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A Study on the Loss of Tourist Attractions in Central China Hubei Province During the Anti-Japanese War
作者 Juying Qiao 《Management Studies》 2020年第5期386-389,共4页
This paper takes the Wudang Mountains and Wuhan Battle Memorial Hall as examples to investigate and analyze the losses of Wuhan during the Anti-Japanese War.The paper concludes with two inspirations:to make full use o... This paper takes the Wudang Mountains and Wuhan Battle Memorial Hall as examples to investigate and analyze the losses of Wuhan during the Anti-Japanese War.The paper concludes with two inspirations:to make full use of the intangible cultural heritage spots to carry out patriotism education for primary and middle school students;and to effectively transform the cultural resources of the tourist spots in Hubei Province into cultural industries,in order to achieve the sustainable development of intangible cultural resources of Hubei Province tourist attractions. 展开更多
关键词 during the anti-japanese war Hubei Province tourist attractions LOSSES
The Grass-Roots Governance of the National Government in Tianjin Recovery Area After the Triumph of the Anti-Japanese War
作者 ZHANG Guopeng 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2021年第1期20-31,共12页
The national government wants to penetrate into the grass-roots unit after the triumph of the Anti-Japanese War in the recovery area.Through the reorganization of the Baojia system,the government expects to achieve lo... The national government wants to penetrate into the grass-roots unit after the triumph of the Anti-Japanese War in the recovery area.Through the reorganization of the Baojia system,the government expects to achieve local autonomy and then solve the people’s livelihood issues.The new Baojia system provides a platform for people to achieve their own demands,which presents the vision of civil rights to a certain extent.However,because of the complexity of the postwar social environment,the Baojia system cannot completely represent the will of the people,and finally becomes a militarized organization that was used as a tool to carry out the government decree. 展开更多
关键词 after the triumph of the anti-japanese war TIANJIN the grass-roots governance the Baojia system
For Permanent Peace—An Introduction to China's Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall
《China & The World Cultural Exchange》 1995年第4期12-13,共2页
关键词 An Introduction to China’s anti-japanese war Memorial Hall For Permanent Peace
Under the Pagoda Mountain:Japanese POW Reformation During the Anti-Japanese War
作者 LI Jin 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2019年第4期183-201,共19页
As a typical Lenin-style political party,what should be concerned most is the CPC’s (Communist Party of China) capacity in fighting against and clearing enemies.This study provides a distinct perspective to observe a... As a typical Lenin-style political party,what should be concerned most is the CPC’s (Communist Party of China) capacity in fighting against and clearing enemies.This study provides a distinct perspective to observe and recognize CPC’s ability of turning hostility into friendship.Japanese prisoners of war (POW) had been poisoned by ultra-nationalism and militarism for years,and thus were extremely difficult to be reformed.However,under the correct ideological guidance of Mao and the unremitting efforts of the CPC’s political officers and cadres,a great number of them acknowledged the CPC’s political ideology and joined the CPC’s team. 展开更多
关键词 anti-japanese war PRISONER of war POLITICAL transformation
Memory Recently Retold: The Chinese Historical Writing of the Second Sino-Japanese War and World War II
作者 Choi Sze Hang, Henry 《Sociology Study》 2013年第9期697-706,共10页
Memories regarding the history of the Second Sino-Japanese War (1931-1945) and World War il (1939-1945) have always been refreshed in the minds of contemporaries through the retelling of "historical war stories"... Memories regarding the history of the Second Sino-Japanese War (1931-1945) and World War il (1939-1945) have always been refreshed in the minds of contemporaries through the retelling of "historical war stories" in various forms including books, posters, films and other media presentations. However, these retellings are often criticised by some academics as distortion of historical facts. This is because many of the present generation of readers and audiences were not even born at the time the events happened. Thus, "historical facts" of this era are, in reality, very vague in people's minds and their "facts" are often simply a construction of frequently retold "historical war stories" mixed with imagination. This article will argue that even immediately after the end of both wars in 1945, fresh history memory was already distorted, with China being the main victim. Following the end of World War II, there was an extensive publication of books and periodicals about the war. However, through varied interpretations of primary sources and use of visual materials in different ways, various positions were created to suit specific needs for justification of China's desire to be part of the camp of world powers after 1945. Similar diverse positions were also used to make political arguments criticising both the Axis and Allied Powers for working toward different political ends. 展开更多
关键词 Second Sino-Japanese war World war II history memory historical writing TRANSLATION
作者 陈晓兰 《山东女子学院学报》 2024年第3期70-78,共9页
弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫不幸生逢20世纪两次世界大战,战争是其思想意识和文学创作的核心主题,其重要作品大部分创作于20世纪二三十年代即两次大战的间歇期。不同于主流战争文学,伍尔夫在战后或者战前,以后方平民特别是女性的视角,再现远... 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫不幸生逢20世纪两次世界大战,战争是其思想意识和文学创作的核心主题,其重要作品大部分创作于20世纪二三十年代即两次大战的间歇期。不同于主流战争文学,伍尔夫在战后或者战前,以后方平民特别是女性的视角,再现远离战场的后方平民的间接战争体验,以独特的战争话语揭示了战争对个体日常生活和精神世界的持久影响。伍尔夫的战争书写打破了战时与平时、前线与后方、战士与平民截然区分的界限,拓展了战争书写的时间与空间范围。她的战争书写表现出与国家主流战争话语截然不同的特征,她的另类战争观为后世理解两次大战提供了独特的维度。 展开更多
关键词 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫 战争书写 战争观
作者 刘利平 《外国语文研究(辑刊)》 2024年第2期78-88,共11页
以记忆书写历史是石黑一雄小说中最为突出的主题之一。在他的小说中,个体经历往往以回忆的形式展开,这些个体记忆一方面极具个人化和私密化色彩,另一方面又融进了很多公共历史化因素。因此,个体经历被作家从私人化领域提升至公共意识层... 以记忆书写历史是石黑一雄小说中最为突出的主题之一。在他的小说中,个体经历往往以回忆的形式展开,这些个体记忆一方面极具个人化和私密化色彩,另一方面又融进了很多公共历史化因素。因此,个体经历被作家从私人化领域提升至公共意识层面,记忆与历史书写之间的关系成为揭示历史本质的途径之一。《远山淡影》、《浮世画家》和《上海孤儿》构成了石黑一雄日本战争历史记忆化书写的三个阶段,隐藏在《远山淡影》中的战争记忆,经过了《浮世画家》的自我修正,最终在《上海孤儿》中呈现出历史的真相。而小说家石黑一雄,正是借助这种以记忆书写历史的方式,对人们在战争中所遭受到的创伤,对于日本二战的历史真相不断进行增补,通过文本的留白、压抑和矛盾,在记忆的缝隙中,呈现出过去若隐若现、无由确定的真相。 展开更多
关键词 战争记忆 历史书写 《远山淡影》 《浮世画家》 《上海孤儿》
作者 许亚龙 陈思广 《中国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期209-216,220,共9页
全面抗战时期,围绕抗战建国的时代召唤,沈从文生成了一种隐性的“抗战意志论”思想观念。“抗战意志论”有两个层面:国家意志和生命意志。国家意志的观念对应《战国策》派“大政治”主张下“民族至上、国家至上”的抗战现实;生命意志的... 全面抗战时期,围绕抗战建国的时代召唤,沈从文生成了一种隐性的“抗战意志论”思想观念。“抗战意志论”有两个层面:国家意志和生命意志。国家意志的观念对应《战国策》派“大政治”主张下“民族至上、国家至上”的抗战现实;生命意志的观念接续沈从文对生命存在本体的抒情化思考。“抗战意志论”是一种将民族国家存亡和个人生命重造二者结合,用来指导文学写作,表现理想人生的“有情”的观念创造。“抗战意志论”作为抗战建国的观念自有其历史与现实合理性,但与沈从文的创作个性不相符合,表之于小说写作中出现人物、叙事节奏、叙述重心等方面的裂隙或者矛盾,体现出别样的艺术审美特质。“抗战意志论”折射出沈从文观念写作与个性写作的龃龉,也必然导致其以寓言体、主观抒情和传奇故事等方式复归“抽象的抒情”的个性创作并修正战时文学路径,继续书写其对生命、理想、人性等抽象对象的表达。也因此,在战时文学写作版图中,沈从文逐渐成为一位不合时宜的被划为“与抗战无关”的孤独的思索者。其实,历史并非这么简单。 展开更多
关键词 沈从文 《战国策》派 “抗战意志论” 战时写作 文学路径
作者 谭晓亮 赵祥凤 《黑河学院学报》 2024年第8期168-173,共6页
杰克·伦敦以日俄战争为背景的新闻报道和文学作品中,有关日本新闻审查、武士道规训和“黄祸”问题频频出镜。结合近代日本国家主义、美国主流意识以及同时期太平洋地区的国际格局不难发现,杰克·伦敦的战争书写与美国的地缘政... 杰克·伦敦以日俄战争为背景的新闻报道和文学作品中,有关日本新闻审查、武士道规训和“黄祸”问题频频出镜。结合近代日本国家主义、美国主流意识以及同时期太平洋地区的国际格局不难发现,杰克·伦敦的战争书写与美国的地缘政治战略桴鼓相应。这也为探绎伦敦启示录般的预言——日本是“一个军事民族”提供了重要线索。事实上,伦敦频频告诫国人警惕日本“军事黄祸”,一方面,折射出俄国在战争中的失利引发西方白人普遍的焦虑心理;另一方面,则体认出杰克·伦敦对战后日本极端民族主义情绪高涨和太平洋地区国际格局演变的准确预判。 展开更多
关键词 日俄战争 军事黄祸 新闻审查 战争书写 焦虑心理
作者 陈世华 柳田田 《外国语文》 北大核心 2024年第1期54-62,共9页
《姨捨》是堀辰雄在日本侵华战争期间,以菅原孝标女《更级日记》为蓝本改编的短篇小说。作品将主人公作为时代的缩影,通过主人公对物语和爱情的憧憬与幻想破灭之表象,影射日本女性在侵略战争中沦为战争工具可能带来的悲惨命运。在日本... 《姨捨》是堀辰雄在日本侵华战争期间,以菅原孝标女《更级日记》为蓝本改编的短篇小说。作品将主人公作为时代的缩影,通过主人公对物语和爱情的憧憬与幻想破灭之表象,影射日本女性在侵略战争中沦为战争工具可能带来的悲惨命运。在日本发动全面侵华战争的背景下,《姨捨》以“经典重写”的形式,极为隐晦地揭示了被天皇蛊惑、利用的日本女性乃至日本民众,终将成为战争牺牲品的必然性。堀辰雄在战时“古典回归”的趋势下创作的王朝文学改编系列小说亦成为其对抗大肆鼓动战争的文坛、政坛的方式。 展开更多
关键词 堀辰雄 《姨捨》 反战叙事 经典重写
作者 何源 《古代文明(中英文)》 CSSCI 2024年第1期23-34,156,157,共14页
1世纪晚期,罗马帝国的疆域政策从向外扩张趋向内部整合。犹太史家约瑟夫斯的史书《犹太战争》为考察此时期罗马与边缘行省犹太地区的关系提供了重要的一手文献。受其行省精英和罗马公民双重身份的影响,其史书通过独特的地理书写,一方面... 1世纪晚期,罗马帝国的疆域政策从向外扩张趋向内部整合。犹太史家约瑟夫斯的史书《犹太战争》为考察此时期罗马与边缘行省犹太地区的关系提供了重要的一手文献。受其行省精英和罗马公民双重身份的影响,其史书通过独特的地理书写,一方面传达了行省精英面对帝国扩张时的共识,即维护犹太共同体的安全而避免战争,另一方面,他对于罗马地理边界的勾画,以及他提出的帝国“四至”的疆域观,体现了1世纪晚期罗马统治“无远弗届”的意识形态与现实疆域趋于内部整合的政治实际之间的张力。 展开更多
关键词 约瑟夫斯 《犹太战争》 行省精英 地理书写 罗马疆域
作者 刘家民 《信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第1期134-140,共7页
满族作家马加很早就投身到救国救民的革命事业中。在马加现代时期的创作中,抗战书写是其文学创作的重心。纵观马加的抗战书写,中华民族观对其产生了重要影响。从总体上看,反帝抗战是马加抗战书写的重心,这揭示出马加在民族国家危难时具... 满族作家马加很早就投身到救国救民的革命事业中。在马加现代时期的创作中,抗战书写是其文学创作的重心。纵观马加的抗战书写,中华民族观对其产生了重要影响。从总体上看,反帝抗战是马加抗战书写的重心,这揭示出马加在民族国家危难时具有的责任感和义务感;在抗战书写中,阶级特性是其中的显著特色之一,这是马加接受中华民族观的重要视域;同时,抗战书写还与现代乡村革命密切结合,由此显示出马加对中华民族新进程中乡村变革作用的深切体悟。 展开更多
关键词 中华民族观 马加 抗战文学
作者 秦利国 《出版科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第5期122-128,共7页
全面抗战前期,中国共产党对马列著作的阅读在阅读动因上看是为应对复杂的内外局势;在阅读内容上包括了马克思、恩格斯、列宁、斯大林关于哲学、军事、文艺和经济等各种马列著作;阅读方式上通过领导干部带头阅读、强调个人自主性阅读和... 全面抗战前期,中国共产党对马列著作的阅读在阅读动因上看是为应对复杂的内外局势;在阅读内容上包括了马克思、恩格斯、列宁、斯大林关于哲学、军事、文艺和经济等各种马列著作;阅读方式上通过领导干部带头阅读、强调个人自主性阅读和建立较为明确的阅读制度等方式来阅读;在阅读效果上,促进了马克思主义中国化的发展,中国共产党的理论水平得以进一步提高。从中国共产党对马列著作的阅读动因、内容、方式、效果等方面来看,这一时期中国共产党对马列著作的阅读呈现出组织驱动阅读的明显特征。 展开更多
关键词 全面抗战前期 中国共产党 马列著作 阅读 组织
作者 林嘉琪 张伟 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第3期110-114,共5页
《良友》画报的“抗战”书写在践行“救亡图存”媒介担当的同时,将传统中国“赋比兴”的文艺观融入图像文本,实现了传统文艺观与图像符号互文化的叙事景观。《良友》的抗战报道从图文互动下的直接叙述、形象思维的图式化呈现和民族意识... 《良友》画报的“抗战”书写在践行“救亡图存”媒介担当的同时,将传统中国“赋比兴”的文艺观融入图像文本,实现了传统文艺观与图像符号互文化的叙事景观。《良友》的抗战报道从图文互动下的直接叙述、形象思维的图式化呈现和民族意识的内在唤起三方面体现出“赋比兴”的编写思维。“赋”在画报中以铺陈直叙的方式奠定了基本的叙述“地基”;“比”在画报中以比喻比类的设置为读者展开了关于“民族抗战”的想象空间;“兴”在画报中则通过诗意配文与富有张力的图像报道唤起读者的爱国情思。如此形成的多元叙事格局成就了《良友》画报关于“抗战”的视觉书写,在唤起民众家国意识与抗战信念的舆论宣传、动员过程中发挥了重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 《良友》画报 抗战书写 体物写志 比方于物 兴而起情
作者 郭建鹏 张昊为 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第2期96-105,共10页
1937年至1949年,围绕“卢沟桥事变”而生的报载散文、诗歌、戏剧、小说等“国难”文学作品,着眼于社会现实,以历史图像式叙事方式来反映日寇侵华之血腥与民众生存之惨境,记录战乱下社会百态,塑造了抗战斗士的光辉形象,高歌后方各界人士... 1937年至1949年,围绕“卢沟桥事变”而生的报载散文、诗歌、戏剧、小说等“国难”文学作品,着眼于社会现实,以历史图像式叙事方式来反映日寇侵华之血腥与民众生存之惨境,记录战乱下社会百态,塑造了抗战斗士的光辉形象,高歌后方各界人士抗日救亡的壮举,鞭挞卖国求荣之徒。这些作品以质朴的文字反映国难危机下的时代痕迹与特殊时期国民的精神面貌,既补充了历史史料,又具有极高的文学价值。 展开更多
关键词 “卢沟桥事变” 抗战 国难书写
作者 申展宇 《浙江外国语学院学报》 2024年第3期74-79,共6页
二战后不久,缅甸获得独立,长期的反殖民、反帝国主义和反法西斯抗争使缅甸文坛掀起了战争文学创作热潮,各类战争题材小说层出不穷。缅甸作家或叙述战争体验,描写战争创伤,或重拾历史记忆,探寻历史教训,以促使人们铭记战争历史,思考民族... 二战后不久,缅甸获得独立,长期的反殖民、反帝国主义和反法西斯抗争使缅甸文坛掀起了战争文学创作热潮,各类战争题材小说层出不穷。缅甸作家或叙述战争体验,描写战争创伤,或重拾历史记忆,探寻历史教训,以促使人们铭记战争历史,思考民族命运。二战后的缅甸战争小说通过讲述历史人物的战斗故事,强化缅甸人民的民族身份认同。这些小说展现了不同时期的社会变迁,反映了作家对战争的认知。 展开更多
关键词 缅甸 战争小说 记忆书写 历史叙事
作者 翟筱雪 《现代语文》 2024年第1期38-44,共7页
在王宁汉字构形学理论的指导下,对战国时期晋系金文的异体字形进行梳理,并探究其形成原因。据统计,晋系金文异体字头共计201个,异写字176组,异构字32组。其中,“造”“梁”“明”等7个异体字组,既有异写字,又有异构字。异体字的形成主... 在王宁汉字构形学理论的指导下,对战国时期晋系金文的异体字形进行梳理,并探究其形成原因。据统计,晋系金文异体字头共计201个,异写字176组,异构字32组。其中,“造”“梁”“明”等7个异体字组,既有异写字,又有异构字。异体字的形成主要受以下因素的影响:汉字发展的基本规律、汉字的表意性质、民众的审美心理、构件形体相近、书写者的书写习惯与书写材料等。 展开更多
关键词 晋系金文 战国时期 异体字 异写字 异构字
Ernest Hemingway and His Writing 被引量:1
作者 曹连玉 曹阳 《海外英语》 2011年第13期223-227,共5页
Ernest Hemingway,the modern American writer and Noble Prize winner for literature,transferred his life experiences into his writing.Through his works(For Whom the Bell Tolls,The Old Man and the Sea,The Sun also Rises,... Ernest Hemingway,the modern American writer and Noble Prize winner for literature,transferred his life experiences into his writing.Through his works(For Whom the Bell Tolls,The Old Man and the Sea,The Sun also Rises,A Farewell to Arms,etc.),we can see his life style and writing style merged.His colorful lifestyle influenced his writing a lot.In addition,a large part of Hemingway's success was due to the influence of world-famous contemporary writers.At the same time,the symbolist writers influenced him.In summary,he was a writer who based his writing greatly on his life experience.His career was rooted in the transformation of his inner vision by his experience. 展开更多
关键词 HEMINGWAY writing journalistic INFLUENCES war experiences TRANSFERRED
On Indiscriminate Bombardment during World War II: Opposition between Human Rights and Human Rights Abuse
作者 黎尔平 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2015年第5期460-466,共7页
Base on the strategic bombardment to destroy willpower of Chinese Anti-Japanese war, in the Second World War, Japanese aircrafts were nondiscriminatorily bombing China’s cities, which committed crimes against humanit... Base on the strategic bombardment to destroy willpower of Chinese Anti-Japanese war, in the Second World War, Japanese aircrafts were nondiscriminatorily bombing China’s cities, which committed crimes against humanity. Actually, the US army nondiscriminatorily bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki and damaged the human rights too. The US army, however, speeded up Japanese surrender and protected more people’s rights to life. It is never forgotten that the painful game of protecting and damaging human rights between Japanese militarism and anti-fascist alliance. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese anti-japanese war nondiscriminatorily bombing right to life human rights
Battle of Human Rights and Anti-Human Rights in Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression
作者 薛进文 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2015年第5期424-432,共9页
The Chinese Anti-Japanese War was a battle between human rights protections and abuses, between civilization and brutality, and between justice and evil. During the war, the human rights of Chinese people were complet... The Chinese Anti-Japanese War was a battle between human rights protections and abuses, between civilization and brutality, and between justice and evil. During the war, the human rights of Chinese people were completely violated by the Japanese aggressors, causing an unprecedented human rights catastrophe. At the same time, Chinese people vigorously resisted the aggression in order to defend the national survival right and safeguard the human peace against war. The history of human rights’ victory over human rights abuses tells us: aggressive wars are the most serious violations of human rights. We must protect people’s right to peace for every country in the world. In order to avoid violations of human rights by war once again, we must safeguard the international postwar order and prevent the revival of fascism, whose essences are contempt for and trample on human rights. Therefore we have to respect and protect human rights and defend both the collective rights of every nation and the individual rights of every person in the world. 展开更多
关键词 human rights violations of human rights Chinese anti-japanese war right to peace
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