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作者 司洪昌 韩烨 《北京教育学院学报》 2025年第1期1-8,共8页
自新中国成立以来,乡镇教育行政机构经历了从隶属于乡镇政府到隶属于县教育局的转变。2002年起,乡镇教育行政机构归属于县教育局垂直管理,这一体制运行至今,各地乡镇教育行政机构名称复杂而多元,且存在多样化的模式。乡镇教育行政机构... 自新中国成立以来,乡镇教育行政机构经历了从隶属于乡镇政府到隶属于县教育局的转变。2002年起,乡镇教育行政机构归属于县教育局垂直管理,这一体制运行至今,各地乡镇教育行政机构名称复杂而多元,且存在多样化的模式。乡镇教育行政机构的地方属性,给乡镇教育管理预留了政策空间。当前乡镇教育行政机构重构的窗口期已开启,各地根据区域方位、县域及乡镇面积大小与人口多少、居民点分布及经济发展水平等做出适应地方实际的动态调整,成为未来十年的一个重要趋势。 展开更多
关键词 乡镇教育 教育行政机构 乡镇中心校
Township Classification and the Sphere of Influence Based on Voronoi Diagram——A Case of Bijie City
作者 陈笑筑 王博 胡伟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第3期542-545,共4页
Supported by research available of township system and influential sphere, the research is conducted based on towns in Bijie City, as per Voronoi diagram and breaking point theory. In the research, Shixi Office domina... Supported by research available of township system and influential sphere, the research is conducted based on towns in Bijie City, as per Voronoi diagram and breaking point theory. In the research, Shixi Office dominated as the highest center and Salaxi Town and Haizijie Town were sub-centers, supplemented by Yachi Town, Zhuchang Town, Yangjiawan Town, Qingchang Town, Heguantun Town, Qingshuipu Town, Yanzikou Town and Longchangying Town. Hence, township system and influ- ential sphere were determined and related methods and technologies were explored. 展开更多
关键词 township system Sphere of influence Voronoi diagram Bijie City
作者 杜佳杉 张瑶 《江苏商论》 2025年第1期120-123,共4页
近年来,乡村振兴逐步成为中国发展新战略。乡镇企业对于提高农村地区居民收入、促进就业、助力乡村振兴具有积极作用。乡镇企业的发展离不开会计人员的参与。本文立足乡镇企业,通过研究会计人员业务素质现状及影响因素,为提升会计人员... 近年来,乡村振兴逐步成为中国发展新战略。乡镇企业对于提高农村地区居民收入、促进就业、助力乡村振兴具有积极作用。乡镇企业的发展离不开会计人员的参与。本文立足乡镇企业,通过研究会计人员业务素质现状及影响因素,为提升会计人员业务素质做出建议。对于改善乡镇企业会计工作,提高乡村经济活力,发挥国家扶持农村政策,助力乡村振兴战略实施具有积极意义。 展开更多
关键词 乡村振兴 乡镇企业 会计人员
作者 赵梦龙 耿虹 乔晶 《小城镇建设》 2025年第1期107-116,共10页
统筹乡村区域“三生空间”协调有序发展,是破解乡村之间不平衡发展的重要方式。在国土空间全域、全要素统筹的背景下,乡村基层单元的空间冲突与适配矛盾仍普遍存在,但与之对应促进区域协调的单元调整方案却十分匮乏。研究以贵州省安顺... 统筹乡村区域“三生空间”协调有序发展,是破解乡村之间不平衡发展的重要方式。在国土空间全域、全要素统筹的背景下,乡村基层单元的空间冲突与适配矛盾仍普遍存在,但与之对应促进区域协调的单元调整方案却十分匮乏。研究以贵州省安顺市西秀区为例,在“自然屯—行政区”单元的基础上构建满足乡村“三生空间”协调统筹需求的新评价单元。为探究地理单元、行政单元、复合单元对功能协调评价的差异适配性,构建“三生空间”功能评价体系和耦合协调度模型,并以空间相关性模型比较3类单元下耦合协调度的空间相关性程度,识别“三生空间”相互冲突的典型区域。结果表明:生产、生活、生态空间功能协调度在3类单元中呈现出不同的空间相关性,在复合单元中表现最为显著,这表明“自然屯—行政区”复合单元更适合作为促进乡村区域整体协调的基本载体。同时,西秀区“三生空间”相互冲突的区域在空间上呈现出明显聚集特点,研究结合复合单元的划定结果,进一步提出“三生空间”功能互补的针对性策略。 展开更多
关键词 “自然屯—行政区”复合单元 乡村区域协调发展 “三生空间”功能 耦合协调度 安顺市西秀区
作者 朱榕鑫 王胤 +1 位作者 吴嘉利 赵志勇 《水处理技术》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期128-132,138,共6页
采用絮凝强化连续流类颗粒污泥工艺对四川省某乡镇污水厂进行了生产性改造试验研究,基于侧流运行模式,评估了该工艺对于进水浓度低、水质和水量波动大的适应性、最佳运行参数和实际处理效果。研究发现,通过复合絮凝剂的投加,污泥的自聚... 采用絮凝强化连续流类颗粒污泥工艺对四川省某乡镇污水厂进行了生产性改造试验研究,基于侧流运行模式,评估了该工艺对于进水浓度低、水质和水量波动大的适应性、最佳运行参数和实际处理效果。研究发现,通过复合絮凝剂的投加,污泥的自聚集和颗粒化特性逐渐显现,菌胶团的宏观粒径以及颗粒密度显著增大,当系统污泥浓度控制在7~8 g/L时,污泥粒径可稳定维持在200μm,相较于传统絮状污泥,沉降性能得以大幅提高。当回流比为200%,溶解氧控制在1~2 mg/L,采用5 mg/L CPAM+60 mg/L PAC的絮凝剂复配组合时,出水COD、NH_(3)-N、TN、TP平均浓度分别为25.84、0.55、9.01、0.11 mg/L,均满足《四川省岷江、沱江流域水污染物排放标准》(DB 51/2311-2016)要求。 展开更多
关键词 颗粒污泥 连续流 低浓度乡镇污水 提标改造 絮凝强化
作者 钱浩霞 《中国初级卫生保健》 2025年第1期27-29,33,共4页
文章介绍了南通市通州区推进镇村卫生机构一体化管理的主要做法,以及在改善服务条件、优化队伍结构、提升服务能力、规范执业行为、提高运行效率、完善社会保障等方面取得的成效。同时,发现改革后仍然存在监管力量薄弱、业务能力不强、... 文章介绍了南通市通州区推进镇村卫生机构一体化管理的主要做法,以及在改善服务条件、优化队伍结构、提升服务能力、规范执业行为、提高运行效率、完善社会保障等方面取得的成效。同时,发现改革后仍然存在监管力量薄弱、业务能力不强、队伍补充乏力、薪酬待遇偏低等问题,并提出相应的对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 镇卫生院 村卫生室 一体化管理
作者 全江涛 《智慧农业导刊》 2025年第1期185-188,共4页
“绿水青山就是金山银山”是乡村振兴的物质基础,红色文化资源为乡村振兴提供精神动力。照金镇既有秀丽的自然风光,又有光荣的革命历史。在乡村振兴战略背景下,厘清“两山”理念与红色文化资源对于乡村振兴的内在联系。因地制宜充分发... “绿水青山就是金山银山”是乡村振兴的物质基础,红色文化资源为乡村振兴提供精神动力。照金镇既有秀丽的自然风光,又有光荣的革命历史。在乡村振兴战略背景下,厘清“两山”理念与红色文化资源对于乡村振兴的内在联系。因地制宜充分发挥照金镇的资源优势,打造特色旅游产业、建立红色教育基地,发展特色农业。利用绿水青山和红色文化助力乡村振兴,同时通过乡村振兴促进生态文明建设和红色文化的传播。以照金镇的发展为例,为革命老区乡村振兴发展提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 绿水青山 红色文化 乡村振兴 照金镇 照金精神
Study on the Functional Zoning of Town-level Spatial Development——With Batang Township in Gangnan District,Guigang City,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,China as a Case Study
作者 李芳 周兴 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2011年第4期29-32,35,共5页
By taking Batang Township in Gangnan District,Guigang City,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region for an example,Principal Component Analysis(PCA),GIS technique and SPSS13.0 were applied to comprehensively evaluate 3 princi... By taking Batang Township in Gangnan District,Guigang City,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region for an example,Principal Component Analysis(PCA),GIS technique and SPSS13.0 were applied to comprehensively evaluate 3 principal factors:value of ecological environment,foundation of economic development,value of natural resources;three-dimensional coordinates of economy-ecology-resource combinations were obtained;and finally,functional zoning for the spatial development was realized,22 administrative villages in this town were classified into 6 categories.Among these 6 types of functional zoning,regions of key development and moderate development are Batang Village,Xinlu Village,Suwan Village,Xinmeng Village,Bancun Village,Daxin Village and Gaoxin Village,which are endowed with excellent traffic conditions,solid economic foundation and low sensitivity of ecological environment,thus are suitable to be developed as major spatial carriers of town and industrial development;regions of controlled development are mainly Gaobei Village,Gaoling Village,Sugang Village,Mulong Village and Zhenxin Village,which have moderate economic foundation,dominant crop farming and moderate sensitivity of ecological environment,and also are close to the key developed areas,thus they should be developed with proper control;grey elastic regions mainly include Hengling Village,Sanban Village,Xueshan Village,Shanquan Village and Xinhua Village,which have poor economic foundation and low sensitivity of ecological environment,but excellent natural resources and traffic conditions,thus can be developed as backup land for towns and industrial development;regions of moderate and key protection include Gaolang Village,Cenxi Village,Xin'an Village and Xin'he Village,which have fragile ecological environment and poor economic foundation,thus should be developed according to the principle of "protection first,intensive exploration". 展开更多
关键词 Spatial development Functional ZONING Batang township
Industrial Poverty Alleviation Model in Southwestern High-altitude Mountainous Areas of China——A Case Study of Industrial Poverty Alleviation of Xueshan Township in Luquan County of Yunnan Province through Planting Codonopsis pilosula 被引量:4
作者 Zisheng YANG Renyi YANG +5 位作者 Yanbo HE Chonghui LU En ZHU Yaohan PI Mingxin WU Ying XIONG 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2019年第3期48-54,共7页
Due to the severe restrictions of natural conditions and ecological environment,high-altitude mountainous areas usually become the " hard bones" in the battle against poverty. Xueshan Township,Luquan Yi and ... Due to the severe restrictions of natural conditions and ecological environment,high-altitude mountainous areas usually become the " hard bones" in the battle against poverty. Xueshan Township,Luquan Yi and Miao Autonomous County of Yunnan Province,located in the alpine valley of Jinsha River,is a major township with wide and deep poverty,and the incidence of poverty is up to 45. 00%. In recent years,Xueshan Township has insisted on the battle against poverty,made effort to develop the Codonopsis pilosula industry,and successfully developed a road to poverty alleviation through C. pilosula industry,and formed a unique industrial poverty alleviation model by the end of 2018,the incidence of poverty dropped to 0. 74%. Based on field survey and interview,this paper analyzes and summarizes the specific practices,main results,practical experience and promotion and application measures of the poverty alleviation model of C. pilosula planting industry in Xueshan Township,in the hope of providing certain reference for the targeted poverty alleviation in similar areas in Yunnan Province and other provinces of China. 展开更多
关键词 HIGH-ALTITUDE mountainous areas INDUSTRIAL poverty alleviation Chinese herbal medicine PLANTING CODONOPSIS pilosula Model Xueshan township of Luquan COUNTY
A Preliminary Study on the Rational Utilization of Land Resources in the Poverty-Stricken Mountainous Areas in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River:A Case Study of Xueshan Township 被引量:2
作者 Jia WANG Leijin LONG 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2020年第2期17-24,27,共9页
As one of the most fragile alpine plateau and canyon areas in China,the upper reaches of the Yangtze River are the key areas of ecological construction in China.It is also a key area for poverty alleviation in the cou... As one of the most fragile alpine plateau and canyon areas in China,the upper reaches of the Yangtze River are the key areas of ecological construction in China.It is also a key area for poverty alleviation in the country.Therefore,it is necessary to take into account the dual goals of poverty reduction and ecological environment construction,and explore a win-win road of ecological construction and poverty alleviation in line with the reality of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.Taking Xueshan Township,Luquan Yi and Miao Autonomous County,Yunnan Province,which is located in the poor mountainous area of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River as an example,based on many field investigations and existing investigation and statistical data,this paper analyzes the current situation and main problems of land use in Xueshan Township,and then puts forward measures and suggestions for rational utilization of land resources in Xueshan Township.This can provide a necessary reference for the next implementation of rural revitalization strategy and ecological construction. 展开更多
关键词 Land resources RATIONAL utilization UPPER reaches of the YANGTZE River POOR mountainous areas Xueshan township Luquan COUNTY
作者 卞晓俊 姚海容 《规划师》 北大核心 2012年第B03期28-31,共4页
随着我国海外建筑市场的扩展,我国特色建筑文化影响面逐渐延伸。印度VEDANTA TOWNSHIP住区规划在合理划分住区功能区的基础上,以满足当地气候条件、地质条件及人文风俗为规划总框架,加以我国传统建设形式,如四合院形式使住区组团式分布... 随着我国海外建筑市场的扩展,我国特色建筑文化影响面逐渐延伸。印度VEDANTA TOWNSHIP住区规划在合理划分住区功能区的基础上,以满足当地气候条件、地质条件及人文风俗为规划总框架,加以我国传统建设形式,如四合院形式使住区组团式分布而利于分期开发,体现秩序感;江南园林形式增加住区景观层次感,与印度神庙的合理搭配满足住民的信仰需求等;针对住区居民交往需求,构建交流空间网络。这一规划设计手法将该住区建设成具有中印"龙象之合"特色的舒适园区,同时也促进了中国特色建筑文化的传播。 展开更多
关键词 VENDATA township住区 四合院 江南园林 龙象之合 印度
Analysis of New Township Planning in Underdeveloped Western China—— With the Layout of Qiangbai Town in Shaanxi Province as a Study Case
作者 刘勇 刘喜东 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第6期87-90,共4页
Taking the planned layout of Qiangbai Town in Dali County,Shaanxi Province as a study case,by enhancing the economic correlation between central town and its villages as well as surrounding townships,a circular econom... Taking the planned layout of Qiangbai Town in Dali County,Shaanxi Province as a study case,by enhancing the economic correlation between central town and its villages as well as surrounding townships,a circular economic structure can be established through promoting the unified development of agriculture,industry,commerce as well as the primary agricultural and industrial processed products.According to the economic development principle of "rejuvenating the town by launching key projects,promoting agriculture by enhancing its industry",Qiangbai Town can be constructed into a central township with comprehensive functions,developed industry and facility agriculture by taking the construction of new socialist countryside as the target,project construction as the responsibility and accelerating the newly-emerging industrialization.According to the principle of urban-rural integration,as well as the coordinated development of economy,society,population and environmental resources,the detail contents of Qiangbai Town planning are put forward,specifically,industrial development layout,village development layout,township road layout and green system layout. 展开更多
Satisfaction of Village Doctors with the Township and Village Health Services Integration Policy in the Western Minority-inhabited Areas of China 被引量:3
作者 冯达 张亮 +5 位作者 项远兮 张冬兰 王若溪 唐尚锋 付航 李伯阳 《Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Medical Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2017年第1期11-19,共9页
Township and Village Health Services Integration Management(TVHSIM) is an essential form of China's two-tiered health service integration plan at the township and village level. Its main purpose, also one of the ta... Township and Village Health Services Integration Management(TVHSIM) is an essential form of China's two-tiered health service integration plan at the township and village level. Its main purpose, also one of the target goals in China's new healthcare reform, is to gradually integrate rural health services and appropriately allocate rural health resources. This study aims to assess the village doctors' satisfaction with the TVHSIM and provide scientific base to further improve TVHSIM. A cross-sectional study was carried out in which 162 village doctors from Qinghai, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang in western China were interviewed. Descriptive analysis, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Spearman rank correlation and multiple linear regression were used to analyze the difference and relevance between village doctors' personal characteristics and their satisfaction with TVHSIM and six subscales. Village doctors with different years of practice, social insurance status and essential medical knowledge level showed statistically significant differences in their satisfaction levels(all P〈0.05). Age(P〈0.05) and years of practice(P〈0.01) were negatively correlated with Drug and Medical Device Management and Financing Management. Essential medical knowledge level(P〈0.05) was negatively correlated with Operations Management as well. However, social insurance status(P〈0.05) was positively correlated with Human Resources Management and Drug and Medical Device management. Gender, age and years of practice respectively had significant influence on village doctors' satisfaction with TVHSIM(P〈0.01). In conclusion, in order to further promote TVHSIM policy in rural China, a well-rounded social insurance model for village doctors is urgently needed. In addition, the development of TVHSIM is regionally imbalanced. Efficient and effective measures aiming at rationalizing gender and age structure and enhancing essential medical training should be carefully considered. 展开更多
关键词 township and village health services integration management village doctors satisfaction western China minority-inhabited areas
Frequency, Duration and Intensity of Dengue Fever Epidemic Risk in Townships in Pearl River Delta and Yunnan in China, 2013 被引量:7
作者 CHEN Qian Qian MENG Yu Jie +1 位作者 LI Yue QI Xiao Peng 《Biomedical and Environmental Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第5期388-395,共8页
Dengue fever (DF), one of the neglected tropical diseases also known as breakbone fever, is a mosquito-borne disease common in the tropics and subtropics. Dengue fever is transmitted primarily by A.aegypti, resultin... Dengue fever (DF), one of the neglected tropical diseases also known as breakbone fever, is a mosquito-borne disease common in the tropics and subtropics. Dengue fever is transmitted primarily by A.aegypti, resulting in infection with any of four distinct but closely related virus serotypes. The majority of infected people experience a self-limiting clinical course. A small proportion of cases develop into life-threatening Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever or Dengue Shock Syndrome. 展开更多
关键词 Duration and Intensity of Dengue Fever Epidemic Risk in townships in Pearl River Delta and Yunnan in China Frequency
作者 郭柏林 谷人旭 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 1992年第2期39-50,共12页
The township industry in Shanghai suburbs has undergone a rapid development in the past few years. Aimed at studying the spatial law of the township industry in Shanghai suburbs, three kinds of indexes including distr... The township industry in Shanghai suburbs has undergone a rapid development in the past few years. Aimed at studying the spatial law of the township industry in Shanghai suburbs, three kinds of indexes including distribution density, economic benefit, and regional structure are selected and analysed using correlation analysis method. There are 12 indexes in total. It is found that the locational variation of the township industry in Shanghai suburbs conforms to the following distribution equation:y=ae-bx (x】 5)The above equation has been more and more conforming to the real distribution of the township industry. It is obvious that decreasing trend from inner suburban districts to outer suburban districts is an important character of the locational variation of the township industry of Shanghai suburbs. The fact is closely related with the radiation intensity of the urban economy and the locational superiority for the development of township industry. The regional strategies of the township industry of 展开更多
The Changing Labour Relations during the Period of Economic Reform:A Case Study of Chinese Township and Village Enterprises in Yangtze River Delta
作者 金靖 《海外英语》 2011年第5X期317-318,321,共3页
The economic reform launched in the People's Republic of China(China) led to a rapid growth in non-state sectors.Various forms of corporate governances and ownerships emerged during the last two decades,especially... The economic reform launched in the People's Republic of China(China) led to a rapid growth in non-state sectors.Various forms of corporate governances and ownerships emerged during the last two decades,especially the Township and Village Enterprises owned by local residents.This article is conducted on the changing labour relations in Chinese Township and Village Enterprises(TVEs) despite their increasing contributions to China's transition from planned economy to market economy,and studies the labour market and the Labour Law to understand the unique labour mobility and to test the relationship between Human Resource Management(HRM) practice and the performance among TVEs. 展开更多
关键词 township and VILLAGE Enterprises(TVEs) labour RELATIONS Human Resource Management(HRM) labour law
How to allocate public health manpower in township health centers in China scientifically and reasonably 被引量:1
作者 Yue Hu Jiaying Chen 《The Journal of Biomedical Research》 CAS 2014年第2期78-80,共3页
INTRODUCTION The global health issue is not a shortage of capital or technology, but a shortage of health manpower. Health human resource (HHR), an important component of health resources, determines the quantity, ... INTRODUCTION The global health issue is not a shortage of capital or technology, but a shortage of health manpower. Health human resource (HHR), an important component of health resources, determines the quantity, quality and effectiveness of health service, thus greatly impacting on health service to the citizens. 展开更多
关键词 How to allocate public health manpower in township health centers in China scientifically and reasonably
Influence Factors and Improvement Recommendations for Core Competency of Township Enterprises
作者 Chengjun ZHANG 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2014年第12期28-30,共3页
Core competency of township enterprises may be influenced from the property right,technology,scale operation,financial management and talent. In view of these influence factors,township enterprises should conduct tech... Core competency of township enterprises may be influenced from the property right,technology,scale operation,financial management and talent. In view of these influence factors,township enterprises should conduct technological innovation,bring into full play functions of talents,promote corporate culture of township enterprises,attach great importance to development of core products and innovation of relevant systems,and establish market information platform for township enterprises. 展开更多
Division of Township Grade System and Scope of Influence:A Case Study of Dafang County
作者 Xiaozhu CHEN 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2013年第9期46-48,共3页
At the township level,combining Voronoi diagram and breaking point theory,this paper divides township grade system and its scope of influence in Dafang County of Guizhou Province,and discusses the grade system from sm... At the township level,combining Voronoi diagram and breaking point theory,this paper divides township grade system and its scope of influence in Dafang County of Guizhou Province,and discusses the grade system from small scale perspective.Results show that Dafang County takes Dafang Town as the center,Dashi Town in the north and Shachang Township in the east as auxiliary part,Sanyuan Township,Zhuyuan Township,Babao Township,Pudi Township,Lihua Township,and Dingxin Township as cooperative part,to drive development of 36 townships in Dafang County.Thus,it basically reflects township grade of Dafang County,accords with current development situation,provides certain reference value for system planning and economic zoning of small scale regions,and it is able to improve the accuracy of scope division by completing attribute data and revision of many methods. 展开更多
关键词 township GRADE system SCOPE of INFLUENCE VORONOI d
Evaluation of Township Competitiveness in China: A Case Study of Zhenjiang City
作者 YANG Dao-jian,ZHAO Xi-cang,LI Chen-lu,FU Xing-xing Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212013,China 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2012年第8期49-55,59,共8页
Based on relevant theories about competitiveness,we establish a set of theoretical evaluation indicator system of township competitiveness,in accordance with the township characteristics. We rank 41 towns in Zhenjiang... Based on relevant theories about competitiveness,we establish a set of theoretical evaluation indicator system of township competitiveness,in accordance with the township characteristics. We rank 41 towns in Zhenjiang City in terms of comprehensive competitiveness,using factor analysis method and entropy method. Compared with other towns across the country,we find that the township development in all districts (cities) is highly uneven; the township development within urban district of Zhenjiang City is not so rosy; the township features are not prominent; the number and scale of the township enterprises is not enough; individually-run enterprises never get anywhere. Then,the corresponding countermeasures are put forth for the development of agriculture-based towns and industry-based towns: for agricultural town,it should accelerate the development of modern high-efficiency agriculture,develop characteristic agriculture,and promote quality of agricultural products; for industrial town,it can make full use of the advantages in transport and geographical location,consciously draw on the driving role of urban economy,take actions that suit local circumstances to develop characteristic economy,vigorously develop the private economy and export-oriented economy to enrich people,and strengthen the government service function to create efficient government. 展开更多
关键词 township COMPETITIVENESS FACTOR analysis method EN
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