The Sky Is Low-he Clouds Are Mean The Sky is low-the Clouds are mean A Travelling Flake of Snow Across a Barn or through a Rut Debates if it will go— A Narrow Wind complains all Day How some ope teated him. Na...The Sky Is Low-he Clouds Are Mean The Sky is low-the Clouds are mean A Travelling Flake of Snow Across a Barn or through a Rut Debates if it will go— A Narrow Wind complains all Day How some ope teated him. Nature, like Us is cometimes caught Without her Diadem. 天阴云暮 天阴阴——云暮暮, 雪片漫飞舞。 反复思量何处去? 越谷仓,还是穿小路。 小器的风终日在诉苦, 谁人对他青睐过, 大自然时而像我辈, 淡妆素裹亦逍遥。 [作者简介]爱米丽,迪金森(Emily Dickin-son l830-1886)的诗主要表现她有限生活空间的自我感受。因其个性,爱情遭受不幸,从此,她离群索居。她爱自然、信奉上帝、好读圣经。展开更多
文摘The Sky Is Low-he Clouds Are Mean The Sky is low-the Clouds are mean A Travelling Flake of Snow Across a Barn or through a Rut Debates if it will go— A Narrow Wind complains all Day How some ope teated him. Nature, like Us is cometimes caught Without her Diadem. 天阴云暮 天阴阴——云暮暮, 雪片漫飞舞。 反复思量何处去? 越谷仓,还是穿小路。 小器的风终日在诉苦, 谁人对他青睐过, 大自然时而像我辈, 淡妆素裹亦逍遥。 [作者简介]爱米丽,迪金森(Emily Dickin-son l830-1886)的诗主要表现她有限生活空间的自我感受。因其个性,爱情遭受不幸,从此,她离群索居。她爱自然、信奉上帝、好读圣经。