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ODP环境中全局安全系统的拓扑结构 被引量:2
作者 秦志光 刘锦德 《电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第6期635-638,共4页
ODP环境中的全局安全系统是由各个安全域通过安全联接而成的,但是安全域之间的关系、全局安全系统的结构却是错综复杂的,组织和管理好全局安全系统是一个非常重要的问题。文中提出了全局安全系统的三种拓扑结构:网状拓扑、树状拓... ODP环境中的全局安全系统是由各个安全域通过安全联接而成的,但是安全域之间的关系、全局安全系统的结构却是错综复杂的,组织和管理好全局安全系统是一个非常重要的问题。文中提出了全局安全系统的三种拓扑结构:网状拓扑、树状拓扑和综合拓扑,并根据安全政策和安全对象,讨论了各种拓扑的特点和构成条件。 展开更多
关键词 开放式分布处理 全局安全系统 安全域 拓扑结构
细胞终末分化过程中三维基因组结构与功能调控的分子机制 被引量:2
作者 杨科 薛征 吕湘 《遗传》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期32-44,共13页
真核细胞中的染色质DNA高度折叠形成复杂的三维结构,其空间组织方式对精准调控基因的表达和细胞发挥正常功能都起着重要的作用。细胞终末分化成熟过程中形态及基因表达谱常发生显著改变,同时伴随着明显的基因组三维结构变化。本文在简... 真核细胞中的染色质DNA高度折叠形成复杂的三维结构,其空间组织方式对精准调控基因的表达和细胞发挥正常功能都起着重要的作用。细胞终末分化成熟过程中形态及基因表达谱常发生显著改变,同时伴随着明显的基因组三维结构变化。本文在简单介绍三维基因组多层次组织结构(染色质领域、A/B区室、拓扑相关结构域和成环构象等)基础上,重点综述了细胞终末分化过程中三维基因组结构变化与功能调控方面的研究进展,并探讨了当前三维基因组研究在解析细胞分化成熟过程时存在的问题和前景。 展开更多
关键词 三维基因组 A/B区室 拓扑相关结构域 成环构象 细胞终末分化
超级增强子驱动致癌转录机制的研究进展 被引量:1
作者 顾鹏 孙星 《上海交通大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期1378-1383,共6页
转录失调是肿瘤发生的核心机制之一。近年来“超级增强子(super-enhancers,SEs)”一词被用来描述基因组中一个极度活跃的转录调节区域。SEs包含一系列复杂的序列成分,对于维持肿瘤细胞功能并促进致癌转录至关重要。SEs富含高密度的转录... 转录失调是肿瘤发生的核心机制之一。近年来“超级增强子(super-enhancers,SEs)”一词被用来描述基因组中一个极度活跃的转录调节区域。SEs包含一系列复杂的序列成分,对于维持肿瘤细胞功能并促进致癌转录至关重要。SEs富含高密度的转录因子、辅因子及组蛋白修饰标志等。SEs这些组分可协同作用,使其具有比普通增强子更高的转录活性。该文阐述SEs的基本结构与功能、相分离凝集体的形成,探讨SEs驱动致癌转录的机制及拓扑相关结构域的形成及意义。 展开更多
关键词 超级增强子 转录调控 癌症 相分离凝集体 拓扑相关结构域
植物三维染色质构型研究进展 被引量:2
作者 董芊里 王金宾 +1 位作者 李晓宠 宫磊 《遗传》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期73-86,共14页
染色质在细胞核内的缠绕、折叠及其在细胞核内的空间排布是真核生物染色质构型的主要特征。在经典DNA探针荧光原位杂交显微观察的基础上,基于新一代测序技术的Hi-C及ChIA-PET染色质构型捕获技术已经被广泛应用于动物及植物细胞核染色质... 染色质在细胞核内的缠绕、折叠及其在细胞核内的空间排布是真核生物染色质构型的主要特征。在经典DNA探针荧光原位杂交显微观察的基础上,基于新一代测序技术的Hi-C及ChIA-PET染色质构型捕获技术已经被广泛应用于动物及植物细胞核染色质构型的研究中,并以新的角度定义了包括:染色体(质)域(chromosome territory)、A/B染色质区室(compartment A/B)、拓扑偶联结构域(topological associated domains,TADs)、染色质环(chromatin loops)等在内的多个更为精细的染色质构型。利用以上两种主流技术,越来越多的植物物种染色质构型特征被鉴定、分析和比较。本文系统分析和总结了近年来以植物细胞为模型的细胞核染色构型领域取得的重要成果,包括各级染色质构型特征的组成、建立机制和主要影响因素等。在此基础上,分析了目前研究植物染色质构型技术的瓶颈和突破性的技术进展,并对后续研究主要关注的问题和研究内容进行了展望,以期为相关领域的研究提供更多的理论参考和依据。 展开更多
关键词 染色质构型 高通量染色质构象捕获测序 末端配对标签测序 染色质区室 拓扑偶联结构域
作者 孙慧敏 张利绒 +2 位作者 刘利 韩璐 王云杰 《内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第5期482-490,共9页
转录因子的结合能够影响拓扑关联结构域(TAD)结构,进而限制了调控元件间的相互作用。以GM12878细胞系为研究对象,构建了转录因子CTCF介导的TAD边界和非边界数据集。然后,利用CTCF结合峰强度、模体打分、物种保守性、CTCF结合方向性和CTC... 转录因子的结合能够影响拓扑关联结构域(TAD)结构,进而限制了调控元件间的相互作用。以GM12878细胞系为研究对象,构建了转录因子CTCF介导的TAD边界和非边界数据集。然后,利用CTCF结合峰强度、模体打分、物种保守性、CTCF结合方向性和CTCF结合密度这五类特征,计算得到了边界和非边界集合的特征矩阵。最后,应用支持向量机(SVM)算法预测了TAD边界。结果表明,CTCF结合峰强度和模体打分具有较好的预测能力,其预测敏感性和特异性指标均高于0.9。 展开更多
关键词 转录因子CTCF 拓扑关联结构域 支持向量机(SVM)
黏连蛋白维持基因组结构分子机制研究进展 被引量:1
作者 史竹兵 白晓辰 于洪涛 《自然杂志》 2021年第1期1-8,共8页
黏连蛋白复合物在基因组维持中发挥重要功能。在细胞分裂期,黏连蛋白介导姐妹染色单体黏连,并对染色单体的正确分离起着决定性作用。近年来的研究表明,黏连蛋白维持哺乳动物细胞周期间期的三维基因组构象,决定了染色质环和拓扑关联结构... 黏连蛋白复合物在基因组维持中发挥重要功能。在细胞分裂期,黏连蛋白介导姐妹染色单体黏连,并对染色单体的正确分离起着决定性作用。近年来的研究表明,黏连蛋白维持哺乳动物细胞周期间期的三维基因组构象,决定了染色质环和拓扑关联结构域的形成。最近的生物物理学和结构生物学研究阐释了黏连蛋白装载DNA的分子机制,并证实了黏连蛋白具有挤压DNA环的功能。 展开更多
关键词 黏连蛋白 姐妹染色体黏连 基因组组织 基因组维持 拓扑关联结构域 环挤压模型
作者 陶欢 伯晓晨 +1 位作者 陈河兵 郑晓飞 《中国生物化学与分子生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期298-307,共10页
基因组三维结构在基因表达调控中发挥重要作用,染色质拓扑关联结构域(topologically associated domain,TAD)是DNA复制和基因转录的基本功能单位,也是DNA损伤修复的功能单元,在辐射诱导的DNA损伤修复中发挥重要作用。近期研究表明,TAD... 基因组三维结构在基因表达调控中发挥重要作用,染色质拓扑关联结构域(topologically associated domain,TAD)是DNA复制和基因转录的基本功能单位,也是DNA损伤修复的功能单元,在辐射诱导的DNA损伤修复中发挥重要作用。近期研究表明,TAD并非是完全独立的结构单元,其内部常呈现多层级结构,对基因表达具有重要调控作用。为探究TAD多层级结构在细胞辐射响应中的作用,本研究使用TAD层级结构识别算法OnTAD对Gene expression omnibus数据库中5Gy X射线照射的淋巴细胞、成纤维细胞和毛细血管扩张性共济失调突变(ataxia telangiectasia mutated,ATM)基因缺陷的成纤维细胞,共26个样本的Hi-C(high-through chromosome conformation capture,Hi-C)数据进行分析,发现辐射后细胞的TAD层级结构出现规律性变化,高层级TAD缺失较多,低层级TAD相对保守;辐射诱导的TAD层级结构变化通过调节基因表达参与细胞辐射响应;ATM是辐射诱导TAD层级结构变化和恢复的重要因子。本研究为从TAD多层级结构角度理解基因组三维结构在细胞辐射响应中的作用提供了新思路。 展开更多
关键词 拓扑关联结构域 多层级结构 细胞辐射响应 毛细血管扩张性共济失调突变基因 DNA损伤修复
作者 金加 沈文龙 +3 位作者 李平 张彦 陈昭烈 赵志虎 《生物技术通讯》 CAS 2020年第5期542-546,共5页
目的:研究核内RNA与真核细胞基因组三维结构的关系,并探讨核内RNA对染色体高级结构如拓扑相关结构域(TAD)和A/B区室的影响。方法:利用全基因组染色质构象捕获(Hi-C)技术对正常GM12878细胞和经过RNase处理的GM12878细胞进行染色质相互作... 目的:研究核内RNA与真核细胞基因组三维结构的关系,并探讨核内RNA对染色体高级结构如拓扑相关结构域(TAD)和A/B区室的影响。方法:利用全基因组染色质构象捕获(Hi-C)技术对正常GM12878细胞和经过RNase处理的GM12878细胞进行染色质相互作用的检测。结果:经RNase处理后,染色质的三维高级结构在整体上变得松散,染色体之间的相互作用增强(秩和检验P<0.05),A/B区室发生改变,并且相比于所有染色体,X染色体在A/B区室上的变化更大。同时,核内RNA的去除也让TAD边界的强度有所减弱(Vilcox校验P<0.05)。结论:核内RNA参与了真核细胞基因组三维高级结构的形成,并使TAD和A/B区室更加致密。 展开更多
关键词 核内RNA 全基因组染色质构象捕获(Hi-C) 区室 tad边界强度
Inter3D:Capture of TAD Reorganization Endows Variant Patterns of Gene Transcription
作者 Tianyi Ding Shaliu Fu +13 位作者 Xiaoyu Zhang Fan Yang Jixing Zhang Haowen Xu Jiaqi Yang Chaoqun Chen Yibing Shi Yiran Bai Wannian Li Xindi Chang Shanjin Wang Chao Zhang Qi Liu He Zhang 《Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第3期69-84,共16页
Topologically associating domain(TAD)reorganization commonly occurs in the cell nucleus and contributes to gene activation and inhibition through the separation or fusion of adjacent TADs.However,functional genes impa... Topologically associating domain(TAD)reorganization commonly occurs in the cell nucleus and contributes to gene activation and inhibition through the separation or fusion of adjacent TADs.However,functional genes impacted by TAD alteration and the underlying mechanism of TAD reorganization regulating gene transcription remain to be fully elucidated.Here,we first developed a novel approach termed Inter3D to specifically identify genes regulated by TAD reorganization.Our study revealed that the segregation of TADs led to the disruption of intrachromosomal looping at the myosin light chain 12B(MYL12B)locus,via the meticulous reorganization of TADs mediating epigenomic landscapes within tumor cells,thereby exhibiting a significant correlation with the down-regulation of its transcriptional activity.Conversely,the fusion of TADs facilitated intrachromosomal interactions,suggesting a potential association with the activation of cytochrome P450 family 27 subfamily B member 1(CYP27B1).Our study provides comprehensive insight into the capture of TAD rearrangement-mediated gene loci and moves toward understanding the functional role of TAD reorganization in gene transcription.The Inter3D pipeline developed in this study is freely available at https://github.com/bm2-lab/inter3D and https://ngdc.cncb.ac.cn/biocode/tool/BT7399. 展开更多
关键词 topologically associating domain Inter3D Chromosomal loop Gene transcription Cancer
作者 龚海燕 张司臣 张晓彤 《生物医学工程学杂志》 EI CAS 北大核心 2024年第3期552-559,共8页
高通量染色质构象捕获(Hi-C)技术的快速发展为染色质结构分析提供了丰富的基因组位点间交互作用数据,但目前基于Hi-C数据的已有拓扑相关结构域(TAD)识别方法存在准确率低、参数敏感等问题。在此背景下,本文设计并实现了一种基于空间密... 高通量染色质构象捕获(Hi-C)技术的快速发展为染色质结构分析提供了丰富的基因组位点间交互作用数据,但目前基于Hi-C数据的已有拓扑相关结构域(TAD)识别方法存在准确率低、参数敏感等问题。在此背景下,本文设计并实现了一种基于空间密度聚类的TAD识别方法。该方法首先对原始Hi-C数据进行预处理,得到归一化后的Hi-C接触矩阵数据;然后计算位点之间的距离矩阵,基于位点的核心距离和可达距离生成可达性图,并提取聚类簇;最后基于聚类结果和TAD提取边界。该方法能够识别出内聚性更高的TAD结构,且TAD边界处富集了更多的ChIP-seq因子。实验结果表明,本文方法在TAD识别中更准确,更具有现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 高通量染色质构象捕获 拓扑相关结构域 染色质结构 密度聚类 生物信息学分析
DiffGR:Detecting Differentially Interacting Genomic Regions from Hi-C Contact Maps
作者 Huiling Liu Wenxiu Ma 《Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期143-155,共13页
Recent advances in high-throughput chromosome conformation capture(Hi-C)techniques have allowed us to map genome-wide chromatin interactions and uncover higher-order chromatin structures,thereby shedding light on the ... Recent advances in high-throughput chromosome conformation capture(Hi-C)techniques have allowed us to map genome-wide chromatin interactions and uncover higher-order chromatin structures,thereby shedding light on the principles of genome architecture and functions.However,statistical methods for detecting changes in large-scale chromatin organization such as topologically associating domains(TADs)are still lacking.Here,we proposed a new statistical method,DiffGR,for detecting differentially interacting genomic regions at the TAD level between Hi-C contact maps.We utilized the stratum-adjusted correlation coefficient to measure similarity of local TAD regions.We then developed a nonparametric approach to identify statistically significant changes of genomic interacting regions.Through simulation studies,we demonstrated that DiffGR can robustly and effectively discover differential genomic regions under various conditions.Furthermore,we successfully revealed cell type-specific changes in genomic interacting regions in both human and mouse Hi-C datasets,and illustrated that DiffGR yielded consistent and advantageous results compared with state-of-the-art differential TAD detection methods.The DiffGR R package is published under the GNU General Public License(GPL)≥2 license and is publicly available at https://github.com/wmalab/DiffGR. 展开更多
关键词 Hi-C Differential analysis topologically associating domain Stratum-adjusted correlation coefficient Nonparametric method
The generation of PD-L1 and PD-L2 in cancer cells: From nuclear chromatin reorganization to extracellular presentation 被引量:10
作者 Zhiwei Fan Changyue Wu +4 位作者 Miaomiao Chen Yongying Jiang Yuanyuan Wu Renfang Mao Yihui Fan 《Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第3期1041-1053,共13页
The immune checkpoint blockade(ICB)targeting on PD-1/PD-L1 has shown remarkable promise in treating cancers.However,the low response rate and frequently observed severe side effects limit its broad benefits.It is part... The immune checkpoint blockade(ICB)targeting on PD-1/PD-L1 has shown remarkable promise in treating cancers.However,the low response rate and frequently observed severe side effects limit its broad benefits.It is partially due to less understanding of the biological regulation of PD-L1.Here,we systematically and comprehensively summarized the regulation of PD-L1 from nuclear chromatin reorganization to extracellular presentation.In PD-L1 and PD-L2 highly expressed cancer cells,a new TAD(topologically associating domain)(chr9:5,400,000-5,600,000)around CD274 and CD273 was discovered,which includes a reported super-enhancer to drive synchronous transcription of PD-L1 and PD-L2.The re-shaped TAD allows transcription factors such as STAT3 and IRF1 recruit to PD-L1 locus in order to guide the expression of PD-L1.After transcription,the PD-L1 is tightly regulated by mi RNAs and RNA-binding proteins via the long 3’UTR.At translational level,PD-L1 protein and its membrane presentation are tightly regulated by post-translational modification such as glycosylation and ubiquitination.In addition,PD-L1 can be secreted via exosome to systematically inhibit immune response.Therefore,fully dissecting the regulation of PD-L1/PD-L2 and thoroughly detecting PD-L1/PD-L2 as well as their regulatory networks will bring more insights in ICB and ICB-based combinational therapy. 展开更多
关键词 Immune checkpoint blockade PD-L1 PD-L2 topologically associating domain Transcription Post-transcriptional regulation Post-translational regulation EXOSOME
3D genomic organization in cancers 被引量:1
作者 Junting Wang Huan Tao +2 位作者 Hao Li Xiaochen Bo Hebing Chen 《Quantitative Biology》 CSCD 2023年第2期109-121,共13页
Background:The hierarchical three-dimensional(3D)architectures of chromatin play an important role in fundamental biological processes,such as cell differentiation,cellular senescence,and transcriptional regulation.Ab... Background:The hierarchical three-dimensional(3D)architectures of chromatin play an important role in fundamental biological processes,such as cell differentiation,cellular senescence,and transcriptional regulation.Aberrant chromatin 3D structural alterations often present in human diseases and even cancers,but their underlying mechanisms remain unclear.Results:3D chromatin structures(chromatin compartment A/B,topologically associated domains,and enhancerpromoter interactions)play key roles in cancer development,metastasis,and drug resistance.Bioinformatics techniques based on machine learning and deep learning have shown great potential in the study of 3D cancer genome.Conclusion:Current advances in the study of the 3D cancer genome have expanded our understanding of the mechanisms underlying tumorigenesis and development.It will provide new insights into precise diagnosis and personalized treatment for cancers. 展开更多
关键词 the three-dimensional(3D)genome chromatin compartment topologically associated domain(tad) LOOP cancer
3D disorganization and rearrangement of genome provide insights into pathogenesis of NAFLD by integrated Hi-C, Nanopore, and RNA sequencing 被引量:3
作者 Lina Xu Lianhong Yin +3 位作者 Yan Qi Xuemei Tan Meng Gao Jinyong Peng 《Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第10期3150-3164,共15页
The three-dimensional(3D)conformation of chromatin is integral to the precise regulation of gene expression.The 3D genome and genomic variations in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)are largely unknown,despite t... The three-dimensional(3D)conformation of chromatin is integral to the precise regulation of gene expression.The 3D genome and genomic variations in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)are largely unknown,despite their key roles in cellular function and physiological processes.Highthroughput chromosome conformation capture(Hi-C),Nanopore sequencing,and RNA-sequencing(RNA-seq)assays were performed on the liver of normal and NAFLD mice.A high-resolution 3D chromatin interaction map was generated to examine different 3D genome hierarchies including A/B compartments,topologically associated domains(TADs),and chromatin loops by Hi-C,and whole genome sequencing identifying structural variations(SVs)and copy number variations(CNVs)by Nanopore sequencing.We identified variations in thousands of regions across the genome with respect to 3D chromatin organization and genomic rearrangements,between normal and NAFLD mice,and revealed gene dysregulation frequently accompanied by these variations.Candidate target genes were identified in NAFLD,impacted by genetic rearrangements and spatial organization disruption.Our data provide a high-resolution 3D genome interaction resource for NAFLD investigations,revealed the relationship among genetic rearrangements,spatial organization disruption,and gene regulation,and identified candidate genes associated with these variations implicated in the pathogenesis of NAFLD.The newly findings offer insights into novel mechanisms of NAFLD pathogenesis and can provide a new conceptual framework for NAFLD therapy. 展开更多
关键词 3D genome Chromatin looping topologically associated domain TRANSCRIPTOME Whole-genome sequencing
GITAR: An Open Source Tool for Analysis and Visualization of Hi-C Data 被引量:1
作者 Riccardo Calandrelli Qiuyang Wu +1 位作者 Jihong Guan Sheng Zhong 《Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期365-372,共8页
Interactions between chromatin segments play a large role in functional genomic assays and developments in genomic interaction detection methods have shown interacting topological domains within the genome. Among thes... Interactions between chromatin segments play a large role in functional genomic assays and developments in genomic interaction detection methods have shown interacting topological domains within the genome. Among these methods, Hi-C plays a key role. Here, we present the Genome Interaction Tools and Resources(GITAR), a software to perform a comprehensive Hi-C data analysis, including data preprocessing, normalization, and visualization, as well as analysis of topologically-associated domains(TADs). GITAR is composed of two main modules:(1)HiCtool, a Python library to process and visualize Hi-C data, including TAD analysis; and(2)processed data library, a large collection of human and mouse datasets processed using HiCtool.HiCtool leads the user step-by-step through a pipeline, which goes from the raw Hi-C data to the computation, visualization, and optimized storage of intra-chromosomal contact matrices and TAD coordinates. A large collection of standardized processed data allows the users to compare different datasets in a consistent way, while saving time to obtain data for visualization or additional analyses. More importantly, GITAR enables users without any programming or bioinformatic expertise to work with Hi-C data. GITAR is publicly available at http://genomegitar.org as an open-source software. 展开更多
关键词 Chromatin interaction Pipeline Hi-C data normalization topologically-associated domain Processed Hi-C data library
作者 江修宇 郝晓娟 +2 位作者 周喆 王学军 杨骞 《军事医学》 CAS CSCD 2023年第9期662-667,共6页
目的研究乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)对肝细胞三维基因组学空间组织结构的影响。方法使用桥接高通量染色质构象捕获(BL‐Hi‐C)技术,获取HBV稳定转染细胞HepG2.CW与对照细胞HepG2的基因组三维空间互作信息,并联合转录组测序分析差异表达基因。通... 目的研究乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)对肝细胞三维基因组学空间组织结构的影响。方法使用桥接高通量染色质构象捕获(BL‐Hi‐C)技术,获取HBV稳定转染细胞HepG2.CW与对照细胞HepG2的基因组三维空间互作信息,并联合转录组测序分析差异表达基因。通过CCK‐8实验及Kaplan‐Meier生存分析方法分别检测细胞增殖活力,分析差异表达基因功能。结果BL‐Hi‐C实验获取了2株细胞的基因组三维互作信息,在50 kb分辨率下,HBV稳定转染细胞HepG2.CW与HepG2相比,16号染色体与22号染色体发生了染色体易位以及易位点染色体拓扑相关结构域(TAD)的融合变异。结合转录组数据发现,染色体易位点及TAD变异关联区域的22号染色体开放阅读框34(C22ORF34)与肌醇加氧酶(MIOX)出现明显变化。细胞生长曲线表明,HepG2.CW具有更高的细胞增殖活力。生存分析发现C22ORF34及MIOX基因与患者的生存预期密切相关。结论HBV稳定转染可引起HepG2细胞发生染色体易位及三维基因组结构改变,并导致相关区域内C22ORF34和MIOX基因的表达改变。 展开更多
关键词 乙型肝炎病毒 HEPG2细胞 肝细胞癌 三维基因组 染色质易位 拓扑相关结构域
Morphine Re-arranges Chromatin Spatial Architecture of Primate Cortical Neurons
作者 Liang Wang Xiaojie Wang +19 位作者 Chunqi Liu Wei Xu Weihong Kuang Qian Bu Hongchun Li Ying Zhao Linhong Jiang Yaxing Chen Feng Qin Shu Li Qinfan Wei Xiaocong Liu Bin Liu Yuanyuan Chen Yanping Dai Hongbo Wang Jingwei Tian Gang Cao Yinglan Zhao Xiaobo Cen 《Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第3期551-572,共22页
The expression of linear DNA sequence is precisely regulated by the three-dimensional(3D)architecture of chromatin.Morphine-induced aberrant gene networks of neurons have been extensively investigated;however,how morp... The expression of linear DNA sequence is precisely regulated by the three-dimensional(3D)architecture of chromatin.Morphine-induced aberrant gene networks of neurons have been extensively investigated;however,how morphine impacts the 3D genomic architecture of neurons is still unknown.Here,we applied digestion-ligation-only high-throughput chromosome conformation capture(DLO Hi-C)technology to investigate the effects of morphine on the 3D chromatin architecture of primate cortical neurons.After receiving continuous morphine administration for 90 days on rhesus monkeys,we discovered that morphine re-arranged chromosome territories,with a total of 391 segmented compartments being switched.Morphine altered over half of the detected topologically associated domains(TADs),most of which exhibited a variety of shifts,followed by separating and fusing types.Analysis of the looping events at kilobase-scale resolution revealed that morphine increased not only the number but also the length of differential loops.Moreover,all identified differentially expressed genes from the RNA sequencing data were mapped to the specific TAD boundaries or differential loops,and were further validated for changed expression.Collectively,an altered 3D genomic architecture of cortical neurons may regulate the gene networks associated with morphine effects.Our finding provides critical hubs connecting chromosome spatial organization and gene networks associated with the morphine effects in humans. 展开更多
关键词 MORPHINE Rhesus monkey Chromatin spatial architecture topologically associated domain Loop
作者 冯园庆 季雄 《中国基础科学》 2018年第1期30-35,共6页
染色质高级结构及功能研究是当前生命科学领域的国际前沿热点。染色质高级结构决定了基因的正确表达,其异常通常伴随着发育畸形和癌症发生。迄今为止,染色质高级结构如何建立和维持、如何行使功能、其动态变化及其与基因、细胞功能的关... 染色质高级结构及功能研究是当前生命科学领域的国际前沿热点。染色质高级结构决定了基因的正确表达,其异常通常伴随着发育畸形和癌症发生。迄今为止,染色质高级结构如何建立和维持、如何行使功能、其动态变化及其与基因、细胞功能的关系尚不清楚。本项目整合团队在染色质高级结构蛋白质机器的功能基因组学、染色质高级结构蛋白质机器的功能动态调控以及染色质高级结构蛋白质机器的结构与组装方面的优势,围绕"染色质高级结构的调控及功能"这一关键科学问题,从3个角度深入研究拓扑相关结构域的形成与功能相关的蛋白质机器,包括调控染色质高级结构蛋白质机器的系统鉴定、单细胞和全基因组水平上染色质高级结构动态调控的机理研究、染色质高级结构对基因和细胞功能调控的结构基础和分子机制。 展开更多
关键词 染色质高级结构 三维基因组 拓扑相关结构域 蛋白质机器 基因调控
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