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rLTB/rCTB-rOmpL1/1融合基因及其原核表达系统的构建和鉴定 被引量:7
作者 阮萍 严杰 +3 位作者 毛亚飞 李淑萍 罗依惠 李立伟 《浙江大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 2005年第1期21-26,共6页
目的 :构建 lt B/ ct B- omp L1/ 1融合基因及其原核表达系统 ,鉴定表达产物的免疫和佐剂活性 ,检测问号钩端螺旋体 (简称钩体 )野生株 omp L 1基因的携带和表达情况及钩体患者血清特异性抗体水平。方法 :采用连接引物 PCR构建 lt B- om... 目的 :构建 lt B/ ct B- omp L1/ 1融合基因及其原核表达系统 ,鉴定表达产物的免疫和佐剂活性 ,检测问号钩端螺旋体 (简称钩体 )野生株 omp L 1基因的携带和表达情况及钩体患者血清特异性抗体水平。方法 :采用连接引物 PCR构建 lt B- omp L 1/ 1和 ct B- omp L 1/ 1融合基因 ,常规方法构建其原核表达系统。采用 SDS- PAGE、Westernblot和 GM1- ELISA分别检测目的重组蛋白 r LTB- r Omp L 1/ 1和 r CTB- r Omp L 1/ 1表达量、免疫反应性及与 GM1结合的活性。采用 PCR和 MAT分别检测 97株问号钩体野生株 omp L1基因及其表达情况。采用 ELISA检测 2 2 8例钩体患者血清 omp L1基因产物的抗体。结果 :与报道的相关序列比较 ,lt B- omp L1/ 1和 ct B- omp L1/ 1融合基因核苷酸和氨基酸序列相似性 ,分别为 99.7%~ 99.9%和 99.5 %~ 10 0 %。r LTB- r Omp L1/ 1和 r CTB- r Omp L1/ 1表达产量均约为细菌总蛋白的 10 % ,主要以包涵体形式存在。 r LTB- r Omp L 1/ 1和 r CTB- r Omp L1/ 1均分别能与r Omp L 1/ 1兔抗血清和牛 GM1结合。 89.7%问号钩体野生株含有 omp L1基因 ,87.6 %问号钩体野生株分别与r Omp L 1/ 1和 r Omp L1/ 2兔抗血清出现效价 ,为 1∶ 4~ 1∶ 2 5 6的 MAT阳性结果。 86 .8%和 88.6 %的患? 展开更多
关键词 钩端螺旋体 问号 ompL1基因 大肠埃希茵 LTB基因 霍乱弧茵 ctB基因 序列同源性 核酸 序列同源性 氨基酸 克隆 分子 rLTB—rOmpLl/1/免疫学 rCTB-rOmpL1/1/免疫学
非O_1群霍乱弧菌致病因子检测与分析 被引量:3
作者 徐景野 王仁元 +2 位作者 石优章 金春光 于梅 《中国卫生检验杂志》 CAS 2004年第4期452-453,共2页
〔目的〕非O1群霍乱弧菌有多种致病因子引能起人群腹泻 ,为了解非O1群霍乱弧菌中致病性因子 ,对其进行检测与分析。〔方法〕用平板法和试管法测定溶血素 ;用小鼠测定非O1群霍乱弧菌菌株的急性毒性 ;用VTEC -RPLA法测定菌株的Vero毒素 ;... 〔目的〕非O1群霍乱弧菌有多种致病因子引能起人群腹泻 ,为了解非O1群霍乱弧菌中致病性因子 ,对其进行检测与分析。〔方法〕用平板法和试管法测定溶血素 ;用小鼠测定非O1群霍乱弧菌菌株的急性毒性 ;用VTEC -RPLA法测定菌株的Vero毒素 ;用EIA法测定菌株的ST毒素 ;用PCR法测定菌株的CT毒素。〔结果〕非O1群霍乱弧菌平板法溶血素 2 2 6株阳性 ,阳性率为 94.4% ;试管法溶血素 2 2 0株阳性 ,阳性率为 88.9% ;未检出耐热性溶血素。产ST毒素的菌株186株 ,阳性率为 78.8%。 45株产VTl毒素 ,67株产VT2毒素 ,同时产VTl和VT2两种毒素的 3 5株。 3株非O1群霍乱弧菌检出CT毒素其因 ,产毒率为 1.3 %。〔结论〕检测发现非O1群霍乱弧菌对小鼠有较强的致病能力 ,说明其对人群的危害较大、毒性较强 ;检出CT毒素说明非O1群霍乱弧菌具有引起重症腹泻 (霍乱样腹泻 )的能力 ;检出溶血素、ST毒素、Vero毒素致病因子 ,说明非O1群霍乱弧菌的致病因子有多种。由于菌株发生CT毒素基因频度较低 ,目前不可能成为非O1群霍乱弧菌腹泻的主要的致病因素 ,而菌株发生溶血素、ST毒素、Vero毒素的频度较高 ,尤其是溶血素、ST毒素 ,有可能是非O1群霍乱弧菌的主要致病因子。 展开更多
关键词 非O1群霍乱弧菌 致病因子 检测 分析 腹泻
非O1、非O139型霍乱弧菌中首次发现PER-1超广谱β内酰胺酶 被引量:7
作者 孙景勇 倪语星 《中国感染与化疗杂志》 CAS 2010年第5期338-341,共4页
目的明确非O1、非O139型霍乱弧菌中ESBL的基因型及其遗传背景,以探讨该耐药基因传播的机制。方法通过表型确证试验确定细菌是否产生ESBL,通过接合试验了解ESBL是否由质粒介导,通过PCR扩增和序列分析确定ESBL的基因型,通过反向PCR和序列... 目的明确非O1、非O139型霍乱弧菌中ESBL的基因型及其遗传背景,以探讨该耐药基因传播的机制。方法通过表型确证试验确定细菌是否产生ESBL,通过接合试验了解ESBL是否由质粒介导,通过PCR扩增和序列分析确定ESBL的基因型,通过反向PCR和序列分析了解ESBL基因两侧的结构。结果 ESBL表型确证试验确认菌株RJ354为产ESBL菌株,接合试验证实ESBL基因位于可接合质粒上,PCR、反向PCR扩增和序列分析确定其基因型为blaPER-1,该基因上游序列为ORF513,下游为gst-like基因。结论本研究国际上首次在从非O1、非O139型霍乱弧菌中检出了PER-1型ESBL,而且首次发现该酶基因与一种新的基因元件ISCR1相连,后者可能介导前者的水平转移。 展开更多
关键词 非O1 非O139型霍乱弧菌 超广谱Β内酰胺酶 PER-1 ISCR1
对虾弧菌病致病菌——非01群霍乱弧菌的生理学性状及药物感受性 被引量:16
作者 郑国兴 《水产学报》 CAS 1986年第4期433-439,共7页
从患”弧菌病”的养殖对虾眼球及心脏血淋巴液中分离得的病原菌非01群霍乱弧菌,进行了其生理性状及药物感受性的试验。试验表明,其生长的温度范围为20—45℃,最适温度为37℃;能在无盐蛋白陈水中生长,食盐浓度在0.5-2.0%时生长最旺盛,5... 从患”弧菌病”的养殖对虾眼球及心脏血淋巴液中分离得的病原菌非01群霍乱弧菌,进行了其生理性状及药物感受性的试验。试验表明,其生长的温度范围为20—45℃,最适温度为37℃;能在无盐蛋白陈水中生长,食盐浓度在0.5-2.0%时生长最旺盛,5%时生长缓性,6%以上不生长;pH5-10范围内都能生长,pH8时生长最好。对土霉素、氯霉素、四环素、红霉素、庆大霉素、卡那霉素高度敏感,对磺胺药加AMP和呋喃唑酮、呋喃妥因敏感;漂白粉1PPM,15分钟即可杀灭病原。 展开更多
关键词 对虾 弧菌病 致病菌 非01群霍乱弧菌 生理学性状
作者 杜艳 贾文祥 +6 位作者 刘聪 刘莉 吴晓容 张再容 尹致英 孙丽 孙大锡 《华西医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 1999年第1期28-30,共3页
为给霍乱弧菌亚单位菌苗的研制提供基础,作者对霍乱弧菌O139菌毛的提取和鉴定方法进行了探讨。结果发现,菌毛的最佳表达条件为AKI或CFA培养基中30℃静止培养24~36小时。SDS-PAGE电泳证实了TcpA蛋白的存... 为给霍乱弧菌亚单位菌苗的研制提供基础,作者对霍乱弧菌O139菌毛的提取和鉴定方法进行了探讨。结果发现,菌毛的最佳表达条件为AKI或CFA培养基中30℃静止培养24~36小时。SDS-PAGE电泳证实了TcpA蛋白的存在,分子量为20.5kd。用鼠抗毒素共调菌毛(TCP)的单克隆抗体和羊抗鼠IgG-HRP作斑点酶免疫试验,结果为阳性。用TCP免疫大白兔所获得的免疫血清与O139型和ElTor型霍乱弧菌菌株作常规凝集试验,可见TCP与E1Tor型菌株发生交叉反应。由此表明TCP可作为一种有效的保护抗原。 展开更多
关键词 霍乱弧菌 菌毛 毒素共调 菌毛 霍乱菌苗
Toxin(s), Other Than Cholera Toxin, Produced by Environmental Non O1 Non O139 Vibrio cholerae 被引量:7
作者 Kohinur Begum Chowdhurv R.Ahsan +3 位作者 Mohammad Ansaruzzaman Dilip K.Dutta Qazi S.Ahmad Kaisar A.Talukder 《Cellular & Molecular Immunology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期115-121,共7页
A total of 39 Vibrio cholerae non O1 non O139 strains were isolated from surface waters of different parts of Dhaka City, Bangladesh. All these strains showed lack of ctx or zot gene, as demonstrated by the PCR analys... A total of 39 Vibrio cholerae non O1 non O139 strains were isolated from surface waters of different parts of Dhaka City, Bangladesh. All these strains showed lack of ctx or zot gene, as demonstrated by the PCR analysis. Eighteen representative strains were tested for enterotoxin production using a rabbit ileal loop model, of which live cells of 8 strains and culture filtrates of 6 strains produced fluid accumulation in ileal loops. However, none of them produced heat stable toxin (ST), as detected by suckling mouse assay. On the other hand, 15% of isolates produced cytotoxin as detected by the Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell assay. Fifty times concentrated culture filtrates of the representative strains did not give any precipitin band against the anti-cholera toxin, suggesting the strains produced an enterotoxin, which is antigenically different from known cholera toxin (CT). Eighty percent of the total isolates were found to be positive for heat labile haemolysin detected by tube method, whereas, 39% were found positive by the Christie-Atkins-Munch-Petersen (CAMP) method. However, 87% of the isolates were positive for haemagglutinin/protease and all of the strains were positive for mannose-sensitive-haemagglutinin assay. 展开更多
关键词 non O1 non 0139 vibrio cholerae ENTEROTOXIN CYTOTOXIN HAEMOLYSIN haemaglutinin/protease
Oligomerization of Vibrio cholerae Hemolysin Induces CXCR3 Upregulation and Activation of B-1a Cell
作者 Gayatri Mukherjee Kalyan K Banerjee Tapas Biswas 《Cellular & Molecular Immunology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第3期231-234,共4页
The hemolysin oligomer promotes the proliferation of B-1a cells and the expression of CD25, which is indicative of cell activation, on B-1a cells. The upregulation of CD86 induced by the oligomer showed its selective ... The hemolysin oligomer promotes the proliferation of B-1a cells and the expression of CD25, which is indicative of cell activation, on B-1a cells. The upregulation of CD86 induced by the oligomer showed its selective bias for the B7-2 member of B7 family while the monomer failed to induce these effects. The oligomer induced the expression of CXCR3, associated with B cell activation, while the monomer induced the expression of CXCL4, a powerful angiostatic chemokine. In conclusion, we found that B-1a cells responded to the apoptogenic monomer by expressing CXCL4, whereas oligomerization of the immunogen induced CXCR3 to shift the response towards activation. 展开更多
关键词 B-1a cell CD86 CXCL4 CXCR3 vibrio cholerae hemolysin
Lessons from Vibrio Pathogen and the Comparative Study of Vaccines Developed
作者 Tania Rahman Md Ferdous Seraj Silvia Buroni 《Advances in Microbiology》 2018年第12期950-964,共15页
Cholera continues to be one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality among children and adults in developing countries. Vaccine against cholera is an approach in the control of this epidemic and pandemic d... Cholera continues to be one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality among children and adults in developing countries. Vaccine against cholera is an approach in the control of this epidemic and pandemic disease. From the development of very early oral cholera vaccine, advances in vaccine development documented due to a good illustration of the epidemiology, outbreak strategy, and pathophysiology of the disease causing pathogen. The newer-generation oral cholera vaccines are safe and guarantee a high level of protection during outbreak settings for several years. Yet infants and young children in developing countries are hyporesponsive to vaccines and show poor protection against cholera. In this review, we survey and analyse our current knowledge on the etiology of cholera, its clinical manifestation, global epidemiology and elaborate the vaccine candidates, which are effective against the pathogen and the corresponding immune responses to the available vaccines. These reviews comprehensively cover the salient features of recent discoveries related to Vibrio cholerae virulence, past and present vaccine candidates and their advantages and disadvantages with their development strategies. We believe that the advances that have been included in this review will give a comprehensive insight to the prevention and control of cholera outbreaks and development of effective cholera vaccines. 展开更多
关键词 vibrio cholerae SEROGROUP O1 O139 cholera Toxin LPS vibriocidal ANTIBODIES IgA ANTIBODIES Heat-Killed Whole Cell VACCINE Live Attenuated Oral VACCINE
一起由非产毒O1群小川型霍乱弧菌引起的感染性腹泻聚集性疫情调查分析 被引量:8
作者 郭敏建 王国华 《中国卫生检验杂志》 CAS 2020年第2期247-248,251,共3页
目的为查明一起非产毒O1群小川型霍乱弧菌引起的感染性腹泻疫情传染来源和传播方式,控制疫情蔓延,了解其流行病学特征和临床特征,为今后疫情防控提供依据。方法开展病例搜索,对所有病例及密切接触者开展详细个案调查,采集可疑食物标本... 目的为查明一起非产毒O1群小川型霍乱弧菌引起的感染性腹泻疫情传染来源和传播方式,控制疫情蔓延,了解其流行病学特征和临床特征,为今后疫情防控提供依据。方法开展病例搜索,对所有病例及密切接触者开展详细个案调查,采集可疑食物标本开展溯源。结果本次疫情共发现4例确诊病例和1例带菌者,分布于2户家庭,罹患率为16. 67%和57. 14%;病例表现为腹泻、稀水样便;可疑饮食史均为明虾,明虾在同一流动摊贩购买,该摊贩明虾标本检出非产毒O1群小川型霍乱弧菌。结论本次疫情为流动摊贩所售明虾受到非产毒O1群小川型霍乱弧菌污染所致,明虾为本次疫情传染源。 展开更多
关键词 霍乱弧菌 非产毒株 O1群小川型 感染性腹泻
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