Traditional 3D Magnetotelluric(MT) forward modeling and inversions are mostly based on structured meshes that have limited accuracy when modeling undulating surfaces and arbitrary structures. By contrast, unstructured...Traditional 3D Magnetotelluric(MT) forward modeling and inversions are mostly based on structured meshes that have limited accuracy when modeling undulating surfaces and arbitrary structures. By contrast, unstructured-grid-based methods can model complex underground structures with high accuracy and overcome the defects of traditional methods, such as the high computational cost for improving model accuracy and the difficulty of inverting with topography. In this paper, we used the limited-memory quasi-Newton(L-BFGS) method with an unstructured finite-element grid to perform 3D MT inversions. This method avoids explicitly calculating Hessian matrices, which greatly reduces the memory requirements. After the first iteration, the approximate inverse Hessian matrix well approximates the true one, and the Newton step(set to 1) can meet the sufficient descent condition. Only one calculation of the objective function and its gradient are needed for each iteration, which greatly improves its computational efficiency. This approach is well-suited for large-scale 3D MT inversions. We have tested our algorithm on data with and without topography, and the results matched the real models well. We can recommend performing inversions based on an unstructured finite-element method and the L-BFGS method for situations with topography and complex underground structures.展开更多
Three-dimensional forward modeling magnetotellurics (MT) problems. We present a is a challenge for geometrically complex new edge-based finite-element algorithm using an unstructured mesh for accurately and efficien...Three-dimensional forward modeling magnetotellurics (MT) problems. We present a is a challenge for geometrically complex new edge-based finite-element algorithm using an unstructured mesh for accurately and efficiently simulating 3D MT responses. The electric field curl-curl equation in the frequency domain was used to deduce the H (curl) variation weak form of the MT forward problem, the Galerkin rule was used to derive a linear finite-element equation on the linear-edge tetrahedroid space, and, finally, a BI-CGSTAB solver was used to estimate the unknown electric fields. A local mesh refinement technique in the neighbor of the measuring MT stations was used to greatly improve the accuracies of the numerical solutions. Four synthetic models validated the powerful performance of our algorithms. We believe that our method will effectively contribute to processing more complex MT studies.展开更多
The conventional finite-element(FE) method often uses a structured mesh, which is designed according to the user’s experience, and it is not sufficiently accurate and flexible to accommodate complex structures such...The conventional finite-element(FE) method often uses a structured mesh, which is designed according to the user’s experience, and it is not sufficiently accurate and flexible to accommodate complex structures such as dipping interfaces and rough topography. We present an adaptive FE method for 2.5D forward modeling of induced polarization(IP). In the presented method, an unstructured triangulation mesh that allows for local mesh refinement and flexible description of arbitrary model geometries is used. Furthermore, the mesh refinement process is guided by dual error estimate weighting to bias the refinement towards elements that affect the solution at the receiver locations. After the final mesh is generated, the Jacobian matrix is used to obtain the IP response on 2D structure models. We validate the adaptive FE algorithm using a vertical contact model. The validation shows that the elements near the receivers are highly refined and the average relative error of the potentials converges to 0.4 % and 1.2 % for the IP response. This suggests that the numerical solution of the adaptive FE algorithm converges to an accurate solution with the refined mesh. Finally, the accuracy and flexibility of the adaptive FE procedure are also validated using more complex models.展开更多
A novel class of weighted essentially nonoscillatory (WENO) schemes based on Hermite polynomi- als, termed as HWENO schemes, is developed and applied as limiters for high order discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method o...A novel class of weighted essentially nonoscillatory (WENO) schemes based on Hermite polynomi- als, termed as HWENO schemes, is developed and applied as limiters for high order discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method on triangular grids. The developed HWENO methodology utilizes high-order derivative information to keep WENO re- construction stencils in the von Neumann neighborhood. A simple and efficient technique is also proposed to enhance the smoothness of the existing stencils, making higher-order scheme stable and simplifying the reconstruction process at the same time. The resulting HWENO-based limiters are as compact as the underlying DG schemes and therefore easy to implement. Numerical results for a wide range of flow conditions demonstrate that for DG schemes of up to fourth order of accuracy, the designed HWENO limiters can simul- taneously obtain uniform high order accuracy and sharp, es- sentially non-oscillatory shock transition.展开更多
The finite volume method (FVM) has many advantages in 2-D shallow water numerical simulation. In this study, the finite volume method is used with unstructured triangular grids to simulate the tidal currents. The Ro...The finite volume method (FVM) has many advantages in 2-D shallow water numerical simulation. In this study, the finite volume method is used with unstructured triangular grids to simulate the tidal currents. The Roe scheme is applied in the calculation of the intercell numerical flux, and the MUSCL method is introduced to improve its accuracy. The time integral is a two-step scheme of forecast and revision. For the verification of the present method, the Stoker's problem is calculated and the result is compared with the mathematically analytic solutions. The comparison indicates that the method is feasible. A sea area of a port is used as an example to test the method established here. The result shows that the present computational method is satisfactory, and it could be applied to the engineering fields.展开更多
In this paper, we propose a hybrid PML (H-PML) combining the normal absorption factor of convolutional PML (C-PML) with tangential absorption factor of Mutiaxial PML (M-PML). The H-PML boundary conditions can be...In this paper, we propose a hybrid PML (H-PML) combining the normal absorption factor of convolutional PML (C-PML) with tangential absorption factor of Mutiaxial PML (M-PML). The H-PML boundary conditions can better suppress the numerical instability in some extreme models, and the computational speed of finite-element method and the dynamic range are greatly increased using this HPML. We use the finite-element method with a hybrid PML to model the acoustic reflection of the interface when wireline and well logging while drilling (LWD), in a formation with a reflector outside the borehole. The simulation results suggests that the PS- and SP- reflected waves arrive at the same time when the inclination between the well and the outer interface is zero, and the difference in arrival times increases with increasing dip angle. When there are fractures outside the well, the reflection signal is clearer in the subsequent reflection waves and may be used to identify the fractured zone. The difference between the dominant wavelength and the model scale shows that LWD reflection logging data are of higher resolution and quality than wireline acoustic reflection logging.展开更多
A least-squares finite-element method (LSFEM) for the non-conservative shallow-water equations is presented. The model is capable of handling complex topography, steady and unsteady flows, subcritical and supercriti...A least-squares finite-element method (LSFEM) for the non-conservative shallow-water equations is presented. The model is capable of handling complex topography, steady and unsteady flows, subcritical and supercritical flows, and flows with smooth and sharp gradient changes. Advantages of the model include: (1) sources terms, such as the bottom slope, surface stresses and bed frictions, can be treated easily without any special treatment; (2) upwind scheme is no needed; (3) a single approximating space can be used for all variables, and its choice of approximating space is not subject to the Ladyzhenskaya-Babuska-Brezzi (LBB) condition; and (4) the resulting system of equations is symmetric and positive-definite (SPD) which can be solved efficiently with the preconditioned conjugate gradient method. The model is verified with flow over a bump, tide induced flow, and dam-break. Computed results are compared with analytic solutions or other numerical results, and show the model is conservative and accurate. The model is then used to simulate flow past a circular cylinder. Important flow charac-teristics, such as variation of water surface around the cylinder and vortex shedding behind the cylinder are investigated. Computed results compare well with experiment data and other numerical results.展开更多
A modeling tool for simulating three-dimensional land frequency-domain controlled-source electromagnetic surveys,based on a finite-element discretization of the Helmholtz equation for the electric fields,has been deve...A modeling tool for simulating three-dimensional land frequency-domain controlled-source electromagnetic surveys,based on a finite-element discretization of the Helmholtz equation for the electric fields,has been developed.The main difference between our modeling method and those previous works is edge finite-element approach applied to solving the three-dimensional land frequency-domain electromagnetic responses generated by horizontal electric dipole source.Firstly,the edge finite-element equation is formulated through the Galerkin method based on Helmholtz equation of the electric fields.Secondly,in order to check the validity of the modeling code,the numerical results are compared with the analytical solutions for a homogeneous half-space model.Finally,other three models are simulated with three-dimensional electromagnetic responses.The results indicate that the method can be applied for solving three-dimensional electromagnetic responses.The algorithm has been demonstrated,which can be effective to modeling the complex geo-electrical structures.This efficient algorithm will help to study the distribution laws of3-D land frequency-domain controlled-source electromagnetic responses and to setup basis for research of three-dimensional inversion.展开更多
Numerical solution of shallow-water equations (SWE) has been a challenging task because of its nonlinear hyperbolic nature, admitting discontinuous solution, and the need to satisfy the C-property. The presence of s...Numerical solution of shallow-water equations (SWE) has been a challenging task because of its nonlinear hyperbolic nature, admitting discontinuous solution, and the need to satisfy the C-property. The presence of source terms in momentum equations, such as the bottom slope and friction of bed, compounds the difficulties further. In this paper, a least-squares finite-element method for the space discretization and θ-method for the time integration is developed for the 2D non-conservative SWE including the source terms. Advantages of the method include: the source terms can be approximated easily with interpolation functions, no upwind scheme is needed, as well as the resulting system equations is symmetric and positive-definite, therefore, can be solved efficiently with the conjugate gradient method. The method is applied to steady and unsteady flows, subcritical and transcritical flow over a bump, 1D and 2D circular dam-break, wave past a circular cylinder, as well as wave past a hump. Computed results show good C-property, conservation property and compare well with exact solutions and other numerical results for flows with weak and mild gradient changes, but lead to inaccurate predictions for flows with strong gradient changes and discontinuities.展开更多
This paper presents an improved unstructured grid immersed boundary method.The advantages of both immersed boundary method and body fitted grids which are generated by unstructured grid technology are used to enhance ...This paper presents an improved unstructured grid immersed boundary method.The advantages of both immersed boundary method and body fitted grids which are generated by unstructured grid technology are used to enhance the computation efficiency of fluid structure interaction in complex domain.The Navier-Stokes equation was discretized spacially with collocated finite volume method and Euler implicit method in time domain.The rigid body motion was simulated by immersed boundary method in which the fluid and rigid body interface interaction was dealt with VOS(volume of solid) method.A new VOS calculation method based on graph was presented in which both immersed boundary points and cross points were collected in arbitrary order to form a graph.The method is verified with flow past oscillating cylinder.展开更多
The paper presents a finite volume numerical method universally applicable for solving both linear and nonlinear aeroacoustics problems on arbitrary unstructured meshes. It is based on the vertexcentered multi-paramet...The paper presents a finite volume numerical method universally applicable for solving both linear and nonlinear aeroacoustics problems on arbitrary unstructured meshes. It is based on the vertexcentered multi-parameter scheme offering up to the 6th accuracy order achieved on the Cartesian meshes. An adaptive dissipation is added for the numerical treatment of possible discontinuities. The scheme properties are studied on a series of test cases, its efficiency is demonstrated at simulating the noise suppression in resonance-type liners.展开更多
This paper proposes a hybrid vertex-centered fi- nite volume/finite element method for solution of the two di- mensional (2D) incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on unstructured grids. An incremental pressure fra...This paper proposes a hybrid vertex-centered fi- nite volume/finite element method for solution of the two di- mensional (2D) incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on unstructured grids. An incremental pressure fractional step method is adopted to handle the velocity-pressure coupling. The velocity and the pressure are collocated at the node of the vertex-centered control volume which is formed by join- ing the centroid of cells sharing the common vertex. For the temporal integration of the momentum equations, an im- plicit second-order scheme is utilized to enhance the com- putational stability and eliminate the time step limit due to the diffusion term. The momentum equations are discretized by the vertex-centered finite volume method (FVM) and the pressure Poisson equation is solved by the Galerkin finite el- ement method (FEM). The momentum interpolation is used to damp out the spurious pressure wiggles. The test case with analytical solutions demonstrates second-order accuracy of the current hybrid scheme in time and space for both veloc- ity and pressure. The classic test cases, the lid-driven cavity flow, the skew cavity flow and the backward-facing step flow, show that numerical results are in good agreement with the published benchmark solutions.展开更多
The accuracy of unstructured finite volume methods is greatly influenced by the gradient reconstruction, for which the stencil selection plays a critical role. Compared with the commonly used face-neighbor and vertex-...The accuracy of unstructured finite volume methods is greatly influenced by the gradient reconstruction, for which the stencil selection plays a critical role. Compared with the commonly used face-neighbor and vertex-neighbor stencils, the global-direction stencil is independent of the mesh topology, and characteristics of the flow field can be well reflected by this novel stencil. However, for a high-aspect-ratio triangular grid, the grid skewness is evident, which is one of the most important grid-quality measures known to affect the accuracy and stability of finite volume solvers. On this basis and inspired by an approach of using face-area-weighted centroid to reduce the grid skewness, we explore a method by combining the global-direction stencil and face-area-weighted centroid on high-aspect-ratio triangular grids, so as to improve the computational accuracy. Four representative numerical cases are simulated on high-aspect-ratio triangular grids to examine the validity of the improved global-direction stencil. Results illustrate that errors of this improved methods are the lowest among all methods we tested, and in high-mach-number flow, with the increase of cell aspect ratio, the improved global-direction stencil always has a better stability than commonly used face-neighbor and vertex-neighbor stencils. Therefore, the computational accuracy as well as stability is greatly improved, and superiorities of this novel method are verified.展开更多
Based on the first-order upwind and second-order central type of finite volume (UFV and CFV) scheme, upwind and central type of perturbation finite volume (UPFV and CPFV) schemes of the Navier-Stokes equations were de...Based on the first-order upwind and second-order central type of finite volume (UFV and CFV) scheme, upwind and central type of perturbation finite volume (UPFV and CPFV) schemes of the Navier-Stokes equations were developed. In PFV method, the mass fluxes of across the cell faces of the control volume (CV) were expanded into power series of the grid spacing and the coefficients of the power series were determined by means of the conservation equation itself. The UPFV and CPFV scheme respectively uses the same nodes and expressions as those of the normal first-order upwind and second-order central scheme, which is apt to programming. The results of numerical experiments about the flow in a lid-driven cavity and the problem of transport of a scalar quantity in a known velocity field show that compared to the first-order UFV and second-order CFV schemes, upwind PFV scheme is higher accuracy and resolution, especially better robustness. The numerical computation to flow in a lid-driven cavity shows that the under-relaxation factor can be arbitrarily selected ranging from (0.3) to (0.8) and convergence perform excellent with Reynolds number variation from 10~2 to 10~4.展开更多
Based on a new second-order neutron transport equation, self-adjoint angular flux (SAAF) equation, the spherical harmonics (PN) method for neutron transport equation on unstructured-meshes is derived. The spherical ha...Based on a new second-order neutron transport equation, self-adjoint angular flux (SAAF) equation, the spherical harmonics (PN) method for neutron transport equation on unstructured-meshes is derived. The spherical harmonics function is used to expand the angular flux. A set of differential equations about the spatial variable, which are coupled with each other, can be obtained. They are solved iteratively by using the finite element method on un- structured-meshes. A two-dimension transport calculation program is coded according to the model. The numerical results of some benchmark problems demonstrate that this method can give high precision results and avoid the ray effect very well.展开更多
In this study,we propose a three-dimensional(3D)forward modeling algorithm of surface-to-borehole transient electromagnetic(SBTEM)fields based on an unstructured vector fi nite-element method to analyze the characteri...In this study,we propose a three-dimensional(3D)forward modeling algorithm of surface-to-borehole transient electromagnetic(SBTEM)fields based on an unstructured vector fi nite-element method to analyze the characteristics of SBTEM responses for complex geoelectrical models.To solve the double-curl diff usion equation for the electric fi eld,we use an unstructured tetrahedral mesh to discretize the model domain and select the unconditionally stable backward Euler scheme to discretize the time derivative.In our numerical experiments,we use a grounded wire as a transmitting source.After validating the algorithm’s eff ectiveness,we first analyze the diffusion characteristics and detectability of the electromagnetic field.After that,we focus our attention on the distribution and the cause of zero bands for Ex and dBy/dt components with the hope of guiding future field surveys.Finally,by simulating diff erent models,we analyze the capability of the SBTEM method in detecting typical mineral veins so that we can provide a reference for mineral resource exploration in the deep earth.展开更多
Global electromagnetic induction provides an efficient way to probe the electrical conductivity in the Earth’s deep interior.Owing to the increasing geomagnetic data especially from high-accuracy geomagnetic satellit...Global electromagnetic induction provides an efficient way to probe the electrical conductivity in the Earth’s deep interior.Owing to the increasing geomagnetic data especially from high-accuracy geomagnetic satellites,inverting the Earth’s three-dimensional conductivity distribution on a global scale becomes attainable.A key requirement in the global conductivity inversion is to have a forward solver with high-accuracy and efficiency.In this study,a finite volume method for global electromagnetic induction forward modeling is developed based on unstructured grids.Arbitrary polyhedral grids are supported in our algorithms to obtain high geometric adaptability.We employ a cell-centered collocated variable arrangement which allows convenient discretization for complex geometries and straightforward implementation of multigrid technique.To validate the method,we test our code with two synthetic models and compare our finite volume results with an analytical solution and a finite element numerical solution.Good agreements are observed between our solution and other results,indicating acceptable accuracy of the proposed method.展开更多
A new method regarding mesomechanics finite-element research is proposed to predict the peak shear strength of mudded intercalation materials on a mesoscopic scale. Based on geometric and mechanical parameters, along ...A new method regarding mesomechanics finite-element research is proposed to predict the peak shear strength of mudded intercalation materials on a mesoscopic scale. Based on geometric and mechanical parameters, along with the strain failure criteria obtained by sample's deformation characteristics, uniaxial compression tests on the sample were simulated through a finite-element model, which yielded values consistent with the data from the laboratory uniaxial compression tests, implying that the method is reasonable. Based on this model, a shear test was performed to calculate the peak shear strength of the mudded intercalation, consistent with values reported in the literature, thereby providing a new approach for investigating the mechanical properties of mudded intercalation materials.展开更多
The examination of an unstructured finite volume method for structural dynamics is assessed for simulations of systematic impact dynamics. A robust display dual-time stepping method is utilized to obtain time accurate...The examination of an unstructured finite volume method for structural dynamics is assessed for simulations of systematic impact dynamics. A robust display dual-time stepping method is utilized to obtain time accurate solutions. The study of impact dynamics is a complex problem that should consider strength models and state equations to describe the mechanical behavior of materials. The current method has several features, l) Discrete equations of unstructured finite volume method naturally follow the conservation law. 2) Display dual-time stepping method is suitable for the analysis of impact dynamic problems of time accurate solutions. 3) The method did not produce grid distortion when large deformation appeared. The method is validated by the problem of impact dynamics of an elastic plate with initial conditions and material properties. The results validate the finite element numerical data展开更多
For two-dimension nonlinear convection diffusion equation, a two-grid method of characteristics finite-element solution was constructed. In this method the nonlinear iterations is only to execute on the coarse grid an...For two-dimension nonlinear convection diffusion equation, a two-grid method of characteristics finite-element solution was constructed. In this method the nonlinear iterations is only to execute on the coarse grid and the fine-grid solution can be obtained in a single linear step. For the nonlinear convection-dominated diffusion equation, this method can not only stabilize the numerical oscillation but also accelerate the convergence and improve the computational efficiency. The error analysis demonstrates if the mesh sizes between coarse-grid and fine-grid satisfy the certain relationship, the two-grid solution and the characteristics finite-element solution have the same order of accuracy. The numerical is more efficient than that of characteristics example confirms that the two-grid method finite-element method.展开更多
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41774125)Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41530320)+1 种基金the Key National Research Project of China(Nos.2016YFC0303100 and 2017YFC0601900)the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences Pilot Special(No.XDA 14020102)
文摘Traditional 3D Magnetotelluric(MT) forward modeling and inversions are mostly based on structured meshes that have limited accuracy when modeling undulating surfaces and arbitrary structures. By contrast, unstructured-grid-based methods can model complex underground structures with high accuracy and overcome the defects of traditional methods, such as the high computational cost for improving model accuracy and the difficulty of inverting with topography. In this paper, we used the limited-memory quasi-Newton(L-BFGS) method with an unstructured finite-element grid to perform 3D MT inversions. This method avoids explicitly calculating Hessian matrices, which greatly reduces the memory requirements. After the first iteration, the approximate inverse Hessian matrix well approximates the true one, and the Newton step(set to 1) can meet the sufficient descent condition. Only one calculation of the objective function and its gradient are needed for each iteration, which greatly improves its computational efficiency. This approach is well-suited for large-scale 3D MT inversions. We have tested our algorithm on data with and without topography, and the results matched the real models well. We can recommend performing inversions based on an unstructured finite-element method and the L-BFGS method for situations with topography and complex underground structures.
基金National High Technology Research and Development Program(863 Program)(No.2006AA06Z105,2007AA06Z134)
文摘Three-dimensional forward modeling magnetotellurics (MT) problems. We present a is a challenge for geometrically complex new edge-based finite-element algorithm using an unstructured mesh for accurately and efficiently simulating 3D MT responses. The electric field curl-curl equation in the frequency domain was used to deduce the H (curl) variation weak form of the MT forward problem, the Galerkin rule was used to derive a linear finite-element equation on the linear-edge tetrahedroid space, and, finally, a BI-CGSTAB solver was used to estimate the unknown electric fields. A local mesh refinement technique in the neighbor of the measuring MT stations was used to greatly improve the accuracies of the numerical solutions. Four synthetic models validated the powerful performance of our algorithms. We believe that our method will effectively contribute to processing more complex MT studies.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41204055,41164003,and 41104074)Opening Project(No.SMIL-2014-06) of Hubei Subsurface Multi-scale Imaging Lab(SMIL),China University of Geosciences(Wuhan)
文摘The conventional finite-element(FE) method often uses a structured mesh, which is designed according to the user’s experience, and it is not sufficiently accurate and flexible to accommodate complex structures such as dipping interfaces and rough topography. We present an adaptive FE method for 2.5D forward modeling of induced polarization(IP). In the presented method, an unstructured triangulation mesh that allows for local mesh refinement and flexible description of arbitrary model geometries is used. Furthermore, the mesh refinement process is guided by dual error estimate weighting to bias the refinement towards elements that affect the solution at the receiver locations. After the final mesh is generated, the Jacobian matrix is used to obtain the IP response on 2D structure models. We validate the adaptive FE algorithm using a vertical contact model. The validation shows that the elements near the receivers are highly refined and the average relative error of the potentials converges to 0.4 % and 1.2 % for the IP response. This suggests that the numerical solution of the adaptive FE algorithm converges to an accurate solution with the refined mesh. Finally, the accuracy and flexibility of the adaptive FE procedure are also validated using more complex models.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (2009CB724104)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (90716010)
文摘A novel class of weighted essentially nonoscillatory (WENO) schemes based on Hermite polynomi- als, termed as HWENO schemes, is developed and applied as limiters for high order discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method on triangular grids. The developed HWENO methodology utilizes high-order derivative information to keep WENO re- construction stencils in the von Neumann neighborhood. A simple and efficient technique is also proposed to enhance the smoothness of the existing stencils, making higher-order scheme stable and simplifying the reconstruction process at the same time. The resulting HWENO-based limiters are as compact as the underlying DG schemes and therefore easy to implement. Numerical results for a wide range of flow conditions demonstrate that for DG schemes of up to fourth order of accuracy, the designed HWENO limiters can simul- taneously obtain uniform high order accuracy and sharp, es- sentially non-oscillatory shock transition.
基金This paper was supported bythe Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (Grant No.y2004f13)
文摘The finite volume method (FVM) has many advantages in 2-D shallow water numerical simulation. In this study, the finite volume method is used with unstructured triangular grids to simulate the tidal currents. The Roe scheme is applied in the calculation of the intercell numerical flux, and the MUSCL method is introduced to improve its accuracy. The time integral is a two-step scheme of forecast and revision. For the verification of the present method, the Stoker's problem is calculated and the result is compared with the mathematically analytic solutions. The comparison indicates that the method is feasible. A sea area of a port is used as an example to test the method established here. The result shows that the present computational method is satisfactory, and it could be applied to the engineering fields.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41204094)Science Foundation of China University of Petroleum,Beijing(No.2462015YQ0506)
文摘In this paper, we propose a hybrid PML (H-PML) combining the normal absorption factor of convolutional PML (C-PML) with tangential absorption factor of Mutiaxial PML (M-PML). The H-PML boundary conditions can better suppress the numerical instability in some extreme models, and the computational speed of finite-element method and the dynamic range are greatly increased using this HPML. We use the finite-element method with a hybrid PML to model the acoustic reflection of the interface when wireline and well logging while drilling (LWD), in a formation with a reflector outside the borehole. The simulation results suggests that the PS- and SP- reflected waves arrive at the same time when the inclination between the well and the outer interface is zero, and the difference in arrival times increases with increasing dip angle. When there are fractures outside the well, the reflection signal is clearer in the subsequent reflection waves and may be used to identify the fractured zone. The difference between the dominant wavelength and the model scale shows that LWD reflection logging data are of higher resolution and quality than wireline acoustic reflection logging.
基金the National Science Council ot Taiwan,China for funding this research(Project no.:NSC 94-2218-E-035-011)
文摘A least-squares finite-element method (LSFEM) for the non-conservative shallow-water equations is presented. The model is capable of handling complex topography, steady and unsteady flows, subcritical and supercritical flows, and flows with smooth and sharp gradient changes. Advantages of the model include: (1) sources terms, such as the bottom slope, surface stresses and bed frictions, can be treated easily without any special treatment; (2) upwind scheme is no needed; (3) a single approximating space can be used for all variables, and its choice of approximating space is not subject to the Ladyzhenskaya-Babuska-Brezzi (LBB) condition; and (4) the resulting system of equations is symmetric and positive-definite (SPD) which can be solved efficiently with the preconditioned conjugate gradient method. The model is verified with flow over a bump, tide induced flow, and dam-break. Computed results are compared with analytic solutions or other numerical results, and show the model is conservative and accurate. The model is then used to simulate flow past a circular cylinder. Important flow charac-teristics, such as variation of water surface around the cylinder and vortex shedding behind the cylinder are investigated. Computed results compare well with experiment data and other numerical results.
基金Projects(41674080,41674079)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘A modeling tool for simulating three-dimensional land frequency-domain controlled-source electromagnetic surveys,based on a finite-element discretization of the Helmholtz equation for the electric fields,has been developed.The main difference between our modeling method and those previous works is edge finite-element approach applied to solving the three-dimensional land frequency-domain electromagnetic responses generated by horizontal electric dipole source.Firstly,the edge finite-element equation is formulated through the Galerkin method based on Helmholtz equation of the electric fields.Secondly,in order to check the validity of the modeling code,the numerical results are compared with the analytical solutions for a homogeneous half-space model.Finally,other three models are simulated with three-dimensional electromagnetic responses.The results indicate that the method can be applied for solving three-dimensional electromagnetic responses.The algorithm has been demonstrated,which can be effective to modeling the complex geo-electrical structures.This efficient algorithm will help to study the distribution laws of3-D land frequency-domain controlled-source electromagnetic responses and to setup basis for research of three-dimensional inversion.
基金the National Science Council of Taiwan for funding this research (NSC 96-2221-E-019-061).
文摘Numerical solution of shallow-water equations (SWE) has been a challenging task because of its nonlinear hyperbolic nature, admitting discontinuous solution, and the need to satisfy the C-property. The presence of source terms in momentum equations, such as the bottom slope and friction of bed, compounds the difficulties further. In this paper, a least-squares finite-element method for the space discretization and θ-method for the time integration is developed for the 2D non-conservative SWE including the source terms. Advantages of the method include: the source terms can be approximated easily with interpolation functions, no upwind scheme is needed, as well as the resulting system equations is symmetric and positive-definite, therefore, can be solved efficiently with the conjugate gradient method. The method is applied to steady and unsteady flows, subcritical and transcritical flow over a bump, 1D and 2D circular dam-break, wave past a circular cylinder, as well as wave past a hump. Computed results show good C-property, conservation property and compare well with exact solutions and other numerical results for flows with weak and mild gradient changes, but lead to inaccurate predictions for flows with strong gradient changes and discontinuities.
文摘This paper presents an improved unstructured grid immersed boundary method.The advantages of both immersed boundary method and body fitted grids which are generated by unstructured grid technology are used to enhance the computation efficiency of fluid structure interaction in complex domain.The Navier-Stokes equation was discretized spacially with collocated finite volume method and Euler implicit method in time domain.The rigid body motion was simulated by immersed boundary method in which the fluid and rigid body interface interaction was dealt with VOS(volume of solid) method.A new VOS calculation method based on graph was presented in which both immersed boundary points and cross points were collected in arbitrary order to form a graph.The method is verified with flow past oscillating cylinder.
基金Russian Foundation of Basic Research(No. 04-01-08034, 06-01-00293-a)
文摘The paper presents a finite volume numerical method universally applicable for solving both linear and nonlinear aeroacoustics problems on arbitrary unstructured meshes. It is based on the vertexcentered multi-parameter scheme offering up to the 6th accuracy order achieved on the Cartesian meshes. An adaptive dissipation is added for the numerical treatment of possible discontinuities. The scheme properties are studied on a series of test cases, its efficiency is demonstrated at simulating the noise suppression in resonance-type liners.
基金supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (11061021)the Program of Higher-level talents of Inner Mongolia University (SPH-IMU,Z200901004)the Scientific Research Projection of Higher Schools of Inner Mongolia(NJ10016,NJ10006)
文摘This paper proposes a hybrid vertex-centered fi- nite volume/finite element method for solution of the two di- mensional (2D) incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on unstructured grids. An incremental pressure fractional step method is adopted to handle the velocity-pressure coupling. The velocity and the pressure are collocated at the node of the vertex-centered control volume which is formed by join- ing the centroid of cells sharing the common vertex. For the temporal integration of the momentum equations, an im- plicit second-order scheme is utilized to enhance the com- putational stability and eliminate the time step limit due to the diffusion term. The momentum equations are discretized by the vertex-centered finite volume method (FVM) and the pressure Poisson equation is solved by the Galerkin finite el- ement method (FEM). The momentum interpolation is used to damp out the spurious pressure wiggles. The test case with analytical solutions demonstrates second-order accuracy of the current hybrid scheme in time and space for both veloc- ity and pressure. The classic test cases, the lid-driven cavity flow, the skew cavity flow and the backward-facing step flow, show that numerical results are in good agreement with the published benchmark solutions.
基金Project supported by the National Key Project, China (Grant No. GJXM92579).
文摘The accuracy of unstructured finite volume methods is greatly influenced by the gradient reconstruction, for which the stencil selection plays a critical role. Compared with the commonly used face-neighbor and vertex-neighbor stencils, the global-direction stencil is independent of the mesh topology, and characteristics of the flow field can be well reflected by this novel stencil. However, for a high-aspect-ratio triangular grid, the grid skewness is evident, which is one of the most important grid-quality measures known to affect the accuracy and stability of finite volume solvers. On this basis and inspired by an approach of using face-area-weighted centroid to reduce the grid skewness, we explore a method by combining the global-direction stencil and face-area-weighted centroid on high-aspect-ratio triangular grids, so as to improve the computational accuracy. Four representative numerical cases are simulated on high-aspect-ratio triangular grids to examine the validity of the improved global-direction stencil. Results illustrate that errors of this improved methods are the lowest among all methods we tested, and in high-mach-number flow, with the increase of cell aspect ratio, the improved global-direction stencil always has a better stability than commonly used face-neighbor and vertex-neighbor stencils. Therefore, the computational accuracy as well as stability is greatly improved, and superiorities of this novel method are verified.
文摘Based on the first-order upwind and second-order central type of finite volume (UFV and CFV) scheme, upwind and central type of perturbation finite volume (UPFV and CPFV) schemes of the Navier-Stokes equations were developed. In PFV method, the mass fluxes of across the cell faces of the control volume (CV) were expanded into power series of the grid spacing and the coefficients of the power series were determined by means of the conservation equation itself. The UPFV and CPFV scheme respectively uses the same nodes and expressions as those of the normal first-order upwind and second-order central scheme, which is apt to programming. The results of numerical experiments about the flow in a lid-driven cavity and the problem of transport of a scalar quantity in a known velocity field show that compared to the first-order UFV and second-order CFV schemes, upwind PFV scheme is higher accuracy and resolution, especially better robustness. The numerical computation to flow in a lid-driven cavity shows that the under-relaxation factor can be arbitrarily selected ranging from (0.3) to (0.8) and convergence perform excellent with Reynolds number variation from 10~2 to 10~4.
基金Supported by pre-research fund of State Key Laboratory (51479080201 JW0802)
文摘Based on a new second-order neutron transport equation, self-adjoint angular flux (SAAF) equation, the spherical harmonics (PN) method for neutron transport equation on unstructured-meshes is derived. The spherical harmonics function is used to expand the angular flux. A set of differential equations about the spatial variable, which are coupled with each other, can be obtained. They are solved iteratively by using the finite element method on un- structured-meshes. A two-dimension transport calculation program is coded according to the model. The numerical results of some benchmark problems demonstrate that this method can give high precision results and avoid the ray effect very well.
基金This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos..42030806,41774125,41804098,41904104)the Key National Research Project of China(Grant No.2018YFC0603300).
文摘In this study,we propose a three-dimensional(3D)forward modeling algorithm of surface-to-borehole transient electromagnetic(SBTEM)fields based on an unstructured vector fi nite-element method to analyze the characteristics of SBTEM responses for complex geoelectrical models.To solve the double-curl diff usion equation for the electric fi eld,we use an unstructured tetrahedral mesh to discretize the model domain and select the unconditionally stable backward Euler scheme to discretize the time derivative.In our numerical experiments,we use a grounded wire as a transmitting source.After validating the algorithm’s eff ectiveness,we first analyze the diffusion characteristics and detectability of the electromagnetic field.After that,we focus our attention on the distribution and the cause of zero bands for Ex and dBy/dt components with the hope of guiding future field surveys.Finally,by simulating diff erent models,we analyze the capability of the SBTEM method in detecting typical mineral veins so that we can provide a reference for mineral resource exploration in the deep earth.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41922027,4214200052)by the Macao Foundation+1 种基金by the Pre-research Project on Civil Aerospace Technologies No.D020308/D020303 funded by China National Space Administrationby the Macao Science and Technology Development Fund,grant No.0001/2019/A1。
文摘Global electromagnetic induction provides an efficient way to probe the electrical conductivity in the Earth’s deep interior.Owing to the increasing geomagnetic data especially from high-accuracy geomagnetic satellites,inverting the Earth’s three-dimensional conductivity distribution on a global scale becomes attainable.A key requirement in the global conductivity inversion is to have a forward solver with high-accuracy and efficiency.In this study,a finite volume method for global electromagnetic induction forward modeling is developed based on unstructured grids.Arbitrary polyhedral grids are supported in our algorithms to obtain high geometric adaptability.We employ a cell-centered collocated variable arrangement which allows convenient discretization for complex geometries and straightforward implementation of multigrid technique.To validate the method,we test our code with two synthetic models and compare our finite volume results with an analytical solution and a finite element numerical solution.Good agreements are observed between our solution and other results,indicating acceptable accuracy of the proposed method.
基金Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51574201)the State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection(Chengdu University of Technology)(KLGP2015K006)the Scientific and Technical Youth Innovation Group(Southwest Petroleum University)(2015CXTD05)
文摘A new method regarding mesomechanics finite-element research is proposed to predict the peak shear strength of mudded intercalation materials on a mesoscopic scale. Based on geometric and mechanical parameters, along with the strain failure criteria obtained by sample's deformation characteristics, uniaxial compression tests on the sample were simulated through a finite-element model, which yielded values consistent with the data from the laboratory uniaxial compression tests, implying that the method is reasonable. Based on this model, a shear test was performed to calculate the peak shear strength of the mudded intercalation, consistent with values reported in the literature, thereby providing a new approach for investigating the mechanical properties of mudded intercalation materials.
文摘The examination of an unstructured finite volume method for structural dynamics is assessed for simulations of systematic impact dynamics. A robust display dual-time stepping method is utilized to obtain time accurate solutions. The study of impact dynamics is a complex problem that should consider strength models and state equations to describe the mechanical behavior of materials. The current method has several features, l) Discrete equations of unstructured finite volume method naturally follow the conservation law. 2) Display dual-time stepping method is suitable for the analysis of impact dynamic problems of time accurate solutions. 3) The method did not produce grid distortion when large deformation appeared. The method is validated by the problem of impact dynamics of an elastic plate with initial conditions and material properties. The results validate the finite element numerical data
文摘For two-dimension nonlinear convection diffusion equation, a two-grid method of characteristics finite-element solution was constructed. In this method the nonlinear iterations is only to execute on the coarse grid and the fine-grid solution can be obtained in a single linear step. For the nonlinear convection-dominated diffusion equation, this method can not only stabilize the numerical oscillation but also accelerate the convergence and improve the computational efficiency. The error analysis demonstrates if the mesh sizes between coarse-grid and fine-grid satisfy the certain relationship, the two-grid solution and the characteristics finite-element solution have the same order of accuracy. The numerical is more efficient than that of characteristics example confirms that the two-grid method finite-element method.