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作者 邓艳玲 曾强 《环境卫生学杂志》 2025年第1期46-54,共9页
消毒副产物(disinfection byproducts,DBPs)是饮用水在消毒过程中消毒剂与原水中的有机前体物或无机物发生反应而产生的一类与消毒目的无关的污染物。目前,在已鉴定的DBPs中,三卤甲烷类和卤代乙酸类的含量和检出频率通常最高,并可通过... 消毒副产物(disinfection byproducts,DBPs)是饮用水在消毒过程中消毒剂与原水中的有机前体物或无机物发生反应而产生的一类与消毒目的无关的污染物。目前,在已鉴定的DBPs中,三卤甲烷类和卤代乙酸类的含量和检出频率通常最高,并可通过饮水、洗澡与游泳等日常用水活动进入人体。DBPs作为一类广泛存在于饮用水中并具有潜在健康高风险的污染物,其对女性生殖健康的影响值得关注。本文综述了DBPs暴露对女(雌)性生殖健康的影响以及其可能的作用机制,并对今后相关研究方向进行了展望,以期为DBPs的女(雌)性生殖健康风险评估与饮用水卫生标准的修订工作提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 饮用水 消毒副产物 女(雌)性生殖健康 生殖毒性
污水氯化/脱氯消毒副产物的生物毒性 被引量:5
作者 魏杰 胡洪营 +2 位作者 宁大亮 王丽莎 魏东斌 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第6期5-8,共4页
 利用发光细菌法考察了氯化/脱氯消毒后污水的生物毒性及余氯形态、氨氮浓度和有机物含量等对消毒后污水生物毒性的影响。研究发现,经氯化/脱氯消毒后污水的生物毒性显著增强;当余氯呈化合态时污水的生物毒性随投氯量的增大而增强,污...  利用发光细菌法考察了氯化/脱氯消毒后污水的生物毒性及余氯形态、氨氮浓度和有机物含量等对消毒后污水生物毒性的影响。研究发现,经氯化/脱氯消毒后污水的生物毒性显著增强;当余氯呈化合态时污水的生物毒性随投氯量的增大而增强,污水对发光细菌的发光抑制率与投氯量的对数有较好的线性关系;当余氯呈游离态时,污水的生物毒性随投氯量的变化出现了峰值,继续增大投氯量后生物毒性有所减小;氨氮有削弱消毒后污水生物毒性的倾向,而有机物则有增强消毒后污水生物毒性的倾向。 展开更多
关键词 消毒 氯化 脱氯 副产物 生物毒性
饮用水中卤乙腈(HANs)类消毒副产物研究现状与进展 被引量:10
作者 张颖 韩雪梅 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期1183-1189,共7页
对国内外饮用水中HANs类消毒副产物检测方法、生成的影响因素及毒理学试验的研究进展与现状进行了调查和分析,探讨了其存在于饮用水中可能导致的人体健康危害。结果表明,饮用水中HANs类消毒副产物普遍存在,而且HANs消毒副产物比常规消... 对国内外饮用水中HANs类消毒副产物检测方法、生成的影响因素及毒理学试验的研究进展与现状进行了调查和分析,探讨了其存在于饮用水中可能导致的人体健康危害。结果表明,饮用水中HANs类消毒副产物普遍存在,而且HANs消毒副产物比常规消毒副产物(三卤甲烷、卤乙酸等)具有更强的三致效应、生殖发育毒性、基因和细胞毒性,通过饮水摄入人体,对健康造成潜在危害。HANs的检测、人体健康风险评价和控制是今后的研究重点。 展开更多
关键词 环境学 饮用水 消毒副产物 卤乙腈 影响因素 毒理学试验
作者 颜金良 颜勇卿 王立 《中国预防医学杂志》 CAS 2006年第6期513-515,共3页
目的了解二氧化氯在饮用水消毒中毒副产物的污染状况,并探讨其产生原因及控制对策。方法选择宁波市城镇4家自来水厂,其中两家水厂为电解法二氧化氯发生器,两家为化学合成法二氧化氯发生器,主要原料:两家化学合成法水厂为氯酸钠,... 目的了解二氧化氯在饮用水消毒中毒副产物的污染状况,并探讨其产生原因及控制对策。方法选择宁波市城镇4家自来水厂,其中两家水厂为电解法二氧化氯发生器,两家为化学合成法二氧化氯发生器,主要原料:两家化学合成法水厂为氯酸钠,另两家电解法水厂为食盐。检测方法均采用离子色谱法测定这4家水厂出厂水、管网水中ClO2^-、ClO3^-、BrO3^-残留含量。结果各出厂水、管网水中ClO2^-、ClO3^-、BrO3^-的浓度:化学合成法厂家检测结果为,ClO2^-0.030-0.246mg/L,而ClO3^-、BrO3^-浓度均〈O.010mg/L;食盐电解法厂家检测结果ClO2^-、ClO3^-、BrO3^-浓度均〈0.010mg/L。结论食盐电解法生产厂家自来水厂出厂水中二氧化氯消毒产生的毒副产物均符合国标,而用氯酸钠化学法配制的厂家出厂水中二氧化氯消毒产生的毒副产物亚氯酸盐含量均有不同程度存在,且亚氯酸盐的残留量会随着出厂水中余氯浓度的增高而增加。 展开更多
关键词 饮用水 二氧化氯 水消毒 毒副产物
饮用水中典型消毒副产物的化学特性、生成转化及毒性研究进展 被引量:5
作者 易欣源 曲鑫璐 +3 位作者 龙昕 张立尖 徐斌 唐玉霖 《生态毒理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期97-110,共14页
消毒副产物是饮用水消毒过程中形成的产物,饮用水新国标(GB 5749—2022)更加关注消毒副产物指标,将三卤甲烷等6项消毒副产物指标从非常规指标调整到常规指标。本文总结分析了水质标准中重要的消毒副产物和新兴消毒副产物在化学及毒理方... 消毒副产物是饮用水消毒过程中形成的产物,饮用水新国标(GB 5749—2022)更加关注消毒副产物指标,将三卤甲烷等6项消毒副产物指标从非常规指标调整到常规指标。本文总结分析了水质标准中重要的消毒副产物和新兴消毒副产物在化学及毒理方面的研究与进展,重点阐明了典型消毒副产物的化学特性、生成转化途径,梳理了化学结构与其毒性之间的关系。 展开更多
关键词 饮用水 消毒副产物 毒性作用 转化
饮用水中新型环状消毒副产物的毒性研究进展 被引量:4
作者 魏文哲 罗家怡 +5 位作者 赵佳焱 楚文海 董慧峪 周庆 施鹏 潘旸 《生态毒理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期87-103,共17页
饮用水中新型环状消毒副产物(disinfection byproducts,DBPs)因具有较高的生物毒性,受到越来越广泛的关注。本文简要概述了国内外饮用水中新型环状DBPs检测情况及暴露水平,重点探讨了新型环状DBPs的细胞毒性、遗传毒性和内分泌干扰效应... 饮用水中新型环状消毒副产物(disinfection byproducts,DBPs)因具有较高的生物毒性,受到越来越广泛的关注。本文简要概述了国内外饮用水中新型环状DBPs检测情况及暴露水平,重点探讨了新型环状DBPs的细胞毒性、遗传毒性和内分泌干扰效应,并总结了定量构效关系(quantitative structure-activity relationship,QSAR)在毒性效应预测方面的应用,旨在为新型环状DBPs的毒性及致毒机理研究提供理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 新型环状消毒副产物 饮用水 毒性 QSAR
BiOBr-BN光催化氧化NO及其抑制毒副产物的机理研究 被引量:2
作者 郑倩 曹玥晗 +2 位作者 黄南建 董帆 周莹 《无机材料学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第11期1255-1262,I0001-I0003,共11页
光催化去除一氧化氮(NO)是一种新兴的空气净化技术,但极易生成毒副产物二氧化氮(NO2),限制了其实际应用。为解决这一问题,本研究以氮化硼(BN)纳米片为模板,用原位生长法在其表面形成溴氧铋(BiOBr)纳米片,成功构建二维–二维(2D-2D)可见... 光催化去除一氧化氮(NO)是一种新兴的空气净化技术,但极易生成毒副产物二氧化氮(NO2),限制了其实际应用。为解决这一问题,本研究以氮化硼(BN)纳米片为模板,用原位生长法在其表面形成溴氧铋(BiOBr)纳米片,成功构建二维–二维(2D-2D)可见光催化剂BiOBr-BN。根据X射线光电子能谱及第一性原理计算结果,BiOBr通过界面作用将电子转移至BN,形成内建电场,有效促进光生载流子的分离。BiOBr作为NO氧化的活性面,增强氧气(O2)的吸附和活化,抑制NO2的生成。可见光催化氧化NO性能测试结果表明,5%BiOBr复合BN后,NO去除率从24.6%提高到39.5%,NO3-的氧化选择性从36.6%提高到82.7%。 展开更多
关键词 溴氧铋 氮化硼 光催化 一氧化氮 毒副产物
Formation and control of disinfection byproducts and toxicity during reclaimed water chlorination: A review 被引量:18
作者 Ye Du Xiao-Tong Lv +4 位作者 Qian-Yuan Wu Da-Yin Zhang Yu-Ting Zhou Lu Peng Hong-Ying Hu 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第8期51-63,共13页
Chlorination is essential to the safety of reclaimed water; however, this process leads to concern regarding the formation of disinfection byproducts(DBPs) and toxicity. This study reviewed the formation and control... Chlorination is essential to the safety of reclaimed water; however, this process leads to concern regarding the formation of disinfection byproducts(DBPs) and toxicity. This study reviewed the formation and control strategies for DBPs and toxicity in reclaimed water during chlorination.Both regulated and emerging DBPs have been frequently detected in reclaimed water during chlorination at a higher level than those in drinking water, indicating they pose a greater risk to humans. Luminescent bacteria and Daphnia magna acute toxicity, anti-estrogenic activity and cytotoxicity generally increased after chlorination because of the formation of DBPs. Genotoxicity by umu-test and estrogenic activity were decreased after chlorination because of destruction of toxic chemicals. During chlorination, water quality significantly impacted changes in toxicity.Ammonium tended to attenuate toxicity changes by reacting with chlorine to form chloramine,while bromide tended to aggravate toxicity changes by forming hypobromous acid. During pretreatment by ozonation and coagulation, disinfection byproduct formation potential(DBPFP)and toxicity formation potential(TFP) occasionally increase, which is accompanied by DOC removal; thus, the decrease of DOC was limited to indicate the decrease of DBPFP and TFP. It is more important to eliminate the key fraction of precursors such as hydrophobic acid and hydrophilic neutrals. During chlorination, toxicities can increase with the increasing chlorine dose and contact time. To control the excessive toxicity formation, a relatively low chlorine dose and short contact time were required. Quenching chlorine residual with reductive reagents also effectively abated the formation of toxic compounds. 展开更多
关键词 Reclaimed water Chlorination Disinfection byproducts toxicity Precursor
饮用水消毒副产物:化学特征与毒性 被引量:130
作者 赵玉丽 李杏放 《环境化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期20-33,共14页
饮用水消毒过程中消毒剂与天然有机物(NOMs)反应生成消毒副产物(DBPs).本文针对氯、氯胺、二氧化氯、臭氧4种主要消毒方式产生的消毒副产物,综述了10类DBPs的化学特性、毒性和分析方法.具体包括:三卤甲烷(THMs)、卤乙酸(HAAs)、溴酸盐(B... 饮用水消毒过程中消毒剂与天然有机物(NOMs)反应生成消毒副产物(DBPs).本文针对氯、氯胺、二氧化氯、臭氧4种主要消毒方式产生的消毒副产物,综述了10类DBPs的化学特性、毒性和分析方法.具体包括:三卤甲烷(THMs)、卤乙酸(HAAs)、溴酸盐(BrO3-)、亚氯酸盐(ClO2-)、卤乙腈(HANs)、致诱变化合物(MX)、卤代硝基甲烷(HNMs)、碘代酸(IAs)、亚硝胺(NMs)以及卤代对苯醌(HBQs). 展开更多
关键词 饮用水 消毒副产物 化学特征 毒性
Chloramination of wastewater effluent: Toxicity and formation of disinfection byproducts 被引量:9
作者 Julien Le Roux Michael J.Plewa +3 位作者 Elizabeth D.Wagner Maolida Nihemaiti Azra Dad Jean-Philippe Croué 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第8期135-145,共11页
The reclamation and disinfection of waters impacted by human activities(e.g., wastewater effluent discharges) are of growing interest for various applications but has been associated with the formation of toxic nitr... The reclamation and disinfection of waters impacted by human activities(e.g., wastewater effluent discharges) are of growing interest for various applications but has been associated with the formation of toxic nitrogenous disinfection byproducts(N-DBPs). Monochloramine used as an alternative disinfectant to chlorine can be an additional source of nitrogen in the formation of N-DBPs. Individual toxicity assays have been performed on many DBPs, but few studies have been conducted with complex mixtures such as wastewater effluents. In this work, we compared the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of wastewater effluent organic matter(Ef OM) before and after chloramination. The toxicity of chloraminated Ef OM was significantly higher than the toxicity of raw Ef OM, and the more hydrophobic fraction(HPO)isolated on XAD-8 resin was more toxic than the fraction isolated on XAD-4 resin.More DBPs were also isolated on the XAD-8 resin. N-DBPs(i.e., haloacetonitriles or haloacetamides) were responsible for the majority of the cytotoxicity estimated from DBP concentrations measured in the XAD-8 and XAD-4 fractions(99.4% and 78.5%, respectively).Measured DBPs accounted for minor proportions of total brominated and chlorinated products, which means that many unknown halogenated compounds were formed and can be responsible for a significant part of the toxicity. Other non-halogenated byproducts(e.g.,nitrosamines) may contribute to the toxicity of chloraminated effluents as well. 展开更多
关键词 Disinfection byproducts Chloramination toxicity Wastewater XAD resins Haloacetonitriles Haloacetamides
作者 张正斌 张诗圣 +1 位作者 颜晓姝 林涛 《净水技术》 CAS 2020年第12期80-86,110,共8页
天然水体和配水系统中的溶解性微生物产物(SMPs)作为消毒副产物(DBPs)的前体物影响饮用水的安全性。以DNA中的含氮碱基胞嘧啶为研究对象,基于氯化反应试验,研究不同反应条件下消毒副产物的生成情况并对其毒性进行分析评估。试验表明,胞... 天然水体和配水系统中的溶解性微生物产物(SMPs)作为消毒副产物(DBPs)的前体物影响饮用水的安全性。以DNA中的含氮碱基胞嘧啶为研究对象,基于氯化反应试验,研究不同反应条件下消毒副产物的生成情况并对其毒性进行分析评估。试验表明,胞嘧啶氯化能够生成包括三氯甲烷、卤乙酸、卤乙腈、三氯硝基甲烷等多种含碳及含氮消毒副产物,且加氯剂量、氯化时间和pH对DBPs的形成具有显著作用。随着加氯剂量和氯化时间的增加,三氯甲烷的产率不断增大,卤乙腈的产率均呈现先上升后下降的趋势。偏碱性条件能够同时有效地抑制胞嘧啶氯化消毒产生的细胞毒性及遗传毒性。卤乙腈的产率可以主导细胞毒性,而三氯硝基甲烷的产率对遗传毒性的贡献最大。试验为控制饮用水生产输送中SMPs污染的DBPs生成提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 溶解性微生物产物 胞嘧啶 氯化 消毒副产物 毒性评估 饮用水安全
Monohalogenated acetamide-induced cellular stress and genotoxicity are related to electrophilic softness and thiol/thiolate reactivity 被引量:1
作者 Justin A.Pals Elizabeth D.Wagner +2 位作者 Michael J.Plewa Menghang Xia Matias S.Attene-Ramos 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第8期224-230,共7页
Haloacetamides(HAMs) are cytotoxic, genotoxic, and mutagenic byproducts of drinking water disinfection. They are soft electrophilic compounds that form covalent bonds with the free thiol/thiolate in cysteine residue... Haloacetamides(HAMs) are cytotoxic, genotoxic, and mutagenic byproducts of drinking water disinfection. They are soft electrophilic compounds that form covalent bonds with the free thiol/thiolate in cysteine residues through an S_N2 reaction mechanism.Toxicity of the monohalogenated HAMs(iodoacetamide, IAM; bromoacetamide, BAM;or chloroacetamide, CAM) varied depending on the halogen substituent. The aim of this research was to investigate how the halogen atom affects the reactivity and toxicological properties of HAMs, measured as induction of oxidative/electrophilic stress response and genotoxicity. Additionally, we wanted to determine how well in silico estimates of electrophilic softness matched thiol/thiolate reactivity and in vitro toxicological endpoints.Each of the HAMs significantly induced nuclear Rad51 accumulation and ARE signaling activity compared to a negative control. The rank order of effect was IAM 〉 BAM 〉 CAM for Rad51, and BAM ≈ IAM 〉 CAM for ARE. In general, electrophilic softness and in chemico thiol/thiolate reactivity provided a qualitative indicator of toxicity, as the softer electrophiles IAM and BAM were more thiol/thiolate reactive and were more toxic than CAM. 展开更多
关键词 Drinking water disinfection byproducts Haloacetamide toxicity Soft electrophile Oxidative stress DNA damage
作者 汪菲 林圣岚 +2 位作者 朱晓之 张心悦 林涛 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期31-40,共10页
针对球墨铸铁管、钢管和聚乙烯(PE)管3种常见给水管材,探究管壁生物膜在氯化作用下生成典型含碳消毒副产物(C-DBPs)和含氮消毒副产物(N-DBPs)的潜能,考察消毒剂投加量对消毒副产物(DBPs)产生的影响,进一步评估管壁生物膜作为DBPs前体物... 针对球墨铸铁管、钢管和聚乙烯(PE)管3种常见给水管材,探究管壁生物膜在氯化作用下生成典型含碳消毒副产物(C-DBPs)和含氮消毒副产物(N-DBPs)的潜能,考察消毒剂投加量对消毒副产物(DBPs)产生的影响,进一步评估管壁生物膜作为DBPs前体物潜在的毒理学危害。结果表明,与主体水相比,管壁生物膜的DBPs生成潜能(DBPFP)更具优势。氯投加量对不同管材生物膜生成C-DBPs和N-DBPs的影响规律有所区别。随着投氯量的增加,三卤甲烷(THMs)和卤乙酸(HAAs)生成量均持续增大;球墨铸铁管生物膜的N-DBPs生成量先增大后减小;钢管和PE管生物膜的二氯乙腈(DCAN)和二氯乙酰胺(DCAcAm)生成量呈现先上升后下降的趋势,三氯硝基甲烷(TCNM)生成量保持增大的趋势。毒性评估结果表明,在较高投氯量下,生物膜的毒性生成潜能更高;但持续增加投氯量,毒性生成潜能有所下降或增势减缓。相比C-DBPs,N-DBPs在生物膜毒性生成潜能上占据更高贡献率,降低生物膜细胞毒性风险的关键是控制DCAN和HAAs,规避遗传毒性风险的核心是防控TCNM的生成。 展开更多
关键词 管材 管壁生物膜 消毒副产物 氯投加量 毒性风险
O_(x)ygen vacancies on the BiOCl surface promoted photocatalytic complete NO oxidation via superoxide radicals 被引量:5
作者 Jiazhen Liao Kanglu Li +3 位作者 Hao Ma Fan Dong Xiaolan Zeng Yanjuan Sun 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第10期2737-2741,共5页
One of the core issues in the photocatalytic oxidation of nitric oxide is the effective co nversion of NO into the final product(nitrate).More than just improving the visible light photocatalytic performance of BiOCl,... One of the core issues in the photocatalytic oxidation of nitric oxide is the effective co nversion of NO into the final product(nitrate).More than just improving the visible light photocatalytic performance of BiOCl,we aim to inhibit the generation of toxic by-product NO_(2) during this process.In this study,we demonstrate that the oxygen vacancies(OVs)modulate its surface photogene rated carrier transfer to inflect the NO conversion pathway by a facile mixed solvent method to induce OVs on the surface of BiOCl.The photocatalytic NO removal efficiency under visible light increased from 5.6%to 36.4%.In addition,the production rate of NO_(2) is effectively controlled.The effects of OVs on the generation of reactive oxygen species,electronic transfer,optical properties,and photocatalytic NO oxidation are investigated by combining density functional theory(DFT)theoretical calculations,the in situ FTIR spectra and experimental characterization.The OVs on the surface of BiOCl speed the trapping and transfer of localized electrons to activate the O_(2),producing O_(2)·,which avoid NO_(2) formation,resulting in complete oxidation of NO(NO+O_(2)·→NO_(3)).These findings can serve as the basis for controlling and blocking the generation of highly toxic intermediates through regulating the reactive species during the NO oxidation.It also can help us to understand the role of OV on the BiOCl surface and application of photocatalytic technology for safe air purification. 展开更多
关键词 O_(x)ygen vacancies BiOCl Visible light NO oxidation toxic byproduct Reactive oxygen species
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