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作者 何艳 徐子成 +3 位作者 李萍 刘铭 高兴军 凡林 《辽宁石油化工大学学报》 CAS 2024年第3期61-69,共9页
构建无织构刀具和呈微凹坑、平行槽、垂直槽、斜向槽形貌的微织构刀具模型,并利用有限元分析软件ABAQUS研究了微织构刀具对钛合金车削过程的影响。通过分析不同形貌微织构刀具在切削过程中的切削力、摩擦系数、切削温度和工件表面残余应... 构建无织构刀具和呈微凹坑、平行槽、垂直槽、斜向槽形貌的微织构刀具模型,并利用有限元分析软件ABAQUS研究了微织构刀具对钛合金车削过程的影响。通过分析不同形貌微织构刀具在切削过程中的切削力、摩擦系数、切削温度和工件表面残余应力,确定了较优的微织构形貌;研究了切削速度对微织构刀具切削钛合金性能的影响。结果表明,微织构刀具能有效降低切削力、摩擦系数和切削温度,使工件表面残余应力由拉应力转变为压应力,其中垂直槽微织构刀具能最有效地改善切削质量;随着切削速度的提高,切削力和切削温度增大,摩擦系数减小,工件表面残余应力由压应力向拉应力转变并有增大的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 abaqus 微织构刀具 钛合金 切削速度 切削性能
基于ABAQUS二次开发的钛合金自锁螺母收口过程研究 被引量:1
作者 梁铖 黎向锋 +5 位作者 吴同一 齐增星 李文生 张文静 杨斌 赵彦伟 《机械制造与自动化》 2024年第1期10-14,共5页
为探究钛合金自锁螺母收口工艺参数对收口区域成型规律的影响,基于ABAQUS建立钛合金TC4自锁螺母收口成型过程的有限元仿真模型,对ABAQUS进行二次开发以实现前处理过程的参数化,建立GUI界面从而有效减少收口过程有限元仿真模型建立所需... 为探究钛合金自锁螺母收口工艺参数对收口区域成型规律的影响,基于ABAQUS建立钛合金TC4自锁螺母收口成型过程的有限元仿真模型,对ABAQUS进行二次开发以实现前处理过程的参数化,建立GUI界面从而有效减少收口过程有限元仿真模型建立所需的时间与精力,提高有限元仿真效率。仿真研究结果表明:增大收口量与收口点高度能够显著提高自锁螺母变形程度,从而提升产品的锁紧性能。 展开更多
关键词 钛合金 自锁螺母 收口工艺 abaqus 二次开发
ABAQUS二次开发在切削钛合金仿真中的应用 被引量:6
作者 陈博伟 胡亚辉 +1 位作者 杨翠蕾 张扬 《现代制造工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第7期105-108,共4页
基于ABAQUS有限元软件,采用Python脚本语言对ABAQUS前处理模块进行二次开发。通过对ABAQUS二次开发途径的讨论,开发了钛合金切削模拟的Python脚本程序。该程序界面友好、可操作性强,使用户能够根据切削钛合金的实际参数创建仿真模型。... 基于ABAQUS有限元软件,采用Python脚本语言对ABAQUS前处理模块进行二次开发。通过对ABAQUS二次开发途径的讨论,开发了钛合金切削模拟的Python脚本程序。该程序界面友好、可操作性强,使用户能够根据切削钛合金的实际参数创建仿真模型。该方法不仅提高了分析效率,而且为用户提供了便捷的分析设计平台。通过所开发的程序创建模型,分析了切削深度对钛合金切削中主切削力的影响,验证了该项功能的可行性,为后续研究不同的切削用量对主切削力的影响奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 abaqus软件 二次开发 钛合金切削
基于ABAQUS的高速切削钛合金仿真平台的二次开发 被引量:2
作者 鲁康平 姜增辉 吴燕 《工具技术》 北大核心 2016年第7期52-55,共4页
为提高高速切削钛合金仿真建模过程的效率,使用Python脚本语言编写程序对ABAQUS软件进行了针对性的开发,实现了建模过程的参数化输入。通过硬质合金刀具高速切削钛合金的试验验证仿真结果的准确性,结果表明:试验和仿真平台所得的切削力... 为提高高速切削钛合金仿真建模过程的效率,使用Python脚本语言编写程序对ABAQUS软件进行了针对性的开发,实现了建模过程的参数化输入。通过硬质合金刀具高速切削钛合金的试验验证仿真结果的准确性,结果表明:试验和仿真平台所得的切削力以及切削温度数据误差较小,验证了二次开发软件的正确性。 展开更多
关键词 钛合金 高速切削 Python脚本语言 abaqus二次开发
基于ABAQUS的30CrMnSiA合金钢切削仿真研究 被引量:16
作者 李尧 胡敏 +2 位作者 董松 何继宏 叶开昌 《工具技术》 北大核心 2016年第9期35-37,共3页
基于有限元分析软件ABAQUS开展了30Cr Mn Si A合金钢正交切削有限元仿真研究,分析了该材料切削过程中塑性变形区分布及内应力分布。通过调整刀具前角及主轴转速分别研究了刀具前角和主轴转速对切削力的影响规律,得到刀具最佳前角为13... 基于有限元分析软件ABAQUS开展了30Cr Mn Si A合金钢正交切削有限元仿真研究,分析了该材料切削过程中塑性变形区分布及内应力分布。通过调整刀具前角及主轴转速分别研究了刀具前角和主轴转速对切削力的影响规律,得到刀具最佳前角为13°,临界主轴转速为2000r/min。 展开更多
关键词 abaqus 30Cr MN SI A合金钢 切削仿真 刀具前角 主轴转速
基于ABAQUS的钛合金高速切削有限元模拟 被引量:6
作者 张家雨 唐德文 +1 位作者 彭聪 李强 《机械工程与自动化》 2018年第2期73-75,共3页
基于有限元分析软件ABAQUS建立了高速切削Ti6Al4V的二维正交切削有限元模型,仿真研究了高速切削加工时切削速度、切削深度对切削力大小、切削力波动频率以及锯齿形切屑形态的影响。结果表明:平均切削力在90m/min^360m/min的切削速度范... 基于有限元分析软件ABAQUS建立了高速切削Ti6Al4V的二维正交切削有限元模型,仿真研究了高速切削加工时切削速度、切削深度对切削力大小、切削力波动频率以及锯齿形切屑形态的影响。结果表明:平均切削力在90m/min^360m/min的切削速度范围内趋于平稳,随着切削深度的增大而增大;切削力波动频率随切削深度的增加而减小,随切削速度的增大而增大;切屑锯齿化程度及锯齿化步距都随切削速度及切削深度的增大而增大。 展开更多
关键词 高速切削 切削力 钛合金 有限元 abaqus
基于ABAQUS的锯齿形切屑形成机理分析与实验研究 被引量:3
作者 何振中 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2020年第18期70-74,92,共6页
锯齿形切屑的形成会导致机床振动,使刀具的切削性能下降,降低工件的加工质量,因此需要对其形成机理进行分析,合理优化切削参数,减少锯齿形切屑的形成机率。本文利用ABAQUS软件对钛合金的加工过程进行仿真分析,模拟锯齿形切屑的形成机理... 锯齿形切屑的形成会导致机床振动,使刀具的切削性能下降,降低工件的加工质量,因此需要对其形成机理进行分析,合理优化切削参数,减少锯齿形切屑的形成机率。本文利用ABAQUS软件对钛合金的加工过程进行仿真分析,模拟锯齿形切屑的形成机理,并在不同切削条件下进行仿真和实验研究,讨论切削参数对切屑锯齿化程度的影响。结果表明,随着切削速度和进给量的增加,切屑的锯齿化程度逐渐增大,随着刀具前角的增大,切屑的锯齿化程度逐渐减小。研究结果对提高工件加工质量以及设计工艺参数有一定指导作用。 展开更多
关键词 切屑 锯齿化程度 abaqus仿真 钛合金
作者 贾祎杰 《机械管理开发》 2023年第11期30-31,34,共3页
钛合金材料广泛应用于航空航天制造领域,由于钛合金的材料属性导致钛合金加工困难,针对钛合金进行切削仿真分析时,需要考虑其本身材料的加工特点,且切削仿真中涉及的有限元网格模型建立、材料本构关系、刀与屑之间的摩擦和材料失效准则... 钛合金材料广泛应用于航空航天制造领域,由于钛合金的材料属性导致钛合金加工困难,针对钛合金进行切削仿真分析时,需要考虑其本身材料的加工特点,且切削仿真中涉及的有限元网格模型建立、材料本构关系、刀与屑之间的摩擦和材料失效准则等关键技术,ABAQUS仿真软件都具有且可以完美实现,因此利用ABAQUS软件进行钛合金的切削仿真的同时也可以利用ABAQUS仿真软件进行切削力、切削温度的分析。 展开更多
关键词 钛合金切削 abaqus 切削应力 切削温度
基于ABAQUS的钛合金铣削力的模拟分析 被引量:4
作者 陈万勇 周丽 +1 位作者 黄树涛 许立福 《工具技术》 2013年第6期10-14,共5页
为了研究钛合金在铣削过程中切削力随着切削参数的变化规律,建立了三维斜角切削有限元模型。通过对材料本构模型,刀—屑接触摩擦模型和切屑分离准则等关键环节建模,采用通用有限元求解器ABAQUS/Ex-plicit对钛合金Ti6Al4V的斜角切削过程... 为了研究钛合金在铣削过程中切削力随着切削参数的变化规律,建立了三维斜角切削有限元模型。通过对材料本构模型,刀—屑接触摩擦模型和切屑分离准则等关键环节建模,采用通用有限元求解器ABAQUS/Ex-plicit对钛合金Ti6Al4V的斜角切削过程进行了模拟,获得了切削速度v、切削深度ap和每齿进给量fz对切削力的变化趋势及影响程度。模拟结果表明:切削力随着切削深度ap和每齿进给量fz的增大而增大,而随着切削速度增大切削力波动很小。切削深度对切削力的影响最大,进给量次之,切削速度对切削力的影响最小。该模型可以为切削参数的合理选择提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 钛合金 三维斜角切削 切削力 有限元
基于ABAQUS的TC11钛合金车削力仿真和参数优化 被引量:7
作者 从政 曹岩 +1 位作者 宋泠霞 汪文婷 《工具技术》 北大核心 2022年第7期38-42,共5页
针对钛合金难加工材料的加工问题,利用ABAQUS软件,根据实际切削参数建立同等比例的三维车削模型。分别采用单因素实验法和正交实验法探究切削速度、切削深度和摩擦系数三个因素对车削切削力的影响规律,得到单因素和多因素变化条件下的... 针对钛合金难加工材料的加工问题,利用ABAQUS软件,根据实际切削参数建立同等比例的三维车削模型。分别采用单因素实验法和正交实验法探究切削速度、切削深度和摩擦系数三个因素对车削切削力的影响规律,得到单因素和多因素变化条件下的切削力分布规律,并对正交实验数据进行了极差分析和参数优化。实验结果表明:三维模型建模准确,切削速度对切削力影响的拐点在70m/min附近;正交实验因素对切削力的影响由大到小依次为切削深度>摩擦系数>切削速度;求得的回归方程与试验高度拟合,调整后的R^(2)为99.83%。以切削力为最小目标,经算法优化的切削参数为切削速度80m/min,切削深度2mm,摩擦系数0.1,切削力172.96N,可为实际车削提供合理的预测和指导。 展开更多
关键词 钛合金 三维切削模型 切削力 参数优化
作者 郑术伟 夏萍 雷经发 《安徽建筑大学学报》 2016年第1期87-90,共4页
本文基于ABAQUS软件的Johnson-Cook材料模型以及ALE网格划分技术对钛合金稳态切削加工过程进行了有限元模拟,并研究了钛合金的切屑成型过程、切削层的塑形应变以及工件温度的分布,从切屑形状上看,模拟结果与试验结果基本吻合。在此基础... 本文基于ABAQUS软件的Johnson-Cook材料模型以及ALE网格划分技术对钛合金稳态切削加工过程进行了有限元模拟,并研究了钛合金的切屑成型过程、切削层的塑形应变以及工件温度的分布,从切屑形状上看,模拟结果与试验结果基本吻合。在此基础上分析了不同切削前角、切削深度和切削速度等参数对切削力的影响,发现在一定范围内适当增大切削前角或减小切削深度有利于切削的进行,此外切削速度的变化在一定范围内对切削力影响较小。 展开更多
关键词 钛合金 切削加工 有限元模拟 切削力
作者 徐兰英 叶帼珊 +2 位作者 冯思晨 伍强 刘子力 《工具技术》 北大核心 2023年第11期115-119,共5页
当实际切削用量减小到微米级别时,传统铣削仿真无法对微铣削表现出的尺度效应和最小切削厚度等现象进行准确描述。以TC4钛合金为研究对象,建立考虑应变梯度理论修正的Johnson-Cook本构模型,采用ALE自适应技术控制网格畸变过大的问题,运... 当实际切削用量减小到微米级别时,传统铣削仿真无法对微铣削表现出的尺度效应和最小切削厚度等现象进行准确描述。以TC4钛合金为研究对象,建立考虑应变梯度理论修正的Johnson-Cook本构模型,采用ALE自适应技术控制网格畸变过大的问题,运用ABAQUS有限元软件对微铣削加工过程进行有限元模拟,获得反映尺度效应的微铣削模型,进而分析刃倾角和切削刃钝圆半径对切削过程的影响,以及主轴转速和每齿进给量对铣削力的影响,揭示了微切削区域塑性变形规律。 展开更多
关键词 微铣削 切削力 有限元仿真 TC4钛合金
Heat-affected zone in pulsed laser cutting of titanium alloy
作者 王扬 吕善进 裴剑英 《中国有色金属学会会刊:英文版》 CSCD 2005年第S3期264-267,共4页
For the machining of bladed ring parts of an aeroengine, experiments on Nd∶YAG pulsed laser cutting of TC1 titanium alloy sheet were carried out to investigate the influences of laser cutting parameters on heat-affec... For the machining of bladed ring parts of an aeroengine, experiments on Nd∶YAG pulsed laser cutting of TC1 titanium alloy sheet were carried out to investigate the influences of laser cutting parameters on heat-affected zone (HAZ). The selected laser cut samples were photographed by scanning electron microscopy. The results show that the microstructure in HAZ layers is characterized by metastable acicular martensite grains with a slight increase of hardness by 10%. The thickness of HAZ layers was studied as a function of laser cutting parameters. Medium pulse energy, higher pulse rate, higher cutting speed and argon at higher pressures help to reduce the thickness of HAZ layers. 展开更多
关键词 laser cutting titanium alloy SCANNING electron MICROSCOPE heat-affected ZONE
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Cold Bulge Forming of Titanium Alloy Ti55 被引量:1
作者 S. M. R. Tabatabaei M. Safari +2 位作者 R. Shahrokh Esfahani A. Abolghasemian. Sichani M. Nourjani Pour Moghadam 《World Journal of Mechanics》 2013年第9期323-327,共5页
In this paper, cold bulge forming of titanium alloy Ti55 was investigated. This process was done successfully and titanium alloy Ti55 was formed completely. Also, in the numerical work, this process has been investiga... In this paper, cold bulge forming of titanium alloy Ti55 was investigated. This process was done successfully and titanium alloy Ti55 was formed completely. Also, in the numerical work, this process has been investigated using Abaqus/ Explicit code. The results show that there is a good agreement between experimental and numerical results. Mechanical properties of Titanium alloy Ti55 have been investigated before and after bulge forming. The results show that mechanical properties of titanium alloy Ti55 have been improved during bulge forming. Also, hardness, and thickness variation tests of sheet metal before and after bulge forming were performed and the same results to mechanical properties were obtained. 展开更多
关键词 COLD BULGE FORMING titanium alloy Ti55 abaqus/Explicit
作者 何宁 潘良贤 王珉 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1998年第2期60-64,共5页
The chip deformation of titanium alloys is typical shear localization from low cutting speed, which is general phenomenon in machining of difficult to cut material at high cutting speed. This paper investigates the ... The chip deformation of titanium alloys is typical shear localization from low cutting speed, which is general phenomenon in machining of difficult to cut material at high cutting speed. This paper investigates the chip formation process in machining titanium alloys, and puts forward a three stage model describing formation process of shear localized chip. This model explains how the shear localized chip segments initiate, become trapezoid and form serrated chips. 展开更多
关键词 metal cutting chip formation titanium alloys shear localization
Tool Wear in Turning of Titanium Alloy after Thermohydrogen Treatment 被引量:5
作者 WEI Weihua XU Jiuhua FU Yucan YANG Shubao 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第4期776-780,共5页
The influence of hydrogen contents on the tool wear has been mainly focused on the flank wear of the common tool,and the influence of hydrogen contents on the rake crater wear(main wear type) of the tool,particularl... The influence of hydrogen contents on the tool wear has been mainly focused on the flank wear of the common tool,and the influence of hydrogen contents on the rake crater wear(main wear type) of the tool,particularly for the fine granular material tool,has been less investigated comprehensively.In this paper,for the purpose of researching the influence of hydrogen contents on tool wear,the titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V is hydrogenated at 800 ℃ by thermohydrogen treatment technology and the turning experiments are carried out by applying uncoated WC-Co cemented carbide tool.The three-dimensional video microscope is used to take photos and measure tool wear.The results show that both of crater wear depth(KT) and average flank wear width(VB) firstly decreases and then increases with the increasing of hydrogen content.The maximum reducing amplitude of KT and VB is about 50% and 55%,respectively.Under the given conditions,the optimum hydrogen content is 0.26%.It is considered that the reduction of cutting temperature is an important factor for improving tool wear after the Ti-6Al-4V alloy is properly hydrogenated.Furthermore,the reasons of hydrogen effect on the tool wear are chiefly attributed to comprehensive effect of hydrogen contents on microstructure,physical properties and dynamic mechanical properties of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy.The proposed research provides the basic data for evaluating the machinability of hydrogenation Ti-6Al-4V alloy,and promotes practical application of thermohydrogen treatment technology in titanium alloys. 展开更多
关键词 titanium alloy HYDROGENATION cutting temperature crater wear flank wear
作者 刘春景 唐敦兵 +1 位作者 何华 陈兴强 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2013年第1期53-61,共9页
It is difficult to construct the prediction model for titanium alloy through analyzing the formation mechanism of surface roughness due to the complicated relation between influential factors and surface roughness.A n... It is difficult to construct the prediction model for titanium alloy through analyzing the formation mechanism of surface roughness due to the complicated relation between influential factors and surface roughness.A novel algorithm based on the modified particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) least square support vector machine ( LSSVM ) is proposed to predict the roughness of the end milling titanium alloys.According to Taguchi method and features in milling titanium alloys , the influences of cutting speed , feed rate and axial depth of cut on surface roughness are investigated with the analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) of the experimental data.The research results show that the construction speed of the modified PSO LS-SVM model is two orders of magnitude faster than that of back propagation ( BP ) model.Moreover , the prediction accuracy is about one order of magnitude higher than that of BP model.The modified PSO LS-SVM prediction model can explain the influences of cutting speed , feed rate and axial depth of cut on the surface roughness of titanium alloys.Either a higher cutting speed , a lower feed rate or a smaller axial depth of cut can lead to the decrease of surface roughness. 展开更多
关键词 titanium alloy cutting parameter surface roughness prediction modeling modified PSO LS-SVM
Tool Failure Analysis in High Speed Milling of Titanium Alloys
作者 MEYER Kevin YU Cindy 《武汉理工大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第S1期137-142,共6页
In high speed milling of titanium alloys the high rate of tool failure is the main reason for its high manufacturing cost. In this study,fractured tools which were used in a titanium alloys 5-axis milling process have... In high speed milling of titanium alloys the high rate of tool failure is the main reason for its high manufacturing cost. In this study,fractured tools which were used in a titanium alloys 5-axis milling process have been observed both in the macro scale using a PG-1000 light microscope and in the micro scale using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) respectively. These observations indicate that most of these tool fractures are the result of tool chipping. Further analysis of each chipping event has shown that beachmarks emanate from points on the cutting edge. This visual evidence indicates that the cutting edge is failing in fatigue due to cyclical mechanical and/or thermal stresses. Initial analyses explaining some of the outlying conditions for this phenomenon are discussed. Future analysis regarding determining the underlying causes of the fatigue phenomenon is then outlined. 展开更多
关键词 titanium alloys high speed MILLING cutting edge CHIPPING TOOL failure analysis
Identifying Optimal Cutting Parameters in Drilling of Titanium Aluminum Vanadium Using Finite Element Analysis
作者 M. M. Reddy S. R. Kostka N. S. Reddy 《Journal of Surface Engineered Materials and Advanced Technology》 2020年第3期55-62,共8页
Titanium alloys are widely used in the aerospace industries because of their excellent strength-to-weight ratio, high resistance to corrosion, high chemical reactivity and low thermal conductivity and ability to withs... Titanium alloys are widely used in the aerospace industries because of their excellent strength-to-weight ratio, high resistance to corrosion, high chemical reactivity and low thermal conductivity and ability to withstand high temperatures. However, these properties make titanium alloys difficult to machine. Drilling of titanium alloy may generate high temperature and high cutting forces. This paper is aimed at determining the suitable cutting parameters in the drilling of titanium alloys to minimize the cutting temperature and cutting forces. A finite element 3D model of the drilling process is simulated in this research. A combination of drilling speeds and feed rates are simulated to obtain the resulting responses of cutting force and temperature. The central composite design (CCD) is used to generate different combinations of cutting parameters to reduce the number of experiments and optimize the temperature and cutting force responses. Results show at the drilling speed of 5000 rpm with a feed rate of 0.1 mm/rev, temperature and cutting force significantly reduced. 展开更多
关键词 titanium alloys Design of Experiments DRILLING cutting Force
Ultrasonic vibration-assisted cutting of titanium alloys:A state-of-the-art review
作者 Ahmar KHAN Xin WANG +7 位作者 Biao ZHAO Wenfeng DING Muhammad JAMIL Aqib Mashood KHAN Syed Hammad ALI Sadam HUSSAIN Jiong ZHANG Raj DAS 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 2025年第1期3-42,共40页
The remarkable ability of titanium alloys to preserve their superior physical and chemical characteristics when subjected to extreme conditions significantly enhances their importance in the aerospace,military,and med... The remarkable ability of titanium alloys to preserve their superior physical and chemical characteristics when subjected to extreme conditions significantly enhances their importance in the aerospace,military,and medical sectors.However,conventional machining of titanium alloys leads to elevated tool wear,development of surface defects,and reduced machining efficiency due to their low heat conductivity,and chemical affinity.These issues can be somewhat counteracted by integrating ultrasonic vibration in the conventional machining of titanium alloys and also enhance sustainability.This review article offers a holistic evaluation of the influence of ultrasonic vibration-assisted milling and turning on cutting forces,temperature,tool wear,and surface integrity,encompassing surface morphology,surface roughness,surface residual stress,surface hardness,and surface tribological properties during titanium alloys machining.Furthermore,it investigates the sustainability aspect that has not been previously examined.Studies on the performance of ultrasonic-assisted cutting revealed several advantages,including decreased cutting forces and cutting temperature,improved tool life,and a better-machined surface during machining.Consequently,the sustainability factor is improved due to minimized energy consumption and residual waste.In conclusion,the key challenges and future prospects in the ultrasonic-assisted cutting of titanium alloys are also discussed.This review article provides beneficial knowledge for manufactur-ers and researchers regarding ultrasonic vibration-assisted cutting of titanium alloy and will play an important role in achieving sustainability in the industry. 展开更多
关键词 Ultrasonic vibration-assisted cutting titanium alloys Material removal mechanism Machinability Sustainability
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