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作者 盛文杰 刘健文 黄江平 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2017年第4期408-416,共9页
One-dimensional retrieval was performed on Typhoon Haiyan utilizing the advanced technology microwave sounder onboard the satellite Suomi NPP to retrieve the temperature and water vapor profiles of the typhoon.Compari... One-dimensional retrieval was performed on Typhoon Haiyan utilizing the advanced technology microwave sounder onboard the satellite Suomi NPP to retrieve the temperature and water vapor profiles of the typhoon.Comparisons of the retrieved profiles and ECMWF reanalysis were made to assess the results. The main conclusions are as follows.(1) The results have high spatial resolution and therefore can precisely represent the temperature and humidity distribution of the typhoon.(2) The retrieved temperature is low in the areas of low temperature and high in the areas of high temperature; similar patterns are observed for humidity. This means that systematic revision may be needed during routine application.(3) The results of the retrieved temperature and humidity profiles are generally accurate, which is quite important for typhoon monitoring. 展开更多
关键词 1-D VAR retrieving algorithm temperature and humidity profiles ATMS NPP typhoon haiyan
台风“海燕”(2013)暴雨非对称结构及中尺度特征分析 被引量:9
作者 黄莉 黄增俊 +1 位作者 白龙 詹莹玉 《热带气象学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期334-344,共11页
利用NCEP再分析资料、地面雨量加密自动站资料及多普勒雷达产品资料,对2013年第30号超强台风"海燕"暴雨的非对称结构及中尺度降雨的形成机制、落区特征进行分析。研究结果显示:(1)"海燕"停编前有4个MCS呈东西向带... 利用NCEP再分析资料、地面雨量加密自动站资料及多普勒雷达产品资料,对2013年第30号超强台风"海燕"暴雨的非对称结构及中尺度降雨的形成机制、落区特征进行分析。研究结果显示:(1)"海燕"停编前有4个MCS呈东西向带状分布在广西南部,维持时间约9~12 h;台风减弱停编后在广西东南部有1~2个呈南北向的MCS,维持时间为2~4 h,造成此次台风过程的最强降水;(2)在"海燕"影响过程中,能量锋在贵州和广西维持并明显北倾、能量低值中心南下控制桂西北,使该地暴雨骤停、而桂东南在南风急流及地形作用下暴雨维持,是台风暴雨呈现东南强西北弱的非对称结构的主要成因;(3)台风登陆广西至停编时段的中尺度降雨是在高层的位涡异常与低层的位温异常叠加所形成的大气结构下,锋面触发不稳定能量形成的,中尺度降雨集中在边界层能量锋区最大梯度中心、MPV1梯度区零值附近与MPV2正值中心叠加处;(4)台风减弱在停编后的中尺度降雨是由冷空气侵入六万大山东侧抬升暖湿气流形成初始中-γ对流回波,在南风急流及两山脉间的盆地地形作用下,逐步加强发展成中-β对流回波并以"列车效应"传播而形成的。 展开更多
关键词 “海燕” 非对称结构 中尺度 湿位涡 列车效应
Application of Lightning Data Assimilation to Numerical Forecast of Super Typhoon Haiyan (2013) 被引量:3
作者 Rong ZHANG Wenjuan ZHANG +2 位作者 Yijun ZHANG Jianing FENG Liangtao XU 《Journal of Meteorological Research》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第5期1052-1067,共16页
Previous observations from World Wide Lightning Location Network(WWLLN) and satellites have shown that typhoon-related lightning data have a potential to improve the forecast of typhoon intensity. The current study wa... Previous observations from World Wide Lightning Location Network(WWLLN) and satellites have shown that typhoon-related lightning data have a potential to improve the forecast of typhoon intensity. The current study was aimed at investigating whether assimilating TC lightning data in numerical models can play such a role. For the case of Super Typhoon Haiyan in 2013, the lightning data assimilation(LDA) was realized in the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) model, and the impact of LDA on numerical prediction of Haiyan’s intensity was evaluated.Lightning data from WWLLN were used to adjust the model’s relative humidity(RH) based on the method developed by Dixon et al.(2016). The adjusted RH was output as a pseudo sounding observation, which was then assimilated into the WRF system by using the three-dimensional variational(3DVAR) method in the cycling mode at 1-h intervals. Sensitivity experiments showed that, for Super Typhoon Haiyan(2013), which was characterized by a high proportion of the inner-core(within 100 km from the typhoon center) lightning, assimilation of the inner-core lightning data significantly improved its intensity forecast, while assimilation of the lightning data in the rainbands(100–500 km from the typhoon center) led to no obvious improvement. The improvement became more evident with the increase in LDA cycles, and at least three or four LDA cycles were needed to achieve obvious intensity forecast improvement. Overall, the improvement in the intensity forecast by assimilation of the inner-core lightning data could be maintained for about 48 h. However, it should be noted that the LDA method in this study may have a negative effect when the simulated typhoon is stronger than the observed, since the LDA method cannot suppress the spurious convection. 展开更多
关键词 LIGHTNING three-dimensional variational(3DVAR)data assimilation typhoon haiyan typhoon intensity
Hindcasting the typhoon haiyan storm surge in coastal eastern leyte
作者 Jeferson Zerrudo Sharon Juliet Arruejo 《Tropical Cyclone Research and Review》 2024年第4期293-327,共35页
This study introduces the‘Zero-Point Boundary’method to map the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan storm surge in coastal eastern Leyte.Utilising the‘Rivera Dispersive Wave Model’or RDM,we interpolated simulated storm surge and ... This study introduces the‘Zero-Point Boundary’method to map the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan storm surge in coastal eastern Leyte.Utilising the‘Rivera Dispersive Wave Model’or RDM,we interpolated simulated storm surge and wave height data,subtracting them from a 5-m resolution digital terrain model raster provided by the National Mapping and Resource Information Authority(NAMRIA)to determine inundation limits and depths relative to the average Filipino male height(i.e.,165 cm).Validation against the 2013 joint survey conducted by the Japan Society of Civil Engineers(JSCE)and the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers(PICE)showed an 81%accuracy rate when identifying water limit locations in Tacloban City,suggesting potential for future forecasting.However,the absence of compoundflooding consideration in the simulations may have influenced this rate.Overall,this study underscores the importance of accurate modelling and communication in hazard mapping for enhancing preparedness and mitigation efforts,emphasising a balanced approach to risk perception. 展开更多
关键词 Hindcast mapping Zero-point boundary method typhoon haiyan Storm surge inundation Coastal eastern leyte Rivera dispersive wave model JSCEPICE joint survey Hazard mapping Safety buffer
1330号台风海燕强烈发展和快速移动原因分析 被引量:26
作者 张玲 许映龙 黄奕武 《气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第12期1464-1480,共17页
本文运用NCEP再分析资料(水平分辨率1°×1°,垂直层次26层)和各种常规观测资料以及中央气象台台风实时定位定强数据对2013年全球最强台风海燕的特点和极端性展开分析,并运用天气学分析和动力学诊断的方法探讨"海燕&qu... 本文运用NCEP再分析资料(水平分辨率1°×1°,垂直层次26层)和各种常规观测资料以及中央气象台台风实时定位定强数据对2013年全球最强台风海燕的特点和极端性展开分析,并运用天气学分析和动力学诊断的方法探讨"海燕"强度发展的动力机制和快速移动的原因,同时发掘预报着眼点,以提高中央气象台对类似台风的综合预报能力。本文主要研究结论为:(1)"海燕"在登陆菲律宾之前的持续加强和高强度维持发生在副热带西风急流加强南压和副热带高压南侧对流层各层低纬东风同时加强的条件下。(2)副热带西风急流加强南压是导致西太平洋副热带高压加强和副热带高压南侧对流层各层低纬东风加强及"海燕"高速靠近并登陆菲律宾的重要原因。(3)"海燕"的水平风速分布存在明显不对称,呈现台风北侧东风大于南侧西风、台风东侧南风大于西侧北风的特点,其中纬向风的不对称更显著。而由台风海燕东西两侧经向风和南北两侧纬向风的不对称分布导致的切变正涡度的增加可能是台风强度持续增强的重要原因之一。(4)对流层低层水平辐合的显著加强和台风海燕南北两侧经向垂直环流圈的加强和建立也是"海燕"强度持续加强的重要原因之一。(5)台风海燕持续加强和高强度维持的主要动力机制为内核区对流层低层水平辐合和对流层中低层涡度的持续增长以及台风所处环境的高层辐散的明显增加和高低层垂直切变的减小。(6)预报启示为:对于秋冬季的台风而言,除了西太平洋副热带高压、西风槽、对流层低层偏东风、越赤道气流外,还需关注对流层上层副热带西风急流的变化,特别是对于偏西行台风而言,副热带西风急流的加强南压可能会导致台风移速的加快和强度的明显加强。另外对流层上层不光是台风的出流层,能影响台风高层出流的变化,对流层上层的环流还可能对台风移动造成一定影响。 展开更多
关键词 超强台风海燕 强度强 移速快 天气分析 动力学诊断分析
台风“海燕”过境海南岛数值模拟及暴雨成因诊断 被引量:20
作者 徐红 程攀 王瑞丽 《干旱气象》 2016年第3期503-510,521,共9页
利用NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°再分析资料、地面观测降水资料、FY-2E卫星相当黑体温度资料,采用WRF中尺度数值模式对2013年11月9—11日台风"海燕"过程进行数值模拟,并对期间海南暴雨天气诊断分析。结果表明:台风"... 利用NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°再分析资料、地面观测降水资料、FY-2E卫星相当黑体温度资料,采用WRF中尺度数值模式对2013年11月9—11日台风"海燕"过程进行数值模拟,并对期间海南暴雨天气诊断分析。结果表明:台风"海燕"携带的大量水汽,为海南暴雨提供了丰富的水汽来源;TBB梯度高值区与暴雨强度及落区有很好的对应关系。地形在暴雨过程中起到重要作用,初期台风外围偏东气流遇海南中部高山产生地形重力波,促使局地辐合上升,产生降水;随着台风靠近,风向转为偏南且风速增大,地形作用促使气流强烈抬升,在低层产生强对流中尺度系统,并与高层辐散系统配合,产生强降水。 展开更多
关键词 台风“海燕” 数值模拟 诊断分析 地形
海燕台风后菲律宾某灾区疾病谱分析 被引量:11
作者 车薇 沈丹 +2 位作者 刘元明 赵晓巍 杨炯 《中华灾害救援医学》 2015年第4期189-191,共3页
目的了解菲律宾台风后患者疾病谱变化规律,为今后国际医疗救援提供科学依据。方法以医疗救援队赴菲律宾台风救援诊治患者的信息为主要依据,分析患者的基本情况、疾病种类情况及救援队不适症状情况。结果累计诊治患者2892人,其中男1161例... 目的了解菲律宾台风后患者疾病谱变化规律,为今后国际医疗救援提供科学依据。方法以医疗救援队赴菲律宾台风救援诊治患者的信息为主要依据,分析患者的基本情况、疾病种类情况及救援队不适症状情况。结果累计诊治患者2892人,其中男1161例,占总人数的40.15%,女1731例,占59.85%,年龄1个月~91岁;疾病种类以呼吸系统疾病(40.32%)为主,其次是损伤与中毒(18.81%)和神经系统疾病(12.45%);医疗救援队共有10名队员出现不适症状,以月经不调和血压升高为主。结论呼吸道疾病、皮肤感染疾病、外伤是台风后发生的主要疾病。参与国际医疗救援时,应及时了解当地基础疾病情况,做好相应的防控。 展开更多
关键词 海燕台风 医疗救援 菲律宾 疾病谱
海燕台风后医院船赴菲律宾医疗救助 被引量:1
作者 孙涛 王德利 +4 位作者 吕立波 张正 王海威 赵虎林 蔡伟萍 《中国急救复苏与灾害医学杂志》 2014年第1期7-9,共3页
2013年11月8日,菲律宾遭受“海燕”强台风袭击。海军和平方舟医院船于11月21日-12月16日(24日下午抵达重灾区塔克洛班开展医疗救护,12月10日完成任务返航归建,在灾区执行任务16天)此次赴菲律宾医疗救护工作圆满完成,各方面协调到... 2013年11月8日,菲律宾遭受“海燕”强台风袭击。海军和平方舟医院船于11月21日-12月16日(24日下午抵达重灾区塔克洛班开展医疗救护,12月10日完成任务返航归建,在灾区执行任务16天)此次赴菲律宾医疗救护工作圆满完成,各方面协调到位,救护模式清晰,医院船功能发挥完善,加强沟通、救护规范。应特别注意人员及物资的准备工作,以及与其他医疗团队的沟通、协作。 展开更多
关键词 海燕台风 医院船
基于HYCOM和遥感资料研究障碍层在促进台风海燕发展过程中的作用 被引量:1
作者 陈俊尧 杜岩 张玉红 《热带海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期23-30,共8页
台风海燕是历史上罕见的超强台风,本研究利用HYCOM再分析资料和卫星遥感资料数据,研究了热带西太平洋暖池区障碍层对台风海燕发展的促进作用。台风海燕在热带西北太平洋东部生成后向西移动,2013年11月3日到11月5日从热带低压发展为超强... 台风海燕是历史上罕见的超强台风,本研究利用HYCOM再分析资料和卫星遥感资料数据,研究了热带西太平洋暖池区障碍层对台风海燕发展的促进作用。台风海燕在热带西北太平洋东部生成后向西移动,2013年11月3日到11月5日从热带低压发展为超强台风,此时经过的海域普遍存在深厚的障碍层。由于障碍层内暖水的存在,热带气旋引起的垂直混合作用和抽吸作用较难使温跃层的冷水进入混合层,海表面降温效应减弱。高的海表面温度通过潜热释放的方式持续提供能量给热带气旋,促进其强度提升。此外,在台风海燕过境时产生了大量降水,上层海洋层化加强,混合层变浅,又使得其路径及周边海域障碍层加厚。 展开更多
关键词 HYCOM 遥感 障碍层 台风海燕
Track of Super Typhoon Haiyan Predicted by a Typhoon Model for the South China Sea 被引量:5
作者 陈子通 张诚忠 +5 位作者 黄燕燕 冯业荣 钟水新 戴光丰 徐道生 杨兆礼 《Journal of Meteorological Research》 SCIE 2014年第4期510-523,共14页
Super Typhoon Haiyan was the most notable typhoon in 2013. In this study, results from the operational prediction of Haiyan by a tropical regional typhoon model for the South China Sea are analyzed. It is shown that t... Super Typhoon Haiyan was the most notable typhoon in 2013. In this study, results from the operational prediction of Haiyan by a tropical regional typhoon model for the South China Sea are analyzed. It is shown that the model has successfully reproduced Haiyan’s rapid passage through the Philippines and its northward deflection after its second landfall in Vietnam. However, the predicted intensity of Haiyan is weaker than the observed. An analysis of higher-resolution model simulations indicates that the storm is characterized by an upper-level warm core during its mature stage and a deep layer of easterly flow. Sensitivity experiments are conducted to study the impact of certain physical processes such as the interaction between stratus and cumulus clouds on the improvement of the typhoon intensity forecast. It is found that appropriate boundary layer and cumulus convective parameterizations, and orographic gravity-wave parameterization, as well as improved initial conditions and increased horizontal grid resolution, all help to improve the intensity forecast of Haiyan. 展开更多
关键词 Super typhoon haiyan typhoon track typhoon intensity numerical weather prediction
Lightning Activity and Its Relationship with Typhoon Intensity and Vertical Wind Shear for Super Typhoon Haiyan (1330) 被引量:5
作者 王芳 郄秀书 +2 位作者 刘冬霞 史海锋 Abhay Srivastava 《Journal of Meteorological Research》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第1期117-127,共11页
Super Typhoon Halyan (1330), which occurred in 2013, is the most powerful typhoon during landfall in the meteorological record. In this study, the temporal and spatial distributions of lightning activity of Haiyan w... Super Typhoon Halyan (1330), which occurred in 2013, is the most powerful typhoon during landfall in the meteorological record. In this study, the temporal and spatial distributions of lightning activity of Haiyan were analyzed by using the lightning data from the World Wide Lightning Location Network, typhoon intensity and position data from the China Meteorological Administration, and horizontal wind data from the ECMWF. Three distinct regions were identified in the spatial distribution of daily average lightning density, with the maxima in the inner core and the minima in the inner rainband. The lightning density in the intensifying stage of Haiyan was greater than that in its weakening stage. During the time when the typhoon intensity measured with maximum sustained wind speed was between 32.7 and 41.4 m s-1, the storm had the largest lightning density in the inner core, compared with other intensity stages. In contrast to earlier typhoon studies, the eyewall lightning burst out three times. The first two eyewall lightning outbreaks occurred during the period of rapid intensification and before the maximum intensity of the storm, suggesting that the eyewall lightning activity could be used to identify the change in tropical cyclone intensity. The flashes frequently occurred in the inner core, and in the outer rainbands with the black body temperature below 220 K. Combined with the ECMWF wind data, the influences of vertical wind shear (VWS) on the azimuthal distribution of flashes were also analyzed, showing that strong VWS produced downshear left asymmetry of lightning activity in the inner core and downshear right asymmetry in the ralnbands. 展开更多
关键词 Super typhoon haiyan typhoon intensity eyewall lightning outbreak vertical wind shear
作者 盛文杰 刘健文 黄江平 《热带气象学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期796-803,共8页
通过搭载在NPP卫星上ATMS探测器所获得的微波探测,针对台风"海燕"进行温湿廓线反演,并将反演结果与ECMWF再分析资料对比,研究ATMS资料在台风"海燕"中的反演的应用效果。结果表明,反演所得温湿廓线有着较高的空间分... 通过搭载在NPP卫星上ATMS探测器所获得的微波探测,针对台风"海燕"进行温湿廓线反演,并将反演结果与ECMWF再分析资料对比,研究ATMS资料在台风"海燕"中的反演的应用效果。结果表明,反演所得温湿廓线有着较高的空间分辨率,对台风系统的温湿场结构有着细致的反映。对于实际温度较低的区域,ATMS反演的温度场总体偏低,而实际温度场较高的区域,ATMS反演值总体偏高,在实际应用中需要进行系统订正。在垂直廓线的反演方面,台风三个区域的反演结果与实际观测接近,这对台风的监测与预警有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 一维变分反演 温湿廓线 NPP-ATMS 台风海燕
秋季台风“海燕”的特点及成因分析 被引量:8
作者 黄滢 潘一铭 蒋静 《气象研究与应用》 2019年第3期13-17,共5页
1330号秋季台风“海燕”具有强度强、维持时间长、路径东折、造成风雨强的特点。利用NCEP再分析资料、CMABST最佳台风路径数据、卫星云图等资料,进行天气学以及动力诊断分析,结果表明:(1)“海燕”强度强,减弱缓慢的主要原因是:弱冷空气... 1330号秋季台风“海燕”具有强度强、维持时间长、路径东折、造成风雨强的特点。利用NCEP再分析资料、CMABST最佳台风路径数据、卫星云图等资料,进行天气学以及动力诊断分析,结果表明:(1)“海燕”强度强,减弱缓慢的主要原因是:弱冷空气从低层不断侵入台风低压的北部,使斜压性加强,气旋性扰动加大;副高、西风槽和“海燕”的位置配置,使得“海燕”北侧的偏西风天气系统和南侧的西南风系统加强;200hPa强辐散提供了有利的高空“抽气”作用。(2)“海燕”路径出现转向东折的主要原因是副高减弱东退,当台风中心越过副高脊线进入西风带系统时,引导气流的转变导致台风转向东北方向移动。卫星云图从对称圆形转为东北-西南走向,预示着台风向东北移动的分量加大。(3)“海燕”影响期间,在广西产生了超过历史同期极值的强降水,其主要原因是东北槽引导适当冷空气的入侵,副高和南支槽的位置配置、广西处于高湿不稳定的环境场也是造成强降水的原因之一。 展开更多
关键词 “海燕”台风 转向 强度 暴雨
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