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Motion State Modification of Coulomb’s Law and Dynamic Gravitation
作者 Chi Zhang 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 2023年第3期699-707,共9页
As we know, Coulomb’s law describes the interaction between static charges. In this paper, the modified formula of Coulomb’s law in the state of charge motion is given. Based on this formula, Ampere’s law and Lore... As we know, Coulomb’s law describes the interaction between static charges. In this paper, the modified formula of Coulomb’s law in the state of charge motion is given. Based on this formula, Ampere’s law and Lorentz’s law of force are derived by pure mathematics. According to the similarity between the formula of universal gravitation and Coulomb’s law, the correction of the formula of universal gravitation under the state of motion is assumed boldly, and some inferences are made on the motion law of celestial bodies. 展开更多
关键词 coulombs law Moving Charge Electromagnetism Dynamic Gravitation
Coulomb Force, Charge, and Electric Properties under Collision Space-Time
作者 Espen Gaarder Haug 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2023年第3期686-704,共19页
We have recently published a series of papers on a theory we call collision space-time, that seems to unify gravity and quantum mechanics. In this theory, mass and energy are redefined. We have not so far demonstrated... We have recently published a series of papers on a theory we call collision space-time, that seems to unify gravity and quantum mechanics. In this theory, mass and energy are redefined. We have not so far demonstrated how to make it compatible with electric properties such as charge and the Coulomb force. The aim of this paper is to show how electric properties can be reformulated to make it consistent with collision space-time. It is shown that we need to incorporate the Planck scale into the electric constants to do so. This is also fully possible from a practical point of view, as it has recently been shown how to measure the Planck length independent of other constants and without the need for dimensional analysis. 展开更多
关键词 coulombs law Elementary Charge Planck Charge Electric Units Collision space-Time
Adapted Metrics for a Modified Coulomb/Newton’s Potential
作者 Lucian M. Ionescu Cristina-Liliana Pripoae Gabriel Pripoae 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 2023年第4期1311-1355,共45页
Modified Theories of Gravity include spin dependence in General Relativity, to account for additional sources of gravity instead of dark matter/energy approach. The spin-spin interaction is already included in the eff... Modified Theories of Gravity include spin dependence in General Relativity, to account for additional sources of gravity instead of dark matter/energy approach. The spin-spin interaction is already included in the effective nuclear force potential, and theoretical considerations and experimental evidence hint to the hypothesis that Gravity originates from such an interaction, under an averaging process over spin directions. This invites to continue the line of theory initiated by Einstein and Cartan, based on tetrads and spin effects modeled by connections with torsion. As a first step in this direction, the article considers a new modified Coulomb/Newton Law accounting for the spin-spin interaction. The physical potential is geometrized through specific affine connections and specific semi-Riemannian metrics, canonically associated to it, acting on a manifold or at the level of its tangent bundle. Freely falling particles in these “toy Universes” are determined, showing an interesting behavior and unexpected patterns. 展开更多
关键词 Modified Gravity Theory sPIN coulombs law Newton’s law Modified coulombs law Nuclear Force Adapted Connection Adapted Metric
Q-Theory: A Connection between Newton’s Law and Coulomb’s Law? 被引量:1
作者 Christopher Pilot 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 2021年第2期632-660,共29页
Assuming a Winterberg model for space where the vacuum consists of a very stiff two-component superfluid made up of positive and negative mass planckions, Q theory is the hypothesis, that Planck charge, <i>q<... Assuming a Winterberg model for space where the vacuum consists of a very stiff two-component superfluid made up of positive and negative mass planckions, Q theory is the hypothesis, that Planck charge, <i>q<sub>pl</sub></i>, was created at the same time as Planck mass. Moreover, the repulsive force that like-mass planckions experience is, in reality, due to the electrostatic force of repulsion between like charges. These forces also give rise to what appears to be a gravitational force of attraction between two like planckions, but this is an illusion. In reality, gravity is electrostatic in origin if our model is correct. We determine the spring constant associated with planckion masses, and find that, <img src="Edit_770c2a48-039c-4cc9-8f66-406c0cfc565c.png" width="90" height="15" alt="" />, where <i>ζ</i>(3) equals Apery’s constant, 1.202 …, and, <i>n</i><sub>+</sub>(0)=<i>n</i>_(0), is the relaxed, <i>i.e.</i>, <img src="Edit_813d5a6f-b79a-49ba-bdf7-5042541b58a0.png" width="25" height="12" alt="" />, number density of the positive and negative mass planckions. In the present epoch, we estimate that, <i>n</i><sub>+</sub>(0) equals, 7.848E54 m<sup>-3</sup>, and the relaxed distance of separation between nearest neighbor positive, or negative, planckion pairs is, <i>l</i><sub>+</sub>(0)=<i>l</i><sub>_</sub>(0)=5.032E-19 meters. These values were determined using box quantization for the positive and negative mass planckions, and considering transitions between energy states, much like as in the hydrogen atom. For the cosmos as a whole, given a net smeared macroscopic gravitational field of, <img src="Edit_efc8003d-5297-4345-adac-4ac95536934d.png" width="80" height="15" alt="" />, due to all the ordinary, and bound, matter contained within the observable universe, an average displacement from equilibrium for the planckion masses is a mere 7.566E-48 meters, within the vacuum made up of these particles. On the surface of the earth, where, <i>g</i>=9.81m/s<sup>2</sup>, the displacement amounts to, 7.824E-38 meters. All of these displacements are due to increased gravitational pressure within the vacuum, which in turn is caused by applied gravitational fields. The gravitational potential is also derived and directly related to gravitational pressure. 展开更多
关键词 Extended Gravity Winterberg Model Planckion Mass Theory Modified Quantum Vacuum Planck Charge Newton’s law coulombs law Dark Energy
Social Distancing via Coulomb’s Law
作者 Patrick R. McMullen 《Applied Mathematics》 2020年第7期532-545,共14页
This research effort addresses the social-distancing problem. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we’ve learned the importance of keeping proper distance, so as to avoid (or minimize) the spread of infection. For thi... This research effort addresses the social-distancing problem. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we’ve learned the importance of keeping proper distance, so as to avoid (or minimize) the spread of infection. For this paper, individuals are represented as positively-charged particles, behaving in accordance with Coulomb’s Law. Additionally, negatively-charged stationary (non-moving) particles are positioned such that their attraction to the positively-charged particles guides the movement of the positively-charged particles in a desirable fashion. During a simulation process, Coulomb’s Law guides particle behavior such that the positively-charged particles arrange themselves in a way such that their spacing is essentially optimal. Of course, these positively charged particles can be thought of as a surrogate for individuals, resulting in the optimal spacing of individuals. 展开更多
Moderated PEF from Transitioning between the Micro and Macroscopic Usage of Coulomb’s Law
作者 Eve G. Zoebisch 《Computational Chemistry》 2015年第1期8-17,共10页
The dielectric constant in Coulomb’s Law, D, can quantify an empirical reduction of force. It can also quantify a reduction of electrostatic field as seen in classical electrostatic theory where the induced charge la... The dielectric constant in Coulomb’s Law, D, can quantify an empirical reduction of force. It can also quantify a reduction of electrostatic field as seen in classical electrostatic theory where the induced charge layer is assumed to be infinitely thin. The two approaches exemplify two traditions that have been used in parallel for decades. They produce Potential Energy Functions (PEFs) that differ by a factor of the permittivity, εr. The classical electrostatic theory result can be incorporated into force field models with an effective dielectric function, Deff, which spans the induced charge layer and accommodates both traditions. The Deff function increases the magnitude of local terms as compared with cumulative long distance terms. It is shown that the Deff function reduces distance dependence of the radial PEF within the induced charge layer and improves computational stability for some systems including substrate in dilute salt solution. End use applications include pharmaceutical development (e.g. protein calculations with docking), materials development, solvation energy calculations and QM/MM calculations. 展开更多
关键词 DIELECTRIC ELECTROsTATIC coulombs law Molecular Modeling Force Field
One Method to Derivate Coulomb’s Law between Two Charges
作者 Hongwei Zhang Shimeng Feng 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2020年第12期2880-2885,共6页
In electromagnetics, Coulomb’s law is a very classic formula. Almost all textbooks give this formula, but none of them give a detailed corresponding theoretical derivation. In order for beginners of physics to better... In electromagnetics, Coulomb’s law is a very classic formula. Almost all textbooks give this formula, but none of them give a detailed corresponding theoretical derivation. In order for beginners of physics to better understand the physical meaning of this formula, we explored the source, the physical model and mechanism of this formula. Based on the principle that the interaction between two different fields can generate energy density, which is equal to the pressure, we analyzed the distribution of the electric field energy density as well as the corresponding pressure on the charged surface. Through the rigorous mathematical derivation, we give the theoretical derivation of this formula. 展开更多
关键词 Electrostatic Force Energy Density PREssURE coulombs law
Analysis of Electrical Dipoles Interaction Forces as a Function of the Distance and of the Form of Electrical Force Law
作者 Ioan Has Simona Miclaus Aurelian Has 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2018年第9期1886-1895,共10页
Here, we initially introduced and demonstrated two principles: orientation OR principle and attraction AT principle of electrical dipoles. The OR principle stipulates that any two electrical dipoles P1A, P1B, from two... Here, we initially introduced and demonstrated two principles: orientation OR principle and attraction AT principle of electrical dipoles. The OR principle stipulates that any two electrical dipoles P1A, P1B, from two bodies A and B, at any distance in the free state each, will be reciprocally oriented parallel and in the same sense if the electrical interaction forces F between them are of decreasing type with distance r. If the electrical interaction forces F are of increasing type with distance, the two dipoles will be reciprocally oriented parallel but on the opposite sense. The AT principle stipulate that any two electrical dipoles P1A, P1B, at any distance in the free state each, will present always a reciprocal force of attraction FD in both cases of orientation accordingly to OR principle in case of any type of electrical force F decreasing or increasing with distance. These findings may complete our previous work where we found that FD force, between two electrical dipoles P1A, P1B considered at atomic and nuclear level, is in fact the actual gravitation Newton force FN. The paper must be considered together with this work for more consistency. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTRICAL Forces Completed coulombs law Electric DIPOLEs Interactions Torsion Moment of Orientation ATTRACTION FORCE between Two DIPOLEs Is GRAVITATION
作者 徐诗霞 张文 +2 位作者 叶兰 喻丽珍 年四辉 《皖南医学院学报》 CAS 2024年第1期83-86,共4页
目的:探讨新《中华人民共和国药品管理法》背景下混合式课堂教学效果。方法:以皖南医学院药学类专业本科生为研究对象,在线发放《药事管理学学科教学情况问卷调查》,统计分析影响药事管理学混合式课堂教学效果的因素。结果:教师素养低... 目的:探讨新《中华人民共和国药品管理法》背景下混合式课堂教学效果。方法:以皖南医学院药学类专业本科生为研究对象,在线发放《药事管理学学科教学情况问卷调查》,统计分析影响药事管理学混合式课堂教学效果的因素。结果:教师素养低、听课时间短(≤30 min)、教材滞后、课下未关注医药政策是影响新形势下药事管理学课堂教学效果的危险因素(P<0.05)。结论:药事管理学教学应从及时更新教材、关注药事动态、提高学生上课注意力和听课时间、提高教师队伍整体素质及课下多关注医药政策等角度出发进行实践,不断探索适合药事管理学科特色的方式方法,在提高课堂教学效果的同时,提升教师业务水平,促进教学相长。 展开更多
关键词 药事管理学 中华人民共和国药品管理法 教学效果 影响因素
作者 柳佳 《物理通报》 CAS 2024年第4期106-109,共4页
很多教师在“探究影响感应电流方向的因素”实验中对于如何有效引导学生提出感应电流磁场这一概念,归纳形成简洁的、具有普遍意义的结论心存疑惑.在POE教学策略和PBL问题导向下,从物理规律出发,巧妙改进教材中实验情境,利用力学知识,深... 很多教师在“探究影响感应电流方向的因素”实验中对于如何有效引导学生提出感应电流磁场这一概念,归纳形成简洁的、具有普遍意义的结论心存疑惑.在POE教学策略和PBL问题导向下,从物理规律出发,巧妙改进教材中实验情境,利用力学知识,深度分析楞次定律的内涵本质. 展开更多
关键词 楞次定律 POE教学策略 PBL问题导向
A New Theory for the Essence and Nature of Electron Charge 被引量:3
作者 Nader Butto 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 2021年第3期1190-1201,共12页
Charge is a fundamental physical property of matter that is responsible for its interactions with electromagnetic fields. The real nature and the essence of charge are unknown. In this paper, a new theory is presented... Charge is a fundamental physical property of matter that is responsible for its interactions with electromagnetic fields. The real nature and the essence of charge are unknown. In this paper, a new theory is presented to describe the nature and the essence of electric charge is formulated based on the vortex model of the electron which has a finite size and has an irrotational vortex structure. This theory and the vortex model of the electron enables us, for the first time, to describe the origin of bivalency, stability, quantization, equality of the absolute values of the bivalent charges, to derive a simple formulation to calculate the electric charge based on hydrodynamics without the use any constant. The difference between negative and positive charge, is revealed and the charged particles interactions are described. The electric charge is an expression of accelerated spherical mass per area reduced by the stiffness of the vacuum which has the units <i>ε</i><sub>0</sub> ML<sup>3</sup>/T<sup>2</sup>. The calculated results based on these equations comply accurately with the experimental results. 展开更多
关键词 Electric Charge Irrotational Vortex coulombs law Volume Flow Rate Charge Density
New Properties of HM16 Ether, with Submicroparticles as Self-Functional Cells Interacting through Percussion Forces, Establishing Nature of Electrical Charges, including Gravitation
作者 Ioan Has Simona Miclaus Aurelian Has 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2020年第6期803-853,共51页
Article continues and complements our previous articles on the HM16 ether (ETH) model. Here, we describe the mechanism of occurrence of the submicroparticle (SMP). A general hypothesis, HFVI, is introduced for the mod... Article continues and complements our previous articles on the HM16 ether (ETH) model. Here, we describe the mechanism of occurrence of the submicroparticle (SMP). A general hypothesis, HFVI, is introduced for the modalities of interaction between two SMPs, based on periodic mechanical percussion forces, produced by fundamental vibrations FVs. A mechanism for describing the interaction between a SMPs and the ETH is presented. Positive and negative particles are defined by their membrane types of movement, such as +, <span style="white-space:nowrap;">&minus;</span><em>u</em>/+, <span style="white-space:nowrap;">&minus;</span><em>v</em> vibrations, and rotations at speeds +<span style="white-space:nowrap;">&Omega;</span>/<span style="white-space:nowrap;">&minus;</span><span style="white-space:nowrap;">&Omega;</span>. The process of creating a pair of SMPs is discussed. Applying HFVI to the interaction between pairs of SMPs immobile in ETH, and considering longitudinal FVL, was obtained the forces of attraction/repulsion +<em>F</em><sub><em>L</em>21</sub>/–<em>F<sub>L</sub></em><sub>21</sub>, which correspond to the completed Coulomb force<em> F<sub>CC</sub></em> including gravitation. The resultant <em>F</em><sub>RL21</sub> will form an oriented field of forces, which is a quasielectric field <em>QE</em>, equivalent to actual <em>E</em> electric field. Considering transversal FVT, was obtained the vibratory forces +, <span style="white-space:nowrap;">&minus;</span><em>F<sub>T</sub></em><sub>21</sub>, whose resultant forms an vibrating field of forces, <em>QHs</em>, a quasimagnetic special field, which may explain some of the quantum properties of SMPs. Considering a mobile SMP, two new<em> <span style="white-space:nowrap;">&gamma;</span></em> strains in ETH appear. Strains <em><span style="white-space:nowrap;">&gamma;</span><sub>L</sub></em> are created by the displacement of SMP with velocity<em> V</em>, whose force +, <span style="white-space:nowrap;">&minus;</span><em>F<sub>T</sub></em><sub>12</sub> is the support of a component of the magnetic field <em>H</em> (quasimagnetic field <em>QH</em>), giving the <em>QH<sub>L</sub></em> component. Strains <em>γ</em><sub>R</sub> are created by the rotation of SMP with speed <span style="white-space:nowrap;">&Omega;</span>, whose force +, <span style="white-space:nowrap;">&minus;</span><em>F</em><sub>R12</sub> constitutes physical support of the component <em>QH<sub>R</sub></em> of magnetic field <em>H </em>(<em>i.e. QH)</em><em></em>. The creation of a photon PH is modelled as a special ESMP containing two zones of opposed rotations, and a mechanism is presented for its movement in the ETH with speed <em>c</em> based on the HS hypothesis of screwing in ETH, with frequency <em>ν</em>. 展开更多
关键词 Nature of Electrical Charges submicroparticle Constitution Microparticle Interaction by Percussions Ether Model HM16 with Fundamental Vibrations Completed coulombs law Photon Constitution and Travel
Theoretical Explanation of m = E/c2
作者 Ali Mohamad Khalife 《Open Journal of Microphysics》 2022年第2期47-54,共8页
The aim of this theory is to study and explain the phenomena that have been predicted by Einstein in the year 1905 which affirms that the mass of a body increases with velocity;the mass of a body increases when it tra... The aim of this theory is to study and explain the phenomena that have been predicted by Einstein in the year 1905 which affirms that the mass of a body increases with velocity;the mass of a body increases when it travels at high speed. In classical physics, it gains in the energy of motion. In relativity that kinetic energy makes itself felt as additional mass. As the object reaches the speed of light, theoretically, its mass becomes “infinite”. Nevertheless, the concept of “infinite mass” is still a subject we know little about. In the following paper, I will be focusing on how and why such phenomena take place. Furthermore, we shall discuss antimatter. Antimatter is now known to shower down from the sky above us, and when a particle meets its antiparticle, both of them disappear in a burst of radiant energy, exactly in accordance with E = mc<sup>2</sup> . 展开更多
关键词 special Relativity Particle Physics coulombs law Pair Production and Annihilation Infinite Mass Constancy of the speed of Light Einstein’s Correction
习近平法治思想融入高校思政课教学的多维探析 被引量:3
作者 张振芝 子天娇 《山西高等学校社会科学学报》 2023年第1期35-40,共6页
聚焦习近平法治思想的核心要义和科学方法,将其有效融入高校思政课教学,有利于实现法治教育观念的转变、高校思政课程合力作用的发挥以及思政课程显性教育与隐性教育的内在统一。习近平法治思想融入高校思政课教学的内在逻辑在于对其的... 聚焦习近平法治思想的核心要义和科学方法,将其有效融入高校思政课教学,有利于实现法治教育观念的转变、高校思政课程合力作用的发挥以及思政课程显性教育与隐性教育的内在统一。习近平法治思想融入高校思政课教学的内在逻辑在于对其的宣传教育与思政课教学目的相通、教学内容贯通、教学策略互补。习近平法治思想融入高校思政课教学须做到:情理相通,使习近平法治思想核心要义具象化;文史结合,使习近平法治思想教学内容丰富化;人媒交互,使习近平法治思想教学形式多样化。习近平法治思想融入高校思政课教学将破解习近平法治思想宣传教育与高校思政课教学两离的二元结构,并为新时代其他新的理论成果有机融入高校思政课教学提供借鉴与参考。 展开更多
关键词 习近平法治思想 高校思政课教学 现实意义 内在逻辑 路径选择
作者 刘涵 苏琪淇 许桂清 《物理通报》 CAS 2023年第5期67-71,77,共6页
抛锚式教学是一种基于建构主义学习理论的教学模式,旨在将教学“抛锚”于有意义的问题情境中,对于培养学生的物理探究精神、合作学习能力有着积极的意义.从抛锚式教学的内涵和适用性出发,以“玻意耳定律”的课程设计为例,讨论了如何在... 抛锚式教学是一种基于建构主义学习理论的教学模式,旨在将教学“抛锚”于有意义的问题情境中,对于培养学生的物理探究精神、合作学习能力有着积极的意义.从抛锚式教学的内涵和适用性出发,以“玻意耳定律”的课程设计为例,讨论了如何在物理课堂中运用抛锚式教学方法,培养学生的科学探究能力.为物理教育研究者及物理教师的教学实践提供了一定的参考. 展开更多
关键词 抛锚式教学 问题情境 玻意耳定律
基于库仑定律的公交站点OD矩阵生成研究 被引量:2
作者 赵淑芝 张晓亮 +1 位作者 刘华胜 高祥涛 《华南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期96-102,共7页
为获得更为合理的公交客流分配结果,引入库仑定律,根据公交站点在交通小区中的分布情况,分别建立了小区间和小区内的公交站点OD矩阵生成模型;然后,根据不同公交方式站点的特性对模型进行了优化,并通过对灵敏度系数的分析建立了灵敏度系... 为获得更为合理的公交客流分配结果,引入库仑定律,根据公交站点在交通小区中的分布情况,分别建立了小区间和小区内的公交站点OD矩阵生成模型;然后,根据不同公交方式站点的特性对模型进行了优化,并通过对灵敏度系数的分析建立了灵敏度系数的求解模型;最后,通过实例对模型的有效性进行了验证.结果表明:文中模型具有较高的理论和实用价值,提高了公交客流预测的可靠程度. 展开更多
关键词 公交站点 OD矩阵 库仑定律 客流预测
库仑定律的局限性及工程应用的错误 被引量:3
作者 向定汉 马姣玲 李贵谋 《武汉汽车工业大学学报》 CAS 1998年第1期80-82,共3页
关键词 库仑定律 摩擦系数 工程应用
1992-2011年我国机能实验教学研究状况分析 被引量:6
作者 马青 张俊芳 +6 位作者 刘爱明 赵鑫 陈晓薇 徐淑君 王闯 魏晓菲 刘昱 《中国高等医学教育》 2013年第10期56-58,共3页
在1992-2011年,以收录在中国知网(CNKI)的429篇机能实验教研论文为研究对象,对其发文量、作者分布和期刊分布等进行了计量分析。结果表明,我国机能实验教研文献的增长符合幂函数增长规律,作者分布符合负幂函数规律,期刊分布符合布拉德... 在1992-2011年,以收录在中国知网(CNKI)的429篇机能实验教研论文为研究对象,对其发文量、作者分布和期刊分布等进行了计量分析。结果表明,我国机能实验教研文献的增长符合幂函数增长规律,作者分布符合负幂函数规律,期刊分布符合布拉德福的文献集中与离散规律。 展开更多
关键词 机能实验 文献计量 布拉德福规律
移动导体和电介质情况下的静电能公式推导 被引量:3
作者 骆超艺 《大学物理》 北大核心 2014年第5期13-14,45,共3页
为了证明复杂带电系统的静电能与系统的建立过程无关,从库仑定律出发,运用数学方法,推导了以任意方式搬运自由电荷、导体和电介质时静电场做的功,得到普遍情况下的静电能公式.结果表明:对于线性电介质,静电能只与带电系统的最终分布状... 为了证明复杂带电系统的静电能与系统的建立过程无关,从库仑定律出发,运用数学方法,推导了以任意方式搬运自由电荷、导体和电介质时静电场做的功,得到普遍情况下的静电能公式.结果表明:对于线性电介质,静电能只与带电系统的最终分布状态有关.该结论为求解静电力的虚位移法提供了重要的理论依据. 展开更多
关键词 库仑定律 功能原理 静电能 电介质
基尔霍夫第二定律的实用表述以及建立均匀传输线方程的新途径 被引量:3
作者 罗凌霄 《大学物理》 北大核心 2015年第7期6-10,25,共6页
指出在交变电流场中基尔霍夫第二定律所说的电位实际上是库仑规范下的电磁标量位,给出一般情形的基尔霍夫第二定律的简明表述和实用表述,阐述了集总元件电路中实用表述如何退化成人们熟知的形式,最后给出基于基尔霍夫第二定律的实用表... 指出在交变电流场中基尔霍夫第二定律所说的电位实际上是库仑规范下的电磁标量位,给出一般情形的基尔霍夫第二定律的简明表述和实用表述,阐述了集总元件电路中实用表述如何退化成人们熟知的形式,最后给出基于基尔霍夫第二定律的实用表述和电荷守恒定律建立均匀传输线方程的新途径. 展开更多
关键词 基尔霍夫第二定律 库仑规范 电磁标量位 均匀传输线方程
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