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200MW机组通流碰磨的非稳定振动分析与诊断 被引量:2
作者 赵文新 《东北电力技术》 2003年第3期1-5,共5页
关键词 200MW机组 非稳定振动 通流碰磨 故障分析 故障诊断 汽轮发电机组
对现行国家建筑外门窗气密性指标不能采用单位面积渗透量表述的论证 被引量:7
作者 刘朝贤 《制冷与空调(四川)》 2014年第4期504-507,共4页
根据现行中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T7106-2008《建筑外门窗气密、水密、抗风压性能分级及检测方法》(包括GB/T7107-2002《建筑外窗气密性分级及检测方法》)中,对建筑外门窗气密性能分级标准都采用了两种不同方式来表述,一种是按单位缝... 根据现行中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T7106-2008《建筑外门窗气密、水密、抗风压性能分级及检测方法》(包括GB/T7107-2002《建筑外窗气密性分级及检测方法》)中,对建筑外门窗气密性能分级标准都采用了两种不同方式来表述,一种是按单位缝长渗透量q1,另一种是采用单位面积渗透量q2来表述,而且两组数据的比值q2/q1=3。笔者经过论证:如果q2/q1=3成立,则外门窗的缝长L与其面积f之比值必须为3,即L/f=3,显然这是办不到的,因此标准中q2/q1=3是不成立的。也就是说q2与q1不是等效的。而且对同一外门窗用q2来表述不具唯一性,而造成混乱。因此建议废止q2,只保留q1。对双指标不等效和对q2表述的不唯一性所作的论证。 展开更多
关键词 单位缝长渗透量 单位面积渗透量 等效性 唯一性 不确定性
建筑物外门窗气密性能标准如何应用的研究 被引量:7
作者 刘朝贤 《制冷与空调(四川)》 2014年第4期415-421,共7页
现行建筑物外门窗气密性能分级标准中,对各个级别的气密性能指标采用单位缝长渗透量q1和单位面积渗透量q2表述。为提高准确性都是采用100Pa检测压力下的测定值,再换算成外门窗两侧压力差10Pa时的数据,然后换算成标准状态下的参数。这些... 现行建筑物外门窗气密性能分级标准中,对各个级别的气密性能指标采用单位缝长渗透量q1和单位面积渗透量q2表述。为提高准确性都是采用100Pa检测压力下的测定值,再换算成外门窗两侧压力差10Pa时的数据,然后换算成标准状态下的参数。这些只能作为施工验收时确认该项外门窗是否达到所属等级的判定依据。对于设计过程中,实际压差条件下的空气渗透量的计算,这些数据是无法导用的,必须将各级标准进行等效转换。转换时,首先要建立转换的计算数学模型,对模型中的参数如流量系数μ,压力差指数1/N等的取值原则加以确认,转换后的等效参数必须与各个级别指标一一对应。提供设计计算之用,这就是本文的主要目的与任务。由于q2,表述方式的不确定性不唯一性以及与q1不具有等效性,不作转换(请参见论文《对现行国家标准外门窗气密性指标不应采用单位面积渗透量表述的论证》)。 展开更多
关键词 单位缝长渗透量 压力差 转换模型 平均缝隙宽度 流量系数 压力差指数
高铬锰耐磨铸铁在渣浆泵过流件上的开发应用 被引量:1
作者 翟兴昌 《有色设备》 2006年第1期23-24,22,共3页
关键词 高铬锰耐磨铸铁 过流件 开发 应用
作者 崔红梅 《山西焦煤科技》 2004年第4期21-23,共3页
阐述了汽轮机通流部分结垢的原因、危害及运行监督的一般方法 ,介绍了该厂 B2 5 /90 - 1 0汽轮机组在运行实践中的经验及教训 。
关键词 汽轮机 通流部分 结垢 调节级 压力
6 MW抽背机节能提效改造的可行性
作者 吴文俊 《电力系统装备》 2022年第4期62-64,共3页
厂内现有二台6MW抽背机组,因厂内用能能源优化,低压蒸汽优化减量,同时中压蒸汽量增加。暴露出原抽背机组不能很好的匹配厂内热源需求。为解决生产蒸汽供需匹配的矛盾,决定改造一台6MW抽背机组为纯背压机组,背压为厂内所需的中压蒸汽。... 厂内现有二台6MW抽背机组,因厂内用能能源优化,低压蒸汽优化减量,同时中压蒸汽量增加。暴露出原抽背机组不能很好的匹配厂内热源需求。为解决生产蒸汽供需匹配的矛盾,决定改造一台6MW抽背机组为纯背压机组,背压为厂内所需的中压蒸汽。通过对原抽背机组的通流构造分析,及对叶片加工工艺的新技术应用和先进加工设备的可实施性论证,采用节能提效的方案。通过技改方案的实施,可以有效解决厂内热源匹配不合理,杜绝因匹配热源不得不投运减温减压器而造成的巨大能源浪费,实现高效节能。 展开更多
关键词 汽轮机 通流部分 改造 节能 提效
作者 胡泽荣 《应用能源技术》 2022年第8期38-42,共5页
背压式机组是热电联产电厂主力的供热机组。常规热电站的背压式机组基本上兴建于上世纪90年代,经过二十多年的运行,主设备老化,机组通流部份效率下降,而且由于设计年代较早,限于当时的设计水平和制造条件,机组的技术性能较差,落后于现... 背压式机组是热电联产电厂主力的供热机组。常规热电站的背压式机组基本上兴建于上世纪90年代,经过二十多年的运行,主设备老化,机组通流部份效率下降,而且由于设计年代较早,限于当时的设计水平和制造条件,机组的技术性能较差,落后于现在的先进技术水平。基于上述情况,某热电站近年开展电站背压机通流提效改造项目的前期准备、调研、选型、订货等一系列工作,实施完成热电站背压机组通流提效改造,顺利投入运行。本文主要简述通流提效改造在热电站该背压机组上的应用,并针对该背压机组提效改造前后的数据进行实例节能效果分析探讨。 展开更多
关键词 通流提效改造 背压式机组 通流部分 节能效果 分析
200 MW三排汽汽轮机低压缸改造
作者 潘治平 陈绍彬 夏柳章 《四川电力技术》 1996年第1期27-36,共10页
介绍东汽型200MW汽轮机低压缸通流部分改造采用了层流叶型、高效动叶、K型叶栅通道、高效跨音叶栅、斜围带、光滑子午流道、斜置喷嘴、三元流设计理论、大刚度叶根、动强度设计方法、不调频叶片设计概念、双铆钉头技术和有限元分... 介绍东汽型200MW汽轮机低压缸通流部分改造采用了层流叶型、高效动叶、K型叶栅通道、高效跨音叶栅、斜围带、光滑子午流道、斜置喷嘴、三元流设计理论、大刚度叶根、动强度设计方法、不调频叶片设计概念、双铆钉头技术和有限元分析等先进设计方法。改造后效果明显。如:白马电厂^#21机改后带200MW负荷时,调节级后压力和各加热抽汽压力都有明显下降。低压缸通流部分效率明显提高。 展开更多
关键词 低压缸 技术改造 蒸汽透平
Application of New Empirical Models Based on Mathematical Statistics in the Through-Flow Analysis 被引量:2
作者 FEI Teng JI Lucheng 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第6期2087-2098,共12页
The through-flow analysis is an important part in the compressor design process.In this part,lots of empirical models are used to predict the compressor aerodynamic performances.These models are all based on the early... The through-flow analysis is an important part in the compressor design process.In this part,lots of empirical models are used to predict the compressor aerodynamic performances.These models are all based on the early experimental results of low-load and low-speed compressors;so,they may not be suitable for modern compressor performance estimations.In this study,several empirical models were reviewed,and two new models to estimate the minimum blade profile loss and minimum-loss deviation angle were established using mathematical statistics.Then,the original models with poor accuracy were replaced by these two models in through-flow program.Next,three compressors(Rotor 67,Stage 35,and a 4-stage repeating stage)were simulated using both the original and new models.The final results show that the new models have better accuracy in estimating the performance parameters than the original models.This indicates that it is feasible to use mathematical statistical methods to establish the empirical models,and this method provides an idea for the improvement of other empirical models in through-flow program. 展开更多
关键词 through-flow analysis empirical models blade loss deviation regression analysis
An improved deviation model for transonic stages in axial compressors
作者 Xiaochen WANG Xuesong LI +3 位作者 Xiaodong REN Chunwei GU Xiaobin QUE Guoyu ZHOU 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS 2024年第7期93-108,共16页
Deviation model is an important model for through-flow analysis in axial compressors.Theoretical analysis in classical deviation models is developed under the assumption of onedimensional flow,which is controlled by t... Deviation model is an important model for through-flow analysis in axial compressors.Theoretical analysis in classical deviation models is developed under the assumption of onedimensional flow,which is controlled by the continuity equation.To consider three-dimensional characteristics in transonic flow,this study proposes an improved theoretical analysis method combining force analysis of the blade-to-blade flow with conventional analysis of the continuity equation.Influences of shock structures on transverse force,streamwise velocity and streamline curvature in the blade-to-blade flow are analyzed,and support the analytical modelling of density flow ratio between inlet and outlet conditions.Thus,a novel deviation model for transonic stages in axial compressors is proposed in this paper.The empirical coefficients are corrected based on the experimental data of a linear cascade,and the prediction accuracy is validated with the experimental data of a three-stage transonic compressor.The novel model provides accurate predictions for meridional flow fields at the design point and performance curves at design speed,and shows obvious improvements on classical models by Carter and C¸etin. 展开更多
关键词 Axial compressor Transonic flow Deviation model through-flow method Aerodynamic performance
A spanwise loss model for axial compressor stator based on machine learning 被引量:1
作者 Zixuan YUE Chenghua ZHOU +1 位作者 Donghai JIN Xingmin GUI 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第11期74-84,共11页
In the early stage of aircraft engine design, the through-flow method is an important tool for designers. The accuracy of the through-flow method depends heavily on the accuracy of the loss model. However, most existi... In the early stage of aircraft engine design, the through-flow method is an important tool for designers. The accuracy of the through-flow method depends heavily on the accuracy of the loss model. However, most existing models cannot(or cannot well) provide the spanwise loss distribution. To construct an effective spanwise loss model, both turbomachinery knowledge and machine learning skills were used in this paper. A large number of numerical simulations were carried out to build a database containing more than 1000 compressor cascade numerical samples. Secondary flow intensity was introduced as the independent variable to carry out feature engineering. A model containing a selector based on support vector machine regression and estimators based on K-nearest neighbor regression was constructed. Numerical test set and design data of two former highpressure core compressors were used for validation. Results suggest that the spanwise loss model show good consistency with both numerical test set and data of two former compressors. It can reflect the influence of secondary flow and can also predict both value and trend of total pressure loss coefficient well, with mean absolute error general around or less than 1% and R^(2)(coefficient of determination) more than 0.8 on the test set. Especially when dealing with loss coefficient at midspan position, the model shows even better performance, with R^(2)over 0.97 on the test set. And the selector of the model can well classify the samples, predict the intensity of secondary flow and help estimators to capture the phenomenon that end-wall secondary flow extends to the mid-span. 展开更多
关键词 COMPRESSOR Loss model Machine learning MODELING through-flow method
Two 3-D multi-cascade co-design inverse methods based on streamline curvature approach and Clebsch formulation for single-stage centrifugal compressors 被引量:1
作者 TIAN Xiao-pei SHAN Peng 《航空动力学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期1526-1538,共13页
Two strategies extended the single-cascade methods from a compressible three-dimensional inverse method for radial and mixed flow turbomachines to two three-dimensional multi-cascade co-design methods for single-stage... Two strategies extended the single-cascade methods from a compressible three-dimensional inverse method for radial and mixed flow turbomachines to two three-dimensional multi-cascade co-design methods for single-stage centrifugal compressors.These two three-dimensional methods and a typical quasi-threedimensional streamline curvature through-flow inverse method were employed to design the same subsonic high-speed single-stage centrifugal compressors.The compressor performances were simulated by a commercial Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes(RANS) equations solver.The studies show that two three-dimensional codesign methods are reasonable and feasible.It was found that : firstly the blade camber angle designed by the three-dimensional methods was larger than that designed by the quasi-three-dimensional method;and secondly with regard to two three-dimensional methods with different boundary conditions,the co-design result differences between the diffusers were small,but those between the deswirlers were relatively large. 展开更多
关键词 centrifugal compressor through-flow inverse method three-dimensional inverse problem streamline curvature approach Clebsch formulation multi-cascade co-design
作者 于慧 《矿山机械》 北大核心 2002年第5期17-17,共1页
关键词 渣浆泵 过流件 铸造 硬度
作者 刘小春 《矿山机械》 北大核心 2002年第11期35-36,共2页
关键词 选型 技术参数 结构型式 轴封形式 过流件 材质 磨损形式
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