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作者 刘建业 孙永荣 +1 位作者 何秀凤 袁信 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1998年第2期14-20,共7页
讨论了应用卡尔曼滤波器的GPS/INS组合导航系统,其中包括理论、方案与实际的INS和GPS接收机的结合,研究的重点是对系统误差的建模及组合的实现,以及松组合和紧组合等各种组合方式等。该GPS/INS组合导航开发系统... 讨论了应用卡尔曼滤波器的GPS/INS组合导航系统,其中包括理论、方案与实际的INS和GPS接收机的结合,研究的重点是对系统误差的建模及组合的实现,以及松组合和紧组合等各种组合方式等。该GPS/INS组合导航开发系统,可以有效和经济地用于组合导航系统的研究和设计,在实际应用中起到了非常有效的作用。该系统不仅仅是一个计算机辅助设计软件,而且可以对实际获得的惯导和GPS数据进行半物理仿真。开发系统的核心软件可以方便地转换成实际组合系统中的工程应用软件。应用结果表明,开发系统的设计思想和组合方案是成功的,可以取得良好的导航结果。 展开更多
关键词 组合导航系统 惯性导航 卡尔曼滤波器 导航计算机 全球卫星定位系统
A Map-Matching Algorithm forGPS/DR Integrated Navigation Systems Basedon Dempster-Shafer Evidence Reasoning
作者 陈则王 袁信 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2004年第2期157-163,共7页
GPS (Global Positioning System) has been widely used in car navigation systems. Most car navigation systems estimate the car position from GPS and DR (dead reckoning). However, the unknown GPS noise characteristic and... GPS (Global Positioning System) has been widely used in car navigation systems. Most car navigation systems estimate the car position from GPS and DR (dead reckoning). However, the unknown GPS noise characteristic and the unbounded DR accumulation of errors over time make the position information with undesirable position errors. The map matching can improve the position accuracy and availability of the vehicular position system. In this paper, general principle of map matching is investigated according to segmentation and feature extraction, and a map matching algorithm based on D-S (Dempster-Shafer) evidence reasoning for GPS integrated navigation system is proposed, which can find the exact road on which a car moves. For the experiments, a car navigation system is developed with some sensors and the field test demonstrates the effectiveness and applicability of the algorithm for the car location and navigation. 展开更多
关键词 car navigation D-S evidence REASONING gps integrated navigation map MATCHING
作者 Liu Jianye He Xiufeng Yuan Xin Department of Automatic Control, NUAA 29 Yudao Street, Nanjing 210016, P. R. China 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1996年第1期76-81,共6页
逐次正交化分布式卡尔曼滤波器是对大系统进行状态估计的一种新方法。本文讨论了在GPS/INS组合导航系统中,应用逐次正交化分布式卡尔曼滤波器的原理和特点。首先,将组合导航系统分成三个子系统,然后采用开环和闭环校正相结合的方法... 逐次正交化分布式卡尔曼滤波器是对大系统进行状态估计的一种新方法。本文讨论了在GPS/INS组合导航系统中,应用逐次正交化分布式卡尔曼滤波器的原理和特点。首先,将组合导航系统分成三个子系统,然后采用开环和闭环校正相结合的方法,用两种组合方式对系统进行仿真。结果表明:本方法是有效并可实现的;在三个子系统串行运算的条件下,实际提高运行速度约两倍,并且保持了最优精度。本文所得的结论对于由多个实际子导航系统,如INS,GPS,地形匹配,罗兰C,多普勒雷达。 展开更多
关键词 卡尔曼滤波器 大系统 组合导航系统 惯性导航系统 全球卫星定位系统
作者 侯华 程萌 +2 位作者 黄鼎盛 郭胜杰 王天昊 《计算机应用与软件》 北大核心 2024年第6期282-286,共5页
针对应用在无人机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)中的全球定位系统/惯性导航系统(GPS/INS)松组合导航非线性系统受到外界噪声干扰导致量测噪声在滤波时不断变化,从而造成滤波精度下降等问题,提出一种变分贝叶斯扩展卡尔曼滤波(VB-EKF)... 针对应用在无人机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)中的全球定位系统/惯性导航系统(GPS/INS)松组合导航非线性系统受到外界噪声干扰导致量测噪声在滤波时不断变化,从而造成滤波精度下降等问题,提出一种变分贝叶斯扩展卡尔曼滤波(VB-EKF)算法。该算法利用EKF(Extended Kalman Filter)将非线性系统中的状态函数和量测函数展开为线性方程,并将两个不同的导航系统数据进行融合,避免了单系统导航定位发散的问题。考虑到组合系统中量测噪声的时变特性,引入变分贝叶斯算法进行改进,有效解决了系统滤波精度下降问题。仿真结果表明,VB-EKF较EKF算法可有效提高滤波稳定性,进而提高系统导航定位精度。 展开更多
关键词 无人机 全球定位系统 惯性导航系统 组合导航 变分贝叶斯 扩展卡尔曼滤波
作者 郭妍 曹聚亮 +1 位作者 唐康华 耿兴寿 《信息对抗技术》 2024年第3期79-86,共8页
随着微惯性导航系统技术的发展,越来越多的无人平台装备了GPS/INS组合导航终端并具备了一定的抗欺骗能力,但现有的卫星导航欺骗方法难以满足对欺骗目标任意方向的位置驱离需求。为解决这一问题,提出了一种GPS/INS组合导航终端的全向位... 随着微惯性导航系统技术的发展,越来越多的无人平台装备了GPS/INS组合导航终端并具备了一定的抗欺骗能力,但现有的卫星导航欺骗方法难以满足对欺骗目标任意方向的位置驱离需求。为解决这一问题,提出了一种GPS/INS组合导航终端的全向位置驱离算法,可用于对非法无人平台管控的场景。该方法以卫星欺骗信号的设计为突破口,首先分析了卫星导航欺骗对组合导航位置和状态参数的影响,接着将卫星导航欺骗对组合导航状态参数的影响量作为求取欺骗信号的约束条件,进而确定位置驱离所需卫星欺骗信号的欺骗量,接着利用确定的欺骗量建立全向位置驱离模型,最终利用建立的模型生成对应的欺骗信号实现对组合导航终端的全向位置驱离任务。试验验证了本文设计的算法能够实现对组合导航终端360°任意方向的位置驱离。 展开更多
关键词 导航欺骗 全向位置驱离 卫星欺骗信号 gps/INS组合导航 导航对抗
作者 阮国奇 何伦保 《导航定位学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期124-129,共6页
为了改善单卫星导航系统由于卫星数量较少,导致定位误差高的问题,设计全球定位系统(GPS)/北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)组合导航系统的精密单点定位模型:线性组合处理GPS与BDS的伪距和载波相位观测值,并构建GPS/BDS组合导航系统的组合观测值;... 为了改善单卫星导航系统由于卫星数量较少,导致定位误差高的问题,设计全球定位系统(GPS)/北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)组合导航系统的精密单点定位模型:线性组合处理GPS与BDS的伪距和载波相位观测值,并构建GPS/BDS组合导航系统的组合观测值;接下来利用协方差成形自适应卡尔曼滤波方法,对组合导航系统导航过程中的卫星钟差、电离层延迟等误差实施滤波;再利用滤波处理后组合导航系统的广播星历,获取卫星轨道以及钟差;然后利用经验模型修正对流层延迟,获取相位观测值与伪距的综合改正数;最后利用综合改正数修正组合导航系统的观测方程,构建精密单点定位模型。实验结果表明,GPS/BDS组合导航系统采用所构建模型进行精密单点定位,不同方向定位误差均低于10 cm,证明了提出模型的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 全球定位系统(gps)/北斗卫星导航系统(BDS) 组合导航系统 精密单点定位模型 对流层延迟 相位观测值
GPS/GIS based vehicle dispatching for opencast mines 被引量:2
作者 XU Ai-gong, SONG Wei-dong (Liaoning Technical University, Liaoning 123000, China) 《中国有色金属学会会刊:英文版》 CSCD 2005年第S1期217-220,共4页
An integrated GPS and GIS based vehicle dispatching system was presented. The system uses GIS technology for the development of digital mine map database and GPS for vehicle positioning. The system consists of five mo... An integrated GPS and GIS based vehicle dispatching system was presented. The system uses GIS technology for the development of digital mine map database and GPS for vehicle positioning. The system consists of five modules: position module incorporated GPS and dead reckoning (DR); a map database structure for displaying and guidance purposes; a routing module based on the map database is able to give out the best route for the vehicles; map matching and route guidance module put the vehicle position to its exact location on the road despite of errors in positioning and map data; and the client-server module allows client exchange information between driver and control centre. The system can be operated in client-server level in which users can request routing and guidance with devices such as hand phone and PDA by communicating their current positions to the server or runs in autonomous mode when users cannot reach the server. 展开更多
关键词 opencast mines gps GIS DEM vehicle DISPATCHING integrated POSITIONING ROUTING map-matching
Adaptive Federal Kalman Filtering for SINS/GPS Integrated System 被引量:2
作者 杨勇 缪玲娟 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2003年第4期371-375,共5页
A new adaptive federal Kalman filter for a strapdown integrated navigation system/global positioning system (SINS/GPS) is given. The developed federal Kalman filter is based on the trace operation of parameters estima... A new adaptive federal Kalman filter for a strapdown integrated navigation system/global positioning system (SINS/GPS) is given. The developed federal Kalman filter is based on the trace operation of parameters estimation's error covariance matrix and the spectral radius of update measurement noise variance-covariance matrix for the proper choice of the filter weight and hence the filter gain factors. Theoretical analysis and results from simulation in which the SINS/GPS was compared to conventional Kalman filter are presented. Results show that the algorithm of this adaptive federal Kalman filter is simpler than that of the conventional one. Furthermore, it outperforms the conventional Kalman filter when the system is undertaken measurement malfunctions because of its possession of adaptive ability. This filter can be used in the vehicle integrated navigation system. 展开更多
关键词 SINS/gps integrated navigation federal Kalman filtering adaptive filtering
Hybrid Kalman and unscented Kalman filters for INS/GPS integrated system considering constant lever arm effect 被引量:1
作者 常国宾 柳明 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期575-583,共9页
In inertial navigation system(INS) and global positioning system(GPS) integrated system, GPS antennas are usually not located at the same location as the inertial measurement unit(IMU) of the INS, so the lever arm eff... In inertial navigation system(INS) and global positioning system(GPS) integrated system, GPS antennas are usually not located at the same location as the inertial measurement unit(IMU) of the INS, so the lever arm effect exists, which makes the observation equation highly nonlinear. The INS/GPS integration with constant lever arm effect is studied. The position relation of IMU and GPS's antenna is represented in the earth centered earth fixed frame, while the velocity relation of these two systems is represented in local horizontal frame. Due to the small integration time interval of INS, i.e. 0.1 s in this work, the nonlinearity in the INS error equation is trivial, so the linear INS error model is constructed and addressed by Kalman filter's prediction step. On the other hand, the high nonlinearity in the observation equation due to lever arm effect is addressed by unscented Kalman filter's update step to attain higher accuracy and better applicability. Simulation is designed and the performance of the hybrid filter is validated. 展开更多
关键词 无迹卡尔曼滤波 gps天线 混合滤波器 杆臂效应 INS 集成 全球定位系统 惯性导航系统
作者 黄继勋 王艳东 范跃祖 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1999年第4期242-245,共4页
In orderto furtherstudy theperform ance oftightly integrated navigation system ofGPS/ INS, a sem i-physicalsim ulation oftightly coupled system has been done based on the data gathered from the experim entof integra... In orderto furtherstudy theperform ance oftightly integrated navigation system ofGPS/ INS, a sem i-physicalsim ulation oftightly coupled system has been done based on the data gathered from the experim entof integrated system ofGPSand INS. The closed-loop Kalm an Filter and U-D discom pose algorithm have been used. The sim ulation results associated to four integrated m odels of pseudo-range, delta-range, pseudo-range and delta-range alternation, and pseudo-range and delta- range synthesis have been provided, and the actualeffects of variously integrated m odels have been analyzed. The results show that the pseudo-range and delta-range synthesis coupled m odelis the m osteffective to im provethe coupled system perform anceand the individualdelta-rangecoupled m od- elhad betterbe avoided in application. 展开更多
关键词 integrated navigation system globalpositioning system (gps) Kalm an filter inertial navigation system (INS)
Multi-Scale Fusion Algorithm for AUVs Integrated Navigation Systems
作者 Yushan Sun Fanyu Wu +2 位作者 Yuqi Wang Guocheng Zhang Bin Kong 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2019年第4期725-730,共6页
To deal with the low location accuracy issue of existing underwater navigation technologies in autonomous underwater vehicles(AUVs),a distributed fusion algorithm which combines the model's analysis method with a ... To deal with the low location accuracy issue of existing underwater navigation technologies in autonomous underwater vehicles(AUVs),a distributed fusion algorithm which combines the model's analysis method with a multi-scale transformation method is proposed for integrated navigation system based on AUV.First,integrated navigation system theory and system error sources are introduced in details.Secondly,a navigation system's observation equation on the original scale is decomposed into different scales by the discrete wavelet transform method,and noise reduction is performed by setting the wavelet de-noising threshold.At last,the dynamic equation and observation equations are fused on different scales by the wavelet transformation and Kalman filter.The results show that the proposed algorithm has smaller navigation error and higher navigation accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 autonomous underwater vehicles(AUVs) integrated navigation system wavelet transform multi-scale transform Kalman filter
Integrated Data Processing Method for GPS and INS Field Test over Rocky Mountain
作者 GUO Hang YU Min +1 位作者 GAO Weiguang LIU Jingnan 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2006年第4期240-243,共4页
The method of integrated data processing for GPS and INS(inertial navigation system) field test over the Rocky Mountains using the adaptive Kalman filtering technique is presented. On the basis of the known GPS output... The method of integrated data processing for GPS and INS(inertial navigation system) field test over the Rocky Mountains using the adaptive Kalman filtering technique is presented. On the basis of the known GPS outputs and the offset of GPS and INS, state equations and observations are designed to perform the calculation and improve the navigation accuracy. An example shows that with the method the reliable navigation parameters have been obtained. 展开更多
关键词 gps 全球定位系统 数据整合 惯性导航系统
GPS与INS组合的便携式轨道类游乐设施轨迹研究 被引量:1
作者 黄辉琼 项辉宇 孙九增 《智能计算机与应用》 2023年第2期41-46,52,共7页
为检测轨道类游乐设施运行速度和轨迹,利用安卓智能手机内置的惯性导航系统(INS)、卫星导航系统(GPS)进行轨道类游乐设施运行加速度、角速度等数据进行采集分析;采用捷联惯性导航系统,建立轨道类游乐设施轨迹姿态解算模型,以卡尔曼滤波... 为检测轨道类游乐设施运行速度和轨迹,利用安卓智能手机内置的惯性导航系统(INS)、卫星导航系统(GPS)进行轨道类游乐设施运行加速度、角速度等数据进行采集分析;采用捷联惯性导航系统,建立轨道类游乐设施轨迹姿态解算模型,以卡尔曼滤波器为基础,在Matlab软件中构建松耦合模式的组合导航系统,对INS输出的速度、位置数据进行校正;在试验场地对游乐设施数据进行采集并进行处理,基于UG NX二次开发实现轨道游乐设施姿态信息显示、轨迹拟合。实验结果验证了使用安卓智能手机内置的INS\GPS组合导航系统采集轨道类游乐设施数据、运行轨迹的可行性,弥补了轨道类游乐设施姿态和轨迹测量相关研究的不足。 展开更多
关键词 游乐设施 gps 惯性导航 组合导航 卡尔曼滤波
Novel approach to GPS/SINS integration for IMU alignment 被引量:2
作者 Wei Sun Feng Sun 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2011年第3期513-518,共6页
Strapdown inertial navigation system(SINS) requires an initialization process that establishes the relationship between the body frame and the local geographic reference.This process,called alignment,is generally us... Strapdown inertial navigation system(SINS) requires an initialization process that establishes the relationship between the body frame and the local geographic reference.This process,called alignment,is generally used to estimate the initial attitude angles.This is possible because an accurate determination of the inertial measurement unit(IMU) motion is available based on the measurement obtained from global position system(GPS).But the update frequency of GPS is much lower than SINS.Due to the non-synchronous data streams from GPS and SINS,the initial attitude angles may not be computed accurately enough.In addition,the estimated initial attitude angles may have relatively large uncertainties that can affect the accuracy of other navigation parameters.This paper presents an effective approach of matching the velocities which are provided by GPS and SINS.In this approach,a digital high-pass filter,which implements a pre-filtering scheme of the measured signal,is used to filter the Schuler cycle of discrete velocity difference between the SINS and GPS.Simulation results show that this approach improves the accuracy greatly and makes the convergence time satisfy the required accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 strapdown inertial navigation system(SINS) global position system(gps integration alignment high-pass filter.
作者 徐冠宇 许建新 王丹 《航空电子技术》 2023年第1期14-19,共6页
飞行管理系统是民用飞机的关键航空电子系统。飞行管理系统制造商有责任对飞行管理系统开展大量的试验以验证飞行管理系统功能和性能的符合性。考虑数字验证的局限性和飞行试验验证的巨大代价,本文利用车载平台开展飞行管理系统综合导... 飞行管理系统是民用飞机的关键航空电子系统。飞行管理系统制造商有责任对飞行管理系统开展大量的试验以验证飞行管理系统功能和性能的符合性。考虑数字验证的局限性和飞行试验验证的巨大代价,本文利用车载平台开展飞行管理系统综合导航功能的验证,试验结果表明设计的飞行管理系统DR/GPS导航方法能够满足95%的飞行时间水平方向达到0.1海里的导航精度要求,为实际的飞行测试提供了试验数据参考。 展开更多
关键词 飞行管理系统 车载平台 DR/gps组合导航 试验验证
作者 李正鹏 焦仕杰 +2 位作者 耿俊杰 傅怀梁 杨永杰 《南通职业大学学报》 2023年第2期81-85,共5页
针对无人车在高速行驶过程中转向动作延迟的问题,提出了一种基于GPS/IMU数据融合的无人车方向提前调整的方法,以提高无人车自主导航的精确性和稳定性。首先,利用GPS获取无人车的位置和方向角信息,建立二维平面运动模型,使无人车在到达... 针对无人车在高速行驶过程中转向动作延迟的问题,提出了一种基于GPS/IMU数据融合的无人车方向提前调整的方法,以提高无人车自主导航的精确性和稳定性。首先,利用GPS获取无人车的位置和方向角信息,建立二维平面运动模型,使无人车在到达预定目标点之前做出方向调整决策,再利用IMU测量车身偏航角并配合PID控制器实现转向控制。验证实验表明:该方法使无人车的行驶轨迹更加贴合预设轨迹,同时规避了因转角突增而翻车的风险;另外,通过提前控制并抵消微控制器程序执行所需时间,确保无人车在实际到达目标点时,可精准快速地做出转向动作,提升了无人车的控制精度和稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 无人驾驶 gps 惯性导航 数据融合 组合导航 PID控制 提前换点
作者 陶文 束伟 《智能城市应用》 2023年第6期89-94,共6页
随着定位技术和汽车电子行业的发展,车载导航功能越来越完善,成为人们驾车出行的重要工具。车载导航最重要的基础是定位,主要方式是GPS卫星定位技术,然而传统的GPS定位存在信号抗干扰能力差的问题,导致GPS定位功能易收到外界信号攻击,... 随着定位技术和汽车电子行业的发展,车载导航功能越来越完善,成为人们驾车出行的重要工具。车载导航最重要的基础是定位,主要方式是GPS卫星定位技术,然而传统的GPS定位存在信号抗干扰能力差的问题,导致GPS定位功能易收到外界信号攻击,导致无法正常定位。文中从信号干扰和信号欺骗角度分别进行了实际测试,选择的测试工具为Hakcrf One,这是一款基于软件无线电技术的实验平台,通过Gnu Radio Companion软件实施信号干扰,通过gps-sdr-sim工具实现gps信号伪造,最终成功达到了预期目的。最后文中针对gps安全问题,提出了一些防护策略,可以有效提高gps安全性。 展开更多
关键词 车载导航 gps 定位 安全 软件无线电
Cubature Kalman Filter Under Minimum Error Entropy With Fiducial Points for INS/GPS Integration
作者 Lujuan Dang Badong Chen +2 位作者 Yulong Huang Yonggang Zhang Haiquan Zhao 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2022年第3期450-465,共16页
Traditional cubature Kalman filter(CKF)is a preferable tool for the inertial navigation system(INS)/global positioning system(GPS)integration under Gaussian noises.The CKF,however,may provide a significantly biased es... Traditional cubature Kalman filter(CKF)is a preferable tool for the inertial navigation system(INS)/global positioning system(GPS)integration under Gaussian noises.The CKF,however,may provide a significantly biased estimate when the INS/GPS system suffers from complex non-Gaussian disturbances.To address this issue,a robust nonlinear Kalman filter referred to as cubature Kalman filter under minimum error entropy with fiducial points(MEEF-CKF)is proposed.The MEEF-CKF behaves a strong robustness against complex nonGaussian noises by operating several major steps,i.e.,regression model construction,robust state estimation and free parameters optimization.More concretely,a regression model is constructed with the consideration of residual error caused by linearizing a nonlinear function at the first step.The MEEF-CKF is then developed by solving an optimization problem based on minimum error entropy with fiducial points(MEEF)under the framework of the regression model.In the MEEF-CKF,a novel optimization approach is provided for the purpose of determining free parameters adaptively.In addition,the computational complexity and convergence analyses of the MEEF-CKF are conducted for demonstrating the calculational burden and convergence characteristic.The enhanced robustness of the MEEF-CKF is demonstrated by Monte Carlo simulations on the application of a target tracking with INS/GPS integration under complex nonGaussian noises. 展开更多
关键词 Cubature Kalman filter(CKF) inertial navigation system(INS)/global positioning system(gps)integration minimum error entropy with fiducial points(MEEF) non-Gaussian noise
市区车辆GPS/DR组合导航系统的研究 被引量:13
作者 房建成 李学恩 +3 位作者 申功勋 房建果 王庆 万德钧 《中国公路学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第1期84-89,共6页
关键词 全球定位系统 航位推算法 汽车 导航 组合导航
一种新的INS/GPS组合导航技术 被引量:44
作者 杨艳娟 卞鸿巍 +1 位作者 田蔚风 金志华 《中国惯性技术学报》 EI CSCD 2004年第2期23-26,35,共5页
基于GPS测姿技术的发展,研究了以位置、速度和姿态信息作为观测量的INS/GPS组合导航系统的卡尔曼滤波算法。详细推导了这种组合方式的观测方程,并将该组合技术应用于某飞行器。仿真表明,增加姿态信息作为观测量可有效地提高系统导航参... 基于GPS测姿技术的发展,研究了以位置、速度和姿态信息作为观测量的INS/GPS组合导航系统的卡尔曼滤波算法。详细推导了这种组合方式的观测方程,并将该组合技术应用于某飞行器。仿真表明,增加姿态信息作为观测量可有效地提高系统导航参数的估计精度和速度。 展开更多
关键词 组合导航 测姿技术 导航参数 卡尔曼滤波算法 惯性导航系统 卫星定位系统
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