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作者 张迪 郭玲 《实用中医内科杂志》 2025年第1期130-132,共3页
目的研究两种不同证型慢性肾脏病患者的舌象特征数据,探析两类患者舌象特征的差异,通过融合现代计算机视觉技术,提高中医临床辨证客观性。方法采集辽宁中医药大学肾病科门诊2022年9月—2023年9月80例患者舌象,并提出舌象分区模型,通过... 目的研究两种不同证型慢性肾脏病患者的舌象特征数据,探析两类患者舌象特征的差异,通过融合现代计算机视觉技术,提高中医临床辨证客观性。方法采集辽宁中医药大学肾病科门诊2022年9月—2023年9月80例患者舌象,并提出舌象分区模型,通过观察两种证型患者舌色、舌型、苔色、苔质、舌下络脉等,并结合数据分析其HSV色度空间参数,进而获取两种证型患者舌象特征信息。结果脾肾亏虚型患者以淡红舌为主,多伴齿痕、白苔,舌下脉络增粗、迂曲、颜色加深不明显;湿浊型以红舌为主,多伴齿痕、点刺、厚腻苔、舌下络脉增粗、迂曲、颜色加深明显。结论分区模型可以量化不同证型患者的舌象特征,并在一定程度上提高舌诊的准确性和辩证的参照性。 展开更多
关键词 慢性肾脏病 舌象特征 舌诊 脾肾亏虚证 湿浊证
Distribution of Turbidity and Fluorescence of SPM in Adjacent Waters of Taiwan Bank in Summer
作者 胡毅 陈坚 和转 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2009年第2期45-54,共10页
The turbidity and fluorescence of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the Taiwan Bank and adjacent waters were investigated during July-August, 2004, to examine the effects of the marine sediments re-suspension an... The turbidity and fluorescence of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the Taiwan Bank and adjacent waters were investigated during July-August, 2004, to examine the effects of the marine sediments re-suspension and sedimentary processes on the turbidity and fluorescence distribution of SPM. The results show that the turbidity of SPM is affected by the re-suspension of marine sediment in the near shore and continental shelf outer fringe, but not obvious in the shoal. The enrichment of phytoplankton has some effects on the turbidity in the continental shelf outer fringe, but not evident in the near shore. This is helpful for better understanding the distribution of turbidity and fluorescence in the adjacent waters of Taiwan Bank. 展开更多
关键词 Taiwan Bank suspended Matter turbidity FLUORESCENCE
作者 张芷童 刘元献 +3 位作者 禤达科 杨素娟 刘霞 王士贞 《医学综述》 CAS 2025年第1期103-107,共5页
鼻咽癌是我国华南地区高发的恶性肿瘤,放化疗是其主要治疗手段,但常导致鼻窦炎、口腔黏膜炎、放射性脑病等并发症,影响患者的生活质量。基于“清阳浊阴”理论认为,鼻咽癌放化疗并发症的病机可归纳为“清阳不升,浊阴不降”,中医治疗策略... 鼻咽癌是我国华南地区高发的恶性肿瘤,放化疗是其主要治疗手段,但常导致鼻窦炎、口腔黏膜炎、放射性脑病等并发症,影响患者的生活质量。基于“清阳浊阴”理论认为,鼻咽癌放化疗并发症的病机可归纳为“清阳不升,浊阴不降”,中医治疗策略“升清阳、降浊阴”在改善患者症状和增强免疫功能方面显示出积极效果。未来研究应关注中医药与现代医学的结合,探索综合治疗方案,以期为鼻咽癌患者提供更有效的治疗选择,提升其生存质量。 展开更多
关键词 鼻咽癌 清阳浊阴 放化疗 并发症
作者 李柏 金妍 +5 位作者 王栋先 王琦 候志会 张永臣 贾红玲 王新陆(指导) 《山东中医杂志》 2025年第1期112-117,123,共7页
脑病种类众多,临床对其辨治面临诸多难题,需要新的诊疗思路。国医大师王新陆教授提出了血浊理论,并将其运用于脑病辨治,认为脑病发病与七情内伤、饮食失节及环境污染等相关,主要病机为浊血伤髓、脑窍失养,并提出清化血浊、益脑填髓的治... 脑病种类众多,临床对其辨治面临诸多难题,需要新的诊疗思路。国医大师王新陆教授提出了血浊理论,并将其运用于脑病辨治,认为脑病发病与七情内伤、饮食失节及环境污染等相关,主要病机为浊血伤髓、脑窍失养,并提出清化血浊、益脑填髓的治则,同时强调未病先防、活用援药。目前,在该理论指导下,采用中药内服、针药结合治疗脑病已取得较为显著的疗效,相关机制研究也正在展开。本文梳理血浊相关文献,对基于血浊理论辨治缺血性脑卒中、血管性痴呆、脑小血管病、偏头痛和癫痫等脑病的近况作一综述,以期为中医诊治脑病提供参考。参考文献46篇。 展开更多
关键词 血浊 脑病 王新陆 清化血浊 益脑填髓 综述
作者 倪宽 山晓莉 +2 位作者 戚栋 李强 张文军 《工业水处理》 北大核心 2025年第1期123-130,共8页
为实现商混站强碱性污水的无药剂高效絮凝沉降与澄清再生,提出了双铝电极电絮凝方法。通过正交试验考察了商混站污水浊度随电解时间、工作电压和电极配置模式的变化规律,并利用聚焦光束反射分析仪(FBRM)考察了3种因素对絮团弦长的影响... 为实现商混站强碱性污水的无药剂高效絮凝沉降与澄清再生,提出了双铝电极电絮凝方法。通过正交试验考察了商混站污水浊度随电解时间、工作电压和电极配置模式的变化规律,并利用聚焦光束反射分析仪(FBRM)考察了3种因素对絮团弦长的影响。正交试验结果表明,工作电压对浊度的影响显著性最大,其次是电极配置模式,电解时间的影响显著性最小。通过对絮团弦长的分析可知,絮团尺寸和抗破碎强度均随工作电压的增大和电解时间的延长而增加,且单极并联模式(MP-P)下生成的絮团强度最大。当采用MP-P模式、工作电压30 V、电解时间15 min时,商混站污水的絮凝澄清效果最佳,污水浊度可降至69.8 NTU以下,浊度去除率可达93%以上,且絮团平均弦长增长速率最快,强度最大。相较于传统化学絮凝,电絮凝法可避免处理过程对循环水的二次污染,不会对混凝土的工艺性能产生不利影响,为商混站污水的科学高效净化回用提供了一种新方法。 展开更多
关键词 强碱性污水 电絮凝 双铝电极 浊度 絮团弦长
作者 张鸣 张文宗 +1 位作者 孟宁宁 毛德西 《中西医结合心脑血管病杂志》 2025年第2期318-320,共3页
关键词 胸痹心痛 痰浊血瘀 毛德西
作者 马佳明 朱定军 +1 位作者 周伟 王俊轲 《中外能源》 CAS 2025年第1期47-56,共10页
对于深水重力流沉积的研究已有百年历史,最新研究包括重力流成因机制、类型、沉积相模式等。有学者综合流体流变学特征与沉积物支撑机制,将沉积物重力流分为浊流、流体化流、液化流、颗粒流和黏性碎屑流5类。后又有学者提出三端元分类方... 对于深水重力流沉积的研究已有百年历史,最新研究包括重力流成因机制、类型、沉积相模式等。有学者综合流体流变学特征与沉积物支撑机制,将沉积物重力流分为浊流、流体化流、液化流、颗粒流和黏性碎屑流5类。后又有学者提出三端元分类方案,将重力流划分为泥质碎屑流、砂质碎屑流、浊流和颗粒流4种类型,大大提高了分类的准确性与实用性。现今关于深水重力流成因机制有三种,分别是多种触发机制作用下的沉积物再搬运成因、沉积物持续补给成因和漂浮流体卸载沉降成因。沉积模式主要有Walker综合扇模式及Shanmugam深水斜坡扇模式。深水重力流沉积在油气地质中具有重要作用,往往作为良好的储集层和输导通道,也可与其他沉积体系交互形成多类型圈闭。目前深水重力流沉积研究中仍面临术语未统一、重力流流态转化研究尚浅、取样困难等问题。未来应进一步加大高精度勘探技术的应用,以更加精准地对深水沉积物进行观测和取样;以“源-汇”思想为指导,加强物理模拟和数值模拟在深水重力流研究中的应用;开展深水重力流沉积全球对比研究,建立国际化数据共享平台。 展开更多
关键词 深水重力流 成因机制 浊流 砂质碎屑流 沉积模式 术语统一
作者 李昂 李祥 +2 位作者 迟莹 王寅 李园园 《中外能源》 CAS 2025年第1期103-108,共6页
风沙、干燥、严寒低温等复杂的环境条件,对设施内空调机组的送风量及空气品质要求较高,采用喷雾式空气喷淋手段代替传统板式过滤器进行空气除尘可有效减少过滤器芯的更换频率,形成的污水需及时清理。针对圆形空调新风机组,设计一种循环... 风沙、干燥、严寒低温等复杂的环境条件,对设施内空调机组的送风量及空气品质要求较高,采用喷雾式空气喷淋手段代替传统板式过滤器进行空气除尘可有效减少过滤器芯的更换频率,形成的污水需及时清理。针对圆形空调新风机组,设计一种循环水箱嵌入式的喷雾式蒸发冷却喷淋功能段,相比传统方形功能段其气流均匀度更高,漏风率更低。在多风沙天气可有效进行除尘,夏季兼做蒸发冷却为热空气降温,运行时可实现浊清液的分离并方便浊液排出。通过试验研究方法,搭建试验平台,研究在不同补水量、排水时浊度、排水下限的水箱浊度变化规律,得到结论:喷淋水浊度从23.4NTU降至2.4NTU需要排补水5次;不同排水下限的单次排浊效率差异明显,当排水下限从1/2水箱高度降低到1/3水箱高度后效率降低了约23%。该规律可指导循环水箱补排水的间歇运行,相比常规的喷淋除尘时补排水持续运行方式,间歇运行可大大降低用水量,从而降低能源的消耗。 展开更多
关键词 空调机组 蒸发冷却 试验研究 浊度
作者 梁媛媛 彭鑫 +3 位作者 毛黎黎 杨欣怡 刘晶晶 邵欣 《中华中医药学刊》 北大核心 2025年第1期222-226,共5页
目的探讨血府逐瘀汤对冠心病不稳定型心绞痛痰浊痹阻型患者与脂蛋白相关的磷脂酶A2(lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2,Lp-PLA2)、单核细胞趋化因子-1(monocyte chemoattractant protein-1,MCP-1)、可溶性细胞间黏附分子-1(solub... 目的探讨血府逐瘀汤对冠心病不稳定型心绞痛痰浊痹阻型患者与脂蛋白相关的磷脂酶A2(lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2,Lp-PLA2)、单核细胞趋化因子-1(monocyte chemoattractant protein-1,MCP-1)、可溶性细胞间黏附分子-1(soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1,sICAM-1)、炎性因子及生存质量的影响。方法纳入收治的120例冠心病不稳定型心绞痛痰浊痹阻型患者,将其随机分为观察组及对照组各60例。对照组患者给予常规西药治疗,观察组在此基础上给予血府逐瘀汤加减,两组治疗周期均为8周。于治疗结束后观察两组患者临床疗效、心绞痛发作情况、中医临床症状积分、炎性因子水平、Lp-PLA2、MCP-1、sICAM-1水平及生存质量情况。结果治疗后观察组总有效率为90.00%(54/60),显著高于对照组(70.00%,42/60)的总有效率(P<0.05);两组患者的心绞痛发作次数、持续时间及疼痛程度均较治疗前有了显著改善(P<0.05);同时观察组在心绞痛发作次数、持续时间及疼痛程度均较对照组有更为显著改善(P<0.05);治疗后两组在胸闷、胸痛、气短喘促、身体困重、痰多纳呆的中医临床症状积分变化均较治疗前改善显著(P<0.05);且观察组在各症状积分的改善上显著优于对照组(P<0.05);治疗后两组患者炎性因子白细胞介素-4(interleukin-4,IL-4)、白细胞介素-6(interleukin-6,IL-6)、白细胞介素-8(interleukin-8,IL-8)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α)水平均较治疗前改善下降(P<0.05);且观察组各项炎性因子降幅显著优于对照组(P<0.05);治疗后两组患者Lp-PLA2、MCP-1、sLCAM水平均较治疗前显著降低(P<0.05),同时观察组改善显著优于对照组(P<0.05);治疗后两组患者SF-36评分均较治疗前有显著改善(P<0.05),同时观察组的生活质量改善显著优于对照组。结论血府逐瘀汤可有效提高冠心病不稳定型心绞痛痰浊痹阻型患者的临床治疗效果,减少患者心绞痛发作频率及程度,改善患者临床症状改善炎性因子水平,降低患者Lp-PLA2、MCP-1、sICAM-1水平,提高患者生存质量。 展开更多
关键词 血府逐瘀汤 冠心病不稳定型心绞痛 痰浊痹阻 LP-PLA2 MCP-1 SICAM-1 炎性因子 生存质量
CFD simulation on the generation of turbidites in deepwater areas: a case study of turbidity current processes in Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea 被引量:5
作者 JIANG Tao ZHANG Yingzhao +6 位作者 TANG Sulin ZHANG Daojun ZUO Qianmei LIN Weiren WANG Yahui SUN Hui WANG Bo 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第12期127-137,共11页
Turbidity currents represent a major agent for sediment transport in lakes, seas and oceans. In particu-lar, they formulate the most significant clastic accumulations in the deep sea, which become many of the world's... Turbidity currents represent a major agent for sediment transport in lakes, seas and oceans. In particu-lar, they formulate the most significant clastic accumulations in the deep sea, which become many of the world's most important hydrocarbon reservoirs. Several boreholes in the Qiongdongnan Basin, the north-western South China Sea, have recently revealed turbidity current deposits as significant hydrocarbon res-ervoirs. However, there are some arguments for the potential provenances. To solve this problem, it is es-sential to delineate their sedimentary processes as well as to evaluate their qualities as reservoir. Numerical simulations have been developed rapidly over the last several years, offering insights into turbidity current behaviors, as geologically significant turbidity currents are difficult to directly investigate due to their large scale and often destructive nature. Combined with the interpretation of the turbidity system based on high-resolution 3D seismic data, the paleotophography is acquired via a back-stripping seismic profile integrated with a borehole, i.e., Well A, in the western Qiongdongnan Basin; then a numerical model is built on the basis of this back-stripped profile. After defining the various turbidity current initial boundary conditions, includ-ing grain size, velocity and sediment concentration, the structures and behaviors of turbidity currents are investigated via numerical simulation software ANSYS FLUENT. Finally, the simulated turbidity deposits are compared with the interpreted sedimentary bodies based on 3D seismic data and the potential provenances of the revealed turbidites by Well A are discussed in details. The simulation results indicate that a sedimen-tary body develops far away from its source with an average grain size of 0.1 mm, i.e., sand-size sediment. Taking into account the location and orientation of the simulated seismic line, the consistence between normal forward simulation results and the revealed cores in Well A indicates that the turbidites should have been transported from Vietnam instead of Hainan Island. This interpretation has also been verified by the planar maps of sedimentary systems based on integration of boreholes and seismic data. The identification of the turbidity provenance will benefit the evaluation of extensively distributed submarine fans for hydro-carbon exploration in the deepwater areas. 展开更多
关键词 turbidity current CFD simulation 3D seismic interpretation sedimentary process
Pilot scale treatment of low turbidity water using compound bioflocculant and polymerized aluminium ferrum chloride 被引量:7
作者 马放 孟路 +2 位作者 庞长泷 金超 姚杰 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2009年第3期441-444,共4页
To investigate the application of compound bioflocculant (CBF) in drinking water treatment at pilot plant, CBF and polymerized aluminium ferrum chloride (PAFC) coagulant were used to treat raw water taken from Lon... To investigate the application of compound bioflocculant (CBF) in drinking water treatment at pilot plant, CBF and polymerized aluminium ferrum chloride (PAFC) coagulant were used to treat raw water taken from Longhupao Reservoir in Heilongjiang Province for the removal of turbidity, COl), UV254 and residual Al. Coagulation test shows that the coagulation enhanced by CBF and PAFC exhibits more effective performance than that enhanced by the individual of them, and the total combination dosage is lower than that of the individual. The residual Al from PAFC can be removed efficiently by CBF. The removal efficiency of turbidity reaches 76.6% by combining CBF of 2 mg/L and PAFC of 15 mg/L, COl) is decreased from 3.80 mg/L to 1.62 mg/ L, and the concentration of residual Al is only 0. 033 mg/L in the product water. It can be speculated that adsorption-bridging and sweep-coagulation processes are predominant in the flocculation process by the combination of CBF and PAFC. 展开更多
关键词 low turbidity water compound bioflocculant PAFC COAGULATION
CO_2 flux and seasonal variability in the turbidity maximum zone and surrounding area in the Changjiang River estuary 被引量:4
作者 李学刚 宋金明 +3 位作者 袁华茂 李宁 段丽琴 曲宝晓 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期222-232,共11页
The turbidity maximum zone(TMZ) is one of the most important regions in an estuary.However,the high concentration of suspended material makes it difficult to measure the partial pressure of CO_2(pCO_2) in these region... The turbidity maximum zone(TMZ) is one of the most important regions in an estuary.However,the high concentration of suspended material makes it difficult to measure the partial pressure of CO_2(pCO_2) in these regions.Therefore,very little data is available on the pCO_2 levels in TMZs.To relatively accurately evaluate the CO_2 flux in an example estuary,we studied the TMZ and surrounding area in the Changjiang(Yangtze) River estuary.From seasonal cruises during February,August,November 2010,and May 2012,the pCO_2 in the TMZ and surrounding area was calculated from pH and total alkalinity(TA)measured in situ,from which the CO_2 flux was calculated.Overall,the TMZ and surrounding area acted as a source of atmosphere CO_2 in February and November,and as a sink in May and August.The average FCO_2was-9,-16,5,and 5 mmol/(m^2·d) in May,August,November,and February,respectively.The TMZ's role as a source or sink of atmosphere CO_2 was quite different to the outer estuary.In the TMZ and surrounding area,suspended matter,phytoplankton,and pH were the main factors controlling the FCO_2,but here the influence of temperature,salinity,and total alkalinity on the FCO_2 was weak.Organic carbon decomposition in suspended matter was the main reason for the region acting as a CO_2 source in winter,and phytoplankton production was the main reason the region was a CO_2 sink in summer. 展开更多
关键词 CO2 flux seasonal variability turbidity maximum zone Changjiang River estuary
Enhanced treatment of water with low turbidity:Combined effects of permanganate, PAM and recycled sludge 被引量:4
作者 孙丽华 吕谋 +3 位作者 杨艳玲 林建禄 周玲玲 李圭白 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2009年第6期863-868,共6页
The effectiveness of enhancing treatment of water with low turbidity through combined effects of permanganate oxidation, PAM aiding coagulation and sludge recycling was investigated through continuous bench scale stud... The effectiveness of enhancing treatment of water with low turbidity through combined effects of permanganate oxidation, PAM aiding coagulation and sludge recycling was investigated through continuous bench scale studies. In comparing with ferric chloride coagulation, only recycling sedimentation sludge was ineffective in enhancing treatment of water with low turbidity. PAM with recycled sludge showed positive effects, and the additional permanganate dosing exhibited the best potential of favoring coagulation, which leaded to much lower effluent turbidity and CODMa. Additionally, it was observed that the optimal permanganate dosage was 0. 4 mg/ L and the higher permanganate dosage exhibited inhibiting effects for pollutants removal. SEM analysis indicated that the floes were loosely formed and the particle diameter was critically low for ferric chloride coagulation process. Comparatively, the addition of PAM and permanganate with recycled sludge facilitated the aggregation of tinny particles onto compact PAM polymer chains, therefore contributing to the formation of compact floes with high particle diameter. The combined employment of recycled sludge, PAM and permanganate showed the best potential of favoring coagulation, mainly through synergistic effects between seeding, polymer bridging and increasing effective collision in mechanism. Additionally, the variation of Fe and Mn concentration after recycling and sedimentating units was studied for the processes, and the main species was also investigated for elements Fe and Mn. Sludge recycling and permanganate addition did not increase Fe and Mn concentration in the sedimented water. 展开更多
关键词 water with low turbidity PERMANGANATE recycled sludge SEEDING polymer bridging
作者 王行招 刘万里 司敏 《亚太传统医药》 2025年第1期66-69,共4页
大肠腺瘤作为临床常见疾病,具有易癌变、易复发的特点。其病因病机较为复杂,古今医家认识不尽相同,近年来随着体质学说、癌毒理论等的发展,对大肠腺瘤的病因病机认识方面不断深入及更新,认为其病因病机主要与正虚、浊毒、血瘀相关,正气... 大肠腺瘤作为临床常见疾病,具有易癌变、易复发的特点。其病因病机较为复杂,古今医家认识不尽相同,近年来随着体质学说、癌毒理论等的发展,对大肠腺瘤的病因病机认识方面不断深入及更新,认为其病因病机主要与正虚、浊毒、血瘀相关,正气亏虚为本,毒瘀结聚为标,病位在肠道,主要脏腑为脾,涉及肝与肾。以扶正固元、泻浊毒、散瘀血为治则,临床疗效显著。 展开更多
关键词 大肠腺瘤 正虚、浊毒、血瘀 病因病机 中医治疗
The vertical attenuation of irradiance as a function of turbidity: a case of the Huanghai (Yellow) Sea in spring 被引量:2
作者 LIN Shaoying ZOU Tao +1 位作者 GAO Huiwang GUO Xinyu 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期66-75,共10页
The planar photosynthetically available radiation (PAR), turbidity and concentration of chlorophyll a (chl a), were measured at 26 stations in the Huanghai (Yellow) Sea during a cruise of China SOLAS from 19 to ... The planar photosynthetically available radiation (PAR), turbidity and concentration of chlorophyll a (chl a), were measured at 26 stations in the Huanghai (Yellow) Sea during a cruise of China SOLAS from 19 to 27 March 2005. Due to low chl a (〈0.35 mg · m^-3 ) in upper layers (above 5 m), suspended particulate matter became the major factor that influenced the turbidity in early spring. The calculated vertical diffuse attenuation coefficient of PAR, K PAR , varied with water depths with a maximum value in the upper 5 m layer. The mean K PAR in survey area was 0.277 ± 0.07 m^-1 that is considerably higher than most of the other case 2 waters. Within the survey area, K PAR also showed distinct regional characteristics, corresponding to the distribution of turbidity. Based on measurements, the relationship between K PAR and turbidity as well as chl a was established. It was suggested that suspended particulate matter plays an important role in light attenuation in the Huanghai (Yellow) Sea in spring. 展开更多
关键词 Photosynthetically available radiation Diffuse attenuation coefficient turbidity Chlorophyll a the Huanghai (Yellow) Sea
Characteristics and generation mechanism of turbidity maximum in the Changjiang Estuary 被引量:2
作者 Pan Ding’an Shen Huanting Mao Zhichang and Liu Xincheng (1. State Key Lab of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China) 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第1期47-57,共11页
Sediment convergence and resuspension are the two major mechanisms in forming turbidity maximum (TM) in the Changjiang Estuary. Sediment convergence is mainly controlled by the interaction between runoff and tidal cu... Sediment convergence and resuspension are the two major mechanisms in forming turbidity maximum (TM) in the Changjiang Estuary. Sediment convergence is mainly controlled by the interaction between runoff and tidal current, the mixing of freshwater and salt water, the former forming tidal TM, whereas the latter forming brackish TM. The TM in the Changjiang Estuary is characterized by a combination of tidal TM and brackish TM, which varies temporally and spatially. 展开更多
关键词 Changjiang Estuary turbidity maximum sediment convergence RESUSPENSION
Architecture mode, sedimentary evolution and controlling factors of deepwater turbidity channels: A case study of the M Oilfield in West Africa 被引量:2
作者 Wen-Biao Zhang Tai-Zhong Duan +3 位作者 Zhi-Qiang Liu Yan-Feng Liu Lei Zhao Rui Xu 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期493-506,共14页
Turbidity channels have been considered as one of the important types of deepwater reservoir, and the study of their architecture plays a key role in efficient development of an oil field. To better understand the res... Turbidity channels have been considered as one of the important types of deepwater reservoir, and the study of their architecture plays a key role in efficient development of an oil field. To better understand the reservoir architecture of the lower Congo Basin M oilfield, semiquantitative–quantitative study on turbidity channel depositional architecture patterns in the middle to lower slopes was conducted with the aid of abundant high quality materials(core, outcrop, logging and seismic data),employing seismic stratigraphy, seismic sedimentology and sedimentary petrography methods. Then, its sedimentary evolution was analyzed accordingly. The results indicated that in the study area, grade 3 to grade 5 architecture units were single channel, complex channel and channel systems, respectively. Single channel sinuosity is negatively correlated with the slope, as internal grains became finer and thickness became thinner from bottom to top, axis to edge. The migration type of a single channel within one complex channel can be lateral migration and along paleocurrent migration horizontally, and lateral,indented and swing stacking in section view. Based on external morphological characteristics and boundaries,channel systems are comprised of a weakly confining type and a non-confining type. The O73 channel system can be divided into four complex channels named S1–S4, from bottom to top, with gradually less incision and more accretion. The study in this article will promote deeper understanding of turbidity channel theory, guide 3D geological modeling in reservoir development and contribute to efficient development of such reservoirs. 展开更多
关键词 Reservoir architecture turbidity channelSedimentary evolution Deep water Shallow seismicControlling factors
A Novel Water Pretreatment Approach for Turbidity Removal Using Date Seeds and Pollen Sheath 被引量:2
作者 Mukheled Al-Sameraiy 《Journal of Water Resource and Protection》 2012年第2期79-92,共14页
Turbidity is a characteristic related to the concentration of suspended solids particles in water and has been adopted as an easy and reasonably accurate measure of overall water quality. The most widely applied water... Turbidity is a characteristic related to the concentration of suspended solids particles in water and has been adopted as an easy and reasonably accurate measure of overall water quality. The most widely applied water treatment processes, a combination of some or all of coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and filtration to reduce or eliminate turbidity and improve water quality. In this research, proposed approach was adopted on the basis of applying two sequent treatments that used coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation processes under certain operating conditions of mixing speed, mixing time and settling time for each treatment. The environmentally friendly natural coagulants of date seeds (DS) or pollen sheath (PS) from local Iraqi palm was used in the first treatment and alum was used in the second treatment at their predetermined optimum doses to treat low ( NTU), medium ( NTU) and high ( NTU) ben- tonite synthetic turbid water. Experimental results clearly show that the proposed approach was superior in perform- ance in terms of residual turbidity compared with conventional approach using both of (DS) and (PS) natural coagulants in which it achieved a significant reduction in turbidity to less of 5 NTU that meeting WHO drinking water guidelines for all tested synthetic turbid water. Moreover, in some cases, it produced excellent water quality having residual tur- bidity less of 0.1 NTU. In addition to decrease the settling time to 30 minutes and minimize risks of alum dose required to 60%. These viable advantages are significant to current practices in advanced water treatment technologies such as reverse osmosis in cost, energy, effectiveness, safety and maintenance. So, it is recommended to consider proposed approach in this research work to be a novel pretreatment approach in advanced water treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Coagulation FLOCCULATION DATE SEEDS POLLEN SHEATH turbidity Removal Bentonite
C haracteristics of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate and turbidity near the coast of East China Sea 被引量:1
作者 张艳伟 许惠平 +2 位作者 覃如府 徐昌伟 范代读 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第5期1134-1142,共9页
The East China Sea(ECS) has a high suspended-sediment concentration because of the influence of the Changjiang River,indicated by high turbidity in the water.Considering the islands off the coast and the complex topog... The East China Sea(ECS) has a high suspended-sediment concentration because of the influence of the Changjiang River,indicated by high turbidity in the water.Considering the islands off the coast and the complex topography,and the strong influence of tides and wind,the coast off the ECS is a typical region with strong oceanic mixing processes.The changes in the dynamic processes near the bottom play an important role in the control of water turbidity.The turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate(ε) is a parameter that shows the strength of ocean mixing.This is estimated based on a structure method using current velocity that is measured by a high-frequency Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler(ADCP) from a seafloor observatory in the ECS.The results indicate strong ocean mixing processes with a mean e value of 5.7×10^(-5) W/kg and distinct tidal variations in the dissipation rate.Conversely,the variation of the water turbidity leads to changes in the water dynamical structure near the bottom.Comparing the dissipation rate with the turbidity near the bottom boundary layer,we find that the high turbidity mimics strong ocean mixing. 展开更多
关键词 turbulent kinetic energy DISSIPATION rate turbidity TIDES NEAR BOTTOM boundary East China Sea
Turbidity analysis using visible and near-infrared light images 被引量:2
作者 ZHU Yuanyang ZHAO Wenzhu +1 位作者 LIU Sheng GAO Hongwen 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2021年第1期27-35,共9页
The conventional photoelectric detection system requires complex circuitry and spectroscopic systems as well as specialized personnel for its operation.To replace such a system,a method of measuring turbidity using a ... The conventional photoelectric detection system requires complex circuitry and spectroscopic systems as well as specialized personnel for its operation.To replace such a system,a method of measuring turbidity using a camera is proposed by combining the imaging characteristics of a digital camera and the high-speed information processing capability of a computer.Two turbidity measurement devices based on visible and near-infrared(NIR)light cameras and a light source driving circuit with constant light intensity were designed.The RGB data in the turbidity images were acquired using a self-developed image processing software and converted to the CIE Lab color space.Based on the relationship between the luminance,chromatic aberration,and turbidity,the turbidity detection models for luminance and chromatic aberration of visible and NIR light devices exhibiting values from 0-1000 NTU,less than 100 NTU,and more than 100 NTU were established.By comparing and analyzing the proposed models,the two measurement models with the best all-around performance were selected and fused to generate new measurement models.The experimental results prove that the correlation between the three models and the commercial turbidity meter measurements exhibite a significance value higher than 0.999.The error of the fusion model is within 1.05%,with a mean square error of 1.14.The visible light device has less error at low turbidity measurements and is less influenced by the color of the image.The NIR light device is more stable and accurate at full range and high turbidity measurements and is therefore more suitable for such measurements. 展开更多
关键词 image processing water quality turbidity measurement near-infrared image color space conversion
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