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The Oscillating Universe Theory (To the Unified Field Theory)
作者 Evgeny V. Chensky 《International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 2013年第4期438-463,共26页
This paper represents model of oscillating universe theory. We try to realize model of both electromagnetic waves and spectrum of elementary particles from the unified point of view. Consideration of problems of the g... This paper represents model of oscillating universe theory. We try to realize model of both electromagnetic waves and spectrum of elementary particles from the unified point of view. Consideration of problems of the gravitational optics and dark matter is developing from the solid crystal model for the vacuum. The vacuum is represented as a three-dimensional crystal lattice matter with a very small lattice period, much less than 10-26 cm. The oscillators are located at the nodes of an infinite lattice. It is shown that an infinite set of equations to describe the coupled oscillations of moving oscillators converges to a system of twelve equations. We have obtained the combined equations for a multicomponent order parameter in the form of the electric and magnetic vacuum polarization, which defines the spectrum and symmetry of normal oscillations in the form of elementary particles. Two order parameters—a polar vector and an axial vector— had to be introduced as electrical and magnetic polarization, correspondingly, in order to describe dynamic properties of vacuum. Vacuum susceptibility has been determined to be equal to the fine structure constant a. Unified interaction constant g for all particles equal to the double charge of Dirac monopole has been found (g = e/a, where e—electron charge). The fundamental vacuum constants are: g, a, parameters of length and parameters of time for electron and nucleon oscillations, correspondingly. Energy of elementary particles has been expressed in terms of the fundamental vacuum parameters, light velocity being equal to . The term mass of particle has been shown to have no independent meaning. Particle energy does have physical sense as wave packet energy related to vacuum excitation. Exact equation for particle movement in the gravitational field has been derived, the equation being applied to any relatively compact object: planet, satellite, electron, proton, photon and neutrino. The situation has been examined according to the cosmological principle when galaxies are distributed around an infinite space. In this case the recession of galaxies is impossible, so the red shift of far galaxies’ radiation has to be interpreted as the blue time shift of atomic spectra;it follows that zero-energy, and consequently electron mass are being increased at the time. Since physical vacuum has existed eternally, vacuum parameters can be either constant, or oscillating with time. It is the time oscillation of the parameters that leads to the growth of electron mass within the last 15 billion years and that is displayed in the red shift;the proton mass being decreased that is displayed in planet radiation. 展开更多
关键词 GRAVITATIONAL Optics Crystal Model of Vacuum Electromagnetism and particles physics UNIVERSE Evolution Modeling unified field theory
统一场论源流及新版本 被引量:5
作者 沈致远 《自然杂志》 北大核心 2014年第3期157-164,共8页
统一场论通称万物之理,自古以来成为人类对大自然奥秘的不懈追求。本文对从老子及古希腊先哲之启迪直至现代统一场论作一综述。爱因斯坦是统一场论创始者,不幸以失败告终。20世纪70年代后,物理学家在新的基础上探索统一场论。基于多维... 统一场论通称万物之理,自古以来成为人类对大自然奥秘的不懈追求。本文对从老子及古希腊先哲之启迪直至现代统一场论作一综述。爱因斯坦是统一场论创始者,不幸以失败告终。20世纪70年代后,物理学家在新的基础上探索统一场论。基于多维空间的弦论从量子论出发,背景独立的圈论从广义相对论出发,经过数千位物理学家和数学家四十多年孜孜以求,目标仍遥不可及,是进行反思的时候了。本文作者经八年研究,提出统一场论新版本。论文题为《A New Version of Unified Field Theory—Stochastic Quantum Space Theory on Paricle Physics and Cosmology》(统一场论新版本——随机量子空间理论关于粒子物理及宇宙学),论文经过同行评审,发表在《Journal of Modern Physics》,2013年,第4卷第10期,页码:1213-1380。随机量子空间(SQS)理论基于简单基本假设建立起理论框架,得出几十个与实验符合的理论结果,并提出25项预测以供实验检验。在此基础上,从广义相对论真空方程出发,重新定义其度规张量将之乘以高斯几率分布,SQS理论建立起基本方程,对光子和电子的初步分析结果与实验符合。 展开更多
关键词 统一场论 sqs理论 粒子物理 宇宙学
Unification of Gravity and Electromagnetism
作者 Mohammed A. EI-Lakany 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2017年第3期15-24,共10页
关键词 电磁力 LAGRANGIAN 引力场方程 重力 数学结构 能量动量张量 反对称 爱因斯坦
大统一理论,轻子星和γ射线暴,类星体(英文) 被引量:2
作者 张一方 《云南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期216-219,227,共5页
在超重质量星无限塌缩的过程中,其能量标度达到足够大时,此时就可以应用粒子物理中的大统一理论,并提出一个新的模型:核子衰变后一个超重质量星将把它的几乎所有质量转化为能量,从而变为可能是亚稳定或不稳定的轻子星.按照这一模型,就... 在超重质量星无限塌缩的过程中,其能量标度达到足够大时,此时就可以应用粒子物理中的大统一理论,并提出一个新的模型:核子衰变后一个超重质量星将把它的几乎所有质量转化为能量,从而变为可能是亚稳定或不稳定的轻子星.按照这一模型,就可以解释超高能宇宙射线和高能天体物理中的下列疑难:类星体和γ-射线暴等.轻子星也许就是真实的白洞. 展开更多
关键词 大统一理论 Γ射线暴 类星体 粒子物理 宇宙学
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