented the characteristics of adversary system.In order to comply with the modern rule of law system,the traditional mediation is incorporated into the modern legal system through the three-level transformation of"discipline of laws","introduction of procedures"and"specialized cultivation",which was promoted by the popularity of social governance,the input of the idea of diversified solutions and the pragmatic impetus under the pressure of social transformation.The mediation movement has the characteristics of both consciousness of pragmatism and the initial legalization,but will also face the mediation disorder.The remodeling of mediation must be rooted in systematization and modernization.Its development trend includes expansion of fields,symbiosis of autonomy and specialization,and mandatory introduction. 展开更多
关键词 MEDIATION people's mediation TRANSFORMATION CORRECTION improvement
Address at the Opening Session of the 5th China-Africa People’s Forum
作者 Wang Qishan 《International Understanding》 2018年第3期4-6,共3页
Your Excellency Vincent Meriton,President of the People's Party of Seychelles and Vice President of Seychelles, Your Excellency Clement Mouamba ,Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo, Ladies and Gentlemen, D... Your Excellency Vincent Meriton,President of the People's Party of Seychelles and Vice President of Seychelles, Your Excellency Clement Mouamba ,Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear friends,I feel greatly delighted to have you with us here in Chengdu,the city of Hibiscus,at the 5th China-Africa People's Forum.The forum is especially honoured with the message of congratulations from President Xi Jinping.This adequately reflects the importance the Communist Party of China and the Chinese goyemment have placed on the people-to-people exchanges and cooperation between China and Africa,and points out the way to follow in the proceedings of the Forum. 展开更多
关键词 YOUR Excellency Vincent Meriton 5th China-Africa people's
The Fifth China-Africa People’s Forum Held in Chengdu
作者 Wang Xiaoyi(Translated) 《International Understanding》 2018年第3期1-1,共1页
From 23 to 24 July,2018,China NGO Network for International Exchanges (CNIE)and Sichuan Provincial People's Government jointly hosted the Fifth China-Africa People's Forum in Chengdu. The theme of the Forum is... From 23 to 24 July,2018,China NGO Network for International Exchanges (CNIE)and Sichuan Provincial People's Government jointly hosted the Fifth China-Africa People's Forum in Chengdu. The theme of the Forum is "Pooling the Strength of the People,Working together for Enhanced Friendship and Mutual Trust".Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and President of China sent a message of congratulations to the Forum. 展开更多
关键词 FIFTH China-Africa people's
Discussion on the Logical Coordination between Legal Theory and Legal Practice——from the Perspective of the Legal Basis of NPC5s Discussion and Decisiomaking Power on Major Issues
作者 Yuan Liao 《Journal of Finance Research》 2019年第1期72-77,共6页
The decision of local people's congresses to discuss major issues is a basic right granted to local people's congresses by the Chinese Constitution and laws.However,in practice,the implementation of the power ... The decision of local people's congresses to discuss major issues is a basic right granted to local people's congresses by the Chinese Constitution and laws.However,in practice,the implementation of the power of deliberation of major issues by local people's congresses is worrying.By applying the theory of Chinese traditionalism and unity in the theory of law,the theory of"sovereignty in the people"in the social contract theory of Western natural law school,Austin's"legal command theory55 in Western positivist law and Hart's"recognition""Rules theory"to argue that the integrity of rights necessarily involves the dual factors of decision-making and execution.At the same time,the existence and operation of the law always reflects the development of the political system.The realistic political situation requires us to make more precise and meticulous refinement of the external form and specific technical links of the legal system,and to coordinate the rules to make up the legal theory and Conflicts and conflicts in legal practice help to reform social institutions. 展开更多
关键词 DECISION-MAKING power on major issues POLITICAL logic of law theORY of people's SOVEREIGNTY LEGAL order theORY Recognition rule theORY
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