A new method using high water content material to mechanically fill cross roadways to form artificial bottom for coal faces was introduced. The reasonable determination of filling range, the optimization of the compou...A new method using high water content material to mechanically fill cross roadways to form artificial bottom for coal faces was introduced. The reasonable determination of filling range, the optimization of the compounding ratio of high water content material, and the filling technique were discussed in detail. This new method has been spread after industrial testing in Baodian Colliery. Compared with the traditional method, the manual wooden chock method, the new one decreases about 40% of the filling range and cost in dealing every one set of cross roadway in the testing condition.展开更多
A new type of high water content material which is made up of two pastes is prepared, one is refute from lime and gypsum, and another is based on Ba-bearing sulphoaluminate cement. It has excellent properties such as ...A new type of high water content material which is made up of two pastes is prepared, one is refute from lime and gypsum, and another is based on Ba-bearing sulphoaluminate cement. It has excellent properties such as slow single paste solidifing ,fust double pustes solidifing ,fast coagulating and hardening, high early strength, good suspeasion property at high W/C ratio and low cost. Meanwhile, the properties and hydration mechanism of the material were analyzed by using XRD, DTA- TG and SEM. The hydrated products of new type of high water content material are Ba-bearing ettringite, BaSO4 , aluminum gel and C-S-H gel.展开更多
红层泥岩填料水敏性高,路基状态受含水率影响显著。为研究含水率对红层泥岩填料动力特性的影响,开展了41组动三轴试验,5组压汞(mercury intrusion porosimetry,MIP)试验和3组扫描电镜(scanning electron microscope,SEM)试验,结果表明:...红层泥岩填料水敏性高,路基状态受含水率影响显著。为研究含水率对红层泥岩填料动力特性的影响,开展了41组动三轴试验,5组压汞(mercury intrusion porosimetry,MIP)试验和3组扫描电镜(scanning electron microscope,SEM)试验,结果表明:填料等效模量和阻尼比具有应变振幅相关性,可用Hardin-Drnevich双曲线模型表述。随动应力增大,填料累积变形由稳定型向破坏型过渡。含水率影响填料累积变形响应和临界动应力,相同应力水平下干侧填料累积变形明显低于湿侧填料,达到变形限值的振次高于湿侧填料。干侧填料临界动应力大于湿侧,临界动应力随初始吸力增加而增加,可用VG模型表述。从微观结构看,含水率增加将导致填料微观孔隙结构由单峰形态向双峰形态转变,填料组构由密实稳定逐渐向无序松散转变,最终在宏观上表现为干侧填料动力特性优于湿侧填料。填料临界动应力与静强度比值为65%~75%,采用静强度作设计指标将高估路基承载力。推荐采用5.0%~7.0%含水率填料填筑红层泥岩路基。展开更多
文摘A new method using high water content material to mechanically fill cross roadways to form artificial bottom for coal faces was introduced. The reasonable determination of filling range, the optimization of the compounding ratio of high water content material, and the filling technique were discussed in detail. This new method has been spread after industrial testing in Baodian Colliery. Compared with the traditional method, the manual wooden chock method, the new one decreases about 40% of the filling range and cost in dealing every one set of cross roadway in the testing condition.
文摘A new type of high water content material which is made up of two pastes is prepared, one is refute from lime and gypsum, and another is based on Ba-bearing sulphoaluminate cement. It has excellent properties such as slow single paste solidifing ,fust double pustes solidifing ,fast coagulating and hardening, high early strength, good suspeasion property at high W/C ratio and low cost. Meanwhile, the properties and hydration mechanism of the material were analyzed by using XRD, DTA- TG and SEM. The hydrated products of new type of high water content material are Ba-bearing ettringite, BaSO4 , aluminum gel and C-S-H gel.
文摘红层泥岩填料水敏性高,路基状态受含水率影响显著。为研究含水率对红层泥岩填料动力特性的影响,开展了41组动三轴试验,5组压汞(mercury intrusion porosimetry,MIP)试验和3组扫描电镜(scanning electron microscope,SEM)试验,结果表明:填料等效模量和阻尼比具有应变振幅相关性,可用Hardin-Drnevich双曲线模型表述。随动应力增大,填料累积变形由稳定型向破坏型过渡。含水率影响填料累积变形响应和临界动应力,相同应力水平下干侧填料累积变形明显低于湿侧填料,达到变形限值的振次高于湿侧填料。干侧填料临界动应力大于湿侧,临界动应力随初始吸力增加而增加,可用VG模型表述。从微观结构看,含水率增加将导致填料微观孔隙结构由单峰形态向双峰形态转变,填料组构由密实稳定逐渐向无序松散转变,最终在宏观上表现为干侧填料动力特性优于湿侧填料。填料临界动应力与静强度比值为65%~75%,采用静强度作设计指标将高估路基承载力。推荐采用5.0%~7.0%含水率填料填筑红层泥岩路基。