Simulations of tropical intraseasonal oscillation (TISO) in SAMIL, the Spectral Atmospheric Model from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences...Simulations of tropical intraseasonal oscillation (TISO) in SAMIL, the Spectral Atmospheric Model from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG) coupled and uncoupled general circulation models were comprehensively evaluated in this study. Compared to the uncoupled model, the atmosphere-ocean coupled model improved the TISO simulation in the following aspects: (1) the spectral intensity for the 30-80-day peak eastward periods was more realistic; (2) the eastward propagation signals over western Pacific were stronger; and (3) the variance distribution and stronger signals of Kelvin waves and mixed Rossby gravity waves were more realistic. Better performance in the coupled run was assumed to be associated with a better mean state and a more realistic relationship between precipitation and SST. In both the coupled and uncoupled runs, the unrealistic simulation of the eastward propagation over the equatorial Indian Ocean might have been associated with the biases of the precipitation mean state over the Indian Ocean, and the unrealistic split of maximum TISO precipitation variance over the Pacific might have corresponded to the exaggeration of the double Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) structure in precipitation mean state. However, whether a better mean state leads to better TISO activity remains questionable. Notably, the northward propagation over the Indian Ocean during summer was not improved in the mean lead-lag correlation analysis, but case studies have shown some strong cases to yield remarkably realistic northward propagation in coupled runs.展开更多
The features of 30-60-day convection oscillations over the subtropical western North Pacific (WNP) were investigated, along with the degree of tropical-subtropical linkage between the oscillations over the WNP durin...The features of 30-60-day convection oscillations over the subtropical western North Pacific (WNP) were investigated, along with the degree of tropical-subtropical linkage between the oscillations over the WNP during summer 1998. It was found that 30-60-day oscillations were extremely strong in that summer over both the subtropical and tro]~ical WNP, providing a unique opportunity to study the behavior of subtropical oscillations and their relationship to tropical oscillations. Further analyses indicated that 30-60-day oscillations propagate westwards over the subtropical WNP and reach eastern China. In addition, 30-60-day oscillations in the subtropics are affected by those over the South China Sea (SCS) and tropical WNP through two mechanisms: (1) direct propagation from the tropics into the subtropics; and (2) a seesaw pattern between the tropics and subtropics, with the latter being predominant.展开更多
Northward propagation in summer and eastward propagation in winter are two distinguished features of tropical intraseasonal oscillation (TISO) over the equatorial Indian Ocean. According to numerical modeling result...Northward propagation in summer and eastward propagation in winter are two distinguished features of tropical intraseasonal oscillation (TISO) over the equatorial Indian Ocean. According to numerical modeling results, under a global warming scenario, both propagations were intensified. The enhanced northward propagation in summer can be attributed to the enhanced atmosphere-ocean interaction and the strengthened mean southerly wind; and the intensified eastward propagation in winter is associated with the enhanced convection-wind coupling process and the strengthened equatorial Kevin wave. Future changes of TISO propagations need to be explored in more climate models.展开更多
The present study investigates modulation of western North Pacific (WNP) tropical cyclone (TC) genesis in relation to different phases of the intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) of ITCZ convection during May to Octo...The present study investigates modulation of western North Pacific (WNP) tropical cyclone (TC) genesis in relation to different phases of the intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) of ITCZ convection during May to October in the period 1979 2008. The phases of the ITCZ ISO were determined based on 30-80-day filtered OLR anomalies averaged over the region (5°20′N, 120°150′E). The number of TCs during the active phases was nearly three times more than during the inactive phases. The active (inactive) phases of ISO were characterized by low-level cyclonic (anticyclonic) circulation anomalies, higher (lower) midlevel relative humidity anomalies, and larger (smaller) vertical gradient anomalies of relative vorticity associated with enhanced (weakened) ITCZ convection anomalies. During the active phases, TCs tended to form in the center of the ITCZ region. Barotropic conversion from the low-level mean flow is suggested to be the major energy source for TC formation. The energy conversion mainly depended on the zonal and meridional gradients of the zonal flow during the active phases. However, barotropic conversion weakened greatly during the inactive phases. The relationship between the meridional gradient of absolute vorticity and low-level zonal flow indicates that the sign of the absolute vorticity gradient tends to be reversed during the two phases, whereas the same sign between zonal flow and the absolute vortieity gradient is more easily satisfied in the active phases. Thus, the barotropie instability of low-level zonal flow might be an important mechanism for TC formation over the WNP during the active phases of ISO.展开更多
The impact of tropical intraseasonal oscillations on the precipitation of Guangdong in Junes and its physical mechanism are analyzed using 30-yr(1979 to 2008), 86-station observational daily precipitation of Guangdong...The impact of tropical intraseasonal oscillations on the precipitation of Guangdong in Junes and its physical mechanism are analyzed using 30-yr(1979 to 2008), 86-station observational daily precipitation of Guangdong and daily atmospheric data from NCEP-DOE Reanalysis. It is found that during the annually first rainy season(April to June),the modulating effect of the activity of intraseasonal oscillations propagating eastward along the equator(MJO) on the June precipitation in Guangdong is different from that in other months. The most indicative effect of MJO on positive(negative) anomalous precipitation over the whole or most of the province is phase 3(phase 6) of strong MJO events in Junes. A Northwest Pacific subtropical high intensifies and extends westward during phase 3. Water vapor transporting along the edge of the subtropical high from Western Pacific enhances significantly the water vapor flux over Guangdong, resulting in the enhancement of the precipitation. The condition is reverse during phase 6. The mechanism for which the subtropical high intensifies and extends westward during phase 3 is related to the atmospheric response to the asymmetric heating over the eastern Indian Ocean. Analyses of two cases of sustained strong rainfall of Guangdong in June 2010 showed that both of them are closely linked with a MJO state which is both strong and in phase 3, besides the effect from a westerly trough. It is argued further that the MJO activity is indicative of strong rainfall of Guangdong in June. The results in the present work are helpful in developing strategies for forecasting severe rainfall in Guangdong and extending, combined with the outputs of dynamic forecast models, the period of forecasting validity.展开更多
Seasonal variations of the tropical intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) and relationship to seasonal variation of the climate background are studied by using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and output of SAMIL-R42L9. Analysis...Seasonal variations of the tropical intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) and relationship to seasonal variation of the climate background are studied by using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and output of SAMIL-R42L9. Analysis of NCEP data shows that spatial distribution of the tropical ISO has obvious seasonal variations, which are well consistent with the seasonal variation of climate background. The activity of the tropical ISO is, to a great extent, dependent on warm SST, strong convection, zonal western wind, strong precipitation and low-level moisture convergence. Main characteristics of the seasonal variations of the tropical ISO are captured by SAMIL-R42L9. Simulations of seasonal variation of climate background vary greatly with different variables. Results of SAMIL-R42L9 indicate that the seasonal variations of the tropical ISO in dynamical fields are more dependent on climate background than in heating fields and SAMIL-R42L9 canllot represent well the strong dependence of the ISO on the climate background present in NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. It also suggests that seasonal variations of the ISO do not completely depend on that of climate background.展开更多
The effects of air-sea coupling over the tropical Indian Ocean(TIO) on the eastward propagating boreal winter intraseasonal oscillation(MJO) are investigated by comparing a fully coupled and a partially decoupled ...The effects of air-sea coupling over the tropical Indian Ocean(TIO) on the eastward propagating boreal winter intraseasonal oscillation(MJO) are investigated by comparing a fully coupled and a partially decoupled Indian Ocean experiment using the SINTEX-F coupled model.Air-sea coupling over the TIO significantly enhances the intensity of the eastward propagations of the MJO along the5°-10°S zonal areas.The zonal asymmetry of the SST anomaly(SSTA) is responsible for the enhanced eastward propagation.A positive SSTA appears to the east of the MJO convection,which results in the boundary layer moisture convergence and positively feeds back to the MJO convection.In addition,the air-sea interaction effect on the eastward propagation of the MJO is related to the interannual variations of the TIO.Air-sea coupling enhances(reduces) the eastward-propagating spectrum during the negative Indian Ocean dipole mode and positive Indian Ocean basin mode.Such phase dependence is attributed to the role of the background mean westerly in affecting the wind-evaporation-SST feedback.Air-sea coupling(decoupling) enhances(reduces) the zonal asymmetry of the low-level specific humidity,and thus the eastward propagation spectrum of the MJO.展开更多
Using the daily average outgoing longwave radiation and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data in boreal summer(Mays to Octobers)from 1979 to 2007,the propagating characteristics of convection intraseasonal oscillations(ISOs)in th...Using the daily average outgoing longwave radiation and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data in boreal summer(Mays to Octobers)from 1979 to 2007,the propagating characteristics of convection intraseasonal oscillations(ISOs)in the Asian-western Pacific(AWP)region and the relationship between tropical synoptic waves and ISOs are examined by means of finite-domain wavenumber-frequency energy spectrum analysis and lagged linear regression technique.The results are shown as follows.(1)The AWP ISOs propagate both eastward and westward,showing seasonality and regionality.The ISOs propagate eastward with a period of 30 to 60 days over equatorial regions in the whole AWP region,while the westward propagation occurs over 10 to 20°N western Pacific or in the late summers(August,September and October) with periods of 20 to 40 days.The ISOs eastward propagation mainly occurs in primary summers while the westward propagation enhances in late summers.(2)Deep ISO convections associate with westerly and cyclonic circulation anomalies that first form in the Indian Ocean,propagate eastward to the dateline in the Pacific and then turn northwestward.The ISOs convections show northwestward propagating characteristics in the western North Pacific.(3)The ISOs link with the tropical synoptic waves closely.Both convection signals,though with different spatio-temporal scale,enhance simutaneously in the northwestern Pacific,and the ISOs facilitate the forming of a cluster of tropical cyclones(TCs),while a cluster of TCs convection becomes one portion of the northwestward ISOs.展开更多
The data analyses indicated that the occurrence of D Nino event is closely related to intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) in the tropical atmosphere : The intraseasonal oscillation is very strong in tile tropics (particul...The data analyses indicated that the occurrence of D Nino event is closely related to intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) in the tropical atmosphere : The intraseasonal oscillation is very strong in tile tropics (particularly over the equatorial western Pacific) prior to the occurrence of El Nino; But the ISO is evidently reduced and the quasistationary system is enhanced after the outbreak of El Nino. A simple air-sea coupled model study shows that the periodical self-excited oscillation can be produced in the air-sea-coupled system, but the pattern is different from the observed ENSO mode. When there is external (atmospheric) forcing with interannual time scale, a coupled mode, which looks like the ENSO mode, will be excited in the air-sea system. Synthesizing the results in data analyses and the theoretical investigation. the mechanism of ISO in the tropical atmosphere exciting the EI Nino event can be suggested : The interannual anomalies (variations) of the tropical ISO play an important role in the exciting EI Nino event through the air-sea interaction.展开更多
Comparative analysis is carried out by using finite-domain power spectrum and lagged regression methods for the propagating characteristics and air-sea interaction processes of intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) in the...Comparative analysis is carried out by using finite-domain power spectrum and lagged regression methods for the propagating characteristics and air-sea interaction processes of intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) in the Asia to western Pacific (AWP) region during the boreal summer between the active and inactive tropical cyclone (TC) years from 1979 to 2004.The results show as follows.(1) There exist more significant eastward propagating characteristics of the ISO in the active TC years over the whole AWP region.The ISOs of convection propagate zonally with more eastward extension in the years with active tropical cyclone activities,during which the 20-60-day period is strengthened,western Pacific becomes an area with evident characteristics of the propagation that is closely related to TC activities.(2) The air-sea interaction processes are the same in both active and inactive TC years,and the energy exchanges between the air and the sea play a role in maintaining the northwestward propagation of ISOs.(3) The air-sea interaction is more intensive in the active TC years than in the inactive ones.It is particularly true for the latent heat release by condensation as the result of convection,which may be one of the reasons resulting in significant differences in characteristics of ISOs between the active and inactive TC years.展开更多
This paper reviews the recent progress and research on the variability of tropical cyclones(TCs) at different time scales. Specific focus is placed on how different types of external forcings or climatic oscillations ...This paper reviews the recent progress and research on the variability of tropical cyclones(TCs) at different time scales. Specific focus is placed on how different types of external forcings or climatic oscillations contribute to TC variability in the western North Pacific(WNP). At the intraseasonal scale, recent advances on the distinctive impacts of the Madden–Julian Oscillation(MJO), the Quasi-biweekly Oscillation, and the asymmetric MJO modulation under different El Ni?o–Southern Oscillation(ENSO) states, as well as the influences of the Pacific–Japan teleconnection, are highlighted. Interannually, recent progress on the influences of the ENSO cycle, different flavors of ENSO, and impacts of Indian Ocean warming is presented. In addition, the uncertainty concerning interdecadal TC variations is discussed, along with the recently proposed modulation mechanisms related to the zonal sea surface temperature gradient, the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation, and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO). It is hoped that this study can deepen our understanding and provide information that the scientific community can use to improve the seasonal forecasting of TCs in the WNP.展开更多
The influence of intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) on TC genesis over the northwestern Pacific is studied through comparing analyses of the more and less TC years from 1979 to 2006. It is indicated that the ISO strongly...The influence of intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) on TC genesis over the northwestern Pacific is studied through comparing analyses of the more and less TC years from 1979 to 2006. It is indicated that the ISO strongly affects the TC genesis. In the years for more TC genesis, the ISO is weak and propagates insignificantly in the area to the west of the Philippines, but the ISO is strong in the area to the east of the Philippines and propagates significantly northwestward. In this situation, the Walker cell shifts gradually westward from the tropical western Pacific to the tropical eastern Indian Ocean. Convergent winds appear in the lower atmosphere while divergent winds in the upper atmosphere, suggesting the presence of enhanced ascending flow over the 140-160°E region and a favorable condition for TC genesis. Moreover, in the years for less TC genesis, the ISO gradually becomes stronger in the area to the west of the Philippines and significant eastward propagation prevails from the eastern Indian Ocean to the area around 120°E; the ISO is weak in the area to the east of the Philippines. During these years, the Walker circulation gradually moved eastward, with convergent winds in the upper troposphere and divergent winds in the lower troposphere. Sinking motion was significant, unfavorable for the TC genesis over the Northwestern Pacific.展开更多
The intraseasonal oscillation(ISO) of the South China Sea(SCS, 105-120°E, 5-20°N) convection and its influences on the genesis and track of the western North Pacific(WNP) tropical cyclones(TCs) were explored...The intraseasonal oscillation(ISO) of the South China Sea(SCS, 105-120°E, 5-20°N) convection and its influences on the genesis and track of the western North Pacific(WNP) tropical cyclones(TCs) were explored, based on the daily average of NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the OLR data and the western North Pacific tropical cyclone best-track data from 1979 to 2008. The mechanism of the influences of ISO on TC movement and the corresponding large-scale circulation were discussed by a trajectory model. It was found as follows.(1) During the SCS summer monsoon, the SCS convection exhibits the ISO features with active phases alternating with inactive phases. The monsoon circulation patterns are significantly different during these two phases. When the SCS convection is active(inactive), the SCS-WNP monsoon trough stretches eastward(retreats westward) due to the activity(inactivity) of SCS monsoon, and the WNP subtropical high retreats eastward(stretches westward), which enhances(suppresses) the monsoon circulation.(2) The amount of TC genesis in the active phase is much more than that in the inactive phase. A majority of TCs form west of 135 °E during the active phases but east of 135 °E in the inactive phases.(3) The TCs entering the area west of 135 °E and south of 25 °N would move straight into the SCS in the active phase, or recurve northward in the inactive phase.(4) Simulation results show that the steering flow associated with the active(inactive)phases is in favor of straight-moving(recurving) TCs. Meanwhile, the impacts of the locations of TC genesis on the characteristics of TC track cannot be ignored. TCs that occurred father westward are more likely to move straight into the SCS region.展开更多
An atmospheric general circulation model is used in a series of three experiments to simulate the intraseasonal oscillation in the tropical atmosphere.Analyses of the model daily data show that various physical variab...An atmospheric general circulation model is used in a series of three experiments to simulate the intraseasonal oscillation in the tropical atmosphere.Analyses of the model daily data show that various physical variables,from sever- al different regions,exhibit fluctuations with a spectral peak between 30 and 60 days.This represents a 30—60 day oscillation in the tropical atmosphere and possesses several features which are consistent with observations.These in- clude a horizontal structure dominated by zonal wavenumber 1 and a vertical structure which is predominantly baroclinic. The effect of warm SST (sea surface temperature) anomalies on the 30—60 day oscillation in the tropical atmos- phere is also simulated by prescribing global SST as observed in 1983.This has the effect of weakening the oscillation while at the same time the vertical structure becomes less baroclinic. The importance of cumulus convection to the propagational characteristics of this oscillation is demonstrated by a comparison of results based on different parameterizations for convection.In one case,where the maximum convection over the Pacific is simulated to be too far east,the simulated 30—60 day oscillation shows evidence of westward propa- gation.In the second case,where the convection maximum is located near the observed position in the western Pacific, there is more clearly evidence of eastward propagation. Both results suggest that the location of maximum convection in the Pacific can have an important influence on the strength,structure and propagation of the 30—60 day oscillation.展开更多
In summer 2018,a total of 18 tropical cyclones(TCs)formed in the western North Pacific(WNP)and South China Sea(SCS),among which 8 TCs landed in China,ranking respectively the second and the first highest since 1951.Mo...In summer 2018,a total of 18 tropical cyclones(TCs)formed in the western North Pacific(WNP)and South China Sea(SCS),among which 8 TCs landed in China,ranking respectively the second and the first highest since 1951.Most of these TCs travelled northwest to northward,bringing in heavy rainfall and strong winds in eastern China and Japan.The present study investigates the impacts of decaying La Nina and intraseasonal oscillation(ISO)on the extremely active TCs over the WNP and SCS in summer 2018 by use of correlation and composite analyses.It is found that the La Nina episode from October 2017 to March 2018 led to above-normal sea surface temperature(SST)over central–western Pacific,lower sea level pressure and 500-hPa geopotential height over WNP,and abnormally strong convective activities over the western Pacific in summer 2018.These preceding oceanic thermal conditions and their effects on circulation anomalies are favorable to TC genesis in summer.Detailed examination reveals that the monsoon trough was located further north and east,inducing more TCs in northern and eastern WNP;and the more eastward WNP subtropical high as well as the significant wave train with a"-+-+"height anomaly pattern over the midlatitude Eurasia–North Pacific region facilitated the northwest to northward TC tracks.Further analyses reveal that two successively active periods of Madden–Julian Oscillation(MJO)occurred in summer 2018 and the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation(BSISO)was also active over WNP,propagating northward significantly,corresponding to the more northward TC tracks.The MJO was stagnant over the Maritime Continent to western Pacific,leading to notably enhanced convection in the lower troposphere and divergence in the upper troposphere,conducive to TC occurrences.In a word,the extremely active TC activities over the WNP and SCS in summer 2018 are closely linked with the decaying La Nina,and the MJO and BSISO;their joint effects result in increased TC occurrences and the TC tracks being shifted more northwest to northward than normal.展开更多
Tropical intraseasonal oscillation (including the Madden-Julian oscillation) is an important element of the atmospheric circulation system. The activities and anomalies of tropical intraseasonal oscillations affect ...Tropical intraseasonal oscillation (including the Madden-Julian oscillation) is an important element of the atmospheric circulation system. The activities and anomalies of tropical intraseasonal oscillations affect weather and climate both inside and outside the tropical region. The study of these phenomena therefore represents one of the frontiers of atmospheric sciences. This review aims to synthesize and summarize studies of intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) by Chinese scientists within the last 5-10 years. We focus particularly on ISO's mechanisms, its numerical simulations (especially the impacts of diabatic heating profiles), relation- ships and interactions with ENSO (especially over the western Pacific), impacts on tropical cyclone genesis and tracks over the northwestern Pacific, and influences on the onset and activity of the South and East Asian monsoons (especially rainfall over China). Among these, focuses of ongoing research and unresolved issues related to ISO are also discussed.展开更多
基金supported by"863" program (Grant No. 2010AA012305)"973" pro-gram (Grant Nos. 2012CB955401,2010CB950404 and 2012CB417203)+2 种基金the specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (SRFDP)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.41005036)the State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology (Grant No. 2010ZY03)
文摘Simulations of tropical intraseasonal oscillation (TISO) in SAMIL, the Spectral Atmospheric Model from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG) coupled and uncoupled general circulation models were comprehensively evaluated in this study. Compared to the uncoupled model, the atmosphere-ocean coupled model improved the TISO simulation in the following aspects: (1) the spectral intensity for the 30-80-day peak eastward periods was more realistic; (2) the eastward propagation signals over western Pacific were stronger; and (3) the variance distribution and stronger signals of Kelvin waves and mixed Rossby gravity waves were more realistic. Better performance in the coupled run was assumed to be associated with a better mean state and a more realistic relationship between precipitation and SST. In both the coupled and uncoupled runs, the unrealistic simulation of the eastward propagation over the equatorial Indian Ocean might have been associated with the biases of the precipitation mean state over the Indian Ocean, and the unrealistic split of maximum TISO precipitation variance over the Pacific might have corresponded to the exaggeration of the double Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) structure in precipitation mean state. However, whether a better mean state leads to better TISO activity remains questionable. Notably, the northward propagation over the Indian Ocean during summer was not improved in the mean lead-lag correlation analysis, but case studies have shown some strong cases to yield remarkably realistic northward propagation in coupled runs.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(Grant No2010CB950403)by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.U0933603)
文摘The features of 30-60-day convection oscillations over the subtropical western North Pacific (WNP) were investigated, along with the degree of tropical-subtropical linkage between the oscillations over the WNP during summer 1998. It was found that 30-60-day oscillations were extremely strong in that summer over both the subtropical and tro]~ical WNP, providing a unique opportunity to study the behavior of subtropical oscillations and their relationship to tropical oscillations. Further analyses indicated that 30-60-day oscillations propagate westwards over the subtropical WNP and reach eastern China. In addition, 30-60-day oscillations in the subtropics are affected by those over the South China Sea (SCS) and tropical WNP through two mechanisms: (1) direct propagation from the tropics into the subtropics; and (2) a seesaw pattern between the tropics and subtropics, with the latter being predominant.
基金supported by the "973" projects (Grant Nos. 2012CB417203,2012CB955400,and 2013CB955803) "863" project (Grant No.2010AA012305)NSFC (Grant Nos. 41005036 and 41023002)
文摘Northward propagation in summer and eastward propagation in winter are two distinguished features of tropical intraseasonal oscillation (TISO) over the equatorial Indian Ocean. According to numerical modeling results, under a global warming scenario, both propagations were intensified. The enhanced northward propagation in summer can be attributed to the enhanced atmosphere-ocean interaction and the strengthened mean southerly wind; and the intensified eastward propagation in winter is associated with the enhanced convection-wind coupling process and the strengthened equatorial Kevin wave. Future changes of TISO propagations need to be explored in more climate models.
基金supported jointly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.40921160379,41025017and41105047)the Chinese Key Developing Program for Basic Sciences(Grant No.2009CB421405)
文摘The present study investigates modulation of western North Pacific (WNP) tropical cyclone (TC) genesis in relation to different phases of the intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) of ITCZ convection during May to October in the period 1979 2008. The phases of the ITCZ ISO were determined based on 30-80-day filtered OLR anomalies averaged over the region (5°20′N, 120°150′E). The number of TCs during the active phases was nearly three times more than during the inactive phases. The active (inactive) phases of ISO were characterized by low-level cyclonic (anticyclonic) circulation anomalies, higher (lower) midlevel relative humidity anomalies, and larger (smaller) vertical gradient anomalies of relative vorticity associated with enhanced (weakened) ITCZ convection anomalies. During the active phases, TCs tended to form in the center of the ITCZ region. Barotropic conversion from the low-level mean flow is suggested to be the major energy source for TC formation. The energy conversion mainly depended on the zonal and meridional gradients of the zonal flow during the active phases. However, barotropic conversion weakened greatly during the inactive phases. The relationship between the meridional gradient of absolute vorticity and low-level zonal flow indicates that the sign of the absolute vorticity gradient tends to be reversed during the two phases, whereas the same sign between zonal flow and the absolute vortieity gradient is more easily satisfied in the active phases. Thus, the barotropie instability of low-level zonal flow might be an important mechanism for TC formation over the WNP during the active phases of ISO.
基金Key National Science Research Program(2014CB953901)Science and Technology Planning Project fo Guangdong Province(2012A061400012)+1 种基金Natural Science Foundation of China(41575043,41205069)Project for China Meteorological Administration(GYHY201406009)
文摘The impact of tropical intraseasonal oscillations on the precipitation of Guangdong in Junes and its physical mechanism are analyzed using 30-yr(1979 to 2008), 86-station observational daily precipitation of Guangdong and daily atmospheric data from NCEP-DOE Reanalysis. It is found that during the annually first rainy season(April to June),the modulating effect of the activity of intraseasonal oscillations propagating eastward along the equator(MJO) on the June precipitation in Guangdong is different from that in other months. The most indicative effect of MJO on positive(negative) anomalous precipitation over the whole or most of the province is phase 3(phase 6) of strong MJO events in Junes. A Northwest Pacific subtropical high intensifies and extends westward during phase 3. Water vapor transporting along the edge of the subtropical high from Western Pacific enhances significantly the water vapor flux over Guangdong, resulting in the enhancement of the precipitation. The condition is reverse during phase 6. The mechanism for which the subtropical high intensifies and extends westward during phase 3 is related to the atmospheric response to the asymmetric heating over the eastern Indian Ocean. Analyses of two cases of sustained strong rainfall of Guangdong in June 2010 showed that both of them are closely linked with a MJO state which is both strong and in phase 3, besides the effect from a westerly trough. It is argued further that the MJO activity is indicative of strong rainfall of Guangdong in June. The results in the present work are helpful in developing strategies for forecasting severe rainfall in Guangdong and extending, combined with the outputs of dynamic forecast models, the period of forecasting validity.
基金Natural Science Foundation of China (4057502740675051)Innovative Project for ChineseAcademy of Sciences (KZCX3-sw-226)
文摘Seasonal variations of the tropical intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) and relationship to seasonal variation of the climate background are studied by using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and output of SAMIL-R42L9. Analysis of NCEP data shows that spatial distribution of the tropical ISO has obvious seasonal variations, which are well consistent with the seasonal variation of climate background. The activity of the tropical ISO is, to a great extent, dependent on warm SST, strong convection, zonal western wind, strong precipitation and low-level moisture convergence. Main characteristics of the seasonal variations of the tropical ISO are captured by SAMIL-R42L9. Simulations of seasonal variation of climate background vary greatly with different variables. Results of SAMIL-R42L9 indicate that the seasonal variations of the tropical ISO in dynamical fields are more dependent on climate background than in heating fields and SAMIL-R42L9 canllot represent well the strong dependence of the ISO on the climate background present in NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. It also suggests that seasonal variations of the ISO do not completely depend on that of climate background.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China[grant number 2014CB953901],support from the National Basic Research Program of China[grant number 2015CB453200]the National Natural Science Foundation of China[grant numbers 41675096,41575043,41375095,and 41505067],the National Natural Science Foundation of China[grant numbers 41475084 and 41630423]
文摘The effects of air-sea coupling over the tropical Indian Ocean(TIO) on the eastward propagating boreal winter intraseasonal oscillation(MJO) are investigated by comparing a fully coupled and a partially decoupled Indian Ocean experiment using the SINTEX-F coupled model.Air-sea coupling over the TIO significantly enhances the intensity of the eastward propagations of the MJO along the5°-10°S zonal areas.The zonal asymmetry of the SST anomaly(SSTA) is responsible for the enhanced eastward propagation.A positive SSTA appears to the east of the MJO convection,which results in the boundary layer moisture convergence and positively feeds back to the MJO convection.In addition,the air-sea interaction effect on the eastward propagation of the MJO is related to the interannual variations of the TIO.Air-sea coupling enhances(reduces) the eastward-propagating spectrum during the negative Indian Ocean dipole mode and positive Indian Ocean basin mode.Such phase dependence is attributed to the role of the background mean westerly in affecting the wind-evaporation-SST feedback.Air-sea coupling(decoupling) enhances(reduces) the zonal asymmetry of the low-level specific humidity,and thus the eastward propagation spectrum of the MJO.
基金National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program)(2009CB421503)Natural Science Foundation of China(41075073+2 种基金40775058)Tropical Marine&Meteorologic Science Foundation(201103)Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi(2010GXNSFA013010)
文摘Using the daily average outgoing longwave radiation and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data in boreal summer(Mays to Octobers)from 1979 to 2007,the propagating characteristics of convection intraseasonal oscillations(ISOs)in the Asian-western Pacific(AWP)region and the relationship between tropical synoptic waves and ISOs are examined by means of finite-domain wavenumber-frequency energy spectrum analysis and lagged linear regression technique.The results are shown as follows.(1)The AWP ISOs propagate both eastward and westward,showing seasonality and regionality.The ISOs propagate eastward with a period of 30 to 60 days over equatorial regions in the whole AWP region,while the westward propagation occurs over 10 to 20°N western Pacific or in the late summers(August,September and October) with periods of 20 to 40 days.The ISOs eastward propagation mainly occurs in primary summers while the westward propagation enhances in late summers.(2)Deep ISO convections associate with westerly and cyclonic circulation anomalies that first form in the Indian Ocean,propagate eastward to the dateline in the Pacific and then turn northwestward.The ISOs convections show northwestward propagating characteristics in the western North Pacific.(3)The ISOs link with the tropical synoptic waves closely.Both convection signals,though with different spatio-temporal scale,enhance simutaneously in the northwestern Pacific,and the ISOs facilitate the forming of a cluster of tropical cyclones(TCs),while a cluster of TCs convection becomes one portion of the northwestward ISOs.
文摘The data analyses indicated that the occurrence of D Nino event is closely related to intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) in the tropical atmosphere : The intraseasonal oscillation is very strong in tile tropics (particularly over the equatorial western Pacific) prior to the occurrence of El Nino; But the ISO is evidently reduced and the quasistationary system is enhanced after the outbreak of El Nino. A simple air-sea coupled model study shows that the periodical self-excited oscillation can be produced in the air-sea-coupled system, but the pattern is different from the observed ENSO mode. When there is external (atmospheric) forcing with interannual time scale, a coupled mode, which looks like the ENSO mode, will be excited in the air-sea system. Synthesizing the results in data analyses and the theoretical investigation. the mechanism of ISO in the tropical atmosphere exciting the EI Nino event can be suggested : The interannual anomalies (variations) of the tropical ISO play an important role in the exciting EI Nino event through the air-sea interaction.
基金Natural Development and Plan for Key Fundamental Research (2009CB421505)National Natural Science Foundation (40775058+2 种基金41075073)Tropical Marine & Meteorological Science Foundation (201103)Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi (2010GXNSFA013010)
文摘Comparative analysis is carried out by using finite-domain power spectrum and lagged regression methods for the propagating characteristics and air-sea interaction processes of intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) in the Asia to western Pacific (AWP) region during the boreal summer between the active and inactive tropical cyclone (TC) years from 1979 to 2004.The results show as follows.(1) There exist more significant eastward propagating characteristics of the ISO in the active TC years over the whole AWP region.The ISOs of convection propagate zonally with more eastward extension in the years with active tropical cyclone activities,during which the 20-60-day period is strengthened,western Pacific becomes an area with evident characteristics of the propagation that is closely related to TC activities.(2) The air-sea interaction processes are the same in both active and inactive TC years,and the energy exchanges between the air and the sea play a role in maintaining the northwestward propagation of ISOs.(3) The air-sea interaction is more intensive in the active TC years than in the inactive ones.It is particularly true for the latent heat release by condensation as the result of convection,which may be one of the reasons resulting in significant differences in characteristics of ISOs between the active and inactive TC years.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China[grant number 41675062]the Hong Kong Research Grant Council(RGC)General Research Fund[grant number RGC GRF 11306417]
文摘This paper reviews the recent progress and research on the variability of tropical cyclones(TCs) at different time scales. Specific focus is placed on how different types of external forcings or climatic oscillations contribute to TC variability in the western North Pacific(WNP). At the intraseasonal scale, recent advances on the distinctive impacts of the Madden–Julian Oscillation(MJO), the Quasi-biweekly Oscillation, and the asymmetric MJO modulation under different El Ni?o–Southern Oscillation(ENSO) states, as well as the influences of the Pacific–Japan teleconnection, are highlighted. Interannually, recent progress on the influences of the ENSO cycle, different flavors of ENSO, and impacts of Indian Ocean warming is presented. In addition, the uncertainty concerning interdecadal TC variations is discussed, along with the recently proposed modulation mechanisms related to the zonal sea surface temperature gradient, the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation, and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO). It is hoped that this study can deepen our understanding and provide information that the scientific community can use to improve the seasonal forecasting of TCs in the WNP.
文摘The influence of intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) on TC genesis over the northwestern Pacific is studied through comparing analyses of the more and less TC years from 1979 to 2006. It is indicated that the ISO strongly affects the TC genesis. In the years for more TC genesis, the ISO is weak and propagates insignificantly in the area to the west of the Philippines, but the ISO is strong in the area to the east of the Philippines and propagates significantly northwestward. In this situation, the Walker cell shifts gradually westward from the tropical western Pacific to the tropical eastern Indian Ocean. Convergent winds appear in the lower atmosphere while divergent winds in the upper atmosphere, suggesting the presence of enhanced ascending flow over the 140-160°E region and a favorable condition for TC genesis. Moreover, in the years for less TC genesis, the ISO gradually becomes stronger in the area to the west of the Philippines and significant eastward propagation prevails from the eastern Indian Ocean to the area around 120°E; the ISO is weak in the area to the east of the Philippines. During these years, the Walker circulation gradually moved eastward, with convergent winds in the upper troposphere and divergent winds in the lower troposphere. Sinking motion was significant, unfavorable for the TC genesis over the Northwestern Pacific.
基金National Basic Research Program of China(2015CB953904)National Natural Science Foundation of China(41575081)+1 种基金Startup Foundation for Introducing Talent of NUIST(2015r035)Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions(PAPD)
文摘The intraseasonal oscillation(ISO) of the South China Sea(SCS, 105-120°E, 5-20°N) convection and its influences on the genesis and track of the western North Pacific(WNP) tropical cyclones(TCs) were explored, based on the daily average of NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the OLR data and the western North Pacific tropical cyclone best-track data from 1979 to 2008. The mechanism of the influences of ISO on TC movement and the corresponding large-scale circulation were discussed by a trajectory model. It was found as follows.(1) During the SCS summer monsoon, the SCS convection exhibits the ISO features with active phases alternating with inactive phases. The monsoon circulation patterns are significantly different during these two phases. When the SCS convection is active(inactive), the SCS-WNP monsoon trough stretches eastward(retreats westward) due to the activity(inactivity) of SCS monsoon, and the WNP subtropical high retreats eastward(stretches westward), which enhances(suppresses) the monsoon circulation.(2) The amount of TC genesis in the active phase is much more than that in the inactive phase. A majority of TCs form west of 135 °E during the active phases but east of 135 °E in the inactive phases.(3) The TCs entering the area west of 135 °E and south of 25 °N would move straight into the SCS in the active phase, or recurve northward in the inactive phase.(4) Simulation results show that the steering flow associated with the active(inactive)phases is in favor of straight-moving(recurving) TCs. Meanwhile, the impacts of the locations of TC genesis on the characteristics of TC track cannot be ignored. TCs that occurred father westward are more likely to move straight into the SCS region.
文摘An atmospheric general circulation model is used in a series of three experiments to simulate the intraseasonal oscillation in the tropical atmosphere.Analyses of the model daily data show that various physical variables,from sever- al different regions,exhibit fluctuations with a spectral peak between 30 and 60 days.This represents a 30—60 day oscillation in the tropical atmosphere and possesses several features which are consistent with observations.These in- clude a horizontal structure dominated by zonal wavenumber 1 and a vertical structure which is predominantly baroclinic. The effect of warm SST (sea surface temperature) anomalies on the 30—60 day oscillation in the tropical atmos- phere is also simulated by prescribing global SST as observed in 1983.This has the effect of weakening the oscillation while at the same time the vertical structure becomes less baroclinic. The importance of cumulus convection to the propagational characteristics of this oscillation is demonstrated by a comparison of results based on different parameterizations for convection.In one case,where the maximum convection over the Pacific is simulated to be too far east,the simulated 30—60 day oscillation shows evidence of westward propa- gation.In the second case,where the convection maximum is located near the observed position in the western Pacific, there is more clearly evidence of eastward propagation. Both results suggest that the location of maximum convection in the Pacific can have an important influence on the strength,structure and propagation of the 30—60 day oscillation.
基金the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2018YFC1506001)National Basic Research(973)Program of China(2015CB453203)National Natural Science Foundation of China(41275073 and 41805067)
文摘In summer 2018,a total of 18 tropical cyclones(TCs)formed in the western North Pacific(WNP)and South China Sea(SCS),among which 8 TCs landed in China,ranking respectively the second and the first highest since 1951.Most of these TCs travelled northwest to northward,bringing in heavy rainfall and strong winds in eastern China and Japan.The present study investigates the impacts of decaying La Nina and intraseasonal oscillation(ISO)on the extremely active TCs over the WNP and SCS in summer 2018 by use of correlation and composite analyses.It is found that the La Nina episode from October 2017 to March 2018 led to above-normal sea surface temperature(SST)over central–western Pacific,lower sea level pressure and 500-hPa geopotential height over WNP,and abnormally strong convective activities over the western Pacific in summer 2018.These preceding oceanic thermal conditions and their effects on circulation anomalies are favorable to TC genesis in summer.Detailed examination reveals that the monsoon trough was located further north and east,inducing more TCs in northern and eastern WNP;and the more eastward WNP subtropical high as well as the significant wave train with a"-+-+"height anomaly pattern over the midlatitude Eurasia–North Pacific region facilitated the northwest to northward TC tracks.Further analyses reveal that two successively active periods of Madden–Julian Oscillation(MJO)occurred in summer 2018 and the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation(BSISO)was also active over WNP,propagating northward significantly,corresponding to the more northward TC tracks.The MJO was stagnant over the Maritime Continent to western Pacific,leading to notably enhanced convection in the lower troposphere and divergence in the upper troposphere,conducive to TC occurrences.In a word,the extremely active TC activities over the WNP and SCS in summer 2018 are closely linked with the decaying La Nina,and the MJO and BSISO;their joint effects result in increased TC occurrences and the TC tracks being shifted more northwest to northward than normal.
基金Supported by the National(Key)Basic Research and Development(973)Program of China(2010CB950400 and 2013CB956200)
文摘Tropical intraseasonal oscillation (including the Madden-Julian oscillation) is an important element of the atmospheric circulation system. The activities and anomalies of tropical intraseasonal oscillations affect weather and climate both inside and outside the tropical region. The study of these phenomena therefore represents one of the frontiers of atmospheric sciences. This review aims to synthesize and summarize studies of intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) by Chinese scientists within the last 5-10 years. We focus particularly on ISO's mechanisms, its numerical simulations (especially the impacts of diabatic heating profiles), relation- ships and interactions with ENSO (especially over the western Pacific), impacts on tropical cyclone genesis and tracks over the northwestern Pacific, and influences on the onset and activity of the South and East Asian monsoons (especially rainfall over China). Among these, focuses of ongoing research and unresolved issues related to ISO are also discussed.