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需要层次理论视角下乡村教师“留不住”问题解决策略探究 被引量:2
作者 周乐乐 程岭 程琳 《现代教育科学》 2022年第2期129-135,共7页
当前,乡村教师“留不住”是教育的痛点问题,原因在于工资待遇较差,教师经济状况窘迫;教育与生活环境差强人意,教师自我提升乏力;组织制度不完善,教师之间缺少帮扶;社会声誉较低,教师自我认同感差;政策落实不力,教师发展机会有限。从马... 当前,乡村教师“留不住”是教育的痛点问题,原因在于工资待遇较差,教师经济状况窘迫;教育与生活环境差强人意,教师自我提升乏力;组织制度不完善,教师之间缺少帮扶;社会声誉较低,教师自我认同感差;政策落实不力,教师发展机会有限。从马斯洛需要层次理论的角度来看,乡村教师在任职过程中的生活需要、安全需要、归属与爱的需要、尊重需要、自我实现需要难以得到满足。可以通过提高乡村教师的工资薪酬待遇,创设安稳舒适的生活环境;完善针对乡村教师的社会保障制度,形成融洽和谐的家校关系;加强乡村教师团队文化建设,营造互助合作的集体氛围;完善乡村教师激励制度,打造尊师重道的社会风尚;落实乡村教师相关支持政策,采取丰富多元的晋升渠道等,使乡村教师不仅“留得住”,更要“教得好”。 展开更多
关键词 马斯洛需要层次理论 乡村教师 乡村教师“留不住”问题 策略
Financial Sustainability of the Japanese Medical Payment System: Analysis of the Japanese Medical Expenditure for Educational Hospitalization of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes 被引量:3
作者 Kazumitsu Nawata Koichi Kawabuchi 《Health》 2015年第8期1007-1021,共15页
Japanese medical expenditures have increased rapidly in recent years and are predicted to continue rising. Indeed, it remains uncertain whether the current Japanese medical system can be sustained. In this paper, we a... Japanese medical expenditures have increased rapidly in recent years and are predicted to continue rising. Indeed, it remains uncertain whether the current Japanese medical system can be sustained. In this paper, we analyzed the medical expenditures for educational hospitalization of patients with type 2 diabetes. A dataset of 6173 patients from 36 hospitals was used in the analysis. The sample period was from July 2008 to March 2012. We analyzed the medical expenditures in two ways. First, we analyzed the length of hospital stay (LOS). Next, we analyzed the daily expenditure per patient. The Box-Cox transformation model was used in the first analysis and the ordinary least squares method in the second. Comorbidities and complications prolonged LOS and increased daily expenditures. The LOS was significantly different among hospitals. On the other hand, the differences in daily expenditures among hospitals were relatively small, such that LOS was the main determinant of medical expenditures. Previous studies suggested that LOS could be shortened without degradation of medical quality. Moreover, LOS could be controlled by introducing proper critical paths and improving and standardizing educational programs. Hence, it would be possible to control the medical expenditures for this disease. 展开更多
关键词 MEDICAL EXPENDITURE Financial problem Type 2 Diabetes Patients Length of stay (LOS) EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALIZATION Daily MEDICAL EXPENDITURE Box-Cox Transformation Model
作者 贾宁 高鹏 闫晓君 《武汉大学学报(工学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第A01期413-416,共4页
工程场地位于滦河河漫滩上,基坑深度5.0~8.5 m,与河流最近距离50 m,地下水埋深0.5~5.5 m,含水层为透水性极强的卵石,卵石厚度约为8 m,下伏不透水的凝灰质砂砾岩,基坑底面与卵石底面距离较近,存在降水工程中常说的“疏不干”难题.工程场... 工程场地位于滦河河漫滩上,基坑深度5.0~8.5 m,与河流最近距离50 m,地下水埋深0.5~5.5 m,含水层为透水性极强的卵石,卵石厚度约为8 m,下伏不透水的凝灰质砂砾岩,基坑底面与卵石底面距离较近,存在降水工程中常说的“疏不干”难题.工程场地还有泉水出露,周边有地下水水源地、铁路等建(构)筑物需要保护.通过研究已有资料和开展降水水文地质勘察,查明了场地水文地质条件,分析了降水对周边建(构)筑物的影响,采用理论分析与数值模拟相结合的方法,优化降水井设计,采用“小口径-浅井-小井间距”布置方案,降低了工程造价,降水工作顺利实施. 展开更多
关键词 基坑降水 傍河 卵石 疏不干问题 环境影响
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