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Unveiling Global Human Trafficking Trends: A Comprehensive Analysis
作者 Somtobe Olisah Clement Odooh +5 位作者 Oghenekome Efijemue Echezona Obunadike Jane Onwuchekwa Omoshola Owolabi Saheed Akintayo Callistus Obunadike 《Journal of Data Analysis and Information Processing》 2024年第1期49-75,共27页
This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of global human trafficking trends over a twenty-year period, leveraging a robust dataset from the Counter Trafficking Data Collaborative (CTDC). The study unfolds in a sys... This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of global human trafficking trends over a twenty-year period, leveraging a robust dataset from the Counter Trafficking Data Collaborative (CTDC). The study unfolds in a systematic manner, beginning with a detailed data collection phase, where ethical and legal standards for data usage and privacy are strictly observed. Following collection, the data undergoes a rigorous preprocessing stage, involving cleaning, integration, transformation, and normalization to ensure accuracy and consistency for analysis. The analytical phase employs time-series analysis to delineate historical trends and utilizes predictive modeling to forecast future trajectories of human trafficking using the advanced analytical capabilities of Power BI. A comparative analysis across regions—Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe—is conducted to identify and visualize the distribution of human trafficking, dissecting the data by victim demographics, types of exploitation, and duration of victimization. The findings of this study not only offer a descriptive and predictive outlook on trafficking patterns but also provide insights into the regional nuances that influence these trends. The article underscores the prevalence and persistence of human trafficking, identifies factors contributing to its evolution, and discusses the implications for policy and law enforcement. By integrating a methodological approach with quantitative analysis, this research contributes to the strategic planning and resource allocation for combating human trafficking. It highlights the necessity for continued research and international cooperation to effectively address and mitigate this global issue. The implications of this research are significant, offering actionable insights for policymakers, law enforcement, and advocates in the ongoing battle against human trafficking. 展开更多
关键词 Human trafficking Global Trends Data Analysis Victim Demographics Policy Implications Technological Advancements Socioeconomic Factors Forecasting Regional Disparities Transnational Crime
Structural determinants specific for retromer protein sorting nexin 5 in regulating subcellular retrograde membrane trafficking
作者 Qing Chen Meiheng Sun +2 位作者 Xu Han Hongfei Xu Yongjian Liu 《The Journal of Biomedical Research》 CAS CSCD 2023年第6期492-506,共15页
The endosomal trafficking of signaling membrane proteins, such as receptors, transporters and channels, is mediated by the retromer-mediated sorting machinery, composed of a cargo-selective vacuolar protein sorting tr... The endosomal trafficking of signaling membrane proteins, such as receptors, transporters and channels, is mediated by the retromer-mediated sorting machinery, composed of a cargo-selective vacuolar protein sorting trimer and a membrane-deforming subunit of sorting nexin proteins. Recent studies have shown that the isoforms, sorting nexin 5 (SNX5) and SNX6, have played distinctive regulatory roles in retrograde membrane trafficking. However, the molecular insight determined functional differences within the proteins remains unclear. We reported that SNX5 and SNX6 had distinct binding affinity to the cargo protein vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2). SNX5, but not SNX6, specifically interacted with VMAT2 through the Phox domain, which contains an alpha-helix binding motif. Using chimeric mutagenesis, we identified that several key residues within this domain were unique in SNX5, but not SNX6, and played an auxiliary role in its binding to VMAT2. Importantly, we generated a set of mutant SNX6, in which the corresponding key residues were mutated to those in SNX5. In addition to the gain in binding affinity to VMAT2, their overexpression functionally rescued the altered retrograde trafficking of VMAT2 induced by siRNA-mediated depletion of SNX5. These data strongly suggest that SNX5 and SNX6 have different functions in retrograde membrane trafficking, which is determined by the different structural elements within the Phox domain of two proteins. Our work provides a new information on the role of SNX5 and SNX6 in the molecular regulation of retrograde membrane trafficking and vesicular membrane targeting in monoamine neurotransmission and neurological diseases. 展开更多
关键词 vesicular monoamine transporter 2 SNX5 SNX6 RETROMER retrograde trafficking
中国拐卖儿童犯罪活动网络时空演变及形成机制——基于寻亲成功案例的分析 被引量:2
作者 王静 李正 +2 位作者 王涛 师岱 余丽娇 《浙江大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期64-75,89,共13页
拐卖儿童犯罪活动屡禁不绝,给家庭和社会带来诸多负效应,打击拐卖儿童犯罪活动对人类社会可持续发展和国家权益保障意义重大。以“宝贝回家”公益平台数据资料为研究样本,借助GIS空间分析与社会网络分析方法,探讨中国拐卖儿童犯罪活动... 拐卖儿童犯罪活动屡禁不绝,给家庭和社会带来诸多负效应,打击拐卖儿童犯罪活动对人类社会可持续发展和国家权益保障意义重大。以“宝贝回家”公益平台数据资料为研究样本,借助GIS空间分析与社会网络分析方法,探讨中国拐卖儿童犯罪活动网络时空演变与形成机制。结果表明:(1)在时序演变上,1978—2020年中国拐卖儿童犯罪活动呈现“中段高发、两端低发”的倒V形态势,于1989年达到峰值后逐步回落。(2)在网络拓扑上,拐卖儿童犯罪活动网络总体规模先增后降,网络结构日趋疏松、联系强度与通达性降低,网络核心由豫、闽等中东部地区向川、黔等西南地区转移,买方、卖方市场分化显著。(3)在空间演化上,犯罪活动集中于胡焕庸线东南部,拐卖男童南方高于北方;犯罪活动空间分布格局重心转移显著,拐出高值区趋向于西南地区,拐入高值区多为中东部地区;贩运路径由“数地高发”转向“全国频发”后逐渐萎缩,跨省与省内贩运现象并存;犯罪网络形成了4个以滇-粤-桂-冀贩运社团为主导的犯罪社团,内部联系紧密,呈现地理邻近性与跳跃性并存的区位特征。(4)在形成机制上,网络节点、网络联系、网络社团3个层面对拐卖儿童犯罪活动的影响逐级递进,且受多因素影响,具有波动性、阶段性和地域性特征。 展开更多
关键词 拐卖儿童犯罪 社会网络分析 时空演变 形成机制 中国
作者 何勤华 郭娴 《犯罪研究》 2024年第2期2-11,共10页
贩运人口已成为亟待解决的全球问题。自2004年以来,日本一直在制定并实施打击人口贩运的相关措施,公布的受害者人数也在逐年减少。然而,对情色业和廉价劳动力的大量需求以及国际环境的影响,日本政府在一定程度上无法全力关注贩运人口受... 贩运人口已成为亟待解决的全球问题。自2004年以来,日本一直在制定并实施打击人口贩运的相关措施,公布的受害者人数也在逐年减少。然而,对情色业和廉价劳动力的大量需求以及国际环境的影响,日本政府在一定程度上无法全力关注贩运人口受害者权益,也无法彻底杜绝加害者收割受害者利益的现象。据政府官方报告及学界研究资料显示,日本下一步要做的是有效开展相关犯罪治理工作,继而在起诉、保护、预防三方面改正存在的不足,全力扭转贩运人口案件形迹隐藏、犯罪分子逍遥法外、受害者权益丧失的局面。 展开更多
关键词 日本 贩运人口 犯罪治理 受害者权益
作者 夏菲 严榕 《犯罪研究》 2024年第2期12-27,共16页
泰国长期以来不仅是人口贩运犯罪的源头国,而且是中转国和目的国。官方数据显示,泰国人口贩运案件被害人数和立案数从2017年至2020年逐步减少,但是性贩运案件立案数保持高位,渔业部门中劳动贩运案件情况严峻。为此,泰国从立法、执法和... 泰国长期以来不仅是人口贩运犯罪的源头国,而且是中转国和目的国。官方数据显示,泰国人口贩运案件被害人数和立案数从2017年至2020年逐步减少,但是性贩运案件立案数保持高位,渔业部门中劳动贩运案件情况严峻。为此,泰国从立法、执法和司法等方面采取了一系列应对措施,这些措施虽然由于其特殊的政治体制、官员的传统性别角色观念、社会秩序混乱和消极被动的治理态度等原因,导致实际效果欠佳,但其治理思路以及一些具体措施仍然有值得借鉴之处。 展开更多
关键词 泰国 人口贩运犯罪 犯罪治理
作者 梅传强 陈雨蒙 《河南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第4期39-48,共10页
麻醉药品和精神药品具有药品、毒品和化学的多元属性,贩卖此类物品在司法认定及法律适用上需要坚持更高的要求和标准,紧扣认定罪名的构成要件。贩卖毒品罪的适用条件模糊、“代购型”贩卖等特殊贩卖行为所产生的认定争议,以及妨害药品... 麻醉药品和精神药品具有药品、毒品和化学的多元属性,贩卖此类物品在司法认定及法律适用上需要坚持更高的要求和标准,紧扣认定罪名的构成要件。贩卖毒品罪的适用条件模糊、“代购型”贩卖等特殊贩卖行为所产生的认定争议,以及妨害药品管理罪与非法经营罪适用混乱导致的定罪偏差,是刑法规制过程中亟待解决的问题。为破解前述现实困境,应以主观目的之认定为重要依据,明确贩卖毒品罪中“明知”在先、“治疗疾病”在后的主观判断顺序,并综合考量具体行为的违法程度,坚持法律效果与社会效果协调统一理念的指引,提出相对应的路径优化建议。在具体优化路径方面,从药品性质、销售对象和方式等角度出发,为主观目的之认定提供客观参考标准;整理“代购型”贩卖、网络销售两种特殊贩卖行为的刑法规制思路,厘清所涉及的走私、贩卖毒品罪和非毒品犯罪之间的认定逻辑;妨害药品管理罪与非法经营罪中关于“许可”的具体指向不同,应以此为基点辨析两罪的适用界限,并深化构成要件的理解,为该类案件的办理提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 麻醉药品 精神药品 《昆明会议纪要》 贩卖毒品罪 妨害药品管理罪
作者 牛承义 周云怡 乔顺利 《北京警察学院学报》 2024年第1期55-61,共7页
网络贩毒犯罪依托互联网新技术,隐蔽性、组织性、广域性日益强化,涉案毒品类型不断增多,犯罪形势日益猖獗。网络贩毒案件中侦查主体与反侦查主体思维定势具有产生基础的一致性和思维定势类型的差异性。通过充分利用犯罪行为人的思维定势... 网络贩毒犯罪依托互联网新技术,隐蔽性、组织性、广域性日益强化,涉案毒品类型不断增多,犯罪形势日益猖獗。网络贩毒案件中侦查主体与反侦查主体思维定势具有产生基础的一致性和思维定势类型的差异性。通过充分利用犯罪行为人的思维定势,兼顾技术与经验,强化侦查协作以及大数据相关性思维,促进侦查主体与反侦查主体思维定势的功效转化,从而有利于网络贩毒案件中侦查主体进行正确的侦查途径选择,提高侦查效益。 展开更多
关键词 思维定势 网络贩毒 侦查主体 反侦查主体
作者 王贤 彭亚坤 +2 位作者 陈猛 孔梦娟 谭树堂 《生物技术通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期25-40,共16页
植物的向性,即植物对光或重力等环境刺激信号产生的定向生长反应。在向重力性反应中,植物器官将重力感知为定向环境信号,来控制其器官的生长方向以促进生存。植物激素生长素及其极性运输在植物向重力反应中起着决定性的调控作用。质膜... 植物的向性,即植物对光或重力等环境刺激信号产生的定向生长反应。在向重力性反应中,植物器官将重力感知为定向环境信号,来控制其器官的生长方向以促进生存。植物激素生长素及其极性运输在植物向重力反应中起着决定性的调控作用。质膜定位的生长素输出蛋白PIN-FORMED(PIN)通过动态的亚细胞极性定位,改变生长素运输的方向以响应环境刺激,由此植物器官间建立的生长素浓度梯度是细胞差异化伸长和器官弯曲的基础,来调控植物的形态建成和生长发育过程。本文主要讨论发生在植物重力感受细胞内早期重力感知和信号转导机制的最新研究进展、PIN介导的生长素极性运输、PIN的极性定位以及质膜蛋白丰度的调控机制等。 展开更多
关键词 向重力性 PIN 生长素转运 极性 内膜运输
作者 古瑞华 陈智岩 李雨桐 《信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第2期27-33,共7页
通过对我国254份裁判文书的分析发现,收买被拐卖妇女犯罪中,在收买者主体为在生理或经济上有劣势的大龄单身男青年,被收买妇女多为外籍妇女和国内患病妇女;本罪高发于中东部省份,且其实现高度依赖居中介绍者和拐卖者;在司法实践中,本罪... 通过对我国254份裁判文书的分析发现,收买被拐卖妇女犯罪中,在收买者主体为在生理或经济上有劣势的大龄单身男青年,被收买妇女多为外籍妇女和国内患病妇女;本罪高发于中东部省份,且其实现高度依赖居中介绍者和拐卖者;在司法实践中,本罪呈现较高的轻刑化和非实刑化比例,存在法定刑普遍适用不足的问题。人口比例相对失衡、经济状况低下、婚姻观念保守是收买被拐卖妇女现象的三大影响因素。治理收买被拐卖妇女犯罪需要的是严格司法而非提高法定刑,还应当在教育、经济、社会等层面协同发力。 展开更多
关键词 收买被拐卖妇女罪 实证考察 严格司法 协同治理
作者 赵安晓宇 马忠红 《云南行政学院学报》 2024年第1期125-136,共12页
拐卖妇女儿童犯罪治理工作事关人民安全与妇女儿童权益保障。本文采用多源流理论的分析框架,从问题源流、政策源流、政治源流等三个方面对2022年拐卖妇女儿童犯罪治理政策的完善议程进行分析。研究发现:“丰县生育八孩女子”事件、犯罪... 拐卖妇女儿童犯罪治理工作事关人民安全与妇女儿童权益保障。本文采用多源流理论的分析框架,从问题源流、政策源流、政治源流等三个方面对2022年拐卖妇女儿童犯罪治理政策的完善议程进行分析。研究发现:“丰县生育八孩女子”事件、犯罪治理遗留的“历史存量”和犯罪治理场域中的外溢风险构成了问题源流;专家学者对“拐卖妇女儿童”议题的探讨、两会代表建言献策以及舆论媒体的报道使得政策共同体之间形成了“政策原汤”,三者构成了政策源流;“团圆文化”影响下的民众情感与中国共产党“以人民为中心”“人民安全”理念与宗旨构成了政治源流。在2022年全国两会召开之际,政策议程设置的“政策之窗”随之开启。在此期间,政策活动家促成了三流汇聚,使得拐卖妇女儿童犯罪治理政策的完善议程得以最终设置。 展开更多
关键词 拐卖妇女儿童 权益保障 犯罪治理 议程设置 多源流理论
作者 曾粤兴 孙道镭 《北京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第3期123-133,共11页
极端案件的出现将收买被拐卖妇女犯罪法定刑配置是否过于轻缓的问题推至舆论顶点。《刑法修正案(九)》删除收买行为的出罪事由,表明打拐需从买方市场考量的态度。本罪行为并非能够简单地与拐卖妇女犯罪行为相等同。收买行为的发生,在一... 极端案件的出现将收买被拐卖妇女犯罪法定刑配置是否过于轻缓的问题推至舆论顶点。《刑法修正案(九)》删除收买行为的出罪事由,表明打拐需从买方市场考量的态度。本罪行为并非能够简单地与拐卖妇女犯罪行为相等同。收买行为的发生,在一定程度上伴随着历史文化与社会发展的共同影响。合理调整法定刑配置是有效回应立法不充分和社会舆论的手段,科学分析犯罪行为分类是合理调整法定刑配置的前提。结合责任理论的基本原理,将本罪行为划分为婚姻型收买行为和非婚姻型收买行为两个基本类型,并在婚姻型收买行为中细分出良性发展型和恶性破坏型两个子类型。基于行为类型分类和责任原理对本罪法定刑重新配置,从不同行为类型角度对法定刑配置分别进行匹配,建立合理的法定刑配置体系,推动拐卖妇女犯罪的有效治理,恰当回应舆论情绪。 展开更多
关键词 收买被拐卖妇女犯罪 情绪性立法 责任原理 法定刑配置 社区矫正
作者 刘柯铭 《犯罪研究》 2024年第2期28-36,共9页
当代贩运人口犯罪随着商事交易的发展、国家以及各社会阶层的贫富差距的不断扩大愈演愈烈。为维持正常生计,参与人口贩运犯罪的主体逐渐增加,危及了当今以人权保障为根本的社会秩序的稳定。作为贩运人口的“重灾区”,意大利积极顺应国... 当代贩运人口犯罪随着商事交易的发展、国家以及各社会阶层的贫富差距的不断扩大愈演愈烈。为维持正常生计,参与人口贩运犯罪的主体逐渐增加,危及了当今以人权保障为根本的社会秩序的稳定。作为贩运人口的“重灾区”,意大利积极顺应国际社会对贩运人口犯罪的打击趋势不断对相关法律制度进行补充与完善:协调宪法与刑法的价值立场达到打击犯罪的惩治效果;加大刑罚的威慑力度达到阻却犯罪发生的预防效果;内化人道主义理念达到对受害者的保障效果。打击贩运人口犯罪法律制度的发展既彰显了惩治犯罪、预防犯罪以及保障人权三要素的重要性,又表明了刑法的最终目的及其价值观念。 展开更多
关键词 贩运人口犯罪 功能主义 人权保障
作者 姜远亮 《西南政法大学学报》 2024年第1期63-76,共14页
合理规制代购毒品行为是关乎末端毒品犯罪治理的重要课题。针对实践中存在的突出问题,《全国法院毒品案件审判工作会议纪要》对代购毒品行为定性进行了修改和完善。《全国法院毒品案件审判工作会议纪要》坚持从严惩处、守正创新、区别... 合理规制代购毒品行为是关乎末端毒品犯罪治理的重要课题。针对实践中存在的突出问题,《全国法院毒品案件审判工作会议纪要》对代购毒品行为定性进行了修改和完善。《全国法院毒品案件审判工作会议纪要》坚持从严惩处、守正创新、区别对待、程序与实体并重的修订原则,在对代购毒品概念进行广义界定的基础上,从三个维度对代购毒品行为性质进行了类型化分析和认定。《全国法院毒品案件审判工作会议纪要》加大了对代购毒品牟利行为的惩治力度,扩展了“变相牟利”的外延,在实践中要注意对牟利认定的司法把控,精准掌握代购蹭吸的出罪条件。《全国法院毒品案件审判工作会议纪要》新增代购毒品行为的证据认证规则,明确辩称系为他人代购毒品情况的证据审查要点,并规定未达到相应证明标准、行为符合贩卖毒品罪犯罪构成要件的,依法定罪处罚。 展开更多
关键词 代购毒品 从中牟利 贩卖毒品 代购蹭吸
作者 孙晶晶 《湖北警官学院学报》 2024年第2期144-152,共9页
我国当前立法、司法实务对待拐卖与收买妇女犯罪的态度可以概括为“重拐卖轻收买”。立法为收买犯罪设置了与拐卖悬殊的法定刑,给司法、执法划定了框架、奠定了基调。司法、执法当然要用足、用好刑法,但前提应当是立法准确、充分评估收... 我国当前立法、司法实务对待拐卖与收买妇女犯罪的态度可以概括为“重拐卖轻收买”。立法为收买犯罪设置了与拐卖悬殊的法定刑,给司法、执法划定了框架、奠定了基调。司法、执法当然要用足、用好刑法,但前提应当是立法准确、充分评估收买犯罪的不法。收买妇女与拐卖妇女相同的不法是,买卖行为都侵犯了妇女作为平等主体的人格尊严,违反了禁止将妇女当作商品予以买卖的行为规范。这一相同的不法对收买妇女犯罪的意义是,收买行为本身就有充分且独立于后续犯罪的不法,被害妇女的同意不能阻却买卖行为的不法等;对收买妇女犯罪法定刑的意义在于,既然买卖妇女的不法与一般预防必要性相同,买卖就应当同罚,而不能基于“刚需”、期待可能性较低等理由继续维持买卖悬殊、收买犯罪畸轻的法定刑。 展开更多
关键词 收买被拐卖的妇女罪 行为的不法 买卖同罚
作者 方文军 《中国应用法学》 2024年第1期122-132,共11页
毒品犯罪的既未遂形态认定,是长期以来司法工作中的难题,在从严惩处毒品犯罪的刑事政策之下如何合理认定此类犯罪的未完成形态,有很强的理论与实践意义。走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品是最主要的毒品犯罪类型,本文重点分析这四种行为的既... 毒品犯罪的既未遂形态认定,是长期以来司法工作中的难题,在从严惩处毒品犯罪的刑事政策之下如何合理认定此类犯罪的未完成形态,有很强的理论与实践意义。走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品是最主要的毒品犯罪类型,本文重点分析这四种行为的既未遂形态认定。其中,对走私毒品罪,宜区分通关走私、绕关走私和间接走私三种类型确定不同的既未遂标准;对贩卖毒品罪,一般以买入毒品作为既遂标准,并据此归纳出常见的既未遂情形;对运输毒品罪,原则上以起运为既遂标准,但对起运的理解不能机械化;对制造毒品罪,以制造出毒品半成品或粗制毒品为既遂标准。同时,毒品犯罪案件中部分既遂、部分未遂的情形较为常见,但实践中对其处理规则重视不够,本文一并提出处理意见。 展开更多
关键词 毒品犯罪 既遂与未遂 部分既遂部分未遂 认定规则
Modulation of cell surface GABA B receptors by desensitization,trafficking and regulated degradation 被引量:2
作者 Dietmar Benke Khaled Zemoura Patrick J Maier 《World Journal of Biological Chemistry》 CAS 2012年第4期61-72,共12页
Inhibitory neurotransmission ensures normal brain function by counteracting and integrating excitatory activity.-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system... Inhibitory neurotransmission ensures normal brain function by counteracting and integrating excitatory activity.-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system,and mediates its effects via two classes of receptors:the GABA A and GABA B receptors.GABA A receptors are heteropentameric GABA-gated chloride channels and responsible for fast inhibitory neurotransmission.GABA B receptors are heterodimeric G protein coupled receptors (GPCR) that mediate slow and prolonged inhibitory transmission.The extent of inhibitory neurotransmission is determined by a variety of factors,such as the degree of transmitter release and changes in receptor activity by posttranslational modifications (e.g.,phosphorylation),as well as by the number of receptors present in the plasma membrane available for signal transduction.The level of GABA B receptors at the cell surface critically depends on the residence time at the cell surface and finally the rates of endocytosis and degradation.In this review we focus primarily on recent advances in the understanding of trafficking mechanisms that determine the expression level of GABA B receptors in the plasma membrane,and thereby signaling strength. 展开更多
Important relationships between Rab and MICAL proteins in endocytic trafficking 被引量:2
作者 Juliati Rahajeng Sai Srinivas Panapakkam Giridharan +1 位作者 Naava Naslavsky Steve Caplan 《World Journal of Biological Chemistry》 CAS 2010年第8期254-264,共11页
The internalization of essential nutrients,lipids and receptors is a crucial process for all eukaryotic cells.Accordingly,endocytosis is highly conserved across cell types and species.Once internalized,small cargocont... The internalization of essential nutrients,lipids and receptors is a crucial process for all eukaryotic cells.Accordingly,endocytosis is highly conserved across cell types and species.Once internalized,small cargocontaining vesicles fuse with early endosomes(also known as sorting endosomes),where they undergo segregation to distinct membrane regions and are sorted and transported on through the endocytic pathway.Although the mechanisms that regulate this sorting are still poorly understood,some receptors are directed to late endosomes and lysosomes for degradation,whereas other receptors are recycled back to the plasma membrane;either directly or through recycling endosomes.The Rab family of small GTP-binding proteins plays crucial roles in regulating these trafficking pathways.Rabs cycle from inactive GDP-bound cytoplasmic proteins to active GTP-bound membraneassociated proteins,as a consequence of the activity of multiple specific GTPase-activating proteins(GAPs) and GTP exchange factors(GEFs).Once bound to GTP,Rabs interact with a multitude of effector proteins that carry out Rab-specific functions.Recent studies have shown that some of these effectors are also interaction partners for the C-terminal Eps15 homology(EHD) proteins,which are also intimately involved in endocytic regulation.A particularly interesting example of common Rab-EHD interaction partners is the MICALlike protein,MICAL-L1.MICAL-L1 and its homolog,MICAL-L2,belong to the larger MICAL family of proteins,and both have been directly implicated in regulating endocytic recycling of cell surface receptors and junctional proteins,as well as controlling cytoskeletal rearrangement and neurite outgrowth.In this review,we summarize the functional roles of MICAL and Rab proteins,and focus on the significance of their interactions and the implications for endocytic transport. 展开更多
Luminal/extracellular domains of chimeric CI-M6PR-C proteins interfere with their retrograde endosome-to-TGN trafficking in the transient expression system 被引量:1
作者 Fei Chang Na Li +3 位作者 Kang Yan Yumin Huang Hongfei Xu Yongjian Liu 《The Journal of Biomedical Research》 CAS CSCD 2018年第4期245-256,共12页
The membrane trafficking of cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor(CI-M6PR) between the transGolgi network(TGN) and endosomal compartments is not only critical for maintaining lysosomal function but also ... The membrane trafficking of cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor(CI-M6PR) between the transGolgi network(TGN) and endosomal compartments is not only critical for maintaining lysosomal function but also a well-known event for understanding molecular and cellular mechanisms in retrograde endosome-to-TGN trafficking.Although it has been well established in literature that the C-terminus of bovine CI-M6PR determines its retrograde trafficking,it remains unclear whether the luminal domain of the protein plays a role on these sorting events.In this study,we found that partial deletion of luminal domain of human CI-M6PR mistargeted the mutant protein to nonTGN compartments.Moreover,replacing the luminal domain of both bovine and human CI-M6PR with that from irrelevant membrane proteins such as CD8 or Tac also altered the TGN targeting of the chimeric proteins.On the other hand,only short sequence from HA fused with the transmembrane domain and C-terminus of the receptor,HA-hCIM6PR-tail,resulted in its preferential targeting to TGN as for the full length receptor,strongly suggesting that sorting of the receptor may be influenced by luminal sequence.Furthermore,using this luminal truncated form of HA-hCIM6 PR as a model cargo,we found that the trafficking of the chimeric protein was regulated by the retromer complex through interacting with SNX5.In conclusion,our study strongly suggested that the disrupted luminal domain from hCI-M6PR or other irrelevant membrane proteins interfere with the process of membrane trafficking and TGN targeting of CI-M6PR. 展开更多
关键词 CI-M6PR TGN targeting retrograde trafficking SNX5
Retrograde trafficking of VMAT2 and its role in protein stability in non-neuronal cells 被引量:1
作者 Qiuzi Wu Hongfei Xu +3 位作者 Wei Wang Fei Chang Yu Jiang Yongjian Liu 《The Journal of Biomedical Research》 CAS CSCD 2016年第6期502-509,共8页
Increasing evidence suggests that the impaired neuroprotection of vesicular monoamine transporter 2(VMAT2)contributes to the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease.That has been linked to aberrant subcellular retrogra... Increasing evidence suggests that the impaired neuroprotection of vesicular monoamine transporter 2(VMAT2)contributes to the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease.That has been linked to aberrant subcellular retrograde trafficking as strongly indicated by recent genomic studies on familial Parkinson's diseases.However,whether VMAT2 function is regulated by retrograde trafficking is unknown.By using biochemistry and cell biology approaches,we have shown that VMAT2 was stringently localized to the trans-Golgi network and underwent retrograde trafficking in non-neuronal cells.The transporter also interacted with the key component of retromer,Vps35,biochemically and subcellularly.Using specific siRNA,we further showed that Vps35 depletion altered subcellular localization of VMAT2.Moreover,siRNA-mediated Vps35 knockdown also decreased the stability of VMAT2 as demonstrated by the reduced half-life.Thus,our work suggested that altered vesicular trafficking of VMAT2 may play a vital role in neuroprotection of the transporter as well as in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. 展开更多
关键词 Parkinson's disease VMAT2 Vps35 retrograde trafficking
Distinctive roles of Rac1 and Rab29 in LRRK2 mediated membrane trafficking and neurite outgrowth 被引量:1
作者 Min Feng Xin Hu +4 位作者 Na Li Fan Hu Fei Chang Hongfei Xu Yongjian Liu 《The Journal of Biomedical Research》 CAS CSCD 2018年第2期145-156,共12页
Parkinson's disease(PD) associated leucine-rich repeat kinase 2(LRRK2) mutants have shown pathogenic effects on a variety of subcellular processes. Two small GTPases Rac1 and Rab29 have been indicated as possible... Parkinson's disease(PD) associated leucine-rich repeat kinase 2(LRRK2) mutants have shown pathogenic effects on a variety of subcellular processes. Two small GTPases Rac1 and Rab29 have been indicated as possible downstream effectors participating in LRRK2 signaling but their detail mechanisms remain unclear. In this study, we have used biochemical and cell biology approaches to address whether two GTPases interact with LRRK2 and hence function differently in LRRK2 mediated pathogenesis. Here we show that Rac1 and Rab29 specifically interact with LRRK2 with higher affinity for Rab29 and with different preference in functional domain binding. Mutant Rab29 but not Racl alters the endosome-to-TGN retrograde trafficking of a cargo protein cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor(CI-M6 PR) and its stability. On the other hand, overexpressed wild type Rab29 but not Racl rescued the altered retrograde membrane trafficking induced by the pathogenic mutant LRRK2^(G2019 S). Furthermore,both Rac1 and Rab29 rescued neurite shortening in differentiated SH-SY5 Y cells induced by LRRK2^(G2019 S). Our study strongly suggests that Rac1 and Rab29 are involved in distinct functions as downstream effectors in LRRK2 signaling pathways. 展开更多
关键词 Parkinson's disease LRRK2 Rac1 Rab29 retrograde trafficking
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