The potential harm of organic pollutants in drinking water to human health is widely focused on in the wodd; more and more pollutants with genotoxic substances are released into the aquatic environment. Water source s...The potential harm of organic pollutants in drinking water to human health is widely focused on in the wodd; more and more pollutants with genotoxic substances are released into the aquatic environment. Water source samples were collected from 7 different localities of Nanjing City. The potential genotoxicity of organic extracts from drinking water sources were investigated by means of the comet assay in human peripheral lymphocytes. The results showed that all the organic extracts from all the water source samples could induce DNA damages of human peripheral blood lymphocytes at different levels. A significant difference (P 〈 0.01) was observed when compared with the solvent control, The DNA damage increased with the increase of the dosage of the original water source. Significant differences of DNA damage were observed in different drinking water sources, as shown by the multiple comparisons analysis at the dosage of 100x; the degree of DNA damage treated by Hushu waterworks (at town level) was the most serious, the arbitrary units (AU) was 141.62±6.96, however, that of Shangyuanmen waterworks (at city level) was only 109.64±2.97. The analysis also revealed that the genotoxicity of town's water sources was higher than that of the city. The results demonstrated that the comet assay can be successfully applied to the genotoxicity monitoring programs of drinking water sources.展开更多
Objective The effects of arsenic exposure from drinking water, arsenic metabolism, and arsenic methylation on blood pressure(BP) were observed in this study. Methods The BP and arsenic species of 560 participants we...Objective The effects of arsenic exposure from drinking water, arsenic metabolism, and arsenic methylation on blood pressure(BP) were observed in this study. Methods The BP and arsenic species of 560 participants were determined. Logistic regression analysis was applied to estimate the odds ratios of BP associated with arsenic metabolites and arsenic methylation capability. Results BP was positively associated with cumulative arsenic exposure(CAE). Subjects with abnormal diastolic blood pressure(DBP), systolic blood pressure(SBP), and pulse pressure(PP) usually had higher urinary i As(inorganic arsenic), MMA(monomethylated arsenic), DMA(dimethylated arsenic), and TAs(total arsenic) than subjects with normal DBP, SBP, and PP. The i As%, MMA%, and DMA% differed slightly between subjects with abnormal BP and those with normal BP. The PMI and SMI were slightly higher in subjects with abnormal PP than in those with normal PP. Conclusion Our findings suggest that higher CAE may elevate BP. Males may have a higher risk of abnormal DBP, whereas females have a higher risk of abnormal SBP and PP. Higher urinary i As may increase the risk of abnormal BP. Lower PMI may elevate the BP. However, higher SMI may increase the DBP and SBP, and lower SMI may elevate the PP.展开更多
The reuse of treated wastewater in agricultural systems could partially help alleviate water resource shortages in developing countries. Treated wastewater differs from fresh water in that it has higher concentrations...The reuse of treated wastewater in agricultural systems could partially help alleviate water resource shortages in developing countries. Treated wastewater differs from fresh water in that it has higher concentrations of salts, Escherichia coli and presence of dissolved organic matter, and inorganic N after secondary treatment, among others. Its application could thus cause environmental consequences such as soil salinization, ammonia volatilization, and greenhouse gas emissions. In an incubation experiment, we evaluated the characteristics and effects of water-filled pore space (WFPS) and N input on the emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) from silt loam soil receiving treated wastewater. Irrigation with treated wastewater (vs. distilled water) significantly increased cumulative N2O emission in soil (117.97 μg N kg-1). Cumulative N2O emissions showed an exponentially increase with the increasing WFPS in unamended soil, but the maximum occurred in the added urea soil incubated at 60% WFPS. N2O emissions caused by irrigation with treated wastewater combined with urea-N fertilization did not simply add linearly, but significant interaction (P〈0.05) caused lower emissions than the production of N2O from the cumulative effects of treated wastewater and fertilizer N. Moreover, a significant impact on cumulative CO2 emission was measured in soil irrigated with treated wastewater. When treated wastewater was applied, there was significant interaction between WFPS and N input on N2O emission. Hence, our results indicated that irrigation with treated wastewater should cause great concern for increasing global warming potential due to enhanced emission of N2O and CO2.展开更多
The water transport through Red Blood Cells (RBC) membrane has been previously studied in Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) using oxygenated RBC or under complete deoxygenation. In this work, the water efflux in RBC of sickle...The water transport through Red Blood Cells (RBC) membrane has been previously studied in Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) using oxygenated RBC or under complete deoxygenation. In this work, the water efflux in RBC of sickle cell patients was studied under spontaneous deoxygenation conditions. With that purpose, a magnetic resonance method was used to evaluate the water exchange time (τ<sub>e</sub>) and the permeability through the erythrocyte membrane (P) measuring the spin-spin relaxation time (T<sub>2</sub>) in doped and non-doped RBC. Carr-Purcell-Meiboon-Gill (CPMG) pulse sequence was used to measure T<sub>2</sub><sub> </sub>in a magnetic resonance console coupled to one homogeneous magnet system (0.095 T). An increase of the water transport in RBC from sickle cell patients was observed and characterized with a τ<sub>e</sub> value of 15.2 ± 0.8 ms. The abnormal activation of the P<sub>sickle</sub>, Gardos, and potassium chloride cotransporter channels starting from deoxygenation, as well as, the possible appearance of new pores due to the increase of the hemoglobin-membrane interaction, are suggested to explain this abnormal transport phenotype. The change of the water volume to surface ratio (V/S) in the sickle cells is also suggested to be considered in P calculation under deoxygenation. The results obtained in this work increase the fundamental knowledge about molecular mechanism involved in SCD and could be useful in the development of new methods for diagnostic and treatment evaluation.展开更多
The concern of this study is determine the quality of soil when irrigation used treated water and wastewater in comparison with soil irrigated with tap water on some chemical and physical soil properties. The experime...The concern of this study is determine the quality of soil when irrigation used treated water and wastewater in comparison with soil irrigated with tap water on some chemical and physical soil properties. The experiment components were three trials carried out under greenhouse conditions, 10 pots for each trial. The first trial irrigated with tap water, the second trial irrigated by treated water and the third trial irrigated with wastewater. The experiment conducted to study the impact of water types on some soil physical and chemical properties. The experiment included important analysis for water and soil before and after irrigation. The results showed that the values for electrical conductivity (EC) were 0.850, 308 and 324 μs/cm for the treated soil with tap water, treated water and wastewater, respectively. The variation of pH values seems to be approximately constant between the different of water used. The percent of organic matter (OM) in soils receiving treated water and wastewater 4.7% and 5.2% respectively were higher than values in soil treated with tap water 3%. The same trend was in organic carbon (OC) in soils receiving treated water and wastewater 58.5% and 89% respectively, while soil treated with tap water showed the lowest value 27.7%. Soil particle density (SPD) increased significantly in both water treatments were the values was 2 g/cm<sup>3</sup> in tap water but increased value 2.8 g/cm<sup>3</sup> and 3.3 g/cm<sup>3</sup> in treated water and wastewater used respectively. The Bulk Density (BD) values range 1.1 g/cm<sup>3</sup> in soil irrigated with tap water 1.5 g/cm<sup>3</sup> in soil irrigated with treated water and 1.85 g/cm<sup>3</sup> in soil irrigated with treated water. The results of soil analysis before and after planting showed that most of the values increased for the physical and chemical soil properties.展开更多
Selected results of research connected with the development of a (3D) geostatistical hydrogeocbemical model of the Klodzko city area, dedicated to the spatial and time variation in the quality parameters in the Klod...Selected results of research connected with the development of a (3D) geostatistical hydrogeocbemical model of the Klodzko city area, dedicated to the spatial and time variation in the quality parameters in the Klodzko water supply system (SW part of Poland) have been presented. The research covers the period 2007-2011. Spatial analyses of the variation in three quality parameters, i.e. Fe iron (g/m3) content, Mn manganese (g/m3) content and NI-I4+ ammonium ion (g/m3) content, were carried out. Spatial and time variation in the parameters was analyzed on the basis of the data (2007-2011). The input for the studies was the chemical determinations of the quality parameters of water samples taken in the Klodzko water supply system area (also treated water) in different periods of time. These data were subjected to spatial analyses using geostatistical methods. The parameters of the assumed theoretical models of directional semivariograms functions of the studied regionalized variables, were used in the ordinary (block) kriging estimation. Generally, the behaviour of the quality parameters in the Klodzko water supply system has been found to vary in space and time. Thanks to the multivariate spatial analyses some regularities in the variation in the water supply system in the Klodzko city area have been identified. In the considered time interval, the shapes of the directional Fe iron content semivariogram show a tendency to vary periodically. The courses of the directional semivariograms of Mn manganese content and NI-I4+ ammonium ion content show some tendencies towards directional variation over the passing years. There are visible distinct increasing trends of variability for Mn content and stronger variation are observed for NH4+ ion content. The kriging estimation results were used to determine the levels of elevated values 2* of the water quality parameters in the years 2007-2011 and to forecast these values for the years 2012-2014. The maximum values Z* of the quality parameters were stated for the years: 2007, 2008-2009 and 2012 (the decreasing trend in Fe iron content averages Z* variation towards the year 2012, the increasing trend in Mn content averages Z* variation towards the year 2012 and the increasing trend in NH4+ ion content averages Z* variation towards the years 2008-2009 and then the decreasing trend towards the year 2012).展开更多
The Arapaima gigas, despite being an air breather, its gill structure is quite close to water breathers, especially in early stages of development. The effects of Amazonian waters is well notices in other Teleostei ex...The Arapaima gigas, despite being an air breather, its gill structure is quite close to water breathers, especially in early stages of development. The effects of Amazonian waters is well notices in other Teleostei expose to BW (black water), and WW (white water). However, information about hematological adjustments and its implications to ionic regulation patters are scarce. Therefore, our aim was to analyzed A. gigas hematological parameters when exposed to BW and WW providing suitable hematological data concerning about physiological responses in Amazonian waters. Fish were acclimated in three separated ponds containing BW, WW and well water as control (C). Blood samples were taken from the caudal vessel in order to perform measurement assays on levels of hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume, corpuscular hemoglobin, corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, glucose, cholesterol and protein. Our findings corroborate the hypothesis stating that BW does interfere on fish adaptation specialy in smallfish (-100 g). However in largefish (-1,000 g) neither WW or BW can interfere on plasma profile of analysed fish. Despite black water systems being considered a barrier constraining the dispersion of several species, this seems not to be a problem for this specie which has kept its ion-regulatory mechanisms even in black waters.展开更多
AIM To investigate the efficacy and safety of mineralwater with a high content of hydrogen carbonate inpatients with heartburn.METHODS: This open, single-center, single-armclinical pilot study enrolled 50 patients, 1...AIM To investigate the efficacy and safety of mineralwater with a high content of hydrogen carbonate inpatients with heartburn.METHODS: This open, single-center, single-armclinical pilot study enrolled 50 patients, 18-64 yearsold, who had been suffering from heartburn at leasttwice a week for at least 3 mo before entering thestudy. Pharmacological treatment of heartburn was notpermitted, and patients with severe organic diseaseswere excluded. After a run-in period of one week, theparticipants received 1.5 L of the test water for thefollowing 6 wk; 300 mL with meals t.i.d., the remainderto be drunk throughout the day. During the trial, therewere five visits at the study center (screening, baseline,two interim visits and the final visit). The efficacyendpoints included incidence and duration of heartburnepisodes per week by patient's self-assessment (heartburndiary) as well as changes in symptom severity asper symptom specific questionnaires [Reflux Disease Questionnaire (RDQ); Quality of Life in Reflux andDyspepsia (QOLRAD); Gastrointestinal Quality of LifeIndex] and overall health-related quality of life per SF-12(12-question short form) at each visit. At the end of thestudy, patients and investigators independently ratedthe overall efficacy of the test water on a 4-point Likertscale. Safety was assessed by evaluation of adverseevents (AEs), vital signs (heart rate, blood pressure)and laboratory parameters. Changes from initial to finalexaminations were assessed by the non-parametricWilcoxon test; categorical variables were comparedusing the χ 2 test, and for more than 5 categories, by theU-test.RESULTS: Twenty-eight participants were men, 22women. The mean age of the patients in the fullanalysis set/intention-to treat population (FAS/ITT) was40.6 years. Forty-two participants completed the studyaccording to the study protocol and formed the perprotocolset (PP population); 48 participants drank thewater at least once as requested and were analyzedas ITT population. The occurrence of heartburn wasstatistically significantly reduced at wk 6 in both the ITTand the PP populations. At wk 6, the mean number ofheartburn episodes/week decreased by 5.1 episodes(P 〈 0.001) and the mean duration of heartburnsymptoms by 19 min (ITT) (P = 0.002). The frequencyof heartburn symptoms was reduced in 89.6% of thepatients (P 〈 0.001), and the duration of symptoms in79.2% of patients (ITT) (P 〈 0.001). All dimensions ofthe RDQ (heartburn, regurgitation, gastro-esophagealreflux disease symptoms, dyspepsia) showed asignificant improvement at 6 wk. Likewise, diseasespecificquality of life improved significantly (QOLRAD,GIQLI). Overall, 89.4% of patients rated the efficacyof the test water as "good" or "very good", as did theinvestigators for 91.5% of the patients. There wereno serious AEs. After 6 wk, systolic and diastolic bloodpressure values decreased slightly but significantly [-3.5and -3.0 mmHg, respectively (P = 0.008 and P = 0,002)].Ninety-six percent of patients and investigators for thesame percentage of patients rated the tolerability of thewater as "good" or "very good".CONCLUSION: The data demonstrate effectiveness ofa hydrogen carbonate-rich mineral water in alleviatingheartburn frequency and severity, thereby improvingquality of life. The water has excellent tolerability.展开更多
The utilization of reclaimed water could be an efficient tool to alleviate water scarcity,especially for dry river augmentation.However,it is crucial to monitor water quality to ensure safety to human health and to av...The utilization of reclaimed water could be an efficient tool to alleviate water scarcity,especially for dry river augmentation.However,it is crucial to monitor water quality to ensure safety to human health and to avoid negative effects on the environment.Reclaimed water samples were collected bimonthly from May to November in 2010 in Chaobai River,and the physiochemical parameters were determined.The main results are as follows:The parameters exceeding the threshold value of the water guidelines are mainly nutrition related to nitrogen and phosphorus,which are known to increase the risk of eutrophication in surface waters.Additionally,nitrite and nitrate can be detrimental to human health.The majority of the parameters have a peaking concentration in May,whereas others either show significant temporal variation over the entire period or remain relatively constant in all four months.Correlation analysis shows that some parameters(pH,T and B) have no significant correlation with others,whereas significant positive correlation was found for Sr with EC and TDS,for CI with TDS,for Si02 with TP and for NO3-N with TN and a significant negative correlation between SO4 and Ba.According to principal component analysis,60.108%of the total data is represented by dominant solutes,and the second principal component with a percentage of 31.876 comprises parameters related to nitrogen.Subsequent cluster analysis of parameters identified four groups,which represent different compositions,and samples in May differ from others.展开更多
Ballast water has been a topic of concern for some time because of its potential to introduce invasive species to new habitats. To comply with the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' ...Ballast water has been a topic of concern for some time because of its potential to introduce invasive species to new habitats. To comply with the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, members of the International Maritime Organization(IMO) must equip their ships with on-board treatment systems to eliminate organism release with ballast water. There are many challenges associated with the implementation of this IMO guideline, one of which is the selection of species for testing the ecological impacts of the treated ballast water. In the United States, ballast water toxicity test methods have been defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. However, the test methods had not been finalized in China until the toxicity test methods for ballast water were established in 2008. The Chinese methods have been based on species from three trophic levels: Skeletonema costatum, Neomysis awatschensis, and Ctenogobius gymnauchen. All three species live in broad estuarine and open sea areas of China; they are sensitive to reference toxicants and acclimatize easily to different conditions. In this paper, the biological characteristics, test processes and statistical analysis methods are presented for the three species. Results indicate that the methods for evaluating these three organisms can be included in the ecological toxicity tests for treated ballast water in China.展开更多
Action mechanism of blood cell immune response in water buffaloes against acute infection with F. Hepatica was studied. The results showed that after water buffaloes were infected, the total levels of WBC surpassed co...Action mechanism of blood cell immune response in water buffaloes against acute infection with F. Hepatica was studied. The results showed that after water buffaloes were infected, the total levels of WBC surpassed control group during whole infection period; Eosinophiles (%) of DC were higher than control group at the 2nd week until 19th week, and then dropped and was close to control group; Neutrophiles(%) was low or significantly lower than control group within the 5 - 16th weeks; The total levels of lymphocytes (%) was lower than control group during the whole infection period; T-lymphocytes (%) dropped significantly, but B-lymphocytes(%) had opposite changes from the first week of infection, and they were close to the control group after 11 weeks; RBC-CR] and RBC-IC rosette rates dropped and rose during 2 - 16 and 2-18 weeks, respectively, and then approached the same between both groups. It was suggested that the violent changes of specific and nonspecific immune responses in water buffaloes with acute F. hepatica infection are related with the mechanism against infection with F. hepatica together.展开更多
A spectrophotometric technique is developed to simultaneously quantify nitrate and nitrite in plasma treated water.The measurement is based on examining the inflection points(wavelengths)in the derivative absorbance o...A spectrophotometric technique is developed to simultaneously quantify nitrate and nitrite in plasma treated water.The measurement is based on examining the inflection points(wavelengths)in the derivative absorbance of the nitrate or nitrite solution.At the inflection points of the pure nitrate solution,the derivative absorbance is zero and independent of the nitrate’s concentration,and thus the nitrite’s concentration in a mixed nitrate and nitrite solution can be obtained by using the Beer’s law at these points.The nitrate’s concentration can also be achieved from the inflection points of nitrite in the same manner.The relation between the tested substance’s(nitrate or nitrite)concentration and the second-or the third-order absorbances is obtained at these inflection points.Test measurements for mixed aqueous solutions of nitrate and nitrite with or without hydrogen peroxide confirm the reliability of this technique.We applied this technique to quantify the nitrate and nitrite generated in air plasma treated aqueous solutions.The results indicate that both nitrate and nitrite concentrations increase with the plasma treatment time,and the nitrite species is found to be generated prior to the nitrate species in the air plasma treated aqueous solution.Moreover,the production rate of total nitrogen species is independent of the solutions’p H value.These results are relevant to diverse applications of plasma activated solutions in materials processing,biotechnology,medicine and other fields.展开更多
As a result of longer term exploitation, exposure to severe weather conditions or influence of chemical conditions, concrete walls of concrete structures get damaged internally as well as externally. This study includ...As a result of longer term exploitation, exposure to severe weather conditions or influence of chemical conditions, concrete walls of concrete structures get damaged internally as well as externally. This study includes a preliminary analysis of chemically treated water in existing concrete structures, and another after the application of the method and using materials for the structures in future. One of the priorities was to examine the existing concrete structures by using nondestructive and destructive methods. After that, based on the results of the analysis, adequate new materials are proposed for the repairs, most commonly new technology polymer carbonated materials, in order to achieve durability of structure elements in using technological processes. Behavior of the repairing structures was tested using the in situ methods, and especially pull-of test, to verify the adhesion force between the old concrete structures and new applied layer. After the repairing, the concrete structures will be monitored to record the behavior under the chemical treated water.展开更多
Objective: To probe into the effect of electroacupuncture (EA)on vascular dementia and red cell immune function in the rat. Methods: 30 SD rats were made into renal hypertension rats(RHR) by clamping the kidney arteri...Objective: To probe into the effect of electroacupuncture (EA)on vascular dementia and red cell immune function in the rat. Methods: 30 SD rats were made into renal hypertension rats(RHR) by clamping the kidney arteries with silver clip. 42 days later, their bilateral common carotid arteries were blocked repeatedly to cause cerebral ischemia. The Hypertension vascular dementia model was then set up. Then they were randomly divided into VD model group, EA groupand medication group (Dihydroergotoxine, DHET), with 10 cases in each group. The therapeutic course was 28 days. The ability of learning and memory was using an obs erved by water maze, and the function of red blood cell immune was detected after treatment. Results: the latecy of the EA group and medication group was shorter than that of model group (P<0.05, P<0.005), and that of EA group was shorter than medication group (P<0.05, P<0.005). EA and medication could increase the RBCC 3b receptor flower circle rate and reduce the RBCIC flower circle rate significantly(P<0.05, P< 0.01). Conclusion: The results indicated that EA therapy could raise the ability of learning and memory and improve the function of red cell immune in VD rats, while the therapeutic effect of EAis better than DHET.展开更多
DI-3n-butyiphthalide can effectively treat cerebral ischemia; however, the mechanisms underlying the effects of dl-3n-butylphthalide on microcirculation disorders following diffuse brain injury remain unclear. In this...DI-3n-butyiphthalide can effectively treat cerebral ischemia; however, the mechanisms underlying the effects of dl-3n-butylphthalide on microcirculation disorders following diffuse brain injury remain unclear. In this study, models of diffuse brain injury were established in Sprague-Dawley rats with the vertical impact method. DI-3n-butylphthalide at 80 and 160 mg/kg was given via intraperitoneal injection immediately after diffuse brain injury. Ultrastructural changes in the cerebral cortex were observed using electron microscopy. Cerebral blood flow was measured by laser Doppler flowmetry, vascular density was marked by tannic acid-ferric chloride staining, vascular permeability was es- timated by the Evans blue method, brain water content was measured using the dry-wet method, and rat behavior was measured by motor function and sensory function tests. At 6, 24, 48, and 72 hours after administration of dl-3n-butylphthalide, reduced cerebral ultrastructure damage, in- creased vascular density and cerebral blood flow, and improved motor and sensory functions were observed. Our findings demonstrate that dl-3n-butylphthalide may have protective effects against diffuse brain injury by ameliorating microcirculation disorder and reducing blood-brain barrier dam- age and cerebral edema.展开更多
The influence of emulsified oil, suspended solids, Fe3+, Fe2+, cationic water clarifier and sulfate-reducing (SR) bacteria on the aggregation behavior of residual hydrophobic modified polyacrylamide in treated oil...The influence of emulsified oil, suspended solids, Fe3+, Fe2+, cationic water clarifier and sulfate-reducing (SR) bacteria on the aggregation behavior of residual hydrophobic modified polyacrylamide in treated oily wastewater from polymer flooding was studied by fluorescence spectroscopy and dynamic light scattering. The result of I1/I3 showed that the polarity of hydrophobic microdomains increased, whereas the size of the hydrophobic microdomains may be decreased, where the value of I1/I3 represents the ratio of the intensity of peak 11 (374.0 nm) to that of peak/3 (385.0 nm) of the vibration fine structure of pyrene monomer emission in residual polymer solution. The results of the ratio of I1 at 48 h to I1 at 0 h (I1,48h/I1,0h) indicated that oil and cationic water clarifier could inhibit the aggregation to some extent, while Fe2+ and suspended solids were helpful for aggregation, and Fe3+ and SR bacteria had no significant influence on the aggregation of polymer.展开更多
文摘The potential harm of organic pollutants in drinking water to human health is widely focused on in the wodd; more and more pollutants with genotoxic substances are released into the aquatic environment. Water source samples were collected from 7 different localities of Nanjing City. The potential genotoxicity of organic extracts from drinking water sources were investigated by means of the comet assay in human peripheral lymphocytes. The results showed that all the organic extracts from all the water source samples could induce DNA damages of human peripheral blood lymphocytes at different levels. A significant difference (P 〈 0.01) was observed when compared with the solvent control, The DNA damage increased with the increase of the dosage of the original water source. Significant differences of DNA damage were observed in different drinking water sources, as shown by the multiple comparisons analysis at the dosage of 100x; the degree of DNA damage treated by Hushu waterworks (at town level) was the most serious, the arbitrary units (AU) was 141.62±6.96, however, that of Shangyuanmen waterworks (at city level) was only 109.64±2.97. The analysis also revealed that the genotoxicity of town's water sources was higher than that of the city. The results demonstrated that the comet assay can be successfully applied to the genotoxicity monitoring programs of drinking water sources.
基金supported by the State Key Program of National Natural Science foundation of China(Grant No.41230749)the National Natural Science foundation of China(Grant No.41601559)
文摘Objective The effects of arsenic exposure from drinking water, arsenic metabolism, and arsenic methylation on blood pressure(BP) were observed in this study. Methods The BP and arsenic species of 560 participants were determined. Logistic regression analysis was applied to estimate the odds ratios of BP associated with arsenic metabolites and arsenic methylation capability. Results BP was positively associated with cumulative arsenic exposure(CAE). Subjects with abnormal diastolic blood pressure(DBP), systolic blood pressure(SBP), and pulse pressure(PP) usually had higher urinary i As(inorganic arsenic), MMA(monomethylated arsenic), DMA(dimethylated arsenic), and TAs(total arsenic) than subjects with normal DBP, SBP, and PP. The i As%, MMA%, and DMA% differed slightly between subjects with abnormal BP and those with normal BP. The PMI and SMI were slightly higher in subjects with abnormal PP than in those with normal PP. Conclusion Our findings suggest that higher CAE may elevate BP. Males may have a higher risk of abnormal DBP, whereas females have a higher risk of abnormal SBP and PP. Higher urinary i As may increase the risk of abnormal BP. Lower PMI may elevate the BP. However, higher SMI may increase the DBP and SBP, and lower SMI may elevate the PP.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (50979107)
文摘The reuse of treated wastewater in agricultural systems could partially help alleviate water resource shortages in developing countries. Treated wastewater differs from fresh water in that it has higher concentrations of salts, Escherichia coli and presence of dissolved organic matter, and inorganic N after secondary treatment, among others. Its application could thus cause environmental consequences such as soil salinization, ammonia volatilization, and greenhouse gas emissions. In an incubation experiment, we evaluated the characteristics and effects of water-filled pore space (WFPS) and N input on the emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) from silt loam soil receiving treated wastewater. Irrigation with treated wastewater (vs. distilled water) significantly increased cumulative N2O emission in soil (117.97 μg N kg-1). Cumulative N2O emissions showed an exponentially increase with the increasing WFPS in unamended soil, but the maximum occurred in the added urea soil incubated at 60% WFPS. N2O emissions caused by irrigation with treated wastewater combined with urea-N fertilization did not simply add linearly, but significant interaction (P〈0.05) caused lower emissions than the production of N2O from the cumulative effects of treated wastewater and fertilizer N. Moreover, a significant impact on cumulative CO2 emission was measured in soil irrigated with treated wastewater. When treated wastewater was applied, there was significant interaction between WFPS and N input on N2O emission. Hence, our results indicated that irrigation with treated wastewater should cause great concern for increasing global warming potential due to enhanced emission of N2O and CO2.
文摘The water transport through Red Blood Cells (RBC) membrane has been previously studied in Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) using oxygenated RBC or under complete deoxygenation. In this work, the water efflux in RBC of sickle cell patients was studied under spontaneous deoxygenation conditions. With that purpose, a magnetic resonance method was used to evaluate the water exchange time (τ<sub>e</sub>) and the permeability through the erythrocyte membrane (P) measuring the spin-spin relaxation time (T<sub>2</sub>) in doped and non-doped RBC. Carr-Purcell-Meiboon-Gill (CPMG) pulse sequence was used to measure T<sub>2</sub><sub> </sub>in a magnetic resonance console coupled to one homogeneous magnet system (0.095 T). An increase of the water transport in RBC from sickle cell patients was observed and characterized with a τ<sub>e</sub> value of 15.2 ± 0.8 ms. The abnormal activation of the P<sub>sickle</sub>, Gardos, and potassium chloride cotransporter channels starting from deoxygenation, as well as, the possible appearance of new pores due to the increase of the hemoglobin-membrane interaction, are suggested to explain this abnormal transport phenotype. The change of the water volume to surface ratio (V/S) in the sickle cells is also suggested to be considered in P calculation under deoxygenation. The results obtained in this work increase the fundamental knowledge about molecular mechanism involved in SCD and could be useful in the development of new methods for diagnostic and treatment evaluation.
文摘The concern of this study is determine the quality of soil when irrigation used treated water and wastewater in comparison with soil irrigated with tap water on some chemical and physical soil properties. The experiment components were three trials carried out under greenhouse conditions, 10 pots for each trial. The first trial irrigated with tap water, the second trial irrigated by treated water and the third trial irrigated with wastewater. The experiment conducted to study the impact of water types on some soil physical and chemical properties. The experiment included important analysis for water and soil before and after irrigation. The results showed that the values for electrical conductivity (EC) were 0.850, 308 and 324 μs/cm for the treated soil with tap water, treated water and wastewater, respectively. The variation of pH values seems to be approximately constant between the different of water used. The percent of organic matter (OM) in soils receiving treated water and wastewater 4.7% and 5.2% respectively were higher than values in soil treated with tap water 3%. The same trend was in organic carbon (OC) in soils receiving treated water and wastewater 58.5% and 89% respectively, while soil treated with tap water showed the lowest value 27.7%. Soil particle density (SPD) increased significantly in both water treatments were the values was 2 g/cm<sup>3</sup> in tap water but increased value 2.8 g/cm<sup>3</sup> and 3.3 g/cm<sup>3</sup> in treated water and wastewater used respectively. The Bulk Density (BD) values range 1.1 g/cm<sup>3</sup> in soil irrigated with tap water 1.5 g/cm<sup>3</sup> in soil irrigated with treated water and 1.85 g/cm<sup>3</sup> in soil irrigated with treated water. The results of soil analysis before and after planting showed that most of the values increased for the physical and chemical soil properties.
文摘Selected results of research connected with the development of a (3D) geostatistical hydrogeocbemical model of the Klodzko city area, dedicated to the spatial and time variation in the quality parameters in the Klodzko water supply system (SW part of Poland) have been presented. The research covers the period 2007-2011. Spatial analyses of the variation in three quality parameters, i.e. Fe iron (g/m3) content, Mn manganese (g/m3) content and NI-I4+ ammonium ion (g/m3) content, were carried out. Spatial and time variation in the parameters was analyzed on the basis of the data (2007-2011). The input for the studies was the chemical determinations of the quality parameters of water samples taken in the Klodzko water supply system area (also treated water) in different periods of time. These data were subjected to spatial analyses using geostatistical methods. The parameters of the assumed theoretical models of directional semivariograms functions of the studied regionalized variables, were used in the ordinary (block) kriging estimation. Generally, the behaviour of the quality parameters in the Klodzko water supply system has been found to vary in space and time. Thanks to the multivariate spatial analyses some regularities in the variation in the water supply system in the Klodzko city area have been identified. In the considered time interval, the shapes of the directional Fe iron content semivariogram show a tendency to vary periodically. The courses of the directional semivariograms of Mn manganese content and NI-I4+ ammonium ion content show some tendencies towards directional variation over the passing years. There are visible distinct increasing trends of variability for Mn content and stronger variation are observed for NH4+ ion content. The kriging estimation results were used to determine the levels of elevated values 2* of the water quality parameters in the years 2007-2011 and to forecast these values for the years 2012-2014. The maximum values Z* of the quality parameters were stated for the years: 2007, 2008-2009 and 2012 (the decreasing trend in Fe iron content averages Z* variation towards the year 2012, the increasing trend in Mn content averages Z* variation towards the year 2012 and the increasing trend in NH4+ ion content averages Z* variation towards the years 2008-2009 and then the decreasing trend towards the year 2012).
文摘The Arapaima gigas, despite being an air breather, its gill structure is quite close to water breathers, especially in early stages of development. The effects of Amazonian waters is well notices in other Teleostei expose to BW (black water), and WW (white water). However, information about hematological adjustments and its implications to ionic regulation patters are scarce. Therefore, our aim was to analyzed A. gigas hematological parameters when exposed to BW and WW providing suitable hematological data concerning about physiological responses in Amazonian waters. Fish were acclimated in three separated ponds containing BW, WW and well water as control (C). Blood samples were taken from the caudal vessel in order to perform measurement assays on levels of hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume, corpuscular hemoglobin, corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, glucose, cholesterol and protein. Our findings corroborate the hypothesis stating that BW does interfere on fish adaptation specialy in smallfish (-100 g). However in largefish (-1,000 g) neither WW or BW can interfere on plasma profile of analysed fish. Despite black water systems being considered a barrier constraining the dispersion of several species, this seems not to be a problem for this specie which has kept its ion-regulatory mechanisms even in black waters.
基金Supported by Deutsche Heilbrunnen im Verband Deutscher Mineralbrunnen e.V.,Kennedyallee 28,53175 Bonn,Germany,
文摘AIM To investigate the efficacy and safety of mineralwater with a high content of hydrogen carbonate inpatients with heartburn.METHODS: This open, single-center, single-armclinical pilot study enrolled 50 patients, 18-64 yearsold, who had been suffering from heartburn at leasttwice a week for at least 3 mo before entering thestudy. Pharmacological treatment of heartburn was notpermitted, and patients with severe organic diseaseswere excluded. After a run-in period of one week, theparticipants received 1.5 L of the test water for thefollowing 6 wk; 300 mL with meals t.i.d., the remainderto be drunk throughout the day. During the trial, therewere five visits at the study center (screening, baseline,two interim visits and the final visit). The efficacyendpoints included incidence and duration of heartburnepisodes per week by patient's self-assessment (heartburndiary) as well as changes in symptom severity asper symptom specific questionnaires [Reflux Disease Questionnaire (RDQ); Quality of Life in Reflux andDyspepsia (QOLRAD); Gastrointestinal Quality of LifeIndex] and overall health-related quality of life per SF-12(12-question short form) at each visit. At the end of thestudy, patients and investigators independently ratedthe overall efficacy of the test water on a 4-point Likertscale. Safety was assessed by evaluation of adverseevents (AEs), vital signs (heart rate, blood pressure)and laboratory parameters. Changes from initial to finalexaminations were assessed by the non-parametricWilcoxon test; categorical variables were comparedusing the χ 2 test, and for more than 5 categories, by theU-test.RESULTS: Twenty-eight participants were men, 22women. The mean age of the patients in the fullanalysis set/intention-to treat population (FAS/ITT) was40.6 years. Forty-two participants completed the studyaccording to the study protocol and formed the perprotocolset (PP population); 48 participants drank thewater at least once as requested and were analyzedas ITT population. The occurrence of heartburn wasstatistically significantly reduced at wk 6 in both the ITTand the PP populations. At wk 6, the mean number ofheartburn episodes/week decreased by 5.1 episodes(P 〈 0.001) and the mean duration of heartburnsymptoms by 19 min (ITT) (P = 0.002). The frequencyof heartburn symptoms was reduced in 89.6% of thepatients (P 〈 0.001), and the duration of symptoms in79.2% of patients (ITT) (P 〈 0.001). All dimensions ofthe RDQ (heartburn, regurgitation, gastro-esophagealreflux disease symptoms, dyspepsia) showed asignificant improvement at 6 wk. Likewise, diseasespecificquality of life improved significantly (QOLRAD,GIQLI). Overall, 89.4% of patients rated the efficacyof the test water as "good" or "very good", as did theinvestigators for 91.5% of the patients. There wereno serious AEs. After 6 wk, systolic and diastolic bloodpressure values decreased slightly but significantly [-3.5and -3.0 mmHg, respectively (P = 0.008 and P = 0,002)].Ninety-six percent of patients and investigators for thesame percentage of patients rated the tolerability of thewater as "good" or "very good".CONCLUSION: The data demonstrate effectiveness ofa hydrogen carbonate-rich mineral water in alleviatingheartburn frequency and severity, thereby improvingquality of life. The water has excellent tolerability.
基金supported by the State Basic Research Development Program(973 Program)of China[no.2010CB428805]the Beijing Important Scientific and Technological Program[DO7050601510703]
文摘The utilization of reclaimed water could be an efficient tool to alleviate water scarcity,especially for dry river augmentation.However,it is crucial to monitor water quality to ensure safety to human health and to avoid negative effects on the environment.Reclaimed water samples were collected bimonthly from May to November in 2010 in Chaobai River,and the physiochemical parameters were determined.The main results are as follows:The parameters exceeding the threshold value of the water guidelines are mainly nutrition related to nitrogen and phosphorus,which are known to increase the risk of eutrophication in surface waters.Additionally,nitrite and nitrate can be detrimental to human health.The majority of the parameters have a peaking concentration in May,whereas others either show significant temporal variation over the entire period or remain relatively constant in all four months.Correlation analysis shows that some parameters(pH,T and B) have no significant correlation with others,whereas significant positive correlation was found for Sr with EC and TDS,for CI with TDS,for Si02 with TP and for NO3-N with TN and a significant negative correlation between SO4 and Ba.According to principal component analysis,60.108%of the total data is represented by dominant solutes,and the second principal component with a percentage of 31.876 comprises parameters related to nitrogen.Subsequent cluster analysis of parameters identified four groups,which represent different compositions,and samples in May differ from others.
基金Supported by the National Key Technology R&D Program of China(No.2006BAC11B05)
文摘Ballast water has been a topic of concern for some time because of its potential to introduce invasive species to new habitats. To comply with the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, members of the International Maritime Organization(IMO) must equip their ships with on-board treatment systems to eliminate organism release with ballast water. There are many challenges associated with the implementation of this IMO guideline, one of which is the selection of species for testing the ecological impacts of the treated ballast water. In the United States, ballast water toxicity test methods have been defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. However, the test methods had not been finalized in China until the toxicity test methods for ballast water were established in 2008. The Chinese methods have been based on species from three trophic levels: Skeletonema costatum, Neomysis awatschensis, and Ctenogobius gymnauchen. All three species live in broad estuarine and open sea areas of China; they are sensitive to reference toxicants and acclimatize easily to different conditions. In this paper, the biological characteristics, test processes and statistical analysis methods are presented for the three species. Results indicate that the methods for evaluating these three organisms can be included in the ecological toxicity tests for treated ballast water in China.
文摘Action mechanism of blood cell immune response in water buffaloes against acute infection with F. Hepatica was studied. The results showed that after water buffaloes were infected, the total levels of WBC surpassed control group during whole infection period; Eosinophiles (%) of DC were higher than control group at the 2nd week until 19th week, and then dropped and was close to control group; Neutrophiles(%) was low or significantly lower than control group within the 5 - 16th weeks; The total levels of lymphocytes (%) was lower than control group during the whole infection period; T-lymphocytes (%) dropped significantly, but B-lymphocytes(%) had opposite changes from the first week of infection, and they were close to the control group after 11 weeks; RBC-CR] and RBC-IC rosette rates dropped and rose during 2 - 16 and 2-18 weeks, respectively, and then approached the same between both groups. It was suggested that the violent changes of specific and nonspecific immune responses in water buffaloes with acute F. hepatica infection are related with the mechanism against infection with F. hepatica together.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.52077185)the Basic Research Program of Science and Technology of Shenzhen,China(No.JCYJ20190809162617137)for partial financial support。
文摘A spectrophotometric technique is developed to simultaneously quantify nitrate and nitrite in plasma treated water.The measurement is based on examining the inflection points(wavelengths)in the derivative absorbance of the nitrate or nitrite solution.At the inflection points of the pure nitrate solution,the derivative absorbance is zero and independent of the nitrate’s concentration,and thus the nitrite’s concentration in a mixed nitrate and nitrite solution can be obtained by using the Beer’s law at these points.The nitrate’s concentration can also be achieved from the inflection points of nitrite in the same manner.The relation between the tested substance’s(nitrate or nitrite)concentration and the second-or the third-order absorbances is obtained at these inflection points.Test measurements for mixed aqueous solutions of nitrate and nitrite with or without hydrogen peroxide confirm the reliability of this technique.We applied this technique to quantify the nitrate and nitrite generated in air plasma treated aqueous solutions.The results indicate that both nitrate and nitrite concentrations increase with the plasma treatment time,and the nitrite species is found to be generated prior to the nitrate species in the air plasma treated aqueous solution.Moreover,the production rate of total nitrogen species is independent of the solutions’p H value.These results are relevant to diverse applications of plasma activated solutions in materials processing,biotechnology,medicine and other fields.
文摘As a result of longer term exploitation, exposure to severe weather conditions or influence of chemical conditions, concrete walls of concrete structures get damaged internally as well as externally. This study includes a preliminary analysis of chemically treated water in existing concrete structures, and another after the application of the method and using materials for the structures in future. One of the priorities was to examine the existing concrete structures by using nondestructive and destructive methods. After that, based on the results of the analysis, adequate new materials are proposed for the repairs, most commonly new technology polymer carbonated materials, in order to achieve durability of structure elements in using technological processes. Behavior of the repairing structures was tested using the in situ methods, and especially pull-of test, to verify the adhesion force between the old concrete structures and new applied layer. After the repairing, the concrete structures will be monitored to record the behavior under the chemical treated water.
文摘Objective: To probe into the effect of electroacupuncture (EA)on vascular dementia and red cell immune function in the rat. Methods: 30 SD rats were made into renal hypertension rats(RHR) by clamping the kidney arteries with silver clip. 42 days later, their bilateral common carotid arteries were blocked repeatedly to cause cerebral ischemia. The Hypertension vascular dementia model was then set up. Then they were randomly divided into VD model group, EA groupand medication group (Dihydroergotoxine, DHET), with 10 cases in each group. The therapeutic course was 28 days. The ability of learning and memory was using an obs erved by water maze, and the function of red blood cell immune was detected after treatment. Results: the latecy of the EA group and medication group was shorter than that of model group (P<0.05, P<0.005), and that of EA group was shorter than medication group (P<0.05, P<0.005). EA and medication could increase the RBCC 3b receptor flower circle rate and reduce the RBCIC flower circle rate significantly(P<0.05, P< 0.01). Conclusion: The results indicated that EA therapy could raise the ability of learning and memory and improve the function of red cell immune in VD rats, while the therapeutic effect of EAis better than DHET.
基金supported by the grants from Hebei Province Science and Technology Ministry,No.20276102DKey Project of Hebei Province Education Ministry,No.ZD2010106
文摘DI-3n-butyiphthalide can effectively treat cerebral ischemia; however, the mechanisms underlying the effects of dl-3n-butylphthalide on microcirculation disorders following diffuse brain injury remain unclear. In this study, models of diffuse brain injury were established in Sprague-Dawley rats with the vertical impact method. DI-3n-butylphthalide at 80 and 160 mg/kg was given via intraperitoneal injection immediately after diffuse brain injury. Ultrastructural changes in the cerebral cortex were observed using electron microscopy. Cerebral blood flow was measured by laser Doppler flowmetry, vascular density was marked by tannic acid-ferric chloride staining, vascular permeability was es- timated by the Evans blue method, brain water content was measured using the dry-wet method, and rat behavior was measured by motor function and sensory function tests. At 6, 24, 48, and 72 hours after administration of dl-3n-butylphthalide, reduced cerebral ultrastructure damage, in- creased vascular density and cerebral blood flow, and improved motor and sensory functions were observed. Our findings demonstrate that dl-3n-butylphthalide may have protective effects against diffuse brain injury by ameliorating microcirculation disorder and reducing blood-brain barrier dam- age and cerebral edema.
基金supported by the Scientific Research Project of CNOOC(China)(Grant No.CNOOC-KJ 125 ZDXM 06 LTD NFGC 2014-01)
文摘The influence of emulsified oil, suspended solids, Fe3+, Fe2+, cationic water clarifier and sulfate-reducing (SR) bacteria on the aggregation behavior of residual hydrophobic modified polyacrylamide in treated oily wastewater from polymer flooding was studied by fluorescence spectroscopy and dynamic light scattering. The result of I1/I3 showed that the polarity of hydrophobic microdomains increased, whereas the size of the hydrophobic microdomains may be decreased, where the value of I1/I3 represents the ratio of the intensity of peak 11 (374.0 nm) to that of peak/3 (385.0 nm) of the vibration fine structure of pyrene monomer emission in residual polymer solution. The results of the ratio of I1 at 48 h to I1 at 0 h (I1,48h/I1,0h) indicated that oil and cationic water clarifier could inhibit the aggregation to some extent, while Fe2+ and suspended solids were helpful for aggregation, and Fe3+ and SR bacteria had no significant influence on the aggregation of polymer.