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作者 赵超 杨群宇 +2 位作者 钟新谷 舒小娟 沈明燕 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期191-199,共9页
为解决已有混凝土细观数值模拟方法计算效率低、对象尺寸受限的问题,提出一种基于Voronoi网格拓扑和刚体弹簧模型(RBSM)的混凝土细观建模新思路。该模型将混凝土视为由骨料、水泥砂浆组成的二相材料,骨料通过Voronoi单胞描述,视为刚性体... 为解决已有混凝土细观数值模拟方法计算效率低、对象尺寸受限的问题,提出一种基于Voronoi网格拓扑和刚体弹簧模型(RBSM)的混凝土细观建模新思路。该模型将混凝土视为由骨料、水泥砂浆组成的二相材料,骨料通过Voronoi单胞描述,视为刚性体,水泥砂浆简化为Voronoi单胞交界面的均布弹簧,弹簧刚度依据局部砂浆的实际情况自动定义。无需对骨料和水泥砂浆进行网格细化,可大大减少单元数量,允许Voronoi单胞在界面处侵入和分离,描述混凝土的变形、开裂等。为验证该文模型的有效性和适用性,开展了室内试验与数值模拟的对比研究,并分析了骨料占比等参数的敏感性。结果表明:基于Voronoi-RBSM的混凝土细观模型,可以较为高效、准确预测混凝土构件在加载过程中细观力学响应,对于尺寸较小的混凝土试件、尺寸较大钢筋混凝土简支梁均有较好的细观模拟效果,尤其是当网格尺寸与骨料平均粒径接近时,预测结果与试验结果最为接近。此外,模型的预测精度受骨料体积占比影响,骨料体积占比越小精度越低,因此,并不适用于浆体占比高的混凝土材料细观数值模拟。 展开更多
关键词 混凝土 细观数值模拟 voronoi网格 刚体弹簧模型 二相材料
基于Voronoi图的空间点事件统计聚类方法 被引量:1
作者 刘敬一 唐建波 +3 位作者 郭琦 姚晨 陈金勇 梅小明 《时空信息学报》 2024年第2期205-215,共11页
挖掘地理空间数据中点事件聚集模式对于揭示流行疾病、犯罪分布热点区域及城市基础设施空间分布格局等具有重要意义。针对不同形状、密度和大小的显著空间点聚集模式的识别,目前以空间扫描统计为代表的方法虽然可以对空间点聚类的显著... 挖掘地理空间数据中点事件聚集模式对于揭示流行疾病、犯罪分布热点区域及城市基础设施空间分布格局等具有重要意义。针对不同形状、密度和大小的显著空间点聚集模式的识别,目前以空间扫描统计为代表的方法虽然可以对空间点聚类的显著性进行统计推断,减少虚假聚类结果,但其主要用于识别球形或椭圆形状的聚簇,对于沿着街道或河道分布的任意形状、不同密度的显著空间点聚簇识别还存在局限。因此,本研究提出一种基于Voronoi图的空间点聚集模式统计挖掘方法。首先,采用Voronoi图来度量空间点分布的聚集性,将空间点聚类问题转化为热点区域探测问题;其次,结合局部Gi*统计量探测统计上显著的空间点聚簇;最后,通过模拟数据和真实犯罪事件数据进行实验与对比分析。结果表明:本方法能够有效探测任意形状的空间点聚类,并对空间点簇的显著性进行统计判别,识别显著的空间点簇,减少随机噪声点的干扰;聚类识别结果优于现有代表性方法,如DBSCAN算法、空间扫描统计方法等。 展开更多
关键词 空间点聚类 显著模式 空间数据挖掘 统计检验 犯罪热点分析 voronoi
作者 刘辙 王兆会 《中国煤炭》 北大核心 2024年第8期122-134,共13页
由于岩石细观结构决定宏观力学行为,离散元计算结果的准确性取决于数值模型对岩石复杂细观结构的表征程度。为提高离散元数值计算在采矿工程中的适用性,基于Voronoi图提出一种精细化PFC数值计算方法。Voronoi图剖分空间形成的凸多面体... 由于岩石细观结构决定宏观力学行为,离散元计算结果的准确性取决于数值模型对岩石复杂细观结构的表征程度。为提高离散元数值计算在采矿工程中的适用性,基于Voronoi图提出一种精细化PFC数值计算方法。Voronoi图剖分空间形成的凸多面体具有随机性和多样性,与岩石细观结构具有自相似性;将Voronoi图中点、线、面、体的编号与坐标数据导入PFC,借助PFC内嵌Fish语言将其转化为PFC可识别几何体,基于Voronoi单元提出2种不规则颗粒模型构建方法(VCPM和VBPM),分别模拟完整岩石和破碎岩石;采用Monte-Carlo方法生成服从Weibull分布的伪随机数,表征岩石细观力学参数,实现岩石非均质性模拟,将不规则颗粒周围接触数目定义为Coordination Number(CN),颗粒体积和颗粒CN分别服从Weibull分布和正态分布,实现岩石细观结构复杂性模拟;VCPM模型可准确模拟完整岩石在单轴和三轴抗压条件下的强度特征及峰前硬化、峰后软化、体积剪胀等行为,模拟所得岩石单轴抗压强度221 MPa,弹性模量64 GPa,内聚力和内摩擦角分别为34 MPa和55°,与实验数据具有较高的一致性;高内摩擦角表明VCPM模型内不规则颗粒间的剪切闭锁效应增强,且模拟结果可反映岩石破坏模式随围压增大由劈裂向剪切甚至塑性流动转变的现象;VBPM模型可准确模拟破碎岩石在侧限压缩实验中的压实和承载特征,初始加载阶段,破碎岩石中含大量孔隙,变形曲线斜率小,轴向载荷增加导致孔隙逐渐压实,变形曲线斜率快速升高,应力应变曲线模拟结果与实验结果吻合,由于VBPM模型不规则颗粒间的自由度差异明显,压缩过程中颗粒间的接触力呈现非均匀分布特征。 展开更多
关键词 voronoi 数值计算 岩石细观结构 力学行为
基于加权Voronoi图的农村居民点用地适宜性评价及分区管控 被引量:1
作者 程文仕 王天明 +1 位作者 徐宁 高莉萍 《国土与自然资源研究》 2024年第2期63-67,共5页
随着经济社会的快速发展和城镇化的加快推进,农村人口向城镇集中,造成大量农村宅基地闲置或低效利用,加之宅基地布局散乱、基础设施配套不全,严重影响农村土地利用效率提升和人民生活水平的提高。本文以景泰县为例,在测算农村居民点整... 随着经济社会的快速发展和城镇化的加快推进,农村人口向城镇集中,造成大量农村宅基地闲置或低效利用,加之宅基地布局散乱、基础设施配套不全,严重影响农村土地利用效率提升和人民生活水平的提高。本文以景泰县为例,在测算农村居民点整治潜力的基础上,应用加权Voronoi图进行农村建设用地适宜性评价和空间热点分析,探究农村居民点布局优化方向与发展的路径策略。结果表明,景泰县农村居民点整治潜力为876.16 hm2,整治潜力较大;农村建设用地适宜性整体较好,但各区域的差异较大,划分为适宜性好、较好、一般、较差、差5个等级;在此基础上将研究区划分为5种农村居民点发展模式区,并针对性地提出管控策略,为更好地开展国土空间规划编制、提高农村土地利用效率,助推乡村振兴提供参考和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 农村居民点 加权voronoi 适宜性评价 分区管控
作者 罗文龙 傅连东 +3 位作者 蒋林 明祥宇 陈斌 向贤宝 《农业装备与车辆工程》 2024年第5期95-99,127,共6页
基于Voronoi图的路径规划算法在复杂环境导航过程中会因环境改变和Voronoi图结构的不变性,使全局路径规划器陷入最短路径搜索“陷阱”,导致导航失败。针对这一问题,提出一种改进骨架提取的Voronoi图导航骨架重构算法。对栅格地图进行预... 基于Voronoi图的路径规划算法在复杂环境导航过程中会因环境改变和Voronoi图结构的不变性,使全局路径规划器陷入最短路径搜索“陷阱”,导致导航失败。针对这一问题,提出一种改进骨架提取的Voronoi图导航骨架重构算法。对栅格地图进行预处理,生成全局初始骨架;结合激光雷达观测模型更新代价地图,通过改变代价地图的更新方式辅助骨架重构,实现机器人正确导航。对比实验结果表明,所提算法使骨架重构具有“记忆性”,在保证导航实时性的同时,提升了骨架算法的导航鲁棒性。 展开更多
关键词 voronoi 地图预处理 代价地图 骨架重构 路径规划
作者 方炳坤 楚瀛 《计算机应用与软件》 北大核心 2024年第1期119-125,共7页
在自然场景中准确有效地检测文本是一项艰巨的任务,故提出一种基于条件随机场(CRF)框架的场景文本检测方法。通过利用贝叶斯推断估计文本极大值区域的置信度作为一元成本项,通过使用维诺图(Voronoi图)来构建CRF空间邻域信息,从而构建图... 在自然场景中准确有效地检测文本是一项艰巨的任务,故提出一种基于条件随机场(CRF)框架的场景文本检测方法。通过利用贝叶斯推断估计文本极大值区域的置信度作为一元成本项,通过使用维诺图(Voronoi图)来构建CRF空间邻域信息,从而构建图模型,通过最大流算法最小化成本函数区分文本与非文本标记;利用字符的几何特性通过聚类方法聚合成行。实验结果表明,该算法比传统基于最大稳定极值区域(MSER)算法性能有所提高,自然场景文本检测正确率能达到87%。 展开更多
关键词 贝叶斯模型 条件随机场 voronoi 计算机视觉 文本检测
作者 屈青珩 《航空工程进展》 CSCD 2024年第5期58-66,共9页
开孔泡沫材料是一种可以满足航空航天等高新技术领域实际需求的先进的功能结构一体化材料,在工程实际生产应用方面有较好的发展前景。关于三维开孔泡沫的力学模型研究已经得到了一定的发展,但是在声学方面鲜有研究。提出一种利用Vorono... 开孔泡沫材料是一种可以满足航空航天等高新技术领域实际需求的先进的功能结构一体化材料,在工程实际生产应用方面有较好的发展前景。关于三维开孔泡沫的力学模型研究已经得到了一定的发展,但是在声学方面鲜有研究。提出一种利用Voronoi图构建三维开孔泡沫模型的方法,用于模拟开孔泡沫微结构的几何特性,并定义扰动因子K来衡量微观结构的不规则程度;利用光敏树脂打印技术生成对应的实物模型,并通过力学及声学实验与仿真对生成模型的准确性进行验证。结果表明:生成的带有截面属性的开孔泡沫实体模型可以导入多种有限元软件完成力学、声学等有限元计算,对三维Voronoi开孔泡沫模型的构建提供了思路和方法,对多孔材料的进一步性能研究和生产制备具有借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 voronoi 三维开孔泡沫模型 扰动因子 光敏树脂打印 有限元仿真
Township Classification and the Sphere of Influence Based on Voronoi Diagram——A Case of Bijie City
作者 陈笑筑 王博 胡伟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第3期542-545,共4页
Supported by research available of township system and influential sphere, the research is conducted based on towns in Bijie City, as per Voronoi diagram and breaking point theory. In the research, Shixi Office domina... Supported by research available of township system and influential sphere, the research is conducted based on towns in Bijie City, as per Voronoi diagram and breaking point theory. In the research, Shixi Office dominated as the highest center and Salaxi Town and Haizijie Town were sub-centers, supplemented by Yachi Town, Zhuchang Town, Yangjiawan Town, Qingchang Town, Heguantun Town, Qingshuipu Town, Yanzikou Town and Longchangying Town. Hence, township system and influ- ential sphere were determined and related methods and technologies were explored. 展开更多
关键词 Township system Sphere of influence voronoi diagram Bijie City
基于Voronoi图和快速行进的移动机器人导航路径规划 被引量:1
作者 黄莲花 李光明 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2023年第11期87-92,共6页
移动机器人导航路径规划是机器人的关键技术,其目标是高效、高质量寻找导航和运动规划路径。论文介绍了移动机器人通用控制平台的架构,提出了一种新的全局路径规划器,即采用Voronoi图提取环境中最安全的区域,并将快速行进法应用于由Voro... 移动机器人导航路径规划是机器人的关键技术,其目标是高效、高质量寻找导航和运动规划路径。论文介绍了移动机器人通用控制平台的架构,提出了一种新的全局路径规划器,即采用Voronoi图提取环境中最安全的区域,并将快速行进法应用于由Voronoi图所提取的最安全区域中,从而获得最短的路径。另外,提出了通用机器人导航架构,在对导航架构描述的基础上将机器人导航和环境快速全局规划器相结合,并采用样条规划曲线对机器人的全局路径进行细化插补。该方法将地图尺寸缩小为一维地图,且是移动机器人环境中最安全的区域,这使得移动机器人具有速度快、可靠性强的特点。将提出的方法应用于实际的移动机器人导航路径规划中,结果表明该方法能够成功地完成移动机器人导航路径规划任务。 展开更多
关键词 voronoi 快速行进 移动机器人 导航规划 路径规划
作者 Fu Zhuang,Liu Chengliang,Yin Yuehong,Cao Qixin,Ma Peixun (Research Institute of Robotics, Shanghai Jiaotong University) Wang Shuguo (Harbin Institute of Technology) 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2001年第4期314-318,341,共6页
Based on the object oriented data structure of Voronoi diagram, the algorithm of the trimmed offset generating and the optimal too l path planning of the pocket machining for multiply connected polygonal domains are ... Based on the object oriented data structure of Voronoi diagram, the algorithm of the trimmed offset generating and the optimal too l path planning of the pocket machining for multiply connected polygonal domains are studied. The intersection state transition rule is improved in this algorithm. The intersection is between the trimmed offsets and Voronoi polygon. On this basis, the trimmed offset generating and the optimal tool path planning are mad e with three stacks(I stack, C stack and P stack)in different monotonous pouches of Voronoi diagram. At the same time, a merging method of Voronoi diagram an d offsets generating for multiply connected polygonal domains is also presented. The above algorithms have been implemented in NC machining successfully, and the efficiency is fully verified. 展开更多
关键词 voronoi diagram Monotonous pouches Stacks Tool path planning
Finding Optimal Allocation of Constrained Cloud Capacity Using Hyperbolic Voronoi Diagrams on the Sphere 被引量:2
作者 Shanthi Shanmugam Caroline Shouraboura 《Intelligent Information Management》 2012年第5期239-250,共12页
We consider a network of computer data centers on the earth surface delivering computing as a service to a big number of users. The problem is to assign users to data centers to minimize the total communication distan... We consider a network of computer data centers on the earth surface delivering computing as a service to a big number of users. The problem is to assign users to data centers to minimize the total communication distance between compu-ting resources and their users in the face of capacity constrained datacenters. In this paper, we extend the classical pla-nar Voronoi Diagram to a hyperbolic Voronoi Diagram on the sphere. We show that a solution to the distance minimi-zation problem under capacity constraints is given by a hyperbolic spherical Voronoi Diagram of data centers. We also present numerical algorithms, computer implementation and results of simulations illustrating our solution. We note applicability of our solution to other important assignment problems, including the assignment of population to regional trauma centers, location of airbases, the distribution of the telecommunication centers for mobile telephones in global telephone companies, and others. 展开更多
关键词 CLOUD Computing voronoi diagram voronoi diagram on the SPHERE
Directional nearest neighbor query method for specified geographical direction space based on Voronoi diagram 被引量:3
作者 LI Song SONG Shuang +1 位作者 HAO Xiaohong ZHANG Liping 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2022年第2期122-133,共12页
The existing nearest neighbor query methods cannot directly perform the nearest neighbor query of specified geographical direction space.In order to compensate the shortcomings of the existing methods,a directional ne... The existing nearest neighbor query methods cannot directly perform the nearest neighbor query of specified geographical direction space.In order to compensate the shortcomings of the existing methods,a directional nearest neighbor query method in specific direction space based on Voronoi diagram is put forward.This work studies two cases,i.e.the query point is static and the query point moves with a constant velocity.Under the static condition,the corresponding pruning method and the pruning algorithm of the specified direction nearest neighbor(pruning_SDNN algorithm)are proposed by combining the plane right-angle coordinate system with the north-west direction,and then according to the smallest external rectangle of Voronoi polygon,the specific query is made and the direction nearest neighbor query based on Voronoi rectangle(VR-DNN) algorithm is given.In the case of moving with a constant velocity,first of all,the combination of plane right angle coordinate system,geographical direction and circle are used,the query range is determined and pruning methods and the pruning algorithm of the direction nearest neighbor based on decision circle(pruning_DDNN algorithm) are put forward.Then,according to the different position of motion trajectory and Voronoi diagram,a specific query through the nature of Voronoi diagram is given.At last,the direction nearest neighbor query based on Voronoi diagram and motion trajectory(VM-DNN) algorithm is put forward.The theoretical research and experiments show that the proposed algorithm can effectively deal with the problem of the nearest neighbor query for a specified geographical direction space. 展开更多
关键词 nearest neighbor query direction voronoi diagram rectangular plane coordinate system
Effcient UAV-Based MEC Using GPU-Based PSO and Voronoi Diagrams 被引量:2
作者 Mohamed H.Mousa Mohamed K.Hussein 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2022年第11期413-434,共22页
Mobile-Edge Computing(MEC)displaces cloud services as closely as possible to the end user.This enables the edge servers to execute the offloaded tasks that are requested by the users,which in turn decreases the energy... Mobile-Edge Computing(MEC)displaces cloud services as closely as possible to the end user.This enables the edge servers to execute the offloaded tasks that are requested by the users,which in turn decreases the energy consumption and the turnaround time delay.However,as a result of a hostile environment or in catastrophic zones with no network,it could be difficult to deploy such edge servers.Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAVs)can be employed in such scenarios.The edge servers mounted on these UAVs assist with task offloading.For the majority of IoT applications,the execution times of tasks are often crucial.Therefore,UAVs tend to have a limited energy supply.This study presents an approach to offload IoT user applications based on the usage of Voronoi diagrams to determine task delays and cluster IoT devices dynamically as a first step.Second,the UAV flies over each cluster to perform the offloading process.In addition,we propose a Graphics Processing Unit(GPU)-based parallelization of particle swarm optimization to balance the cluster sizes and identify the shortest path along these clusters while minimizing the UAV flying time and energy consumption.Some evaluation results are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented offloading strategy. 展开更多
关键词 Task offloading mobile-edge computing unmanned aerial vehicles Internet of Things voronoi diagrams GPU particle swarm optimization
A Study on Selecting the Shortest Routes by Voronoi Diagram in Route Networks of GIS 被引量:1
作者 吴旭彦 《Journal of Modern Transportation》 2000年第2期184-190,共7页
The problems of fast determining shortest paths through a polygonal subdivision planar with n vertices are considered in GIS. Distances are measured according to an Euclidean metric. A geographical information system ... The problems of fast determining shortest paths through a polygonal subdivision planar with n vertices are considered in GIS. Distances are measured according to an Euclidean metric. A geographical information system (GIS) has a collection of nearest neighborhood operations and this collection serves as a useful toolbox for spatial analysis. These operations are undertaken through the Voronoi diagrams. This paper presents a novel algorithm that constructs a' shortest route set' with respect to a given source point and a target point by Voronoi diagrams. It will help to improve the efficiency of traditional algorithms, e. g., Djkstra algorithm, on selecting the shortest routes. Moreover, the novel algorithm can check the connectivity in a complex network between the source point and target one. 展开更多
关键词 GIS voronoi diagram networks analysisT
A new heuristics model of simulating pedestrian dynamics based on Voronoi diagram 被引量:1
作者 Xin-Sen Wu Hao Yue +2 位作者 Qiu-Mei Liu Xu Zhang Chun-Fu Shao 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第1期623-639,共17页
A new heuristics model based on the Voronoi diagram is presented to simulate pedestrian dynamics with the noncrowded state, in which these mechanisms of preference demand evading and surpassing, microscopic anti-deadl... A new heuristics model based on the Voronoi diagram is presented to simulate pedestrian dynamics with the noncrowded state, in which these mechanisms of preference demand evading and surpassing, microscopic anti-deadlock, and site-fine-tuning are considered. The preference demand describes the willingness determination of detouring or following other pedestrians. In the evading and surpassing mechanisms, in order to achieve a balance between avoiding conflicts and minimizing detour distances, a new pair of concepts: "allow-areas and denial-areas" are introduced to divide the feasible region for pedestrians detour behaviors, in which the direction and magnitude of detour velocity are determined.A microscopic anti-deadlock mechanism is inserted to avoid deadlock problem of the counter-directional pedestrian. A site-fine-tuning mechanism is introduced to describe the behavior of avoiding getting too close to the neighbors in pedestrian movement. The presented model is verified through multiple scenarios, including the uni-or bi-direction pedestrian flow in the corridor without obstacles, the uni-direction pedestrian flow in the corridor with obstacles, and the pedestrian evacuation from a room with single-exit. The simulation results show that the velocity–density relationship is consistent with empirical data. Some self-organizing phenomena, such as lanes formation and arching are observed in the simulation.When pedestrians detour an obstacle, the avoiding area before the obstacle and the unoccupied area after the obstacle can be observed. When pedestrians evacuate through a bottleneck without panic, the fan-shaped crowd can be found, which is consistent with the actual observation. It is also found that the behavior of following others in an orderly manner is more conducive to the improvement of the overall movement efficiency when the crowd moves in a limited space. 展开更多
关键词 pedestrian dynamics pedestrian simulation heuristics rules voronoi diagram
A Hierarchical Sensor Network Based on Voronoi Diagram 被引量:2
作者 商瑞强 赵建立 +1 位作者 孙秋霞 王光兴 《Defence Technology(防务技术)》 SCIE EI CAS 2006年第2期157-160,共4页
关键词 传感器 数据集合 无线通信 网络系统
基于Voronoi图和改进K-means的扇区优化研究 被引量:1
作者 林福根 温祥西 +1 位作者 吴明功 衡宇铭 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期170-179,共10页
扇区划分是空中交通管制的一项重要工作,合理的扇区划分能够提高空域的使用率,保障航空器的飞行安全。鉴于平峰时段的扇区划设不能很好适用于复杂空情的现状,提出一种基于Voronoi图和改进K-means的扇区优化方法。依据空情态势构建冲突网... 扇区划分是空中交通管制的一项重要工作,合理的扇区划分能够提高空域的使用率,保障航空器的飞行安全。鉴于平峰时段的扇区划设不能很好适用于复杂空情的现状,提出一种基于Voronoi图和改进K-means的扇区优化方法。依据空情态势构建冲突网络,结合航空器速度障碍关系和复杂网络理论提出了扇区综合管制负荷计量方式。依据负荷值采用改进K-means聚类方法确定了合理的聚类中心作为Voronoi图的生成元,从而使用Voronoi图的划分方法生成合理边界来优化扇区。采集厦门空域管制扇区数据作为仿真场景进行了计算分析,结果表明,在繁忙时段,优化后的扇区管制负荷平均方差相比原扇区降低了66.04%,平峰时段降低了13.88%,达到了均衡扇区负荷的目的,验证了扇区优化方法的有效性,为现有的扇区划设工作提供了参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 空中交通管制 扇区优化 K-MEANS 速度障碍法 voronoi
基于改进Voronoi图的集群无人机区域覆盖方法 被引量:1
作者 陈捷 刘海颖 +1 位作者 李志豪 谢远龙 《电子设计工程》 2023年第6期30-33,38,共5页
近年来,随着机载电子元器件的不断发展,单架无人机已不再适用于当下逐渐复杂的任务环境。因此,以无人机集群为代表的多智能体协同技术已经成为当前研究的热点问题。针对无人机集群在目标区域的覆盖优化问题,采用改进Voronoi图对任务区... 近年来,随着机载电子元器件的不断发展,单架无人机已不再适用于当下逐渐复杂的任务环境。因此,以无人机集群为代表的多智能体协同技术已经成为当前研究的热点问题。针对无人机集群在目标区域的覆盖优化问题,采用改进Voronoi图对任务区域进行划分,通过获取划分区域重要因子以及视觉传感器的观测质量,计算集群内无人机对任务区域的覆盖质量目标。由无人机期望状态信息调整集群输入控制律,使其覆盖质量目标达到极大值,实现对任务区域的最大范围覆盖。通过在设定任务场景下的仿真试验,得出该区域覆盖方法对任务场景覆盖率达到90.31%,能够实现最优区域分布。 展开更多
关键词 无人机集群 任务规划 区域覆盖 voronoi
Optimal Siting of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Based on Voronoi Diagram and FAHP Method
作者 Zheci Tang Chunlin Guo +1 位作者 Pengxin Hou Yubo Fan 《Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第4期1404-1409,共6页
The electric vehicle charging station should be allocated based on traffic density, geographical distribution and other factors, and Voronoi diagram is adopted to set the service area of charging station. In combinati... The electric vehicle charging station should be allocated based on traffic density, geographical distribution and other factors, and Voronoi diagram is adopted to set the service area of charging station. In combination with the actual situation of site selection of electric vehicle charging station, the comprehensive benefits index system is established. There are numerous factors influencing the site selection, among which there are uncertainty and fuzziness. The comprehensive evaluation method based on the fuzzy analysis and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to evaluate the comprehensive benefits in the site selection of electric vehicle charging stations, with the consultation of experts. This paper contributes to the best selection of comprehensive benefits and provides the reference for the decision-making of building the electric vehicle charging station. Actual examples show that the method proposed is effective. 展开更多
关键词 Electric Vehicles CHARGING STATION voronoi diagram FUZZY-AHP OPTIMAL Siting
A new fast algorithm for computing the distance between two disjoint convex polygons based on Voronoi diagram
作者 YANG Cheng-lei QI Meng +2 位作者 MENG Xiang-xu LI Xue-qing WANG Jia-ye 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第9期1522-1529,共8页
Computing the distance between two convex polygons is often a basic step to the algorithms of collision detection and path planning. Now, the lowest time complexity algorithm takes O(logm+logn) time to compute the min... Computing the distance between two convex polygons is often a basic step to the algorithms of collision detection and path planning. Now, the lowest time complexity algorithm takes O(logm+logn) time to compute the minimum distance between two disjoint convex polygons P and Q, where n and m are the number of the polygons’ edges respectively. This paper discusses the location relations of outer Voronoi diagrams of two disjoint convex polygons P and Q, and presents a new O(logm+logn) algo- rithm to compute the minimum distance between P and Q. The algorithm is simple and easy to implement, and does not need any preprocessing and extra data structures. 展开更多
关键词 Computational geometry POLYGON voronoi diagram Distance computation
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